Personnel concerned in preparatory work shall be designated prior to the commencement of PID preparation work and clarify the required basic items for the purpose of minimizing the revisions. (2) Project Engineering Manager shall establish the engineering schedule for the issuance of each step of PID (Issuance Step I to IV) taking into account the requirementsPersonnel concerned in preparatory work shall be designated prior to the commencement of PID preparation work and clarify the required basic items for the purpose of minimizing the revisions. (2) Project Engineering Manager shall establish the engineering schedule for the issuance of each step of PID (Issuance Step I to IV) taking into account the requirements
QUY TRÌNH THỰC HIỆN P&ID Department of Oil & Gas processing Work procedure (1) Personnel concerned in preparatory work shall be designated prior to the commencement of P&ID preparation work and clarify the required basic items for the purpose of minimizing the revisions (2) Project Engineering Manager shall establish the engineering schedule for the issuance of each step of P&ID (Issuance Step I to IV) taking into account the requirements of the contract, project scope and features peculiar to the project The issuance schedule of each step of P&ID (Issuance Step I to IV) might be flexible (either shorter or longer), however the P&ID steps (Issuance Step I to IV) and items to be indicated in each step of P&ID shall be adhered to Work procedure (3) Utilization of Estimation Engineering result is indispensable for development of P&ID (4) The P&ID is also to be reviewed by the related disciplines other than the discipline responsible for the basic design before issuing to the client This review is defined as “Internal P&ID Review” Also Marked-up P&ID based “Internal P&ID Review Meeting” should be held as the occasion demands Work procedure (5) The responsibility for the preparation, revision and handling of the P&ID and relevant coordination shall in principle be transferred from the process engineer to the project engineer upon issuance of the “P&ID for Construction” (a) Up to issuance of the “P&ID for Construction” : Process engineer (b) Upon issuance thereof : Project engineer (6) Intelligent Computer oriented P&ID System “IRENE” (JGC), “PDS” (INTERGRAPH) will be useful since they handle stream property data Phase for P&ID Preparation Purpose of Phase Control (1) To clarify downstream work and define the items to be indicated in each step of P&ID (Issuance Steps I to IV) (2) To minimize recycle work caused by missing and erroneous information (3) To minimize the number of NPIC, FS Phase for P&ID Preparation Definition of Each Phase The process of preparing the P&ID is divided into the following phases from the commencement to the completion of the P&ID work Phase-1 : Preparatory step for preparation of the P&ID Phase-2 : P&ID for engineering start (Issuance Step I) Phase-3 : P&ID for client’s approval (Issuance Step II) Phase-4 : P&ID for piping layout (Issuance Step III) Phase-5 : P&ID for construction (Issuance Step IV) Phase-6 : P&ID revision according to NPIC Phase-7 : P&ID as built Phase for P&ID Preparation Phase-1 Preparatory Step for P&ID Preparation Premise (1) The process engineer shall prepare: - Drawing Standard for P&ID Preparation - Design Criteria for the preparation of the P&ID • Serving as standards for the preparation of the P&ID, • Having factors to decide including the design philosophy of the client Phase for P&ID Preparation Phase-1 Preparatory Step for P&ID Preparation Premise (2) BEDD issuance (3) PFD establishment (4) Process Design Primary Information confirmation with client (5) Design Base confirmation with client (6) Numbering system confirmation with client (7) Instrument Selection basis confirmation with client Phase for P&ID Preparation Phase-2 P&ID for Engineering Start (Issuance Step-I: P&ID Rev-0 Draft) Purpose Preliminary Issue for engineering start Issue Schedule 1.5 ∼ 2.5 Month Subsequent Downstream Work (1) P&ID Internal Review Meeting (2) Preparation of Plot Plan Rev (3) Major (large bore size) and critical piping layout study which may influence the Plot Plan Phase for P&ID Preparation Phase-2 P&ID for Engineering Start (Issuance Step-I: P&ID Rev-0 Draft) Premise (a) Completion of Phase-1 premises (b) Equipment list (Item No & Name) fixed (c) VE to be already executed if necessary (d) Prompt selection of critical equipment vendor (e) Line class to be fixed (f) Previous Marked up P&ID, Off-The-Shelf P&ID available (g) Participation of P&ID key person 10 Phase for P&ID Preparation Phase-5 P&ID for Construction (Issuance Step-IV: P&ID Rev-2 and UFD Rev-1) Main Items to be Indicated (d) Instrumentation information - Special instruments connection size and rating - Auxiliary piping for instruments (e) Vendor information - To incorporate most of vendors’ information obtained up to this stage - Auxiliary piping tie-in size and rating of rotating equipment will be informed at later stage however, they shall be indicated together with estimated size 33 Phase for P&ID Preparation Phase-5 P&ID for Construction (Issuance Step-IV: P&ID Rev-2 and UFD Rev-1) Items not Required to be Indicated (1) Insulation thickness (2) Instrumentation standard nozzle connection size (shown in GENERAL NOTES AND SYMBOLS OF P&ID) (3) I/O signal of advanced control (4) Suction/Discharge