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VIETNAM ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NGUYEN LE THY GIANG MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATING SELF-DEFENSE SKILLS FOR ELEMENTARY PUPILS IN THE MOUNTAINOUS COMMUNES OF HANOI CITY Major : Education Management No : SUMMARY OF DISSERTATION OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN EDUCATION MANAGEMENT HANOI - 2019 The work is completed in GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.PhD Le Kim Long Reviewer 1: Assoc.Prof.PhD Nguyen Xuan Thuc Reviewer 2: Assoc.Prof.PhD Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen Reviewer 3: Dr Nguyen Thi Yen Thoa The dissertation will be defended in front of the Doctoral Thesis Jury at the Academy Level of Graduate Academy of Social Sciences - Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences At: , on 2019 The dissertation can be found at: - National Library of Vietnam - Library, Graduate Academy of Social Sciences PREAMBLE Urgency of research topic Elementary school pupils are quite little (about to 10 years old) At this age, they have almost no life experiences, especially the early level pupils (1st and 2nd grades) When pupils not have life skills, they will encounter many difficulties in learning and living, behaving with friends, teachers, family members and everyone in society One of the important life skills of elementary pupils is self-defense skills The reason why these skills become important, necessary and indispensable for elementary pupils is that they are not physically developed In other words, they are very young, weak, unable to react, respond to negative impacts from the outside, especially abusive behaviors that hurt them physically Therefore, education to form self-defense skills for elementary pupils has become an indispensable task in elementary schools In recent years, in schools in general and elementary schools in particular, a number of problems occur, which causes families, schools and society to be interested and concerned Those are school violence, sexual abuse for pupils, abduction, accidents and risks that result in injuries and even deaths for pupils Food poisoning in schools is also alarming, traffic accidents and drowning are also alarming issues for pupils, etc The above actual situation requires schools, families and the society to pay attention to educating self-defense skills for elementary students For the elementary students in mountainous communes due to difficult and complex living environment (rugged terrain, natural disasters, floods, etc.), they face more risks than elementary students in urban regions On the other hand, family and local economic conditions are still restricted, which makes taking care of and educating them face a lot of difficulties Therefore, educating self-defense skills for the pupils in mountainous communes becomes more urgent For the education of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in general and elementary pupils in mountainous communes in particular is effective, one of the decisive factors is to manage self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in mountainous communes Because this activity helps effectively manage the goals, plans, program contents, methods, forms, facilities conditions, forces participating in education, of self-defense skills for elementary pupils Coming from the above reasons, we chose the topic: "Management of educating self-defense skills for elementary students in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City" to write our PhD thesis Research purpose and mission 2.1 Research purpose Based on the theoretical research, analysis and assessment of the actual status of managing self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City, the thesis proposes measures for management of educating selfdefense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes of Hanoi City, contributing to developing self-defense skills for them in order to achieve the objective of comprehensive education for elementary pupils in the current period 2.2 Research mission -Overview of research in education and management of self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils - To develop a theoretical basis for management of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes - To survey, analyze and assess the actual status of management of self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City - To propose measures for managing self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City - Test the urgency and feasibility of the proposed measures and test a measure practice Object and scope of research 3.1 Research object Measures for managing self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in mountainous communes of Hanoi City 3.2 Research scope 3.2.1 Limitation on scope of research contents There are many component skills of self-defense skills of elementary pupils in mountainous communes However, the thesis will focus on the in-depth study of component skills of this skill such as: Safety skills when self-playing; skills of prevention from some emergencies and calling for help; physical abuse, sexual harassment avoiding skills; escape route seeking skills; Behavioral skills when lost; Traffic skills; Adaptive skills in social environments The research focuses on learning about the management contents of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes according to the approach to the elements of the self-defense skills education process of elementary pupils in the mountainous communes The proposed measures are for the entities managing self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City as the decentralization requirements 3.2.2 Limitation on research area This research is conducted at 15 elementary schools in the communes such as Phu Xuyen, Me Linh, Ung Hoa, My Duc, Thach That, Ba Vi and Chuong My of Hanoi City (for details, see chapter of the thesis) 3.2.3 Limitation on object and survey areas of the thesis a Surveyed object This research is conducted on 409 people of object groups such as the group of educational managers; The group of elementary school teachers and the group of elementary pupils b Surveyed area This research focuses on studying teachers, managers and pupils at 10 elementary schools in mountainous communes as follows: Khanh Thuong Elementary school, Yen Binh Elementary school A; Yen Binh Elementary school B; Yen Trung Elementary school; Tien Xuan elementary school A; Tien Xuan Elementary School B, Mieu Village, Tien Xuan, Thach That; Dong Xuan Elementary School, Dong Ben village, Dong Xuan Commune, Quoc Oai District; An Phu Elementary school, My Duc District; Tran Phu Elementary school A and Tran Phu Elementary