Before&After ® i U X Designa peekaboo brochure Transform a plain sheet of paper into an engaging brochure by offsetting the folds Continued Continued Peekaboobrochure 0602 Before&After ® i U X Designapeekaboobrochure Transformaplainsheetofpaperintoanengagingbrochurebyoffsettingthefolds Mickey Grove Park BIRDWATCHINGGUIDE2005 They’re also looking at you Mic Grokey Par ve k BIR DW AT They CHINGG ’re a lso lo UIDE20 okin g at you One sheet of paper folded like an accordion makes a great brochure easily Narrow front panel (1) gives a peek at the inside, which opens into a beautiful presentation of 10 Peekaboobrochure 0602 Before&After ® Peekaboo brochure of 10 i U X Layout Once open, your design can ignore the folds Note here how the brochure has been designed in halves —the dark half is a narrative, and the light half is a listing Mickey Grove Park BIRDWATCHINGGUIDE2005 They’re also looking at you Darkhalf Lighthalf of 10 Peekaboobrochure 0602 Before&After Peekaboo brochure ® of 10 i U X Type The halves of the page use the same two typefaces but in different sizes and line lengths On the left half, oversize, 15-pt type creates a richly textured introduction Sametypeface HiddenSanc Sametypeface xheight ovePark offers 12pt 15pt Thenarrativebeginsbeautifully withbothheadlineandsubhead inthesametypeface.Notethat thesubheadrunsinwiththetext. Thisattractivedetailrequires adjustment—san-seriftypeusually hasagreaterx-heightthanserif type,soitspointsizemustbe reduceduntilitlinesup(above) TheHiddenSanctuary MickeyGrovePark offers an abundant dio as enisisl ea conummy nos nostrud euissectem to en iustio dit aliqui euipsusting enndreril ut lorper iriliquam inci blandreet lobor sequi te dolore nor esteimagnim dip esse volobor ionsectet iriustrud tor volore molore tet luptatue molor autem doloibor illa adipis ette luv nor euipit Quam eugait iril ut wis torenulla consecte estrud elisit lum vulland onulputpatet veltor ea adiat, consequisis dolobor secte dunt aut velisl etum ilisl enisseniat Loreet dolessi Lor si et iure volor si Lori pero elisectem nis nonsid enim enim iril in eraia faci tat acilit praessisi ette lavoir me anor Duis nim nulpitem dignibh ex iu feuismo oreet, sed ti dionesequam in henim veraesenim quam, quis alit is veraestrud tem duis ate vel dolorerit venimi nos BirdWatchingGuide2005 Loreet, susto et laore minisi tet iustrud moloreros nulluptat Duisim alit augait vulla feummy nisi te elestrud modiam el etue magna core tem at Cover image Orper adip eu feuisisit elit, consed ea faciliq 1) Peckerwood Euguerilisi lorem el enit, quismolor sustio dolorer 2) Owl Magniam comole ismodol repercinisis ercil il dit, eteri 3) Dolessi Sectet volor sum vulla sed elisit lum anoir sis monsed me 4) Faccum Vullaore modolenim nonullaor sequati elli ciduisl iureet 5) Autpatum Oiep eu facilla facid dunt prit, cose consed deleniamet 6) Pateti Sit num esed tat estrud lore lessi commoddo duis esi ux si 7) Quisaut Volese delenim nonse vulluptat estte leiv enim iril anor 8) Annem Num esed tat lore esste commod tatisi lortisim ette sed tie For more information, please call Lodi Parks & Recreation at 209-367-1811 Quam eugait irl ut wis nulla consecte estrud elisit lum vulland onul 9) Nulle Volese delenim nonse vullup tatlor si et ea faci autem ea nos Aboveleft,thepanel-widthcolumnyieldsanarrative-stylelook, whileontheright,thenarrowlistinglookslikeadirectory of 10 Peekaboobrochure 0602 Before&After ® of 10 Peekaboo brochure i U X Template,onepeekaboo Legal-sizepage (14” x81⁄ 2”) Eightpanels(fourperside) Accordionfold One,half-inchreveal(panel1) 14” Mickey Grove Park BIRDWATCHINGGUIDE2005 They’re also looking at you 1⁄ 2” 1⁄ 8” 5⁄ 8” 5⁄ 8” 5⁄ 8” of 10 Peekaboobrochure 0602 Before&After ® of 10 Peekaboo