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NGUYỄN THỊ THUẬN Học kỳ ALWAYS LEARNING KEY TO SUCCESS TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ Term 2: From unit to unit 16 UNIT A first aid course (Trang 2)  In order to, so as to  Future simple  Modal WILL to make requests, offers and promises UNIT 10 Recycling (Trang 13)  Passive forms  Adjectives followed by: an infinitive; a noun clause UNIT 11 Travelling around Viet Nam (Trang 34)   “- ed” and “-ing” participles Requests with: - Would/ Do you mind if ……? - Would/ Do you mind + V_ing….? REVIEW UNITS 9, 10, 11 (Trang 44) TEST 45‟ (Trang 49) UNIT 12 A vacation abroad (Trang 61)  Past progressive  Past progressive with “when” and “while”  Progressive tenses with “always” UNIT 13 Festivals (Trang 72)  Compound words  Reported speech UNIT 14 Wonders of the world (Trang 99)  Question words before “to - infinitives”  Verb + to - infinitives UNIT 15 Computers (Trang 111)  The present perfect with “yet” and “already”  Comparison of present perfect and past simple UNIT 16 Inventions (Trang 120)  Sequence markers ÔN TẬP VÀ CÁC ĐỀ THI HỌC KÌ 2(Trang 125) Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ Unit A first-aid course (Khóa học sơ cứu) I Vocabulary: - towel /ˈtaʊəl/n.: Khăn tắm - ointment /ˈɔɪntmənt/n.: thuốc mỡ - bandage /ˈbændɪdʒ/n.: băng - handkerchief /ˈhæŋkətʃɪf/n : khăn tay - tiger balm /ˈtaɪɡə bɑːm/n.: dầu hổ - ice bag (n).: túi đá - emergency /iˈmɜːdʒənsi/: ca cấp cứu - ambulance /ˈỉmbjələns/: xe cứu thương - conscious /ˈkɒnʃəs/: cịn tỉnh>< unconscious /ʌnˈkɒnʃəs/: bất tỉnh - (to) cut one's head : bị vỡ đầu - bleeding badly: chảy máu nhiều - (to) cover the wound /ˈkʌvə(r)/ /ðə/ /wuːnd/: che vết thương - (to) hold it tight: giữ chặt - all asleep (phr): ngủ thiếp - stretcher /ˈstretʃə(r)/ (n) cáng - crutch /krʌtʃ/ (n) nạng - wheelchair /ˈwiːltʃeə(r)/ (n) xe lăn - scale /skeɪl/ (n) cân - eye chart / aɪ tʃɑːt/ (n) bảng đo thị lực -emergency room /iˈmɜːdʒənsi ruːm/n.: phịng cấp cứu -paramedic /ˌpỉrəˈmedɪk/n : phụ tá - (to) check one's eyesight : kiểm tra thị lực - (to) lean against : dựa vào - patient /ˈpeɪʃnt/ (n): Bệnh nhân Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ - victim /ˈvɪktɪm/ (n): Nạn nhân - lying flat: nằm thẳng - overheat(v); làm nóng - running cold tap(n): vịi nước lạnh - ease(v): làm dễ chịu/bớt đau - pain(n): đau nhức; painful(adj) đau khổ, khổ cực - pack(n): túi - sterile dressing(n): băng vô trùng - elevate /ˈelɪveɪt/ v.>< lower /ˈləʊə(r)/: Nâng >< hạ - revive /rɪˈvaɪv/ (v): tỉnh lại - (to) minimize tissue damage /ˈmɪnɪmaɪz/ /ˈtɪʃuː/ /ˈdæmɪdʒ/: giảm tối đa hư hỏng mô - (to) ease the pain: giảm vết đau - sterile dressing /ˈsteraɪl/ /ˈdresɪŋ/: băng vô trùng - (to) calm down: bính tĩnh - fall – fell – fallen (off )(v): ngã - bleed – bled – bled (v): chảy máu - pressure (n): sức ép - fall asleep (v): buồn ngủ - promise (v): hứa, lời hứa - (to) have a nose bleed: bị chảy máu mũi - (to) have a burn: bị bỏng - (to) have a cut: bị cắt - (to) have a bee sting: bị ong đốt - (to) have a fainting: bị ngất xỉu - accident (n): II tai nạn Grammar: 1) Mệnh đề cụm từ mục đích ( Clause of purpose ) Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ SO THAT/IN ORDER THAT IN ORDER TO/SO AS TO/TO: Công thức sau: a) Mệnh đề + SO THAT/IN ORDER THAT + S + can/could/will/would + V Lưu ý:Thông thường NOT dùng can /could cịn có NOT dùng won't / wouldn't,trừ trường hợp có ý ngăn cấm thí dùng can't/couldn't I study hard so that I can pass the exam I study hard so that I won't fail the exam I hide the toy so that my mother can't see it (Tơi giấu đồ chơi để mẹ tơi khơng thể thấy -> ngăn không cho thấy ) b) Mệnh đề + IN ORDER TO/SO AS TO/TO + Inf Lưu ý: Nếu có NOT thí để NOT trước TO, nhiên mẫu TO khơng áp dụng trường hợp có NOT I study hard I want to pass the exam -> I study hard in order to / so as to /to pass the exam I study hard I don't want to fail the exam -> -> I study hard in order not to pass the exam -> I study hard so as not to /to pass the exam.