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my first grammar 3 workbook

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rs *flo*l* i My First Grammar is a fun and easy grammar book series designed for young English learners The grammar concepts and activities in this series are designed for the needs of elementary school students from the second to fourth grade My First Grammar uses a spiral approach in presenting essential grammar points This allows students to study from any book in the series without missing important grammar points My First Grammar provides various learner-centered activities, which encourage active learning Colorful illustrations and real photos help students.use visualization skills in their learning process My First Grammar's main concern is nurturing a feeling of success while students learn grammar By providing age-appropriate grammar structures, sentences, and activities, this grammar series helps students maintain the feeling of success and interest Constant linking and cumulative reviews ensure that students reuse the grammar concepts and retain them My First Grammar offers three books in the series Each book consists of units of four lessons Each lesson is designed to provide curriculum for one full class For this reason, there is no need for teachers to prepare individual lesson plans Cumulative quizzes and progress tests which are included in each book, enable teachers to monitor and assess their students' language development throughout the course Teachers are of great importance to the success of their classrooms The Teacher's Manual of My First Grammar will assist them in using the materials to their greatest potential With-thdfull set of materials from My First Grammar, teachers will be given the tools to create a lasting English mastery within their students Organization of the Workbook '1G trti Q Look and Learn sections present the grammar concepts with an additional explanation in Korean This helps students clarify the grammar concepts they have learned in English in class Students will have the chance to learn grammar terminology both in English and Korean I Look and Practice sections provide grammar targets a number of various activities that help consolidate the C Link and Review sections help students prepare for the cumulative quizzes in the following lessons All of the previous targets are revisited and linked through various learner-centered activities !n Fre=en* $irr:#e e$d Cs,€r+,*rr€ Lesson I Lesson Lesson Lesson Present Simple: Be-Verts 06 Present Simple: Affirmatives and Negatives 09 Questions Present Continuous Present Simple: Yes/No 12 15 Future und Pa*f I Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson fi*#+ Future: WillAVon't 18 Future:Will ? 21 Past: Was/Were 24 Past: RegularVerbs 27 g*.,F'g=* I Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Past: lrregularVerts 30 Past: Negatives 33 Past: Yes/No Questions 36 Progress Test 39 42 Adverts Lesson Comparatives Lesson Superlatives Lesson Lesson I Lesson Nouns and Articles Lesson Some/Any + Noun Lesson Prepositions of Place and Time Lesson I Lesson What/Who/Whose with Be -Verts Lesson What with Common Verbs Lesson Progress Test 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 Presen* Simple and Gontinuous Lesson Prceent Simple: Be-Verbs lBe E,tlsl flrt1,q41 Present Simpl*: tse-Verhs O (Be) 5llts '-0lrf el Fg 7l^lq, (am, are, islet $ *+71 ?ltr| rbe + notrolq, gEE€ {Be} Ell€ +ol g0ll Ert @ (Be) 5^lel +83 AEE FBE Atfirmative 9EE Negative Amy is in the classroom , She is not a teacher The boys are in the house They are not hungry o +qrE3 rllB^lef (Be) E^|.