school B Methodology and research method 4.1 Research approach - Systematic approach: A systematic approach aims at researching the management of self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in mountainous districts It means that this issue must be studied in a dialectical relationship with comprehensive educational contents for pupils at elementary schools to help pupils form and develop their personalities - Process approach: A process approach in researching self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in mountainous districts means the in-depth study of the elements of educational process from purpose, contents, method, educational organization form, teachers, elementary pupils, facilities conditions, coordination between the forces inside and outside school in educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous districts - Management function approach: Management function approach with basic functions such as planning, organizing, directing, testing and evaluating means the premise and action method of the entities managing self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in mountainous districts of Hanoi City to direct to operate the elements of self-defense skills education process for elementary pupils in mountainous districts - Capacity approach: Capacity approach in studying educational activities and management of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous districts creates a methodological basis for interpretation of some basic theory issues of educational activities and management of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous districts 4.2 Research methods To carry out this research, the thesis will use the following quantitative and qualitative research methods in a synchronous combination way: Document and material research method; Expert method; Questionnaire- based investigation method; In-depth interview method; Active product research method; Observation method; Test Method; Method of processing data by mathematical statistics 4.3 Scientific hypothesis The management of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in Hanoi mountainous communes of Hanoi also reveals limitations in goal management; contents; program; form; teaching activities, learning and training activities; tests and evaluation; facilities, the coordination between the forces serving the self-defense skills education activity, which results in the limitation and lack of this skill in pupils The research proposes and takes measures for managing self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in mountainous districts based on the approach to the educational process acting upon the weak stages found from the actual situation, suitable for the characteristics of pupil age, school conditions, living environment, economy, socio-culture in mountainous communes of Hanoi City, which promotes this skill education activities to be implemented effectively, thereby contributing to the development of self-defense skills in elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi 4.4 Research questions Performing this thesis is to answer the following research questions: 1) What scientific point of view is the research in management of self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in mountainous districts approached from? What is the theoretical basis for managing educational activities and self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in mountainous districts? 2) What is the actual status of educational activities and management of selfdefense skills education activities for elementary pupils in mountainous districts? What are its strengths and weaknesses? What factors influence the management of this activity? 3) What management measures will promote this skill education activity to be implemented effectively, thereby contributing to the development of self-defense skills among elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City New contributions to the science by the thesis The thesis has developed some basic theoretical issues on educating self-defense skills and management of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes, contributing to perfecting the theory of management of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes This is a relatively new theoretical issue in our country The thesis has evaluated the actual status of self-defense skills educational activities education and management of self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi and defined its cause and consequences On that basis, the thesis proposes measures for managing self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in mountainous communes of Hanoi The thesis has proposed the criteria for managing self-defense skills education activities for pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City These are new research results of management of self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in mountainous communes Theoretical and practical meanings The thesis is an essential reference for researchers in educational management, people in charge of state management of education, educators, planners of strategy and policy on life skills education for pupils in general and self-defense skills for pupils in particular The thesis is also a useful reference for families, communities and local managers in educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in our country And the thesis also provides readers, especially students studying education management, education, at academies and universities across the country with the general picture of management of self-defense skills education activities for Hanoi City's elementary pupils in the context of educational innovation through analyzing the achievements and limitations in this work and with some basic measures aiming at perfecting the management of self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of our country, contributing to promoting the education of this skill to be implemented effectively, thereby contributing to the development of self-defense skills in elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City Thesis Structure Apart from the preamble, conclusion, recommendations, list of published works, list of references, and appendices, the content of the thesis consists of chapters: Chapter 1: Overview of the situation of research in management of self-defense skills education activities for students and elementary pupils; Chapter 2: Theoretical basis for managing self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in mountainous communes; Chapter 3: Results of researching the actual situation of managing self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City; Chapter 