Family Friends là bộ giáo trình tiếng Anh Tiểu học gồm ba cấp độ thiết kế đáp ứng khung chương trình tiếng Anh 4 tiếttuần của Bộ Giáo Dục – Đào Tạo Việt Nam.Giáo trình được thiết kế đặc biệt có tính liên thông với giáo trình Solutions được dùng ở bậc Phổ thông cấp 2 và cấp 3.Giáo trình được chọn và sử dụng trong hệ thống giáo dục Tiểu học theo Hướng dẫn Thực hiện nhiệm vụ số 4919BGDĐTGDTH ngày 1782010 của Bộ Giáo Dục – Đào Tạo Việt Nam.Giáo trình tập trung luyện 4 kỹ năng và cung cấp một nguồn tài liệu dồi dào cho các hoạt động trong lớp học thông qua tài liệu Photocopy Masters Book.Cung cấp chương trình luyện phát âm độc đáo.Cung cấp các bài kiểm tra mẫu theo các kỳ thi Cambridge Young Learners: Starters, Movers, Flyers.Bài học đạo đức nhẹ nhàng giúp học sinh phát triển các kỹ năng trong cuộc sống.
Trang 1Closs Book
Noomi Simmons
Trang 2writing obout mg bodg (WB)
Hello Goodbye How are you? I'm fine, thank you What's your name? My name's .
How old are gou? I'm NumbersL-10 Dogsoftheweek ColoursoJthe roinbow
Reoding: o description
Listening : identifyin g objects Speoking: What's this? It's .
Writing: counting words in o
sentence, writing obout
mg schooI things (Workbook)
i rnitiol soundsr
I obcd
What's this? | Ao: apple
It's a pen \ Bb: bird
InitioI sounds:
Vv van
\Alw: window Xx: box Yg: yo-go Zzt zebra
R: on outobiogrophg
Lr identiJging people bg theirjobs
Sz Is he a doctor?
W: copito[ [etters ond JuLl, stops,
writing obout mg fomiLg (WB)
R: o puzzte text
L: identifging objects bg tocotion
S: Where's the kite?
W: copitol letters ot the stort of
nomes, writing obout the pork
R: o coption storg L: distinguishing detoiLs S; Who's this?
W: question morks, writing obout
mg JomiLg's things (WB)
Mg fomity Possessive I
Trang 3This is her / his T-shirt.
Are these his socks?
Yes, theg are.
No, they aren't.
Is she in the kitchen?
Yes, she is No, she isn't.
Where are Dad and
Are they in the garden?
No, they aren't.
Digrophs: sh shoes
R: inJormotion on o webpoge L: listening for locotion
S: Where are the bedrooms?
W: identifging vowels, writing
obout mg home (WB)
60 lye
I've got two sandwiches.
I haven't got my Lunch
an appLe
(an + a, e, i, o, u)
Digrophsz ch chair teacher
R: informotion texts L: identiJging keg words
Sz I've got a banana and a pear .
W: using o ond on, writing obout
R: o poem: 'Whot om I?' L: identifging preferences S: It's got four Legs It's black and
W: identifg ing odjectives, writing
obout onnimol"s I Like (WB)
5: It can run It's brown and big.
W: controctions: coil't, writing
obout whot I con do (WB)
fis tin
CVC words: u ru9
R: o descriptive letter L: identifging dffirent friends
S: She's got bLond hair Who is it? W: controctions:'s /'ve, writing
obout mg Jriend (WB)
R: inJormotion texts L: identifg ing food preferences
* Whot do gou Like?
W: negotive controctions: n't,
writing oboutfood I Like (WB)
R: o descriptive letter
L: distinguishing detoi[s
St Where are the shoes?
W: question morks ond Ju[[ stops,
writing obout mg bedroom (WB)
R: on informotion poster
[: distinguishing detoi[s 5: Let's ptay balL!
