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English lesson plan 7 duc phi duong Week: 01 Period: 01 Date of preparing: ------------ Unit: Revision Date of teaching: -------------- Lesson : 1 I./ Objectives. Revision the knowledge that students had learnt in grade 6 II./ Language items Vocabulary and grammar in English 6 III./ Teaching aids Book and chalks IV./Procedure Time Teacher’s Students’ Stages and contents 6’ 6’ 8’ 8’ Checks attendances Draws the circles on the board Controls class to play games Reads the numbers Gives the score Reviews the tenses that sts had learnt in grade 6 Checks form usages and give examples Asks sts to give some examples Report Look at the board Play in two teams Listen and slap the correct numbers Answer what sts asked Give the examples *Warmer Slap the board (Numbers) I./ Simple present tense 1. Affirmative Form: S+ V + O Ex.a . He is a teacher b. They are students c. He walks to school d. Lan watches TV at home 2. Negative Form: S +be + not + O S + do/does + not + V + O Ex: a. He is not a teacher b. Thanh doesn’t play soccer c. They don’t watch TV at home 3. Interrogative Form: Be + S + O ? Do/Does + S + O ? Ex: a. Is she a doctor? b. Are they students ? c. Do you go to school ? II./Present progressive form. Form : S+ Be +V-ing+O Ex: a. He is listening to music. b. They are playing soccer. c. I am watching television. III./ Simple future tense Dinhhoa Junior High school c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com 1 English lesson plan 7 duc phi duong 8’ 7’ 2’ Calls some sts read the examples Runs through the exercises Asks sts to practice in groups Checks the results Corrects the mistakes Has sts to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions Comments class Gives the homework Write to notebooks Listen and then practice in groups Give the results Observer Write down Listen and prepare at home Form : S + will + V + O Ex: a. I will visit Hue this summer b. He will stay at home c. They will travell to Ha Noi by car IV./ Exercise 1./Complete the sentences using the correct form of verbs a. The sun (raise) on the West b. We (watch) film now c. Lan (do) her homework everyday d. They (wash) the classroom at the moment e. Both of them(to be) teachers f. Nam (travel) to Nha Trang tomorrow 2./Answer the questions a. Where do you live ? b. How old are you? c. Who do you live with ? d. Which grade are you in ? *Homework -Review the vocabulary of Eng 6 - Prepare the Unit 1 Notes: . Week: 01 Period :02 Date of preparing: -------------- Unit: 1 BACK TO SCHOOL Date of teaching: --------------- Lesson :1 A ( 1,2,4) FRIENDS I./ Objectives. By the end of the lesson sts can be able to introduce together and say greeting .They also practice with “TOO , SO”. II./ Language iterms Vocabulary: too, so, nice to met you , pretty good , just fine Grammar : Nice to meet/see you I am ,too/ So am I III./ Teaching aids Book , posters, pictures Dinhhoa Junior High school c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com 2 English lesson plan 7 duc phi duong IV./Procedure Time Teacher’s Students’ Stages and contents 7’ 6’ 2’ 8’ 10 Checks attendances Asks some questions Presents the new lesson Reads the dialogue Asks sts to repeat in pairs Pick out the structure and models them Checks form, meaning and usage Gives some examples Runs through the questions Calls some sts to answer the questions Checks the mistakes Runs through the dialogue Read the complete dialogue Checks the results Calls some pairs to practice the dialogues Report Answer the questions Listen to teacher Read dialogue in pairs Observer Write down May give examples Write down Answer the questions Read aloud Write Listen and then to fill in the dialogue the missing words Give Speak in pairs *Warmer .Chatting : - What’s your name? - How are you today? - Where are you come? - How old are you ? I./ Presentation. Presentation the dialogue -Listen and repeat the dialogue ( A 1) Model sentences a.-Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you, too b.