= =0l1l-r, ls she a student? Are they thirsty? Ge) €AEl {not}B €?l Soltrl, You're They're r He's We're l'm not , We're not You're not They're not He's not , We aren't You aren't They aren't He isn't l'm Question She's ' lt'$ She's not lt's not She isn't lt isn't Practice A Look and write ffi It @ ffi rt's a snake an alligator a nurse She we sad an artist happy We,., -+-W r, @ e#€)€d isri+ The - in the living room boys in the house in the kitchen in the car [There +E] is/afe There , ,, :' O (There is/are.'.)ts '-ol ?ltrf'sl Eolq, SSE* {There isn't/aren' t"'), 9IBEB (ls/Are there"'?)0lc[ B€€ Aftitr4iv€ S8B a book There is some milk There are some i"nt There pens : 9EE Negative a book' ls there any milk There aren't any pens Question a book? any milk? ni" tn"t" unv p"nti is"')ts E + ?l= E,{tel S+B sfB €.*-.E*.'*W+ A4 sg!r.l ##1,': @ finere are"')ts € + ?lb g^f,si &.+*tl @ (There B '*"' Look and write There c,-rerdt any cats There a radio There There aTV a.r:e some dogs B Read and write dfli,ls or are Amy and student Amy dad _ and I -a friends We _ a student too Amy's I a policeman My dad I _ a doctor Amy in the classroom now There desks and chairs The desks big and the chairs small There a clock in the classroom The clock _ round any juice some milk C Look, circle and write W Are Yes, they dogs? they c.rerdt (} you a bus driver? r! L,,, Yes, No, : he a basketball player? Yes, No, it a school? i Yes, No, the boys in the classroom? Yes, No, there a knife on the table? Yes, No, D Look and write the question fs *here a cake? Yes, there is any orange juice? No, there isn't any apples? No, there aren't any milk? Yes, there is Present Simple and Gontinuous Prcsent Simple: Affirmatives and Negatives Lesson lEril,rlflol 38=zt +EE] Prerent Simple: Affirmatives o -d^H^l^11= E^|ig EJeqts as0lLl SE|E LIEIH Efl t&?]trl ^t€, 3EE *t€*r**,tiv*Ul,\1 +cl7l 3?18 E+ (-s/-es)E EoJrl @ -d^H^l^ilol *?z*t*.*!i1g and Negatives 3+ts El.lel EEt|oil El-at E,'.fsl +lotl :*S'*i*r,;*r**' t/.loll (-s)E E0l= a0l 4+E0lLl, (-s, -ch, -sh, -x)E ELI= 5,\l"= (-es)E E0lq, '^l= + y.Ltr Er-lE 5^l= (y)E (i)e H[+I (-es)= E?.!tl +415/.|- + eats E+rl=/.l irr*gzsi*r v'*r**' eat have @ * has watch =E-d go + watches goes E4,\lllol +EE rz*g=z,iv*01,'N +ol7t '2EA rdon't + E.,tlflE,= #tt You speak English @ E^ll^l^ll +E=oll,\J cry + cries + does ** z*;*z: lEts ga ,x*!y*zslz**yg Z+011ts You don't speak English +cl7l 30Ja E+ *rz**=*tZz* €.+ 'doesn't +.Ei4ge.L= srl Amy drinks milk @ (don't) ** +^l0l g.t[ She doesn't drink milk ts (do not)sl (doesn't)ts (does not)el +EEoltrl ok and Practice A nead and write the correct verb form ,! mom gets u.p s€ry My a t- ' takg., My dad ? 'nav John baseball praclice on Tuesdays ,,,' 8[9,t.t' John to school by bus on Wednesdays :,, :,: ,::: a bus to work on Mondays ,,,t::,, ,,.'!*s,r r :.i: late on Sundays :rij:t.:: * w,a,t ,: My mom the laundry on Thursdays : Amy Spanish on Fridays, Amy movies on Saturdays B Look and write I ffi dor^lt drink rrr::::r::r: My dad ffi6= z He orange juice every day milk every daY' a motorcycle a car Amy at o'clock 'e she at o'clock z @ My grandpa reh(s e @Z %7 ? .,i ew 5W@e They in an apartment John soccer every day He -:": Mr Lewis He C- tennis every day a taxi a bus Number and write ::r::?1i1.:l:ti:iriir:'ji!::1 Jo1rn doesrJt TO speok chinese., Look and write Where is It's rn the TV? the living room t€t the library? iffil l"t**llffil Effi:JtEffiFJ It's the hospital the giraffes? the tree They are your dad? He's the car the boxes? They are the desk the piano? It's the sofa the plate? It's the restaurant? I It's the lake the puppies? I the dog house They are Word 64 the kitchen table Bank I in on under in front of behind near next to A Look, choose and write L\^)' ffi ts dt> -(* lily rose & W'@ sunflower rulip roof MVVS 6S8DgflJ small garden There are {lt, They} garden flowers in {This, Thesei (a, the) tsome, any) lilies