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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VIETNAM INSTITUTE OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES NGUYEN THI THANH NGA DEVELOPING CREATIVE COMPETENCE FOR LOWER SECONDARY STUDENTS IN TEACHING OF READING COMPREHENSION OF LITERAL TEXTS Major: Theory and teaching methodology of Literature-Vietnamese language subject Code: 914 0111 ABSTRACT OF DOCTORAL THESIS OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCE Hanoi, 2020 The thesis is completed at: Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences Scientific supervisors: Assoc Dr Tran Thi Hien Luong Assoc Dr Nguyen Thi Hanh Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The thesis will be defended before the Institute level Scientific Council at Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences, 101 Tran Hung Dao str Hanoi At hour date The thesis can be found at: - National Library - Library of Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences LIST OF AUTHOR’S PUBLICATION RELATED TO THE THESIS TOPIC Imagination and some techniques to develop creative imagination capacity for elementary students, Journal of Education, Issue No 371, term (12/2015) Developing creative competence for students in High School Literature through project-based teaching, Journal of Education, special issue, April 2016 Several issues on textbooks and some features on Literature textbook by MC Dougal Littell Publishing house (USA), Journal of Educational Science, No 6/2018 Structure of student’s creative competence in reading comprehension of literal texts, Journal of Educational Science, No 13/2019 Assessing student’s creative competence in reading comprehension of literal texts, Journal of Education, No 464 (Term – 10/2019) Developing creative competence of lower secondary students in reading comprehension of literal texts through organizing experienced responsive activities, Vietnam Journal of Educational Science, No 26, February 2020 INTRODUCTION Rationale 1.1 Domestic and international social contexts have posed demands and challenges for an innovative education The education has been transformed from the content-and-knowledge-oriented approach to competence-based one with focus on forming and developing creative competence of learners 1.2 Meeting the requirements of the reality of Vietnam's educational innovation, the 2018 General Education Curriculum has been developed, marking a major change in education goal Accordingly, education has turned from the content-oriented and knowledge-equipped goal towards developing qualities and competencies of learners, including problem solving and creative competence Along with other subjects, Philology is responsible for helping students develop specific competencies and a number of professional competencies identified in the 2018 General Education Curriculum 2018, including creative competence 1.3 The creative competence in each subject as well as in each subsubject should be concretized based on its own characteristics For Philology, the creativity is not only required in reading comprehension but also in writing and speaking-listening Training creative competence in reading literary texts is important and possible to develop as literary texts make a considerable proportion in Philology curriculum On the other hand, literary text with its own characteristics is a great opportunity for creativity in its reception Therefore, it is very important to study how to teach reading comprehension towards developing creative competence to meet new requirements 1.4 The reality of teaching and learning in schools has revealed many shortcomings: Content-oriented curriculum and textbooks have bias towards academic knowledge, attach importance to theory with little practice and application In recent years, though teaching methodology in schools has been innovated, generally, students have been absorbing knowledge passively Education has not really exploited the activeness, initiative and creativity of learners Therefore, as mentioned, in order to have creative learners, it is necessary to have a creative education and a synchronous innovation in all stages of the teaching process from content, methods, testing to teaching organization Like many other subjects, teaching reading comprehension of literary texts in schools is also in this trend 1.5 Research on creative competence has begun to be of interest in such subjects as Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics - science subjects where student’s creativity can be easily seen and measured With Philology subject, there have been some studies but there is no elaborate scientific work on this issue, especially in the field of reading comprehension The requirements of the new General Education Curriculum and the current context of Philology teaching show that the topic "Developing creative competence for lower secondary students in teaching and learning reading comprehension of literary texts" is a necessary and meaningful study, contributing to the development of competencies for learners Research issue history 2.1 Research on creative competence and teaching to develop creative competence * International research The first researches on creation were carried out in the 3rd century with the mathematician Paspos (Greece) He named this science Heuristic with the meaning as the science of creation or creative science After Paspos, some scientists continued to develop it such as Descacters, Leibnitz, Bolnzano Real