W: identifging verbs, writing
obout the beoch (WB)
Trang 4Lesson One
2 Listen ond chont @ o,
3 Listen ond reod @ o,
Hello, Rosy Hello, Tim Hello, everyone.
Hello, ailly and Miss Jones Come and have some fun!
Trang 52
Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot Act
lerson Two
3 Listen ond sing Uour nome @ oo
Hello, hello!
Hello, hello, How are you?
Hello What's your name?
My name's Jon.
What's your nome? Storter
Trang 61 Listen, point ond repeot @d w Z Listen ond tick (/1 (.) **
3 Look of the picture ogoin Point, osk ond onswer
Trang 72 Listen ond sing .@ o" 3 Sing ond do.
Red and yellow,
And pink and green, Purple and orange,
Trang 8Lesson One Words ,
3 Listen ond reod.@ r,
Trang 92
Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot Act
Look ond sog
o nswer pen pencil rubber ruler book
Whot's this? lt's o Unit I
Trang 10Lesson Three 5on9
2 Listen ond sing @ ,o 3 Sing ond do
Open fhe book!
what's thiszwhat's thisz
It's a book.
It's o door What's thiszwhat's thisz
It's a bag What's thisZwhat's this?
It's awindow
10 Unit I 5chool things
Trang 111 Listen, point ond repeot @ ,'
Listen to the sounds ond join the Letters.@ ,,
Whot hos the dog got?
fr a-ffi- ffi rfu
ffi-W trsx
4 Reod ond circle the sou nds a, b, c, d of the stort of the words.
The 6at Iikes birds.
The dog likes opptes.
Here's the cat with the btrd.
Here's the dog with the appl,e.
Trang 12Lesson Five 'tl1!$5q't -#', r':';i;r;':;i:;, : ',
Listen ond reod @ ,,
Mg nome's Emmo
This is mg schoot bag
This is mg pencit cose.It's green
Con I see gour bog?
3 Reod ogoin Tick (tl or cross (x)
And this is mg pencit
This is mg btue pen.
And this is mg pink pen.
Reoding: o description
Trang 13Lesson Six
Listen ond tick (rz) the correct pictu re @ ,t
5 This is o red pencil
Listening, speoking, writing Unit I
Trang 14Lesson One Words
14 Unir 2 Toys
Trang 152
Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot Act
Look ond sog
3 write mg uour
This ir _UgLt1_ boLL This is bog
4 write. Yes, it is No, it isn't
lesson Two Grommor
cor This is puzzl,e.This is mg bog
my / your ls this ? Unit 2 15
Trang 16Lesron Three 5on9
2 Listen ond sing .@ ro 3 Sing ond do
Iryr, foys, foys, foysf
rhis is my big red kite,
ntty big red kite,
My big red kite.
rhis is my big red kite,
I love toys!
This is my big blue bike,
rhis is my big, green train,
ffi,1,',liti1//"I /)
l5 tJnit 2 Toys
Trang 171 Listen, point ond repeot @ ,u
There's an@gg with a
Look, the goot's got a
The goqt Iikes Jrgs.
m *!* Bm ffi."il.!*-!.xa
,4r:{'-ww L
ffijv-ffi ffiflI8ffi ffi
2 Listen ond chont @ r"
|' finf nrri pttt'; tr P v," \v)Ylt u, !/ {,{1fAeyjsll"
i'up r;nt r.i"flr* | $ {ira
r r'L g ,r ut Xty!t l, ,, ltS.
i'rrp' ritrii rl nrtnf' ts h {r\ra|
1 vq- d4L/t '"r1 YU',4L) lr" Y:J, 14LrL',i!,
,, l r
r v[ L.,1iJL 14 ri{"4;-, ri, r,, rrL{1"
Listen to the sounds ond join the lett ers @ zt
Whot hos the goot got?
4 Reod ond circte the sounds e,I, g, h otthe stort of the words.
g KX
#g wx
&ffi xx
Trang 18Lesson Five $.*fi{ii$ryrciql}1fl$.bfft 'e !' 'r ' ,,,*,*,*,.i,t,i,iffil
2 Reod ond listen to the poem.@ r,
\,hat's rnt IcrvoYtl* col"our?
