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Koalatext.com HAVE GOT IF CAN WAS WERE TO BE GRAMMAR PRESENT CONTINUOUS PRESENT CONTINUOUS (AFFIRMATIVE) © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (affirmative) Activity Write “-ING” a.- write _ k.- jump _ b.- listen _ l.- come _ c.- run _ m.- learn _ d.- swim _ n.- speak _ e.- play _ o.- fly _ f.- drink _ p.- climb _ g.- watch _ q.- _ h.- study _ r.- wear _ i.- read _ s.- snow _ j.- eat _ t.- think _ Activity Write “AM”, “IS” or “ARE” a.- I AM listening to music b.- You _ writing a text c.- He running 10 kilometres d.- She _ reading a book e.- I _ speaking English f.- We swimming in the swimming-pool g.- You _ drinking water h.- They watching TV i.- The cat _ jumping on the sofa j.- My brothers _ studying maths © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (affirmative) Activity Write without “-ING” a.- playing _ k.- sitting _ b.- walking _ l.- combing _ c.- washing _ m.- eating _ d.- flying _ n.- listening _ e.- fishing _ o.- having _ f.- doing _ p.- watching _ g.- raining _ q.- writing _ h.- talking _ r.- jumping _ i.- wearing _ s.- running _ j.- climbing _ t.- studying _ Activity Separate a.- Iamdrivingmycar _ b.- Youaredancingatschool _ c.- Heisplayingthepiano _ d.- Sheiswalkinginthestreet _ e.- Itisclimbingthetree _ f.- Wearestudyingmaths _ g.- Youarelisteningtomusic _ h.- Theyarerunningfast _ i.- Iamsleepinginmybed _ j.- Youaretalkinginclass _ © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (affirmative) Activity Correct the mistakes a.- My teacher are talking in class _ b.- You is working hard _ c.- I is doing my homework _ d.- They am painting the house _ e.- We is drinking lemonade _ f.- I is speaking English very well _ g.- She are running very fast _ h.- My grandma are closing the door _ i.- You is using the computer _ j.- He are playing the piano _ Activity Write in order a.- mum eating My chocolate is _ b.- am I computer playing _ c.- working is sister Your _ d.- giraffe is The water drinking _ e.- talking Rose class in is _ f.- uncle television My watching is _ g.- is She a t-shirt wearing new _ h.- text They a writing are _ i.- dancing We are _ j.- is He eating breakfast at home _ © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (affirmative) Activity Match and write a.- We are talking 1.- an interesting TV programme b.- It is sleeping 2.- a song c.- They are playing 3.- in the mountains d.- I am watching 4.- German e.- Paul is doing 5.- in the bed f.- Ann is reading 6.- very fast g.- My aunt is singing 7.- in class h.- The dog is running 8.- a book i.- It is snowing 9.- volleyball j.- George is speaking 10.- his homework 1.- 2.- 3.- 4.- 5.- 6.- 7.- 8.- 9.- 10.- _ © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (affirmative) Activity Complete (AM, IS, ARE + V-ing) playing – flying - drinking – listening – eating – driving - watching – doing – speaking – reading a.- You are eating a sandwich b.- We TV at home c.- They in English d.- My brother football e.- I a funny book f.- My sisters their homework g.- You water in the kitchen h.- My father to music i.- I a car j.- The plane very fast © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (affirmative) Activity Write in order a.- dog My jumping is garden the in _ b.- am I in swimming ocean the _ c.- comics are We reading _ d.- sister My studying is home at _ e.- car a dad is My driving _ f.- dancing You are _ g.- is a picture He beautiful painting _ h.- watching John is TV _ i.- playing baseball are They _ j.- cat sleeping The is _ Activity 10 Separate a.- HeiswatchingTVathome _ b.- Sheiswritingaletter _ c.- Itisjumpinginthelivingroom _ d.- Weareplayingvolleyball _ e.- Youarereadinganinterestingbook _ f.- Theyarebuyingexpensiveclothes _ g.- Iamsinginganicesong _ h.