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Chương trình giáo dục phổ thông môn Tiếng Anh đảm bảo lấy hoạt động học của học sinh làm trung tâm trong quá trình dạy học. Năng lực giao tiếp bằng tiếng Anh của học sinh được phát triển thông qua hoạt động học tập tích cực, chủ động, sáng tạo. Giáo viên là người tổ chức, hướng dẫn quá trình dạy học, khuyến khích học sinh tham gia hoạt động luyện tập ngôn ngữ ở mức tối đa và từng bước nâng cao khả năng tự học.

WEEK Date of planning : 6/9/2017 Date of teaching : 13/9/2017- Class 5A, 5B Period Unit 1: WHAT’S YOUR ADDRESS? Lesson 3(1-2-3) I Objectives (Mục tiêu) - Competences (năng lực cần đạt): Sau hoàn thành học, học sinh biết phát âm xác trọng âm từ có âm tiết - Language focus (Kiến thức ngữ pháp): `city, `village, `mountain, `tower - Skills (kĩ năng): Pronunciation II Teaching aids (Phương tiện hỗ trợ dạy học) - Students’ Books, CD, radio, pictures III Proceduce (Tiến trình) TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ACTIVITIES CONTENT A Warm up (5 ms) - Game: Guessing places c -> city v -> village m -> mountain t -> tower B New lesson Listen and repeat (12 ms) `city Linda lives in a `city `village My best friend lives in a `village I live in the mountain `mountain `tower He lives in a tall and quiet `tower Listen and circle a or b Then say the sentences aloud (8 ms) Linda lives in a big ………… They live in the………… a.country b.city a.countrysi de b.mounta in - T asks Ps to think quietly the words which relate to the places they learned in the previous lesson - T writes the first letter of each words Ps guess - T links to the new part of the lesson Activity - T writes words on the board Draw Ps’attention to the word stress Ask Ps to listen and find out which syllabes the stress are put on (the first/ the second) - Get Ps to repeat afew times - Some Ps read the words - Have Ps to repeat the sentences - Ps read in groups The groups take turn to read the words and sentences - Some Ps read Others comment - T has a brief summary: With syllable nouns the stress is put on the first syllabe Activity - Get Ps read the given sentences and the options - T reads, Ps listen and circle a/b (2 times) - Some Ps report their answers to the class by reading the completed We live in Binh Minh… Key: b a Tower a b Town sentences - Other Ps comment - Whole class read the sentences for times Activity - Help Ps to go through the chant to understand the content of the chant - T plays the recording, Ps listen and read chorally - Ps practice reading in groups - The group perform the chant to whole class b Let’s chant (9 ms) - T asks Ps about what they learned in the lesson Ask Ps to find more nouns have the same word stress C Consolidation (1m) V Self reflexion: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning : 6/9/2017 Date of teaching : 13/9/2017- Class 5A, 5B Period Unit 1: WHAT’S YOUR ADDRESS? Lesson 3(4-5-6) I Objectives (Mục tiêu) - Competences (năng lực cần đạt): Sau hoàn thành học, học sinh biết đọc hiểu khoá địa viết địa nhà - Language focus (Kiến thức ngữ pháp): What’s his address? His address is 81, Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem District, Ha noi - Skills (kĩ năng): reading, writing II Teaching aids (Phương tiện hỗ trợ dạy học) - Students’ Books, CD, crayons III Procedure (tiến trình) CONTENT A Warm up (5 ms) - Chant: Where you live? B New lesson Read and tick Yes or No (12 ms) TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ACTIVITIES - T and Ps read the chant together - Praise Ps Activity * Pre- reading: N Trung live with his parents in Ha Noi He live in a tower His flat is far from the city centre His new school is near his home Trung likes his new home Y N Y Y Write about your friend (13 ms) Project (2 ms) Draw a house and write its address - T sets the context in oder to help Ps get the general idea about the text and understand the task - Recall the key words (district, modern, fine view, centre, near, far) Ps repeat afew times * While- reading: - Ps to the task individually in minutes: read and tick Yes/ No * Post- reading: - Some Ps go to the board to report their answers to the class - T and Ps check their answer - T explains if necessary - Ps retell the main content of the text Activity * Pre- writing: - T sets the context Have a brief discussion with Ps about what they are going to write - Go through the guiding questions and help Ps to understand clearly the task * While- writing: - Ps to the task individually in minutes * Post- writing: - Get some Ps report their answers (read the passage) to the class - T and Ps comment - T praises Ps who have good writings Activity - T explains and gives task to Ps - Ps draw pictures and write the address at home - Help Ps to evaluate their works in Unit - T consolidates the lesson Colour the stars (2 ms) C Consolidation(1m) V Self reflexion: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning : 7/9/2017 Date of teaching : 14/9/2017- Class 5A, 5B Period Unit 2: I ALWAYS GET UP EARLY HOW ABOUT YOU? Lesson 1(1-2-3) I Objectives (Mục tiêu) - Competences (năng lực cần đạt): Sau hồn thành học, học sinh biết cách hỏi, nói thói quen hàng ngày - Language focus (Kiến thức ngữ pháp): + Vocabulary (từ vựng: brush teeth, morning exercise, cook dinner, always, usually, often, sometimes + Sentence patterns (mẫu câu): - What you in the morning? I always brush my teeth - Skills (kĩ năng): listening, reading, speaking II Teaching aids (Phương tiện hỗ trợ dạy học) - Student Book, CD track 1+2+3, computer, pictures III Procedure (Tiến trình) CONTENT A Warm up (3 ms) - Sing: “The way we things” B New lesson Look, listen and repeat (13ms) - Vocabulary: always, usually, often, sometimes - Sentence pattern: What you in the afternoon? I usually my homework Look and say (10 