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The state management of education in districts of hanoi city meets the requirements of educational renovation tt tieng anh

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1 INTRODUCTION Reasons for choosing dissertation topic Education and training is the cause of the Party, the State and the entire people, and is the leading national policy The Party, the State and the whole society pay special attention to and care for the development of education and training Basic and comprehensive renovation is not only the continuation of renewal of thinking but also renovation from awareness to action in all educational activities, first of all, the renewal of the state management mechanism about education Resolution No 29-NQ / TW on basic and comprehensive renovation of education and training, meeting the requirements of industrialization and modernization in the conditions of socialist-oriented market economy and national integration has shown one of the nine tasks and solutions that need to be implemented in the coming time is “Basic renovation of education and training management, ensuring democracy and unity; increase autonomy and social responsibility of education and training institutions; attach great importance to quality management Clearly define responsibilities of state management agencies in education and training and management responsibilities according to branches and territories of ministries, branches and localities " State management of education at the grassroots level is actually implementing state administrative activities in the process of directing educational activities at the grassroots level All educational institutions carry out the functions and tasks of education and training under vertical direction, but educational institutions are located in a specific area, so they must comply with management of local administration according to the decentralized regulations of the state All management activities are inseparable from vertical and territorial direction and they are considered an important principle in state management in general and state management in education in particular The main content of this principle from a macro perspective can be expressed as follows: Education career, national education system is a unified system In order to accomplish that, the state has specified specific tasks and powers of the industry and the locality (such as tasks and powers of the People's Committees and functional agencies) In the management of all aspects of the locality (district level) such as socio-economic, cultural and social, it has the task of managing education and training at the district level according to the rules and regulations of the industry The Ministry of Education and Training is the unified state management agency for education and training nationwide Local governments shall perform the state management of education and training according to their respective territories through specialized agencies, according to the tasks and powers prescribed by the State in accordance with the decentralization mechanism In 2018, the Government issued Decree 127/2018, which stipulates the state management responsibilities for education Accordingly, the Decree clearly defines the responsibilities of the Ministry of Education and Training for state management of education, the People's Committee and the President of the provincial People's Committee, the People's Committee and the President of the People's Committee district level, the People's Committee and the president of the communal People's Committee The Decree also regulates the management responsibilities of the Department of Education and Training and the Department of Education and Training Thus, the issue of state management of local education in general and district levels in particular is posing issues that need to be removed to promote local education development One of the urgent requirements for fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education and training, first of all, is the state management of education at all levels, with a focus on grassroots levels Facing this requirement, it is necessary to study and find effective and effective measures to well manage the state of education at the district level and the lowest branch management level in the locality as a basis for renovating the whole system education authorities at all levels in the current context of educational innovation and the situation are also research questions The quality and effectiveness of state management of education require effective implementation of state management of education from the grassroots to the central Implementing the Party and State's guidelines on education and training development, over the past time, education and training of our country has achieved many achievements, including the state management of education in the locality has played an important role in planning the educational network; develop various types of schools, implement educational socialization; ensure to meet the requirements of expanding the scale, improving the quality and effectiveness of education in the locality Besides, the reality of education and training in districts, towns in Hanoi city has revealed weaknesses and inadequacies in education development planning and plans; construction and quality of management documents; directing the implementation of preschool and general education, supervision and supervision due to various reasons, but of which the main reason is the weakness in state management Derived from the research situation related to the dissertation So far, theoretically, there have not been any in-depth studies on state management at district level (districts, towns) and current management practices at this level exist contradictions and shortcomings of the content, mechanism, management subjects, management methods that have not been clarified in terms of theory and practice in reality, there are still many problems In fact, there have been a number of scientific works in the world and in Vietnam studying the state management of education on different angles and approaches Those works are the prerequisite basis for graduate students to refer and inherit in the research However, there is no work or author who has studied in a basic, systematic and intensive way on state management of education in districts in Hanoi in the context of education management innovation now from an educational management perspective From the above theoretical and practical bases, there has been an urgent requirement for state management of education at the districts in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam in the context of fundamental and comprehensive education renovation today Therefore, the doctoral student selected the issue "State management