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giao tiếp anh ở trường học

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Để có một tài liệu giúp chúng ta giao tiếp tiếng anh ở trường học. chúng tôi cung cấp tài liệu này giúp bạn giao tiếp tiếng anh tốt hơn trong trường học. những từ khó chúng tôi đã phiên âm. Bạn có thể sao chép vào google dịch để biết cách đọc những câu này.

ĐÀM THOẠI TIẾNG ANH TRONG TRƯỜNG HỌC Have you done /dΔn/ your homework? Yes Hello, everyone I'm a teacher trainee /trei'ni:/ and I'llbe teaching you today Does anyone know where A is? Is he absent /'æbsзnt/? I don't know Perhaps /pз'hæps/ he'll ill You were absent for your lesson /'lesn/ last week /wi:k/ Oh, yes I was ill What's [wɔts] the matter/'mỉtз/ with Nam today? Has [hỉz] anybody seen [si:n] Bill today? Why are you late /leit/? Where have you been? We started tenminutes ago What have you been doing? Try to be here on time next time? Is there anybody who hasn't got a copy? You'll find the exercise on page 206 Now turn over to page 15 Turn over Turn over the page Turn tothe next page I want you to turn on to page 200 Turn back to page 15 Turn back to the previouspage Now look back at the last unit.Refer back to the grammar notes on page 23 I want you to exercise 74 Let's go on to exercise number Read the passage /'pæsidЗ/ silently /'sailзntli/ Study the reading passage on your own /oun/ If there are any words you don't know, please ask Let's [lets] read Let's read the text /tekst/ aloud/з'laud/ I'll read to you first /fз:st/ You start /stα:t/ ( reading ), Bill Stop here Please That's enough /i'nΔf/, thank /θæŋk/ you Go on reading, Bill Do you understand everything? Is there anything you don't understand? Do you know the meaning of all thewords? Read the passage /'pæsidЗ/ silently/'sailзntli/ If there are any words you don't know, please ask Let's read Let's read the text /tekst/ aloud/з'laud/ I'll read to you first /fз:st/ You start /stα:t/ ( reading ), Bill Alison will begin /bi'gin/ Bill, you can be Mr Brown Read the first ten /ten/ lines /lain/ One after the other /'Δðз/, please (Lần lượt người một) Is everything clear /kliз/? Try exercise /'eksзsaiz/ If you get stuck [stʌk], skip /skip/ the question Let's go over /'ouvз/ the exercise /'eksзsaiz/ together /tз'geðз/ Let's go through /θru:/ the sentences /'sentзns/ on the board /bo:d/ Let's check /t∫ek/ the answer How many did you get right /rait/ /wrong /roŋ/? What was [wɔz, wəz] your score /sko:/? What's [wɔts] the answer /'α:nsз/ to number 1? Copy /'kopi/ this down /daun/ in your notebooks /'noutbuk/.Jot /dЗot/ it down somewhere so that you don't forget it Write it in block /blok/ letters ( Viết chữ in hoa ) Write it neatly.( Viết cho ) ◊ neat /ni:t/ tính từ gọn, ngăn nắp Now let's act /ækt/ out this dialogue ['daɪəlɒg] I think we should clap /klæp/ Oh dear /diз/! That wasn't ['wəzn] very good Let's it again All of you, but keep together, and quietly /'kwiзtli/! ''Could you come onMonday?'' Better /'betз/, good Now again /з'gen/ but quickly /'kwikli/ ! Listen ! Thissentence /'sentзns/ has no grammar['græmə(r)] mistake A bit /bit/ quieter, please Hands up before answer.Now this time, don't put your hands up I'll point /point/ Answer it, somebody Don't help him, Mark I don't want you to spend too much time on this OK, everyone Quiet now please ! No more talking ! A, stop chatting now chat [tʃæt] Listen and see if he is right.OK? A, please don't write while /wail/ I am showing you how to say this /ðis/ Just listen Start /stα:t/ now Are you next? Books out, please ! Open your books at page /peidЗ/ 25 Can you all hear? Is it clear enough? Is the volume /'voljum/ all right? Here it comes Here goes We'll stop here for a moment /'moumзnt/ Before listening, read through the questions Take your seats Put /put/ your hands down Be quiet Listen to what I'm saying Louder, please loud [laʊd] Speak more clearly ['klɪəlɪ] No so quickly, I can't follow/'folou/ [mɪ'steɪk]; however I think the idea [aɪ'dɪə] is not really good How you use the word moreover in a sentence? First of all let me say welcome to this group Please don’t make so much noise [nɔɪz] I’m working Whichis correct? (It's my pleasure if you tell me my writing mistakes) Is your English getting better? So I would like you to bring a pen and a piece [pɪːs] of paper ['peɪpə(r)] and we will go to the writing So that’s the lesson ['lesn] for you today Copy down what's on the board [bɔːd] How can it be wrong? Go have a sit Practise this phrase: Let's practise ['præktɪs] some phrases you can use to introduce your opinion about something phrase [freɪz] In my opinion Practise with me: Repeat these [ðɪːz] phrases after me: I'm afraid I'm not convinced convince [kən'vɪns] That's all for today -see you next time on The Business of English See you next time Practise again, with the question to follow So what are we going to do? Practise with Tan some different ways of letting someone know that what you're stating is your opinion Listen again What are you reading? Show it to me

Ngày đăng: 21/06/2018, 20:20

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