- YouarespeakingChinese _ i.- Itissnowingoutside _ j.- Wearesittingonthesofa _ © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (affirmative) Activity 11 Circle the mistakes a.- The hippo are swimming in the river b.- My brothers is playing videogames c.- John are doing his homework at home d.- The dog are jumping in the street e.- It are snowing in the mountains f.- My cousins is playing football in the garden g.- Julia are writing a text in class h.- My sister are speaking Japanese very well i.- Matthew are going to the cinema j.- My dad are watching televison Activity 12 Write “AM”, “IS” or “ARE” a.- My mum _ eating chocolate b.- Ann riding a bike c.- My friends _ sitting on the grass d.- The dog _ playing with the ball e.- Peter talking to me f.- I washing my hands g.- He sleeping h.- We walking down the street i.- They playing the trumpet j.- She working © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (affirmative) Activity 13 Complete (AM,IS,ARE + V-ing) WRITE - WATCH - LISTEN - RUN - READ – DO - SWIM – PLAY - JUMP – DRINK a.- I am listening to the music at home b.- My brother _ kilometres c.- My mum _ a letter d.- My sister _ water at the moment e.- We _ TV in the living-room f.- They _ a book g.- You _ in the swimming-pool h.- I _ the homework i.- He _ the piano in the bedroom j.- The dog _ in the garden Activity 14 Linking words We She is listening music at It park playing are studying is apples home is the the at hard He am and sleeping in school piano for I at running You are the nice a eating the are well dancing exam book You are moment They reading bananas © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (negative) Activity 17 Write into negative sentences a.- We / listen / to the teacher _ b.- My friend / dance /well _ c.- You / drive / a bus _ d.- He / play / computer _ e.- She / watch / TV _ f.- We / go / to school _ g.- They / bother / me _ h.- Peter / run / in the playground _ i.- Ann / / the homework _ j.- Monkeys / jump / on the trees _ © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (negative) Activity 18 Wordsearch L S Q O P D A S D F G H J W K I Z X C V O B N M A S D T A L S W I M M I N G Q W R S X L Z T Q A Z W N S X E D E C R K F E V T G B G Y H N U A J M I I N K O L P Z A Q X S D W C N D I E V F R B G T N H I Y A G W N P L O K M I J N U N H B Y R G O I N G V T F C R G D X Z I Z S E W A Q A S D F H J K L T W A T C H I N G P O I U Y T I Y T R E W Q A S D F G H J K N L T A L K I N G Z X C V B N G M L K J H G F D S A Q W E R T T Y U I O P J U M P I N G A Z © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (negative) Activity 19 The secret message correct Incorrect a.- My sister isn't studying I P b.- Roger isn't reading an adventure book A Q c.- My parents is going to Tarragona R M d.- It isn't raining P A e.- My parents are going to London N S f.- I am combing my hair O U g.- She are having a shower P T h.- I am playing tennis L O i.- We am not eating meat D A j.- She aren't running at school N Y k.- They isn't listening to music M I l.- I am speaking French N O m.- David isn't swimming in the ocean G P n.- My mum aren't having lunch S T o.- I am not drinking coke H Q p.- He am not walking to school A E q.- Peter isn't talking in class P I r.- My brother aren't studying R I s.- They aren't playing volleyball A X t.- She am not watching television L N u.- You aren't dance I O © Koalatext.com PRESENT CONTINUOUS (INTERROGATIVE) © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (interrogative) Activity Write “AM”, “IS” or “ARE” a.- IS Paul working today ? b.- _ you doing your homework ? c.- _ we drawing a picture ? d.- _ they climbing a mountain ? e.- _ she reading a book ? f.- _ he watching television ? g.- my cat drinking milk ? h.- _ I writing a letter ? i.- _ you wearing a red t-shirt ? j.