đúng -> I study hard not to pass the exam sai Cách nối câu : a) Dùng SO THAT/IN ORDER THAT : Trong câu thứ hai có động từ: want, like, hope thí phải bỏ thêm can/could/will/would vào -Nếu sau chữ want, like, hope có túc từ thí lấy túc từ làm chủ từ I give you the book I want you to read it -> I give you the book so that you can read it b) Dùng IN ORDER TO/SO AS TO/TO: - Chỉ áp dụng chủ từ câu giống - Bỏ chủ từ câu sau, bỏ chữ want, like, hope giữ lại từ động từ sau I study hard I want to pass the exam I study hard I want to pass the exam -> I study hard in order to pass the exam 2) Thì tƣơng lai đơn: Thì Khẳng định Phủ định Nghi vấn Tương lai gần S + am/ is/ are + going to +V S + am/ is/ are+ not + going to +V (Wh) + am/ Is/ Are + S+ going to +V ? Dấu hiệu Tomorrow, tonight, Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ Tương lai đơn S+ will + V S+ will not + V (won‟t) (Wh) + Will + S + V1… ? soon, next, someday, in the future Sự khác tương lai gần tương lai đơn Intended future (Tương lai gần) Ý định dự tính, xếp trước nói: - I am going to visit New York this summer Dự đoán chắn dựa vào tại: - There are a lot of clouds I think it is going to rain 3) Future simple (Tương lai đơn) Ý định có nói hay hành động xảy tƣơng lai khơng có dự định trƣớc: - The phone is ringing - I will answer it - He will come here tomorrow Ý kiến, lời hứa, hy vọng, phát biểu hành động tương lai: (think, promise, hope, expect, sure, ….) - Wait here and I will get you a drink - I think you will pass the exam (not) adjective/adv + enough (for + O) + to + V CÁCH SỬ DỤNG "ENOUGH" I/ Vị trí: Thơng thường, đặt câu ENOUGH đặt vị trì sau: + Adj/Adv + ENOUGH E.g: He is strong enough to lift the box (Anh ta đủ khỏe để nhấc hộp)=> “strong” tình từ nên đứng trước “enough” I study well enough to pass the exam (Tôi học giỏi đủ để thi đậu)=>”well” trạng từ nên đứng trước “enough” + ENOUGH + Noun E.g: I don't have enough money to buy a car (Tơi khơng có đủ tiền để mua xe hơi)=>” money” danh từ nên đứng sau “enough” II/ nguyên tắc nối câu cần nhớ dùng ENOUGH: 1) Nếu trước tình từ, trạng từ có:too, so, very, quite , extremely Trước danh từ có many, much, a lot of, lots of thí phải bỏ E.g: + He is very intelligent He can it ->He is very intelligent enough to it (sai) ->He is intelligent enough to it.(đúng) + He has a lot of money He can buy a car ->He has enough a lot of money to buy a car.(sai) ->He has enough money to buy a car.(đúng) 2) Nếu chủ ngữ hai câu giống thí bỏ phần “ for sb” E.g: + Tom is strong He can lift the box (Tom khỏe Anh nâng hộp) Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ ->Tom is strong enough for him to lift the box (sai) ->Tom is strong enough to lift the box (đúng) (Tom đủ khỏe để nâng hộp) + The weather is fine Mary and her little brother can go to school ->The weather is fine enough to go to school (sai) ->The weather is fine enough for Mary and her little brother to go to school (đúng) * Tuy nhiên chủ ngữ câu sau có ý chung chung thí bỏ E.g: The sun is not warm We can't live on it.(Mặt trời không ấm áp Mọi người sống đó) ->The sun is not warm enough to live on.(“we” chung chung người) (Mặt trời nơi không đủ ấm để sinh sống) 3) Nếu chủ ngữ câu đầu tân ngữ câu sau thí phải bỏ tân ngữ câu sau E.g: The water is quite warm I can drink it (Nước ấm Tơi uống nó) ->The water is warm enough for me to drink it (sai) ->The water is warm enough for me to drink (đúng) (Nước đủ ấm cho uống) III Exercises: I Combine each pair of sentences, using so that; in order (not) to or so as (not) to He always drives carefully He doesn‟t want to cause accidents  I went to the college I wanted to see Professor Taylor  _ She wore warm clothes She didn‟t want to get cold  _ Nam is studying very hard He wants to keep pace with his classmates  _ We turned out the lights We didn‟t want to waste electricity  _ He moved to the front row He could hear the speaker better  _ I wish to have enough money I want to buy a new house  Thanh and Nga are going to Australia They want to learn English  Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ We hurried to school We didn‟t want to be late  _ 10.You want to stop the bleeding You should cover the wound with a tower or a handkerchief  _ 11.They got up very early They wanted to get to the top of the hill before sunrise  _ 12.I bought a new screwdriver I wanted to repair my bicycle  13.She wants to make her body strong She should eat lots of green vegetables  14.Jim finally went to the dentist He wanted to get some relief from his toothache  _ 15.They save money They want to buy a house in the city  _ 16 Please arrive early We want to be able to start the meeting on time  _ 17 I closed the window l didn't want anybody to look at my mum  _ 18 I left David my phone number I wanted him to be able to contact me  _ II Give the right form of the verbs in brackets: Simple Future or Simple Present We (go)……………………… out when the rain (stop) ……………………… We (phone) ……………………… you as soon as we (arrive) ……………………… in Ha Noi She (not come) ……………………… until you (be) ……………………… ready I (come) ……………………… and see them before I (leave) ……………………… here When l (see) ……………………… Mr Pike tomorrow I (give) ……………………… him your