researches on creativity were revived in the twentieth century with the awakening of an American psychologist J.P.Guilford In addition, some other studies on creativity can be mentioned as the study of Pipping (1988), Torrance (1962), Robert J Sternberg Mednick (1962, 1964) and Malz Mann (1960) Hand book of Creativity by Robert J Sternberg is a fairly complete synthesis of creative research issues - a report on the development of creative research over the past 50 years since 1950 with Guilford's appearance from a psychological perspective The authors have argued that creativity was important to society and that research on creativity has been facing at least six approaches The issue of developing learners' competencies, especially creativity in teaching, is mentioned in the programs of many countries such as British, American, and Australian In addition, many researchers have also expressed their interest in the development of creative competence for students with a number of works That was Penick with "Developing creativity in the classroom"; Reid and King with "Research on student creativity"; Torrance with "Early-School Discovery of Creative Thinking"; Yamamoto Kaoru "The role of creative thinking and intelligence in academic achievement" * Domestic research In terms of domestic research, such studies on creativity can be listed as ones by Huynh Van Son, Tran Thi Bich Lieu In addition, in recent years, a number of theses have developed the creative competence in some specific subjects such as Chemistry, Mathematics The authors have tried to look for manifestations of creative competence in students, giving definitions and different measures to develop creative competence in the subject, e.g Nguyen Thi Hong Gam (2011 ), Tran Thi Hue (2011), Dinh Thi Hong Minh (2013), Hoang Thi Thuy Huong (2015), Pham Thi Bich Dao (2015), Dang Thi Thu Hue (2019) From the perspective of educational science, many researchers are interested in training and developing students' creative thinking in subjects Those can be included with researches by such authors as Pham Van Hoan; Hoang Chung; Nguyen Canh Toan, Nguyen Van Le, Chau An; Nguyen Canh Toan; Nguyen Trong Hoan; Duong Thi Mai Huong; Tran Thi Hien Luong It can be confirmed that there have been researches on teaching to develop student's creative competence in both psychological and educational aspects However, the researches have mainly focused on natural sciences subjects, there has not been any methodical and systematic study on the development of students' creative competence in reading comprehension of literary texts 2.2 Researches on creativity and creative competence in teaching of Philology and reading comprehension of literal texts 2.2.1 Researches on creativity and creative competence in teaching of Philology Researches on creativity in Philology teaching are shown in both aspects: writing and receiving texts There are many researches on creative writing in the world Juliet Enland in her essay "Writing Wrongs" (2009) examined the definition of creative writing and the increasing tendency in teaching creative writing in all grades in recent years There are also studies by Deirdre Fagan (2010), Tompkins (1982) Researches on creative writing have also been mentioned in Vietnam Based on the analysis of such concepts as creative writing, teaching of creative writing and the current situation of creative writing teaching in schools in Vietnam, Tran Thi Hien Luong has given a number of suggestions on teaching of creative writing skills for students In terms of creativity in text reception, there are studies by such authors as Nguyen Thanh Hung, Tran Dinh Su, Hoang Hoa Binh, Hoang Thi Mai, Nguyen Trong Hoan The authors have focused on activities and mechanism of creative reading of literary texts In addition, there are a number of studies focusing on the development of creative thinking in teaching Philology such as: Training creative thinking in teaching literary works (Nguyen Trong Hoan); Training creative thinking for students through writing units at high schools (Duong Thi Mai Huong) In terms of creative competence in Philology, there is a research by Nguyen Thi Hong Van (2017) in a scientific paper Identifying structure and development track of some competencies in Philology at schools Thus, there have been a number of studies on creativity, creative competence in teaching Philology in both creating and receiving texts In general, the researches have placed more focuses on creative writing, proposed ways to develop creative writing abilities for students In terms of creative reception, the authors paid their attention to the explanation of the creative reading activities by students From the above studies, it can be confirmed that there has not been a really elaborate and systematical research that typically focuses on students' creative competence in teaching Philology in general and at creative competence in particular 2.2.2 Researches on creativity and creative competence in teaching of reading comprehension of literal texts *International researches The issue of creativity in teaching of reading comprehension of literary texts has been mentioned in a number of studies Accordingly, the reader is not only the recipient of the text but also a co-creator and the one who make dialogue with the author With those concepts, studies have suggested measures and ways of influencing students so that they could be more creative in reading In terms of reading creativity, Phylliss J Adam's research in a report