Before&After ® i U X Designa $10clock Pop off the hands, pop in your design, and snap it together Continued Continued Designa$10clock 0611 Before&After ® i U X Designa$10clock Withadesktopprinter,it’seasytotransformaniceordinaryclockinto averyniceone-of-a-kindclock Those battery-powered $10 clocks are light, accurate and easy to read They’re equally easy to take apart and redesign; just pop off the plastic faceplate and hands, pop in your design, and snap it back together This ease means you can make clocks for your ofice, for friends, for marketing messages and even to help you track time zones Surprise your clients by including a design-coordinated clock in your next presentation; it’s inexpensive and original Make a clock for every occasion! Ideas: 30° 6° Startbydividingacircle Toitaletter-sizesheet,you’llneedaclock face8inchesorless(besuretomeasure beforeyoubuy).Atabloidsheetcanprinta 10.5-inchclock.Clocknumbersare30degress apart,secondsare6degreesapart.Justdraw acircle,bisectitwithaline,androtatethe line.You’llplaceyournumbersbyeye of 11 Designa$10clock 0611 Before&After ® Design a $10 clock of 11 i U X Signatureclock • An artistic signature makes a beautiful clock • Make your signature big! Crop if necessary • Use numbers sparingly o g a p o g s a sp 12 ITALIANO ITALIANO Bebold!BeBIG! Makeyoursignatureagraphical element.Extendyourname“outside thelines”forartisticimpact. 70% Colorcontrastscreatedepth Makethemostofcolorcontrasts—in thiscaseblack,whiteandtwotintsof green.PutBIGelementsinlowcontrast,smallelementsinhighcontrast. Notehoweasilysmallblackandwhite numeralsshowupagainstmid-value green,whilethebigsignatureissoft of 11 Designa$10clock 0611 Before&After Design a $10 clock ® of 11 i U X Monogramclock • Everyone has initials! Make them beautiful • Simple dots mark the hours • Full name in matching typeface q S R Sally Quayle Rollins Realtor of the Year 2005 qR SqR S Softedge Hardedge Softenthecontrasts (Above,left)High-contrastblack&whiteamplifiesthehugeinitialsbutissomewhatstark.Tosoftenthelook,uselow-contrastcolors—colorswithasoftedge whenplacednexttoeachother.Silver(gray)andgoldconveyrichness of 11 Designa$10clock 0611 Before&After Design a $10 clock ® of 11 i U X Personalclock • Brighten any room! • Use a playful typeface! • Use clear, easy-to-read numbers 11 Susie’s clock DAD 10 12 s Susie’s clock Susie’s clock Swashyends Plainends Thick-thinstroke Whimsicalcurves Tightenandshift (Above)Reinforcetheplayfulcharacterofthelettersandcolorsby tighteningthespacingandshifting thelettersupanddown Single-widthstroke Regularcurves Usecontrastingtypefaces Aplain,boldtypefacemakesagoodcontrasttoalight,decorativeface,because everythingaboutitisdifferent. of 11 Designa$10clock 0611 Before&After Design a $10 clock ® of 11 i U X Photoclock • Fun! Great for a product, hobby, classroom • Paragraph of type adds instructional lavor • Small dots replace numbers Praying Mantis Stagomantis Carolina What is a Praying Mantis? The praying mantids, or praying mantises, are carnivorous insects that belong to the Mantidae family There are about 2,000 species of mantids The biggest praying mantises are the Tenodera and the Archimantis, which are six inches long! The smallest praying mantis is the Bolbe pygmaea, which is only 2/5 of an inch, or one-centimeter Unbelievably, some scientists agree the mantis is closely related to the cockroach The name “mantis” comes from the Greek word for ‘prophet’ or ‘soothsayer.’ The Carolina mantid is a common insect of Eastern United States The European and Chinese species were introduced to the Northeastern United States about 75 years ago as garden predators in hopes of overtaking the native pest population The Nature Store Disregard“whiskers” Createspacefortype Dividethespaceinhalfvertically,horizontallyordiagonally;imagegoeson oneside,textontheother.Whenyouhaveanimagewithoutastraightedge, gobyitsoverallmass,anddisregardany“whiskers.” of 11 Designa$10clock 0611 Before&After ® Design a $10 clock of 11 i U X Portraitclock • Makes a wonderful gift or memento • Black & white is minimal and high-tech • Hairlines mark the hours Christmas 2005 Naomi & Christina Cropwithintent—anddramatically! (Above,left)Inthissymmetricalcomposition,eachgirltakesupthe samespace;notehowthelineofsightintersectsthecenter.(Above,right) Ahighlyoff-centercompositioncreatesvisualtensionandinterest. of 11 Designa$10clock 0611 Before&After ® Design a $10 clock of 11 i U X Time-zoneclocks • Functional and a great reminder • Fun to personalize • Send to family and friends abroad 11 “DoesParishavecactuses? Ofcoursenot!Hurryupandcomehome!” —Melanie— SantaFe,NewMexico 10 New York 12 BrentJones,USMC Baghdad,Iraq Eighthoursforward Keepuptodate Issomeoneyoucareaboutonanextendedstayinadistantplace?Keepup todatewithside-by-sideclockssettoeachtimezone of 11 Designa$10clock 0611 Before&After Design a $10 clock ® of 11 i U X Articleresources 1a 1b o g a SqR p s 12 ITALIANO 13 14 Sally Quayle Rollins Realtor of the Year 2005 15 16 17 18 3a 3b 3c 3d 11 19 20 21 22 23 Susie’s clock DAD 10 12 Praying Mantis Stagomantis Carolina What is a Praying Mantis? The praying mantids, or praying mantises, are carnivorous insects that belong to the Mantidae family There are about 2,000 species of mantids The biggest praying mantises are the Tenodera and the Archimantis, which are six inches long! The smallest praying mantis is the Bolbe pygmaea, which is only 2/5 of an inch, or one-centimeter Unbelievably, some scientists agree the mantis is closely related to the cockroach The name “mantis” comes from the Greek word for ‘prophet’ or ‘soothsayer.’ The Carolina mantid is a common insect of Eastern United States The European and Chinese species were introduced to the Northeastern United States about 75 years ago as garden predators in hopes of overtaking the native pest population The Nature Store 1(a–b)GillSansLight|a)16pt,b)32pt 2P22Cezanne|365pt 3(a–d)TrajanPro|a)154pt,b)330pt, c)27pt,d)15/17pt 9a 24 14 C40M32Y80K0 15 C0M2Y4K10 16 C15M30Y55K0 5ZapfDingbats|23pt 6FuturaLight|22pt 17 C10M0Y45K40 18 C0M0Y0K100 9(a–b)UtopiaRegular|a)13pt, b)7/10pt 10UtopiaBold|11pt 19 C40M0Y100K0 20 C35M50Y0K0 21 C0M10Y100K0 10 11 9b 13 C50M40Y100K0 4FuturaMedium|40pt 8UtopiaItalic|12pt Colors 7GypsySwitch|175/140pt, Typefaces 22 C0M50Y5K0 Images 11PhotoDisc/ 23 C0M30Y100K0 24 C10M7Y24K0 12 of 11 Designa$10clock 0611 Before&After Design a $10 clock ® 10 of 11 i U X Articleresources Typefaces “DoesParishavecactuses? Ofcoursenot!Hurryupandcomehome!” —Melanie— SantaFe,NewMexico 8b Colors 1UtopiaBold|24/23pt 2UtopiaRegular|24/23pt 10 C0M93Y100K13 3Birch|25/23pt 4NeulandBlack|25pt 8a 11 C95M50Y0K0 5TrajanProBold|35pt 6(a–c)HelveticaNeueLightCond Christmas 2005 Naomi & Christina 12 C0M0Y0K55 a)36pt,b)36pt,c)14pt 11 8c 10 New York C12M22Y43K0 12 Images