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Family and friends 4 workbook

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Đăng Nhập | Đăng Ký Family Friends là bộ giáo trình tiếng Anh Tiểu học gồm ba cấp độ thiết kế đáp ứng khung chương trình tiếng Anh 4 tiếttuần của Bộ Giáo Dục – Đào Tạo Việt Nam.Giáo trình được thiết kế đặc biệt có tính liên thông với giáo trình Solutions được dùng ở bậc Phổ thông cấp 2 và cấp 3.Giáo trình được chọn và sử dụng trong hệ thống giáo dục Tiểu học theo Hướng dẫn Thực hiện nhiệm vụ số 4919BGDĐTGDTH ngày 1782010 của Bộ Giáo Dục – Đào Tạo Việt Nam.Giáo trình tập trung luyện 4 kỹ năng và cung cấp một nguồn tài liệu dồi dào cho các hoạt động trong lớp học thông qua tài liệu Photocopy Masters Book.Cung cấp chương trình luyện phát âm độc đáo.Cung cấp các bài kiểm tra mẫu theo các kỳ thi Cambridge Young Learners: Starters, Movers, Flyers.Bài học đạo đức nhẹ nhàng giúp học sinh phát triển các kỹ năng trong cuộc sống.

Noomi Simmons oxroRD \.INIVERSITY PRESS oxroRD LiNIVEITSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6Dp Oxford Unlversity Press is a department ofthe University ofOxford It furthers the University's objective ofexcellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown Dares Salaam Hongl(ong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Poltugal Singapore SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam oxrono and oxloRD ENGLTsH ale reglstered trade marks of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries o Oxford University Press zoto The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted Database dght Oxford University Press (maker) First published zoro 2015 2014 2013 2072 2011 109876s43 No unauthorized photocopying A1l dghts reserved No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a letrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing ofOxford Unlversity Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the applopriate reprographics rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope ofthe above should be sent to the ELT Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You nust not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you nust impose this same conditlon on any accluirer' Any websites referred to in this publication are in the public domain and their addlesses are provided by Oxford University Pless for information on1y Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility for the content rsBN: 978 o 19 480272 Printed in China This book is printed on paper from certified and well-managed sources ACI(NOWIEDGEMI NTS Illustrationsby: Adrian Barclay/Beehive Illustration pp.5, 9, 15, 21, 22 (Lesson Ex1), 29, 30 (Lesson Ex1), 35, 36 (Lesson 3Exz),47,42 (Lesson Ex1, Ex2), 49, 50 (Lesson Ex1), 55, 56, 61, 62, 69,75, 81,82 (Lesson Ex1), 89, 90, 95, 96 (LessoD Ex1), 101, 102 (Lesson Ex1); IGthy Baxendale pp.57, 58, 71; Simon Clare pp.11., 76,22 (Lesson Ex1), 30 (Lesson Ex2), 36 (Lesson Ex1, Ex2),42 (Lesson Ex1),47 (Exs), s0 (Lesson Ex1), 67 (Exs), 76 (Lesson Ex1), 82 (Lesson Ex1), 87 (8x5, Ex6), 91, 96 (Lesson Ex1), 102 (Lesson Ex1), 107 (Ex4); Steve Cox pp.43,44,45,78,1.03,'104,105; Liborio Daniele Festa/Beehive Illustration pp.23,31.,32,33, 53; Paul Gibbs pp.24,37,38, 39, 63, 64,72,97 , 98, 99: Andrew Hennessey pp.4, 6, 7, 8, 1,4, (Ex1), 20, 26 (Review banner), 27 (Review banner), 28, 34, 40, 46 (Review banner), 47 (Review banner), 48,51,54,60, 66 (Review banner), 67 (Review banner), 68, 74, 76 (Lesson Exz), 80, 83 (Ex1), 84, 86 (Review banner), 87 (Review banner), 88, 94, 100, 106 (Review banner), 107 (Review banner), 108; Bdan Lee pp.77,79: Caios Pearce/Advocate pp.17 (Ex3), 18, 19, 52; Andy Robb/Beehive Illustration pp.12, 13,26 (Ex1), 27 (Ex4,Exsl,46 (Ex1),66 (Ex2),86 (Exz), 106 Ex1); Cover illustration by: fames 'Ihe Publishers wouldlike to Elston thankthefollowingfor