Specialisation : Image diagnostics
HA NOI - 2019
Trang 2Science instructors:
1 Do Duc Cuong, Associate Professor, M.D, Ph.D
2 Trieu Trieu Duong, Associate Professor, M.D, Ph.D
Reviewer 1:
Reviewer 2:
Reviewer 3:
The dissertation will be defended in front of the University level
Dissertation Committee at 108 Central Military Hospital at
o’clock … month … day … year…
This thesis can be searched at:
National Library of Vietnam
Library of scientific research institute of clinical medicine 08
The rate of patients suffering from of gastric cancer keeps increasing That of gastric cancer in Southeast Asia including Vietnam is 15/100.000 Carcinoma is the most common, which accounts for 90% If gastric cancer is diagnosed and treated early, the survival rate of above 5 years can reach 90% However, it is often diagnosed late, so the disease has a high mortality rate Gastroscopy, edoscopic ultrasound (EUS) cannot be used to evaluate TNM stages, which causes difficulties in the treatment process Multidetector-row computed tomography (MDCT) can evaluate stages of TNM In the world, there are many studies that have evaluated values and limitations of the MDCT method To date, there is no final criteria for predicting lymph node (LN) metastasis among researchers with using MDCT
In Vietnam, there are many researches on T and N stages, but
no metastatic LN studies to divide the gastric cancer stages have been found Hence, we carried out this topic with two objectives:
1 Describe the characteristics of gastric cancer images on multidetector-row computed tomography
2 Study the value of multidetector-row computed tomography in the diagnosis of T and N stages of gastric cancer
Currently, there has been great progress in the diagnosis of gastric cancer thanks to the strong development of modern facilities (Gastroscopy, EUS, MDCT) Abdominal MDCT plays a very important role in helping clinical physicians assess the gastric cancer
Trang 4stages, from which to select appropriate treatments and prognosis In the world, there have been many valuable studies using abdominal MDCT to diagnose gastric cancer In Vietnam, there are also studies
on gastric cancer, but there is no adequate study on the value of MDCT
in gastric cancer diagnosis, especially the evaluation of metastasis LNs which is an important factor affecting the prognosis as well as helping the surgeon make a surgery plan (open surgery or endoscopic surgery,
LN dissection) Therefore, the research is necessary, emerging and has scientific and practical meanings
Dividing stages of gastric cancer according to AJCC obtained the following results: overall accuracy: 46.6%, Sn: 30.8 – 62.5%, Sp: 78.3% - 100%, Acc: 70.5% - 87.5%, PPV: 36.4% - 100%, NPV: 84.4% - 94.8% The following characteristics, which has significant values in the diagnosis of gastric cancer on MDCT, include tumor length, tumor position and microscopic classification (The difference is not statistically significant in dianosing stages by MDCT and histologic) However, the limitations of MDCT are tumor differentiation, invasive tumor, N stage, stages of gastric cancer and number of metastatic LN /harvested LN (The difference is statistically significant dianosing stages by MDCT and histologic) Its low sensitivity of N and AJCC staging presents problems when using it to make therapeutic decisions, which was shown by this research Therefore, improvements in imaging equipment and techniques will
be essential in overcoming the drawbacks of this method, and rigorous criteria should be developed to diagnose metastatic LNs
The thesis includes 130 pages; 2 page introduction, 39 page overview,
19 page objects and methods, 30 page results, 37 page discussions, 2 page conclusions, 01 page recommendation The thesis has 52 tables, 49 illustrations, 5 charts 97 references in which Vietnamese has 11
Trang 5CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW 1.1 Outline of gastric caner
Among gastric cancers, carcinoma is the most important and also the most common, accounting for 90-95% The rate of pyloric antrum cancer is 50-60%, and the rate of the lesser curvature cancer
is 20-30% Early gastric cancer is often flat, smaller than 3cm, discreet and difficult to identify Advanced gastric cancer includes
4 main forms: polypoid, fungating, ulcerated and diffusely infiltative According to Lauren’s classification, microscopic is divided into 2 types: intestinal type and diffuse type Besides, the mixed type includes both intestinal type and diffuse type TNM classification according to AJCC 7 is based on tumor invasion, metastasis LN and distant metastasis
Table 1.1: T-staging of gastric cancer, AJCC 7 th manual
Tumor - T
TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed
T0 No evidence of primary tumor
Tis Carcinoma in situ: intraepithelial tumor without invasion
of the lamina propria
T1 Tumor invades the lamina propria, muscularis mucosae,
or submucosa
T1a Tumor invades the lamina propria or muscularis mucosae T1b Tumor invades the submucosa
T2 Tumor invades the muscularis propria
T3 Tumor penetrates the subserosal connective tissue
T4 Tumor invades the serosa or adjacent structures
T4a Tumor invades the serosa
T4b Tumor invades adjacent structures
Trang 6Table 1.2: N-staging of gastric cancer, AJCC 7th manual
Node - N
NX Regional lymph node(s) cannot be assessed
N0 No regional lymph node metastasis
N1 Metastasis in 1 to 2 regional lymph nodes
N2 Metastasis in 3 to 6 regional lymph nodes
N3 Metastasis in 7 or more regional lymph nodes
Table 1.4 Stage and prognostic group of gastric cancer, AJCC
Trang 71.2 Diagnostic methods of gastric cancer Gastric X-ray
Double contrast allows us to identify lesions more clearly when there are abnormal changes in the gastric mucularis The advantage of this method is that it is used for patients without gastroscopic indications The disadvantage is that the diagnose is more difficult and
it cannot evaluate TNM Gastroscopy - biopsy
It is widely applied and causes less catastrophes Some patients with pyloric stenosis or pyloric stenosis-causing tumor will cause many difficulties for gastroscopy and biopsy Gastroscopy does not evaluate TNM Edoscopic ultrasound
EUS evaluates T invasion well but does not evaluate distant LNs and distant metastasis Magnetic resonance imaging
Compared to those using MDCT, there are several studies of gastric cancer diagnosis using MRI, largely due to the intrinsic limitations of MRI, such as the susceptibility to bulk motion (e.g., respiration, pulsation, and peristalsis), high cost, and lower spatial resolution compared to MDCT or EUS) PET/CT
PET/CT cannot evaluate metastasis LNs PET / CT is mainly used for detecting distant metastases
1.3 MDCT in the diagnosis of gastric cancer
1.3.2 Image of gastric cancer on MDCT
The image of gastric cancer on MDCT varies according to the anatomy Direct signs can be seen: The gastric wall can be divided into two or three layers (there may be only one layer in advanced gastric cancer such as T3 and T4) If the mucosal layer was unevenly
Trang 8thickened and showed abnormal enhancement on MDCT, a mucosal lesion or gastric cancer would be diagnosed Early gastric cancer with ulceration would be considered when focal interruption of mucosa with adjacent nodularity or thickening was found If only focal interruption of the mucosal layer was found, a benign gastric ulcer would be considered A lesion was determined to be cancer ous when the gastric wall showed focal thickening of at least 5-6 mm or greater
or when focal enhancement was seen in the gastric wall.)
Although many radiologists classify metastasis LNs as those with short axis diameters of 6-8 mm for perigastric LNs, other criteria are frequently used, including sphericalness and central necrosis, heterogeneous enhancement, more than , marked enhancement (over
80 or 100 HU), and clustering of more than three LNs To date, the accuracy of predicting LNs metastasis has not been satisfactory using any criteria, and there is still no worldwide consensus for diagnosing metastatic LNs using MDCT N-staging of gastric cancer is one of the inherent limitations of MDCT) The LNs are only identified on histologic by microscopy to identify metastatic-negative LNs or metastasis-positive LNs (metastatic-negative LNs are LNs without metastatic cells in LNs, metastatic-positive LNs are LNs with metastatic cells in the LNs)
CHAPTER 2: OBJECT AND METHODOLOGY 2.1 Objects of the research
2.1.1 Location and time of research
The research was conducted at Military Central Hospital 108 from September 2015 to October 2016
2.1.2 Objects of the research
Patients was diagnosed with gastric cancer, taken with MDCT
16 were identified as epithelial cancer by histology and were under gastrectomy surgery at 108 Military Central Hospital
Trang Criteria to select patients
Diagnosis identifies gastric cancer on gastroscopy and histology The patients received radical surgery at 108 Military Central
Hospital The patients had radical surgery for the first time, not using
chemotherapy, regardless of age and gender Exclusion criteria
MDCT patients who were not well performed according to
preoperative techniques at 108 Military Central Hospital
2.2 Methods of research
2.2.1 Research design
This is a cross-sectional descriptive and prospective research in
which there is a comparison among MDCT, surgery and histopathology 2.2.2 Sample size