BrentJones,USMC 6a 6b 8(a–c)|a b c 10 11 Baghdad,Iraq Eighthoursforward 12 6c 10 of 11 Designa$10clock 0611 Before&After ® Design a $10 clock 11 of 11 SubscribetoBefore&After Did you enjoy this article? Subscribe, and become a more capable, conident designer for pennies per article To learn more, go to i U X Before&Aftermagazine Before&Afterhasbeensharingitspracticalapproach tographicdesignsince1990.Becauseourmodernworld hasmadedesignersofusall(readyornot),Before& Afterisdedicatedtomakinggraphicdesignunderstandable,usefulandevenfunforeveryone. To pass along a free copy of this article to JohnMcWadePublisherandcreativedirector GayeMcWadeAssociatepublisher VincentPascual Staffdesigner DexterMarkAbelleraStaffdesigner others, click here Editorialboard GwenAmos,CarlWinther E-mailthisarticle Joinoure-list To be notiied by e-mail of new articles as they become available, go to Before&Aftermagazine 323LincolnStreet,Roseville,CA95678 Telephone916-784-3880 Fax916-784-3995 www Copyright©2005Before&Aftermagazine,ISSN 1049-0035.Allrightsreserved Youmaypassthisarticlearound,butyoumaynotalter it,andyoumaynotchargeforit.Youmayquotebrief sectionsforreview.Ifyoudothis,pleasecreditBefore &Aftermagazine,andletusknow.Tofeaturefree Before&AfterarticlesonyourWebsite,pleasecontact us.Forpermissiontoincludeallorpartofthisarticlein anotherwork,pleasecontactus 11 of 11 | Printing formats Designa$10clock 0611 Before&After ® i U X Before&Afterismadetoityourbinder Before & After articles are intended for permanent reference All are titled and numbered For the current table of contents, click here To save time and paper, a paper-saver format of this article, suitable for one- or two-sided printing, is provided on the following pages Forpresentationformat Print:(Specifypages1–11) Forpaper-saverformat Print:(Specifypages13–18) Print Format:Landscape PageSize:FittoPage Save Presentationformator Paper-saverformat Back | Paper-saver format Designa $10clock Pop off the hands, pop in your design, and snap it together Those battery-powered $10 clocks are light, accurate and easy to read They’re equally easy to take apart and redesign; just pop off the plastic faceplate and hands, pop in your design, and snap it back together This ease means you can make clocks for your ofice, for friends, for marketing messages and even to help you track time zones Surprise your clients by including a design-coordinated clock in your next presentation; it’s inexpensive and original Make a clock for every occasion! Ideas: 30° 6° 0611 Designa$10clock Startbydividingacircle Toitaletter-sizesheet,you’llneedaclock face8inchesorless(besuretomeasure beforeyoubuy).Atabloidsheetcanprinta 10.5-inchclock.Clocknumbersare30degress apart,secondsare6degreesapart.Justdraw acircle,bisectitwithaline,androtatethe line.You’llplaceyournumbersbyeye Before&After| 1 of Designa$10clock 0611 Signatureclock • An artistic signature makes a beautiful clock • Make your signature big! Crop if necessary • Use numbers sparingly o g a p o s ag sp 12 ITALIANO ITALIANO Bebold!BeBIG! Makeyoursignatureagraphical element.Extendyourname“outside thelines”forartisticimpact. 