theirkindpetmtssionto reproduce photographs and other copyrightmateridl: Alamy p.11 (o Edward Parker/girl); @ Corbis p.77 (The Endurance); OUP p.83 (iStock/studiogi/fruit salad); Photolibrary.com pp.11 (Japan Travel Bureau/[B Photo), 92 (Stockbroker/ Monkey Business In-rages Ltd/fireman) Storter Unit 13 Unit 14 19 Unit 20 25 26 Unit 28 33 Unit 34 39 Unit 40 45 46 Unit 48 53 Unit 54 59 Unit 5o 55 66 Unit L0 68 73 Unit 11 74 79 Unit 12 8o 85 86 Unit 13 88 93 Unit 14 94 9g Unit 15 100 105 106 108 Lls 116 Lessom: I &xle Find ond circle the countries in red, the onimots in b[ue, the food in green ond the seosons in oronge Write four tists trytrru M trm trmw- c \r' u b o n s t r m t a f L e *ffic?.r- e z e b r o F t' @mF +,*q- r t z o r d s U m m e r L I c u c U m b W @ee6@ @effi"' @@ffi @6 @w trffi , p\ "$* ffie s#"{ '' ' trWtr %ory cry tr' C,nu*'ltri*s "-"""''r o * ,r*-'-'" *'""' c o d s t r a L \s \, m e\ \s ,p e o o p o o u t S t I n t U b d o m "o: ''* f c I n p r n I e r x pt' L e ,f e h J Seosons Fpod !l t'l -.-.-' -"- -.-. -",o1 !J .'*' *.*,,.,,-', -.' - ',.**-"/ Circle the odd one out Write o sentence with the circled word L mountain /oceon /ffilqg_ffy woterfoLt wider / concert / higher /deeper helicopter friendLg / clever / worried heovg / bridge / Light / hord 5 re actor / motorbike /taxi / museum / poth /flowers stsrten / shout Bock tergether! / gross o *; &&e_{s&$S_p&$jqS_Wel}_{}}t{_S$*3sr s, $-essCIm Ywo Reod ond underline the odjectives Mg nome's Koren I'm nine ond I've got usuoLLg friendLg, !,9119, hoir I'm but I'm sometimes shg I Like ploging chess ond drowing prettg pictures Mg dod is toLL ond hondsome He's olso kind ond generous He Likes reoding funng books ond Listening to old music MU mum is olwogs cheerful She is verg clever ond weors beoutifuL cLothes Write obout gou ond someone else from Uour fomitg kind heerfuL beoutifuL fumny ne e Me Mg nome's : Write I :i 0n Lmxed generous prettg hcndsorxe Mg His/Her nome's SOme Mum Whot would gou Like for breokfost? WouLd gou Like $#rfi.# toost? Bog IU Like cereoL ond bonono, pLeose GirL I'd Like a and €99,t breod peor, pLeose Mum Then Uou get' pLotes, bowl ond spoon ond opron, pleose! Describing my fomily Storter ffi Lesson Three 3, Look of the tobl.e Answer the questions go I portE go I ciner.no v-isjt-l,.surtf / hor*.rework mnke / Kotie Cormen ond Stuort mornrng evening Whot is Kotie going to tomorrow morning? la*'s g:tr3g*iq_jatsj! &ef_rygnf Whot is she going to tomorrow evening? Whot ore Cormen ond Stuort goingto tomorrow morning? Whot ore theg going to tomorrow evening? Whot is Bobbg going to tomorrow morning? Whot is he going to tomorrow evening? Find the words thot rhgme Write sound tou shcrk do"wir- oil horse pow brown cLown bou Rou fork sport fott boLL Storter Whot d*wru is he going fo do? house toLL cloud coin soil strow Uown pork farm eske WLaV lvoLLegboLL Bobbg L *&m,,Fou,r I Motch the times with the clocks 17121 *D o lt's quorter post two d It's ten to six b It's e five to eight It's hoLf post four c It's twentg to three I It's twentg-five post nine Drow or write the time :;.: I l:: ri r rI i Ii a l: r i i ' Y7211 i:l':lrll.ilrl:r:lri:r::i g-s 18 - | ro2 ' q@6* It's five post two ro- g rL1_12- ffi"&'x u -9 -3, B4 9C.3 84 + lf'r t/1\tnn rL ] frarnnfir {.rJ Jt:vElr" LVVgii,i"rJ Fn Y72: 77 702 903 B4 84 It's hoLf post eight r72LL7 702 9c.3 84 It's twentg-five post ten :/ tto \ \ 9b-3 ^\& t\ Y 721 71 ro2 903 B4 It's quorter to twelve rr5 Ten po5T ffi nrne Srorrer ffi ffi *l i /,i l ll Lessora &mc Wdqere*s Reod the sentences ond number the picture L This mon tokes gour order The clothes thot woiters weor This womon brings Uourfood You eot soup from this You pour woter into this These people eot of the restouront You reod this to choose Uour food Coffee comes in this Woter comes in this 1-0 You eot Uour soLod from this Write I DC)ttLe