of education in districts of Hanoi city to meet the requirements of educational innovation" as a research topic Research purpose and tasks 2.1 Research purpose: On the basis of theoretical and practical research on the state management of education in districts, proposing state management measures for education in districts of Hanoi to meet the requirements of education innovation, contributing to improving the quality of education, educational management in Hanoi to meet the requirements of basic and comprehensive renovation of education today 2.2 Research tasks Developing a theoretical framework for state management of education in districts Building a practical basis for state management of education in districts of Hanoi city Proposing basic measures of state management of education in districts of Hanoi city to meet the current requirements of education renovation Conducting testing of proposed management measures in order to verify the science, suitability and feasibility of measures in educational management practices The subject, object, scope of research and scientific hypothesis 3.1 Research object and subject: * Research object: State management of education * Subject of study: State management of education in districts of Hanoi city meets the requirements of education renovation 3.2 Scope of research The scope of the research content, the dissertation focuses on the study of state management of education at the district level in Hanoi in the aspect of Educational Science, education management such as advisory, education development plan; direct and organize the implementation of preschool education, general education, and supervision The scope of the survey, the dissertation focuses on the study of state management of district education in Hanoi such as the managers of the Department of Education and Training, the Department of Education and training districts, towns and school managers The scope of time, data used for the dissertation research process are surveyed, investigated and summarized from 2014 to 2018 3.3 Scientific hypothesis Before the current requirements of fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education, the state management of education has an important role to direct, guide and organize the implementation of legal policies on education in the locality If focus on renewing the leadership and direction; well performing the work of planning the managerial staff; building and implementing the management process, improving the quality of state management effectiveness in education at the district level, the state management of education in Hanoi city will operate effectively, contribute to improving the quality of education to meet the requirements of fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education and training in the city today Methodology and research methods 4.1 Methodology: The research topic is based on the scientific reasoning of dialectical materialism and historical materialism; Ho Chi Minh Thought; Resolutions and guidelines of the Party and State on basic and comprehensive renovation of education and training and management of education and training, including innovative views on state management of education During the research process, the dissertation applied the following points of view: System-structure approach: The issue of state management research on district education requires solving many theoretical and practical issues, the operation of elements, implementation forces and them need to be considered and interpreted in a system Historical - logical approach: Recognizing the issue of state management of district education in a specific time context, in relation to the economic, cultural and social development of Hanoi and the country Functional approach: educational management has planning, organizing, directing and inspecting functions; Accordingly, the state management of education in general, the state management of education at the district level need to apply the educational management functions in consideration of content and management measures and a number of other issues Complex approach: With the objectives and characteristics of the research problem of state management of district education, the thesis uses a combination of management function approach and management content and State administrative management Decentralized approach: state management of education is a broad issue both in content and space In education management, there is a task of management contents under the authority of the central government, which are responsible for management contents managed by localities, so it is necessary to clearly decentralize and properly implement functions, tasks and assessments; from which to consider the operation of the management and educational management agencies at the districts Practical approach: In researching the issue of state management of district education, it is necessary to point out the contradictions, shortcomings and limitations in implementation The proposed management contents and measures come from reality, in accordance with local management practices 4.2 Research methods 4.2.1 Theoretical research methods The topic uses a combination of the following research methods: Analyze, synthesize, generalize and systematize documents on management theory and educational management of domestic and foreign authors Analyze and synthesize instructions and resolutions on education and training renovation and educational management of the Party, the State, the education and training 4.2.2 Practical research methods Methods of survey by questionnaire: Using the forms of questionnaire to force directly related to the thesis of managers of the Department of Education and Training, District Office of Education and Training, districts and towns and school administrators (leaders of district administrations (districts and towns), education managers of Departments, Departments of Education and Training Research methods of operating products: Conducting research on educational and training summaries, contents of state management of education in each locality and unit; Thereby there is a practical basis to evaluate the state management of education in the city in the most accurate and complete manner Methods of scientific observation: Conduct observation of the state management process of education in some localities and units in the City The content of the observation focused on management methods, leadership, direction, management documents, administration; responsible attitude of educational management staff and related forces Methods of summarizing educational management experience: Analyzing and synthesizing documents related to educational management and state management of education; From there, learn lessons and issues directly related to the state management of district education