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CONCHOLOGIA ICOIfICA: ILLrSTRATlONS SHELLS OF MOLLUSCOUS AXIMALS VOL XVII CONTAIXINTr MOXOGRAPHS OF THE QEXEKA ANODON CUCULL^A HYRIA CASTALIA APLYSIA TELLINA ATYS SCUTUS TUGALIA PLEUROBRANCHUS LOYELL AUGUSTUS REEYE, CORRESPONDING MEMBER F.LS., F.G.S OP THE NATORAl HISTORY SOCIETT OP WITBTEMBEBG, OF THE LTCECM OP SATDK4L HISTORT OP SEW YORK, OP THE ACADEMY OP NATCBAL SCIENCES OP PHIIAJJELPHIA, AND OF THE ZOOrOfilCO- BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF VIENNA * Hage ocean shows, within his yellow straml, A habitation marvellously planned For life to occnpy in love and rest.'" Worihtrorih LONDOX L REEVE & CO., 5, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN 1870 LONDON SAVILL, FDWAKDS AND CO PRI^T^l;^:, OOVENT GARnF.N CHANDOS STREET, — MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS A N ' Mislike me not for D ON my complexion." Shakspiare ATwdonPl.I Sowerby; dd et lith l?incent Brooks , Trnp, A N D N Plate L Genus AXODOX, cumstances, render the determination of species a work Britquiere Testa Jluviatilis, bivalvis, bimusculosa, transverse ohlonga, of the greatest difficulty, or it might be said, absolute Probably many so-caUed species described by Lea and others, possibly some of the few to which new names are herein attached, may be but impossibility plerumque plus minusve ovata, intvLs margaritacea, margine cardinali edenfuld, extus epidermide corned indutd ; ligamento exterTW varietal Shell fluviatile, bivalve, bimuscular, transversely oblong, generally more or less ovate, pearly within, with homy toothless cardinal margin, covered with a epidermis without, ligament external Although the great rivers of the North American may be regarded as the favoured haunts of the Nayades, as they produce the greatest species in the greatest abundance and number fullest what the Anodcns with toothless hinges side more ponderous AnoDON is Leila siibtrigond, magnd, altd, fumeo- leviter iindulatd, ad umhones ; et intiis fulvidd : medio injlato, oblique angulafo, infrd, ad terminiim acuminata, mar- gine dorsali elevate, recto, margine laterali siibconcavo, valde declivi The large Axodon thin, inflated, smoky brown, without no general peculiarity dis- trigonal, Shell concentrically elevated, large, lightly undidated, rays, fidvous at the umboes and within: anterior side produced, rather rounded; middle inflated, ventral margin convex, imiboes elevated, large, prominent, subcentral; side which some naturalists have considered and have distinguished under the name of a little posterior more produced, obliquely angular, species, They hians, represented in teristics in aciuninated Anodon scriptus Plate IV., and Anodon show these charac- a very pronoimced manner The variation of form to which the species are liable, the differences which are presented in various stages of development, and the expanding or stunting influences of local cir- at the end elevated, straight, lateral are rather solid shells, with a triangular Brazilian species, latere margine nentibus, subcentralibus; latere postico productiusculo, to require notch in the pearly lining of the posterior part of the hinge, and a sinuous hiatus in the front ventral margin The testa ventrali convexo, umbonibus elevaiis, magnis, promi- European and North American types There is, however, in Central America a rather peculiar type of nugeneric, Sowerby.) antico producio, stibrotundo tinguishing the Nayades of those localities from the merous the more palpably distinct temii concentrice fused, eradiatd, Australia and India supply their quota of both divi- and perhaps there do, here, namely, to find to (ilus An GRAXDis injlatd, whose more strength and complexity in their cardinal arrangeThus in our own rivers we have one or two ments large species of Anodon to correspond with our two or three Unios, and so on through aU the European States sions, have endeavoured Species by side with the may be supposed the forms coming under our comizance family, divisions of the tribe, the Unios, generally thickened shells I or adopt designations for large ponds or inland lakes exist and can be explored, numerous members of the all of In every part of the world, wherever