70% Colorcontrastscreatedepth Makethemostofcolorcontrasts—in thiscaseblack,whiteandtwotintsof green.PutBIGelementsinlowcontrast,smallelementsinhighcontrast. Notehoweasilysmallblackandwhite numeralsshowupagainstmid-value green,whilethebigsignatureissoft Monogramclock • Everyone has initials! Make them beautiful • Simple dots mark the hours • Full name in matching typeface qR S Sally Quayle Rollins Realtor of the Year 2005 0611 Designa$10clock qR SqR S Hardedge Softedge Softenthecontrasts (Above,left)High-contrastblack&whiteamplifiesthehugeinitialsbutissomewhatstark.Tosoftenthelook,uselow-contrastcolors—colorswithasoftedge whenplacednexttoeachother.Silver(gray)andgoldconveyrichness Before&After| 2 of Designa$10clock 0611 Personalclock • Brighten any room! • Use a playful typeface! • Use clear, easy-to-read numbers 11 Susie’s clock DAD 10 12 Susie’s clock Susie’s clock Tightenandshift (Above)Reinforcetheplayfulcharacterofthelettersandcolorsby tighteningthespacingandshifting thelettersupanddown s Swashyends Plainends Thick-thinstroke Whimsicalcurves Single-widthstroke Regularcurves Usecontrastingtypefaces Aplain,boldtypefacemakesagood contrasttoalight,decorativeface,because everythingaboutitisdifferent. Photoclock • Fun! Great for a product, hobby, classroom • Paragraph of type adds instructional lavor • Small dots replace numbers Praying Mantis Stagomantis Carolina What is a Praying Mantis? The praying mantids, or praying mantises, are carnivorous insects that belong to the Mantidae family There are about 2,000 species of mantids The biggest praying mantises are the Tenodera and the Archimantis, which are six inches long! The smallest praying mantis is the Bolbe pygmaea, which is only 2/5 of an inch, or one-centimeter Unbelievably, some scientists agree the mantis is closely related to the cockroach The name “mantis” comes from the Greek word for ‘prophet’ or ‘soothsayer.’ The Carolina mantid is a common insect of Eastern United States The European and Chinese species were introduced to the Northeastern United States about 75 years ago as garden predators in hopes of overtaking the native pest population 0611 Designa$10clock The Nature Store Disregard“whiskers” Createspacefortype Dividethespaceinhalfvertically,horizontallyordiagonally;imagegoeson oneside,textontheother.Whenyouhaveanimagewithoutastraightedge, gobyitsoverallmass,anddisregardany“whiskers.” Before&After| 3 of Designa$10clock 0611 Portraitclock • Makes a wonderful gift or memento • Black & white is minimal and high-tech • Hairlines mark the hours Cropwithintent—anddramatically! (Above,left)Inthissymmetricalcomposition,eachgirltakesupthe samespace;notehowthelineofsightintersectsthecenter.(Above,right) Ahighlyoff-centercompositioncreatesvisualtensionandinterest. Christmas 2005 Naomi & Christina Time-zoneclocks • Functional and a great reminder • Fun to personalize • Send to family and friends abroad 11 “DoesParishavecactuses? Ofcoursenot!Hurryupandcomehome!” —Melanie— SantaFe,NewMexico 10 New York 12 BrentJones,USMC Baghdad,Iraq Eighthoursforward Keepuptodate Issomeoneyoucareaboutonanextendedstayinadistantplace?Keepup todatewithside-by-sideclockssettoeachtimezone 0611 Designa$10clock Before&After| 4 of Designa$10clock 0611 Articleresources 1a 1b o g a sp SqR 14 1(a–b)GillSansLight|a)16pt,b)32pt 16 ITALIANO 13 Typefaces 15 12 2P22Cezanne|365pt 17 3(a–d)TrajanPro|a)154pt,b)330pt, c)27pt,d)15/17pt 18 3a 3b 3c 3d Sally Quayle Rollins Realtor of the Year 2005 19 20 21 22 12 11 Susie’s clock DAD 10 Praying Mantis 23 11 9b 14 C40M32Y80K0 15 C0M2Y4K10 16 C15M30Y55K0 17 C10M0Y45K40 18 C0M0Y0K100 19 C40M0Y100K0 20 C35M50Y0K0 21 C0M10Y100K0 Images 11PhotoDisc/ 