in Hanoi city in the context of fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education today Organize the exchange, interview, case study with a number of leading officials, educational managers at the school and educational management agencies on issues of the content of the dissertation and research performing the state management of education in a district Testing and testing methods: Conducting a test of the necessity and feasibility of the measures and testing a measure proposed by the thesis in a district in Hanoi city to initially verify suitability of measures Method of experts: Conducting consultations with a number of leading officials, education managers and teachers with long-term experience in leadership, education and training management, especially managers in some districts and towns At the same time, consult experts of some scientists on the field of education management and training in schools to supplement materials and data for the research content of the dissertation 4.2.3 Support method Using statistical maths to synthesize and process data collected during the research process; tables and tables illustrating the research results of the dissertation Use the specsman formula to calculate the results and the correlation between the necessity and the feasibility of the investigated measures New contributions of the dissertation The theoretical research results of the thesis contribute to systematize, generalize and concretize the state management theory of education into the state management of education at the district level; which clarifies the role, characteristics, models, education management decentralization, and advisory work of the state management agency in charge of education at the districts Proposing management measures, including measures to develop a state management process of district education in Hanoi city Based on the assessment of the state of state management of district education in Hanoi, it is found that issues need to be solved, providing actual data and data for leaders and managers, to enhance the effectiveness of state management of district education in Hanoi in the context of current education reform Significances of the dissertation The study clarifies a number of theoretical issues on the state management of education in general, the state management of district education in particular, such as theories on state management of education; build some tool concepts of the topic The dissertation's research results provide practical arguments for proposing the implementation of state management measures on education in Hanoi city and serve as a basis for studying inter-related issues In the context of educational reforms, education management is now involved The research results of the dissertation will contribute to the theoretical research on state management of education in the City; At the same time, supplementing and developing scientific management theory of education and thesis can be a reference for management, teaching and research for the authorities of district, commune and city and those interested Structure of the dissertation The dissertation includes introduction, five chapters (13 periods), conclusions, list of scientific works of the author related to the dissertation, list of references and appendices Chapter OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH ISSUES RELATED TO DISSERTATION 1.1 The research works on state management and state management of education 1 Research works on state management of education The research works of the authors: Tran Khanh Duc, Nguyen Nhu At, Pham Viet Vuong, Bui Minh Hien, Dang Ba Lam, Phan Van Kha 1.1.2 Research works on state management of district education and state management for education levels The research works of the authors: Tran Kiem, Truong Dinh Chien, Dinh Minh Dung, Phung Thi Phong Lan, Ho Hoang Thanh Van … 1.2 Overview of research results of published scientific works and the dissertation issues focused on solving 1.2.1 An overview of the research results of published scientific works * State management research projects on education The authors have focused research on decentralization in education management, planning in education management, personnel management, management skills, researching educational management experience in meaningful countries There is a great deal of research in educational management in our country today in the trend of developing international integration education * Research works on state management of education at district level and for educational levels Some studies on the model of state management of education in some countries, research on the state management of education for a specific level of education such as general education, higher education or one level specific study These studies have mentioned management and administration of each specific level of education In educational management, state management and professional management activities intertwine A number of works have gone into depth to study the characteristics of State power in management Those studies also point out the principles of combining sectoral and territorial management 7 1.2.2 The issues that dissertation to be solved It is necessary to review the research situation related to the issue of state management of education in general to the inheritance topic, to avoid the repetition of research results of existing studies Develop basic concepts as a tool and a prerequisite for research on state management of education at district level in Hanoi City State the model, mechanism and decentralization of management; characteristics and requirements of state management innovation in district education in Hanoi city meet current education renovation requirements It is necessary to identify the content of state management of education at the district level as a direct basis for the survey to assess the status of research issues Factors affecting the state management of education at the district level should be identified to meet the requirements in the context of education and training innovation It is necessary to build a practical basis for the issue of state management of education at the district level and propose measures for state management of education at the district level in Hanoi city to meet the requirements of reforming education current education and training and prove the appropriateness of state management measures on education at district level in Hanoi city in practice Conclusion of Chapter The research situation related to the thesis topic is reviewed on the main research directions such as: The educational management research projects of state management on education and state management on education at district level and state management for education PhD students briefly point out some major research projects at macro