With the aim of bringing out the principles to help leaders and managers can understand the management philosophy, especially to understand the psychology and expectations of employees i
Each employee has certain potential exists in their people, but not everyone knows how to maximize their own internal resources With the aim of bringing out the principles to help leaders and managers can understand the management philosophy, especially to understand the psychology and expectations
of employees in the organization From the 50 years of the 20th century, the researchers came up with the theory of motivation for employees, but until now the problem has not been adequate attention, because people have not seen see its importance for the survival of an organization
I- Motivational theory
In the course of business executives, managers or leaders motivate the staff by performing the acts or use certain tools (physical and mental) to promote below provide all ability to work with the best effort to fulfill the purpose of the company This is not simple, especially for large-scale enterprises, with huge human resources, by human beings is an extremely complex and difficult to grasp Access to motivational theories of economists, psychologists and theorists of the world's top management as a basis to help business leaders with a basis for selecting and applying ways to encourage employees a reasonable way
1 Theory needs of A Maslow
According to the American psychologist Abraham Maslow, people have different levels of demand When the low-level needs are satisfied, a higher-level needs become the driving force Once a need is met, other needs will appear The
Trang 2result is that people are always unmet needs and these needs motivated people perform certain tasks in order to satisfy them
Demand theory of A Maslow Theory of peaked in the identification of the needs of human nature in general So far, no theory better alternative to this theory although there are many candidates intend to replace According to the theory of A Maslow, human nature needs to be divided into different hierarchy from the bottom up to the "top", reflects the "base" of it for the existence and development of human beings and as a natural vegetation, and as a social entity The arrangement needs according to scale from low to high to see the cruelty of the human population reduction and the "civilized" man's increase The lowest level and most basic physical needs or the human body consists of demand for food, clothing, housing, Next level is the need for security or protection needs Safety needs with the safety of life and property safety Higher security needs is the need
of the relationship as the relationship between humans, human relations with the organization or the relationship between man and nature People are in need of love and attachment Level of demand shows that human communication needs to develop On this level is the need to be recognized and respected This is the human desire to receive the attention, care and respect from those around him and look forward to is itself an indispensable link in the system of social division of labor They respected that the individual is expected to become useful as a simple thing in the society Therefore, people wish to have high status to be respected and admired Above all it needs is the need of self-expression It is the desire and effort
to achieve the desired People found themselves need to do some work on their interests and only when the job is done, they feel satisfied
Theory needs sorted human needs from low to high The higher-level needs will be satisfied when the lower-level needs are met Human individuals and key people in the organization demand action Satisfaction satisfy their needs and encourage them to take action At the same time, the needs are met and maximum satisfaction is the purpose of human action According to the review it needs to
Trang 3become an important motivation and the impact on the individual needs will change human behavior In other words, the leader or manager can control the behavior of employees using tools or measures to influence their needs or expectations makes them aggressive and harder to assigned work, more elated when performing tasks and more dedicated to the tasks they perform In the opposite case, the employee assigned to work the way decreasing their enthusiasm and also a way for employees to understand that they need to find somewhere else
to work a person needs it
In a business or organization contains basic needs can be met through both good and fair wage, provide meals or free meals during shifts or to ensure other benefits such as bonuses title emulation, tours, travel, reward initiatives To meet safety / managers can ensure favorable working conditions, job security is maintained stable and equal treatment for employees To satisfy the demand relationship, the employee should be facilitated group work, given the opportunity
to expand exchanges between departments, encouraging people to join their ideas for the business development organizations Also to meet the growing demand relationship, business or organization should have fun activities, entertainment or other holiday celebration To satisfy the demand to be respected, workers need to
be respected, quality Next get paid wages or adequate follow-income market relationship, their desire to respect human values Managers or leaders, therefore, need to have mechanisms and policies praise, honor the success and popularity of personal achievement results in a dynamic range At the same time, workers should
be provided timely feedback, promotion of personnel in the new job level and greater sphere of influence For self-improvement needs, managers or owners need
to provide the opportunity to develop personal strengths At the same time, employees need training and development, should be encouraged to participate in the improvement process forward business or organization and to create conditions for their own professional development Large business corporations in the world