message He promises he (leave) ……………………… before the sun (rise) ……………………… They (move) ……………………… to their new house at Christmas this year Who (look after) ……………………… the children when your sister (be) …………… away? You (be) ……………………… late if you (not/ hurry) ……………………… Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ 10 Thank you for letting me borrow your camera I (bring) ……………………… it back to you after I (return) ……………………… from my holiday III Which is correct? "Did you phone Ruth? “Oh, no, I forgot I‟m going to phone/ I'll phone her now." I can't meet you tomorrow morning I am playing/ will play tennis We meet/ will meet you outside the theater in half an hour OK? “I need some money.” "Well I am lending/ will lend you some I am having/ will have a party next Saturday I hope you can come "Remember to lock the door before leaving." “OK I don't forget/ won‟t forget" What time does your train leave/ will your train leave tomorrow? Are you doing/ Will you anything tomorrow evening? I don‟t want to go to the movies alone Do you go/ Will you go with me? 10 It‟s a secret between us I promise I won‟t tell/ don't tell anybody IV - Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions The girl fell her bike and hit her head the road You„d better put pressure the wound The policeman asked me to phone an ambulance How can we make contact you? The ambulance will be there about 10 minutes Don‟t overheat the victim blankets or coats Thanks your praise It really cheers me Will you come to my house the weekend? Ngo Si Lien Lane is Quang Trung Street and Tran Hung Dao Street 10 After the accident I spent six months crutches V - Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets She was (conscious) for days after the accident =>……………………… His speedy (revive) after the operation amazed all the doctors =>……………………… The (press) of water caused the dam to burst =>……………………… The heart pumps (bleed) around the body =>……………………… Come by the fire You must be (chill) to the bone =>……………………… I want an (immediately) reply =>……………………… The victim who has a dog bite needs an anti-tetanus (inject) =>……………………… She is very (anxiety) about her mother's health =>……………………… The nurse is giving Lan some first-aid (instruct) =>……………………… Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ 10 Make sure that the needles are (sterilize) =>……………………… VI Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first Where is the nearest post office‟? → Could you ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………? Open the door, please → Will you ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………? Hanh is studying very hard because she doesn't want to fail in the exam → Hanh is studying very hard in order ……………………………………………………………… Do you want me to drive? → Shall ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ? I want you to help me carry my bags → Can ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………? He climbed the tree because he wanted to get a better view → He climbed the tree so as ………………………………………………………………………… I have decided to help him revise his lessons → I am …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We are willing to drive you to the airport → We'll ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… You can get off this train at Bath → This train ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 „Please send an ambulance to Quang Trung School,‟ Lan said to the nurse → Lan asked ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… VII Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence by using “so as to” or “in order to” I enter the room quietly I don‟t want to wake my younger sister up  _ He is staying up late He wants to see the final football match  _ I have to put on my glasses I want to see that film  _ I am studying hard I don‟t want to fail the examination  _ She‟s on a diet She wants to lose her weight  _ Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I don‟t mind travelling by train now …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I went to the church when I was a child …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Since we‟ve lived in the countryside, we‟ve been much happier …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Mr.Michel grew tulips but he doesn‟t any more …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I prefer listening to classical music now, although when I was young I couldn‟t stand it …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… My sister looked so far when she returned from Paris …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 He doesn‟t love me any more He used……….