4: Measures for managing self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City Chapter OVERVIEW OF THE SITUATION OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT OF SELF-DEFENSE SKILLS EDUCATION ACTIVITIES FOR ELEMENTARY PUPILS 1.1 Overview of the situation of research in management of life skills education activities, including self-defense skills for elementary pupils Research fields of educating life skills, including self-defense skills for pupils Learning about the researches, around the world and in Vietnam, of self-defense skills education activities for students in general, and elementary pupils in particular shows that the researches of self-defense skills for students are integrated into the researches of life skills education activities There are not many separate and in-depth studies of self-defense skills education activities for students in general and elementary pupils in particular However, it still has to be confirmed that the study of life skills education activities for students in general and self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in particular is not a new land, not “plowed”, this is an issue that many researchers in education, psychology, in the world have been interested in researching from different aspects In particular, there are a wide range of research projects and programs of governmental and non-governmental organizations in countries around the world such as United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), World Health Organization (WHO), and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); The theoretical and practical research works of scientists are published in scientific journals, reference books, monographs, textbooks; scientific research topics at all levels This confirms the important role and position of the studies on this issue for people and social development An overview of the research stituation of self-defense skills for students in general and elementary pupils in particular can be summarized into the following main research fields; Research field of purpose and role of fostering teachers educating self-defense skills for students; Research field of program contents and methods of educating self-defense skills for students; Research field of elements affecting self-defense skills education activities for students Research fields of managing life skills education activities include self-defense skills for students The studies on management of life skills education activities in the world are integrated into the studies on management of educational activities in schools as basic educational activities in schools Chapter THEORETICAL BASIS FOR MANAGING SELF-DEFENSE SKILLS EDUCATION ACTIVITIES FOR ELEMENTARY PUPILS IN MOUNTAINOUS COMMUNES 2.1 Self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes 2.1.1 Concept of elementary pupils In this research, researching the education of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in public elementary schools that falls within the system invested in all aspects, from operating funds to educational programs by the Government 2.1.2 Self-defense skills to be educated for elementary pupils in mountainous communes Concept The self-defense skills of elementary pupils in mountainous communes mean elementary pupils’ ability to use their obtained knowledge and experience to identify and respond to adverse situations, dangerous situations effectively to keep themselves safe Basis for defining self-defense skills to be educated for elementary pupils in mountainous communes The basis for defining self-defense skills to be educated for elementary pupils in mountainous communes includes: The requirements of primary education level in modern education and industrialization, modernization context and fourth industrial revolution; Requirements and commitments to performing the Convention on the Rights of the Child; the Regulations on life skills education for elementary-school level by Ministry of Education and Training; Psychological characteristics of elementary pupil age Self-defense skills to be educated for elementary pupils in mountainous communes From the analysises of the basis for defining self-defense skills that need to be educated for elementary pupils in mountainous communes such as industrialization, modernization context and fourth industrial revolution; commitment to performing the Convention on the Rights of the Child; the Regulations on life skills education for elementary-school level by Ministry of Education and Training; Psychological characteristics of elementary pupil age; socio-economic and living enviroment conditions in the above mountainous communes, it is possible to determine some self-defense skills that need to be educated for elementary pupils in mountainous communes, including: safety skills when self-playing; skills of prevention from some emergencies and calling for help; physical abuse, sexual harassment avoiding skills; escape route seeking skills; Behavioral skills when lost; Traffic skills; Adaptive skills in social environments 2.2 Self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in mountainous communes 2.2.1 Some relevant concepts Educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes is a process of organizing education activities scientifically by educators in order to help elementary pupils in mountainous communes know how to turn knowledge and attitudes into practical actions to identify and respond to adverse situations, dangerous situations effectively to protect themselves safe 2.2.2 Meaning and importance of self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in mountainous communes Educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes has a extremely important meaning and role Some important meanings and concerns of educating these skills can be cited as follows: Firstly, Self-defense skills promote social and personal development; Secondly, Education of self-defense skills is an urgent requirement for students Thirdly, Self-defense skills are one of the basic skills that contribute to helping students in general and elementary pupils in particular to form and develop comprehensive personality, ready for entering the next education level Fourthly, Education of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes is one of the important criteria to evaluate the education quality of an elementary school 2.2.3 Content of self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in mountainous communes Elementary schools in mountainous communes should focus on educating selfdefense skills for elementary pupils as follows: Educating safety skills when self-playing; Educating skills of prevention from some emergencies and calling for help; Educating