level from the perspective, content, principles, management methods and many works focusing on research on state management in education at specific levels of education, mainly general education In the second research direction, the studies were reviewed, including reference books, monographs, research topics at all levels, doctoral theses and scientific articles with many different approaches such as: Inner content management, decentralization, management mechanisms, management efficiency, state management innovation in education Through the review to study inheritance and avoid duplication with existing research works; Help the author have more useful information, improve the understanding of state management of education, and help to solve the tasks and research content of his thesis Chapter THEORETICAL BASIS OF STATE MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATION IN DISTRICTS TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR INNOVATION OF EDUCATION 2.1 State management of education 2.1.1 State management concept and state management on education * State concept * State management concept * State management concept of education State management of education is the main impact by law of the management entity bearing the State power (state management agencies in charge of education from the central to grassroots level), to the subjects reason to accomplish the set goals 2.1.2 Characteristics of state management of education - State management of education is of state power, high organization and imperative Each legal entity has its responsibilities and powers in a specific area, the right understanding, enforcement of authority is a measure of the ability to use the State power of a legal entity - Combining administrative management and professional management in educational management activities Recognizing this feature will help educational managers to better deal with the relationship between sectoral and territorial management in their educational management activities In order to well direct education activities to achieve the achievement of the State's educational goals, it is necessary to know a harmonious combination between administrative management and professional management - State management of education according to the strategic objectives, programs, plans and state-social integration in the implementation process The state and the people are all subjects of educational activities, the difference between the state and the people is only that their specific functions and tasks; therefore, there is a need for the coordinated coordination of the management subjects 2.1.3 Education reform requirements and issues are raised for state management of district education - Require educational innovation In open education, it is important to attach importance to quality management, clear distinction between state management, administrative management and professional management - Issues that are posing for education management In the state management of education, it is necessary to develop and implement a democratic and open mechanism, ensuring the supervision of central and local state agencies 2.1.4 Content of state management of education According to Article 99, Education Law 2005 amended in 2009 and 2014 includes 12 contents 2.2 State management of education in district 2.2.1 The concept of state management of district education meets the requirements of educational renovation * Management * State administrative management State management of education at the district level is the directing effect of the authorities and district state management agencies in performing the functions, tasks and powers prescribed and decentralized by the State in activities of educational management in the area Decentralization of state management of education Objectives of state management of district education The subject of state management of district education Subjects of state management of district education Contents of state management of district education State management methods and tools for state management of district education 2.2.2 Characteristics of state management of education in districts of Hanoi city - District level is the grassroots which is direct and the last level in state management of education - District level is the place where all education guidelines and policies are implemented -The district level is the nearest and closest place for organizing the educational network to meet the learning needs of the people and socializing education - District level is the place where education budget is guaranteed for education - Combining territorial management, administrative management and professional management - State management of district education in Hanoi city is one of the areas with specific and complicated characteristics 2.2.3 Requirements of state management on district education in Hanoi city meet current education renovation requirements - Following the policies of fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education including the policy on renovation of educational management - Innovating the process of state management of education in accordance with real life - Building up local educational human resources in sufficient quantity and meet quality standards - Improving the system of management documents and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of state management of education, with a longterm vision 2.2.4 The content of state management of district education meets the current requirements of education renovation - Developing education development plannings and plans in districts, towns - Organizing the implementation of state management of district education - Developing and finalizing guidelines and policies for educational development at the district level - Inspecting and supervising state management activities in education at the district level 2.3 Factors affecting the state management of district education in Hanoi met the requirements of education renovation 2.3.1 Impact from socio-political regimes, administrative management mechanisms in our country 2.3.2 Impact from the policy of fundamental and comprehensive renovation of the country and the cause of education and training development in Hanoi city 2.3.3 Impact from the development of science and technology 2.3.4 Impact from the current administrative reform 2.3.5 Impact from the socio-economic development situation in districts, towns 10 towns 2.3.6 Impact from staffing, management mechanism at district, 2.3.7 Impact from the capacity of leading cadres of education management officials at district, towns Conclusion of Chapter According to the Law on Organization of Local Governments, the district, town (or collectively referred to as district) authorities include the People's Council, the district People's Committee and a number of specialized