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Giáo án tiếng anh cả năm lớp 6 năm 2018 2019 mới nhất

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THẦY CƠ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CĨ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN Week: Period 1: Introduction Period: Preparing date:16/8/2018 Teaching date I.Objectives 1.Knowledge By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about the book Tieng Anh - book map - Parts of a unit - How to study vocab , stucture - The importance of English 2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing 3.Attitudes: Students love more lesson Competence and quality: 4.1 Competence: - General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity, … - Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity, … 4.2 Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around, … II.Preparation: 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues 2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens III.Procedures Warm-up: T: Chatting : Ask ss some questions in Vietnamese + What is the weather like today ? + How you feel about this new school ? + Do you like English? Ss: Answer New lesson THẦY CƠ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CĨ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN a Structure of English 6: - S¸ch TiÕng Anh gồm 16 đơn vị học với 16 chủ điểm đợc phát triển từ chủ điểm lớn đợc chia nhỏ theo mục Mỗi phần tơng ứng với nội dung có liên quan đến chủ điểm chung học - Mỗi học tiếng Anh đợc phát triển theo bớc: Giới thiệu học - giới thiệu ngữ liệu - luyện tập - vận dụng củng cố Trình tự bớc gấn liền với kỹ nghe - nói - đọc - viết - Sau học có phần Grammar Practice kiểm tra 45 - Cuối sách phần tổng kết ngữ pháp từ vững năm học b Phân phối chơng trình - Cả năm: tiết x 35 tuần = 105 - Häc kú I: tiÕt x 18 tuÇn = 54 tiÕt - Häc kú II: tiÕt x 17 tuÇn = 51 tiÕt c Some common language  Thank you : cảm ơn Sitdown : ngồi xuống Stand up: đứng lên Lisen to me : lắng nghe Don't talk in class : không ®ỵc nãi chun líp  May I go out : xin phÐp ngoµi  May I come in : xin phÐp vµo líp d Some abbreviations  Noun = N ( danh tõ)  Verb = V ( động từ ) Object = O ( tân ngữ )  Adjective = Adj ( tÝnh tõ )  Subject = S ( chđ ng÷ ) THẦY CƠ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CÓ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN Adverb = Adv (trạng từ ) Đặc điểm môn học - Xoay quanh chủ điểm lớn: + You and me + Nature + Education + Recreation + Community + People and places Alphabet A F K P U B G L Q V C H M R W D I N S X E J O T Y Z Giíi thiƯu c¸ch häc TiÕng Anh a Trên lớp: - Trật tự lắng nghe giáo viên giảng bài, hăng hái phát biểu ý kiến - Rèn lun vµ giao tiÕp b»ng TiÕng Anh giê häc TiÕng Anh, h¹n chÕ sư dơng TiÕng ViƯt - M¹nh dạn phát âm chuẩn, thực hành nói nhiều b Học nhà - Học cũ: học từ vựng, ngữ pháp học trớc - Đọc lại khóa nhiều lần để nhớ từ vựng - Tự lấy ví dụ sử dụng cấu trúc ngữ pháp học - Làm nhiều tập nâng cao - Chuẩn bị học (Tra từ vựng học, đọc trớc học phát triển kỹ năng: nghe, nói, đọc, viết) - Giao tiếp với khách nớc c¬ héi Production : Prepare Test THẦY CƠ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CĨ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN - Week: TEST (45') Preparing date: 16/8/2018 Period: Teaching date: I.Objectives 1.Knowledge -To check their knowledge they have learn in the primary school -Students know how to the test 2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing 3.Attitudes: Students love more lesson Competence and quality: 4.1 Competence: - General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity, … - Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity, … 4.2 Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around, … II.Preparation: 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues 2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens III Procedures *Warm up *Test Question 1(3 points) Chọn đáp án 1.This Lan.( is, am, are) what your name? THẦY CÔ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CÓ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN name is Hoa.( is-your/ is-my) Where you live? I in An Tao.