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HO CHI MINH NATIONAL ACADEMY OF POLITICS DANG CONG THANH THE STRUGGLE FOR NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE IN THE REPUBLIC OF BOLIVAR VENEZUELA FROM 1999 TO 2013 Field of study: History of the Communist, International Workers and the National Liberation Movement Code: SUMMARY OF THE PHD THESIS Ha noi - 2018 The thesis is completed at the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics Supervisors: Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Huu Cat Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Thi Thuy Ha Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The thesis will be defended in front of the Thesis Committee at Academy level, at the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics At…… hours …… date …… month …… year The thesis can be found at the National Library and the Library of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics AUTHOR’S PUBLICATIONS RELATED TO THE THESIS TOPIC Dang Cong Thanh (2016), "Some lessons learned from the implementation of the ‘21st Century Socialism in Latin America for the World Socialism’, Journal of Teaching and Learning today, (3) Dang Cong Thanh (2016), "The Significance and Lessons Learned from the implementation of ‘21st Century Socialism’ of Venezuela for the World Socialism", Journal of Teaching and Learning today, (8) Dang Cong Thanh (2017), "Reviewing the Policies of America toward Latin American Region under President Barack Obama time", Political Science Information Bulletin, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, (2) 24 formation of the Socialist unity of Venezuela is a very important factor as well as President Hugo Chavez's leadership and prestige, which became the nucleus of solidarity among the political forces and people of Venezuela to overcome all difficulties, challenges and successes of the Revolution Bolivar builds "21st Century Socialism" in Venezuela The reality of development of the Bolivar Republic of Venezuela in the period 1999 to 2013 shows that if every country in the world finds a suitable development path, it will not only contributes to firmly assert national independence and national sovereignty but also will accelerate the socio-economic development of the country, contributing to stabilizing the political and social situation in the country These are the conditions that determine the success of the cause of building and defending the national independence of each nation in the modern world INTRODUCTION Urgency of the thesis In 1999, President Hugo Chavez Frias came to power in Venezuela, which began a "leftist wave" in the region Left-wing parties in Latin America, by ways of democratic elections, have won control of the government and have made many socialist-oriented reforms, marking a period of intense development of left-wing parties The contributions of the left-wing parties in the above period are historically significant for each nation and for the whole region, as well as for the communist movement, international workers, the democracy and social movements worldwide The most prominent leftist movement in Latin America, the Venezuelan case under the leadership of President Hugo Chavez, is considered the leading figure in the leftist movement in Latin America by claiming to build a new socialist system following the Bolivar ideology Points of view, the policies towards the implementation measures as well as the results achieved in the struggle for national independence have made great contributions Firstly, they have brought essential issues of the lives of the working population in society to the spotlight of state policies These are issues such as socio-economic development, hunger eradication and poverty reduction, improvement of living standards and quality of life, social security, social justice and democracy, and environmental protection Secondly, they have ended the period of policies of capitalist countries and external empires to create a true balance between stable and sustainable economic development and social justice Thirdly, they have fostered cohesion and cooperation between Venezuela and other countries in the region in all fields, in various forms and levels of cooperation, both linking and complementing, strengthening the role and influence of regional cooperation and cooperation organizations For these reasons, the author has selected the theme "The struggle for national independence in the Republic of Bolivar Venezuela from 1999 to 2013" as his subject of doctoral thesis in the field of History of the communist, International Workers and the National Liberation Movements Goals and tasks of the thesis 2.1 Goals of the thesis The thesis focuses on clarifying the content and process of the struggle for national independence of the Republic of Bolivar Venezuela from 1999 to 2013 in the fields of economy, politics, cultural - social, foreign affairs, national defense - security This has led to successes, shortcomings and issues that need to be solved in the struggle to defend national independence for Venezuela in the coming time and drawn experiences 2.2 Tasks of the thesis - Analysis of factors affecting the struggle for national independence of the Republic of Bolivar Venezuela 1999 - 2013 - Analysis of Venezuela's policies, measures and processes regarding the defense of national independence in the fields of economy, politics, cultural - social, foreign affairs, national defense -security under the leadership of General Hugo Chavez from 1999 to 2013 - Assessment of the successes and limitations of the struggle for national independence of the Republic of Bolivar Venezuela, problems to be solved and drawn experience Research objective and scope 3.1 Research objective: The struggle for national independence in the Republic of Bolivar Venezuela under leadership of President Hugo Chavez Frias from 1999 to 2013 3.2 Research scope - Content: the struggle for national independence in Venezuela in all fields: Political, economic, cultural - social, foreign and defense - security - Space: The Venezuelan Bolivar Republic in the context of fighting for national independence under leadership of President Hugo Chavez 23 The fight to defend national independence with the building of the "21st Century Socialism" model in Venezuela is a unique model of socialism in Latin America in particular and