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 They often went to school by bike when they were young They used ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12.I no longer eat meat I used to ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 When Lan was small, she used to cry a lot Lan often ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 My father used to drive to work when he lived in Japan My father ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 We had a nice garden once, but now we don‟t any more We ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 David used to have long hair David no longer…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17 Her mother usually got up early Her ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 He often ate lots of ham He …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19 We lived in the country in 1980s but now we live in HCM City We…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn 215 TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ 20 When Nam was young, he hated school Now he likes school Nam 21 Ann was a secretary for many years, but now she owns her own business Ann 22 Before Adam got married, he went bowling five times a week Adam 23 When we raised our own chickens, we had fresh eggs every morning We 24 Now you have a job every summer Have you always worked during summer? What BÀI 4: Fill in the blank When I was a student, I sued to (work)……in a bar I will never get used to (work)…….nights I prefer working days She isn‟t used to (live)… on her own The house feels quite empty When I worked in the city, I used to (get up)…….really early Are you getting used to (live)……………in your new house yet? We are not used to (live)…… In a cold climate We‟re used to a warm one I used to (be)……… a gardener I‟m not used to (sit)………….in an office all day Since I retired from my job, I can‟t get used to (have) ………… nothing to all day In my last job, I used to (wear)………… a suite and tie Now I wear jeans I was just getting used to (wear)…… glasses 11 When I was a child, I used _ (dream) of being an astronaut 12 I'm terribly nervous I'm not used (speak) to a large audience 13 It took us ages to get used _ (live) in an apartment house 14 Lots of trains used _ (stop) here, but not many now 15 Didn't Nick use _ (work) on a building site? 16 I'll have an orange juice, please I'm not used (drink) alcohol 17 David doesn't seem to mind being in hospital I suppose he's got used _ (be) there 18 When Laura was at college, she used (have) a picture of Elvis Presley on her bedroom wall 19 There used (be) a cinema here but it was knocked down a few years ago Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn 216 TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ 20 When she arrived in Britain, she wasn't used (drive) on the left, but she soon got used to it 21, I was used to _(eat) at noon when I started school 22, He used to _(eat) dinner at five o'clock 23, When I was young, I used to _(swim) everyday 24, He used to _(like) her, but he doesn't anymore 25, Don't worry, some day you will get used to _(speak) English 26, Lan can't get used to (study) 27, He used to _(dance) every night, but now he studies 28, Adam is used to (sleep) late on the weekends 29, Chieks is used to (eat) American food now 30, She finally got used to _(eat) our food Bài 5: Viết lại câu, sử dụng used to didn't use to I had a lot of money but I lost it all when my business failed ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………… I quite like classical music now, although I wasn't keen on it when I was younger ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… I seem have lost interest in my work ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… My brother had his hair cut short when he joined the army ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… Dennis gave up smoking three years ago ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… My parents lived in the USA when they were young ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… Jim was my best friend, but we aren't friends any more ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… When he was younger, my uncle was a national swimming champion ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… I eat ice-cream now, but I disliked eating it when I was a child ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… Bài 6: Fill in each gap with the correct forms of used to or be used to (Điền vào chỗ trống dạng “used to” “be used to”) When I