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Saturday, September1st 2007 Unit 1: FRIENDSHIP Order period: 01 § 1 . Reading A. Aims: - Ps can use information they have read to discuss the topic - Help them develop their reading micro – skills as scanning for specific ideas, skimming for general imformation, and guessing meaning context. B. Materials: - T: Textbook, handouts, colour chalks, lesson plan . . . - Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks, exercisebooks. . . C. Teaching steps: - S1: Classroom procedure - S2: Old lesson : no - S3: New lesson : Unit1 – Lesson1. CONTENT ACTIVITIES I. Warm – up ° Questions: a – What are the girls and boys doing in the picture? b – How do they feel? c – What does the picture tell you? ° Suggested answers: a – One boy is playing the guitar, the other girls and boy are singing b –They seem very happy because I can see their smile. c – The picture tells me that friends can happily do many things together/ Friendship brings happiness to us. II. Pre – reading: Discusing the poem: ° Questions: What do you think of the friend in the poem? ° Suggested answers: - The friend in the poem is very dedicated and thoughtful. - He/she is willing to help his/her friend in any arcumstances. III. While – reading . ° Vocabulary: Lasting (adj) bền vững, lâu dài Tobe concerned with quan tâm tới Constant (adj) thường xuyên, khg thay đổi Constancy (n) sự không thay đổi Rumour (n) tin đồn Gossip (n) chuyện tầm phào Trust (n) sự tin tưởng Sorrow (n) đau khổ Purruit (n) sự theo đuổi, niềm đam mê * Task 1: Fill each blank with one of the words in the box. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mutual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . incapable of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T: asks the whole class to look at the picture on page 12 and asks them some questions. Ps: look at the picture in their textbooks and try to get the correct answers. T: asks the whole class to read the poem on page 13 and asks them to answer the question: Ps: read the poem. T: gives some suggested words: friendly, dedicated, thoughtful Ps: try to get the answers quickly T: reads and writes the new words on the board. Ps: coppy down. T: conducts repetition chorally Ps: repeat. T:writes the words on the broad then intructs ps to read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contain the words to guess their meaning Ps: guess the meaning of the words based on the contexts in the sentences. T: checks that ps understand the words correctly or provides the vietnames, instructsps to give some strategies to do task 1. 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . unselfish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . acquaintance/friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . give – and – take . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . loyal to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . suspisious . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Task 2: Which of the choices A, B, C, or D most adeoquately sums up the ideas of the whole passage? A. A friend in need is a friend indeed B. Conditions of true friendship C. Features of a good friend. D. Friends and acquaintances IV Post – reading: * Task 3: Answer the questions 1. The first quality for true friendship is unselfishness. It tell us / me that a person who is concerned only with his / her own interests and feelings cannot be a true friend.(paragraph 2) 2. Because they take up an interest with enthusiasm, but they are soon tired of it, and they feel the attraction of some new object. (line 2-3, paragraph 3) 3. The third quality for true friendship is loyalty. It tell us / me that the two friends must be loyal to each other, and they must know each other so well that there can be no suspicions between them. (line 1-3, paragraph 4) 4. Because if not people cannot feel safe when telling the other their secrets.( line 1-3, paragraph 5) 5. Because they cannot keep a secret, either of their own or of others’.(line 3-4, paragraph 5) 6. The last quatily is sympathy. It tell us / me that to be a true friend one must sympathise with his / her friend. Where there is no mutual sympathy between friends, there is no true friendship. Ps: work in pairs ,read though each sentence provided in the task to identify the given words to fill in each blank. T:goes around to hepl ps when necessary T: asks to ps exchange their answers with other groups, tells ps to expain their choices and gives the correct answers T: searches through the list of main ideas provided in the task then read the text carefully and try to summa- rize it. Ps: do the task individually T: calls on some ps to give their ans wers, asks other ps to say whether they agree or disagree. T: skims the 6 questions, shows ps how to do this task T: does 1 st question as model (reads it, finds the key words in the passage, marks the place and finds the answers) T: asks ps to do the task indi vidually T: calls on some ps to write their answers on the board, then gives the correct answers. S4: Homework: Answer the questions, using the suggested phrases: 1. Why do we need to have friends? ( Trust felings / share interests/ sorrows….) 