- _ it raining ? Activity Match a.- Are you having breakfast ? 1.- No, she is watching TV b.- Is she riding her bicycle ? 2.- No, I am not I am having lunch c.- Is it snowing ? 3.- No, we are eating chicken d.- Are they writing a text ? 4.- Yes, he is e.- Are you listening to music ? 5.- Yes, I am I love pop music f.- Are we eating a sandwich ? 6.- No, it is raining g.- Is he wearing a jumper 7.- Yes, they are ? h.- Is she doing her homework ? 8.- No, she isn’t riding her bike i.- Is the cat running ? 9.- No, they are playing volleyball j.- Are they playing football ? 10.- Yes, it is © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (interrogative) Activity Circle the correct answer a.- the homework ? A.- Is he doing B.- Are he doing C.- Am he doing b.- a sandwich ? A.- Is you eating B.- Are you eating C.- Am you eating c.- TV ? A.- Are they watching B.- Is they watching C.- Am they watching d.- _ a book at school ? A.- Is John reading B.- Are John reading C.- Am John reading e.- _ a text at home ? A.- Am she writing B.- Are she writing C.- Is she writing f.- in English in class ? A.- Is you speaking B.- Are you speaking C.- Am you speaking g.- to music ? A.- Are they listening B.- Is you listening C.- Am you listening h.- photos ? A.- Is Roger taking B.- Are Roger taking C.- Am Roger taking i.- _ Maths ? A.- Is we learning B.- Are you learning © Koalatext.com C.- Am we learning Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (interrogative) Activity Separate a.- Aretheyrunningfast ? _ b.- Ismycousinreadingabook ? _ c.- Areyoulisteningtotheradio ? _ d.- AmIclimbingthemountain ? _ e.- Ismymotherwalkinginthepark ? _ f.- Isthecateatingcookies ? _ g.- Aremyfriendstalking ? _ h.- IsAnnpainting ? _ i.- IsRogerspeakingEnglish ? _ j.- Arewedrinkingwater ? _ Activity Correct the mistakes a.- Are he jumping in the park ? _ b.- Is they speaking Japanese ? _ c.- Am I study for the exam ? _ d.- Is we walking in the street ? _ e.- Are you climb a mountain ? _ f.- Are the fly flying ? _ g.- Am she looking at the picture ? _ h.- Is you talking fast ? _ i.- Am I learn a lot at school ? _ j.- Is it eat a sandwich ? _ © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (interrogative) Activity Answer about yourself a.- Are you writing ? _ b.- Are you reading ? _ c.- Are you watching television ? _ d.- Are you speaking in English ? _ e.- Are you listening to music ? _ f.- Are you running ? _ g.- Are you walking ? _ h.- Are you studying at school ? _ i.- Are you doing your homework? _ j.- Are you eating ? _ Activity Write in order a.- sandwich Are eating a you ? _ b.- she having dinner Is ? _ c.- Is climbing Roger mountain a ? _ d.- they reading Are comics ? _ e.- Am listening music to I ? _ f.- you fast running Are ? _ g.- he with computer Is playing ? _ h.- we class in talking Are ? _ i.- Is she in French texts writing ? _ j.- they TV at watching home Are ? _ © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (interrogative) Activity Complete playing – having - studying – washing - reading – raining – fishing - doing - listening – watching a.- Are you to the teacher ? b.- Am I TV with your brother ? c.- Is it outside? d.- Are they _ Science at school ? e.- Is my sister a book ? f.- Are you football in the playground ? g.- Are you your homework for tomorrow ? h.- Is he lunch at school ? i.- Are they the dishes ? j.- Is Paul in the river ? © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (interrogative) Activity Complete watching – driving – drinking - writing – learning – eating – climbing - doing – listening – singing - wearing – snowing – flying - reading – playing – cooking - sleeping – swimming – going - playing a.- Is my uncle a black car ? b.- Am I French at school ? c.- Are the boys a sandwich in the park ? d.