curst*rv:en hcwl ur:ifer.m*' w,rmit*r ,l m*r"x{l u_ w,rr:itness wcitress eup cLrp gLcss g!"css pt*te plute f.f -_-,-J I i s # ,$ Mu porents hove got o restouront ond theg both weor green r-rry]fq1rryg Mg mum is the ond m g dad is the $ ; d T $ reollg like the food Theg Look ot the whot to order Theg hove o fg s ond decide ,f soup or o of posto Theg usuoL[g order o of iuice or o e , usuollg hove o 10 re umir '3 Tkc resrouror.rr of woter Afier dinner, the odults of coffee &-ersam Y,wo ffirmmrmmr Write, using the present simple ond present continuous @ clo'ror rime poee lo8 Woitress You come here everg week You usuoLLU t _S_qi (eot) posto ond solod (eot) sondwiches ond coke But todoU Uou Gir[ Yes, thot's right (drink) woter with Uour (drink) oronge juice Woitress And gou olwogs meol Now gouo Gir[ Yes Woitress And gou usuoLLU u ,,_ (weor) trousers ond o (weor) o prettg dress T-shirt TodoU Uou Woitress And gou normollg (sit) ot thot smoll toble bg the window But todog GirL Uou t (sit) of the biggest tobLe in the restouront Let me guess Is it Uour birthdoy todog? Yes, it is I'm ten todog! Woitress Hoppg birthdog! Reod ogoin Write the sentences Usuo[[g Todog (eot) (drink) (weor) a (sit) 5*h.s ls *mi"in* s*endwi.ek*s mrud r*k*" (!rn J!t( ilirlrri'qr 'JV{iA; J {.-}rl {(;',-r'"3i}{*" rtr! } frmfl ull!i,, n ! f*iffl s 1:ii-!!l! Look of the pictures ond write i Horrg is itL todog _r{u us:r#l[,r l,lelus jr:rr{"i";r:li ffiul Li:cir.;y ne's Pnesent simple ond pnesenf comtinuous L'NII I rc T Unit t Fresepx& s$rmp&e wmd px,exem* cmm*Xmax&&xs I ptogfootboLt ofter school I'm ploging JootboLt right now You're on the bus You to school You go to school bg b,us she mogozines of the weekend she's reoding o bookfor school & Write L We usuollg plc; JootboLl on Wednesdogs but we You never oronge JUtce I must toke on umbreLLo, it X vo[LegboLL Rewrite the sentences, using the correct time morker L She pLogs tennis on Sundogs (oLwogs / now) ,$h*l *l1v*g;s pi*E:* Theg're cooking dinner (sometimes / right now) todog lrrr;l: *r Silr:***s We go to restouronts (rorelg /todog) Unit Fms* sXmp&e; $xmxre, &e mmd regax&mr nrerbs r write r_11 I ilxd o good dog todog At school, I hord At breok time, I tennis with Hosson It4 fun! At Lunchtime I s mg sondwiches outside After breok, we o new project in geogrophg, oLt obout the Arctic Choose the correct time morker It is Sunday, 22nd February 2009 at 4pm L Wednesdag,LTth Februorg ZOO? i*"sl ur**k Soturdog,21"st Februorg 2OOg Soturdog,2lst Februorg 2OO9 of10pm Sth Februorg2OOg ffi ry Crommor Time Unit Pms& x&nrp&ee vw&&&a megm&Xwes wenttothe portg.I 1;.'-,1': You She nrode her bed, but he ; his bed We reod o book together, but they tothe portg didn't reod o book together Rewrite the sentences in the negotive L I heord the music i r:lt,j:-i't h**r i:I* rn*lir We sow o robot She bought o model Pos* x&mxp&c; w6tk &&xe$*&ems I went to the museum gesterdog He sil6i o street festivol Theg wrote letters to Lost Did gou go to:o museum gesterdog? night Whot did he see of the Jestivol? friends Which Jriends Write the questions Whot / theg / oboutthe concert? i theg to? i:r ; r': ;- l, ri :' Theg thought it wos greot / she /ot the partgT Whot / gou / ot the coJe? Whot Unit She wore o Long red dress I bought noodles ond chiLLi Fossess$nre p$'emee.xe?