presented at Boston International Reading Association in 1968 can be listed Some researchers such as Smith (2004), Langer (1993), Rosenblatt (1978), Ruddel (1984) have emphasized an important feature of reading of literary text: reading is an interactive process between readers themselves, readers with texts and with the environment in which the meaning of the text was created That interaction helps students construct textual meanings, draw useful life lessons and create opportunities for students to open horizons of creative imagination *Domestic researches The key point in the research on teaching reading comprehension of literary texts in recent years is that the authors have studied in depth the nature of the student's reading process, affirming that student is a creative reader, hence developing the reading competencies and reading skills of students Discussing about the learner's creativity in reading comprehension, the authors Tran Dinh Su, Nguyen Thanh Hung, Nguyen Trong Hoan have recognized the requirements on the meaning creating ability in reading The authors affirmed that the purpose of literal reading is to understand the core general meaning of the text On that basis, each reader has his or her own ideas from personal experiences to be able to create new meanings for the text A notable thing in the research on reading comprehension in recent years is that the authors are interested in reading comprehension strategies, reading instruction measures to help students become independent and creative readers Those are researches by Pham Thi Thu Huong, Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong Thus, there have been a number of researches on teaching of creative reading comprehension In general, the authors mainly explore creative reading, creative reception in teaching literary works in the school and there has not been any work directly discussing the development of creative competence in reading comprehension of literal texts Therefore, it can be confirmed that the question of how to teach reading comprehension to contribute to the development of creative competence for learners is still needed to be solved Research objective The thesis aims to build a scientific basis and propose measures to develop creative competence for lower secondary students in teaching of reading comprehension of literary texts Object and tasks of the research 4.1 Research object: Measures for developing creative competence for lower secondary students in teaching of reading comprehension of literary texts 4.2 Research tasks: - Identify theoretical basis for developing creative competence for lower secondary students in teaching of reading comprehension of literary texts - Survey the current situation of Philology teaching at some creative competence - Propose measures for developing student’s creative competence in teaching of reading comprehension of literal texts in Phillogy subject at lower secondary schools - Conduct pedagogical experiment to test the feasibility of the stated scientific hypothesis Research scope - The thesis focuses on researching measures to develop creative competence for lower secondary students in teaching and learning of reading comprehension of literary texts - The thesis limits its experimental scope in the genre of story and on the 9th grade students of some creative competencies Research methodology The following methods are used in the thesis: 6.1 Methods of theoretical research: 6.2 Methods of practical research: 6.2.1 Method of observation 6.2.2 Method of educational investigation 6.2.3 Method of pedagogical experiments 6.2.4 Methods of data analysis Scientific hypothesis One of the limitations of the current teaching of reading comprehension is that the focus is not placed properly on the development of student’s creative competence In that context, if pedagogical measures are applied as proposed by the thesis, the teaching of reading comprehension would contribute to the development of creative competence for lower secondary students with more effective manner Contribution by the thesis - In theoretical terms: The thesis has systematized the research achievements on the development of creative competence, presented the conception of creative competence, identified creative manifestations of lower secondary students in reading comprehension of literal text, hence putting forwards relevant impacts The research results of the thesis have supplemented theoretical studies on creative competence, creative competence for lower secondary students in general, and creative competence in reading comprehension of lower secondary school Philology in particular - In practical terms: The thesis has proposed measures to develop creative competence for lower secondary students in reading comprehension of literal texts The measures ensure that the teaching of reading comprehension of literal texts would contribute to the development of creative competence for learners On other hand, the proposed measures hopefully will have important significance in teaching and learning of Philology under 2018 Curriculum Structure of the thesis Apart from Introduction and Conclusion, the thesis is structured with three chapters: Chapter 1: Scientific foundation of creative competence development for lower secondary students in teaching of reading comprehension of literal texts Chapter 2: Measures to develop creative competence for lower secondary students in teaching of reading comprehension of literal texts Chapter 3: Pedagogical experiments