flange rating of pump (only size is required to indicate) (5) Within package equipment vendor scope (indicate with a black box and indicate the drawing number of package equipment vendor’s P&ID in back box) (6) Auxiliary detail of rotating equipment 34 Phase for P&ID Preparation Phase-6 P&ID Revision According to NPIC Purpose P&ID revision issue incorporating the NPIC issued to date shall be prepared at certain intervals (typically every three to four months) so as to integrate the revisions concerned and to review the production engineering documents based on P&ID (not based on NPIC) 35 Phase for P&ID Preparation Phase-6 P&ID Revision According to NPIC Method of Preparation (1) Piping engineers shall mark-up the revised portion of NPICs on the master P&ID which will be transferred to CAD operators for revision (2) Piping engineers shall be responsible for the primary check that revised P&ID are consistent with marked up master P&ID (3) Project engineering manager shall approve and sign, then distribute to the related parties and members 36 Phase for P&ID Preparation Phase-7 P&ID As-Built Purpose The P&ID as-built shall be prepared upon completion of the project since the P&ID, intended for use in operation control, maintenance or revamping, shall be entirely in conformity with the completed facilities 37 Revision of P&ID P&ID Change • The revised editions of P&ID shall be issued in conformity with the phases specified in this manual and shall not be revised too often, to avoid confusion 38 Revision of P&ID Notification of P&ID Change (NPIC) The NPIC shall be issued in the following manner : (1) The latest JGC standard form for NPIC shall be used (2) The NPIC shall be prepared and verified by the department involved in the revision (3) Project engineering manager shall approve and distribute 39 Revision of P&ID Notification of P&ID Change (NPIC) The NPIC shall be issued in the following manner : (4) The following should be considered to minimize the number of NPIC - No description of specific pump auxiliary piping - Standardization of Instrument (to be indicated in “General Notes and Symbols”) - No repeated description of Legend P&ID items - Prompt settlement of vendor’s information - Prompt information on Operation mode (including 40 precommissioning) Revision of P&ID Notification of P&ID Change (NPIC) (5) The details of the revisions shall be indicated in a list or existing drawings as far as possible in the following manner and shall be attached to the NPIC (a) Preparation of a list : Where the size of control valves, safety / relief valves or other items of the same category require a large amount of revisions, a list of the abovementioned revisions shall be prepared and attached to the NPIC (b) Utilization of existing drawings : The revisions shall be indicated in the P&ID-latest issue, and the required portions shall be cut out and attached to the NPIC 41 Preparation of process operation diagram Work Procedure (1) A great amount of information is covered in P&IDs, since it includes all the requirements for - pre-commissioning, start-up, normal, shut-down operation, maintenance and safety Therefore, as an efficient means of preparing high-quality P&IDs, it is very effective to classify and graphically show the information which should be incorporated in P&IDs by category (preparation of PODs) 42 Preparation of process operation diagram Work Procedure (2) Since the preparation of PODs take a large amount of time and the effectiveness of PODs prepared varies depending upon the scale of the plant to be constructed • The greater the scale of the plant, the more effective PODs become • The lead process engineer for each project should decide as to whether PODs be prepared • When separate documents equivalent to PODs are available, it is not necessary to prepare PODs 43 Preparation of process operation diagram Work Procedure (3) PODs should be submitted to the client if necessary prior to proceeding with the preparation of P&IDs (4) PODs shall be prepared by using PFDs The relevant equipment, piping and instrumentation should be stated in larger or thicker letters and lines than those of other portions so that they can be clearly understood • If necessary, brief explanations should be added for better understanding 44 Preparation of process operation diagram Design-Content The following items shall be clarified and indicated in PODs before commencing P&IDs preparation work (1) Pre-commissioning, start-up and shut-down operation (a) Flushing (b) Purging (c) Steaming-out (d) Evacuation (e) Cold circulation (f) Hot circulation (g) Catalyst pretreating (sulfiding, reduction, etc.) (h) Off spec product handling 45 Preparation of process operation diagram Design-Content The following items shall be clarified and indicated in PODs before commencing P&IDs preparation work (2) Normal operation (a) Stream analyzer and sampling point (b) Necessity of control valve block and bypass (c) Driver type (d) Chemical injection point (e) Batch operation (f) Instrument for guarantee 46 Preparation of process operation diagram Design-Content The following items shall be clarified and indicated in PODs before commencing P&IDs preparation work (3) Safety operation (a) Depressuring (b) Location of safety / relief valves (c) Failure action of control valves (d) Emergency shut-down sequence (e) Auto start system 47