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Present simple

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Koalatext.com HAVE GOT IF CAN WAS WERE TO BE GRAMMAR PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT SIMPLE (AFFIRMATIVE) © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (affirmative) Activity Write “-S”or “-ES” a.- He/eat He eats k.- He/like _ b.- She/watch _ l.- She/sleep _ c.- He/listen _ m.- It/jump _ d.- She/open _ n.- He/wash _ e.- It/kiss _ o.- She/listen _ f.- He/speak _ p.- It/run _ g.- She/go _ q.- He/talk _ h.- It/have _ r.- She/dance _ Activity Write in order a.- to We by go school car _ b.- the playing flute love You _ c.- lives small She in flat a _ d.- my dad I help _ e.- has of friends He lots _ f.- green They got eyes have _ g.- cousin homework does My the _ h.- You at to music listen night _ i.- funny We read books _ j.- the very Paul violin plays well _ © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (affirmative) Activity Separate a.- Ilikebananasandapples _ b.- Yougetupatseveno’clock _ c.- Hehasbreakfastwithhissister _ d.- Shegoestoschoolbybus _ e.- Itclimbshightrees _ f.- WestudyScienceatschool _ g.- Youliveinabigcity _ h.-TheyplaychessonSundays _ i.- IgotoManresaeveryday _ j.- Youhavelunchat8:30 _ Activity Circle the mistakes a.- She work in an office k.- He like chocolate b.- They drinks milk l.- We writes a letter c.- I gets up at 7:00 m.- You has lunch at 2:30 d.- The cat climb a tree n.- They lives in Girona e.- We goes to Barcelona o.- They does the homework f.- You studies Maths p.- I passes the exam g.- I plays computer q.- You reads a lot of books h.- My dad play the guitar r.- We watches television i.- You eats meat s.- They likes Science j.- My dog jump three times t.- She speak Japanese © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (affirmative) Activity Correct the mistakes a.- Paul watch television at home b.- You walks every day in the park c.- In autumn, it rain a lot d.- We has breakfast in the kitchen e.- He go to Barcelona every weekend f.- The dog sleep in the garden g.- I listens to music with my brother I love it h.- My brother sing very well i.- We writes funny text at school j.- They runs in the playground © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (affirmative) Activity Write in order a.- play I computer with Mondays on _ b.- bedroom your You clean _ c.- He television night at watches _ d.- Manresa She to goes _ e.- cat milk drinks The morning the in _ f.- beautiful sing We song a _ g.- the homework You finish home at _ h.- walk three They kilometres _ i.- have They dinner nine at _ j.- dance I well very _ Activity Separate a.- Hestudiesmathsandgeography _ b.- Shereadscomics _ c.- PauleatscerealseveryMonday _ d.- Weswimintheswimmingpool _ e.- Youplaythepianoverywell _ f.- Theygotoschoolbycar _ g.- Iamtwelveyearsold _ h.- Youfinishclassesatone _ i.- Helovessandwiches _ j.- Shewatchestelevisionathome _ © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (affirmative) Activity Complete the sentences listen - read – draw – drive – eat – drink – sleep – jump – swim - study a.- We in the swimming-pool b.- The cat milk every morning c.- When I am hungry, I a lot d.- You to rock music e.- The kangaroo very high f.- They adventure books g.- My mum her car very well h.- When I have exams, I a lot i.- When I am tired, I ten hours every night j.- My brother beautiful pictures Activity Linking words the for maths at seven music exam He studies up o’clock rock She well I get every to reads very violin You day listen funny It the play We You comics climbs trees very fast play They drive a red car tennis © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (affirmative) Activity 10 Circle the correct word a.- My uncle live / lives in New York b.- My cat drinks / drink milk in the morning c.- I has breakfast /have breakfast with my brother at 8:00 d.- She has lunch / have lunch with my family at 2:00 e.- I have dinner / has dinner at 9:00 in the evening f.- We reads / read novels g.- They write /writes texts in English h.- You plays / play chess very well i.- They goes / go to Barcelona every day j.- She speaks / speak three languages k.- My uncles have / has three children l.- I have a shower / has a shower in the morning m.- She talk / talks about her favourite movie n.- You listens / listen to the radio when you drive o.- He goes / go to sleep late p.- My dog sleeps / sleep in the garage q.- Roger play / plays the piano very well r.- Sarah studies / study Science three times a week s.- They are / is the champions t.- Ian work / works in the Academy © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (affirmative) Activity 11 Correct the mistakes a.- I speaks four languages b.- We closes the window because it's cold outside c.- They eats Japanese food They love it d.- My dad wash his car on Sundays e.- She go to the cinema every week f.