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— CONCHOLOGIA ICONICA: OR, ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE SHELLS OF MOLLUSCOUS ANIMALS VOL I CONTAINING MONOGRAPHS OF THE GENERA CONUS PLEUBOTOMA PHOBUS PECTUNCULUS DELPHINULA CBASSATELLA CABDITA HABPA CYPBICABDIA BY LOVELL AUGUSTUS REEVE, i F.L.S., F.Z.S V' AUTHOR OF 'CONCHOLOGIA SYSTEMATICA', 'ELEMENTS OF CONCHOLOGY', &C " The Almighty Maker has throughout Discriminated each from each, by strokes And touches of his hand with so Diversified, that Twins much art two were never found at all points." Cowper LONDON: REEVE, BROTHERS, KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND 1843 ml v.i PH \ -Mil ton s Wtut ,v m /* 2' * r *((y'- V •T'.' bfl ~ -J ffff, j ;; N U C Plate S I Genus Conus, Linnaeus Testa conica, ad basin, with a row of sharp tubercles ; columella raid Hub The Operculum cor- superne emarginato tenia, acuto, closely rolled upon their axis, not possessor), with the whorls ; descending ; sometimes acuminated, sometimes variable, light small granular pim- teristic There is another specimen it eminently charac- Mr Cuming's in collec- tion and acute, emarginated at the upper Operculum horny and generally very small simple, thin part The word Conus, terpretation, has or one of somewhat analogous been attached in The esteemed genus shells all Species in- Conus nobilis ages to this highly which are referred to it fuse pirtd, an extraordinary variation of painting, and they termination of species is in ter of fancy or speculation latis, guiere in the ' hagen, and little less that published by Bru- new ther with many of ; Shell rather cylindrical, more or painted with profusely scattered spots, and and yellow ; spire flatly concave, pointed at the apex species Variety a (Fig these, therefore, toge- Testdpallide luteo-citrind more recent discovery, render still spird p/ano-concavd, apice inclining to yellow, lated with white Conchological Illustrations,' but they are not accompanied with descriptions ; generally ornamented with transverse lines, articu- a distinguished collector of Copen- figures of several transversis, fulvo alboque articu- white, triangularly-rounded, has been added by subsequent writers Sowerby has contributed ' The noble Cone Encyclopedic Methodique,' from the wri- M Hwass, tings of is et lineis plerumque ornatd mucronato some instances rather a matThe only elaborate memoir Lamarck of this group prior to Con testd subcylindraced, plus minvsve luleold, maculis sparsis albis trigono-rotundatis pro- present so great a uniformity of structure, that the de- in his rows of flat ; exhibit respectfully dedicate to its ples standing out in relief, renders ; new and I spire aperture apex obtuse, occasionally rather sharp columella straight longitudinal, generally narrow lip richly variegated purple painting of this very beautiful shell (which neum, plerumque minutum Shell conical, slightly emarginated at the base rather solid, ; white both internally and externally lubro simplici, ,• apex very sharply ; pointed; aperture somewhat inflated fertim volulis, non descendentibus ; spird varid, apice obtuso, nonnunquarn subacute; aperturd longitudinali, plerumque angustd moderately convex, very regularly coronated spire leviter emarginata, anfractibus con- the genus one of considerable interest lineis transversis ; Mus Stainforth.) maculis cordiformibus grandis - fere Shell pale lemon-colour c, • obsoletis spots large, and heart-shaped : transverse lines almost obsolete Linn.eus, Syst Nat., p 1168 Species 1, a and Conus Stainfobthii b (Mus Stainforth.) viter flexuosd, albidd, rubra basin rosacea ; Martini, Conch., Con testd conico-turbinatd, purpureoque tinctd, le- ad granosd, grants minutis, rubido- car- neove-albis, in seriebus equidista ntibus parallelis trans- versaliter dispositis ; spird ; ; warm pi 62 f 689 the well-known typical variety described shell, widely distributed throughout the tropical is regions Variety