was young, I go swimming every day Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn 217 TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ 2 The Sherpas _ living among the high mountains Porters _ carrying heavy loads and burdens When the lighthouse keeper first settled here, he _ feel lonely, but now he _ being alone for days Experienced mountaineers breathing the thin air of the heights There be many shipwrecks on these rocks You shouldn't be so severe with the child He (not) being treated like that Numerous tribes of Indians _ live on the shores of the Great Lakes in America Geologists facing cold, rain and blizzards 10 Jack _ live in London, but he moved in 1980 Bài 7: Sử dụng cấu trúc used to/be used to/get used to để diễn tả lại câu sau 1.It‟s very noisy I can‟t stand the noise of traffic like this ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… 2.John stopped smoke ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… 3.Don‟t worry, mother! I can take care of myself ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… Miss Huong left hospital last week ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… It‟s very cold in Hue in winter Don‟t worry! I have been living in Hue for 12 years ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… Lan is a new student of my class She is unhappy ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… Mr.Hung doesn‟t eat Asian food ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… I feel nervous, I have not traveled by air before ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… 9.we left for Hue years ago ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… 10.she can eat chicken now ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn 218 TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ 11.my father took me the city ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… 12.it‟s took me fivr hours to find the answer for the question ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… 13.I can‟t stand the smell ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… 14.She sits between Tuan and Hung ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… 15 Driving a car is so difficult for her ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… 16 I never go to bed after 10 p.m ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… 17 He was an accountant for my company ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… 18 I don‟t like walking in the rain ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… BÀI TẬP SINCE/FOR Bài 1: Điền vào chỗ trống với since/for She's lived here _ 1975 He's been in London _ five days They haven't been used _ many years She's been working _ nine this morning I haven't eaten _ hours It has been raining _ ages India has been independant _ 1947 They have been married _ October How many years is it _ you graduated from junior high school? We have been waiting _ twenty minutes ài Điền cụm từ với “for”, “since” “ago” The phone last rang at four o‟clock ~ So you‟ve had no calls ………… ? I haven‟t been to the dentist for ten years ~ You last went to the dentist ………………… ? Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn 219 TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ I last saw Rita on Sunday ~ Haven‟t you seen her ? We‟ve had six weeks without rain ~ Yes, it hasn‟t rained It‟s three years since Lisa got married ~ Really? Has she been married …………………? It‟s eight months since my sister had any work ~ He lost his job ? Mrs Brown was taken ill three weeks ago ~ You mean she‟s been ill ……………………, and nobody‟s told me! I got here an hour ago ~ What! You mean you‟ve been waiting ……………… an hour? 9- I have not seen him…………… he was 16 10- I've known him …………… ages 11- Things have changed a lot…………….our previous meeting 12- It's been raining…………….four o'clock 13- I'm sure he's been watching us …………….we came in 14- He'd been here…………….over an hour when we arrived 15- I've been trying to fix this computer…………….early this morning 16- He hasn't had anything to eat…………….nearly a week 17- It's three years…………….he started learning German 18- He's been collecting stamps…………….the past twenty years 19 Nobody has seen him…………….last Friday 20 It has been foggy…………….some days 21 He has been fishing…………….six o'clock 22 They've been living in France …………….eight years 23 The pilots have been on strike…………….two months 24 We've had terrible weather…………….Saturday 25 I've known Tom…………….1990 26 We have been waiting for the bus…………….half an hour 27 She hasn't lost a match…………….April 28 Things have changed…………….she's