But we don't are tulips There are are roses {some, any} fhese,These) sunflowers The flowers are have tsa garden "Hi, everyone l'm Amy Welcome to {some, any} (beautiful, smart) , I like roses than tulips I like lilies 10 {good, bette4 sister 1 {the better, the best} 12 (1, My) likes tulips (the better, the best) big tree in the garden There is We have 14 {a, the} W {a, the} dog house has a red roof There are two the tree 16, ton, under) dog house 17 (A, The) are sleeping now." in the dog house 19 {They,Their} 65 Helping Verbs and Question Words, Lesson Flelping Verbs : Can/tlllay/Utli I ilShou Id t4$,tll Helping Verbs: Can/Mayflflill/Should 6JaJ, Elat|, O l5/f helping verbb EE I= s.el f 5^fE 6rq= E=^l9 g0ll 9l^16lr EE^IE g8 gEo= *tl =aJ, Ahility can -:* # ?lrl.' =q -oJEf Permissibn canlmay -allE €tl Elell Future Er @ Zt5^le.l swim =EBol Look and She won't come rEl{ts You may/can sit here She willcome =tl +€E= zs5^f Floll (not)E Eq "J=q, +e+Bg @ (may not)P E -61+ riol should ,)11-elrl == lcan swim g aot+ Advice I can't =r E9 You should eat more ,uzl= :*r[ You shouldn't eat more $.trl Practice fuel,:il A took, read and circle ( Can I May ) he swim? Yes He is a good swimmer Todoy Tomorow a 66 Mom, ( may/will ) lplayoutside? No lt's dinner time soon Uffi It is raining today You ( may lshould ) read this book It (will / should) be sunny tomorrow It's a really good book , B Choose, write and match can can't will t earlf Sam ,I My brother I don't have wings ,n: You I may we this pen Run outside @ I have a test tomonour a run in the classroom € I ha,ve another one It's dinner time C Write the sentence in the right order Can / your fire / shouldn't You I a/ go / We thisyear good / / / ask / / Children I may won't eleven should I I/ telephone I / / / / will / eat / use with question nextyear / I ?I I play I I / to / years I food l @ a go home now' 'You Tomonow is Monday should shouldn't not tonight wateh TV a a drive may ! I He's a good driver go to school tomoncw rain tomorrow i It will be eunny fly 3tt won't I Japan I I I / be / old I exercise / We / and I WW Link and A Look and write i.:n B mw$y* Find the mistake and correct it samHlunch H !!y atsehoor %*, grandma always dfivqs carefrll e@@ This shirt is more elean than that shirt c@@ Sam 68 jg q tallest student in hig class e@ €) llUhatl\lUhot'Utlhose with Be-Verbs Lesson [elE,(l + Be 5Al] What/lltlho/Utfherse with Be-Verbs O olE^l7l 9t= slEBoll^,tL e.lE^f7l EA slEEct X*iel4 =trl (be) @ elE^l (what)P ,tlEolLt EEoll Et|6ll trE-g q E,ilel ^fE6t?, 7ldrt == (Er[l) What is @ it? (4zl) Wnat was lt's a coat -*zll it? llolE '-3 S1flr-Vil?';Ll= lt was a cat el=^| (who)ts /.taJq q6]| tr=-g q J.l8dlr, (be) El.tei -drll r olE '-.o ++gll7ll?'tf= (Exll) Wno are they? They are soccer @ elE/.t (whose 7lcLl players it? lt is Amy's book TlTltl (zlzl) Wno were they? They were doctors -)E a?oll r|16ll trE J q l.186}I, (be) (Exfl) Wfrose book is =E =Atel E:rll olE '+?sl - gt_1Dll'al= (4zl) Wnose cat was it? lt was John's *= cat Look and Practice A Look and write What, Who, or Whose, W hc t Msw is it? It's a grammar book book is this? lt's Mary's book is that? He's Andy He's a new student ;r"6;"n i ir' ,z It's Andy's backpack 69 B Look and write the question using What, Who or Whose Who c.re they? They are policemen They are monkeys It is Sam's bike ffi He's Andy He's Amy's friend C Write the answers about you 70 Who was your best friend last year? Who was your homeroom teacher last year? Who was your English teacher last year? What was your best subject last year? Link and Review A Write the comparative and superlative forms ffi ,1, ' ,2 light l'rappy 3, , intere*ting fast , ' B Read and write Who, What, or Whose c is his name? shoes are were they? They were John's friends