Shell conically turbinated and reddish tint and dark purple Testd /3 (Fig a, luteo-castaned, Mus maculis Stainforth.) trigonis pan-is saturatd ; dupliciter zonatd, zonis lineis transversis vividefvsco- slightly flexuous, whitish, irregularly stained with a This by Linnaeus, apice mucro- aperturd subinflald, labro solidiusculo, intus extusque a/bo Stainfortii's Cone ii mediocriter convent, lu- berculis asperis regulariter coronatd nato, symmelrice acuto vol Hub Philippine Islands, Moluccas, &c ; granular, punctatis ; apice roseo-tincio Shell chestnut-yellow colour, profusely covered grains minute, of a reddish or fleshy-white colour, the transverse lines vividly spotted transversely arranged in equidistant parallel rows with rose-colour ; with small triangular spots; doubly banded; bands with ; apex stained CONUS.— Plate Chemnitz, Conch., vol x pi 141 Encyclopedie Metkodique, pi 339 Chemnitz seems to 1313 and 1314 white square spots transverse yellowish lines, equidistant, and parallel have been the Variety y (Fig b, to each other first to Mus Cuming.) Testa magis cylindruced, versus spiram attenuate!, luteocastaned, maculis trigonis, paucioribus ; indistincfe sonata, lineis transversis nullis aut obsoletis Shell more cylindrical, attenuated towards the spire, yellowish chestnut-colour, with the spots triangular and fewer number; in indistinctly zoned; trans- ; spire ; strongly coronated notice this of Maritusformosus title zones vividly marked out with f f Hab Philippine Islands, Moluccas, &c variety under the facetious I Hwass, Enc Meth Chemnitz, Conch., Hab Asiatic Ocean who Chemnitz, and describe obtusely convex, and very apex truncated ; vers, vol ; part p 613 1286 f to 1288 Hwass appears to have been the this shell, called imagined resemblance of its it Munis marking The specimen a stone wall i vol x pi 139 first to lapidius, figure from the to the tracings of here represented was re- ceived in a collection of shells from Calcutta, without mention of its locality verse lines wanting or obsolete Bab Island of Cuyo, Philippines Species (Mus Cuming.) A new and very distinct variety collected by Mr Cuming at the above-mentioned island Conds victor Con testa subcylindraceo-conicd, flood, maculis albis inspersd,fasciis daabus moniliformibus, brunneo-castaneis, Species (Mus Cuming.) Conus vexillum Con testa subobeso-conicd in medio The conqueror Cone albo-fasciatd, fascia fusco-maculatd, lineis luteolis flexuosis longitudinaliter venulatd ; banded middle band interrupted with dark ; and veined longitudinally with undulated yellowish lines spire brown-spotted, ; obtuse, apex yellow Martini, Conch., vol ii ; smooth and base of the shell blackish pi Hab Philippine and Society 57 f necklace bands ; There p 54 another similar specimen of this is Species Conus crocatus what ; it is however (Mus Cuming.) Con testa oblongo-conicd, crocatd ; spird convexo-acutd, anfractuum margine Shell of an oblone:- superiori rotundatd The saffron-coloured Cone conical form, saffron-coloured, irregularly sprinkled species that figure is solete Species (Mus Stainforth.) filis croceis transversis equidistantibus, parallelis, vivide pictd The zoneh Cone ; spire ; convex and acute ; stria: ; trans- nearly ob- upper edge of the whorls rounded Con testa solidd, violaceo-casid, tes- convexd, fortissime coronatd ma- t?-ansversim et longitudinaliter striata, striis fere obsoletis with a few while, somewhat triangular spots altematis zonatd, ; culis albis, subtrigonis,paucis, irregulariter inspersd; versely and longitudinally striated, sellis albis new and striking shell in the collection of the Rev A Harford intended to represent Conus zonatus round the apex rather pointed 629 under the name of Conus mutabilis to say spire convex, excavated Broderip, Proc Zool Soc, 1842, ? Hab ; difficult ; tops of the whorls species it disappears, indeed, in the shell before me on the obverse side to that exhibited in the plate Lamarck quotes as a variety of the above