You rnarj " LIke it too.
ti ;r grd*n? Is ,& re{-t,
Nlo, ii', the coLo*r hlus.
3 Reod ogoin ond write.
t8 unit 2 Reoding: o poem
Trang 192 Ask ond qnswer obout gou.
3 Circte the words.
L ThisismUteddg 2 ThisisUou rcor.
Trang 20Lesson One Words
3 Listen ond reo d @ ,,
20 Unit 3 Mybody
Trang 212
Lesson Two Grommor
Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot Act
Look ond sou
3 Write. This is These ore
tr tr
Trang 22Lesson Three Song
2 Listen ond sing .@ ro 3 Sing ond do
Ten fingers on my hands,
Trang 23point ond repeot @ r'
Lesson Four Phonics
{-**k mt fk* j i*rm i" 'J'J', r" Ji*rx"
' ,tnU r;t f|at, lzil a l, b ?iN*
kilut\ 14i-;,{t; tui-L" !\, ,\, r{gi-L.
'tnir.;;t *-L:- i,,n*r ; ; l!rt;,':
1-L.rjf, Llt- Llitt: ;;Ufl, l, ;, ,,utl,
Listen to the sounds ond join the lett ers @ ,,
Whot hos the lion got?
4 Reod ond circle the sounds i, j, k,l of the stort of the words.
got some Jam.
got some ink.
Trang 24Lesson Five
Listen ond reo d @ ,,
Skills Tirre.r I
.lllllli #X,.r',,- trll
Colour the Joce, the bodg
the pows ond toit too
Cut out the bodg
Now cut the foce
Cut out the four Legs
ond pows FoLd the [egs.
Trang 25Lesson Six
1 Listen ond number @ rt
2 Look of the pictures ogoin Ask qnd onswer.
Fotd the foce ond the toil Cut out the four legs
How mong sentences? !
Listening, speoking, writing
Trang 26Circle the odd-one-out Write.
3 How old ore gou?
Frbu"' l
Trang 27-{Effiffiffi ffiffim@
ffiw*-fig$$H@-3 Write. This is These ore Uour mU
4 Reod ond circle
5 Reod ond colour.
This is *rnA doll.
My work in Units I, 2 ond 3 is
ffioK ffiffi, Good ,|;*'i',H#';;S: Exceuenr
Review 1 27
Trang 283 Listen ond reo d.@ o,
ls Grandma a teacher?
No, she isn't She's a housewife.
Look! The meat
ts he a fireman?
No, he isn't Butheis a hero!
Linit 4 ,!*bs
Trang 292
Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot Act
Look ond sog
&essorx Yww'm Grommor
Trang 30Lesson V&xrcm Song ,
2 Listen ond sing @ oo 3 Sing ond do
Two kind docfors
Two kind doctors
Meet in a lane.
Hello, hello,what's your name?
How are you?
How are you?
How are you, again?
Two kind farmers
Two kind teachers
3e Unit 4
Trang 31&essom Fowr Phonics
2 Listen ond chont @ou
fkis ;s ,ryly ffirl€,c$,?{, fl}?, ffi, rxMry}.
T$tis is rffiy y;i,{rsc, ffi, ffi,ffit{rs*.
rfuis is rc,',y sruxffiSff, *, s, **.e*,''#g.
This $s rr;y peffi, p, p, prpl.
3 Listen to the sounds ond join the Lett ers @ o,
Whot hos the nurse got?
4 Reod ond circle the sounds m, fr, o, p otthe stqrt of the words.
@y mum is a nurse.
She's got on orange and o pen.
She con eat the orange.
She con write with the pen.