rivers or there are to be found would It The most we can consistent opinion in every case develop- ment, yet they possess nothing like a monopoly of the family species great collections before us at once, to form a perfectly is Continent forms of previously known be impossible, without having the specimens of much below, margin a dorsal little margin concave sloped Sat Jay"s Catalogue of Shells, p 25 Hab Fox's Kiver, U.S There are specimens of Museum marked Anodon this shell in the British anatina, Lamarck, but the expression " Natibus retusis " in the description cisive against species June, 1870 is de- Lamarck's name being applied to this ANODON.— Plate L dulated, ventral margin slightly sinuated Species (Fig 2, Mus Sowerby.) and Plate II Anodon CYGN.EUS fig 26 side An.-festd, elongatd, subovald, viagnA, subcompressd, tenui, valde inwquilaterali, olivaced vel fumeo-fuscd, varie fasciatd, j^lerumque viridi radiald, intus iridescenle alhidd ; latere antico pla- niusculo, margine dorsali elevato, cuneato, ventrali sursum paulo honibus acclivi retusis, margine ventrali ; medio subcompresso, um- planulatis, leviter tenuiter sinuato undvlaiis, latere postico ; somewhat expanded, margin straight, ventral convex, sloped upwards towards the angle LiNNiEUS Systema Natiu-se (Mytilus.) Mytilus anatinus, Linnasus Anodonta sulcata and intermedia, Lamarck Mytilus stagnalis and zellenensis, Gmelin Mi/tilus fuscatus, Dillwyn Mytilus radiatus, Muhlfield Mytilus avonensis, Montagu trali convexo, versus The Swan Anodon angulum recto, acclivi Shell elongated, subovate, large, subcompressed, thin, very inequilateral, olive or smoky brown variously blended, generally rayed with green, iridescent white within ; anterior side rather flattened, dorsal margin elevated, cuneate, ventral a little sloped compressed, umboes upwards, middle rather retuse, flattened, finely un- posterior produced, dorsal ven- margine dorsali ; obscurely biangular, truncated between the angles, subexpanso, obliquo, producto, obscure biangulato, inter angulos truncate, obliquely Anodon variabilis, Drapornand Anodon ventricosus, cellenensis, ponderosa, Anodon paludosa, Turton Anodon pisciiialis, Nilson PfeifFer Hab Europe This very variable species all its may forms by the character of compressed and finely undulated its be traced through umboes, which are AnodvTvPl.lI Yinoent Brooks Isnp Sowerby, dd el ilh Scidus PL I 1-C iil^ \ t ^«mr \ k } \ 1.w^ 1 d- Sawerby, del et lith VmcentBrooks.Day £ Son.Imp ; S C U T U Plate Genus SCUTUS, Mmtfcrrt Trstd oblongd, scutiformis, suhsymmetricd oblique turce versus S I Species apice dorsali, ; (f ciiatd, intus, iinisculari oblongd, postice semicircidari, antice inter- concentrice rupta lateiibus apex dorsal, obliquely inclined towards the posterior margin, The elongated margin of the aperture entire, sinuated in front forms the dorsal shield of a large gastro- podous mollusc which it The does not cover and two others are Australian Madagascar and one from the Philippines species margine antico ; Scutus apice retrorso, marginibus rectiusculis, sub- late sinuato Shell oblong, smooth, someinflated in front, con- margin and apex concentrically, interruptedly banded with orange, apex far back, sides com- Lamarck rather pressed, shell apicem aurantio et centrically slightly undulated, within, between the cular, anteriorly interrupted The marginem what arched, rounded and muscular impression oblong, posteriorly semicirFarnwphorus inter interruptini fasciatd ; compressis, paraUelibvs ; Mus Cuming.) 3, 4, antice rotundatd inflatd, concentrice subun- dulatd, margine integro, antice sinuato ; impressione Mus Sowb Sr testa oblongd, Icevigatd, snbar- Souths elongatus mai-ginem posticum incUnato, aper- Shell oblong, scutiform, subsymmetrical 2, 1, ; one The largest is from shells of this genus can only be confounded with those of one margins Blainville ; straight, with nearly parallel anterior margin widely sinuated Bulletin des Sciences, Fev 1817, p 28 Parmophori(S Avsti'alis Lamarck Pai-mophorus IcBvis (var.) Blainville Scutus angustatus (var.) A Adams other genus, namely, Tugalia, which has the margin toothed while that of Scvtus is entire The concentric lines of growth on the surface of species are undulated so as to form towards the margin excepting towards the which they are only sinuated June, 1870 this softly shining rays centrally front, in Scatus PI 3.0, ^ '" ^ II a, t'ii m'' It —^.