physical abuse, sexual harassment avoiding skills; Educating safe eating and drinking skills; Educating behavioral skills when lost; Educating traffic skills; Educating adaptive skills in social environments Education form of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes The education forms of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes are as follows: through regular subjects in school; through extracurricular activities, sightseeing, picnics; through social activities; through participating into clubs inside and outside school 2.2.4 Education method of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes To teach pupils self-defense skills effectively, it is possible to use the methods such as Brainstorming; Problem solving; Experience; Using words; Practicing; Roleplaying method; Games; setting examples,… 2.2.5 Facilities and conditions for carrying out education of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes Self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in mountainous communes want to achieve effectiveness as set out in the goal, in addition to the good determination of education goals, program contents, human resources educating selfdefense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes by primary schools, the conditions for facilities, documents, technical equipment, space and educational environment , are extremely important ones that create the effectiveness of this educational activity 2.2.6 Subjects participating in education of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes The education of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes needs the participation of many subjects such as leaders, managers, teachers of elementary schools; Pupil’s parents; School organizations and unions; Parents Association; Governmental organizations, local unions because, the education of selfdefense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes requires the participation of many forces inside and outside school 2.3 Management of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes 2.3.1 Management and school management and school management functions Concept of management Management means an organized, directed action of a management subject upon a managed object to achieve objectives [39] Concept of school management School management means the management of an organization and its individuals; The school management is purposeful, oriented and clearly planned by the principal and teachers, staff, and students; The school management exists as a system, structured and operating in a defined environment Basic functions of school management The basic functions of school management include: Forecasting and planning functions; Organization Function; Leadership / direction function; Test and evaluation function 2.3.2 The management subjects in the hierarchy of management of educating selfdefense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes Many subjects are involved in the management of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes, including management subjects such as: Principal and school board members; Head of Teacher-in-charge Division; Counselor and Secretary of School Team; Trade Union Chairman; Homeroom teacher; Head of Parent Representative Committee; Leaders of party committees and authorities; Leaders of local organizations and unions who also participate in the management of educating selfdefense skills for pupils in mountainous communes 2.3.3 Concept, content of management of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes Concept Management of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes means the management subject’s intentional action upon the managed object in order to mobilize and coordinate their force and intelligence into the education of self-defense skills for pupils for the purpose of achieving the effectiveness of educating these skills according to the goals Content of management of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes 1)Management of performing the education goal of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes When implementing the management contents and the goals an elementary school principal must comply with the followings: -Develop a plan to implement self-defense skills education contents and programs for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City; - Identify the right participants in self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City; -Check and classify the participants in self-defense skills educational activities for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City; -Inform of the regimes and policies for all participants in self-defense skills educational activities for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City; -Support in consulting elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City after participating in self-defense skills education 2)Making plan for educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes School principals need to perform the above steps well and pay more attention to the following aspects: -Make plans for educating self-defense skills in the overall comprehensive education plan for elementary pupils; - Make plans for educating separate self-defense skills for pupils on the basis of mastering the education organization purpose, requirements, contents, form of self-defense skills for elementary pupils; - Attract the participation of management subjects and educational strategies in making plans; -Make plans with planned general goals, specific goals, implementation methods and measures; - Families’ education methods Chapter THE ACTUAL SITUATION OF MANAGING SELF-DEFENSE SKILLS EDUCATION ACTIVITIES FOR ELEMENTARY PUPILS IN THE MOUNTAINOUS COMMUNES OF HANOI CITY 3.1 Actual situation research organization and method 3.1.1.Research organization Research object and area a Research object Survey the actual situation on 409 people, specifically, 153 education managers; 226 teachers; 30 pupils The object group of managers and teachers is used to conduct surveys by questionnaires and in-depth interviews The surveyed pupil object alone is only used for survey by in-depth interviews b Research area This research focuses on studying teachers, managers and pupils at 10 elementary schools in mountainous communes as follows: Khanh Thuong Elementary school, Yen Binh Elementary school A; Yen Binh Elementary school B; Yen Trung Elementary school; Tien Xuan elementary school A; Tien Xuan Elementary School B; Dong Xuan Elementary School, An Phu Elementary school, My Duc District; Tran Phu Elementary school A and Tran Phu Elementary school B Practical research stages - Research tool design stage - Trial survey stage for perfecting