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CONCHOLOGIA 1CONICA ILLUSTRATIONS SIIKLLS OF MOLLUSCOUS ANIMALS VOL II CONTAINING SIONOGB IPHS OF ( ORBI LA I 111 OEN I B MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS R B U L A C " Iu adensed ' wli.it sha]n' thf\ - Wilton cti.K,-i o Gr/'iilo l'l I C& a dS& ,/,, / /./,//( »/./ C dla i R TiULA, Bru Testa intequivalvis, intequilateralis, globosa re/ elongato- plerumque globosa, crassa, Cardo dente centrali in undique clausa solida, dente ; valvd majore in Hinge with a ill p pit i on one tenth of the ligament; "i sid< in for the it the larger or n ; d posteriorly, acuminated valves covered with Pro Zool nume- Soc, 1833 the depth of ten fathoms) The left iti lei i Hab Xipixapi, Gulf of Nicoya (found a solid central tooth in each valve ; il rous fine small keels, umbones central Soweeby, globose, general]) thick ami solid, and everywhere I' rostratd umbonibus centralibus Shell elongately oval, very gib- la and beaked anteriorly Pallii impressio muscularis sinu parvo Shell inequivalve, inequilateral, globose, or eloi closed mi « acuminata, antice altiore, The nosed Corbi dentibus latera- ,• (Mus Cuming.) Corb testd elongato-ovatd, gibbosis- valvis leviter multicarinulatis, minore (sinistra) conico, ascendente, recurvo, in valvd (dextrd) cochleariformi subdepresso libus nullis \\-i i\ simd, postice utrdque valvd, foveold later ali ligamento inserto adjectd, \ ; chief peculiarity of this shell is valve the anterior i sandy in mud at Cuming the beaked i \ xtremity conical, elevated or ascending, and hooked or curved the smaller or right valve, spoon-shaped in bind-.', and somewhat depressed no ; Mus- lateral teeth impression of the mantle exhibits a cular Specie- •_> (Mus Belcher.) small Cobbula sulcata Corb testd subcordatd, valde intequi- sinus valvi, valvd dextrd parvuld, lavi; rnlni sinistra pro- The Corbula I guiere in the Plal a a- d g< cyclopedii I im- by are a small group of acephalous mollusks allied in degree to the Mya-, but whose real yet appear to lie affinities The correctly established lirn- some lis I They a greater inequality of size and sculpture than those of any mollusks of the arc for the most part marine, but some few the Cerithia an- found in fresh or brackish water in like As that genus the freshwater species have been sepa- rated under the title of Potomis, so in this they have bei D distinguished by that of Potomya habit doe- nut however, in generic difference, and both the my ; The grooved Cobbula Shell somewhat heart-shaped, very inequivalve, right valve small, smooth oi growth, the two valves of which they are composed presenting umbonibus gibbosis, , sub centralibus not sin the Corbula? are remarkable for their solidity, ami peculiarity of fundi sulcatd, multo complicatd M.thodique, valve deeply umbones gibbous, nearly central Lamarck, Anim sans vert (Deshayes' p left ; grooved, considerably lapping over; edit.), vol vi 138 Huh Senegal The inequality in the growth of the valves is very striking in this species, the upper valve being entirely smooth, and only about half the which is size of the left valve, very strongly grooved this modification of estimation, constitute a Species (Mus Belcher.) therefore propose to include marine and freshwater species in one and Corbula biradiata Corb testd ovato-oblongd, postici rotundatd, antice angu/ato-aruminatd, longitudinaliter Lamarck appears i to have been acquainted with about ight species of Corbula; seven Cuming along added to the newones, collected by Mr the western coast of South America, were genus by Mr Sowerby in 1833, and about double that number have been lately described by Mr striata, striis ennfertis, elevatis ; pallida, luttrihus umbones versus suhunyulato-carinulatis, purpurascentibus, radiis binis albis ornatis, area intermedia tte- pressd, incarnato-tinctd The double-rayed Corbula Shell ovately oblong, Hinds, irom the collections posteriorly rounded, anteriorly angulately acumi- with Captain Belcher, made by himself in company and by Mr Cuming, during his nated, longitudinally striated, One half of the species above enumerated are therefore new to science, and only three or four out of the whole number merous; pale, sides slightly angularly keeled towards researches amongst the Philippine Islands have ever been figured strire close and nu- the umbones, light purple, ornamented with two white rays, the intermediate space being depressed, and tinged with Sowerby, August 1843 flesh- colour Pro Zool Soc., 1833 ; CORBULA.