brochure i U X Twopeekaboos Three panel widths yield two peekaboos, which serve as a tiny table of contents Inside can be similar products as shown here or different products MOT 2005 BM ORC W YCLE www S bm w-m otorr K 1200 RS K 1200 S K 1200 RS K 1200 S 2005 BMW MOTORCYCLES ad.c om Noonewillreallynotice thatit’sjustonesheetofpaper— itlooks andactslikemuchmore of 10 Peekaboobrochure 0602 Before&After ® Peekaboo brochure of 10 i U X Layout Repetition and scale are key to this handsome design—two motorcycles, two views each, two paragraphs of text, all the same size in the same place on both pages Givingthisbrochureitsunusually cleanappearanceareitshighcontrastsofscale — onemotorcycleis muchlargerthantheother.Sucha largedifferencehastwobeneits: Itestablishesaclearhierarchy,and itkeepstheimagesvisuallyapart— imagesoftoo-similarsizetendto ightforthereader’seye.Notethat thelargesideviewsarestraight-on, detailedandmeanttobeexamined, whilethesmallviewsareangled, casualandmeanttobefelt.Thisis astorytellingcontrast Notethe alignment Therepetitiveformat—onepageexactlyliketheother— allowstheeyeto fallintoaneasy,page-by-pagerhythm.Thisisanexcellentwaytopresent smallquantitiesofsimilarproducts of 10 Peekaboobrochure 0602 Before&After ® Peekaboo brochure of 10 i U X Template,twopeekaboos Legal-sizepage (14” x81 ⁄ 2”) Eightpanels(fourperside) Accordionfold Two,half-inchreveals(notepanels1and4) 14” K 1200 RS K 1200 S 2005 BMW MOTORCYCLES 1⁄ 2” 3” 1⁄ 2” 1⁄ 2” 4” of 10 Peekaboobrochure 0602 Before&After ® Peekaboo brochure of 10 i U X Articleresources 14 15 10f Typefaces 10g 10h 1c 1d 3a 12 10c 10i 10a 10j 1a 1b 10b Colors 1(a–d)ITCMotterCorpus|a)30/28pt, b)10/12pt,c)28pt,d)12/18pt 12 C1M2Y5K0 2UtopiaSemibold|12pt 13 C5M15Y35K0 3(a–b)UtopiaRegular|a)15/18pt, b)10/13.5pt 14 C0M0Y100K70 4UtopiaItalic|10/13.5pt 15 C0M90Y100K5 5UtopiaBlack|10/13.5pt 6(a–c)HelveticaNeueLight a)24/26pt,b)12pt,c)10/14pt 13 10b 3b 10d 10e 7HelveticaNeueHeavy|24/26pt 8HelveticaNeueBold|10/14pt 11b 11a 16 Images 11e 10(a–k) a b c d e f g h i j 16 C6M5Y4K0 17 C29M22Y26K0 18 C0M0Y0K68 11(a–e)BMWofNorthAmerica,LLC 6a 6b 6a 17 18 11c 6c 11d of 10 Peekaboobrochure 0602 Before&After ® Peekaboo brochure 10 of 10 SubscribetoBefore&After Did you enjoy this article? Subscribe, and become a more capable, conident designer for pennies per article To learn more, go to i U X Before&Aftermagazine Before&Afterhasbeensharingitspracticalapproach tographicdesignsince1990.Becauseourmodernworld hasmadedesignersofusall(readyornot),Before& Afterisdedicatedtomakinggraphicdesignunderstandable,usefulandevenfunforeveryone. To pass along a free copy of this article to JohnMcWadePublisherandcreativedirector GayeMcWadeAssociatepublisher VincentPascual Staffdesigner DexterMarkAbelleraStaffdesigner others, click here Editorialboard GwenAmos,CarlWinther E-mailthisarticle Joinoure-list To be notiied by e-mail of new articles as they become available, go to Before&Aftermagazine 323LincolnStreet,Roseville,CA95678 Telephone916-784-3880 Fax916-784-3995 www Copyright©2005Before&Aftermagazine,ISSN 1049-0035.Allrightsreserved Youmaypassthisarticlearound,butyoumaynotalter it,andyoumaynotchargeforit.Youmayquotebrief sectionsforreview.Ifyoudothis,pleasecreditBefore &Aftermagazine,andletusknow.Tofeaturefree Before&AfterarticlesonyourWebsite,pleasecontact us.Forpermissiontoincludeallorpartofthisarticlein anotherwork,pleasecontactus 10 of 10 | Printing formats Peekaboobrochure 0602 Before&After ® i U X Before&Afterismadetoityourbinder Before & After articles are intended for permanent reference All are titled and numbered For the current table of contents, click here To save time and paper, a paper-saver format of this article, suitable for one- or