research toolkit - Official investigation stage 3.1.2 Research Method - Questionnaire-based investigation method; - Expert method; - Individual in-depth interview method; - Method of processing data by mathematical statistics 3.2 Actual situation of self-defense skills education activities for pupils in Hanoi mountainous communes 3.2.1 Awareness of the important role of self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi The majority of respondents say that education of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in mountainous communes is necessary (92.1%) None of the respondents say that the education of self-defense skills for pupils is not necessary Only a very small percentage of the respondents say that this activity is less necessary (7.9%) 3.2.2 Actual situation of the availability of self-defense skills of pupils in Hanoi mountainous communes The managers and teachers of the elementary schools in the mountainous communes of Hanoi city have assessed that pupils’ current availability of self-defense skills is quite weak with average mark = 1.98, DLC = 0,503 Thus, elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City not have self-defense skills Out of the studied skills, “Traffic skill” has the highest average mark (average mark = 2.16; DLC = 12 0.58) Although this skill in pupils with the highest average mark out of the studied skills, it is still quite weak and close to the average level 3.2.3 Actual situation of response of self-defense skills in elementary pupils in Hanoi mountainous communes The research results summarized in the data sheet show that the managers and teachers of the elementary schools in the mountainous communes of Hanoi city evaluate pupils' current self-defense skills rather weak with average mark = 2.08, DLC = 0.466 Thus, the elementary pupils in mountainous communes of Hanoi city have not met the requirements of self-defense skills 3.2.4 Actual situation of performance and education effectiveness of self-defense skills in elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City Most of studied skills are carried out by schools but not often According to educational managers and elementary school teachers, the studied education of selfdefense skills for elementary pupils is only conducted occasionally (Average mark = 2.46; DLC = 0.249) The managers and teachers of the studied schools say that the effectiveness of this activity is average (Average mark = 2.28; DLC = 0.273) Many reasons can explain for this research results 3.2.5 Actual situation of performance and performance effectiveness of education forms of self-defense skills in elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City The studied elementary schools have used a variety of forms to educate self-defense skills for pupils However, the use of these forms is not often (Average mark = 2.20; DCK = 0.332, occasional use) The effectiveness of using the education forms of self-defense skills for pupils of the studied schools is also average (Average mark = 2.23; DCL = 0.398) This result is consistent with the results of research on how often these education forms are carried out 3.2.6 Actual situation of performance and effectiveness of education methods of selfdefense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City The research results indicated in the above data sheet show that the performance of self-defense skills education methods for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City is assessed to be occasional with average mark = 2.09; DLC = 0.2231 The method used most in educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils is regular experience and practice (Average mark of 2.32 and 2.30 respectively) Consideration of the research results of the effectiveness of using self-defense skills education methods for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi city shows that the effectiveness of using this methods is average (Average mark = 2.08; DCL = 0,328) 3.2.7 Actual situation of satisfaction of facilities for educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City The research results indicated in the above data sheet show that the of satisfaction of facilities and technical means for self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City is assessed to be normal (Average mark = 1.99; DLC = 0.560) 13 3.2.8 Actual situation of the participation of forces inside and outside school in education of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City The research results shown in the above data sheet indicate that the forces such as teachers, managers, organizations and unions inside and outside school participate at a normal level in self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City (Average mark = 2.10; DLC = 0.416) 3.3 Actual situation of management of educating of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City 3.3.1 Actual situation of management of performing the education goals of selfdefense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City -For performance: In general, the performance of content of managing the education goals of selfdefense skills for elementary pupils is occasional (Average mark = 2.19; DLC = 0.49) Thus, the content of managing the the education goals of self-defense skills for elementary pupils have been implemented but not regularly - For effectiveness: The achieved result of the content of managing the education goals of self-defense skills for elementary pupils is generally average (more than points) with average mark = 3.29; DLC = 0.51 3.3.2 Actual situation of making plans for educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City The content of making plans for educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi city is generally implemented regularly (Average mark= 2.48; DLC = 0.38) The results of this study show that the managers of this activity in the studied schools has implemented this management content on a regular basis - For effectiveness: The content of making plans for educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City achieves average result (Average mark = 2.91; DLC = 0.47), in which, "Making plans for educating separate self-defense skills for pupils on the basis of mastering the purpose, requirements, contents, form of self-defense skills education organization for elementary pupils" has the highest performance results, at quite good level (Average mark = 3.35; DLC = 0.77) 3.3.3 Actual situation of management of education contents and program of selfdefense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City - For performance: The content of management of contents and program of selfdefense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City is generally performed occasionally (Average mark=2,19; DLC=0,50) -For effectiveness: The management effectiveness of contents and program of selfdefense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City in the above data sheet reaches average level (Average mark =2,71; DLC =0,52) 3.3.4 Actual situation of management of methods of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in Hanoi mountainous communes -For performance: The management of methods of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in Hanoi mountainous communes is carried out at an occasional level (Average mark =2.07; DLC=0.35) 14 - For effectiveness: The effectiveness of managing the methods of educating selfdefense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City is quite weak (Average mark =2.58; DLC=0.55) 3.3.5 Actual situation of management of education form of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City -For performance: The management of education form of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City is carried out occasionally (Average mark =2.18; DLC=0.44) - For effectiveness: The effectiveness of managing the education form of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City is average (Average mark =2.99; DLC=0.55) 3.3.6 Actual situation of management of teachers teaching self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City The management of teachers teaching self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City by teachers and specialized staff is carried out occasionally (Average mark =2.30; DLC=0.51) For effectiveness: The effectiveness of managing teachers teaching self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City is average (Average mark =2,79; DLC=0,61) 3.3.7 Actual situation of management of assigning teachers performing the duty of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City - For performance: The management of assigning teachers performing the duty of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City is carried out occasionally (Average mark =2,46; DLC=0,38) - For effectiveness: The achieved result of management of assigning teachers and specialized staff performing the duty of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City is average (Average mark =2,89; DLC=0,79) 3.3.8 Actual situation of management of learning and training activities of self-defense skills of elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City -For performance: In general, the management of learning and training activities of self-defense skills of elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City is carried out occasionally (Average mark =2,34; DLC=0,38) However, there is a certain difference when considering the performance among the aspects of this management content The achieved result of management of learning and training activities of selfdefense skills of elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City is assessed to be quite good (Average mark =3.30; DLC=0.45) 3.3.9 Actual situation of management of facilities, equipment for educating selfdefense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City -For performance: In general, the management of facilities, equipment for educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City is carried out occasionally (Average mark =2.43; DLC=0.31) 15 - For effectiveness: The achieved result of management of facilities, equipment for educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City is generally quite good (Average mark =3.30; DLC=0.45) 3.3.10 Actual situation of management of coordinating forces participating in the education of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City -For performance: The content of management of coordinating and combinating the education forces inside and outside school to participate in the education of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City is carried out regularly (Average mark =2,564; DLC=0,38) -For effectiveness: The achieved result of management content of coordinating and combinating the education forces inside and outside school to participate in the education of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City is generally average (Average mark =3.05; DLC=0.76) 3.3.11 Actual situation of testing and evaluating the education of self-defense skills for elementary pupils -For performance: testing and evaluating the education of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City is done occasionally (Average mark =2.14; DLC=0.47) -For effectiveness:In general, The achieved result of testing and evaluating the education of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi City is average (Average mark =3.02; DLC=0.89) 3.4 Comparison of performance and effectiveness of the management contents of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi city among research object groups 3.4.1 Comparison of performance of the management contents of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi city among researching groups The research results show as follows: There is a difference in statistical significance between the evaluations of managers and teachers regarding the performance of the management contents of education of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi city among the research object groups 3.4.2 Comparison of performance effectiveness of the management contents of educating self-defense skills for elementary pupils The research results show that there is a difference in statistical significance between teachers and managers in evaluating the performance of management contents, including: planmaking content management (p = 0.017; t = -2.403); Program and content management (p = 0.001; t = -3,447); education form management (p = 0.007; t = -2,718); Teacher management (p = 0.024; t = -2.272); Management of learning activities and skills training (p = 0.006; t = -2.757), in which, teachers evaluate the performance significantly higher than the managers 3.5 The relationship between the contents of managing self-defense skills education activities for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi city 3.5.1 The relationship between the performances of the management contents of education of self-defense skills for elementary pupils in the mountainous communes of Hanoi city 16 In general, the results of the management contents are positively correlated This means that the better these management contents is performed, the better other management contents is performed Out of correlation pairs, there are correlation pairs with the highest correlation index but only at a little tight level, including: positively and a little tight correlated education method management results with the education form management results (p