- My brother drink lemonade in the afternoon g.- You listens to the radio in the morning h.- The dog run very fast i.- My sister have two children j.- Ann like chocolate ice-cream © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (affirmative) Activity 12 Match a.- English people speak to rock music b.- We watch television good novels c.- They go at home d.- My mum listens English e.- I live milk f.- You read a sandwich g.- Cats drink to Barcelona h.- This car is maths i.- My brother eats very fast k.- We study in Girona © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (negative) Activity 20 Find 10 verbs and write sentences M N B V C X Z A S D F G H J K L P O I U Y T R F D E W Q Q A W S E D R F T G Y H S J K O L P L H B G V F C D X S Z A Z I C V B N M L K J H G F D S A Q W E R T N U G O P A Q W S X E A T R F V T G B Y G N U J M I J N U H B Y G V T F C R D X E S Z W A Q A Q W E R M N B V C X Z A S D F G H J K L P O U I K O L P P L O K I I Y T R F D E W Q Q A W S E D R F T G O H U J H A V E P L H B G V F C D X S Z P Z X C V B N M L K J H G F D S A Q W E E T Y U Y I O P A Q W S X E D C R F V T G N H N U J M I K O L P P L O K Y G V T F C L I I J N U H B M B S Z W A Q A Q W E R M N B V C X Z A S D F G H J K L P O I U Y T R F D E W Q Q A W S E D R F T G Y H U J K E D X S Z A Z X C V B N M L K J H G F D S A Q W E R T Y U Y I I K O L P L H B L I O P A Q W S X E D C R F V T G B H N C L E A N O L P P L O K I J N U H B Y G V T F C R D X E S Z D R I N K W E R © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (negative) Activity 21 The secret message correct incorrect a.- I live in Manresa W Q b.- We usually gets up at six o'clock P E c.- They doesn't have breakfast at home L S d.- You has lunch at two I T e.- He plays with computer every day U A f.- She speaks four languages D Z g.- We always the homework Y W h.- Does you play football ? K E i.- She rarely reads novels N S j.- It don't eat meat M G k.- We write beautiful letters L X l.- You doesn't watch television U I m.- I listen to music at school S E n.- My brother run very fast J H o.- They sometimes walk in the park A D p.- We don't jump very high T C q.- She has a red bicycle S R r.- Do she live in Lleida ? N C s.- He wear tracksuit B H t.- They play the piano very well O F u.- He never drinks lemonade O V v.- They don't play basketball L T © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (negative) Activity 22 Find the verbs a b c d h e g f © Koalatext.com Across a.- I don’t rock songs b.- You don’t on a green chair at school c.- They don’t in the ocean d.- We don’t cereals with milk e.- He doesn't to the teacher f.- They don’t at home all together g.- She doesn't lemonade Down 1.- I don’t at seven in the morning 2.- They don’t four languages 3.- You don’t 10 hours every day 4.- I don’t at school because the food is't good 5.- She doesn't meat She is vegetarian 6.- They don’t at the university 7.- We don’t comics and funny books 8.- I don’t in the park at weekends © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (negative) Activity 23 Find the secret verb EAT - WATCH – FLY – HAVE – SLEEP – BE – WRITE – PLAY - GET UP – TALK – SPEAK – READ - WALK © Koalatext.com PRESENT SIMPLE (INTERROGATIVE) © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (Interrogative) Activity Write “DO” or “DOES” a.- he eat ? b.- we watch TV ? c.- he listen to the radio ? d.- she open the fridge ? e.- it walk in the street ? f.- they talk in class ? g.- she go to London ? h.- it run in the park ? i.- he read a book ? j.- I write a letter ? Activity Wcircle the correct word a.- Do / Does my dad watch TV? b.- Do / Does you jump ? c.- Do / Does we study Maths at school ? d.- Do / Does she play drums ? e.- Do / Does I go to bed early ? f.- Do / Does they have lunch at home ? g.- Do / Does you your homework ? h.- Do / Does they cry ? i.- Do / Does I walk in the street ? j.- Do / Does you like swimming ? © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (Interrogative) Activity Separate a.- Doyouplaytheflute? b.- Doesshelikefruits? c.- DotheygotoViceveryweek? d.- Dowewatchtelevision? e.- Doeshehavelunchathome? f.- Douyouwritetexts? g.- Doesthecateatcereal? h.- DoyouliveinLondon? i.- DoIskateonMondays? j.- Doyoustandup? © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (Interrogative) Activity Answer about yourself a.- Do you listen to music at home ? _ b.- Do you play the guitar ? _ c.- Do you watch television at home ? _ d.- Do you go to the cinema ? _ e.- Do you run fast ? _ f.- Do you drive a car ? _ g.- Do you buy chocolate ? _ h.- Do you fish in summer ? _ i.- Do you dance every day ? _ j.- Do you ride a horse ? _ Activity Write in order a.- Do play I computer with ? _ b.- get you Do up seven at ? _ c.- sing song Does he a ? _ d.- we in Do live New York ? _ e.- at dinner Do home have you ? _ f.- I Do bedroom clean my ? _ g.- music Does to listen she ? _ h.- Do drink they cola ? _ i.- late Do bed to go you ? _ j.