^ -^Sf^ Ml- 11 ^i 3.b h Sowerby deletlitVi VmcentBi uoks Day £ Sou.lmp ;;; ; C S U T U Plate Species (Fig o, Mus Cuming in ScuTcs GRANULATUS Brit ; h, II Sc testd breviusculd, subarcuatd, Scutus et ad latera per lineis coiicentricis sulco, Scutus striated in front sides ; Shell rather short, slightly granulated behind and at the vert Parmophorus, No Quoy et more narrower in front than much same way and the shell Hab ScCTUS CORRUGATUS Sowerby Sc b, ; Mus Cuming termino oblongd, ; is end margine subacuminato, lateribus pa- rectis, acute is broadest at the posterior end, and the Scutus (Fig a, Mus Sowerby; Shell oblong, slightly acuminated, ; The margine antico Snake Scutus rather Shell flattened, striated ; Chemn Scutus antipodis Montfort from the preceding as species, which tapers aU the Tugalia to- tnincato, vix rather smooth, sides short, straight, concentrically straight, anterior Systema Nature Hob Japan wards the anterior end, late anterior area broad, smooth LiNN.fiUS Patella ambigua differing latd,subcom- margin widely truncated, very shghtly sinuated sliarjily are very nearly parallel, in this respect Brit.) concentrice continuiter striatd Eeeve Proc Zool Soc, 1842 sides Mus testd breviusculd, recta, rectis, continuously flattened, sides straight, margin b, sinuato, ared anticd latd, loevigatd broad, sinuated, anterior area radiately obscurely ribbed The tumid, narrow nearer the centre than in any other species Scutus unguis Sc complanatd, lateribus wavily corrugated in the middle ; anterior margin ; angle Madagascar This shell apex sinuato, ared anticd radiatim obscure costaid parallel anterior planatd, loevigatd, testd medio undulatim corrugatd CORRUGATED concentrically striated, always is in Brit.) The Shell thick, short, wide, li-unt, at the back (Fig a Mus rallelibus, Scutus sinuated, Species Species ad margine antico valde sinuato, Parmophorus tumidus Quoy Parmophorus gibbosus Anton strongly, The radiately striated is laid, Blainville Bulletin des Sciences, Fev 1817 Gaimard sides are corrugated in the as in Scutus corrugatus, but front area brevi, apex subcential Scutus imbricatus (var.) The back and crassd, concentrice striata, slightly corrugated at the sides white within s ; shining, narrower in by concentric lines crossing oblique grooves Lamarck Anim testd in Brit.) ared anticd tumidd, angustd; apice subcentrali The rather short narrow, acutely sinuated and radiately arched, Sc antice angustiord, latera subrori-iigatd obliquos decussantihus granulatd, intus alba The granulated breviculus glahrd, Cuming (Mus Species Sowerby.) antice angustatd, acute sinvatd, radiatim striatds postice S Hab The rupted 1870 New Zealand concentric is strise being neither waved nor inter- the principal characteristic of this species — MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS T U G A L I A " In every stream His bounty flows Diffusing joy and wealth." Montgomery Tugalm l.au 4.0, a, t I '«/V 4.b lb Vincent Brooks.Day £ Son, Imp Sowei'by.tlel el liili ; T U G A L A I Species Genus TUG.VLIA, Gray Tesid ohlongd, arcuatd, scutiformis, subst/mmetricd, Tugalu deciissatd ; concentricis vate; The ing backwards, elevated crenulated ; ; ; Of the seven habitat in its is concentric fine is This stria; ; riblets in finer more of the Scutus form than any other, excepting, perhaps, Tugalia cicatrosa decussated, and, crenulated Species One comes from the Zealand Tugalia carinata (Mus Cuming in Brit.) Tug testd oblongo-ovatd, arcuatd, Fejee Islands, another has a western locality, and the decussatim remaining four present examples of the collecting zeal marginem anticum radiatd ; apice valde displayed by the late front Islands shell has species herein described, the largest has New Shell thick, rugose, white, Gould United States Expedition The most arched Scutus is flatter than any Tl'GALIA The shell is generally more or less narrowed towards the margin Tugalia osseous Hab Fejee all, mar- margin sinuated muscular impression posteriorly semi- circular, anteriorly interrupted above tenuis- with