(does-live/ do-live) ………… there any fish in the bowl? ( Is/ Are/ Do) Question 2(3 points) Sắp xếp cac từ sau thành c©u hồn chỉnh: is/ there/ book/ a// …………………………………………………………………… sing/ can/ I// ……………………………………………………………………… am/ a/ I/ cook// …………………………………………………………………… are/ how old/ you//? …………………………………………………………………… those/ pens/ are// …………………………………………………………………… How many/ you/ do/ pens/ have? …………………………………………………………………… Question 3(4 points) Trả lời câu hi sau v bn thân What your name? ……………………………………………………………………………… How are you? …………………………………………………………………………………… How old are you? ………………………………………………………………………………… Where you live? ………………………………………………………………………………… How many people are there in your family? THẦY CƠ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CĨ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN …………………………………………………………………………………… What’s your father ‘s name? ……………………………………………………………………………… What ‘s your mother’s name? ………………………………………………………………………………… Are there any yard near your house? …………………………………………………………………………………… Answer Key: Question 1(3,0) 0,5 point for each right word is is-My do-live Is Question 2(3,0) 0,5 points for each sentence There is a book I can sing 3.I am a cook How old are you? Are those pens? How many pens you have? Question 3(4,0) 0,5 points for each sentence 1.My name is I am fine, thanks 3.I am .year old I live in Thong Kenh There are …… people in my family His name… Her name…… Yes, there are (No, there aren't) THẦY CƠ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CĨ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN * Teacher collects the test 3.Production: -Learn the words and the models by heart -Prepare "Unit 1" Week: Unit : Greetings Preparing date: 16/8/2018 Period: Lesson 1: A Hello (A1-4) Teaching date: I.Objectives 1.Knowledge By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to: + Greet each other , say " Hi, Hello", introduce name + Help ss have skills to study and practice + Make ss feel self- confident when they introduce about themselves 2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing 3.Attitudes: Students love more lesson Competence and quality: 4.1 Competence: - General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,… - Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity, 4.2 Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around,… II.Preparation: 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues 2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens III.Procedures THẦY CÔ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CÓ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents 1.Warm-up: I Warm-up: - T: Ask Ss to look at the picture page 10 and give their ideas about greetings - T: Ask Ss to look at the picture page 10 and give their ideas about greetings + How you greet each other in Vietnam ? + How you greet each other in - T: Request ss to look at the picture Vietnam ? and answer the questions - T: Request ss to look at the picture and answer the questions Ss:Answer Ss:Answer 2.Presentation II- Vocabulary: -T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present… -C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language… + Greeting (n): lêi chµo * Act 1: How to greet each other + Hello: xin chµo - T: Ask Ss to look at the picture in the Sts’ + Hi: books and tell about the situation in the + Name (n): tên picture + I: tôi, tí,anh ,em Ss: Discuss sthing about the pictures + My : cđa t«i, cđa tí - T presents vocabulary and let ss practise + is = am: th× , lµ * Let ss play a game: "What and where" + I am = I`m: - T: Prepare some cards about newwords + My name is : tªn Guide the way to play Ss: Listen and play with two groups - T: Check and comment the winner - T: Notice the differences between Hello and Hi * What and where Ss: Take notes if necessary My * Act 2: How to introduce name I Hello THẦY CƠ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CĨ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN - T uses the pictures in the book and sets the scene to Øntoduce name Hi - T: Ask: How many ways can we use to introduce name ? Name Ss: Give their ideas III- Model sentence: -> Concept check:form, meaning, use, Eg: My name is Hung pronunciation I`m Hung - T: Introduce short form => Form: My name is Ss: Copy down I am * Notes: Short form : 3.Practice I am = I’m -T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present… My name is = My name’s IV- Practice: -C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language… 1/ Say "hello, hi" to your classmates A: Hello T uses the picture in the book and sets the scene to build dialogue B: Hi 2/Dialogue build Ss: pairwork Lan - T: Aks ss to role play Nam , Ba … to repeat the sentences Nga a Lan: Hello! Lan Ss: Roleplay Nga: Hello! I Nga Greet and introduce the name -T: Ask ss to greet each other and introduce their name b Ba: Hello! My name’s Ba Ss :Practice with a partner 3/Practice: - T: Call some pairs to practise in front of