turning them into real products in practice, that person must work hard and passionately, never give up Concepts and manifestations of creative competence by lower secondary students Student’s creative competence have also been mentioned in a number of studies Pham Thi Bich Dao (2014), Ngo Thi Bich Thao (2003), Hoang Thi Thuy Huong (2015), Dang Thi Thu Hue (2019) have proposed the conception of creative competencies of students It can be seen that the studies are consistent in the concept of creative competencies of students as follows: - Being the ability, the capacity to create new things in the field of learning and practice based on the learned and known; - The levels and requirements of the new in student’s creative competence are different among researchers, inventors, first and foremost it is the new to students themselves, and further it is the new in surrounding community and society - Student’s creative competence is shown through learning activities and applying learned knowledge and skills into the real life From the above studies, we believe that: Student’s Creative competence is the creation of new things for themselves firstly based on the mobilization of knowledge, skills and other factors such as interest, belief, will The new thing includes new ideas, new ways, new products being applied in practice of learning and life at different levels On the basis of studies on creative competence, the manifestation of creative competence by Dang Thi Thu Hue, General Education Curriculum 2018, as well as above mentioned studies on competencies; we recommend the manifestations of creative competence by lower secondary students as follows: Components Manifestation s - Recognizing new ideas Analyzing information, identifying Recognizing new ideas 10 Forming and developing new ideas Proposing new solutions Creating new products 11 and clarifying new ideas of the lesson Putting forward new understanding of given information Recommendin g new ideas being previously unavailable Proposing new solutions, and new ways for problem solving - Comparing and analyzing the proposed solutions Applying known knowledge and skills in solving practical problems - Creating new products by using effectively learning materials, tools and learnt knowledge and skills sở sử dụng hiệu tài liệu, thiết bị học tập; - Evaluating new products of individuals and groups Table1.1 Manifestations of creative competence of lower secondary students Thus, it can be seen that the creative competence of Lower secondary students consists of components and each component include specific indicators The determination of the creative competence manifestations at lower secondary students has an important meaning, being the basis for the thesis to analyze elements of creative competence in reading comprehension of literal texts 1.2 Creative competence of Lower secondary students in reading comprehension of literal texts 1.2.1 Literal texts and opportunities for developing creative competence of Lower secondary students in reading comprehension of literal texts 1.2.2 Reading comprehension of literal texts 1.2.3 Manifestation of creative competence in reading comprehension of literal texts of Lower secondary students To identify manifestations of creative competence in reading comprehension of literal texts, it is needed to clarify the concept of creative competence in reading comprehension of literal texts Based on the research on creative competence, creative competence in reading, we come to conception: Student’s creative competence in reading comprehension of literal texts is the making of new meaning from the text for themselves and the society What is new is the discovery and construction of meaning for the text through the proposal of new ideas; evaluating and applying the new into solving life and social problems; creating new products on the basis of suggestion by the text Based on the structure table of creative competence and problem solving in 2018 General Education Curriculum, we propose 12 manifestations of creative competence of lower secondary students in reading comprehension of literal texts as follows: Manifestations Components Recognizing 1.1 Recognizing new ideas in terms of contents of Literal texts new ideas 1.2 Recognizing new ideas in terms of artistic forms of Literal texts 2.1 Givin individual views about the content elements Analyzing of literal texts and evaluating 2.2 Providing unique findings and explanations about new ideas the artistic elements of literal texts 2.3 Comparing and evaluating one text vs another revealing in-depth findings on content and art 3.Applying into 3.1 Being able to read similar texts new contexts 3.2 Proposing ways to solve problems associated with real life 3.3 Applying the value of the text in changing one's own perception, thought, and feelings Showing 4.1 New products reception 4.2 Written products results with new products 4.3 Other products (painting, dramatic ) Bảng 1.2 Manifestations of creative competence of Lower secondary students in reading comprehension of literal texts Teaching reading comprehension of literal texts towards developing creative competence for learners 1.3.1 Characteristics of competence-based teaching Competency-based education was mentioned in the 70s of the 20th century in America Accordingly, the teaching towards how students achieve the established output standards, focusing on what students can from their learnt knowledge and skills Traditional education mainly imparts knowledge (content-based