- I am in class 7A - So am I/ I am, too Form Ex: a. Lan is a new student - Nam is ,too / So he is b. He goes to school by bike - She is ,too / So is she II./ Practice 1. Answer the questions: a. What is the new girl’s name ? - Her name is Hoa b. What class is she in ? - She is in class 7A c. Who is also in class 7A ? - Nam is also in class 7A 2. Listen and complete the dialogue: a. Mr Tan :Hello, Lien. How are you ? Miss Lien : Pretty good, thank you.How about you ,Tan ? Mr Tan : Not bad, but I’m very busy. Miss Lien : Me ,too b. Nam: Good afternoon , Nga. How is everything? Nga : Ok, thanks. How are you today, Nam ? Dinhhoa Junior High school c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com 3 S + V ,too So + V + S English lesson plan 7 duc phi duong 10’ 2’ Has sts to role play to say greeting together Comments Gives homework Role play Listen Do at home Nam: Just fine, thanks Nga :I’m going to the lunch room. Nam : Yes, So am I III./ Production Speaking following the dialogue A 3 A: Good morning, B: Good morning, .How are you ? A: * Homework. Practice the dialogue at home Prepare the lesson 2 A(2,5) Notes: . Week: 01 Period: 03 Date of preparing: --------------- Unit: 1 BACK TO SCHOOL Date of teaching: ---------------- Lesson:2 A ( 2,5 ) FRIENDS I./ Objectives. By the end of the lesson sts can be able to read and get the main detail of the text. They also listen and reconize the correct dialogue II./ Language iterms Vocabulary: different, unhappy , still, parents ,to miss, why, because Grammar : “a lot of/many” in comparison sentences Wh- question words III./ Teaching aids Book ,posters, pictures IV./Procedure Time Teacher’s Students’ Stages and contents 6’ Checks attendances Draws the circles Reads the words Controls Presents the new Report Play in teams Listen and slap the words Listen to teaching *Warmer Slap the board Dinhhoa Junior High school c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com live smal l uncl e from friend big 4 English lesson plan 7 duc phi duong 6’ 8’ 8’ 8’ 7’ lesson Teaches new words following the steps for presenting vocabulary Calls some sts to repeat the words Rubs words Sets the scense Runs through Has sts to predict the ststements Has sts to read and check the statements T/F Runs through the questions Checks the results Introduces the pictures and then asks some questions Read the dialogues Asks sts to order the Listen and repeat Read in choral and in individual Rewrite words Predict the statements Read and check Give the result Work in pairs to answer the questions Read aloud Write Observer the pictures and then give the answers Listen and order the pictures Pre- Reading *Pre –teach vocabulary - different (adv) : khác - unhappy ( adj) : không vui - still (adv) : vẫn còn - the parents : cha mẹ - to miss : nhớ - why : tại sao - because : bởi vì * Checking: R & R * Set the scense: Hoa is a new student in school. Let guess the statement T/F * T/F statements prediction: a.__Hoa is from Hue. b.__She is staying in Ha Noi. c.__She has a lot friends in Hue. d.__Her new school is small. While _Reading 1./ Read and check the prediction: *Keys : a._T,b_T,c_T, d_F 2./ Comprehension questions: *Keys : a. Hoa is from Hue. b. She is staying with her aunt and uncle c. No,She doesn’t d. Her new school is bigger than her old school.Her new school has more students than her old school. e. Because she misses her parents and her friends. Pre_Listening *Guiding questions; a. Who are in picture a ? (Nga and Nam) b.Who are in picture c ? ( A teacher and Ba ) c.Are they both teacher in picture d? ( Yes) d.Does class begin in picture b ? (No) While_Listening *Listen and order the dialogues in correct places c. A: Good evening,Mr tan Dinhhoa Junior High school c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com 5 English lesson plan 7 duc phi duong 2’ pictures Checks the result Comments Gives homework Give the result Listen to teacher Do at home B: Good evening,Ba.How are you ? A: Fine,thanks B:Are you going to home now? A: Yes.My dinner will be ready b- d-a *Homework Review the way to ask name and place at home Prepare lesson 3 – B 1 ,2 Notes: . Week: 2 Period: 4 Date