the class Eg P1 : Hello Nam: Hi! Nam THẦY CÔ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CÓ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN Ss: Talk in pairs before class P2 : Hi - T: Comment if necessary P1 : I’m Hoa 4.Further practice P2 : My name is Linh -T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present… -C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language… V Exercises - Ask Ss to look at the workbook and Exercise (p – workbook) individually b) I am Mai / I’m Mai Exercise (p 4) Ex1 : a) I am Hoa / I’m Hoa c) I am Minh / I’m Minh d) I am Nam / I’m Nam b) Mai e) I am Thu / I’m Thu c) Minh f) I am Linh / I’m Linh d) Nam Exercise (p4) e) Thu a) Hello My names’ Nga f) Linh b) Hi My name is Phong - Ask Ss to work in four groups and Exercise (p – workbook) c) Hi My name is Chi d) Hello My name is Huy - Call some Ss to write the sentences on the board a) Hello My name’s … b) Hi My … … … c) Hi … … … … d) Hello … … … Huy 5.Production - Learn by heart all the new words and the structure - Practice say “hello, hi” to every body and introduce your name VI.Homework: - Learn by heart all the new words and the structure - Do exercise and in workbook 10 THẦY CƠ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CĨ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN Warm up I Warm up “Jumbled words” “Jumbled words” - Give instruction and check - board - Have Ss play in teams - pencil - daobr - pen - cpieln - eraser - npe - window - saerre - clock - iwnwod - ruler - ccklo - ulrre - Control and get feedback 2.Presentation II New words -T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present +a living room:phòng khách -C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language + a lamp: đèn bàn */ Pre-teach vocab + an armchair: ghÕ bµnh T: sets the situation and plays the tape + a table: bµn trµ Ss: listen and find out new words + a chair: ghÕ tùa T: gives new words + a television: v« tuyÕn Ss: guess meaning and take note + a stereo: máy nghe nhạc Ss: listen and repeat Then practice + a couch: ghế sa -lông dài T: controls and corrects mistakes + a stool: ghế đôn T: plays the tape + these: Ss: listen and repeat Then practice + those: T: controls and corrects III Structure: => Checking: Rub out and remember Ex: What are these? They`re pens + a telephone:điện thoại + a bookshelf: gi¸ s¸ch T: Ask ss to retell the way to ask and 50 THẦY CÔ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CÓ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN answer questions with singular nouns Then introduces the way to ask answer questions with plural nouns What are those? They`re windows What are these/ those? They’re + N (s / es) Ss: answer question and take note T: introduces new structures Use: * This is / These are Ss: listen and take note Then give examples + Gièng: Dïng ®Ĩ chØ vËt ë gần + Khác: This is + N số T : Ask ss to give form and note These are + N sè nhiÒu Ss: Give form * That is / Those are T : Have ss copy down + Gièng: Dïng ®Ĩ chØ vËt ë xa Ss: Take note on their notebooks + Kh¸c: That is + N sè Ýt T: Note ss the pronunciation of prular nouns Those are + N sè nhiỊu Note: c¸ch phát âm s Ss: Take notes on the notebooks /-s/: theo sau ©m/p,t,k,f, / Eg: books, maps /-iz/: theo sau ©m/x,s,z ,ch ,sh/ Eg: classes, watches 3.Practice /-z/: theo sau âm lại -T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present… Eg: pens, tables IV- Practice: -C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language… Picture drill( A1) This is my living room - T: Ask Ss to listen to the tape then reorder the pictures as they hear the words This is a telephone of them Practice with a partner(A2) Ss: Listen to the tape and reorder the pictures ex1: What’s this? It’s a table - T: Ask Ss to listen to the tape then repeat loudly ex3: what are these? ex2: What`s that? It`s an armchair Ss: Listen to the tape then repeat in 51 They’re armchairs THẦY CÔ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CÓ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN chorus ex4: What are those? - T: Call some Ss to practice reading in front of the class They’re couches Ss: Some Ss practice in front of the class T: corrects their mistakes.Guides the ways to practice and models first (A2) Ss: take note and remember Ss base on the picture and the structures to task Work in pairs T: controls and corrects mistakes 4.Further practice -T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present… -C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language… * Nought and crosses -T: Ask ss to play a game :Nought and crosses Ss: play game -T: Comment if necessary 5.Production - Learn by heart the new words What ?