Trang 32ii i
ll,ll,.1l He's ten We're pupiLs |.ll'illii We're o
rlli:'llrliiii'i He's o doctor *.:tt,r.t.l He's ten We're pupiLs lillll';ii1lil We'r,
ek L$a:it 4 ffi**d!mq; *n *rur*bi*grcphy
Trang 33&esswm S&x
1 Listen ond number @ot
Trang 341 Listen, point ond repeot @ uo 2 Listen ond chont.@ s,
3 Listen ond reo d @ u,
ts it under the seesaw?
No, it isn't.
Look! The ball's on the slide.
And now it's in the net!
= ,- - "- ':1,"; -.r:irt i I l":e Lruii{
Trang 35*"-;-Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot Act.
Look ond sog
It's under the tree It's
i:', j *z,i
"1 &rmder Unit 5
Trang 36Lessmm Y$xr*e 5on9 .
2 Listen ond sing @ ,o 3 Sing ond do
Ar the pork!
Atthe park, It's so much fun.
For you, for me, for everyone! Play on the seesaw, elay in the pool.
Eat an ice cream,
It's nice and cool.
elay with a frisbee,
Play with a ball.
Play on the slide,
It's fun for all.
Atthe park, It's so much fun.
For you, for me, for everyonel
3fr It*i+( Tt-*-"L
Trang 371 Listen, point ond repeot @ ut
&essom FCIs,xx, Phonics
2 Listen ond chont @ ,u
tf,lhere ls lhe rabhit? R, 4 nabhil.
W&*r* is tltc so$f S, s, s*fl*"
Whcre fs N$re t*ddy? {, f, **ddy.
Wfu*r* is tke s,*rxi:r"riim? {J, #, Nrmhrc{i*"
Listen to the sounds ond join the Lett ers @ u,
Whot hos the queen got?
4 Reod ond circle the sou nds q, r, s, t, u otthe stort of the words.
The @ueen is on the soJa.
Ihe queen has got a rabblt.
The teddg is on the soJo.
The teddg has got on umb rel,La.
Trang 38Whot con gou see in the pork?
Point ond sog
Look! This is o pork Con Uou see the bogs and girls in the pork?
Where ore their togs? Con gou help?
See&&Xs W$m@.&
This is Tobg ? #q Her nome is Soro.
His tog is under o tree ;ffi& Con gou see her tog?
Whot is it? ' - I It is on the slide
i #& His nome is Pete :r ffi This is Anno
e9 His tog is in the footboL[ net g# Her tog is under the swing .',,,,,,,',
Trang 39$"esssffi 3$H
1 Listen ond number @ tn
2 Askondonswer.@ She's under the tree.
3 Circle the copitol, Letters of the stort of the nomes
Mg n
e's Rosg.
Biil.g ond two.
Trang 403 Listen ond reo d @ u,
'-*?i; ,',"':
And this is eilly's teddy.
And this is Crandma's umbrella.
I don't know Ah, thankyou!
Trang 41Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot Act.
Look ond sog
Trang 42Lesswxx Y$xree 5on9 ,
2 Listen ond sing @uo 3 Sing ond do
Trang 432 Listen ond chont @ uu
3 Listen to the sounds ond join the Lett ers @ ot
Whot is in the von?
4 Reod ond circle the sounds V w, x, A, z.
Look out oJ the (Eindow.
What con gou see?
I co.n see a zebra in a" von.
And a Ao-Ao on o" box.
i*;t;:ti scunds #nit S ,&3
Trang 442
B k;a**
Listen ond reo d @ *u
Sog the fomiLg words.
Hi I'm OLi Look ot mg photos of mU fomilg ot the pork.
Now o bird's in the tree
The bird's got the kite,
No The kite's still in
the tree
,,,: ,
3 Reod ogoin Write T (true) or F (fotse).
The fomilg is ot the pork
Trang 45Le$ssffi Ssli
Listen ond tick (/) the correct picture @u,
3 Circle the question morks ond underline the sentences
Whot's Uou r no m.@ nnU no me's OLi.