2. Can you be a good friend? 3. Which of the qualities mentioned in the reading text do you have? 4. Which don’t you have? S5: Comments: Saturday, September 2nd 2007 Unit 1 FRIENDSHIP Order period 02 § 2: Speaking A. Aims: - By the and of the lesson, Ps will be able to describe the physical characteristics and personalities of their friend, using appropriate adjectives. - Help Ps in their speaking. B. Materials: - T: Textbook, handouts, colour chaks, lesson plan - Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks, exercisebooks……… C. Teaching steps: - S1: Classroom procedure - S2: Old lesson : Read the first paragraph, then answer the question : Why do we need to have a friend ? - S3: New lesson : Unit1 – Lesson 2. CONTENT ACTIVITIES I Warm – up: Match the adjs from the box with the parts of the body they can be used to describe ( some of the words can be used more than once) A Short /Tall Broad Straight Heart-shape Oval Turn-up Round Snub Large Wide Shortish Wrinkled Dyed Long Dhoulder Sleek Crooked Flat Glossy Pointed Medium Square Wavy Fat B Parts of the body Adjs Face Square, round, oval, heart-shaped Nose Crooked(khoàm), flat(tẹt), hooked(két), turn- up(hếch), snub(hếch và ngắn), pointed(nhọn) Hair Curly(xoăn), long, shoulder-length, wavy(gợn sóng), short, glossy(bóng), traight, dyed(nhuộm), sleek(mượt) Forehead Wrinkled(có nếp nhăn), wide, high Height Tall, short, medium I. Pre – speaking: * Task1: describing physical characterictics / appearance 1. The boy is about 16 years old. He may be short –sighted because he’s a wearring a pair of glasses. He has short black hair, a round face with a broad forehead, a small nose, thin lips and a small chin. He’s quite good-looking. 2.The girl is about 14. She’s also wearing a pair of glasses. She has shoulder-length black hair. She has an oval face with a straight nose, full lips and a pointed chin. She’s quite pretty. 3.The man is in his forties. He’s tall and well-built. He has short brown hair and a square face with a broad forehead, small eyes, a crooked nose and thin lips. He’s quite good-looking. 4.The woman is in her twenties. She’s quite tall and slim. She has long curly brown hair and an oval face with big eyes, a traight nose, heart-shaped lips and a small chin. She’s very beautiful. II. While – speaking: T: divides the class into 5 groups then distributes the handout A and B to ps to do in their own groups. Ps: work in group, match the adjs from the box with the parts of the body. T: hangs a big coppy of the handout B on the board, calls 1 p in each group to go to the board and fill in the column G1 – Face G4 – forehead G2 – Nose G5 – Height G3 – Hair Which group has many correct adis will be the winner T: gives feedback and key by hanging other coppy.(C) Ps: take note T: reads the useful words, asks ps to look at the pictures in their textbooks (p15) and use the above adjs and the useful words to *Task 2: Describing personalities(tả chính xác) 1. Vocabulary: caring: chu đáo hospitable: hiếu khách modest: khiêm tốn sincere: chân thành understanding: thông cảm generous: rộng lượng honest: tốt bụng pleasant: dễ chòu 2. Suggusted answers: - My group thinks that being earing is the most important because when friends care about each other, they will know when to share happiness …… with their friend ………………… - Being helpful Task 3: Role – play: Tall about a famous friend 1. Vocabulary: Humorous (adj) Quick - witted = intelligent (adj) Good – natured = kind (adj) Studious = hardworking (adj) 2. Questions: a. What his / her name? b. When was he / she born? c. What does he / she look like? d. What are his / her hobbies? e. What is he / she like? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV. Post – speaking: summerises the main points of the interview by using the above answers: His name is …………………… he was born in the ………………………… he’s tall / short. He’s a square face and a broad forehead. His hobbies are playing fooball. He oftEn goes swimming in his free time ………… describe them Ps: work in pairs, describe the people in the picture. T:gives an example then calls on 4 ps to present their answers describes T:gives feedback and suggested answers T: introduces the adjs provided in the textbook,conducts repetition chora-l ly, asks if ps understand these adjs or not. T gives suggested answers: a. his name is ……………… b. he was born in/on …………… c. he looks like ………………… d. his hobbies are ……………… e. he likes ……………… …………………… T: divides the class into groups of 10 with a leader. Ps: discuss, the leader takes notes of the ideas T: calls on the best pupil to report the result of their discussion. T:gives feedback and final comments S4: Homework: Practise reading all the words that are used to describe people’s physical characteristies and personalities S5: Comments: Saturday, September 8 th 2007 Unit 1 FRIENDSHIP Order period 03 § 3: Listening A. Aims: - Listen for specific information and taking notes while listening . - Help Ps in their listening micro – skill. B. Materials: - T: Textbook, handouts, colour chaks, lesson plan - Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks, exercisebooks……… C. Teaching steps: - S1: Classroom procedure - S2: Old lesson : describe a person, using the cues below. Hight: medium Face: square Nose: straight Age: 26 Appearance: good-looking Job: worker - S3: New lesson : Unit1 – Lesson 3. CONTENT ACTIVITIES I.Warm – up: 1. He is kind, willing to help sb. 2. He makes sb feel relaxed. 