/ door That / pen What ?/ shelves It / box ? They / eraser Those / stereo This/ armchair That / lamp It / not / bench - Practice asking and answeringwith “WhEx: What`s that? It`s a door Qs” with your friends V Homework: - Do exercise 1,2 (p.17, 18) - Learn by heart the new words - Prepare : A3,4,5 - Practice asking and answeringwith “Wh-Qs” with your friends 52 THẦY CÔ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CÓ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN - Do exercise 1,2 (p.17, 18) - Prepare : A3,4,5 Week: Period: 14 Unit : (cont) Planning date: 12/9/2018 Lesson 2: A3,4 Teaching date 53 THẦY CÔ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CÓ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN I.Objectives 1.Knowledge By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to practice speaking English about family members + Role play Ba to tell about his family + Practise asking and answering about Ba`s family 2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing 3.Attitudes: Students love more lesson Competence and quality: 4.1 Competence: - General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,… - Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity, 4.2 Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around,… II.Preparation: 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues 2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens III.Procedures Teacher & Students` activities Contents 1.Warm up I.Warm up “Matching” “Matching” - Give a pictrue with the things in the livingroom and some words in the cards Have Ss to go to the board to stick the words in the correct things in the picture - Give a pictrue with the things in the livingroom and some words in the cards Have Ss to go to the board to stick the words in the correct things in the picture (a lamp, a bookshelf, a chair, a couch, a table, ) (a lamp, a bookshelf, a chair, a couch, a table, ) - Control and give feedback 54 THẦY CÔ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CÓ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN 2.Pre - reading II- Newwords: -T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present family (n): gia đình -C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language… mother (n): mÑ * / Pre teach vocab: sister (n): chị, em gái father (n): cha, bè brother (n): anh, em trai + Elicit from sts she-her : bà, cô, chị ấy- bà +Write words on the boards he- his: «ng, anh Êy- cđa «ng Ss: Listen, repeat, and copy down How many ? : bao nhiªu - T: Let ss practice newwords Ss: practice in chorus- groups- individual => Checking: Matching * / Set the scene: A girl is asking about the members in Ba`s family How does she ask? T introduce the question: "How many people are there in your family? " and how to answer * T / F statement prediction - T gives instruction Ss: Listen to the T Predict individually then pair -T: Collect Sts’ ideas 3.While reading -T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present… III- Reading: -C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language… 1- Ba is eleven years old and he is a student -> F * Check prediction: 2- Mr.Ha is a teacher -> T - T: Ask ss to read the text and check with the prediction 3- Ba’s mother is Nga and she’s a teacher -> T 1/ T / F statement 55 THẦY CÔ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CÓ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN -T: Give examples and note ss some structures 4- Ba’s sister , Lan is a teacher -> F Ss: Take notes on their notebook -> F Ss: Read and correct the answer 2/ Answer the questions( A4) ( correct the wrong sentences) individually then pair compare) * Structures: 5- There are people in BA’s family 1) Hỏi tên với " Who": - Get feed back from the ss Who is this / that ? * Answer keys: That`s/ This`s/ It’s + tªn 1- F ( eleven-> twelve) 2- T 2) Hái tªn ngêi kh¸c víi "What": 3- T What’s his / her name? F ( teacher-> student) His / Her name is + tªn F ( five -> four) 3) Hái ti ngêi kh¸c -T: Give examples and note ss some structures How old is he/she? - She/ he +tuæi * Answer: Ss: Take notes on their notebook a Her name is Nga * Ask Sts to ask and answer ( P 33 ) b His name is Ha Ss: Pairwork c.That’s Ba He is twelve years old T: Call ss to give the answers d.This is Lan She is fifteen Ss: Give the answers e * How many people are there in the family? T: Check if necessary There are four people in the family 4.Post reading IV- A5* Talk about