a shell figured by Chem- exceedingly Shell rather cylindrically co- Islands, Moluccas, &c The magnificent shell here figured was collected by Mr Cuming at the Island of Capul, one of the Philippines The central band is extremely variable in this nitz spird ; with white spots and neatly ornamented with two broad, dark chestnut-coloured spird fusco-ma- Shell rather stoutly conical, white- in the blotches, concinniter ornatd nical, yellow, sprinkled culatd, lavissimd, obtusd, apiceluteo; basi nigricante The flag Cone latis, convexd, circulatim excavatd, apice subacute ; spird obtuse apice truncato Shell solid, violaceous sky-colour approaching to dull green, zoned with alternate Lamarck, Anim sans vert., vol vii p 503 Hab Matnog, Island of Luzon, Philippines A splendid specimen of this shell, lately collected by Mr Cuming, enables me to illustrate (I believe for the most interesting species described many years ago by Lamarck first time) a Cbmu? • / i dcO Ufirpa, / "?yj- ' HARP A Plate Genus Harpa, Lamarck Testa ovalis, ventricosa, ad basim emarginata ; spird brevi, ; anfractibus I detected certain specific characters, the value of which an extensive series of specimens, instead of generating and I have seconfusion, has enabled me to estimate not from " illustration, for early thus Harps" lected the ; latissime canal iculatd, apice elato, acuto longitudinaliter costatis, costis plus rn.inv.sve numeroarcuatis, parallelis, politis, superne aculissime sis, cronatis aperturd ovato-oblongd, ampld ; subexpansd, lavissimd, politd ; ; mu- columella labro incrassato, cos- Operculum nullum tam ultimata formante spire Shell oval, ventricose, emarginated at the base; and raised apex canaliculated, short, very widely acute less ; whorls longitudinally ribbed, ribs more or in number, curved, sharply pointed at the top large; columella polished No lip ; parallel, ; polished, and aperture ovately oblong, somewhat expanded, very smooth, thickened, forming the last whorl No to perpetuate have perhaps excited more universal admi- shells in thenration than the " Harps," so rich and delicate The proportions colouring, so symmetrical in their longitudinal ribs, which constitute their most striking varices of peculiarity, are analogous in structure to the the Canalifera, each forming in the aperture and ; like its turn the margin of them, they are deposited by the animal to protect the outer lip during a season of rest, the more pethe greater multiplicity of ribs indicating growth of the riodical operculum shell says Broderip, are taken at the Mauritius banks with a small rake to which a net is at- The Harpa, groups of mollusks present a more complete ge- Few any accession of novelty, but from a desire Lamarck's arrangement of them Harpa, whether neric cast of character than that of the inhabitant The most as respects the shell or its animal perfectly dicharacteristic features of the shell are so is from those of the proximate genera, that one on gap, a must be there that almost tempted to imagine nature has omitted to either side, in the system which MM Reynaud and to according animal, fill up, and the association of chaan isolated as quite Quoy, exhibits mollusk is foot or locomotive disk of this on sand low water, at night and at sunrise it their conjectured that at those times they are out on tached is when it is ; feed stinct racter The of the Astrodescribed by the enterprising malacologist incapable of so large and muscular that it is labe to be is said to have the entering the shell, and the animal emergency, dangerous power, when irritated or in any itself of so of spontaneously divesting protect to cular disk as it is unable much of this mus- and as are not very numerous in species, other, it has each into much very apparently they run identify them accordbeen thought extremely difficult to The Harpa ing to the limits established by Lamarck Great errors in their specific have been on this account promulgated can be more example