$ Reod ond circle Thot's mg jocket, It's Whose teom won? Your teom won Whose teom won? Are these her troiners? Are these It isn't It isn't his his tennis rocket L Are these 'his,,/ ours troiners? This isn't their / theirs footboLL Whose jocket is thot? *:.irl* troiners ? Thot's our trophg The trophg is This isn't their rucksock This rucksock isn't theirs It's mg /mine The trophg is our f ours Adwsrbs X slow ,,.", quiet hoppu hcppilg corefuL good weL[ fost fost Order the words Use odverbs did / / Adom / his homework , works plog / / Chorlie / /in LouraonJ (corefuL) " i";, , schooL (good) *ono / /togetner (hoppg) Crammcr Time * ffi itT.ffi Unit $amwe fo I fo fxmd I'm going to be Lote 5orrg, I hove to go He's of the red light He hos to now stop, We fo,rgot th,e rnop: We hod to bug another one She'hod to stog lote,, becouse she didn't her homework & Write L We're Lost We h*r,* t* reod the mop I wos of the theotre eor[9, so i We ore going to pLog bosketbotl We f ery$xg woit weor troiners &ecm*Nse Whg oren't gou weori,ng gour u,niform? Becouse we went'on.o school trip todog X motch whg ore theg Lot=l tr o Becouse he forgot his umbrello - -: Iffi;::n:,?."thepork?[-r :::::::lHi:ffil o,t,a Unit eompmro&iwes mmd saxper&mtlwes with &omg mdject*wes Write Tolking on the telephone is rfl*r€ *t*drrn thon sending o tetter, but sending on emoil wog to communicote these dogs (modern) ts A robbit is thon o frogbut o porrot (beo utifu is Irregrx&mr c@mperfftiwes mmd $Mper&st$xres Write ATVis hcttsr th*n Thunder is Acoris Gromrn*r Tirne o rodio but o computer is thon roin, but snow is thon o bike but o ptone is (9ood) (bod) (good) L) Unit Yk* The weother $ax*axx-e wX*k w$&& wi[[ get hotter in the future There rdiil be more peopLe on Eorth ChiLdren won't go to schooL in 200 geors'time Wi[t we trovel more? Yes;we wi[t gou be o pilot in the future? No, I won't WiLl we troveI in cors in 200 Ueors'time? No, we Write i\tiii we hove hoLidogs in spoce in theJuture? Astronouts soon visit other plonets Schools in the Juture be the some os schools now Theg wiLL chonge Choose the correct time morker It is Saturday, 2Lst Februarg 2009 L Sundog,22nd Februorg2009 ii Mondo g, 23rd Februarg 2OO9 Soturdog, 2Lst Februorg 2010 ffiNpressXmS qexem*X&S Reod ond circle Howr"mong:/ much oronges wouLd gou Like? How much s@m?a / / mong Luggoge hove gou got? Mg friend Donng hosn't got much / mong moneg 5he stiL[ hos lots of / much time beJore school storts s$?$ Hove gou got ong newspopers? We hovenlt got ong newspopers, but we've got some mogozines " - , Soturdo g, ZlstMorch 2009 Unit It is 4pm Write sentences l)se some or ong L He's got / magazines l"{r's *1*l ,Hove gou got ohg butter? We hoven't got cng butter, we've onl'g got some jom ru .} rit,i i, Is there / sun creom? Hove gou got / postries? 6rarxmsr Time Unit Xxx$$mit&xre o$ pxxrpose I turned,on:t,he TV to wotch o coirtoo,n We go to school to leorn'orbo,ut,,the world I write e heck u nelerstm nd Listen L She uses her mobile phone l* I*F"* photos Theg turned on the rodio He is Leorning English Theg use o dictionorg to some music English films their spelling Hs*ry mj*enfi X Answer the questions I brush m'g teeth everg dog L visits her grondmo twice o month Theg never eot noodles lO ride o bike? wotch o fiLm? drive a car? We go to the beoch once s Ueor Unit theg ore true for gou How often gou He uses o computer three times o week She so Freserx& per$ee* wf$CIrmm*frxre a - & log on finish L The room looks greotl 5he 's lldi** it 2I mg homework Con I go out now? You use the computer now I Jor gou write | ,tidg' Look, Mum, PLit I I oL[ mg books on the shelves Fresemt perfe€t meset&we$? W&*e$t&sms emd shCIrt &m$wer$ I hoven't seen Uour computer Hove gou se€n our computer? Yes, I hove f No, I hcven't she hosntt done her homework Theg hoveh't finished the test Hos s,he done her hsmewo,rk? yes, qfug, hms f:No;rshe,hosnft theg finished the test? Yes,rtheg hove; 7- No,tt X write Andg Con I wotch TV now, Dod? Dod H*vr gou Jinishr*i oLL gour homework? Andg Yes, I ond I3 o[L mg books owog o Dod offthe computer? Uo, s Andg No, I Jone her homework Dod OK then You wotch TV until bedtime Grsmmror T"irne so it's still on ' - ' Unit 11 Fresem* per$ect: ewar river? Hos,he ever seen on elephont? Hove'go,u eve,rJo:[[en in o I Yes,I hove, / No,]I hoven't Yes, he ho,s,l No,'he hosn't Complete the questions ond then write short onswers for gou climb/o mountoin il*lvr U*ffi fiJ*f e{i*th*d # ffI"",r*irl.e:,;i go / to o roinforest see / obear Presem& per$eet: r?cerer I've never seen on oosis Shefs neverJoLLen in Werve never been Unit the mountoins to spoce write L He'g You Theg 4I $r*n o spoceship to o volcono (go) to the bottom ofthe oceon (go) (visit) on isLond 12 s$xow&dl s$xoex{drx'* when gou feet iLL He should weor o soJelg hetmet when you ryev€r You shoutdh't go ,-$,&qGiS, 'stoU !n bed He , to school when gou JeeL iLL: , , J_orget his tights when he cgiles Write L You s*.