agencies (department and equivalent ) The subjects of state management of education in the district level include the People's Committee, the education and training section Chapter has focused on research on basic concepts, decentralization of education education management in the district, characteristics of state management of education in the district, content of state management of district education, weak factors factors affecting the state management of education in the district in Hanoi city Chapter PRACTICAL BASIS OF STATE MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATION IN DISTRICTS TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR INNOVATION OF EDUCATION 3.1 General overview of socio-economic situation, education and state management of district education in Hanoi city 3.1.1 General overview of district socio-economic situation in Hanoi City 3.1.2 Organize research on the state of state management of district education in Hanoi * Purpose of investigation and survey * Contents of the survey * Subjects, areas, time of investigation and survey * Methods of investigation, survey and data processing 3.2 Practical situation of district education in Hanoi city 3.2.1 The scale of schools and classes in Hanoi city district 3.2.2 The scale of the contingent and educational facilities at the district level in Hanoi 3.2.3 Quality of district education in Hanoi city * Preschool level * Primary level * Secondary school level 3.3 Practical situation of state management of district education in Hanoi city 3.3.1 Practical situation of advisory work on elaboration of education development plannings and plans in districts Table 3.7: Practical situation of advising on development planning, education development plan in district area Contents District leaders and managers G Fa Moder W X oo ir ate ea level School administrators, teachers Go Fai Moder W X od r ate ea leve 11 Practical situation of advising work of Department of Education and Training Practical situation of developing a school network development plan according to management decentralizati on Practical situation of formulating 5-year and annual plannings and administrative reform programs on education To plan the training and retraining officials and employees of educational establishment s according to their competence X d k k l 62 24 45 13 36 72 4 3.12 49 196 42 12 42 84 14 14 2.8 53 21 47 14 38 76 9 2.98 28 112 61 18 45 90 13 13 2.71 55 22 51 15 36 72 5 3.06 49 196 46 13 39 78 13 13 2.89 67 26 42 12 32 64 6 3.16 57 228 44 13 35 70 11 11 3.0 3.08 3.3.2 Practical situation of organizing the implementation of state management of district education Table 3.9: Practical situation of the degree of organization of implementation of state management of education at district level 2.87 12 Contents 1.The reality of organizing and consolidating the state management system of education Decentralizing state management of education in the area Establish a state management mechanism for education Establish methods of state management of education Enforce the constitution and laws on education Practical situation of management of education programs and content Practical situation of District leaders and managers X Go Fai Mode W ea leve od r rate k l School administrators, teachers X Go Fai Mode W ea lev od r rate k el 61 244 46 138 36 72 4 3.1 53 212 42 126 41 82 11 11 2.9 54 216 39 117 45 90 9 2.9 39 156 33 99 57 114 18 18 2.6 52 208 34 102 51 102 10 10 2.8 7 43 172 31 93 57 114 16 16 2.6 54 216 35 105 47 94 11 11 2.9 45 180 34 102 51 102 17 17 2.7 59 236 43 129 39 78 6 3.0 51 204 40 120 43 86 13 13 2.8 57 228 42 126 41 82 7 3.0 49 196 38 114 45 90 15 15 2.8 55 220 41 123 42 84 9 2.9 52 208 41 123 43 86 11 11 2.9 13 management on finance, educational facilities X 2.9 2.8 14 3.3.3 Situation of developing and completing guidelines, guidelines and policies on education development and management at district level Table 3.11: Situation of implementation level, completion of guidelines and directions; education development and management policy at district level District leaders and School administrators, managers teachers Contents X G Fa Moder W X Go Fai Mode We ea lev oo ir ate od r rate ak d k level el The practical situation of the leadership of the Party 3.0 46 32 60 45 37 56 13 2.76 committees 18 96 at all levels, 240 135 74 112 13 1 the direction of the government towards educational management The practical situation of concretizing documents 3.0 41 31 46 36 59 16 2.66 of the state, 58 16 93 the Ministry 232 138 72 118 16 of Education and Training on Education The practical situation of 2.8 44 30 developing, 53 42 36 60 13 2.71 supplementi 17 90 212 126 72 120 13 ng and completing management documents The 47 59 36 2.6 40 31 60 16 2.65 practical 188 118 72 16 93 120 16 situation of management 15 of educational human resources in the area (quantity, quality, review, planning, training and retraining) X 2.9 2.70 3.3.4 Situation of inspection and supervision of state management activities in education at district level Survey results show that leaders, district managers and managers, teachers of schools assess the level of inspection and supervision of state management activities of district education, the average score is: X = 2.95 and X = 2.78 Assessing the level of implementation of inspection and supervision of state management activities in education at districts by leading officials and district management officials compared with the evaluation of school administrators and teachers, There are many differences For leaders and district managers, the difference between X max and X is 0.16 3.3.5 Practical situation of factors affecting the state management of education in districts Factor "Impact from the current administrative reforms” is assessed the strongest impact by leaders, district managers and teachers with the average score X = 3.55, ranking the first level Factor "Impact from the socio-economic development situation in districts, towns” is assessed the second highest level of impact by leaders, district managers and teachers with an average score of X = 3.47 Factor “Impact from staffing and education management mechanisms at district and town levels” is led by district leaders and managers; management staff, teachers rated the 3rd highest impact level with X = 3.43 Factor “Impact from the development of science and technology” is assessed by leaders, district managers and managers, teachers to have the fourth highest impact level with X = 3.39 Factor “Impact from the current status of the capacity of education managers at district, district and town levels” is evaluated by the leaders, district managers and teachers at 5th highest level with X = 3.36 16 “The impact factor from the socio-political regime, the State management mechanism” is assessed by leaders, district managers and managers, teachers with