no two shells for arrangement ; clearly distinct than the many-ribbed Harpa impenahs Harpa ventricosa; and the many-ribbed variety of the be distinguished certainly may and the Harpa conoidalis of discriminaexercise moderate a with from the latter, are still, confoundand been, have these all tion, though howacute perception of Lamarck, ed together ever it The may have failed him at the close of his useful life, Species (Fig a, Mus Townley; Fig c, Mus Steere.) b, Mus Cuming; Fig Harpa Harp, nobilis testd ovatd, subventricosd, basim alversus attenuato-coarctatd, griseo-rosaced, fusco purboque arcuato-arliculato, maculisque grandibus pureo-sanguineis, quadratis, perpaucis, vivide pictd ; latiusculis, lineis nigris capillaribus transversim costis fasciculatis Shell ovate, rather ventricose, at- The noble Harp tenuately contracted towards the base, greyish pink, vividly painted with arcuately articulated brown and white, and a very few large square spots of ribs rather wide, crossed here and purple-crimson ; there with a of black hair-like lines number Rimphius, Mus., pi 32 fig L Lamarck, Anim sans vert., vol vii p 256 Cithara nobilis, Martini Buccinum harpa, var e, Bruguiere Hab Island of Ticao, Philippine Islands (found in sandy mud in deep water) The Harpa nobilis is of the genus the painting October 1843 It is is ; Cuming one of the most distinct species very much contracted in form, and peculiarly distributed ; the ribs are vi- HARPA.— Plate number vidly crossed with a lines, and the festooned pattern which tricosa, conoidalis, and narrow equidistant The shell is of clear, black, hair-like interstices, instead of exhibiting that bold is common to the Harpee ven- articularis, are fillets of curved ornamented with brown and white moreover highly characterized by the ap- I The ventricose Harp Shell ovately ventricose stained with flesh-colour and square spots of purple-red, interstices festoons of reddish blotches flesh-colour and purple lighter tint, that at Fig c is an excellent example of a cabinet of Miss Steere, an intel- in the ligent collector of Cyprtete, Murices, genera ; and other popular and the specimen figured at Fig a is selected from the very choice Harp collection of Mr Townley, on account of the breadth and determined character of the ribs Species Mus Cuming; Fig b and Stainforth Fig d, Mus Townley.) (Fig a, ; Mus with regular columella very highly aperture very large, variegated with light Lamarck, Anim sans vert., vol vii p 255 Cithara major, Klein, Martini Buccinum harpa, Linnasus Buccinum harpa, var a, Bruguiere Testa peradolescens Shell very young Harpa striata, Lamarck Hah Mauritius (found in sand, The most conspicuous c, ; enamelled, ornamented with one or two dark brown The specimen represented at Fig b, collected by Mr Cuming at the above-mentioned locality, has a rich ; painted vividly brown pearance of one or two large square crimson spots purple hue ribs ; broad, angularly compressed, more or less numerous, in rocky places) feature in this species sharp angular compression of the ribs, and I the is regard it ; as being perfectly distinct Harpa ventricosa Harp, latis, testa ovato-veutricosd; costis angulato-compressis, plus minusve numerosis, purpureo-rubro maculato-tinctis, interstitiis lineis spa- ferred to it as varieties from either of the species by Deshayes conoidalis, articularis, or imperialis sented at Fig d is ; re- namely the Harpa The specimen repre- one of immature growth, but in a melld perpolitd, maculis grandibus nigerrimo-fuscis much more advanced state than that described by Lamarck under the name of Harpa striata I shall speak of ornatd; aperturd amplissimd.fauce cameolo purpureo- the decided specific dissimilitude between the Harpee ven- que variegatd tricosa diceo-fuscis, regulariter arcuatis, vivide pictis ; colu- and imperialis in my observations on that species Harpa PI It HARPA Plate Species (Fig a and Habpa semipellucidd, albidd, roseo eximie variegatd absolute