are they? They are blue whales those? His name is Harry Potter They are Andy's shoes Look, choose and write :rll: ffi : , t Look! There is a bird in the tree I ca-rlt ffi Word Bank l Where? rr!.: see it some any ls there _ milk? trto There was _ I ) milk, but I drank it tennis racket is that? tennis racket It's W I use it? you be at John's birthday party tomorrow? Yes, I be there at 2:00 What Who Whose Andy Andy's can may Helping Verbs and Question Words Whflt urith Common Verbs Lesson lWfrat + SHJE,I[] tlUhat with eem:*en,Verbg O elE,\l (what)B gHJE,tt common verbsl gfil $g r#, 8X€ fialb X€ @ EAq ;' rt|at EE=oll^1 ^F1loll ';riSFIT " r :-a i :-:it,,fl: -.:- - - -: - : -: ^fE6lE TtTlEt 4E^lel'Ei+7l BalA+ ;]: :t;.i:ie{i:-ld - -*-.:=: i.-:.:=.,:ii:-.:': Bxll Present Simple What does Amy every day? dlS=S what is she doins now? She is playing the piano : What did she yesterday? She went to the park i What will she tomorrow? She will go camping lresent c"-!lily_":- , It71rPast Elafi.Futurp , Practice A Use the words on the Ieft and write every day? Amy now? Amy yesterday? Amy tomorrow? What you every day? _ What _ you now? What you yesterday? I What you tomorrow? read 72 reaA What What What :t study What does Amy _ B Look and write the question or the answer Every day [r,]ha.* Jo they every day? They work at the office every day Wha.t a.re they doing now? They are watching TV now Yesterday yesterday? $he played the piano tomorrow? She will play tennis with her friend Tomgrrow Every day tffhat dses he every day? What is he doing now? Yesterday What did they yesterday? What will they tomorrow? Tomgrrow C wrlte the answers about you Wfrat you every day? What are you doing now? What did you yesterday? What will you this Sunday? 73 A flnd the mistake and correct it ,j.tarii?:+i:;tt! a.a,2rrtttz.?\.-4a.;+Lir,a.4r,.t:&-;.?;.;at>-+ela+*2.+}* e s#ly tr sirr B cryinsff The turtles are slowly c@@ animals What will Sarah does tomorrow? c@@ There aren't any ice cream in the bowl c@ @ Do you see any stars in o@@ sky? There are many leaf under the tree o@@ B Write the sentence in the right order 74 a shouldn't telephones didn't tallest / I in / / Iibrary / Children / run are / than yesterday / practice more John I / / / the t expensive / piano / Computers t / the t tin /class/Andy/the/is/boy/his t Helping Verbs and Question Words Lesson A Prryrcss Test Use the words on the Ieft and complete the sentences Mary ,I s+rldies Enqlish euery Oay study English Mary yesterday ? It today It tomorrow Tom now Tom at school be sunny have lunch & { & g ?s "r"ry walk to school yesterday (x) tomorrow drink milk (x) My dad now My dad every day OuV B Read and write What, Who, Whose, or Where T are you doing? l'm doing my homework & = are the boys? They are in the classroom E backpack is this? It's Sam's backpack is in the bag? It's my new dress h will you eat for lunch? I s did you see yesterday? ! saw my teacher is the clock? It is on the wall I is her best friend? Amy is her best friend will have an egg sandwich 75 C Look and write There are two rabbits in the box Thgir tails are short They A girl is standing the house name is Sarah She Two boys are the tree They are friends Sam The school is the park That is school we A boy is reading a book 10 It isn't the floor book lt's his teacher's book D Look at the chart and write tfre pen is lo€er tha,n The pencil is the pencil the pen The ruler is :ffifiii, ,:,,,'i.' F ,, :,,.Id,{, , ktffi The horse ,?Tkrllfh; ii 64,kffi/h., r""-**-*-**!*j!ilgv*-** -:; i,.,, t:.::[ A@r.4,44#+.€4,& My mom 6:00 a.m :{}!ffi,g,jn.,',l ?jffi,fiii ?; ,., The lion the lion is the horse is The cheetah is My mom gets up my dad My dad gets up my mom I get up ,r :::::1>.-.i.+ 76 J +tn'rj:j?j;

Ngày đăng: 17/08/2020, 14:04