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Giao an anh 3 Lesson 1

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Song Lang Primary School Lesson Plan English 3.TGE Theme one: you and me. unit one: hello. Lesson one: Section A 1,2,3. I. Objectives: - Listening, greeting and introduce oneself II. Content: - Section A 1, 2 ,3 pages 10 - 12 III. Aids: - Lesson plan, books, color chalk, ruler . IV. Procedure. Teachers activities Students activities Content 1. Activity one: Look, listen and repeat. - Ask Ss to look at part one - (?) in Vietnamese ? How many Ss are there? ? Do you know what their names are? - Introduce the new words. - Introduce the Singapore: + Cộng hòa Singapore + Thủ đô: Singapore + Quốc khánh:9/8/1965 + Vị trí: Đông Nam á + Diện tích:682 km 2 + Dân số: 4,6 triệu (2003) + Dân tộc: Trung Hoa(76,4%), Malay(14,9%) ấn Độ(6,4%) khác(2,3%) + Ngôn ngữ: Malay, Anh + Tôn giáo: Đạo Phật, thiên chúa giáo. + Kinh tế: 1 trong những nớc phát triển nhất châu á - Read the dialogue - ? some Ss read again - Comment on 2. Activity two: Look and say - Guide Ss how to do. - Show at the pictures and ask (in Vietnamese): ? Who is this? ? Where is he/she from? - Ask Ss to do pair work - ? Some pairs read aloud - Open the book and look at - S1: There are four - S2: Yes , I do - Listen and read - Listen carefully. - Listen and repeat - others listen - Listen - Listen - Answer in Vietnamese - work in pairs - others listen unit one: hello. Lesson one: Section A 1,2,and 3. 1. Look, listen and repeat * New words - LiLi: - Alan: - Hi: - Hello: * Structures - I am Alan. - Im Alan 2. Look and say. p.11 - Ss book Teacher: Trơng Công Chức Phúc Thành-Vũ Th-Thái Bình 1 Week 1 Period 1 Song Lang Primary School – Lesson Plan – English 3.TGE - Comment on 3. Activity three: Let’s talk - Guide Ss how to do. - ? Ss talk ( use real names) - ? Some pairs go to the front and read - Comment on 4. Activity 4: Consolidation - Give an exercise and guide Ss how to do. - ? some go to the board and do - Correct and give right answer 5. Homework - Learn by heart new words and structures - Write each word for 4 lines - Listen - Listen - do pair works - others listen - Listen - Look and listen - others write on the hand board - Copy down - Listen and write 3. Let’s talk p. 11 – Ss’ book * Exercise: Circle odd one out: 1. Hello Mai Hi 2. Mai Hello LiLi 3. Nam Alan I 4. Mai Hi LiLi Key: 1. Mai 2. Hello 3. I 4. Hi unit one: hello. Lesson two: Section A 4, 5, 6 and 7 * Objectives: - Listening, greeting and introduce oneself * Content: - Section A 4, 5, 6, and 7 pages 12- 13 * Aids: - Lesson plan, books, color chalk, tape, ruler . * Procedure. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content 1. Activity one: Warm up - Call some pairs of Ss to go to the board, greet and introduce their names - remark and give marks 2. Activity two: listen and check • Pre-listening: - Show at each pictures and ask ( in Vietnames): + How many Ss are there in this picture? + What are their names? - Guide Ss how to listen • While-listening: - Play the tape for the first time - others listen and remark - listen carefully - listen and answer (in Vietnames) - There are . - His/ her name is - Listen carefully. - listen without ticking unit one: hello. Lesson two: Section A 4, 5, 6 and 7 4. Listen and check. page 12 – Ss’ book Typescript 1. A: Hello. I’m Alan. B : Hi, Alan. I’m Mai. 2. Hi. I’m Nam. Teacher: Tr¬ng C«ng Chøc –Phóc Thµnh-Vò Th-Th¸i B×nh 2 Period 2 Song Lang Primary School – Lesson Plan – English 3.TGE - play the tape for the second time - Ask some Ss to say the answer - correct and play the tape again • Post-listening - ask Ss to play role of the Ss in each picture - Comment on 3. Activity three: Say it right - ask Ss to look at the same letters in each word - guide Ss how to read these words and play the tape - ? some Ss read aloud - listen and comment on 4. Activity four: Let’s write - Guide Ss how to write - ? some pairs stand up and say - Ask Ss to write down 5. Activity five: Consolidation - guide Ss how to play - Devide class into some groups of four - Ask some groups to go - comment on and give marks 6. Homework - guide Ss how to do Ex 3, 4 Page 8 – workbook - listen and tick - others listen and remark - Listen carefully. - Some pairs go to the front and do - listen. - look at part 5 p. 12 - listen and repeat . - others listen - Listen and do pairwork - Others listen and remark - write down using their real names - listen - group work - listen and remark - Listen carefully - Key: 1. b 2. a 5. Say it right p.12 – Ss’ book + Hi Hello + I Hi - “H” in “Hi” is the same as “H” in “Hoa” (Vietnam) - “I” in “Hi” is the same as “ai” in “Mai” (Vietnam) 6. Let’s write Page. 13 – Ss’ book 1. I am _____ 2. Hello. I’m _____ 7. Let’s play Page. 13 – Ss’ book Teacher: Tr¬ng C«ng Chøc –Phóc Thµnh-Vò Th-Th¸i B×nh 3 . hello. Lesson one: Section A 1, 2,and 3. 1. Look, listen and repeat * New words - LiLi: - Alan: - Hi: - Hello: * Structures - I am Alan. - Im Alan 2. Look and. and say. p .11 - Ss book Teacher: Trơng Công Chức Phúc Thành-Vũ Th-Thái Bình 1 Week 1 Period 1 Song Lang Primary School – Lesson Plan – English 3. TGE - Comment

Ngày đăng: 13/09/2013, 12:11

Xem thêm: Giao an anh 3 Lesson 1

