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VOCABULARY FOR ALL WRITING TASK MEANING EXPRESSIONS Sự khác biệt - a disparity in sth - a (large / small) gap between X and Y - (social / gender) inequality - slight / significant / major difference between X and Y - X is of great benefit to Y - X exerts positive / profound / significant impacts/effects on Y Lợi Hại - X benefits Y - X is beneficial to Y - X is harmful to / damaging to Y - X does harm to / cause damage to Y - (n.) pose a threat to / face / combat / ignore / constitute a - X is adversely affected/impacted by threat of (terrorism) - (n.) pose/avoid a danger to sth / the danger of sth / in danger of doing sth - (n.) a menace to sth Y - SYN: deleterious, perilous - X causes/exerts negative/adverse/deleterious impacts/effects on Y - have a (strong) preference for Thích nhiều Nuôi dưỡng/ Phát triển Đạt Bằng/ tương đương Cao cấp/ Nổi tiếng EXPRESSIONS - be more in favor of - choose X in preference to Y - X is preferable to Y/ favourable to Y - develop foster nurture cultivate - X is prioritized - X is given a priority - prefer X to Y - instill sth in sb impart (traditional wisdom) instill (virtues) pass on (wisdom) - (v.) reach / attain / achieve / obtain - goals / targets / objectives / - (n.) fulfill / accomplish/realize - (v.) succeed in doing sth - (n.) goal attainment / realization missions / dreams / aims - (n.) mission completion / wish fulfillment - X is on par with Y - X is equivalent to Y - X is similar to Y - X is equal in size/value/quality to Y - X is identical to Y - (adj.) high-profile / high-ranking - (collo) gain in popularity - (adj.) well-known/famous/ renowned + for sth - (collo) rise / shoot to game Tư tưởng/ Góc nhìn Cho Quan trọng Dẫn đến/ Gây - opinion on/regarding X is (less/more) divided - from different angles - through different perspectives - consider /regard sb/sth as sb/sth else - X is considered to be Y - consider sb/sth + adjective - deem sb/sth sb/sth else - X plays a leading/pivotal/crucial/ decivise role in Y - X is instrumental in doing sth - (n.) X is the key to Y - X is of great/vital/paramount importance - (n.) (success) element / - result in / lead to - X causes Y to happen - X is caused by Y - X contributes to Y/V_ing determinant - (n.) the essence/core of sth - X is the main cause of Y Ép/ Thúc đẩy - force / compel / urge sb to sth - incentivize / stimulate / catalyze / trigger sth - take charge of - be responsible for - hold accountable for - have/take responsibility for - take the initiative to sth - be in sb’s hands - a shift towards / to X - a shift in X towards Y - have a tendency to sth - be likely to sth - be inclined to sth Cho phép/ Cung cấp - provide sb with sth - equip sb with sth - enable/allow sb to sth - empower sb - entitle sb to sth - offer sb sth / offer sth to sb Khả năng/ - lower / increase the incidence of X - (v.) risk doing sth Nguy - raise / reject / explore / rule out the possibility of sth - (n.) the risk to sth / (increase / reduce) the risk of doing sth - prevent / deter / hinder sb from doing sth - (n.) barrier to sth - (n.) disruption to sth - discourage sb from doing sth - (n.) face / overcome obstacles to sth - (n.) crosse/clear a hurdle - impose / inflict a punishment/penalty for sth - carry a penalty - severe/heavy/stiff/tough penalties Chịu trách nhiệm Có xu hướng Ngăn cản/ Làm nản chí Hình phạt - the inclination to sth - a (inextricable) link/connection between X and Y - a correlation between X and Y - X is closely related to/associated with Y - X is linked to Y Mục đích / mục tiêu - with a goal/an objective to sth - with a view to doing sth - for the purpose of doing sth - with the aim of doing sth Giải - solve / resolve / tackle / address / deal with problems from the root - handle sth / issues well / poorly Nhiều/ Đa dạng - a variety / diversity / wealth of sth - a vast array of sth - a multitude of sth - a wide range of sth Can thiệp / xen vào - intervene in → government - interfere with - meddle with Tiếp xúc với - (v.) get exposed to - (v.) access sth Có liên quan intervention (sự can thiệp phủ) - (n.) a great exposure to - (n.) access to sth a sense of (đi chung với động từ ‘enhance’) Cảm giác - belonging / community / fulfillment - responsibility / satisfaction / purpose Phân biệt - differentiate/distinguish between X and Y - differentiate/distinguish Y from Y Nỗ lực / cố - strive/attempt to sth - struggle to sth - make a / no / little effort to sth - put effort into sth - with an effort / in an effort to sth - (n.) a push for sth / a push to sth - aim for / at sth - a desire to sth / desire for - the urge to sth - (n.) longing for sth - the thirst for sth - a/the yearning for sth - in a quest for sth - viable / feasible / workable + plan / approach / method / way / solution - effective / effectiveness - cost-efficient / time-effecient - intervene in - interruption to sth - meddle with - disturb / disrupt - (tourist) disturbance / disturbances to sth/sb - warn sb against sth - (n.) warning against / of sb / to sb - update sb on sth gắng Khao khát Khả thi Hiệu Can thiệp / xen vào Cảnh báo / thông báo - inform sb about sth Truyền đạt - deliver (a lesson), convey (a message) - raise awareness about, voice (concerns / doubts about sth) Làm tồi tệ - aggravate - X deteriorates into Y - compound - exarcerbate - worsen - X spiral into - X spirals up / upwards / down / downwards to sth - improve / enhance - revitalize Cải thiện Từ đắt - busy / packed schedules = full timetable = hectic life erode the core values of society / (improve) mental/physical wellbeing of sb the gateway to sth (mở đường) / reflect sth (phản ánh) respect and preserve heritage for prosperity (bảo tồn cho hệ sau) - mingle with (hoà nhập) / immerse yourself in sth / visualize (mường tượng) - be on par with sth (cùng level với) / to blend in with (hồ với) cater for sth (phục vụ cho) = serve sth customize = tailor (chỉnh sửa cho phù hợp) the mushrooming of sth (sự phát triển tràn lan) (over)exploitation (khai thác) have (an) advantage(s) over sb/sth (có ưu hơn) an outlet for our creativity/communication (thể ra) has (great) potential for XXX (triển vọng) / have a talent for sth an increasingly secular society (xã hội phân rã) the wealthy / the affluent / the underprivileged / the disadvantaged / people from all walks of life - social status symbol of sb - an incentive to sth / financial/tax incentive WRITING TASK 01 – USEFUL EXPRESSIONS chênh lệch / mức độ đa dạng - with the gaps varying wildly = at varying degrees There was a disparity in terms of AA saw / experienced drops of varying degrees [giảm với nhiều mức độ khác nhau] with figures varying widely from [data] to [data] increase / decrease by varying degrees thêm data vào với “with” - with respective figures being around + [data] => thêm số liệu with the figure reaching / increasing to / declining to + [data] => thêm số liệu cho có trend diễn tả trend / - The pattern for AA was slightly different with + [noun phrase] pattern khác biệt - AA bucked the trend [khác biệt với xu hướng phổ biến] There is a stark difference with regard to AA diễn đạt sb hứng thú / thích sth - express their interest in AA people / those keen on AA interest waned slightly / remarkably among AA diễn đạt sốn ngơi – AA sau bị thay BB - AA made up the largest proportion in _ / was the most popular…, but that shifted towards BB… AA overtook BB to be the top preference of sb đạt - the most popular >< AA experienced far less popularity gradually weaker preference for (trở nên phổ biến hơn) AA [was the only one which] failed to decline in popularity at any point (diễn đạt tăng dần đều, không giảm) diễn đạt xu hướng cho có age groups - [người ta già làm gì] age was an indicator of lower participation in AA = As people age, they are / were less likely to … AA was remarkably less / more common among the older age groups = AA gained slightly greater / less popularity among the diễn popularity - - elderly / the older age groups = interest waned slightly / remarkable among AA group diễn đạt cho - the level of participation có tham gia - [cinema/club] attendance = attendance rates diễn đạt xu hướng nhiều biến động khoảng cách khác biệt nam nữ [gender gap / gender differences] - attended something = participate in something = engage in something - follow no predictable pattern a volatile pattern - changes to AA was [less / more] predictable - the gender gap diminished / grew / was narrowed / was widened the gender gap was negligible / noticeable the disparity in terms of the figures for AA and BB was huge / - noticeable / significant dùng female / male counterparts diễn đạt [data] gần diễn đạt cho “feedback” - AA and BB were comparable AA and BB were on par, … - give positive feedback to [sth] be (very/quite / completely) satisfied with be/feel unsatisfied with = feel/be dissatisfied with be very pleased rate sth as satisfactory - be happy about sth consider themselves to be happy / very happy consider sth helpful / less helpful the level(s) of satisfaction among [đối tương] towards AA in terms - of [mặt đó] be far less helpful Opinion regarding XXX was far less / largely divided ... [was the only one which] failed to decline in popularity at any point (diễn đạt tăng dần đều, không giảm) diễn đạt xu hướng cho có age groups - [người ta già làm gì] age was an indicator of lower... for AA and BB was huge / - noticeable / significant dùng female / male counterparts diễn đạt [data] gần diễn đạt cho “feedback” - AA and BB were comparable AA and BB were on par, … - give positive... slightly greater / less popularity among the diễn popularity - - elderly / the older age groups = interest waned slightly / remarkable among AA group diễn đạt cho - the level of participation có tham

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2018, 13:59