contrast than the transversis ornatd Shell elongately oblong, slender, narrow, spineless, smooth, ribs ; ornamented with transverse there are no each other vol iv p 373 Cuming ; shell here represented, is, from the collection of Mr well-known Harpu minor, both licacy of colouring, and I have in form and extreme de- doubt but that this little opinion will be one day confirmed by the discovery of numerous specimens & Mus Cuming c, Fig d, ; Mus Stainforth.) PI II fig cinereo-griscd ; angular, testd ovato-inftatd, ; angularly ; cinereis arcuatis sub- compressed, narrow and rather articulately distant, spotted with black and white, interstices obscurely painted with curved ashy lines Harpa ; columella entirely ashy brown sansvert.,vol vii.p.256; Encyclopedic Methodique, pi 404 The ribs most articularis are for the Harpa of the part very narrow, the shell having been formerly distin- guished as "the narrow-ribbed Harp;" Mr Cuming has, however, recently collected specimens at the Philippine Islands, in which the brilliancy, ribs are of and I have much b, much greater width pleasure in publishing a of one of the specimens alluded to The variety /3, which graduates in many respects into the Harpa conoidalis, is characterized by the dark lines ribs not being articulated, but isolated in groups Species (Mus Stainforth.) ventricosa, var Deshayes, Enc ; Harpa Harp, imperialis testd orbiculari-turgidd, mul- irregularibus, confertis, superne elato-mucronatis, in- profundi stria/is; albidd, zonis numerosis terstitiis interruptis, curneolis, cingulatd; spirdlatissimi canaliculatd, apice rosaceo ; columelld et aperturm fauce vivide aurantiis The imperial or many-ribbed Harp larly swollen, fig mud Cuming elevately pointed striated ; at the /3 (Fig 4, a and d.) cioribus, fasciculatis fewer in number and separated into groups Hab Feejee Islands, Pacific Ocean ; close-set, interstices number deeply of inter- spire very widely ca- naliculated, apex rose-tinted; columella and interior Testa pallidior, costis lineis nigris transversis, perpau- Shell paler, ribs with the dark transverse lines irregular, top, whitish, encircled with a rupted flesh-coloured zones Variety Shell orbicu- many-ribbed, ribs thirty or more in number, rounded, somewhat Meth Hab Island of Ticao, Philippines (found in sandy in deep water) obscurely ticostatd, costis triginta aut pluribus, rotundatis, sub- Shell ovately inflated, thin, ribs generally Lamarck, Anim PI III fig e, that tenui, columelld omninb cinereo -fused The articulated Harp ashy grey and costis sapissimi angustis, subdistan/i- interstitiis lineis obscure pictis d, intercostal festoons very and the bus, angulato-compressis, nigro alboque articulatim maculatis, by the consideration of the following characters; on the Harp, Harpa articularis into namely, that in this species the ribs are always sharply and a, b simplicity of colour- Yet, at the same time, they are indeed so intimately connected drawing, Fig Species (Fig its painted unquestionably distinct from the think, I cunot- have only been enabled to establish a line of separa- tion Hab Island of Annaa or Chain Island, Pacific Ocean (found on the reefs) and two species which more confusedly run ; by the examples I The ; louring of the ribs, the other for hair-like rose lines Broderip and Sowerby, Zool Journ., Harpu minor, var., Gray articularis the one remarkable for the vivid articulated co- ing and absence of articulation semitransparent, whitish, delicately variegated with Cuming, Harpa cost is ; angustis, muticis, lavigatis, lineis roseis capillaribus light rose-colour when compared by their typical varieties, that present a more dalis The slender Harp of the genus, There are scarcely two species Mus Cuming.) testd elongato-oblongd, gracili, Harp, gracilis b, II much of the shell stained with bright orange Chemnitz, Conch Cab., vol x p lS4.pl L52.fig Lamarck, Anim sans vert., vol vii p 254 Harpa multicostata, Sowerby Harpa ventricosa, var., Deshayes, Kiener October 1843 145-J ; HARPA.