3 How ore Uou? I'm fine, thonk gou
5 Where's the kite? It's in the tree
Who's this? It's OLi's ount
Whot's this? It's o bird
6 Where's OLi? He's of the pork
Lrstening speak:ne, virit!$g
Trang 46RewXew X :
1 Circle the odd-one-out Write.
Trang 473 Write He's She's
He's o doctor
Look of the picture ogoin
L Where's the doLL? It's
2 Where's the teddg? It's
3 Where's the ruter? It's
ond write.
Trang 48Lesson One Words i
Trang 49I Lerson Two Grommor
I oren't = oI€ rot l
This is dress.
Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot Act
Look ond sog
4strousers?_1 her socks?
Are these his / her socks? Yel they ore Unit 7 49
Trang 50lerson Three Song ]
2 Listen ond sing.@ro 3 Sing ond do
Trang 511 Listen ond sing @ru
J k 'l,', ,y ,! | l( ,;tfr, j., >:r'l{,} {';CIdift ',,.trt.},, ,/r,
ffi trk d* ## ffi # fl* fu & & k ffi wnw &% #% ffi
ffifl&ffiffiwwffi&"#ffi- &e erp
i {<n*:r*; t_t."r ru,r , tJ .&ffi{" :,,._N l-rr\{4:L mirr:qs ci$# "{} L/j,_altj";1-1r;f,aBtr; ir,rL.h s"}.ii.
2 Write the letters.
3 Look of the pictures Write the letters.
Trang 522
Listen ond reod @r,
footb all team' s colour.
Max, try on this blueT-shirt and
these green trousers glue and
green are nice colours too.
3 Reod ogoin Circle the wrong word ond write the correct word.
1 Mox is o@r
2 ALL Mox's shoes ore oronge
3 Mox's fovourite colour is green
52 Unit 7 Reoding: o capfion story
Trang 531 Listen ond number.@r,
2 Look of the pictures ogoin Point, osk ond onswer
what colour is this coat? Gil;]\\
It is under the seesow.
Whot Letter is missing? E =
Iistening, speoking, w riting Unit 7 53
Trang 54Lesson One Words
3 Listen ond reo d @ ,o
54 Unit 8 My house
Trang 552
Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot Act
Look ond sog
Is Are
ls Bil"tg in the bedroom?
Yes, he is.
lesson Two Grommor
Trang 56Leson Three Song ,
2 Listen ond sing @r, 3 Sing ond do
.*effi1}.:l ''%.*
Come into my house.
what can you see?
Upstairs and downsto irs,
Come, follow me.
co through the door.
Co upstairs.
Four teddy bears.
Co through the door.
Co downstairs.
Table and chairs.
Come into my house .
Trang 571 Listen, point ond repeot @',
1r ,!-91
rl,111t* ,Sl 1,lr
2 Listen qnd chont @eo
Reod the chont ogoin Circle the sh sounds
Look of the picture ond circle the correct sound
Lesson Four Phonics
Trang 581 Point to the rooms Sog the words 2 Listen ond reo d @r,
,:I I,.ii,.r' trtlrllrlil,- : !
& r, , i i -"
trty1?-l\r* rairlrYlrjlr'\r$r*db , ) &&'".**a'ni&, I &&', S.irr.urf^ fr,-4, **.&.**! ir
,{rrw}il} }rs;i.r;b.}uq"{{; ' { c'' : - i {VtY lc*ll}*fy I I ,V}y Tg !{,"i'k;' , ;{,9 SLlt{"}{}i ;:
i Myflot i, ' .'i ' - : 'r' :
My nomes Andy fhis is o
photo of my fomily in our flot
We ore in the living room
Here is the dining room
It is iittle but the table is big
fhe kitchen is next door
It is yeilow ond white
fhere ore three bedrooms
fhe big bedroom is for
my mum ond dod
And this is the bolcony
Next door is my sisters
3 Reod ogoin ond write.
bedroom [Mf Living room dining room
L There ore photos of Andg's Jgt,,
The sofo is in the