*;-*dn.'t 2He 3We 4I go to bed Lote on o school night heLp his mum becouse she hos Lots to eot vegetobles with everu meoL go swimming becouse I've got o cotd coer&d/ eocr&dm'* pictures On holidog, we *pq!*i go to bed,lote i When I wqs jour, I coutd point When I wos Jour, I co,uldn't reod ' ,On holidog, we Complete the sentences so thqt theg ore true for gou (X = cou[dn't,,,/ (X) When I wos Jive, I (/) When I wos five, I (X) On holidog,I wotch,TV = couldl 6romnror Tirne Unit 13 &h$ee& premeem$ & I Con gou help me with m,g hornework? uou I show gou the wog she Give he When Msx orrives, osk him where he hos been it Here's the lid Put WC Would gou like to plog with theg Lovetg strowberries ! Put Circte the correct word L the book to Con on the toble / me? /him / it Where ore the cherries? Tommg ote them us? us Where's mg brother? I con'tJind Uou on I plog with gou / /us/gou Get the mongo ond chop it /her / them up, pleose R.e!.s*iwe px"em6um$s wr?6 omd mr$rfc$x This is the doctor who helped'rne Thii This is the teocher who is going to teove next geor This is the boo,kwhich I,wo,nted to reod: is the school,,whithlo,pened lost Week Write sentences Use who or which L bog / I met / gesterdog lltis is lr,r tt.y ,11r r n*I qrstrr"d*.q, man /sold /the strowberries model / I wonted / to bug Unit 14 Fust comtixruous , ', , it roining?rYes, it wu*,1.N6, it wasnlt, Theg , I ,, , Write HoLlg / weren't stoging in o hotel rsr*.s {i$ing We,reitheu s1s,ging'!n o hot€L? Yes, they No, theg weren't (do) her homework quietLg Mum ond Dod It (visit) GrondmoT (not roin), so we ote Lunch outside CIstes omd f Mrss &oFr? I wos.bdr,n in Novem,ber; You were born in luLg She wos bor,n in,1996 " I wcs,bornl 1611 ]Q{fi ,,'51oVem,ber,r, You were born on 26th lu[g, $h,e ,.,,,, ' ,1,,r,,.,.'.,,,, , ',1 'on 26+lh ia,nnorg write Mg mum wos born ir"l 1980 ond her birthdog is 22ndIuLg Mg dod a Ionuorg, L979 Mg sisters in 2003 And I wos born s 2001 re 'rornmorTinne on 25th Unit 15 Pms& s*mp&e mrad pmr& eom*Emexoaxs Theg were printing their homework when the printer broke When it storted to roin, we were swimming in the toke I Circte The bogsr,,were pLoging / plogedJootboLLwhen it',5topped,i/wos stopping roining We were woiting / woited in the cor when the outhor wos wolking / wolked post You wotched / were wotching o fiLm when Grondmo orrived / wos orriving Grsrmmmr [nomop[non'res: f&ere, f$xeg're mmd f&e$r A ploce, or what'is present: There is o new stsdium in our citg shortJorm'oJthey are: Theg're o[[ photos Jrom rng website Shows possessiron oJ more thon one p€rsoo: Mg bestfriends ore A twins nomes ore Su ond ]ess Write there, theg're or their Lots of chi[dren were otthe portg Som ond ALex invited' ,:,,, "Where ore Jock, ALice ond OLLg?" osked Som "OLLg is over 'And ]ock ond Alice ore in Post Post Bose Post Post form 9row simp[e form become broken hove hod hod heo r heo rd heo rd bought co ug ht hoLd heLd heLd hurt hurt come cut dug done drown keep know kept knew hurt kept known shoke show sing sit Log Loid Loid Leorn Leornt Leo Leove Left Left simp[e sent shook showed song sot spoke spent stood stuck swom porticip[e 9rew porticip[e grown drunk eoten moke meon meet mode meont took to ken to ug ht to ug ht teLL toLd toLd think throw trg tho ug ht run so id woke up weor win seen write woke up wore won wrote thoug ht thrown tried woken up