the world in general Not only inheriting, applying and developing the principles of Marxism, this model also combines smoothly with the revolution, the nationality - democracy, indigenousness, the practicality of progressive thought of Bolivar and Christian humanitarian ideas Unlike many socialist models that have existed in the world, this model recognizes and affirms diversity in expression (multi-party and political pluralism, multi-ownership and diversified economic forms, diversifying forms of democracy and social institutions, etc.) It is also implemented in a mixed process, as opposed to other socialist models The process of implemetation of "21st century socialism" in Venezuela is not long, but has achieved great results Democracy is expanding and the role of the state is enhanced Many areas of the economy developed Many social policies are effectively applied People's lives (especially farmers and the poor) are enhanced both physically and mentally Venezuela's important position in Latin America and around the world is confirmed Nowadays, although the process of implementation has slowed down due to many difficulties and great challenges, these achievements are undeniable It is also a necessary reference (especially in terms of strong, positive, indigenous, diverse and practical elements) for socialist construction in Latin American countries and the world Under the leadership of President Hugo Chavez, the leftist movement in Venezuela has a lot of socialist values, especially for many developing countries: For the development of society, the role of women is more prominent, reflecting the role of the masses The 22 CONCLUSION Shortly after taking office, President Hugo Chavez undertook a series of measures to build and develop the country, defend Venezuelan national independence, such as reforming political institutions, and electing the Constituent Assembly, adopting a new constitution, adopting a series of laws and codes, implementing a new development model in place of the new liberal model with the establishment of a democratic, fair, a participatory democracy; a people's government, by the people, for the people, and a series of social programs such as land reform, poverty reduction, health promotion, education reform, etc For the sake of he working class, fighting against the interests of the bourgeoisie dosmestically and abroad For more than 10 years in power, President Hugo Chavez has taken advantage of the advantages and challenges of the struggle to defend national independence in Venezuela which is very positive, coming from the goal of fighting for Venezuela to become a free people, deciding the destiny of their own country and escape from the acquisition of foreign power President Hugo Chavez's policies on economy, politics, society, foreign affairs, national defense and security have been achieved and the economy has developed at a rapid pace for many years, security and defense are maintained, social problems caused by neo-liberalism have been gradually resolved, material and spiritual life of the working people has improved significantly Venezuela's position in the region and in the world has been strengthened With the revolutionary movement in the world, the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela is very encouraging for the process of building socialism This development has significant and positive implications not only for the communist movement, for international workers, for the Latin American region but also for the fight for national independence of developing countries - Time: The study period was limited from 1999 to 2013 The 1999 milestone was the time when Hugo Chavez took office as President of the Republic of Bolivar Venezuela on February 2, 1999 The 2013 milestone is when the Bolivar revolutionary leader President Hugo Chavez died on 05/03/2013 Rationale and research methods 4.1 Rationale: The subject is based on the basic view of Marxism-Leninism on socio-economic status, state and class, ethnicity, age, ruling party in the political system, on the model of socialist construction, etc At the same time the thesis applies the basic views of Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on national independence, the documents of the State of Bolivar Venezuela on the struggle for national liberation and the consolidation of national independence 4.1 Research methods: The basis of principle, the basic methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, together with the Marxist system and methodology form the basis of the research methodology of the thesis The thesis uses the logical and historical methodology to divide and present the development process of the Republic of Bolivar Venezuela on the basis of which conclusions are drawn There are also other methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, comparison, statistics, forecast, etc used to study and present the content of the thesis Scientific contributions of the thesis - The thesis contributes to clarify one of the many ways of fighting for national independence in the current international context - The thesis is an assessment of the successes, limitations and impacts of policies and measures in the areas that President Hugo Chavez has undertaken in the period 1999 - 2013 addressing political, economic, cultural, social, foreign affairs, national defense and security issues in the struggle for national independence - From the achievements and contributions of the struggle for national independence in Venezuela, the thesis draws the initial experiences in the theory and practice of development in the present period 4 - The thesis may also be a reference for research and teaching on modern world history, history of communist movements, international workers and national liberation in universities At the same time, it contributes informations to Vietnam's external relations with the region and Venezuela Structure of the thesis Apart from the introduction, conclusions, list of references and annexes, the contents of the thesis are divided into chapters, sections Chapter OVERVIEW OF AVAILABLE RESEARCH 1.1 ACHIEVED RESEARCH RESULTS 1.1.1 Regarding the development history of the Latin American leftist movement and the model of "21st century socialism" in Venezuela The thesis has studied some documents of researchers abroad: The research of the authors mentioned the development