3. He spends a lot of time studying or reading. 4. He is able to wait sb for a long time. a. patient c. helpful b. friendly d. studious II. Pre – listening: * Talking about your best friend 1. Who is your best friend? 2. How did you happen to met him/her? 3. How long have you known aech other? 4. What qualities do you admire in your best friend? * Pre – teaching vocabulary - a partment building: - sence of humour: - give sb a ring = phone sb. - guitarist - favourite - motorbike - around - go through a rough time III. While – listening Listen to the lasks and then do the tasks that follow: * Task 1: Listen and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F): Lan’s Talk - T writes the 4 adjs on the board, then reads the given sentences aloud. - Ps keep quiet, listen to teacher and choose the suitable adjs. - T gives the correct answer: 1-c 2-b 3-d 4-a - T asks Ps to discusc the qs in pairs. - Ps work in pairs - T calls on some ps to give their answer and comments on the answers. Then gets ps to guess what they are going to listen about. - T helps ps pronounce the words given in the book by conducting repetition in chorus. 1. Ha and Lan shared an apartment in Nguyen Cong Tru Resdential Area in hanoi. 2. Lan thinks that Haiphong people are unfriendly. 3. Lan spent two days in Do Son 4. Ha took Lan to Do Son on her motorbike. 5. Ha introduces Lan to a number of her friends there. 6. Ha and Lan have become friends since Lan’s trip to Do Son. Long’s Talk 1. Minh and Long have been friends since school. 2. Long was a guitarist. 3. Long loves Minh’s sence of humour. 4. They have a lot of things in common. 5. Minh always helped Long out of difficulties. Answers: - Lan’s Talk: 1F, 2F, 3T, 4F, 5T, 6F - Long’s Talk: 1F, 2F, 3T, 4T, 5T * Task 2: How are where they met What they like about their friends Lan ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… Long ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… IV. Post-listening: -How Ha / Minh has been Lan’s / Long’s best friend ? - T asks ps to do the task, using some strategies: .1 st, ps read through the statements to understand words. .2 nd, ps listen to the tape and pay attention to the key words. .3 rd, ps decide whether the statement are true or false base on what they can hear. -T plays the tape onse for ps to do the task, then asks for their answers and writes them on the board. -T plays the tape the second time for ps to check their answers. -T checks ps’answers by calling on some ps and asks ps to explain their answers. - Tgives correct answers - Ps work in pairs, answer the question - T goes around and offers help 4. Homework : Learn all the new words prepare for next period 5. Comments : Sunday, September 9 th 2007 Unit 1 FRIENDSHIP Order period 04 § 4: Writing A. Aims: - By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to write about a friend, real or imaginary, using the words and expressionthat they have learnt in previuos lessons. - Help Ps in their writing. B. Materials: - T: Textbook, handouts, colour chalks, lesson plan - Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebook, exercisebooks……… C. Teaching steps: - S1: Classroom procedure - S2 : Old lesson: Write 5 word that are used to describe people’s physical and give 5 examples. - S3: New lesson : Unit1 – Lesson 4. CONTENT ACTIVITIES I.Warm-up 1. My sister has got a straight / flat / snub / pointed nose. 2. Her face is square / round / oval / heart-shaped. 3. She has short black hair / long dyed hair / shoulder-length hair. 4. She is tall / short / medium . 5. She is fat / thin / slim / overweight. 6. She is hospitable / generous / honest / tudious / intelligent. II. Pre-writing: 1. The three main parts: * General information about their friend. - Name - Age - Home address -Place to meet -How to meet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * His / Her physical characteristics his / her personalities. - Height : tall / short / medium. - Hair : short / long / shoulder-length. - Face : square / round / oval / heart-shaped. - Eyes : big / small / black - Nose : straight / flat / snub / pointed. - Helpful - Sincere - Studious . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * What ps like about the friend - To have the same hobbies: to enjoy learning English, reading books. - To have a great sense of humour. - To be a very good listener / constant friend. - To study hard. T asks ps to traslate some sentences into English. Ps work in pairs, traslate the Viet- namese sentences into English. T gets ps to read theguidelines silently. Ps read theguidelines silently and work out what they are required to write about. T introduces the three main parts of the writing. Ps take notes. T provides words , phrases , sentnces to help pupils in their writing. Ps pay attention and take notes. T reviews the privious structures. 2. The verb tenses: * The simple past: S + was + adj + n / S + V2/ed . . . * The simple present : S + is + adj + n / S + Vinf/ (e) s. . . III. While-writing: My friend’s name is……………………. She is about ……………………….years old. She lives in / at …………………………. with her parents…………………….We became friends ……………….years ago when we studied together. She is of medium height. …………………………She has ……………………………. hair. She is quite slim. ……………………………… She ha s a …………………… face with a……………………. nose, a……………………… chin and …………………………… eyes. What I like about her is that she has the same hobbies with me. We both like …………………………… We enjoy learning ………………………… She is very helpful and modest. She always gives a helping hand whenever being asked. I hope that our frienship will continue . IV. Post-writing: To collect and correct ps’ writing’s mistakes and errors Ps coppy down the structures. T gets ps to write about their friend in 15 minutes. Ps write about their friend in 15 minutes. T goes around to observe an offer help T asks ps to exchange their writing with another p for peer correction. Ps exchange their writing T goes around collects mistakes and errors , then collects some writing for quick feedback T corrects some typical errors. 4. Homework : Review all the new words that are used to describe people’s physical characteristies and personalities, rewrite the writing. Prepare for next period. 5. Comments : Monday, September 10 th 2007 Unit 1 FRIENDSHIP Order period 05 § 5: Language focus A. Aims: - By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to distinguish the sounds / dz / and / t / - Help ps in their pronoucing the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly. B. Materials: - T: Textbook, colour chalks, lesson plan…. - Ps: Textbook, pens, pencils, notebook, exercisebooks……… C. Teaching steps: - S1: Classroom procedure - S2: Old lesson : Look at A, describe him / her. - S3: New lesson : Unit1 – Lesson 2. CONTENT ACTIVITIES I. Pronunciation: / dz / / t / jam children joke changeable January cheese vilage which . . . . . . . . II. Grammar: 1/ To infinitive: S + be + adj + to inf . . . S + V ( + O ) + to inf . . . 2/ Bare infinitive: can S + had better + bare inf . . . Will S + V ( + O ) + bare inf …… III. Exercises: * Exercise 1: 1. Who something eat want ? ------> Who wants something to eat? 2. Letter I write some have. ------> I have some letter to write. 3. ------> Iwas/ am delighted to hear the news. 4. ------> My mother has some shopping to do . 5. ------> You always have too much to talk about. 6. ------> It’s lovely to see you again. 7. ------> It’s / was too cold to go out. 8. T models the two sounds / dz / and / t / for a few times and explain the differences in producing them, then asks ps to read the two sounds and the words in each column again. Ps reads the two sounds / dz / and / t / and the words in each column again. T asks some ps pronoun the words and gives correction if neccesary. Ps practise reading the 2 sounds/ words / sentences. T introduces the grammar: To infinitive / bare infinitive by gving many examples then asks ps to draw out the rules and the structures. Ps listen to the instructions, draw out the rules and the structures then coppy down the lessons. T asks ps to read the examples and the sentences given in exercise 1 , then put the words in the correct order tomake sentences, using the main verb in the present simple and making the other an infinitive without to . Ps read the examples and the sentences given in exercise 1 , then put the words in the correct order ------> I’m happy to know that you have passed the exams. * Exercise 2: 1. ------> The police watched them get out of the car. 2. ------> They let im write a letter to his wife. 3. ------>I heard them talk in the next room. 4. ------>The customs officer made him open the briefcase. 5. ------> The boy saw the cat jump throgh the window. 6. ------> Do you think the company will make him pay some extra money ? 7. ------> I felt the animal move toward me. 8. ------> Do you think her parents will let her go on a picnic ? tomake sentences, using the main verb in the present simple and making the other an infinitive without to . T asks ps to read the examples and the sentences given in exercise 2 , then rewrite the sentences, using the words given in brackets. Ps read the examples and the sentences given in exercise 2 ,then rewrite the sentences, using the words given in brackets. T calls on some psto write their answers on the board and corrects them. 4. Homework: Learn the structures by heart. Prepare for next period. 