worn won Post form porticipte foLLen JeeL fetL feLt find found drow drink eot on the wog." Bose Post simpte wos/were become broke bought cought come cut dug did drew dronk ote become breo k buu cotch come cut dig been rnt feLt fou nd put mode meont met put reod reod reod ftew forgot flown forgotten got got gove 9o went given gone/been rode rang ron so id sow ridden get give ride ring run so9 foLL fLu forget friends, who brought Lots of presents with MiLLg," soid Mum cor," soid Mum "a Bose be see met put ru ng send speo k spend sto nd stick swim toke teoch threw tried sent sho ken shown su n9 sot spoken spent stood stuck SWUM written lrregule r verb list odvert noun inforrncti*n t:n the TX in c newspcper 0r e me gczine cbout s*nrething gou ce n buq; olive adjlf c ;:lcnt or onirnol e:Litre, is it r?love cnC grolv trt isn't Cend" orrivqts noun th* fi;'st p:crt oJ CIn e irpnrt thot gclu see wi"l*n goul *rnive bg pN"elne bowt (of soupl noun similt: r to * pN"nt* but n'rr.lch e.leeper s* th*t g*r"l **t s*r";p frr:rn it with e; 5p*0n the sun t* ottoch o photo verb with gCIirr ern*iL t* put ri ph*t* oudience noun th* gro{-rp of pe*ple who i,vctrh u s{row on e*ncert outhor noun person lryho writes * nnnv botcong noun (pl bolconies) o ;:Lac* buiLt high up wh*re gnu ccrm stcnd or sit to wcltch sports beons noun ct sr"r"ri;l"Ltgpe *f f**d fi'*rn * pl"unt th*t g*u rc*k nnel e*t blender noun Va{"} cc.ln *therf*od Liqr-rieI, put frilit or in this to n:ake it into c such *s s Ernaothie or $s{.,}p boss noun th* rn*st importe nt bottte (of woter) noun this is usu*Llg rncele of gL*ss or plostie lrrith s long, thin nee k Yc* keeS: moele Jrom wnter e nd fiLl"*d with elir You enn finci bubbl.es in r: fizzg drink" chilli noun o sm$LN" r*d or gneer-r pi"mnt thet you e*ok with" e lrill,!fe*Ls verg hot in gour rnouth" builder noun {} pers*n wlre se joh is to help rnoke h*uses snd *ther c cotcium noun s*r"**thimg thr:t is in ronre f*cds, for ex*rnple eheese $nd comcorder noun thnt gou pi use f*r * sry:nll ecn'lerc filrmiirg rxovil'ig rtu res Liquids such os wote r inrside bounce yerb \&lhen g*u b*ur"le* e bol[, g*l; rni]k{: it tcueh thc gr*unrd cnd c*nre bcek up ogain" Dictionory * Le rg*, d*:ep h*1"* in the *f r: mo*i"lt*in r*suol{"y gc !nside thct g*u ccn ceremong noun *n innp*rtr:nt ev*nt sever*l" penpLe, $*r *f rnetol we co[lopse verb tr: Jcl"[ d*wn ints lots of sn"lnl[ ports *r i:rc*k comfortoble adjXf U$u {:re e*n'rfmrt*h["&, U{:}u f*e[ g*od etnc] ge.rL*r b*dy h*s evergthing it neecis concert noun V**pL* Eo to s eelnc*rt t* '-v*te h tlnd l-ister: t* s bcnd *r fl singe4 pL*itr musie corn noun * tEpe of f*oel thot grows cough noun & N"oud noise r.l ln fi|e5 cheop adl trf s*rnetiring is *hc*p, d*esn't c*st r::uch ri'loneu coconut noun * big r:ut thct gnolvs nn trees in h*t c*untries" trt hss *weet miLk insidc thnt qou dririk snt*lL g*llomi pi*ees *nd use then"t tn nroke brs*eJ *r r:therfnotls chonnel noun {verg TV ehsnnel h*s o elifferent nurnber *nd shows ifferent prt:S cnnrpuiter screen on * toLl ;:1"*nt You cnn drg the chompionship noun c sports e*nrpetition fon e k:lt *f, t*elms d click on verb ta pr*ss Uo{l r ffi*use t* m*ie* it r:im s*mcthing e nr gc*r Eou c1r:*'t feeL ure{.{" etnd grr: h*v* to blow gour ncse cortoon noun * TV pr*gramrx* thcrt xses rncvir"lg pictures, n*t recL pei:ple cove noun fn*d into pieces clossmote noun * ch!ld who is in the scr"ne e l"*ss {:}s !Jou ct se hooL cold noun When g*u l"love r: cold, corrg verb tn ti$ s*rnething up *nd take it son":*rvhere sider chop verb to e ut coin noun e rr:und piec* rrs* 65 ruxsnes ex*rn6:L* c w*ddinq , cl,* hcp$:U bubbtes noun cL**r round bnl,[E thst inv*Lv*s person in cn cfflee *f pe*ple cheer verb Wl"ren s Srol;p eheer, theg shcut N"oudLq beccuse copito[ citg noun the nrr:st irnp*rtcnt eitg !n e c*xntrgl B nd m*uth tN"reg cobboge noun & tgpe *$food with bigl green [**ves thr:t gou eook ostronqut noltn a pcrson who tr*ve{-s in spcee e I i $ breok verb (pt broke, pp broken) mnke something go in:to pieces bLriLdings osteroid noun av::te of the r"lrfinU veru Lcrge rocks in spoce thct gr cr*uncl cheeks noun tbe tw* p*rts ct th* sides *f go*rfoee, next to iJour ns$e court noun it thct suddrnlg (srnes frr:m g*ur nnollth when g*u *ne i!