With the accuracy of T stage according to author Kim JW and et al which is 77.2%, error m = 10% Apply for cross-sectional descriptive research
n≥ 68 patients We have n = 88 patients
2.2.3 Research tools
MDCT machine with 16 rows of BRIVO CT 385 detectors GE -
US is located at the Diagnostic imaging Department, in 108 Military Central Hospital
Medical record forms are all the same
2.2.4 Analyzing and processing data
The research data is encoded, imported, processed and analyzed
on computers using SPSS 22.0 medical statistical software
Using chi square test (χ2) for ratios, Test - T - Student (two groups), anova (3 groups or more) for quantitative variables The difference is statistically significant with p<0.05 Confidence interval
Trang 10of Odds Ratio (OR)
Continuous and quantitative variables are presented as average values with standard deviation X± SD
The results of the collection and analysis are presented in the form
of frequency, percentage, average value, used to express the results in the tables and charts
Indicators of Sn, Sp, Acc, PPV and NPV are determined by table setting method
Calculate kappa coefficients: To find relevance
Calculate sugar ROC: To determine the optimal cutting point
3.1.1 Age, gender
Table 3.1:Distribution of patients by age and gender
Age group Male (n,%) Female (n,%) Total (n,%)
60.9 ± 14.4 (33 - 84)
63.2 ± 11.5 (33 - 86)
p (T-test) = 0.252
Trang 11Comment: The average age in the research was 63.2 ± 11.5 (33 - 86)
years There is no difference in the average age of male and female,
with p> 0.05
3.1.3 Microscopic classification
Chart 3.2: Lauren’s classification Comment: Mixed type is the most common (36.4%) Type of intestinal tye is the least common (30.7%)
3.2 Imaging characteristics of gastric cancer by MDCT
is 34.5 ± 16.9 (4 - 91) mm
Trang 12Table 3.5: Thickness of the tumor Attenuation value and tumor differentiation
Table 3.6: Attenuation value and tumor differentiation
Portal venous phase 131.9 ± 20.7 (90-180)
Comment: The majority of the tumors is undifferentiated (80.7%)
The average attenuation value of the tumors in portal venous phase is 131.9 ± 20.7 (90 - 180)HU The extent of the tumor invasion
The research group I has a general Acc of 73.9% The research group II has a general Acc of 72.7% Kappa coefficient is 0.911 with
p <0.05 Relevance between the two independent research teams is very high, so the results of research group I should be selected
3.2.2 Lymph characteristics
The research group I diagnosed 460 LNs The II one diagnosed 485 LNs The overall Kappa coefficient was 0.926 Relevance between the two independent research teams is very high
Trang Lymph nodes size
Table3.13: Relation of metastasis level, size and the near-far
51 (58.0)
30 (78.9)
155 (36.6) 0.000
(χ 2 )
75 (68.2)
37 (42.0)
8 (21.1)
268 (63.4)
10 (27.0) 0.001
(χ 2 )
5 (100)
8 (80.0)
4 (33.3)
27 (73.0)
35 (30.4)
53 (54.1)
38 (76.0)
45 (45.9)
12 (24.0)
295 (64.1)
Comment: In near lymph nodes, there is statistically significant
difference of percentage of metastasis LNs among size groups (p<0.05) In far LNs, there is statistically significant difference of
percentage of metastasis LNs among size groups (p<0.05)
Table3.14: Relation between medium size and characteristics of
group and LN shape
Characteristics Metastasis Average p (T test)
Trang 14Comment: The average size of near negative and
metastasis-positve LNs as well as far metastasis-negative and metastasis-positive LNs has difference which is statistically significant (p<0.05) The average size
of oval metastasis-negative and metastasis-positive LNs as well as spherical metastasis-negative and metastasis-positive LNs has difference which is statistically significant (p<0.05) Lymph node shape
Table 3.15: Relevant levels of metastatic and lymph node shape
Shape Metastasis LNs
Spherical (n,%)
Oval (n,%)
Total (n,%)
more than oval lynph nodes The properties of enhancement contrast of lymph nodes
Table 3.18 Relationship between LN size and contrast
Trang 15Comment: LNs of metastatic contrast metastases have bigger size
than non-absorbent LNs benign contrast The difference is statistically significant with p <0.05 Limitation of negative-positive metastasis and metastasis LN size of LNs on MDCT
Figure 3.4 The ROC curve is related to the size of negative-positive
metastasis LNs on MDCT
Comment: The area under the curve is above 0.6 With high
sensitivity and specificity (71.5% and 70.5%), metastatic lymphadenectomy point has the size of > 7.5 mm Thus, our research using 8mm diameter is suitable with other authors
3.3 Value of MDCT in the diagnosis staging of gastric cancer 3.3.1 Value of MDCT in the diagnosis of T stage Comparison in the diagnosis of T stage with MDCT versus
T stage with histologic evaluation