the sixth highest level of impact with X = 3.35 Factor “The impact of the policy on fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education” is now assessed by the leaders, district managers and managers, teachers with the lowest impact level X = 3.31 3.4 General assessment and causes of the state management situation of education in districts 3.4.1 General assessment of the situation - Result - Limitations and shortcomings 3.4.2 Cause of the practical situation The cause of these advantages Firstly, the attention and leadership of the Party committees and authorities at all levels Secondly, the role of the district government, the last level in the state management of education has been promoted Thirdly, the district education and training department helps the district people's committee manage education activities in the district Fourthly, the attention, direction and inspection of the Ministry of Education and Training and the Hanoi Department of Education and Training have created favorable conditions and legal grounds for the Department of Education and Training The districts, towns conduct the effective implementation of the assigned management tasks The cause of the limitations Firstly, although the Party and the State have had many resolutions, guidelines and decisions on education and educational management, the propaganda and thoroughness in the masses of the people are not extensive Secondly, the leadership and leadership capacity of a number of district leaders is still weak, unable to meet the development of education and training and new requirements on education management in the market economy of international and regional integration period Thirdly, the organization of the state management system of education in the district level has revealed the inadequacies Fourthly, the state management of education is moving from the old management mechanism (centralized subsidy) to the new management mechanism (by law) which has created new problems that make the capacity of the management agency The state does not cover all areas of activity Fifthly, the Party Committee and the district authorities in some localities have not closely instructed to summarize the lessons learned about state management in the area Sixthly, the budget for education in Vietnam is still low compared to other countries in the region and around the world Conclusion of Chapter In recent years, the state management activities of education in districts of Hanoi city, besides the achievements and advantages, the state management 17 of education in districts of Hanoi city still has limitations and disadvantages and did not achieve the desired effect School network planning, especially the preschool system does not meet the increasing learning needs of the people The quality of education is not high, the management mechanism is not appropriate but it is slowly overcome Advantages and limitations of state management of district education in Hanoi City due to many objective and subjective reasons Chapter ORIENTATIONS AND MEASURES EDUCATION IN DISTRICTS TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR INNOVATION OF EDUCATION 4.1 The orientations of state management innovation in education in Hanoi city meet the requirements of education renovation 4.1.1 Building and perfecting the system of legal documents and documents guiding the implementation of state management of education and implementation of administrative reform 4.1.2 Clearly define the functions, tasks, powers and uniformity in the state management of district education 4.1.3 Regularly fostering education management professionalism for the contingent of district-level educational managers 4.1.4 Focus on managing the quality of education in the district level 4.2 State management measures on education in districts of Hanoi to meet the requirements of education renovation 4.2.1 Following to the leadership and direction of the party committees and local authorities for educational development in the district level Based on the promulgated resolutions and documents of the district governments, attention should be paid to the leadership and direction of the implementation and institutionalization of the Party's policy and political orientation on education and training, policies and specific management decisions, creating a sufficient basis and legal basis for education and training activities, including state management of education and training 4.2.2 Planning and perfecting the state management mechanism on education in accordance with the reality at the district level The advisory bodies, directly to the District Party Committee Office, the Office of Education and Training, are the agencies that help formulate resolutions and draft education and training development plans that need to follow resolutions, education and training development strategies, policies of the country and the city to formulate resolutions, strategies and plans for education and training development at district level and pay attention to the appropriateness with each specific area The development of education and training development plans must have issues that clearly reflect the 18 functions and tasks of state management at the district level, avoid falling into specific issues, and change the functions and tasks of institutions 4.2.3 Establishing and organizing strictly implementation of the state management process of education in districts Establishing a process of state management of education creates conditions for the organization to implement in a scientific way, avoiding overlaps and delays in settling the tasks of state management of education Developing and gradually improving the state management information system on education 4.2.4 Organizing the training of management capability for the contingent of educational managers in Hanoi Education managers need to be provided with in-depth training in knowledge, skills and experience in managing human resources for education and training; New thinking on how to approach and solve new problems posed in the construction and development of educational human resources Retraining and fostering political, professional and professional knowledge for the contingent of educational administrators 4.2.5 Ensuring the effectiveness in the implementation of guidelines and policies on district-level education development in Hanoi It is necessary to assign and identify tasks and responsibilities for each individual, collective, and coordinating implementation to achieve management requirements The assignment and coordination of implementation of educational policies should be conducted in an active and flexible manner, contributing to raising the effectiveness and efficiency of education policies Examining the situation of organization and implementation of policies to promptly supplement and perfect policies, and