ms) - Vocabulary: brush teeth, morning exercise, cook dinner TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ACTIVITIES - T plays the CD, T and Ps sing together - T introduces new lesson Discuss about daily routine Get Ps to read the title of the unit and explains the meaning Activity - Ps look at the pictures and discuss - T plays the recording, Ps listen and check if there are any new words - Write the new words on the board and get Ps to repeat a few times - Ps listen to the tape cript and repeat sentence by sentence - T encourages Ps to find out the sentence pattern which are used to ask about someone’s daily routine - Ps read the new sentence patterns afew times Activity - Ps look at the pictures a, b, c, d and identify the time and the activities - T reads the phrases, Ps repeat (3-5 - Practise speaking: times) A: What you in the morning? - T does the task with one P as an B: I always brush my teeth example - Ps work in pairs T monitors the C: What you in the morning? activity, check the pronunciation and D: I usually morning exercise offers help when nescessary E: What you in the afternoon? - Call on some pairs to perform the task F: I often cook dinner at the front of the class The rest of the class observes and gives comments H: What you in the evening? Activity I: I sometimes watch TV - Ask Ps to talk about their daily activities Encourage good Ps to widen Let’s talk (8 ms) their conversations - Ps work in groups What you - Some groups demonstrate the task in in…? I usually … front of the class - Praise Ps if they speak well or add some extra language - Ask Ps to summary what they have learnt in the lesson C Consolidation (1m) V Self reflexion: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning : 7/9/2017 Date of teaching : 14/9/2017- Class 5A, 5B Period Unit 2: I ALWAYS GET UP EARLY HOW ABOUT YOU? Lesson 1(4-5-6) I Objectives (Mục tiêu) - Competences (năng lực cần đạt): Sau hoàn thành học, học sinh biết nghe, đọc hiểu thói quen hàng ngày - Language focus (Kiến thức ngữ pháp): + Sentence patterns (mẫu câu): What you in the morning? I usually morning exercise - Skills (kĩ năng): Listening, reading II Teaching aids (Phương tiện hỗ trợ dạy học) - Students’ Books, pictures and radio III Procedure (tiến trình) CONTENT A Warm up (5 ms) - Mine and guess (Actions and guess the words which are connected to the next part- listening) B New lesson Listen and tick (9 ms) TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ACTIVITIES - Ask some Ps to the actions in front of the class Others look and say the words - T praises Ps Activity 1: * Pre- Listening: - Ps look at the pictures, discuss what the - Key: 1………… people in each picture doing? ……… - T explains and gives the task: listen and ……… tick the pictures ……… * While- Listening: - T plays the recording, Ps listen and tick (2 times) * Post- Listening: - Ps exchang their books - Ps provide their answers - Ps listen to the recording one more time to check their answers - Ps repeat what they have listened Read and complete (10ms) Activity 2: * Pre- Reading: like TV play usually - T asks some questions to set the context Hi My name Nam Every morning, - T elicits and recalls any vocabulary that I get up early I _ morning Ps need to understand the text exercise, have breakfast and then go - T checks if Ps understand the task to school After school, I _ * While- Reading: homework with my classmates - Ps read and the task (4 minutes), T Then I often go to the sport centre goes around and monitors the activities and football In the * Post- Reading: evening, I sometimes watch - Ps exchange their answers with their _ I _watching films partners after dinner - Some Ps report the answers on the board The rest of the class listens and gives comments - T announces the answer to the class, provides explaination if necessary - T asks some question to check Ps’ understanding of the text 3 Let’s sing (10 ms) This is the way we things This is the way we brush our teeth Brush our teeth, brush our teeth This is the way we brush our teeth So early in the morning This is the way we wash our face Wash our face,wash our face This is the way we wash our face So early in the morning … C Consolidation (1 ms) Activity 3: - Ask Ps to look and read the lyrics to understand the content of the song - Ps read chorally at once - T sings as the model - T guides Ps to sing one sentence after an other - Ps learn to sing in groups - T guides Ps to sing adding clap the syllable - Ps are divided into two groups One sings, other claps the syllable Then Ps swap their parts - Some small groups perform the song at the front of the class The rest of the class clap the syllable - Ps repeat the sentence patterns which used to ask and answer about address - Ask Ps to practise singing the song at home V Self reflexion: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Kiểm tra Ban giám hiệu Xác nhận Tổ chuyên môn Ngày … tháng năm 2017 Ngày … tháng năm 2017 ………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… ... (tiến trình) CONTENT A Warm up (5 ms) - Chant: Where you live? B New lesson Read and tick Yes or No ( 12 ms) TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ACTIVITIES - T and Ps read the chant together - Praise Ps Activity... ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning : 7/9 /20 17 Date of teaching : 14/9 /20 17- Class 5A, 5B Period Unit 2: I ALWAYS GET UP EARLY HOW ABOUT YOU? Lesson 1(1 -2- 3) I Objectives (Mục tiêu) - Competences... ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning : 7/9 /20 17 Date of teaching : 14/9 /20 17- Class 5A, 5B Period Unit 2: I ALWAYS GET UP EARLY HOW ABOUT YOU? Lesson 1(4 -5- 6) I Objectives (Mục tiêu) - Competences

Ngày đăng: 14/02/2019, 19:31

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