-1" e.l g:L*cc where y*u plc g bcsketbsLL, tennis clnel s*rn* r:tl'ler b*LL sports S,&e*io:mcry uisps noun {: tL,N}* oJfood mcde of verg thin, Jlot pleces oJ pototo crowded adjfu{L cf people cup (of coffee) nounY** drink.frori'r o aup customer noun a pers*n r,vhn huEs so'rrething jrunr o restouronl or si:op cule adj prettg *r f*mr,r9, especiaLl,g ch ii,d ren cAmbols noun {} veng L*uel rni-lsiccl" instrument Cgrnbo[s ore two flct, round pieces of rnetcl thct gCIu plcg with gour hsnds D doughter noun I gir[ *r womom vrhn is s*n"le0ne's cl'riLd deod adjlf * pLcnt e r *n *nimcL is dee d, it isn't cN"ive, cmd c$r'l't !"lrove or grolv snu more deticious adj nf -"_ ^:-_- $*ad is delicious, it is dentist noun * person whose job is to Look ofter people's teeth deportures noun the port oJ on oirport thct gou leove Jrom io get on n pl"nr:e ond fl"E desert noun a lorqe crec of sond, with nCIt rvrueNr w$ten *nd nmt rneng pLc nts digverb (pt, pp dug)to rn*ke e hol"e in the greund documentorg noun o teLevision progr$l"nrne *bout reoi, l-if,e, not with cctors drums noun e musieoL instrument which gou hit r,vitir stichs to mrcke the rhgthrn in o bmnd feel sick yerb *nd r*und Eorth noun t['re wortrJ;the t|"rst we llve *n g:Le net \&1her: gou eorthguoke noun * tirne u,rhen the ground m*ves find shckes cnd sometimes buildings Jr:[l down energu nounWh*n gor.; hove energU, gr:ru $eeL str*:ng ond wcnt to fce[ siek, gor.;r stor"r"lce h feeN-s [:nrl ond gc:u feet that fr:ori from grur stornroch eo*Ld eom* out cf gour mr:uth feetings noun When: we sag thet pe*ple hr:ve feel,ings, we rurecn theg c$n be hnBpU, scd, excitecl, worried or seured enormous adjverg, verg big fireworks noun snyroll t["rings thot qcu send r.rp into the slcg to melke l"ourJ s*umds ond dlfferent coN"ours event noun s*mething thmt hoppens, especi*Llg something fishermon noun a mnR who works cotching fish in the secr d* Lats of eNercise :*^^-r.-"^r tlt adj $ g*u cre flt, expensive adjlf someihrng is expensive, it cosi.s c LoL oJ morleg, of, exercise w,iithout gettimE rrilPUr tuilt exptorer noun a person wl"lo spends their Life trr:vettlng to ports of the world'thot people don't kn*w cbout extinct adjl$ a tgp* ofcnirnal becornes extinct, it n:enns alL e:f thot tgpe of onirnerL die, so tlrere ore mo 'ficlre foir noun o fmir ls outside Ycu pog to ride on nrcchines cnd ploE g0i'l'les to trg to win something disoppointed adjZ$ Uou nre diso;:poimted, gor.r feel soe.i [:ecsuse gcu r,vor"lted s*rrrethin6 tn be ger*d elcwm sudelenly or-rd verg DUt tT t5rl r" th* ground Jridge noun Uou e0n o Lot * brx with gol.r putfood ond "^t"t ^^) t-^-1 e: too tired deror, where drinkto keep it frozen oO1*nu*wcten is frozen, it hcs ch*nged to ice future, the noun the timre thct wiLL corne *f-ter now G F n':oe hines lYlnrp *f eoroche noun a bad feeling yeru Nrove when cne of gour enrs hurts Lived nn!l fother-in-tow noun thefather goun hus[:*nel or wife E dinosour noun disoppeor verb IJ someihing disoppeors, it is sueielenN"E not there osLeep verb l.