two-sided printing, is provided on the following pages Forpresentationformat Print:(Specifypages1–10) Forpaper-saverformat Print:(Specifypages12–16) Print Format:Landscape PageSize:FittoPage Save Presentationformator Paper-saverformat Back | Paper-saver format Designa peekaboo brochure Transform a plain sheet of paper into an engaging brochure by offsetting the folds Continued Mickey Grove Park BIRDWATCHINGGUIDE2005 They’re also looking at you Mic Grokey Par ve k BIR D WA TC They HINGG ’re al so lo UIDE20 okin g at you One sheet of paper folded like an accordion makes a great brochure easily Narrow front panel (1) gives a peek at the inside, which opens into a beautiful presentation 0602 Peekaboobrochure Before&After| 1 of Peekaboobrochure 0602 Layout Once open, your design can ignore the folds Note here how the brochure has been designed in halves —the dark half is a narrative, and the light half is a listing Mickey Grove Park BIRDWATCHINGGUIDE2005 They’re also looking at you Darkhalf Lighthalf Type The halves of the page use the same two typefaces but in different sizes and line lengths On the left half, oversize, 15-pt type creates a richly textured introduction Sametypeface HiddenSanc Sametypeface xheight ovePark offers 12pt 15pt Thenarrativebeginsbeautifully withbothheadlineandsubhead inthesametypeface.Notethat thesubheadrunsinwiththetext. Thisattractivedetailrequires adjustment—san-seriftypeusually hasagreaterx-heightthanserif type,soitspointsizemustbe reduceduntilitlinesup(above) TheHiddenSanctuary MickeyGrovePark offers an abundant dio as enisisl ea conummy nos nostrud euissectem to en iustio dit aliqui euipsusting enndreril ut lorper iriliquam inci blandreet lobor sequi te dolore nor esteimagnim dip esse volobor ionsectet iriustrud tor volore molore tet luptatue molor autem doloibor illa adipis ette luv nor euipit Quam eugait iril ut wis torenulla consecte estrud elisit lum vulland onulputpatet veltor ea adiat, consequisis dolobor secte dunt aut velisl etum ilisl enisseniat Loreet dolessi Lor si et iure volor si Lori pero elisectem nis nonsid enim enim iril in eraia faci tat acilit praessisi ette lavoir me anor Duis nim nulpitem dignibh ex iu feuismo oreet, sed ti dionesequam in henim veraesenim quam, quis alit is veraestrud tem duis ate vel dolorerit venimi nos BirdWatchingGuide2005 Loreet, susto et laore minisi tet iustrud moloreros nulluptat Duisim alit augait vulla feummy nisi te elestrud modiam el etue magna core tem at Cover image Orper adip eu feuisisit elit, consed ea faciliq 1) Peckerwood Euguerilisi lorem el enit, quismolor sustio dolorer 2) Owl Magniam comole ismodol repercinisis ercil il dit, eteri 3) Dolessi Sectet volor sum vulla sed elisit lum anoir sis monsed me 4) Faccum Vullaore modolenim nonullaor sequati elli ciduisl iureet 5) Autpatum Oiep eu facilla facid dunt prit, cose consed deleniamet 6) Pateti Sit num esed tat estrud lore lessi commoddo duis esi ux si 7) Quisaut Volese delenim nonse vulluptat estte leiv enim iril anor 8) Annem Num esed tat lore esste commod tatisi lortisim ette sed tie For more information, please call Lodi Parks & Recreation at 209-367-1811 Quam eugait irl ut wis nulla consecte estrud elisit lum vulland onul 9) Nulle Volese delenim nonse vullup tatlor si et ea faci autem ea nos Aboveleft,thepanel-widthcolumnyieldsanarrative-stylelook, whileontheright,thenarrowlistinglookslikeadirectory 0602 Peekaboobrochure Before&After| 2 of Peekaboobrochure 0602 Template,onepeekaboo Legal-sizepage (14” x81⁄ 2”) Eightpanels(fourperside) Accordionfold One,half-inchreveal(panel1) 14” Mickey Grove Park BIRDWATCHINGGUIDE2005 They’re also looking at you 1⁄ 2” 1⁄ 8” 5⁄ 8” 5⁄ 8” 5⁄ 8” Twopeekaboos Three panel widths yield two peekaboos, which