reorganize the implementation of policies to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of implementation of education policies 4.2.6 Direct the renovation of inspection, examination and supervision of educational activities in the districts in Hanoi Focus on improving the effectiveness of the inspection, examination and supervision of educational activities at the district level Developing an annual and focused plan for inspection, examination and supervision of educational activities; promptly conducting unscheduled inspections and checks when necessary Organizing the inspection and examination in accordance with the process, regulations, clear conclusions, and strictly handling violations Carrying out the inspection conclusions publicly to affect the education system in the area Conclusion of Chapter On the basis of theory and practice, the dissertation has proposed measures for state management of district education in Hanoi city according to the defined research tasks These are measures on following the leadership and direction of the party committees and local governments in the area of education development in the district; Planning and perfecting the state management mechanism on education in accordance with the reality at the district level; Establishing and organizing strict implementation of the state management process of district education; Organizing fostering management capacity for education managers in the City; Ensuring the effectiveness in the implementation of guidelines and development policies on district education in Hanoi and the inspection and supervision In the 19 process of applying state management measures for district education in Hanoi city, it is necessary to apply a combination of measures, avoid absolutization, or underestimate any measures Chapter TESTING AND EXPERIMENT OF MEASURES 5.1 Testing the necessity and feasibility of the measures 5.1.1 Purpose and task of experiment 5.1.2 Content and subject of the experiment - Content of testing: Necessity and feasibility of the measures - Test subjects: Leaders, education managers of the Education and Training Division in districts and teachers at high schools The number of test subjects is 160 people: managers of the education and training department and schools of 50 people, leaders of 50 people, teachers of 60 people 5.1.3 Area and time of testing Testing areas: Tu Liem district, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi city Testing period: April 2017 5.1.4 Method of handling testing results In order to conduct the testing of the necessity and feasibility of the proposed measures, the opinion questionnaire is presented according to two contents: necessity, feasibility and each content is evaluated according to four level and be quantified by score: - Necessity: Very necessary (4 points), Necessary (3 points), less necessary (2 points), Unnecessary (1 point) - Feasibility: Very feasible (4 points), Feasible (3 points), less feasible (2 points), Not feasible (1 point) After collecting the results, the author analyzes and processes the data on the statistics table, calculates the average of the surveyed measures, ranks them in order to comment, evaluate and draw qualitative conclusions 5.1.5 Test results of necessity and feasibility of management measures Assess the necessity of testing methods Assess the feasibility of the testing methods Assess the correlation between the necessity and the feasibility of the tested measures Table 5.3 Correlation between the necessity and feasibility of the proposed management measures (Average score) No Measures Necessity Feasibility Level Level X X Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure 3,7 3,65 3,45 3,8 3,65 3,65 3 3,75 3,65 3,65 3,7 3,5 3,45 3 20 3.65 3.62 * Commenting on the necessity and feasibility of the measures A summary of the evaluation of the necessity and feasibility of the state management measures on district education shows that the opinions are highly appreciated with the necessity = 3.62 and the feasibility = 3.65 compared to Xmax = 4.0 is relatively high There are 6/6 management measures with> 3,3 are acceptable The proposed measures are appropriate, necessary and feasible in accordance with the reality and conditions of state management of district education in Hanoi In general, the necessity is higher than the feasibility of the measures 5.2 Organizing the testing of measures 5.2.1 Test purpose 5.2.2 Experimental hypothesis 5.2.3 Content, audience and test duration 5.2.4 Standards, rating scales and test variables * Results of directing the implementation of the program, content and methods of training are evaluated through the following indicators: * The progress of management capacity of educational managers is assessed through the following indicators: 5.2.5 Test principle 5.2.6 Analyze the test results Analyze test input results Analyze test results quantitatively * Results of directing the implementation of the program, content and methods of training Table 5.5 Results of directing the implementation of programs, contents and methods of training for educational administrators Testing group Control group No Contents Level X Level X Strictly and properly Rathe Rather implementing the training 3.38 r 2.55 good program and training content good The content of training ensures Rathe the science, practicality, updating 3.03 r 2.49 medium good Reasonable use of the form of Rathe Rather fostering 3.25 r 2.58 good good Using a combination of training 3.11 Rathe 2.44 medium methods r 21 good Rathe 2.60 r 2.24 medium good 3.07 Rathe 2.46 medium r good The test group has 5/5 leading contents are rather good level The total is X = 3.07, rather good level The control group has 2/5 directing contents are rather good level; 3/5 contents are medium level The general summary is = 2.46, reached the average level From the above results, it is possible to draw a comment: The training results of the testing group are higher than the control group * The progress of management capacity of education managers Evaluation of the progress of management capacity of education managers after the impact test is shown in Table 5.6 Table 5.6: Progress of management capacity of education managers after testing _ Indicators of management capacity X Groups Level (%) 2 Good 5.50 5.00 7.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 15 13 16 13 15 Control Rather 36.00 good 37.50 32.50 40.00 32.50 37.50 group (40) 19 20 18 22 19 medium 49.00 47.50 50.00 45.00 55.00 47.50 4 4 weak 17.