become headmaster 29 The police have been looking for him…………….a month 30 Our dog has been ill…………….two days 31 I've been looking for this book…………….a long time 32 I've been working…………….I got up 33 The kettle has been boiling…………….ten minutes 34 They have been living in Madrid …………… 1972 35 He has been in prison……………… four years Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn 220 TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ 36 He has known about the fact …………….a long time 37 Conditions have changed a lot ……………….we were children 38 Our teacher has been very ill …………….the last month 39 I haven't eaten anything …………….twenty-four hours 40 In fact he is always very rude We have been waiting for him ………… half an hour 41 I haven't seen him for three years It is because I haven't been there………… I left school 42 I have been trying to mend this old fashioned car……………… hours 43 One of my friends has been teaching in Tokyo…………… three years I haven't met him since last year 44 I haven't enjoyed myself…………….two weeks since I heard that my final exam grades were low 45 I know that you have never seen a lion……… you were born Then now I say that we can go to the zoo and see one 46 The police have been looking for him for two weeks……… he escaped from the prison 47 He hasn't spoken to me even a word ………… the last meeting 48 I haven't phoned him ……………a week 49 He has been the principal of our high school ……………1988 49 Dean has been learning Japanese ……… two years 50 I have been waiting ………….4 o'clock 51 Sue has only been waiting …………… 20 minutes 52 Tim and Tina have been learning English …………six years 53 Fred and Frida have been learning French …………………1998 54 Joe and Josephine have been going out together ……….Valentine's Day 55 I haven't been on holiday ………………….last July 56 Mary has been saving her money ………….many years 57 I haven't eaten anything …………….breakfast 58 You have been watching TV …………hours 59 We have been living here ……………2 months 60 What have you been doing _ we last spoke? 61 What has changed in your life _ you moved here? 62 I have been working full-time _ several weeks now 63 Donald hasn't wanted to talk to me _ our argument Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn 221 TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ 64 Tony Swanson has been with the company _ 25 years 65 The little girl was hungry because she hadn‟t eaten anything _ a while 66 Puerto Ricans have been migrating to the United States _ over a century 67 Human beings have sought to know the unimaginable _ the beginning of time 68 It is believed that everything in the universe has existed _ the Big Bang 15 billion years ago 69 Is there a family member who has a talent that has been in your family _ several generations? 70 The weather is dry It hasn't rained…………….a few weeks 71 It's been raining…………….lunchtime 72 Sarah has lived in Paris…………….1995 73 Paul has lived in London…………….10 years 74 I'm tired of waiting We've been sitting here…………….an hour 75 Kevin has been looking for a job…………….he left school 76 I haven't been to a party …………….ages 77 I wonder where Joe is I haven't seen him …………….last week 78 Jane is away She's been away…………….Friday 79) We're going to France a month next summer 80) Beckett's Ice Cream Shop has been in business 1942 81) We've lived in this house five years 82) Jim has had a cold last Thursday and hasn't been able to go to work 83) No wonder Seth is tired He hasn't slept 24 hours! 84) Monica hasn't heard from her son last Thursday 85) Paul will be studying at Yale _ another semester 86) I haven't been to St Petersburg 1995 87) How long are you here ? 88) Meg has worked at IBM ten years 89 I have been working here …………a fortnight 90 He has been ill………… Monday 91 Sarah's father has been a policeman …………20 years 92 David has had a driving licence………… 1980 93 He has been Prime Minister …………six months 94 You've been on the phone …………half an hour Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn 222 TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ 95 They have lived here …………five years 96 He has been unemployed …………April 97 It hasn't snowed …………1993 98 He has smoked a pipe …………20 years 99 The pizza has been in the oven………… 10 minutes 100 I have been waiting for you …………2 hours 101 They haven't seen him…………….Monday 102 We haven't met them…………….your birthday 103 I haven't heard from them …………….they were here 104 She has been married …………….some years 105 I haven't talked to them…………….we last met you 106 He hasn't won any race…………….Easter 107 We haven't been to any party…………….three months 108 