serve as a tiny table of contents Inside can be similar products as shown here or different products MOT 2005 BM ORC W YCLE www S bm K 1200 RS K 1200 S K 1200 RS K 1200 S 2005 BMW MOTORCYCLES w-m otorra d com Noonewillreallynotice thatit’sjustonesheetofpaper— itlooks andactslikemuchmore 0602 Peekaboobrochure Before&After| 3 of Peekaboobrochure 0602 Layout Repetition and scale are key to this handsome design—two motorcycles, two views each, two paragraphs of text, all the same size in the same place on both pages Givingthisbrochureitsunusually cleanappearanceareitshighcontrastsofscale — onemotorcycleis muchlargerthantheother.Sucha largedifferencehastwobeneits: Itestablishesaclearhierarchy,and itkeepstheimagesvisuallyapart— imagesoftoo-similarsizetendto ightforthereader’seye.Notethat thelargesideviewsarestraighton,detailedandmeanttobeexamined,whilethesmallviewsare angled,casualandmeanttobefelt. Thisisastorytellingcontrast Notethe alignment Therepetitiveformat—onepageexactlyliketheother— allowstheeyeto fallintoaneasy,page-by-pagerhythm.Thisisanexcellentwaytopresent smallquantitiesofsimilarproducts Legal-sizepage (14” x81 ⁄ 2”) Eightpanels(fourperside) Accordionfold Two,half-inchreveals(notepanels1and4) 14” K 1200 RS K 1200 S 2005 BMW MOTORCYCLES 1⁄ 2” 0602 Peekaboobrochure 3” 1⁄ 2” 1⁄ 2” 4” Before&After| 4 of Peekaboobrochure 0602 Articleresources 14 15 10g 10h Typefaces 10i 1c 1d 3a 12 10c 10j 10a 10k 1a 1b Colors 1(a–d)ITCMotterCorpus|a)30/28pt, b)10/12pt,c)28pt,d)12/18pt 12 C1M2Y5K0 2UtopiaSemibold|12pt 13 C5M15Y35K0 3(a–b)UtopiaRegular|a)15/18pt, b)10/13.5pt 14 C0M0Y100K70 4UtopiaItalic|10/13.5pt 15 C0M90Y100K5 10b 5UtopiaBlack|10/13.5pt 13 6HelveticaNeueLight|24/26pt 10d 3b 10e 10f 16 C6M5Y4K0 7HelveticaNeueHeavy|24/26pt 17 C29M22Y26K0 8HelveticaNeueBold|10/14pt 18 C0M0Y0K68 9HelveticaNeueLight|10/14pt 16 11b 11e 11a 6 Images 10(a–k) 11(a–e)BMWofNorthAmerica,LLC 17 18 11c 11d SubscribetoBefore&After Before&Aftermagazine Before&Afterhasbeensharingitspracticalapproach tographicdesignsince1990.Becauseourmodernworld hasmadedesignersofusall(readyornot),Before& Afterisdedicatedtomakinggraphicdesignunderstandable,usefulandevenfunforeveryone. Did you enjoy this article? Subscribe, and become a more capable, conident designer for pennies per article To learn more, go to To pass along a free copy of this article to JohnMcWadePublisherandcreativedirector GayeMcWadeAssociatepublisher VincentPascual Staffdesigner DexterMarkAbelleraStaffdesigner others, click here Editorialboard GwenAmos,CarlWinther E-mailthisarticle Before&Aftermagazine 323LincolnStreet,Roseville,CA95678 Telephone916-784-3880 Fax916-784-3995 www Joinoure-list To be notiied by e-mail of new articles as they become available, go to Copyright©2005Before&Aftermagazine,ISSN 1049-0035.Allrightsreserved Youmaypassthisarticlearound,butyoumaynotalter it,andyoumaynotchargeforit.Youmayquotebrief sectionsforreview.Ifyoudothis,pleasecreditBefore &Aftermagazine,andletusknow.Tofeaturefree Before&AfterarticlesonyourWebsite,pleasecontact us.Forpermissiontoincludeallorpartofthisarticlein anotherwork,pleasecontactus 0602 Peekaboobrochure Before&After| 5 of Peekaboobrochure 0602 ... Print:(Specifypages1–10) Forpaper-saverformat Print:(Specifypages12–16) Print Format:Landscape PageSize:FittoPage Save Presentationformator Paper-saverformat Back | Paper-saver format... GayeMcWadeAssociatepublisher VincentPascual Staffdesigner DexterMarkAbelleraStaffdesigner others, click here Editorialboard GwenAmos,CarlWinther E-mailthisarticle Before&Aftermagazine... JohnMcWadePublisherandcreativedirector GayeMcWadeAssociatepublisher VincentPascual Staffdesigner DexterMarkAbelleraStaffdesigner others, click here Editorialboard GwenAmos,CarlWinther