"win" a lot of good employees, including employees who are "difficult" from
Trang 4different countries due to the strong gravitational mechanism of this talent through the creation of conditions for they have houses, cars stable employment, high wages and the ability to promote strong, including their assigned responsibility and key leadership positions the company completed
Currently, Vietnam's status despite relatively high wages are paid in the joint venture, but many people still do not want to work in a joint venture that they want work finished agencies, Vietnamese enterprises at much lower wages The main reason comes from the conception to the completion of the joint venture is difficult to ensure the advancement and development of social status This means that the joint venture does not meet promotion needs of these people compared to other agencies, Vietnamese enterprises For such objects, salary or income is not the real solution to satisfy their needs which is the position that they must meet Thus, the business owner or the head of an organization should, depending on the specific circumstances to apply this theory needs to detect the needs of each employee, the formation and development of skills to encourage employees appropriately
2 Hierarchy of needs of Maslow
American psychologist Abraham Maslow said: workers are in demand by ladder from low to high are: physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, needs
to be recognized and self-improvement needs
Accordingly, the low-level needs must be
satisfied before higher-level needs These needs
motivated people perform certain tasks to be
met Thus, the key needs to be motivated and the
impact on the individual needs will change
human behavior Here is the expression
corresponding to the level of needs of
Trang 5The leader or manager can use tools or to measure the impact on the needs or expectations of the employees for their enthusiasm and dedication to the tasks they undertake
Basic physiological needs can be met through good wages, paid for lunch
or mid-shift meal for free, or ensure other benefits Meet the needs of social relations expressed through the exchange activities, team activities outside working hours between parts of the company At the same time, these activities also help develop a sense of community and teamwork For self-improvement needs, managers can create the opportunity to develop personal strengths At the same time, workers need to be trained and and have the opportunity to upgrade themselves, should be encouraged to participate in the general development of the business or organization
For Simon Cooper, chairman hotels Rizt-Calton, a way for him to encourage the relationship between the members of the group are: He always dressed impeccably in a blue suit, shirt white, purple tie and shiny black shoes External form expresses its respect for the staff He said very emotional: "Good morning, my friends." He always expressed his thanks to everyone for their dedication to the job Therefore, most of the employees possess the same happiness, not the rank and salary discrimination
On the other hand, the needs of Maslow's theory helps managers assess the needs of each employee, in each specific situation to choose an appropriate solution to motivate With a newly recruited staff are needed to work and earn a reasonable salary is leading problems that need attention As an employee had
"seniority" work in the company, the work has matured and accumulated quite a lot
of work experience were paid high wages, the employee needs to achieve the position , corporate positions forward or organization We also have staff, though still young but promising career with a high salary and the position of the
Trang 6important companies They need to express themselves in more challenging tasks, which they not only demonstrate the capacity but also have the opportunity to improve
2 Herzberg's two-factor theory
American management theorists, he Frederick Herzberg trying to explain human motivation in a completely different way He made two sets of factors driving workers and call the first set of "maintenance factor" This group only have the effect of maintaining good order, prevent the "disease"; however, they do not make people work better These factors include salary, management, supervision and working conditions All employees are expected to receive wages commensurate with their strength, the company is managed properly and their working conditions are comfortable When these factors are met, sometimes the workers consider it of course But without them, they will become dissatisfied and therefore, production declined
The second set of factors are those factors that promote real effects These include achievement, challenge, responsibility, advancement and growth The push factors are factors related to job content and maintain the elements related to the scope of work
Absence of motivating factors, workers will express their dissatisfaction, laziness and lack of interest in work This causes emotional instability
Herzberg observed that in many companies, managers try to improve the maintenance factor and expect their subordinates will be more satisfied in their work, but they were disappointed He suggested that, should improve the motivating factor if the administrator wishes to have a positive response of the workers
Herzberg make a job enrichment program as a method of applying the theory of his motivating factors This program includes making the work more challenging by allowing employees to participate in a more positive and have more
Trang 7autonomy in their work This will give them the feeling of complete and more satisfying
Three terms: enrich, expand or job rotation are often used interchangeably, although among them there are certain minor differences The expansion work includes horizontal expansion of worker tasks by performing the tasks other similar services Enrich the work includes expanding vertically the task