education) focusing on the content, emphasizing cognitive skills and the practice of those skills with little respect to the ability to achieve; The assessment of learning outcomes only focuses on assessing the level of knowledge through written and oral exams Competence-based teaching focuses on developing competencies 13 needed for students to be successful in their lives and their work It can be confirmed that the differences between traditional education and competence-based one are shown in the following aspects: learning objectives, teaching and learning methods, testing, and roles of teachers and students To be more precisely, competence-based teaching is shown more clearly in the change of internal elements of the teaching process 1.3.2 Teaching reading comprehension of literal texts towards developing creative competence Evoking the activeness, initiative and creativity of learners Focusing on genre characteristics in teaching reading comprehension of literal texts Renovating the assessment in teaching reading comprehension towards developing creative competence for Students 1.4 Some conceptions of literary reception theory about the reader’s role and literary works Typical for some literary reception theories in promoting the role of the reader can be mentioned two representatives: Hans Robert Jauss and Wolfgang Iser In addition, it is impossible not to mention the reader response theory originated in America with prominent representatives such as Norman Holland, David Bleich and Louise Rosenblatt, Stanley Fish and Jonathan Culler The core points of response theory and receptive aesthetics lie in the notions of expectations, literary texts, and reader status.1.4.1 The reader is the one playing the role of creating meaning for the text 1.4.2 The text is open, the reader is creative to complete it 1.5 Current state of creative competence development for lower secondary students in teaching reading comprehension of literal texts 1.5.1 Philology curriculum, textbooks in some countries and possibility to develop creative competence in teaching reading comprehension of literal texts terms of curriculum The Ministries of Education of some countries such as the US, Canada, Australia only issue the Curriculum Framework Each state has autonomy in program design and text choice to teach based on the federal curriculum framework The curriculum framework also defines the results to be achieved, and the indicators that represent those results for each grade level Through surveying the curriculum of some countries, we found that the creative competence development has been mentioned in the 14 overall goal of the subject with different expressions and requirements in some countries with developed education In terms of textbook In the framework of the thesis and the scope of the available documents, we surveyed the American Literature books by Mc Dougal Littell's Publishing house for Lower secondary students (grade 9) and made some comments about the book's highlights with the development of student’s creative competence: - The book has an attractive and rich image channel that evokes creativity, imagination and attracts learners - The book has a guide for examining and evaluating after each unit with diversified evaluation tools towards creative competence of learners - The book provides guidelines of reading and learning methods towards active learners with creative self-learning competencies - The objectives are written with competence-based approach - Attention is paid to the development of critical and creative thinking - Development of self-learning competence, towards forming independent readers 1.5.2 Curriculum and textbooks of Philology subject in Vietnam In terms of curriculum The 2006 Philology curriculum mainly focused on contents and knowledge, or to be more precise, it mostly focused on providing knowledge, emphasizing on competence of Vietnamese language using, almost ignoring general competencies including student’s creative competence That goal has dominated, throughout all elements of the educational process from content, methods, teaching facilities to testing and evaluation Along with the strong policies of comprehensive fundamental innovation in education and the urgent need of the isector, the new general education curriculum was issued at the end of 2018 Accordingly, the general education curriculum of the Philology subject has had an open innovation, updating the trend of the world The curriculum ensures the goals of developing the quality and competencies of learners, creating opportunities for the creativity of teachers and students 15 In terms of textbook The results of material survey show that the creative competence development goal is not consciously and systematically mentioned by the authors in the current lower secondary Philology textbook That is clearly shown in the book's structure, specifically in the desired requirements, the memorization part as well as in questions, exercises in the textbook 1.5.3 Current state of teaching at lower secondary schools in terms of creative competence development for students in reading comprehension of literal texts The current state of teacher’s teaching was examined by questionnaires based on manifestations of creative competence in reading comprehension of literal texts With the purpose of examining current state of teaching reading comprehension of literal texts at lower secondary schools towards developing creative competence for students, we conducted surveys with 62 teachers