— Plate Hab Chiriqui and Bay of Caraccas (found in sand and mud Very at the depth of umbones in anteriorly manner the ; somewhat triangu- Shell larly ovate, angulately keeled from three to seven fathoms) prettily rayed at the I The handsome Corbula and a produced little valves very unequal, right valve obliquely striated, stria? raised valve grooved and lapping left ; just described broad and deep over, grooves rayed with bright red (Mus Cuming.) Species Corbula erythrodon ,• longi- margine interna rubro- purpurascente valve, anterior side the larly carinated ; Shell ovate, nearly equi- more produced, and angu- longitudinally grooved, pale, in- round the edge with red or pinkish terior stained purple known This beautiful species was only Mr Sow- to Cuming Mr Hinds has found on the sands at Acapulco it ne- cessary to re-describe the beautiful specimens collected by him new in title company with Captain Belcher and under a in consequence of the word radiata having been ; already used by Brocchi in reference to a fossil species Lamarck, Anim sans p Hab Gulf of Nicoya (dredged in seven fathoms' water) erby by a single small specinem found by Mr The red-toothed Corbula vividly Corbula radiuta, Sowerby Corb testa ovatd, subicquivalvi, latere antico productiore, angulato-carinato tudinaliter sulcatd, pallida, whitish, ; umbones compressed ; Hinds, Pro Zool Soc, 1843 vert (Deshayes' edit.), vol vi 138 Hab Japan ; Species Dr Siebald This species may be recognised by the rich marginal (Mus Cuming.) Corbula ovulata Corb testd elongato-ovatd, postice rotundato, antice uciiminato-rostratd painting of the interior ; pallida, exili- ter sulcatd The oval Corbula Species (Mus Cuming.) Corbula tunicata posteriorly, acuminately umbones versus angulato-carinatti umbonem dextrd prope densd indutd fundi sulcatd, ; valvd Sowerby, (found in sandy A somewhat triangu- Shell larly ovate, very inequivalve, rounded posteriorly, Montija and Caraccas, mud at various depths to seventeen fathoms) valvd sinistra pracipue majore, pro- ; sulcatd, multo comp/icatd The tunicated Corbula pale, Soc, 1833 Pro Zool Hab Xipixapi, Bays of epidermide aliter beaked anteriorly, very finely grooved Corb testa subtrigono-ovatd, valde incequivalvi, postice rotundatd, antice compresso-acu- minatd, Shell elongately oval, rounded few odd valves of Cuming on the sands clear pink colour, &c from seven Cuming ; were found by Mr this species and Mazatlan of a at Real Llejos but very much worn compressly acuminated, and angularly keeled to- wards the umbones, anteriorly ; right valve grooved near the umbone, and covered elsewhere with a thick epidermis grooved over ; left much the larger, deeply surface, and considerably valve its entire b, Mus Cuming; Mus Belcher.) Species (Fig a and Corbula crassa lapping over nusve Corb testd elongato-ovatd, plus mi- trigono-acuminatd Hab Island of Corrigidor, Philippines (found in coarse sand at the depth of seven fathoms) Cuming tinctd, depth of seventy fathoms) The Corbula which tunicata differs The thick Corbula less thick Hinds ; interdum purpurascentc and gibbous, rounded ridges lying one Corbula speciosa (Mus Belcher.) of Negros, Philippines of coarse sand Corb testd subtrigono-ovatd, antice dextrd oblique striatd, striis elevatis, sinistrd albidd, pressis complicatd, sulcis sanguineo vivide radiatd white, sometimes anterior side of the shell in triangular plaits ; latis, profundus umbonibus com- ; Hinds Bais, Island Cuming ; and gravel at (found on a floor the depth of from three to seven fathoms) angulato-curinulatd, subproductd ; valvis valde incequalibus, sulcatd, multo ; more or posteriorly, trian- upon the other down the Hinds, Pro Zool Soc, 1843 Hab Straits of Macassar, Malacca antice trigono- faintly tinged with purple, longitudinally grooved, sulcata, to being grooved near the umbone Species liris Shell elongately oval, gularly acuminated anteriorly from the C the next allied species, in the smaller valve it is albd, ; longitiidina/iter sulcatd, complicatis ; Macassar and Lagulhas Bank, Cape of Good Hope (found on a gravelly bottom at the c, crassd et gibbosd, postice rotundatd, antice Hinds, Pro Zool Soc, 1S43 Straits of Fig The growth of this shell is exceedingly irregular, the posterior portion being sometimes larger than the anterior, bulk sometimes smaller ; it varies also remarkably in m Ccrbula.Pl.il **JjJR Cardznm K.IX1 > izs ' „ ; , CARDIUM Plate XXI Species 114 (Mus Cuming.) Cardium unimaculattjm Card, dentatd, lateribus plano-compressis, in Usdml elato-punctatis The single-spotted Cockle Shell laterally heart- radiatim costatd, ens/is ; nosely dentated, sides postice crenulatis, viedianis rotund,/ in, ridges dots ; compressed, anterior ra- flatly posterior radiately ridged, flatly armed down the middle with minute raised snowy spots, sprinkled with opake whitish, Hah Island of Annaa, cance/latis on the reefs) Conch Ulus cardissa ; named ; ribs f * *, as the locality in great two and twenty at the it ; which are teribus Of a very Card, testa transverse ovatd, la- hiantibus, antico brevissitno, postico radiatim costatd, costis quaternis quinisve, on the rib- whitish, faintly Pro Zool Soc, 1833 the depth of eleven fathoms) (Mus Cuming.) all tinged with brown towards the umbones Broderip and Sowerby, Rah Xipixapi, West Columbia, (found Cardium ringiculum ribs depressly finely crenulated transversely impressly cancellated; above abundance Species 115 radiately ribbed, number, side crenated throughout, interstices between young of the Cardium collected in the posterior side, middle ribs rounded, very closely given by Mr Sowerby, jun., Mr Cuming Shell oblong, heart-shaped, oblique, gibbous, sides very short in coral sand however, maturely grown, and quite distinct it is, from that species «//\ it- more elongated form, by the concentric ridges terminating on the keel, and by 681 its delicate rose-spotted painting