of the workers, by dealing him to perform some tasks that were previously in charge he did This allows him to perform scheduling tasks of his own, take on more responsibility, develop a sense of progress and growth In job rotation, workers simply change his job with another worker Rotation plus the change breaks the monotony By rotation, the workers have the opportunity to learn new skills or understand a new field of a similar operation Upon request, the worker can replace a colleague
American management theorist Frederick Herzberg divided the factors that motivate employees into two categories: maintenance factors - the external satisfaction and factors driving satisfaction intrinsic
The first group only works to maintain normal working state All employees are expected to receive wages commensurate with their strength, the company is managed properly and their working conditions are comfortable When these factors are met, they sometimes consider it of course But without them, they will become dissatisfied and performance decline The second set of factors are those factors that promote real effects, related to the nature of the work In the absence of motivating factors, workers will express their dissatisfaction, laziness and lack of interest in work This causes emotional instability
So, Herzberg, instead of trying to improve the maintenance factor, managers should increase the motivating factor if you want to have a positive response of the staff
Trang 8In business groups hotels Rizt-Calton, managers constantly reinforce a value of 12 key services of the hotel Employees are encouraged to discuss this value in all of their daily tasks and understand that their actions have an impact like for other goods, with determination towards the collective's five-star service Group Rizt-Calton From there, they can do a better job
Or, working a style familiar in systems Rizt-Calton share for each of the great example of superior customer service of the members of the company This will not only strengthen the skills needed for customer service, but also gives employees a "pride" when evaluated and praised openly before their superiors and colleagues
II-Causes of the state employees lack the motivation to work
The lack of motivation of employees in enterprises rooted in the nature of work, working conditions and how to evaluate the performance of their superiors not satisfied
About the nature of work: Many managers often do not pay attention to the elaboration of specific job descriptions from the beginning to lead to their employees to work without effective control over their work, not evaluate their own progress and not feel the attention of their superiors with what they've done
On the other hand, there are clearly planned, carried out according to the process stability However, if ever a job for a long time to mature, they will not need to try too hard to ensure productivity, not for the dedicated work to improve labor efficiency
About working conditions: Employees who decline are often the people who do not find prospects for advancement or work without specifying the purpose, his dedication ideal work in a state of indifference and machinery or search for a different work environment more motivated
On how to evaluate performance: Employees often feel depressed if all their hard work not be noticed and appreciated, even if only to get negative
Trang 9feedback This is the case usually those with serious attitude, completed on time (but seldom create mutations in achievement or work methods) and managers consider it obvious that they have to achieved should not care, even forgotten them
in the company
III-The principle overcome the lack of motivation
Making the job lists: The list of work should be detailed, accurate and
with the participation of the staff and leadership And should take the initiative to create more diversity and richness in the work of employees by increasing the complexity of the task, expanded powers and responsibilities to them For example, the finance department staff, rather than increasing the number of accounts they have to charge, their managers be able to monitor the situation closely and directly solve customer problems
The renovation work: Rotate positions associated with guiding the work
of other employees is also a manager's efforts to help find a sense of excitement, promote school spirit subordinate questions and scheduled a replacement resource when there are changes in personnel Also in the finance department, the staff in charge of accounts payable can learn the professional accounts receivable, and vice versa
Development opportunities for staff: Staff always expect a condition to
work with advancement opportunities open to meet their career goals, with a positive work environment In addition, a director who knows how to arouse the capacity of the poor workers in the company also created a trust, and support not only from its own staff, but also from individuals others in the group, derived from
a belief that leadership will not abandon them
Construction of corporate culture: The highly efficient business
operations have the same cultural characteristics very prominent is their main target group is not intended to serve individual business owners that targeted to benefit public contract Leaders also need to consider the construction of a working
Trang 10atmosphere brought encouraging staff, including support staff up to perform their assigned job, be proactive choice in job
Record performance: When employees are appreciated and respected for
what they have contributed, they will be grateful and relentless dedication Business leaders can directly or indirectly point out that through the recognition and response time, through various forms voted employee of the month Leadership belief is also a way of showing respect and contribute to improving the employee's sense of responsibility for the business