I haven't talked to her…………….January 109 They have been living in this house…………….many years 110 I haven't received any letters ………I moved to this place 111 She has lived in that city…………….at least twenty years 112 …………….2005 she has been attending this school 113 …………….June she has been working here 114 It hasn't rained …………….March 115 …………….Christmas she has been staying in this house 116 I have not seen her………… last summer 117 We have not met …………the end of the war 118 He has been in Paris …………about two weeks 119 The movie has been on …………more than six months 120 He has not had an accident …………the day he took out a comprehensive policy 121 I have only had this computer …………3 weeks 122 I have not heard from him …………my birthday 123 He stayed in Europe …………less than a year 124.- We've been waiting for the train _ noon 125 - I haven't seen them _ last week 126 - I've been working here _ the beginning of the year 127 - She's been sick _ over a week 128 - He's been learning English _ a long time Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn 223 TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ 129 - I've been working in this bank _ I graduated university 130 - My daugher has been playing piano _ she was ten years old 131 - You've been studying _ three hours 132 - He's lived in this apartment _ he was a young man 133 - She can run _ two hours without a break 134 - I haven't seen any of them _ I was in the army 135 - The rain lasted _ over five hours 136 - I haven't slept _ hours 137 - _ when have your parents let you borrow their car? 138 - We haven't been to the cinema ages Bài : Chọn for since điền vào chỗ trống She has been there (for/since) four days I have known Linda (for/since) two years Jack has stayed here (for/since) Thursday My aunt has lived in Australia (for/since) 15 years We have had a camera (for/since) 1995 They have been married (for/since) six months Liz has studied medicine (for/since) a long time It has rained (for/since) an hour Indian has beSen an independent country (for/since) 1947 Mike has been ill (for/since) a long time PHÁT ÂM EXERCISE 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others 1.A arrived 2.A opened B believed B knocked C received C played D hoped D occurred 3.A rubbed B tugged C stopped D filled 4.A dimmed B travelled C passed D stirred 5.A tipped B begged C quarrelled 6.A tried B obeyed 7.A packed B added C cleaned C worked D carried D asked D pronounced Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn 224 8.A watched TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ B phoned C referred D followed 9.A agreed B succeeded C smiled D loved 10.A laughed B washed C helped D weighed 11.A walked B ended C started D wanted 12.A killed B hurried C regretted D planned 13.A visited B showed C wondered D studied C fixed D seized 14.A sacrificed B finished 15.A needed B booked C stopped D washed 16.A loved B teased C washed D rained 17.A packed B punched 18.A filled B naked 19.A caused B increased C practised 20.A washed B parted C passed C pleased C suited D pushed D wicked D promised D barked EXERCISE 2: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others A skims B works C sits D laughs A fixes B pushes C misses D goes A cries B buzzes C studies D supplies A holds B notes C replies D sings A keeps B gives C cleans D prepares A runs B fills C draws D catches A drops B kicks C sees D hopes A types B knocks C changes D wants A drinks B rides C travels D leaves A calls B glasses C smiles D learns A schools B yards C labs D seats A knives B trees C classes D agrees A buses B horses C causes D ties A garages B boats C bikes D roofs A ships B roads C streets D speaks A beliefs B cups C plates D apples A books B days C songs D erasers A houses B knives C clauses D changes Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn 225 A roofs B banks TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ C hills D bats A hats B tables C tests D desks A gives B passes C dances D finishes A sees B sings C meets D needs A seeks B plays C gets D looks A tries B receives C teaches D studies A says B pays C stays D boys A eyes B apples C tables D faces A posts B types C wives D keeps A beds B pens C notebooks A stools B cards C cabs D forks A buses B crashes C bridges D plates A proofs B books C points D days A asks B breathes C breaths D hopes A sees B sports C pools D trains A tombs B lamps C brakes D invites A books B floors C combs D drums A cats B tapes C rides D cooks A walks B begins C helps D cuts A shoots B grounds C concentrates A helps B laughs C cooks D finds A