of preparing: ----------------- Unit: 1 - BACK TO SCHOOL Date of teaching: ------------------ Lesson: 3 B ( 1-3 ) – Names and addresses I./ Objectives. By the end of the lesson sts can be able to ask and give for the personal information as : ( name , age, addresses .) II./ Language Items Vocabulary: family name, middle name , full name , address Grammar :Wh- question words III./ Teaching aids Book , posters, pictures IV./Procedure Time Teacher’s Students’ Stages and contents 6’ 6’ Checks attendances Presents the key word Has sts to list out the words and then match to the circle Checks the result Presents the new Report Play in teams List and match to the circle Listen to teacher *Warmer Brainstorming Dinhhoa Junior High school c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com Wh-words What Where 6 English lesson plan 7 duc phi duong 8’ 8’ 8’ 7’ 2’ lesson Teaches new words following steps for presenting vocabulary Checks Reads Asks sts to read the dialogue Checks form , meaning and usage Runs through the questions Has sts to work in pairs Checks the result Runs through the dialogue and asks sts to complete it Has sts to interview the partner Has sts to report the result Correct the mistakes Comments Gives homework Listen and repeat Read in choral and in individual Rewrite words Listen then practice in pairs Write Work in pairs to answer the questions Read aloud Write Work in pairs to complete the dialogue Read in pairs Interview the partner then fill in the grid Report the information in a passage Listen to teacher Do at home I./Presentation Pre_teach vocabulary - the family name : họ - the middle name :tên lót - full name : tên đầy đủ - the address: địa chỉ * Check : R & R * Listen and repeat the dialogue B ( 1 ) *Model sentences Form : What ‘s + Adj + name ? It’ . II./Practice 1./ Answer the questions : Keys : a. Hoa is talking to Miss Lien b. Hoa’s family name is Pham c. Her middle name is Thi d. She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao street 2./Writing : *Complete the dialogue Keys : -Who , Who ,What , Where ,Where , How III./Further Practice *Grid: Name : Hoa Age : 13 . Grade: .7 . School : Quang Trung . Home address: .24 Tran Phu street . * Reporting: Her name is Hoa.She is 13 years old. She is in grade 7 class 7A. She goes to Quang Trung school .She lives at 24 Tran Phu street * Homework: - Write it up - Prepare lesson 4 B (4,5) Dinhhoa Junior High school c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com 7 English lesson plan 7 duc phi duong Week: 3 Period :5 Date of preparing :------------- Unit: 1 - BACK TO SCHOOL Date of teaching: ----------------- Lesson: 4 B ( 4 ,5 ) – Names and addresses I./ Objectives. By the end of the lesson sts can be able to ask and answer about the distances from house to some places II./ Language iterms Vocabulary: how far , distances , movie theater ,bus stop , kilometer ,meter Grammar : How far is it from .to .? It’s about III./ Teaching aids Book ,posters, pictures of some places IV./Procedure Time Teacher’s Students’ Stages and contents 6’ 6’ 8’ Checks the attendances Hangs the poster on the board and ask sts chose 3 numbers Reads the numbers Teaches new work folowing steps for presenting vocabulary Checks words learnt Presents the dialogue Write some keys words Asks sts to practice the dialogue Models the structure Checks form, meaning and usage Report Choose 3 numbers to play game Listen and repeat Read in choral and in individual Write Play game Listen to teacher Practice the dialogue Observer Write *Warmer. Bingo (Numbers) Twenty, seventy , two hundred , fourty Five , thirty , ninety eight, fifty six, eleven Twenty three, eighty nine, twelve, sixty Eight –hundred , nine , ten , four , two I./Presentation - Pre_teach vocabulary - how far : bao xa - the distances : khoảng cách - the movie theater : rạp hát - the bus stop : trạm xe buýt - kilometer : (km - đơn vị đo đạc) - meter : ( mét- đơn vị đo đạc ) *Checking : What and where * Presentation structure: R & R dialogue. Nam: Where do you live,Hoa? Hoa : I live at 12 Tran Hung Dao street Nam :How