5. Comments: Saturday, September 22 nd 2007 Unit 2 : PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Order period: 06 § 1 . Reading A. Aims: - Ps can use information they have read to discuss the story. - Help them develop their reading micro – skills as scanning for specific ideas, skimming for general imformation, and guessing meaning context. B. Materials: - T: Textbook, colour chalks, lesson plan . . . - Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks, exercisebooks……… C. Teaching steps: - S1: Classroom procedure - S2: Old lesson : no - S3: New lesson : Unit1 – Lesson1. [...]... 1 Lisa’s family and friends are at her eightt birthday party 2 Everyone makes cake and ice cream at the birthday party 3 Lisaopen birthday cards and food from her family and friends 4 Many American over the age of 30 don’t like to talk about their anniversaries 5 Fifteen months ago, Rosa and Luis got married 6 People call the 5th wedding anniversary the “golden anniversary” 7 Rosa and Luis are happy... music and played cards The winners answers and writes them on the were given frizes At about 4:30 M’s mother brought out the birthday board cake It was beautifully decorated with pink and white icing Sixteen colourful candles sat in the middle of the cake.We all clapped our -T reads the second time for ps to hands eagerly and sang “Happy birthday” as she blew out the candles check their answers and cut...CONTENT I Warm – up An embarrassing story in Vietnamese II Pre – reading: Discusing the pictures: ° Questions: - What can you see in picture a/ d/ e ? - What do you think may be relationship between the girl and the man? - What do you see on the table? - Whose money do you think it is ? ° Suggested answers: - I can see a man and a girl - I think they are father and daughter - I see a wad... ourselves to slices of the dilicious cake and sang all the song that we knew -T checks ps’answers by calling on some ps and asks ps to explain Finally, at about six in the evening the party came to an end We their answers / corrects them were all tired but happy The parents of other children came to collect them by motor bikes I helped M and her mother clean up the mess we had made After that I walk... party ? 6 Were there any decorations? 7 Were there a lot of people there ? II While – speaking: T introduces task 1 and goes over the questions with the class ( explains new words if necessary ) Ps read the task ,do it individually Ps need to choose the details they want to talk about and plan their stories T goes around the class to check and offers help T put ps in pairs and gets them to tell... began at about 3 in the afternoon Therewere about 20 answer the questions base on what of us gathering in Mai’s house She didn’t like having the party at a they can hear restaurant because it is noisy and expensive We gave present to M and she happily opened them It must really be exciting to receive all -T read the tape script one for ps those presents Afteer that M’s mother served us soft drinks and... task, then asks for their answers and writes them on the board -T plays the tape the second time for ps to check their answers -T checks ps’answers by calling on some ps and asks ps to explain their answers - T gives correct answers - Ps work in pairs, answer the questions - T goes around and offers help 4 Homework : Learn all the new words Prepare for next period 5 Comments : 2007 Order period 09 Monday,... on a p to read out his/ her answers P reads out his/ her answers T checks with the class and give corrective feedback T elicits the structures: How did you meet her? Make s.o do s.th… Make s.o + adj… I was walking along Trang Tien Street when an Ps: take note English girl T introduces task 2 and get ps to came up to me and asked me the way to Hoan Kiem Lake I told put the lines in the conversation in... my………… I will order a delicious birthday cake, sweets and … There will be dancing and karaoke competition So,there’ll be a lot of fun Would you come to join us? Please let me know by ……… whether you can come Hope to see you then Yours truly, ……… III Post-writing: a Yours b Dear David c It is such an age since we met and I am very anxious to hear how things are with you d Let me know if... gives feedback T reads through task 3 and asks ps to work out the questions Ps work in group: read and answer the questions T goes around to check and offers help T gets ps to write their letters in ten minutes, based on the outlines they have produced Ps write the letter in 10 minutes T goes around to offer help T gives a hand-out to each group , and asks them to rearranged the given fragments to make . chorus. 1. Ha and Lan shared an apartment in Nguyen Cong Tru Resdential Area in hanoi. 2. Lan thinks that Haiphong people are unfriendly. 3. Lan spent two. between the girl and the man? - What do you see on the table? - Whose money do you think it is ? ° Suggested answers: - I can see a man and a girl. . .

Ngày đăng: 18/09/2013, 18:10

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