you: -T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present… a) What is your name? -C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language… c) How many people are there in your family? b) How old are you? - T: Ask ss to ask and answer the questions – A5/33 56 THẦY CÔ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CÓ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN Ss: Pairwork 5.Production V Homework: - Describe about your family - Describe about your family - Learn by heart the new words - Learn by heart the new words - Do ex 3,4 (P.20-21) - Do ex 3,4 (P.20-21) - Prepare : Lesson 3: B1-2 - Prepare : Lesson 3: B1-2 Week: Period: 15 Unit : (cont) Planning date:13/9/2018 Lesson 3: B- Numbers (B 1- 2) Teaching date I.Objectives 1.Knowledge By the end of the lesson Sts wil be able to practice counting numbers from to 100 ( learn by heart the numbers: 20, 30, 40, ) + Learn the common ruler and the prirevate ruler for the nouns ending with " ch" Ex: couch- couches, bench- benches 2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing 3.Attitudes: Students love more lesson Competence and quality: 4.1 Competence: - General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,… - Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity, 4.2 Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around,… 57 THẦY CƠ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CĨ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN II.Preparation: 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues 2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens III.Procedures Teacher & Students` activities Contents 1.Warm up I.Warm up Chatting Chatting +How many people are there in your family? +How many people are there in your family? +what her name/ +what her name/ +what his name? +what his name? +How old is she/he? +How old is she/he? 2.Presentation II Vocabulary: -T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present… - 30: thirty 31: thirty-one - 40: forty 32: thirty- two -C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language… - 50: fifty 33: thirty- three T: Introduces the cardinal numbers from one to one hundred - 70: seventy Ss: listen T: Mentions the difference between 1-10 and 10 – 20 and the main stressed syllables of the numbers - 60: sixty - 80: eighty - 90: ninety - 100: one hundred Ss : listen and remember T: plays the tape Then guides the way to connect numbers Ss: listen and repeat Then practice T: controls and corrects 58 THẦY CƠ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CĨ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN * Present grammar:- T: Show the door and say: how many doors are there? III Grammar: Ss: Answer There are three windows in the classroom -T: intrduce the structures: There is/ There are Eg: There is one door in the classroom Ss: Copy down - T: Ask ss to give examples with " There is/ There are " Form: There is one + N There are + Ns -> Giới thiệu số lợng đồ vật nơi * Note: Cách thành lập danh từ số nhiều: - Thêm s vào sau danh tõ sè Ýt ex : a door => doors a chair => two chairs - Danh tõ tËn cïng lµ: ch, sh, x, s, o, thªm “es” ex : a bench => benches a couch => couches - Danh từ tận y trớc y phụ âm chuyển y thành i thêm es ex : a family => families 3.Practice IV.Practice: -T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present… B1- The numbers -C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language… 2.B2- Practice Ss: practice counting numbers door one, two, three, four, * Count the items in the classroom: 59 table THẦY CƠ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CĨ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN Ss: comment students board T: controls and corrects mistakes books erase T: introduces the picture Then explains how to form the plural nouns window chair clock desks Ss: listen and take note ruler benches T: shows the picture and asks ss count things in it Ss : practice T: controls and corrects mistakes 4.Further practice -T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present… 3- Write -C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language… There are two students in the classroom - T: Request ss to use the structures above to write about the things they have counted Eg: There is one table in the classroom Ss: Write 5.Production - Learn by heart the count numbers 1-100 V/ Homework: - Learn by heart the count numbers 1-100 and how to add “s” and " es" and how to add “s” and " es" - Do exercise1,2-p21 in the exercise book - Do exercise1,2-p21 in the exercise book - Prepare