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 7.50 10.00 Promote positive learning of students (management staff) in the training process General summary _ X Testing group (40) Good Rather good medium weak _ X 2.37 2.38 2.40 2.35 2.37 17.50 23 57.50 10 25.00 0.00 17.50 22 55.00 10 25.00 2.50 20.00 24 60.00 20.00 0.00 17.50 22 55.00 11 27.50 0.00 17.50 23 57.50 10 25.00 0.00 2.92 2.88 3.00 2.90 2.92 2.37 18.00 57.00 24.50 0.50 2.92 22 Indicator 1: Professional knowledge of state management of education: The points are 2.92 and 2.37 respectively Indicator 2: Professional knowledge of state management of education: The points are 2.88 and 2.38 respectively Indicator 3: State management skills in education: Scores are 3.00 and 2.40, respectively Indicator 4: The ability to apply knowledge to solve practical tasks of state management of education: The points are 2.90 and 2.35 respectively Indicator 5: Methods of handling state management work in education: The points are 2.92 and 2.37, respectively General summary: The test group has = 2.92, achieved Good level; control group has = 2.37, reached the average Analyze test results qualitatively Impact testing aimed at improving leadership results and the progress of management competencies in educational managers initially allows conclusions: Thanks to the impact measures, better steering results and management capacity The reason why the managers in educational management in the testing group had more progress than the control group and developed higher than the test group itself before the impact This result shows that the effectiveness of the pilot impact measure can improve the level of management capacity development for educational managers Conclusion test of measures: The results of testing show that the proposed measures are necessary, feasible so the dissertation has completed goals and tasks; Experimental hypotheses identified 23 Conclusion of Chapter Experimental and testing results have shown that state management measures on district education in Hanoi city are necessary and can be implemented in the practice of state management of education in the districts With the majority of agreed opinions, although the necessity and feasibility of each measure are assessed at different levels due to the content and method of implementation as well as the guarantee conditions of each measure The test results have initially proved the practicality and necessity of researching the state management issue of education of districts in Hanoi to meet the current education renovation requirements CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1.Conclusion In terms of theory: According to the current management decentralization, the district is the lowest level of education management in the locality and the department of education and training is the specialized agency of the district People's Committee so the management of the department's education has a direct role and role in the management of district education Improving the efficiency of state management of district education with appropriate functions, tasks, responsibilities and powers are necessary and sufficient factors for the state management of district education to meet the requirements in administrative reform in general and the education sector in particular The research results of the dissertation have built up the tool concepts including the concept of state management of district education to meet the requirements of education innovation which are the main impacts by the law of the government, local state management agencies shall manage objects to perform their functions, tasks, competence and decentralized management prescribed by the State in accordance with the requirements of educational renovation The thesis has identified the management contents, including: Advise to develop educational development planning, plan in district area; Organize the implementation of education development tasks in the district level; The leadership and direction of the Party committees at all levels, the direction of the government for educational development and educational management; Examine and supervise state management activities in education at district level In the process of local state management, it is always affected by the following factors: Socio-political regime, our country's management mechanism; The policy of fundamental and comprehensive renewal of the country and the cause of education and training development of Hanoi city; The development of science and technology; Current administrative reform work; Socio-economic development situation; Organizing payroll and education management 24 mechanisms and the current situation of the capacity of leading officials and educational managers in the districts, towns In term of practice: In recent years, Hanoi city has led, directed, organized the implementation and promulgated many legal documents to gradually improve the effectiveness of state management of education in However, there are still many shortcomings and shortcomings in the locality: the organizational structure is not rational, overlapping responsibilities, and overlapping tasks in management Therefore, the current state management of district education does not meet the requirements From the theory and practice mentioned, the dissertation has proposed measures for state management of district education in Hanoi city These are measures on the leadership and direction of the Party Committees at all levels and local authorities on educational development in the district level; Planning and perfecting state management institutions in education; Establish and organize strict implementation of the state management process of education at the district level; Organize fostering of state resources for educational managers in the district area; Ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency in the implementation of guidelines and policies on district-level education development in the City; Direct the renovation of inspection, examination and supervision of educational activities in the districts in Hanoi To verify the appropriateness of the proposed district state management measures, the author conducted experiments, tested the measures and the results showed that the measures were evaluated to be necessary and feasible Recommendations 2.1 People's Committee of districts and Hanoi city 2.2 Department of Education and Training of Hanoi 2.3 The Department of Education and Training in districts in Hanoi ... for state management of education in districts Building a practical basis for state management of education in districts of Hanoi city Proposing basic measures of state management of education in. .. Following the policies of fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education including the policy on renovation of educational management - Innovating the process of state management of education. .. characteristics of state management of education in the district, content of state management of district education, weak factors factors affecting the state management of education in the district in Hanoi

Ngày đăng: 18/01/2020, 08:09

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