- Are you a text in German ? e.- Are my parents TV at home ? f.- Are we pop music ? g.- Am I a book in the library ? h.- Are they volleyball? i.- Is it outside ? j.- Is Roger the homework for tomorrow ? k.- Is she in the swimming-pool ? l.- Are we a mountain ? m.- Is he black trousers ? n.- Are you to Girona ? o.- Is Ann in bed ? p.- Are you the flute at school ? q.- Is the bird in the sky ? r.- Is your father in the kitchen ? s.- Am I lemonade ? t.- Are the singers a song ? © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (interrogative) Activity 10 Wordsearch Find 15 verbs H A V I N G B R E A K F A S T Q W E R W A T Y U I O O P L K J H G F D S A Z X A V X C V B I N M S L E E P I N G P O I T I U Y T R N E W Q A S D F G H J K L M C N Z X C V G V B N P L A Y I N G N M F H G Q A Z W S X E D C R F J V T G B Y H I L I S T E N I N G B Y H U N U J M I K N U O P Z A Q X S W C D E M V F R B G T G N N H Y M J U K I L O P P Q A Z W S X E C C E D R F V T W A L K I N G T G B Y T H N H Y M J U K I L O P N Q A Q A Z W A S R U N N I N G S E D R G F T G R T G L Y H U J I K O L P A Z S X D C F E C F K R F D A N C I N G A Z S R F V T A T G I Q E O P O I U Y T R E W Q A S D D A S N A D I Z X C V B N M L K J H G F I S A G Z C N A S D F W R I T I N G Q W N Q W E W R G P O I U Y T R E W Q A S D G D F G S F Y Z A S X D C F V G B H N J M K K L X V H A Q W S E D R F T G Y H U J I K O © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (interrogative) Activity 11 Crossword a b c d e f g h i © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (interrogative) Activity 11 Crossword Across a.- Are they in the swimming-pool ? b.- Are we sphaguetty ? c.- Am I doing my homework ? d.- Are you your hands ? They are dirty e.- Is he a letter ? f.- Is she in Italian ? g.- Are they ? It’s 7:00 in the morning h.- Is my sister very fast ? i.- Is my brother a funny monster ? Down 1.- Are they to the radio ? 2.- Are we television at home ? 3.- Are my cousins with computer ? 4.- Is Peter a funny comic ? 5.- Is the cat milk? It is thirsty 6.- Is my brother for the exam ? © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (interrogative) Activity 12 The secret message a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r ? correct incorrect a.- Is she dancing ? A D b.- Are you playing the flute at school ? R E c.- Is they wearing red dresses ? I E d.- Am I drinking water ? Y P e.- Is Mary reading a book ? O W f.- Is she doing her homework ? U S g.- Are it snowing ? F R h.- Is the cat drinking water ? E T i.- Is they writing a text ? G A j.- Am I listening to music ? D K k.- Are he watching television ? U I l.- Is it raining ? N P m.- Is you wearing jeans ? S G n.- Are we running fast ? A D o.- Is you studying for the exam ? E B p.- Am they waiting for the bus ? F O q.- Is he riding his bike ? O I r.- Am I speaking in English ? K E © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (interrogative) Activity 13 Linking words song? in walking doing the homework for the Nice the we I at pop you school? very park? Are Am home? music listening Are a Are outside? Is drinking Is watching Is singing they raining it water? she TV? he © Koalatext.com .. .PRESENT CONTINUOUS (AFFIRMATIVE) © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (affirmative) Activity Write “-ING” a.- write ... Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (affirmative) Activity 22 Unscramble the words MY UMM SI RIGNAED A LVONE NI SEIGNHL Write the sentence © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (affirmative)... REA TNGEIA A ZIZAP NI A RPAK Write the sentence © Koalatext.com PRESENT CONTINUOUS (NEGATIVE) © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT CONTINUOUS (negative) Activity Write “AM NOT”, “ISN’T” or “AREN’T”

Ngày đăng: 01/05/2020, 13:34