* e Lose g*un eges nnd st$rt to steep feel dizzg verb (pt, pp feLt) Wh*n y*u feet dixzg, gou Jee[ bori, cnd gc*r i"re*d feels Like it's gloinq roulnd foctorg noLtn * big br:ilding where people work making things bg using & tgpe of snimaL that c Long tin"re before people fo[[ foll, verb (pt feLL, pp fol.l.en) to go fost For eNcmple, teoves fo[N,from trees to generous adjTf gaa 0re Senerous, Uor; fire h,:ppg to give sornething gou hove tr: other people who need it get lost verb (pt, pp got) to not know where Ldou sre gtoss (of milkl noun srn"rething gou can dninkJronr find is mr:de of gLoss go bock verb (ptwent, pp gone)to neturn tc the pl"oce where Uou were bef*re Dicfionory e*s ro Dicrio,nE:ryl:, ,i.i go stroight on verb ter go f*rwcrr* ond n*t turn to the sicle ground nountheflor:r r:neler g*ur Jeet H hord adjlf s*rn*t!:ing is *:ord, it does T jocket noun fr shont eost journolist noun $ p*rscn wha: iryrites for newspripers or nrogrrzines journeg noun when Uou 0re trcvel"Llng frorn one pluce to snother not mc:ve rvh*n gcu cre tnuching it, *nd is nrt sofi K heodoche noun a bcrd Jeeling gcu havc whe n gour hcod hur"ts insidc eomputen thcat gou use to write heol.thg adjc person whc looks *fier his, or hcl n, hocXg on serrn*thing vrhich is go*e* for gou hero noun person who doe s sornetlri n g verg brelve hole noun o $pcce tnat gi:u mcke in snrnethir"rg s* thct yc:u ccr"l put s*rnething thr*xgh it fl,r:rm cne side to the ot[:en hotel noun * {:uil"ding ln;her* peopl,e eclrl poU f,or o rnorn to sl"eep in wN:en th*g vislt * pl"*ce kegboord nounthc port ofc kickverb tc hit somethinq with gour mogozine noun e thln book, r.;sucLLg with lots ef pictures and p!-r*togrophs snd with fi pfiper covcr mongo noun & sweetfruit which Eou meed t* pee L cmei ls EeN"low orfi'xSe ir:side mechonic noun I pers*n whose is to repair ccrs in g0rcge eir j*t: mellverb When ice m*tts, it ehcnges to water fe*t memorg stick noun o smmLL object kick-off noun th* stnrt of r footi:ctL thot you put v,vork cmd photos on from !:j$ur e*mputer cnci cnrrg n'lcte h th* pnrt of q*ur the i"niddLe thot bends knee noun *ham l"eg in t nrnr,nr{ menu noun the [ist of Jood in o restsuroftt or cofd which gou ch*ose fron"r todder noun a thing th*:t U${r c{3}": use to ciin-rb up to get to r: high plcrce Y*u csn rn$ve ff Ledder to metol noun a hord, shiny, stronE rnoteriul that gou use to moke thimgs, such os ch*irs cnd beds wherr gou neecl it housework noun rq/ork thct p**pLe cio ,:verg dag in their house , Jor Lozg adj nf snrneone !s Le xy, theg lvonl don't io i:ny work or milk noun the white tiquid frorn c*r,c, thqt you can drink exompl"*, clecning, wushimg dishes exercise miss someone verb to be s*d beccus* sorrxeone is not with yor.l *neJ washing clothes hurry verb to Eo quickN.g, fcrr exe.rnrple br:csxse g*:u r:re Lote husbond noun th* msn who c w0l3Tfin is rncrried tr I Lid noun gou put t&ris ern s*rnething to stop liqurd coming out, For excmple, o lid on c pen stops imk eorning out Lifeboot noun * snncil boct thot is csrrieel on c ship, thut gou er:r'l use if the ship goes deiwn i[tness noun tr$ gou Nrove cm i[.l"ness, g*u hcve * problenr insieie gour boe.ig m"rd gou eion't feel" well" instrument noun sornething the;t gou p[og to rn*ke rnusie with, for exornpl,e r Euitcr', pion* or trurnpet invent verb t"a hcve c; n ldec for o new tEpe of thing thct r":obodg hcs thought of before islond noun & piece of lomd thclt hcs woter on c[[ *ides of it Diclionory g-,11 Lift up verbt"* toke sornethimg cnd rnove it to a higher positicn log on verbt* tgpe Eour ncrne *nd pnsswcrd before U0Lt {",}se i:l compute n on website luckg adjlf you are l"uckg, gou get sornething verg good thct n:ost peopLe ean't hmve tuggoge noun bags ond suiteoses that gou corrg luith gou when gcu tnsvel n mobile phone noun a srnslL telephone thct gou ccm ccrrg witfr uCIt! model noun a smoi,l copg of something, for exornpl"e el grLone or o L"-:t,ti^uurLUilrq modern adj $ sermething is modern, its stgLe is neq not old moneg noun nat*s anij eoins thct Uor.i use Jor bugimg ttr'rings, excn':ple dr:[N"sns, fcr euros ond pounds moon, the noun the Le rge ohject thst shines in the skg ot night mother-in-tow noun the nrother gourr hust:cnd on iruife *f ,l, ,:&ic*$omary mouse noun pil{t rf o e*rnputer !}oii nolci with one hr:nd sn

Ngày đăng: 06/10/2019, 19:13