- listen music Do we to ? _ © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (Interrogative) Activity Write “DO” or “DOES” a.- Peter close a door ? b.- they dance ? c.- you draw a picture ? d.- she drive a car ? e.- we fish a fish ? f.- the bird fly ? g.- you turn on the light ? h.- he play computer ? i.- Roger ride a horse ? j.- Ann sing a song ? Activity Correct the mistakes a.- Do and Mary swims in the ocean ? _ b.- Do you sings a song ? _ c.- Does I ride a horse ? _ d.- Does she opens the door ? _ e.- Does we jump ? _ f.- Do the bird fly ? _ g.- Does you fish a fish ? _ h.- Do she buys in the supermarket ? _ i.- Do David draw a picture ? _ j.- Does Mary dances well ? _ © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (Interrogative) Activity Complete LISTEN – READ – DRAW – DRIVE – EAT – DRINK – SLEEP – JUMP – SWIM – STUDY – GO – WRITE – RUN – PLAY – WATCH – COME – HAVE – SPEAK – FLY - CLIMB a.- Do you go to Barcelona on Tuesdays ? b.- she maths ? c.- he lemonade ? d.- you to music ? e.- they vegetables ? f.- your sister beautiful pictures ? g.- she in my bed ? h.- you a car ? i.- your mum the newspaper ? j.- they high ? k.- I in the swimming-pool? l.- you here ? m.- he a text in french ? n.- they english ? o.- the bird ? p.- the boy a mountain ? q.- we a piano at school ? r.- I TV at home ? s.- she a bicycle ? t.- Peter in the park ? © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (Interrogative) Activity Circle the correct word a.- Do / Does he read long books ? b.- Do / Does they write a text ? c.- Do / Does we like skiing ? d.- Do / Does she get up at eight ? e.- Do / Does I go to school by car ? f.- Do / Does they study for the exam ? g.- Do / Does my brother talk in class ? h.- Do / Does Paul listen to music ? i.- Do / Does my parents live in Moià ? j.- Do / Does we play with computer ? Activity 10 Separate a.- Doesheswimintheocean? _ b.- Doesshewalkatnight? _ c.- Doesitdrinkmilk? _ d.- DowewriteinFrench? _ e.- Doyoucry? _ f.- Dotheyspeakenglish? _ g.- DoesAlansitdown? _ h.- Doesyourmumeatlunch? _ i.- Dotehydothehomework? _ j.- Doesthedogjump? _ © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (Interrogative) Activity 11 Correct the mistakes a.- Does you have lunch at school ? _ b.- Does they get up at seven ? _ c.- Does he likes oranges ? _ d.- Do she write long texts ? _ e.- Does I sleep too much ? _ f.- Does she drinks orange juice ? _ g.- Do you eats vegetables ? _ h.- Does they drive their cars ? _ i.- Does Ann plays the guitar ? _ j.- Do Roger draw pictures ? _ Activity 12 Write in order a.- flute the play she Does ? _ b.- read he Does novel a ? _ c.- maths Do study you ? _ d.- Do watch I TV ? _ e.- plane fly the Does ? _ f.- skii winter Do in you ? _ g.- homework Does he his ? _ h.- lake on the swim they Do ? _ i.- park Do we in walk the ? _ j.- horse ride Does Paul a ? _ © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (Interrogative) Activity 13 Match a.- Do you like music ? 1.- No, they don't b.- Does she go home ? 2.- Yes, he does c.- Do they watch television ? 3.- Yes, she does d.- Do I the homework ? 4.- Yes, I e.- Do we play an instrument ? 5.- No, it doesn't f.- Does he talk in class ? 6.- Yes, we g.- Does it drink water ? 7.- No, we don't h.- Do you swim in the pool? 8.- No, I don't Activity 14 Linking words Do Tv watch listen to the radio at home? they at you I Does exam? the study you read home? Do Do play he for maths Do a text? we Do football with his friends? Does comic? a write pool ? the in swimming like she 1.- 2.- 3.- 4.- 5.- 6.- 7.- © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (Interrogative) Activity 15 Answer about yourself a.- Do you live in a city ? _ b.- Do you read books ? _ c.- Do you write texts in English ? _ d.- Do you speak in French ? _ e.- Do you like ice creams ? _ f.- Do you get up at eight ? _ g.- Do you have breakfast at 9:00 ? _ h.- Do you go to school by bus ? _ i.- Do you study for the exams ? _ j.- Do you talk in class ? _ Activity 16 Ask a friend a.- Do you live in a city ? _ b.- Do you read books ? _ c.- Do you write texts in English ? _ d.- Do you speak in French ? _ e.- Do you like ice creams ? _ f.- Do you get up at eight ? _ g.- Do you have breakfast at 9:00 ? _ h.- Do you go to school by bus ? _ i.- Do you study for the exams ? _ j.- Do you talk in class ? _ © Koalatext.com .. .PRESENT SIMPLE (AFFIRMATIVE) © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (affirmative) Activity Write “-S”or “-ES” a.- He/eat He eats... to Manresa every day 9.- Do you basketball? © Koalatext.com PRESENT SIMPLE (NEGATIVE) © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (negative) Activity Write “DON’T”or “DOESN’T” a.- He/eat ... likes Science j.- My dog jump three times t.- She speak Japanese © Koalatext.com Grammar – PRESENT SIMPLE (affirmative) Activity Correct the mistakes a.- Paul watch television at home

Ngày đăng: 01/05/2020, 13:34