24 10UtopiaBold|11pt 10 What is a Praying Mantis? The praying mantids, or praying mantises, are carnivorous insects that belong to the Mantidae family There are about 2,000 species of mantids The biggest praying mantises are the Tenodera and the Archimantis, which are six inches long! The smallest praying mantis is the Bolbe pygmaea, which is only 2/5 of an inch, or one-centimeter Unbelievably, some scientists agree the mantis is closely related to the cockroach The name “mantis” comes from the Greek word for ‘prophet’ or ‘soothsayer.’ The Carolina mantid is a common insect of Eastern United States The European and Chinese species were introduced to the Northeastern United States about 75 years ago as garden predators in hopes of overtaking the native pest population 9a The Nature Store Stagomantis Carolina 6FuturaLight|22pt 9(a–b)UtopiaRegular|a)13pt, b)7/10pt 5ZapfDingbats|23pt 8UtopiaItalic|12pt 13 C50M40Y100K0 4FuturaMedium|40pt 7GypsySwitch|175/140pt, Colors 22 C0M50Y5K0 23 C0M30Y100K0 24 C10M7Y24K0 12 Articleresources Typefaces “DoesParishavecactuses? Ofcoursenot!Hurryupandcomehome!” —Melanie— 1UtopiaBold|24/23pt 2UtopiaRegular|24/23pt SantaFe,NewMexico 8b 3Birch|25/23pt 4NeulandBlack|25pt 8a 5TrajanProBold|35pt 6(a–c)HelveticaNeueLightCond Christmas 2005 Naomi & Christina C12M22Y43K0 10 C0M93Y100K13 11 C95M50Y0K0 12 C0M0Y0K55 a)36pt,b)36pt,c)14pt 11 8c 10 New York Colors 12 Images BrentJones,USMC 6a 6b 8(a–c)|a b c 9 10 11 Baghdad,Iraq Eighthoursforward 0611 Designa$10clock 12 6c Before&After| 5 of Designa$10clock 0611 SubscribetoBefore&After Before&Aftermagazine Before&Afterhasbeensharingitspracticalapproach tographicdesignsince1990.Becauseourmodernworld hasmadedesignersofusall(readyornot),Before& Afterisdedicatedtomakinggraphicdesignunderstandable,usefulandevenfunforeveryone. Did you enjoy this article? Subscribe, and become a more capable, conident designer for pennies per article To learn more, go to To pass along a free copy of this article to JohnMcWadePublisherandcreativedirector GayeMcWadeAssociatepublisher VincentPascual Staffdesigner DexterMarkAbelleraStaffdesigner others, click here Editorialboard GwenAmos,CarlWinther E-mailthisarticle Before&Aftermagazine 323LincolnStreet,Roseville,CA95678 Telephone916-784-3880 Fax916-784-3995 www Joinoure-list To be notiied by e-mail of new articles as they become available, go to Copyright©2005Before&Aftermagazine,ISSN 1049-0035.Allrightsreserved Youmaypassthisarticlearound,butyoumaynotalter it,andyoumaynotchargeforit.Youmayquotebrief sectionsforreview.Ifyoudothis,pleasecreditBefore &Aftermagazine,andletusknow.Tofeaturefree Before&AfterarticlesonyourWebsite,pleasecontact us.Forpermissiontoincludeallorpartofthisarticlein anotherwork,pleasecontactus 0611 Designa$10clock Before&After| 6 of Designa$10clock 0611 ... light, accurate and easy to read They’re equally easy to take apart and redesign; just pop off the plastic faceplate and hands, pop in your design, and snap it back together This ease means you can... are light, accurate and easy to read They’re equally easy to take apart and redesign; just pop off the plastic faceplate and hands, pop in your design, and snap it back together This ease means... Great for a product, hobby, classroom • Paragraph of type adds instructional lavor • Small dots replace numbers Praying Mantis Stagomantis Carolina What is a Praying Mantis? The praying mantids,