at lower secondary schools representing regions: Urban (Thuc Nghiem Lower secondary school– Hà Nội); rural (Ky Ha Lower secondary school, Giang Dong Lower secondary school, Phong bac Lower secondary school, Thu Tho Lower secondary school - Ky Anh District, Ha Tinh Province); Mountainous ( Thu Tho Lower secondary school, Ky Trung Lower secondary school, Ky Tay Lower secondary school – Ky Anh District, Ha Tinh Province) Time of survey: Semester 1, 2018 – 2019 academic year 1.5.4 Current state of Creative competence of Lower secondary students in reading comprehension of literal texts Aiming at examining the current situation, the achievement level of creative competence by lower secondary students in reading comprehension of literal texts to have necessary impacts, we surveyed 128 students at lower secondary schools including Ky Tay, Giang Dong and Thuc Nghiem The survey results obtained from teachers and students have partly shown pictures of reading comprehension of literal texts in the school On the teacher’s side, the teachers touched students' manifestations of creative competence in reading comprehension of literal texts However, there are some aspects with that teachers did not implement with effective manner e.g letting students apply into new contexts, creating new products after 16 reading Teachers also limited in using active teaching methods and techniques, limited in examining students in the direction of developing creative competence Similarly, for students, they felt good at some expressions and limited in giving their own opinions, applying the values of literal texts in their lives, and the ability to create new products CHAPTER 2: MEASURES TO DEVELOP CREATIVE COMPETENCE FOR LOWER SECONDARY STUDENTS IN TESCHING OF READING COMPREHENSION OF LITERAL TEXTS 2.1 Conditions to implement measures for developing creative competence for lower secondary students in teaching of reading comprehension of literal texts 2.1.1 Ensure to follow manifestations of creative competence and set requirements on reading comprehension of literal texts of lower secondary students in Philology curriculum 2.1.2 Ensure that the assessment is to develop student’s creative competence in reading comprehension of literal texts 2.1.3 Ensure that the contents of reading comprehension are relevant to students, being attractive and problematic so that students could be greatly creative 2.1.4 Ensure a creative environment in teaching of reading comprehension of literal texts 2.2 Some measures to develop creative competence for lower secondary students in teaching of reading comprehension of literal texts 2.2.1 Organize discussion and debate activities to help students make different understandings in recognizing, analyzing and evaluating new ideas of the text Purpose of the measure: Teaching reading comprehension in schools needs a combination of individual reading and interactive reading through discussion and debate activities Organizing discussion and debate activities would help students reveal the manifestations of creative competence such as: giving different understandings, co-creating with texts, expressing personal views with convincing arguments In addition, debate and discussion in reading comprehension also help students enjoy reading, cultivating their passion for creativity and love for literary works 17 Ways of implementing measures To organize an argument, teachers identify the issue in their controversial work, then proceed to organize debate Steps to organize an argument: (1) Identify purpose of the argument (2) Study background information (3) Help students prepare for the argument (4).Prepare argument plan (5).Prepare classroom for the argument (6).Proceed the argument (7) Finish the argument Design of illustration 2.2.2 Using problem-solving teaching methods to encourage students to create, be proactive and active in creating new knowledge and revealing new perspectives Purpose of the measure Teaching of problem-raising-and-solving, problem-solving, problemdiscovering-and-solving are terms being used to refer to a teaching method This is a teaching method that “creates conditions for students to have the habit of researching and solving problems in a scientific way of thinking It not only creates needs, interests in learning, self-acquires knowledge, but also develops creative competence of students The main feature of problem-discovering and problem-solving teaching is that the perception of knowledge takes place through problem-solving and discovery activities After solving problems, students would gain new knowledge, new skills or a positive attitude Ways of organizing problem-solving teaching Problem-solving teaching in reading comprehension of literal texts includes the following steps: Steps Contents Implementation actions Step Raising a problem, + Creating problematic situation building up + Discovering and identifying arisen cognitive problems mathematic + Presenting those problem needed to problem be solved Step Solving the problem set + Proposing hypotheses + Planning to solve the problem 18 Step Conclusion + Implementing problem solving plan + Discussing results and evaluating + Confirming or disproving the stated hypothesis + Presenting conclusion + Proposing new problems Examples of teaching designing and organizing 2.2.3 Designing and using exercises associated with practice to help students creatively apply literal texts values into life Purpose of the measure Practical exercises/tasks create opportunities for students to express