far is it from your house to school ? Hoa : It’s not far.It about two kilometers *Modelling Form: How far is it from+ place to place ? It’s about (m/km) Dinhhoa Junior High school c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com 8 English lesson plan 7 duc phi duong 8’ 8’ 7’ 2’ Gives the word cues Runs through Has sts to work in pairs to practice the exercise Checks the result Runs through the pictures Asks sts to practice the pictures Checks the result Calls some sts read in pairs Hangs the poster on the board Models Calls some pairs to role play Comments Consolidates Gives homework Listen and then practice in pairs Read the answers Listen to teacher Do the exercise Give the result Write down Do what teacher asked Role play Write down Listen Prepare at home Usage :Asking the distances from house to other places. II./ Practice : 1.Words Cues Drill. Asking the distances from your house to: a. school / 12 km b. Hoa’s house / 7 km c. The movie theater/ 20 km d. the market / 500 m e. the post office / 700 m f. Sadec / 17 km 2. Picture cues drill ( B -5 ) page 17 Keys: a. How far is it from your house to the market ? - It’s about 2 kilometers b. How far is it from your house to the movie theater ? - It’ about 10 kilometers c. How far is it from your house to the post office ? - It’s about 700 meters d. How far is it from your house to the bus stop? - It’s about 23 kilometers III./ Further Practice *Map dialogue A - Where .live ? - .43 Le Lai.How far school? - .5km.How . do school ? - bike. B - 24 Tran Phu. And .? - . 3km. What you ? - bus. you ? *Homework: - Review the numbers at home - Prepare B(6,7) Notes: . Dinhhoa Junior High school c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com 9 English lesson plan 7 duc phi duong Week:3 Period :6 Date of preparing :-------------- Unit: 1 - BACK TO SCHOOL Date of teaching: --------------- Lesson: 5- B ( 6,7 ) – Names and addresses I./ Objectives. By the end of the lesson sts can be able to listen to the text and recognize the distances from Lan’s house to some places. They also to making a survey about some personal information II./ Language items Vocabulary: still, to take the bus, recess, the center , pocket , to post Grammar : How far is it from .to .? It’s about III./ Teaching aids Book ,posters, cassette ,pictures of some places IV./Procedure Time Teacher’s Students’ Stages and contents 6’ 6’ 8’ Checks attendances Hang the poster on the board Controls Teaches new words following steps for presenting vocabulary Asks some sts to read all words Checks Runs through the situation Has sts to predict the distances Gets feedback Opens the tape Checks the result Report Play in teams Listen and repeat Read in choral and in individual Write Rewrite Listen to teacher Predict the distances Listen and checks the prediction Give the result *Warmer Noughts and Crosses A.60km B.700m C.3km D.80km E.300m F.9km G.3km H.23km I.5km Eg: A. It’s about sixty kilometers I./Pre_listening 1.Pre_teach vocabulary - still : vẫn còn - to post : bỏ thư - to take the bus : đón xe buýt - the pocket : túi - the center : trung tâm - the recess : giờ giải lao Checking: R & R 2.Prediction: a School to Lan’s house b Lan’s house to post office c School to movie theater d Movie theater to post office II./ While_listening 1. Listen and check the prediction Keys : a- 300 meters ; b- 700 meters c- 3 kilometers ;d- 2 kilometers Dinhhoa Junior High school c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com 10 [...]