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1 khác biệt: (a) disparity in sth, a (large / small) gap between XX and YY, (social/gender) (in)equality lợi/hại: XXX if of great benefit to sb, XXX benefit(s) sb/sth, XXX exert(s) positive impacts on sth, have a profound / significant impact on sth >< be harmful to, harm to, damage, be adversely affected/impacted, (+/-) implications for, disrupt, disturb, (local) disturbance thích nhiều hơn: have a preference for, be more in favor of, choose XXX in preference to AAA, have slighter preference for sth, prioritized, XXX is given a priority, từ đắt: a sense of => a sense of (social / self-) responsibility / purpose / accountability / satisfaction / community; -based => computer-based / internet-based meetings / activities / tasks nuôi dưỡng / phát triển: develop, foster, nurture, cultivate, instill sth in sb, impart (traditional wisdom), instill (virtues), pass on (wisdom) đạt được: reach / attain / achieve / obtain / fulfill sb’s goals / targets / objectives / missions với: be on par with XXX, be equivalent to, be equal to/in size/value/quality, be identical cao cấp/nổi tiếng: high-profile, high-ranking, top, well-known, famous for, renowned từ đắt - hiệu quả: -effective => cost-effective / cost-effectiveness / time-saving (manner) 10 tư tưởng / góc nhìn: opinion on/regarding sth is [less/more] divided, from different angles, through different perspectives 11 cho rằng: consider sb sth, consider sth + adj, consider to be sth, regard sth as sth 12 quan trọng: play a leading/pivotal role in sth, sb’s leading role in sth, be instrumental in doing sth, be the key(s) to sth, the hallmarks of sth (nền tảng) 13 dẫn đến / gây ra: result in, be translated into sth, cause sth to happen, be conducive to, be caused by, lead to, contribute to sth/V-ing, 14 ép / thúc giục / thúc đẩy: force / compel / urge sb to sth, incentivize, stimulate, catalyze, trigger 15 dẫn đầu / chịu trách nhiệm: take charge of, hold accountable for, have / take responsibility for sth, take the initiative to sth, (feel) duty-bound to sth, be in sb’s hands 16 thay đổi/xu hướng: shift towards XXX, a shift in XXX towards AAA, have a tendency, be likely to sth, have (every) likelihood to, aiming towards XXX 17 cung cấp / giúp: provide sb with sth, equip sb with sth, enable/allow sb to sth, empower sb, entitle sb to sth, cater to / cater for, satisfy, serve, offer sb sth 18 xu hướng / nguy cơ: (lower/increase) the incidence of sth, a (worrying) trend towards XXX 19 ngăn cản / ngăn chặn: prevent / deter / discourage sb from doing sth, 20 thất vọng / khơng hài lòng: dissatisfied with, feel unsatisfied, 21 hình phạt: penalties for, punishment for 22 có liên quan: a link between AAA and BBB, be associated with sth, a correlation between A and B 23 mục đích: with a goal to, with the objective to, serve a purpose, for the purpose of doing sth, in order to, with a view to doing sth 24 giải quyết: solve, resolve, tackle, solve problems from their root, handle (issues), deal with, address 25 cảnh báo / thông báo: warn sb against sth, inform sb about sth, get exposed to sth (tiếp xúc) 26 nhiều / đa dạng: a variety of sth, a vast array of sth, a multitude of sth, a wide range of sth 27 truyền đạt: deliver (a lesson), convey (a message), raise awareness about, voice (concerns / doubts) 28 can thiệp / xen vào: intervene in, meddle with, disturb, disrupt, interruption, disturbance 29 khả thi: viable, feasible, workable + plan, approach, method, way, solution 30 từ đắt: busy / packed schedules = full timetable, erode the core values of society, hectic life, (improve) mental wellbeing, the gateway to sth (mở đường), reflect (phản ánh), respect and preserve heritage for prosperity, mingle with (hoà nhập), immerse yourself in sth, visualize (mường tường), be on par with sth (cùng level với), to blend in with (hồ với), cater for sth (phục vụ cho), customize = tailor (chỉnh sửa cho phù hợp), gain / decrease in popularity, an enormous disparity between AAA and BBB (khác biệt), the mushrooming of sth (sự phát triển tràn lan), (over)exploitation (khai thác), have (an) advantage(s) over sb/sth (có ưu hơn), an outlet for our creativity/communication, distinguish sth from sth, (great) potential for XXX (triển vọng), increasingly secular society (xã hội phân rã), exposure to sth

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2018, 13:58
