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Trang 2Noomi Simmons
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Cwer artworkby: Christos Skaltsas.
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Trang 4Storter HeLLo!
Unit I Whot coLour is it?
Unit 2 Whot's this?
Unit 3 Is it o plone?
Review 1
Unit 4 This is mg mum!
Unit 5 He's hoppu!
Unit 5 Theg're beors!
Review 2
Unit 7 Are theg teochers?
Unit 8 I've got o shirt!
56 62 68 70
Trang 51 Look ond troce.
Trang 61 Look ond motch.
Whot's your name? l'm Storter
Trang 72 Troce ond write the letter Aa.
Trang 8I Troce ond write the number.
Trang 92 Troce ond write the tetter Bb.
3 Troce the tetters on the words.
Trang 11I Troce ond colour.
f8 g#
2 Point ond sog /;;)
red, green, blue, block, white
Trang 121 Colour the odd-one-out.
2 Pointondsou G
Whot colour is it? lt's blue Unit I
Trang 14ass@ &Mr ffi #r$
Trang 152 Troce ond write the tetter Dd.
3 Troce the tetters on the words.
Dd - dog, duck
Trang 16,Q
2 Point ond sog.
Consolidotion: Whot colour is it? lt's blue Unit I
Trang 17e, i iltt {r Itit i ri
Trang 18I Colour the shopes with o dot.
2 Point ond sog.
Unit 2
Trang 19I Troce.
Trang 20I Troce ond write the number.
Trang 212 Troce ond write the tetter Ff.
3 Troce the tetters on the words.
Ff - fish, form
Trang 22I Look ond motch.
F qBe _
Consolidotion: Whot's this? lt's o desk lt's blue Unit 2
2 Cotour the pictures ond sog.
Trang 231 Look ond troce.
Trang 24I Comptete the pictures.
\ -,
o *,1 J-,t rr i
-r - \\
2 Point ond sog.
ls it o balloon? Yel it rs No, it isn't Unit 3
Trang 253 Troce the letters on the words.
Trang 26I Troce ond write the number.
2 Count ond write the number 247
3 Colour the numbers 7 ond 8.
Trang 27ta:
-& &, .&
2 Troce the letters on the words.
Trang 281 Look ond connect.
Consolidotion: Is it a balloon? Yes, it i.s No, it isn't Unit 3
2 Point ond sog.
Trang 292 Point qnd sog.
Review I - Words ond grommor
Trang 30e&
4 Point ond sog /j,:,i)
Review I - Sounds ond letfers
Trang 31Lesson ne
1 Connect ond troce.
2 Reod the words.
Unit 4 mum, dod, brother, sister, grondpo, grondrno
Trang 32I Look ond sog Then copg the words.
grondmo mum
grondPo dod
2 Point ond sog.
This is my rnum Unit 4
Trang 331 Troce.
3 Troce the letters on the words.
ui, ce i,n o ug.
Kk L[ N4nru Nru
Trang 34I Troce ond write the number.
Numbers: 9, IO
Trang 351 Troce ond write the letters Kk ond Ll.
-2 Troce the tetters on the words.
oty i,s o ongaroo.
She hos got o eU.
Trang 36I Look, troce ond write.
mum dod brother slster g rondmo g rondpo
2 Reod the sentences.
Consolidofion: This is my mum Unit 4
Trang 37I Troce the correct word.
2 Reod the words.
Unit 5 hoppy,sod, hungry thirsty, hot, cold
Trang 38I Look ond sou Then copg the words.
He's hoppy She's thirsty Unit 5
Motch the opposites.
ho pPU F* re*
Trang 393 Troce the tetters on the words.
A l]"i.on e ots
o r'1'"on9 o.
Trang 40Troce ond write the number.
Trang 411 Write the tetters Nn ond Oo.
This [s rny ffi.eck.
This Is rnU y?ose.
Trang 42Look, trqce ond write H e's S he's
Reod the sentences.
Consotidoti on: He's hoppy.She's hungry Unir 5
Trang 431 Trqce the correct word.
2 Reod the words.
Unit 6 bird, bean hippo, uocodile, tiger
Trang 44I Look ond sog Then copg the words.