... c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com English lesson plan 7 dialogue Asks sts to give the result Corrects duc phi duong Listen to teacher Write to the table a Telephone number : 8 545 545 b They will see : a movie c They will meet at : next to the post office Give the result d They will go by : bus Dialogue: Nga : Hello This is 8 545 545 7’ Lan : Hello.Is this Nga ? Nga : Yes Who is calling ? Lan : It’s Lan.Do... practice Survey Names Birthdays Hoang July 8th Hung Lan Checks the result Dinhhoa Junior High school 16 c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com English lesson plan 7 7’ Calls some sts to report the result Consolidates Gives homework duc phi duong Eg : When is your birthday, Hoang ? - It’s on July eighth Reporting: Report the information Listen Prepare at home Homework - Review the using of pre of places - Prepare lesson... of : chăm sóc - a primary school : trường tiểu học - a journalist : kí giả - a high school : trường trung học *Checking : Matching A farmer 26 Writes for a newspaper c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com English lesson plan 7 duc phi duong A doctor A journalist A teacher A housewife Checks the result Write down 8’ Has sts to answer the questions following Read the passage the text then answer the questions Calls... preparing : Dinhhoa Junior High school Period:15 Unit: 3 - AT HOME 24 c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com English lesson plan 7 Date of teaching: -` duc phi duong Lesson: 4 – Hoa’s Family (B 1) I./ OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson students can be able to talk about the jobs of someone II./ LANGUAGE ITEMS Vocabulary: to grow ,to raise cattle ,to help , hard Grammar: III./ TEACHING AIDS... PROCEDURE Time Teacher’s Dinhhoa Junior High school Students’ Stages and Contents 29 c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com English lesson plan 7 6’ 6’ 8’ 8’ 8’ duc phi duong Checks attendances Report Review the grammar Observer - Revision 1 Simple present tense Form : S + Vo/s/es + O Usage : - Example: Checks form, a Lan has breakfast every morning meaning and usage Give ideas b They travel to Hue by car 2... interview others asked classmates and fill into the table Has sts to report the Dinhhoa Junior High school Name 30 Go to Play Watch Help c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com English lesson plan 7 information interviewed duc phi duong Report school games v x x v Hoa Lan Giang Hung Reporting: - 7’ Consolidates Gives homework Listen and write Prepare at home TV v v father x v * Homework - Review the comparison... aids Book ,posters, pictures Dinhhoa Junior High school 13 c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com English lesson plan 7 duc phi duong IV./Procedure Time 6’ 8’ 8’ Teacher’s Checks attendances Students’ Report Guides sts to play game Controls class to play game 6’ Guess the numbers chosen a 848 254 b 488 542 c 984 537 Teaches new words following the steps for presenting vocabulary Calls some sts to read all words... PROCEDURE Time Teacher’s Students’ Stages and Contents 6’ Checks attendances Report Warmer Hangman Runs through Listen and guess the word given FAMILY Checks the game 6’ 8’ Teaches new words Listen and repeat Following steps for after teacher presenting vocabulary Alls some sts to read the words Has sts to match the words together Dinhhoa Junior High school Match words together I./ Presentation 1.Pre teach... following step for after T - the date of birth : ngày sinh presenting - nervous (adj) : sợ hãi vocabulary Read all words - worry (adj) : lo lắng Calls some sts read - the registration :lý lịch 6’ all words - worried : - Checking : Listen and Repeat Guess the *Prediction Dinhhoa Junior High school 17 c2.dinhhoa.hlaivung@gmail.com English lesson plan 7 duc phi duong information Has sts to read then check the... Date of preparing : -Date of teaching: Period :18 Unit: Language Focus Lesson: 1 – Language focus ( 1- 4 ) I./ OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson students can be able to further practice in Present simple and Future simple tenses II./ LANGUAGE ITERMS Vocabulary: to grow ,to raise cattle ,to help , hard Grammar : Present simple and Simple Future Tenses III./ TEACHING AIDS Books, poster, . thanks Nga :I’m going to the lunch room. Nam : Yes, So am I III./ Production Speaking following the dialogue A 3 A: Good morning, B: Good morning, .How. Objectives. Revision the knowledge that students had learnt in grade 6 II./ Language items Vocabulary and grammar in English 6 III./ Teaching aids Book and chalks

Ngày đăng: 26/09/2013, 19:10

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