— Plate Buccinum harpa, var e, Bruguiere racters in the Buccinum costatum, Linnaeus culiar to that Lyra Davidis, Martini Hab Mauritius (found water) ; in sand, in II number, rocky places in deep Cuming This very beautiful and highly valued shell has been stices Harpa imperialis species The differ essentially in which are decidedly pewithout regard to ribs, being rounded between them are deeply striated, ; the inter- and never ex- hibit the least indication of that bold festoon-painting which forms so prominent a feature and again, there in the Harpa ventri- a strong peculiarity in the considered by some authors to be merely a many-ribbed cosa Harpa ventricosa, on account of the uncernumber and proximity of the ribs in that species it requires however, in my opinion, no very great power of discrimination to remark one or two important cha- columella and interior of the shell being lined with an variety of the tain ; is enamel of bright orange Other differences might be particularized, but these are fully sufficient to establish the accuracy of Lamarck's arrangement liarpa,, PI ', »; •!: ,,>] t* / ('J, r HARPA Plate Species (Fig a and Harpa minor Harp, cules fuscis et albis, b, Mus Cuming.) testd ovato-oblongd, grised, capillaribus geminatis The lesser Harp ma- nigro-linealis, lineis first division, a, the type of the species, is characterized and plainness of the plicity ribs, Variety by the sim- both in respect to form and colour, and the festooned pattern of the is spird exsertiusculd ; The mination into four divisions areuatim articulatis, vivide pictd; costis angustis, subdistantibus, III interstices very indistinctly portrayed Shell ovately oblong, grey, vividly Variety /3 (Fig b.) painted with curved, articulated, brown and white spots ; ribs narrow, rather distant, crossed with Testa costis interstitiisque maculis carneolato-roseis variegatis black hair-like lines ranging in pairs spire rather ; Shell with the ribs and interstices variegated with di- exserted Rumphius, Mus., pi 32 f M Lamarck, Anim sans vert., vol vii p 257 Hab Philippine, Society Islands, &c (found under stones at low water) ; Cuming stinct spots of fleshy rose This variety A tint is chiefly remarkable for the distinctness which are of a particularly delicate of the spots, few scattered dark lines rose- begin to appear on the ribs This is a very peculiar species, both as regards form and colour, although the painting of articulated curved spots is is very similar to that in the Harpa generally a single dark nobilis There Variety y (Fig a.) Testa ferrugineo-fusco tincta; costis latioribus, lineis ni- brown spot on the enamel gris capillaribus sparsis ornatis, interstitiorum lineis surface of the columella arcuatis vivide pictis Shell stained with rich chocolate or rusty Species e, Mus Townley Mus Burt (Fig a, d and ; Fig b and lines, the Variety a (Fig Id.) ventricosd ; Harp, The testd ovato-conoidali, sub- anfractibus angustis, rotundatis, subdis- festooned lines of the interstices broadly rich chocolate-brown colouring of this renders it terized of the series the painted festoons between the ; and there pallidi'fuseis, obscure piclis gularity in their arrangement ventricose ; spird exsertiusculd Shell ovately conoidical, rather Variety and irre- gularly painted with faint festooned brown lines and an admirable re- e.) it is Shell fleshy is by far the extremely most difficult to ; costis subirregularibus, lineis ni- ; brown ; ribs rather irregular, ornamented with finely waved black hair-like lines separated Lamarck, Anim sans vert., vol vii p 255 Harpa ventricosa, var., Deshayes Hab Ceylon (found in mud in deep water) conoidalis Testa carneolato-fusca gris capillaribus, undulatis, fasciculatis, ornatis spire rather exserted The Harpa (Fig c is whorls narrow, rounded, rather distant, flesh-tinted, interstices rather obscurely the species, and variety perhaps the most distinct and best charac- ribs are