the manifestations of the creative competence in solving life problems Furthermore, through addressing practical exercises, they understand value, meaning, and relationship between literature and life Literature is not something abstract, literature is the life This understanding contributes to creating their love for literature, their passion for understanding literal texts Ways of implementing the measure This measure is done by designing exercises related to the real life with such steps as planning, using and organizing students to solve practical exercises in teaching reading comprehension of literal texts Steps to design and organize teaching are as follows: Step 1: Selecting teaching content Step 2: Determining the goal of the exercise Step 3: Designing exercises related to real life and teaching organization plan Step 4: Organizing the teaching Illustrating and organizing the teaching of exercises 2.2.4 Organizing experiential response activities through different subject roles to exploit Students' unique and creative feedback and evaluation Purpose of the measure With this measure, students are really penetrated with the literal text, really come into texts They are allowed to mobilize their own experiences, connect with texts, experience the lives of the characters 19 When immersing themselves in the roles of different characters in texts, readers-students live with their emotions, joys, sorrows; understand the fate, co-create with the writer When stepping out of the text, students recognize and evaluate the values of the text and creatively apply into their own situations At that time, all the feelings and responses are the students' own drawing from their own experience with a unique acceptance, no one is like anyone Experimental activities return literature to its true nature, it is the reading with authentic aesthetic feelings through direct contact with the text, and it is the personalization, co-creation in the reception of the text Ways of implementing the measure a The process of applying experience response into teaching of literature b Organizing response experience for students through different subject roles * Experiencing the role of observer / witness to the art world in the work * Experiencing the character role in the work * Experiencing the role of a writer in the work 2.2.5 Diversifying reading comprehension activities, creating opportunities for students to make innovative products Purpose of the measure Diversifying reading comprehension activities by combining reading and other extended activities such as writing, drawing, theatricalization is one of the recent measures in reading comprehension of literal texts However, it has not become a comprehensive measure The purpose of this measure is to maximize the forte and creativity of students They have the opportunity to express themselves, participate in activities and enjoy reading comprehension of literal texts More importantly, the students have the opportunities to make individually creative products These are paintings, staged plays, articles, even early literary works Ways of measure implementation a Combine reading and drawing c Combine reading and writing literature b Combine reading and theatricalization 20 CHAPTER 3: PEDAGOGICAL EXPERIMENT 3.1 Purpose of the experiment Pedagogical experiment was conducted with the purpose of verifying the feasibility and effectiveness of the methods proposed in chapter We limited the experimental scope in the story genre, on grade students senior graders, output of the lower secondary school 3.2 Contents, targeted audience and site of the experiment * The experimental contents include measures for development of creative competence in teaching reading comprehension of literal texts as proposed We have selected four story texts in the Grade Philology curriculum to experiment with the above contents * The selected targeted audience is grade students in some lower secondary schools These are senior students and the output of lower secondary school Experiment group and control group have similar qualifications to ensure the accuracy of the testing process * Experimental site includes lower secondary schools in Hanoi (Thuc Nghiem and Dich Vong) and lower secondary school in Thach Ha District, Ha Tinh Province (Thach Hoi school) All these school met the proposed experimental requirements 3.3 Time of experiment The experiment was conducted between Oct and Nov of 2018 – 2019 academic year 21 3.4 Experiment process Experiment process was deployed with the following specific contents: 3.4.1 Talking with teachers before experimental teaching 3.4.2 Organizing input competence tests for experimental and control groups 3.4.3 Conducting experimental teaching 3.4.4 Organizing testing competence outcomes for experimental and control groups 3.4.5 Processing experimental results 3.4.6 Analyzing experimental results 3.5 Lesson plan for experiment 3.5.1 Structure of the experimental lesson plan 3.5.2 Illustrative experimental lesson plan 3.6.2 Exam questions 3.6.3 Quantitative assessment of competencies The thesis uses the Paired-Sample T-test method with SPSS version 16 software to compare average input results and average outputs between two independent groups, the experimental group and the control group o Verification of the experimental group and the control group's outputs showed that the experimental group outputs scores were better distributed than that of the control group at the respective score levels, except point 0, point and