Trang 45I Troce.
3 Troce the letters on the words.
Trang 46I Troce ond write the number.
Trang 472 Troce the tetters on the words.
Look of the l,'"o[nbo\M.
Look of the r [ver.
The ii ueen hos got o r lu[[t.
N4nru Nru
Unit 6 Qg - gueen, quilt; Rr - river" rsinbow
Trang 481 Look, troce ond write.
birds beors hippos crocodiles tlgers
2 Point ond sog.
Consolidotion: What are they? They're birds tlnit 6
Trang 491 Look ond write Then reod the sentences.
tlgers sad stster thirstg
This [s mU
mum g rondpa hoppu hot beors birds
Review 2 -Words ond grommor
Trang 503 Circle the word thot begins with the some letter.
ev! a
Lion flver noSe
?anda mon
Trang 51if i t:iril:i: Si':iir,i
walter builder pupil" teocher vet
Unit 7 pupil, teocher, vet, woiten builder
Trang 521 Circle the correct onswer.
Are theu woiters?
No, theg oren't.
Are theg vets?
Yes, theg ore No, the g aren't.
Are theg teochers?
Yes, theu ore No, theg aren't.
Are theg pupits?
Yes, theu ore No, theg aren't.
Are theg buiLders?
Yes, theu ore No, theg aren't.
Are they waiters? Yes, they ore No, they oren't Unit 7
2 Point ond sog.
Trang 53essofi ree
50 ck
3 Write the letters on the words.
The on
Trang 54I Troce ond write the number.
Trang 551 Troce ond write the letters Tt ond lJu.
Trang 561 Look ond write.
Are theg builders?
2 Reod the sentences.
Yes, they ore No, theg o.ren't.
Are theg buiLders?
Are theg teochers?
Consolidotion: Are they teachers? Yes, they ore No, fhey oren't Unit 7
Are theg pupiLs?
Trang 57hqt shlrt belt jumper jocket
Trang 58I Circte qnd comptete the sentences.
l've got o hot Unit 8
Point ond sog.
Trang 60I Troce qnd write the number.
Trang 611 Troce ond write the tetters Ww ond Xx.
2 Write the correct tetters on the words.
Trang 621 Circle the words Write the sentences.
I'v eg otob e It I'v e g o t o j o c k e t
I'v e g o t o h o t I'v e g o t o s h I r t
2 Reod the sentences.
Consolidotion: I've got o jocket Unit 8
Trang 631 Whot's next? Look, drow ond write.
rolslns plum crlsps coke milkshoke
Trang 641 Reod qnd drow O @
r I Like pLums.
3 I don't tike roisins O 4I Like mitkshokes O
s I don't tike mongos O 6I don't like opples O
Motch the sentences obove to the pictures Write the numbers.
z I like co kes.
I like raisins I don't like crisps.
Trang 66I Troce ond write the number.
Trang 67Ss llt Uu V
Ww v7 )lut J zz
Unit 9 Zz - zebra, zoo
Trang 68I Look ond write.
Trang 691 Circte the words Write the sentences.
2 Reod the sentences.
Trang 70Circle the words with the sqme beginning sound.
towel wo[L
z up viotin Uo-go umbrelto
3 vose zebro zoo tu rtle
s violin vose turtle sofo
Trang 71Troce ond copg.
Trang 74mitg and mds is a seven-level primary series which
o ns teachers an armazing package of integrated print and
digitaN resoirrces lt combines a uniqule phonics prograrnrne,
exeeptioma!!y strong skills training and a fast-Baeed Nangurage
sy!labus wittr eornprehensive testing material amd eivie
eduqation to create the best course for learning English.
rnitg and ends Stsrfer is s moti\roting counse thut ie ktg
tskes lesrners from necognising ond trocing Letters to
reoding snd writing simBLe sentences rvith con dence.
It ers:
& A con uU"g groded reodinE mnd writing syttobuls
o Stong roLe-p|.aging, songs, chants snd stickers
' Fhotocopg tr\Aosters Book
Testimg ond Evs[uotion Book
a O ord iTooLs - BiEito! Ctoss Resoulrees
I S BN 978-0-1 9-481 320-4