CM bien Kim Hyeon-ju • Lee Hye-jeong David S McCormick • John Boswell CMyen ngii phan chii giai Le Huy Lam V;-j.: NTV NHA XUAT BAN TONG HdP THAim PH6' H6 CH! MINH Cong ty TNHH Nhan Tri Viet RITING FLOW /right © 2009 Neungyule Education, Inc ished in Vietnam, 2009 edition is published in Vietnam under a license Agreement between Neungyule Education, Inc sa and Nhan Tri.Viet Co., Ltd Vietnam through Imprima Korea Agency, Korea ights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ansmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, therwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner ing Hiu nhu cung biet day la "hinh thuc tiep diin", nhien hay xem cau sau day: " Fm leaving in a few minutes See you." Vi ngudi dong nghiep phal tiep tuc a lai van phong lam viec, nen ban da de lai tin nhan xin loi ve viec ve trade Vi vay, ban da gm lai cho nguoi ban can tren, no co nghla la: Toi se di day Hen gap lai sau nhe!" Khi doc cau nay, nhieu doc gia goi dien boi: "Co phai sach bi sai khong? Tai lai dung thi hien tai tiep diln de didn dat hanh dong tuong lai?" Chung toi da tiing lo lang Idem tra lai xem cau tren co that su bi sai hay khong va ket qua la de dien dat hanh dong tuong lai gin, nguoi ta thuong dung thi hien tai tiep diln hon thi tuong lai Day la dieu co ban vdi nguoi hoc va su dung tieng Anh de noi va viet thuc te Tuy nhien, vdi nhung nguoi chi hoc so qua ve ngu phap thi co the cam thay xa la vdi diem ngu phap Day chinh la su khac biet giua tieng Anh "song" va tieng Anh "chet" Vi v|y lat qua trang dau tien ciia Writing flow, ban se gap tua de Grammaring ma khong phai la Grammar Do khong phai la thult ngu chung toi tu nghl ma la thuat ngu ciia Larsen Freeman, mot hoc gia ngon ngu ung dung ngudi My Cau chinh xac va cd nghla khong phai cd dupe tii viec ung dung may mdc nhung quy tic chung, ma la tu qua trinh suy nghi tim each ap dung nhung quy tac vao each diln dat ciia ban than Ndi each khac, vdi ngu phap, ban khong the ap dung cung nhlc cac quy tac gidng nhu ddi vdi cac cong thuc toan hoc Neu dupe yeu cau viet bai tieu luan dai khoang 300 tu thi ca chiing toi cung khong dam bao minh cd the viet diing het tiing cau bai, nhung day lai la dieu ma rat nhieu ngudi hoc tieng Anh lo ling Ban nen bo di suy nghi phai cham chi luyen tap tiing clu trade roi mdi chuyen sang viet bai van dai Trong mot bai van, cau tao cua toan bai cd tarn quan tuong duong vdi dp chinh xac ciia tiing cau Cd le nhieu ngudi nghi ring cau tao ciia bai van tieng Anh cung tuong tu nhu tieng me de ciia minh, nhung that ra, tii phuong thiic trien khai y den cac thuat ngu bai van tieng Anh da cd su khac biet Muc dp khac biet phu thupc vao linh vuc ma bai van de cap den Diing dpi den ban cd the viet chinh xac tat ca cac cau blng tieng Anh roi mdi luyen viet mot bai van dai, vi nhu vay rat khd va rat lau de ban cd the viet dupe mot bai van tieng Anh hoan chinh Cd phai hien gid ban dang tap viet bai van chu khong phai viet cau khong? Neu diing nhu vay thi ban dang cang hoan thien kha nang viet van ciia minh ma khong gap bat ky khd khan nao ca s O"! Tap the dau bep Tomato Writing A/hat's 3n the Vl.E.N.U? Starters 'let cau -Mam Preview Cau hoi viet loai Recipe Tii tam: Danh tii 18 Recipe Tu tam: Dong tii 10 24 —Recii5'e'a7Tii'trong tam: Gioi tii Dishes 32 Viet Email Recipe Tii tam: Tii bo nghia 38 Recipe Tii tam: Lien tii Mini Test bai 44 Thong tin ca ban ve email Preview Can hoi viet loai Recipe Hoi thong tin Recipe? Yeucau Recipe Cung cap thong tin Recipe Than phien Recipe 10 Denghi, goiy Mini Test bai Actual Test Main Actual Test Actual Test Dishes Actual Test Actual Test Thong tin co ban ve bai luan Actual Test Preview Can hoi viet loai Answers Recipe 11 Tim viec lam 172 Recipe 12 Sinh boat cong so 188 Recipe 