point 10 Analysis showed the difference in the mean results of both groups of students in all three lower secondary schools: Thuc Nghiem, Dich Vong and Thach Hoi However, the control group made small progress, about 0.23 points on a 10-point scale The experimental group made more progress, at 1.18 points on a 10-point scale The experimental group had better outputs than using to 0.95 points by the control group, meaning that the proposed thesis's measures have proven the feasibility and effectiveness in teaching, contributing to the development of students' reactive competence in reading comprehension of literal texts 3.6.4 Qualitative assessment of competencies - For control group: Teachers organized teaching mainly according to traditional methods The advantage of traditional teaching method is that students can take note a lot of contents, acquiring knowledge from the 22 teacher - a more mature and experienced reader so the knowledge is profound and systematic, which meet the current test requirements However, in these classes, teachers' activities are dominated Students are passive, rarely participative, mainly listen to lectures, take notes and answer questions - For experimental group: Experimental groups deployed teaching according to lesson plan using proposed measures to develop learner’s creative competence Teachers followed the designed plan, organized learning activities for students to help them experience and make their own texts Students showed personal thoughts about texts, co-create texts through interpretations with individual styles; were able to express ideas and create new products, experience different roles of texts, and raise and solve problems This indicated that students were given opportunities and made some changes in the manifestations of the creative competence 3.6.5 General assessment on experiment results The results of qualitative and quantitative analysis showed quite clearly the experiment results of the thesis The qualitative results gave more clarity and insight to the quantitative information Accordingly, meeting points and the consistence of the qualitative and quantitative results can be found after the experiment: -The measures proposed by the thesis were accepted by teachers and students, helping students to be more proactive and active in reading comprehension of literal texts With these measures, teachers have shown the right role as a guide who organizes learning activities for students, helping students create meaning for the text, create knowledge for themselves and apply creatively the learnt in practice This reflects the true spirit of competence-based teaching CONCLUSION Developing competencies for students is one of the goals of the 2018 General Education Curriculum With this goal, teaching has been transformed from conten-based approach into development of qualities and competencies for learners Philology, along with other subjects, bears the 23 task of contributing to the development of general competencies for learners, including creative competence On the basis of studying domestic and foreign documents, the thesis has given the theoretical foundation of student creative competence in reading comprehension of literal texts In addition to key concepts, the thesis proposed manifestations of creative competence of lower secondary students in reading comprehension of literal texts including four elements with specific expressions Determining the manifestations of creative competence is the basis for us to put forwards teaching measures to develop this kind of competence in reading comprehension of literal texts The reality of teaching reading comprehension of literal texts in the lower secondary schools through surveying curriculum, textbooks and teaching/learning practice by teachers and students has provided us with necessary facts and evidences Current Philology curriculum and textbooks just focuses on knowledge and contents rather than raising the issue of learners' creative competence Results obtained from lesson visits and surveys have also shown a picture lacking creative colors in assessment, teaching methods and forms of teaching organization Based on theoretical and practical foundations, the thesis has given four conditional factors and measures to develop creative competence in teaching reading comprehension of literal texts The above measures have been tested in teaching practice at grade of the surveyed lower secondary schools The results of experiment through qualitative and quantitative analysis have responded the feasibility and effectiveness of the measures in practice With our research findings, hopefully our thesis will contribute to the innovation of Philology teaching in schools, improving the quality of teaching and learning reading comprehension of literal texts at lower secondary level 24 ... secondary school, Giang Dong Lower secondary school, Phong bac Lower secondary school, Thu Tho Lower secondary school - Ky Anh District, Ha Tinh Province); Mountainous ( Thu Tho Lower secondary school,... Tinh Province); Mountainous ( Thu Tho Lower secondary school, Ky Trung Lower secondary school, Ky Tay Lower secondary school – Ky Anh District, Ha Tinh Province) Time of survey: Semester 1, 2018... includes lower secondary schools in Hanoi (Thuc Nghiem and Dich Vong) and lower secondary school in Thach Ha District, Ha Tinh Province (Thach Hoi school) All these school met the proposed experimental

Ngày đăng: 29/08/2020, 08:11

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