especially rich, The conoidical Harp ribs vividly painted tantibus, carneolato-tinctis, interstitiis lineis arcuatis, ; ; c, and Harpa conoidalis brown wider, ornamented with scattered black hair-like in groups of three or four together We variable of arrange any scale of varieties likely to remain conventional ; I have however distributed the numerous specimens under exa- riety are /3 have an approach of the more This is Harpa distinct in this beautiful variety to though no two species compared by their typical varieties the closest affinity that seems to exist between any two species of the genus October 1843 Va- articularis, Ilaq/n , I'l "^tSry^ - imp II HAR P A Plate pecies (Fig Mus Cuming b, Stainforth [arpa rosea Fig d, ; Harp, Fig a and ; Mus trifasciatim ornatd tiis lineis ; nunc intersti- thin, ventricose, ribs flat, irregular, ; Swainson, App Bligh Cat.35 Harpa crenata rosea, Gray Harpa rosea (adult), Kiener Harpa Rivoliana, Lesson Harpa testudinalis, \ nonnul Harpa Mexicana, sometimes very broad, sometimes very narrow and rather obsolete, interstices rather irregularly painted with delicate curved lines confusedly articulated together gin crenated amarck, Anim sans vert., vol vii p ; mar- Variety Testa elongatior, costis planis, latioribus Shell more elongated, ribs rosacea Martini Buccinum harpa, db Senegal, var b, Bruguiere water) deep water) This This delicate and much-admired species me respects to the Harpa nobilis ; is e same vivid black lines The rose spots are more mndant and characteristic, and of a much more delicate lour a, sandy mud which has a very strongly crenated from the Harpa rosea, and from the very ribs are unusually M Lesson and son, lip of the Harpa I quite agree with others, in arranging rosea is also crenated, tainly a veiy strong affinity with the all Mr Stainforth, the shell, in in deep lip, may Cuming ; allied in the ribs are however In the specimen represented at Fig and broader be separated with great propriety as a distinct species ore feebly developed, and they are not crossed with oice collection of flat Hah Acapulco, Mexico (found and north of the Gambia, Africa (found in sand, in (Fig *.) /3 256 Cithara rosea, Klein Harpa respects excepting colour culiar to the latter, it Mr Swain- and when it is inhabit very different localities, The as such and Harpa it has cer- crenata in the deep blue-grey ; stinction should be allotted to oad is pe- remembered that thev I think a specific di- them if one can possibly be defined Species (Fig a & The b, Mus Cuming ; Fig c, Mus Stainforth.) arpa crenata Harp, assertion of a of this genus is Harpa rosea the is modern writer, whose monograph not a very creditable one, that the young of the Harpa crenata, is per- caruleo-grised, maculis grandibus perpaucis sangui- no uncommon thing to see either in different stages of growth, and have represented an old neo-purpureis irregulariter aspersd Harpa testd ovatd, supernc ; nunc aiigustissimis, superne muricatis, with delicate curved lines confusedly articulated together; margin crenated pale yellowish brown, ornamented with large, square, bright rose spots ranging round the shell in three interrupted bands pictd three or four prickly tubercles near the top, interstices variously painted margine crenato Shell ovate, rarii Shell ovate, swollen round the upper part, bluish grey, irregularly sprinkled with a very few large crimson-purple spots; ribs -runtimes broad, sometimes very narrow, armed with eximiis arcuatis, nebuloso-articulatis, sub- rose Harp arcuatis, nebuloso-articulatis, The crenated Harp grandibus quadratis costis planis, irregularibus, ; eximiis, margine crenato nunc angustissimis, subobsoletis, irregulariter pictd 'he Mus Brit.) testd ovatd, tenui, ventricosd, pal- lida luteolo-fuscd, maculis roseis latissisimis, c, IV costis tumidd, nunc latis, interstitiis lineis fectly absurd ; it is I c, rosea, Fig d, with a in order to October 1843 remove young Harpa this impression crenata Fig