13 Sip xep cong viec 204 Recipe 14 Tro nguoi tai gioi 220 Recipe 15 To chuc sinh boat ca nhan 236 Mini Test bai au tao cLia sac Viet cau Bai luan 300 tif cflng bat dau tif mot cau STEP1 Grammaring Phan khong chi giup ban luyen viet cau ^ dung, ma giup ban dien dat mot tinh huong bang nhieu cau khac step Sentence Power Mini Test Bang each hoc va luyen tap dung phPcfng phap, ban se viet cau thao Thi lam hai bai test ve cau hoi viet loai avfiub Vlain Dishes Viet email Trinh bay ro rang qua ba btfdc, tit hinh y tiidng den viet email tra led About Email Sap xep nhflng each diln dat thitdng diing va hinh tMc cd ban cua email triidc bdt dau viet mot email thtfc te STEP1 Brainstorming Tuy theo chu de, dgng nao tim y ttfdng de cu the hoa noi dung yeu cau s ep t Writing Emails Luyen tap viet email tri l&i theo yeu cau cua cau hoi va thSi gian quy dinh STEP Paragraph Power Day Id giai dop bp difa cac y ti/Sng cua minh vao doan van Mini Test Thuf lam hai bai test ve cau hoi viet loai a6ffa/> an shes2 Viet bai luan Trinh bay y kien cua ban than thong qua bai lup co the thi'fc thich hop About Essay Liet ke nhifng each dien dat thuPg diing va cau tnic co ban cua hai lup Irudc bat d§u viet bai luan thifc te step Brainstorming Bong nao tim y tifdng co the sd dung lam ct/ sd cho quan diem ban da chon step writing Essays Luyen tap viet bai luan dung the thdc va thM gian quy dinh Actual Tests Luyen tap lam cac bai test thde te mon viet TOEIG step paragraph Power Bai lulu hay phai bao gom cac doan van hay ^ Phan giup ban tap trung luyen t|p each viet cac doan van md bai, than bai, va ket luan theo nhieu chu de khac Mini Test Thd lam bai bai test ve cau hoi viet loai /pmSlls Sd dung CD-ROM de thifc hanh lam bai test moi trddng giong vdi ky thi thUc te gj [•mill] TOEIC Writing flow Day 5®' Day's r->Day 4, _ - IQliies H® Ifitpfi sm ■s2(na|| IkWeefel I I 13rd J " yirpekil £*41 SsiSS-fc ■ 'te&xMI ISffl Isfpete """ Day About I3sa ty Mam Dioh Mam.Dioh ? "FJccioa 11 ô fjjflLyye'ir^BLD^ Tằ ằ ô ^ r^ At tl' ll Ic >i l Actual Test •Tht/c hanh "ia_ pMđ|WnKĐa^ BqilcHieuIda^aii dot chieu dap an Day'7 ; aijltllycauii IvimiiTes Main Dish Mam D'ish Mam Diah"2i "Rpcipe,13 " -.RccipelS < e 't' r* A Actual "Test Ac tu il lev Adinl Tl tr)I| Thifc hanh va Thifc hanh va Thi/e halih^a 4| ^ -r fi doLchieu dapJn doi clneij dap^an?! Ban phai thifc hien thffi gian bilu tmSc kv thi 28 Ban nen hoc theo thu' til vi dp kho tang dan lit thifc hanh viet mot du den thitc himh viet bai luan Si dung CD-ROM, thifc hanh bai Actual last khoang thcfi gian quy dinh sau thimg qua dap an, ban co the phat hien nJiOng chd han die cua ban than de sila dfii nham dat hieu qua can htm ky thi tln/c te vwyp.nhantnvie"i Thong tin ye TOEIC ky thi Speaking ^ & Writing Thong tin chung yA ky thi TOEIC Speaking 8e Writing Hien tai ky thi TOEIC Speaking & Writing g6m hai loai: TOEIC Speaking & Writing Idem tra ky nang noi va ky nang viet, va TOEIC Speaking chi kiem tra ky nang noi Thi smh co the chon mo hai loai de dang ky du thi 01 He thong ky thi Ky thi TOEIC Speaking & Writing dime tien hanh theo the thiic IBT (Internet-based Test); tin sinh se lam hai thi tren may tfah tai nhung trang tarn khao thi duoe chi dinh Speaking Test, can tra Idi cua thi sinh se dugc ghi am lai; doi vdi Writing Test, thi sinh se lam bartrue tiep tren may va phan tra loi se dugc gui den ETS o Hoa Ky^qua dutag truyen Internet Phan tra lor ciia thi sinh se dugc cac chuyen gia cua ETS true tiep cham diem 02 Dilm so DilmW Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Phtrong thuc tinh dilm (Scoring) Diem so ciia hai thi TOEIC Speaking & Writing dugc tinh rieng; so diem tdi da cho moi ky nang la 200 diem Cap la cap cao nhat ciia Speaking va cap la cap cao nhat ciia Writing Thong bao di^m