round, numerous, radiating riblets and very apex lean- margin of the aperture the front in the latter, the surface concentricis et striis costeUis antice tenuioribus ; oblong, ovately subquadrate, convex, decussated attenuated in front, decussated in every part by stria; ; gine simiato musculari postice semicirculari, antice interruptd radiating riblets and concentric decussatd si7nis impressione Shell oblong, scutiform, arched, subsymmetrical, rather Tug testd crassd, nigosd, (dbd, oh- ossea numerosis radiantihus apice retrorso, ele- margine crenulato ; aperturoB in Brit.) longd, ovato-subquadrafd, convexd, costeUis rotundis, antice suhattenvatd, omnino costeUis radiantihus et striis (Mus Cuming Mr Cuming in ransacking the striatd, carind dorsaU, ex The keeled Tugalia apice ad retrorso Shell oblong-ovate, arched, decussately striated, rayed with a dorsal keel from Philippine Islands the apes to the anterior margin ; apex very back ward Species (Fig a, b, TuGALiA scuTELLARis ovatd, Mus Cuming in tcstd Tiig virido-fuscd, parvd, incBqualiter subdepressd, tenui, radiantihus subdistantibus Brit.) et striis costeUis Arthur Adams Proc Zool Soc, 1851 Hab Philippine Islands The H Cuming chief peculiarity of this shell is the dorsal keel radiating from the apex to the anterior margin temiissimis con- centricis creberrimis decussatd, postice lata, rotundd, antice subacuminatd, angustd apice ; sated with rather distant radiating ribs concentric striae, wide behind, narrow, subacuminated in front bent a little ; antice suhattenuatd, The acuminatd, intus alba, extus PARMOrHORUs-LiKE Tugalia Shell ovate, sub- pyriform, arched, convex, posteriorly rounded, ex- apex subretuse, panded, behind the centre anteriorly Arthur Ab.uis white within, Hab Philippines Proc riblets, close, A Tug testd ovatd, subpyri- pallide fused ; costeUis radiantihus crebris, rotundis and very rounded, in Brit.) formi, arcuatd, convexd, postice rotundd, expansd, Shell small, unequally ovate, greenish-brown, thin, subdepressed, decus- close (Mus Cuming Tugalia Parmophoridea paulo post medium inclinato The small shield Tugalia Species subretmo, Zool Soc, 1851 pale acuminated, subattenuated, brown without ; radiating rounded QuOT et Gaimard very small shell, with a nearly central apex Hab Australia and This is Zealand the largest species, and type of the genus June, 1870 New may serve for the TUGALIA (Fig a, Species b, Arthur Adams Mus Sowerby.) Hab TuGALiA ciNEREA Ttiff decussatd, nuatd, margine antico sinuato ad H Cuming testd oblongd, angustd, ovatd, tenuiter pallide fulvd, Proc Zool Soc, 1851 Philippines latera subdistantibus et ; antice suhatte- costellis postice imbricatis, antice et More oval than Tug carinata, and the keel not nearly so pronounced te- nuibus The cinereous Tugalia Shell oblong, narrow, ovate, pale fawn, finely decussated nuated ; ; anterior margin sinuated distant and imbricated behind Species ; and riblets rather at the sides, Tugalia cicatrosa Tvg testd oblongd, ovato-subquadratd, albd, ad dorsum depressd, costellis radiantibus jwstice fine in front Gould Hab crassis striis concentricis United States Expedition Tugalia intermedia (Mus Cuming in Brit.) anteriorly subatte- depresso, Keeve distantibus, antice crebris, subdistantibus cancellatd ; concavo, quasi-cicatroso ; ared et apice anticd radiatim carinald The The hinder ribs are distant Tugalia cicatrized and imbricated Shell oblong, ovate-sub- quadrate, white, depressed at the back, cancellated with radiating riblets thick and distant behind, close in front, Species (Mus Cuming in Brit.) centric stria? cicatrized Tugalia decussata Tug testd parvd, ovatd, mqualiter decussatd, dorso subcarinato, intils sulcata, margine ; Arthur Adams Hab Philippine ; and concentric, rather distant con- apex depressed, concave, as it were anterior area radiately keeled Proc ZooL Soc, 1851 Islands H Cuming antico vix sinuato The decussated Tugalia decussated, back with within ; Shell small, ovate, equally a slight keel sulcated anterior margin scarcely sinuated A very pretty depressed species, appearing more cancellated than the others ; with a very curious kind of cicatrized appearance at the apex ^ 124 a

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