the new lesson: B3- - Prepare the new lesson: B3- Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm 2018 …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… 60 THẦY CÔ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CÓ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN Week: Period: 16 Unit : (cont) Planning date:18/9/2018 Lesson 4: B 3- Teaching date I.Objectives 1.Knowledge - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to use the question:" How many are there?" and the answer:" There is one / There are two " - Students review rulers change singular nouns into plural nouns - Learn how to read singular and plural nouns ( /s/, /z/, /iz/ ) 2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing 3.Attitudes: Students love more lesson Competence and quality: 4.1 Competence: - General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,… - Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity, 4.2 Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around,… II.Preparation: 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues 2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens III.Procedures Teacher & Students` activities Contents 1.Warm up I Chain game: 61 THẦY CƠ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CĨ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN T: Let ss play :Chain game Example: Ss: Do as teacher asks S1: There is one door T: sets the situation and plays the tape S2: There is one door and three windows Ss: listen and repeat Then practice S3: There is one door……… T: controls and corrects T: gives new structure Ss: listen and take note T: gives models first Ss: gives examples Then take note 2.Presentation: -T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present… -C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language… II- Structure: Hỏi số lợng có ngời vật Ex : How many teachers are there ? There is one - How many desks are there? There are ten - How many students are there? There are thirty- one How many + Ns + are there ? There is one+ N There are two, three + Ns 3.Practice III- Practice -T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present… 1/ Picture drill (B5) couch stereo -C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language… lamp table telephone 62 chairs THẦY CÔ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CÓ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN * Count the things in the living room armchairs people T: Shows the picture and asks Ss count things in it books stools Ss : task 2/ Practice with a partner (B4) Ss: comment How many couches are there? T: controls and corrects There is one * Practise asking and answering (B4) How many books are there? T: Asks Ss to ask and answer the questions about things in living room they have counted There are three Ss : practice in pairs T: controls and corrects bookcase television 3/ B6- Remember How many ………are there ? There is ……… / There are ………… 3.Further practice -T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present… *Survey -C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language… Name In your school bag pens books -T: Make ss read the remember- B6 Hoa Ss: Read - T: Request ss to use the structures above to ask and answer about the things they have by making the survey Ss: groupwork T: Call some pairs to practice in front of the class Ss: Ask and answer in front of the class rulers pencils Mai Eg: -How many pens are there in your school bag? There is one How many books are there in your school bag? There are five T: Call ss to give the answers Ss: Give their answers T: Comment if necessary 63 THẦY CÔ XIN LH SO 0987556503 ĐỂ CÓ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN 5.Production IV Homework: - Learn by heart new structure - Learn by heart new structure - Do exercise 3,4 p22 in the exercise book - Do exercise 3,4 p22 in the exercise book - Prepare the new lesson : C 1-4 - Prepare the new lesson : C 1-4 64 ...THẦY CƠ XIN LH SO 09875 565 03 ĐỂ CĨ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN a Structure of English 6: - S¸ch TiÕng Anh gồm 16 đơn vị học với 16 chủ điểm đợc phát triển từ chủ điểm lớn đợc chia... Z Giíi thiƯu c¸ch häc TiÕng Anh a Trên lớp: - Trật tự lắng nghe giáo viên giảng bài, hăng hái phát biểu ý kiến - RÌn lun vµ giao tiÕp b»ng TiÕng Anh giê häc TiÕng Anh, h¹n chÕ sư dơng TiÕng ViƯt... Production : Prepare Test THẦY CƠ XIN LH SO 09875 565 03 ĐỂ CĨ TRỌN BỘ GIÁO ÁN - Week: TEST (45') Preparing date: 16/ 8 /2018 Period: Teaching date: I.Objectives 1.Knowledge

Ngày đăng: 09/10/2018, 14:49