hours B fathers C dreams D thinks A beds B doors C plays D students A arms B suits C chairs D boards A boxes B classes C potatoes D finishes A relieves B invents C buys D deals A dreams B heals C kills D tasks A resources B stages D rulers D forests C preserves D focuses A carriages B whistles C assures D costumes A offers B mounts C pollens D swords A miles B words C accidents D names A sports B households A talked B painted C asked D liked A worked B stopped C forced D wanted C minds D Plays Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn 226 A lays B says TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ C stays D plays A waited B mended C objected D faced A roses B villages C apples A languages B rabies D.matches C assumes D consumes A markedly B allegedly C needed D walked A succeeds B devotes C prevents D coughs A kissed B helped C forced D raised A sees B sports C pools D trains A learned B watched C helped D wicked A widens B referees C sacks D cancels A tombs B lamps C brakes D invites A books B floors C combs D drums A packed B punched C pleased D pushed A confused B faced C cried D defined A trays B says C bays D days A kissed B pleased C increased D ceased A devoted B suggestedC provided D wished A closes B loses C loves D chooses A gives B phones C switches D dives C occupied D coughed A watched B crashed A studies B flourishes C finishes D glances A hears B thanks C blows D coincides A started B looked C decided D coincided A designed B preserved C sawed D guided A stops B climbs C pulls D televisions A cats B tapes C rides D cooks A agreed B missed C liked D watched A measured B pleased C distinguished D managed A practised B amused C advertised D annoyed A embarrassed B astonished C surprised A walks B begins C helps A shoots B grounds C concentrates A practiced B raised C rained A concealed B fined C resembled D decreased D cuts D forests D followed D resisted Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn 227 TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ B talks C stays A tells A hours B fathers C dreams A laughed B ploughed C coughed D steals D thinks D disliked A imagined B punished C diseased D determined A examined B released C serviced D ceased A diseases B pleases C loses D releases A bushes C lorries D charges B buses A expelled B dismissed C encountered D returned A biscuits B magazines C newspapers A filled B landed C suited D crooked A chased B wished C pursued D thanked A beds B doors C plays D students A preferred B worked C fixed D fetched A completes B engines C taxis D ferries A difficulties B enriches C classes A characters B problems C retreats C traced D vegetables D enlarges D universities A shipped B hitchhiked A caused B promised C kissed D discussed A listened B burgled D chatted C robbed A gossiped B rumoured C remembered C sexes D repainted D threatened A passes B challenges D tomatoes A arms B suits C chairs D boards A worried B bored C disappointed D annoyed A licks B risks C leans D drops A supposedly B rubbed C played D believed A relieves B invents A comes B rolls C buys C takes D deals D drives Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn 228 GIÁO VIÊN LÀ CỘT TRỤ HỌC SINH LÀ TRUNG TÂM MTEC – VỮNG BƯỚC TƯƠNG LAI Học thú vị Thi hiệu Bộ sách Từ vựng – Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh bản, nâng cao, IOE Trung tâm MTEC thiết kế nhằm đáp ứng nguyện vọng em học sinh bậc tiểu học trung học sở Mục tiêu giáo trình giúp em ơn tập, kiểm tra lại kiến thức nhằm phát triển khả tiếng Anh cách toàn diện, giúp em chuẩn bị tốt đạt điểm cao kỳ thi LƯU HÀNH NỘI BỘ Ngoại ngữ MTEC Địa chỉ: Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, Hà Nội Website: http://english4all.edu.vn/ Email: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com Tel: 0969 953 568 ... (Tình từ theo sau động từ nguyên mẫu mệnh đề danh từ) Adjective + to-infinitive (Tính từ+ động từ nguyên mẫu) + Động từ nguyên mẫu (to-infinitive) thường dùng: Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố... perfect and past simple UNIT 16 Inventions (Trang 120 )  Sequence markers ÔN TẬP VÀ CÁC ĐỀ THI HỌC KÌ 2( Trang 125 ) Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dƣ, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên... 5 68 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn 28 TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8- HỌC KỲ 24 Doctor Ikeda developed that theory.( to develop: phát triển) - That theory …………………………………………………………………………………….………………………… 25

Ngày đăng: 01/09/2018, 11:43

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