Khoang 3-4 tuin sau thi, thi sinh co the xein diem qua trang Web ETS chi dinh va thi sinh se nhan dugc phieu diem vong 7-10 ke tii c6ng bd diim Thoi han hieu lire ciia ket qua thi Thoi han hieu luc la nam De du thi, thi sinh khong can phai co dieu kien dac biet nhu hoc luc, tu each, v.v 10 CTUAL Questions 6-7 Respond to a written request Dear Mr A Chae, [MS dau] We apologize for this mistake This must be very inconvenient for you There are two ways to handle this problem : ■ [Suggestion 1]The first way is to print your new address on a sticker label and attach it to the old letterhead [Suggestion 2] The other way is to print out new sheets of paper with the new address [Information] I must inform you that the first option would be faster, but it might not look as professional as the second option You can decide which you prefer Just send us your new address again and we will take care of it with no extra charge - - [Ket thuc] Sincerely, ; -7 Fine Prints ■ v a- " - Hello Mr Britten, m dSu] Raving a summer concert is a great idea" I am sure that some of my students will want to participate in this event Before sending the participants' list, I have something to ask you [Question 1] Can you please tell me how many days and hours of rehearsal will be required of the students? , [Question 2] Also, will there be auditions for the orchestra, or will all students who are interested be accepted into the group? [Information] Maybe you not know this, but one of my pupils is a very gifted violinist who has already been offered a scholarship to a specialist music college She indicated that she may be interested in joining the orchestra [Ket thuc] Thanks, Ron Lawrence 336 Questions 6-7 Question Write an opinion essay [M5 bai] Most people work about eight hours a day They start their jobs in the morning and they finish in the evening But some people things the opposite way They work the night shift [Cau lu$n de] It is true that working at night has certain advantages and disadvantages Here I will discuss both sides of this issue [Than bai] [l/u diem 1] Many people not like working at night because they would rather relax or sleep For this reason, if somebody can work at night, it can be easier to find a job [tfu diem 2] Working at night is also good because it is a very calm time Because, most people are sleeping, you can work in a very peaceful and comfortable way [l/u diem 3] Finally, the salary for working a night shift can be higher than for a day shift This is also because most people not want to work late ' Working late at night also has some negative points [NhiMc diem 1] For one thlng^ you cannot sleep at a normal time of the day When you are working; other people are sleeping When you are asleep,pother people are awake This kind of situation can make you feel very strange because you are not oh the same schedule as other people [NhiWc diem 2] Another disadvantage of working a night shift is That you wil! probably be sleeping during normal business hours This wilt make "it hardfdfybtj'tb'gb butrehd buy things you need When you are awake, the stores are closed [NhWedi^m 3] One last reason that working late is not good is the effsct on your social life Again, because you are awake when-most people are asleep, it will be hard to meet your friends and family This can harm your relatlonshlps' wlth the people you like the most [Ket luan] Even though there are some advantages to working late at night, I believe, that it is better to work during the day Working a day shift creates a healthy schedule for your body and mind, and it also helps your social life Question 337 ACTUAL "EST Questions 1-5 Write a sentence based on a picture Model Answer The math teacher is explaining how to solve a problem ,ô*