of the leftist movement My Linh, in which more or less mention Venezuela regarding evolving political situation, the process of democratization, relations between Latin American countries, as well as the process of building model "socialism in the region” Typical works such as DL Raby's book "Democracy and Revolution: Latin America and Socialism Today" published by Pluto Press, 2006; two authors, George Philip and Francisco Panizza with the book "The Triumph of Politics: The Return of the Left in Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador" published in 2011; Richard S Hillman and Thomas DJAgostino with the book "Understanding contemporary Latin America", Boulder USA publishing for the fourth time in 2011; authors Roger Burbach, Michael Fox and Federico Fuentes with the book "Latin America's Turbulent Transitions: The Future of 21st Century Socialism" by Ned Zed Books publisher in 2013; Andy Mclnerney with the article "Leftist Latin America in the early XXI century" on Electronic Journal Socialism and Liberation, March 2006 21 job creation, capital supply, credit for low income people, housing for the poor, support for economic development home improvement, health improvement, community culture; fight against racism; Adjusting some laws in the direction of attaching importance to national interests and benefits for laborers, etc Fourthly, implementing the people's administration, carrying out revolutionary democracy, building the law Towards the construction of a people's state, for the people, for the establishment of people's government at all levels from central to local Fifthly, economic performance of many sectors, the state and local government branches take the lead role Plan based on attaching importance to the development of a diversified and sustainable economy that is capable of ensuring the creation of material wealth as well as the equitable distribution of the whole population, combining personal interests with social benefits Sixthly, to build an equitable, democratic society, equal distribution of social goods, solve the problem of inequality and social division, pay attention to the poor Carry out many social ideas of Marxism-Leninism, Bolivarianism and Christian humanism, building a just and democratic society Seventhly, to strengthen national defense, security, national independence; to promote regional and international integration, to carry out friendly and cooperative relations with other countries Foreign relations, defense and security are important issues that should be a focus in the fight for national independence in Venezuela Promoting cooperation and regional solidarity is a priority, expressing the internationalism of "21st Century Socialism" To increase the procurement of military equipment, increase defense budgets, build up forces, increase the defense strength, protect the country, promote anti-terrorism, avoid dependence on American and Western countries 20 4.1.3 Problems to be solved Firstly, the direction of revolution and the social model in Venezuela is not clearly defined Secondly, the socio-political foundation of the Venezuelan revolution has not been strengthened to ensure the credibility and solid support for the fight for national independence Thirdly, the Venezuelan government has not fought so thoroughly against the aggressive activities of the oppositions Fourth, shortcomings in socio-economic reform still exist 4.2 EXPERIENCE Firstly, the fight to defend national independence in Venezuela showed that the revolution was an active initiative, was the cause of the masses In the process of development, the Chavez government has focused on both theoretical and organizational development, seeking new forms of revolution and rallying Secondly, promoting democracy is one of the important dynamics of revolution, even if it is limited to the bourgeois democratic framework and populist Democratization of socioeconomic life has become a major program which has promoted political, economic, cultural, social, defense, security and deepening political reforms with the determination to eradicate the remnants of colonialism, neo-liberal model, bringing the country into the healthy development trajectory Thirdly, humanitarian values, liberation - the progressive ideology of the fight for national independence in Venezuela can be accompanied by the socialist ideals Carrying out extensive reforms in socio-economic terms, moving from a new free-market model to a more market-oriented economy model coupled with social equality and environmental protection; promoting anti-corruption policies; implementing land reform, poverty alleviation, illiteracy elimination, issue; Alex Durand with "The Chavez Paradox: Assessing the Bolivarian Revolution" published in Harvard International Review Volume 3, Volume 33, Quarter III / 2011 During the study period, the researcher also got access to research results on Latin American in general and Venezuela in particular by Vietnamese scholars Notable works are: Nguyen Van Thanh with reference book "Identifying New Liberalism", National Political Publishing House, published in 2005; Major General, Assoc Prof Dr Pham Hai Quan with the book "Basic Research on Latin America" published by Institute 70, General Department II, Ministry of Defense Nguyen An Ninh's book "On the Promise of Socialism in the First Two Decades of the 21st Century" published by the National Political Publishing House in 2006 With the developments in Venezuelan politics under President Chavez, Thai Van Long has written a number of articles such as "Latin American Leftist Movement and Promising Future" published in the magazine All-People's Electronic Defense on 10/8/2011, two articles in the American Journal Today, "America and the failed coup in Venezuela," No 10/2002, "Venezuelan referendum", 09/2004 There are also many articles published in other specialized journals, such as: In the Communist Journal there are articles by PGS, Dr Nguyen Hoang Giap, Associate Professor, Dr Nguyen Thi Que “The Latin American leftist movement in the early 21st century" No 11/2007, the article "21st Century Socialism in Venezuela - Basic and Urgent Tasks" by Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Viet Thao, Issue 3/2008 Scientific topics and scientific conferences include: The scientific theme of the Central Committee for External Relations of the Communist Party of Vietnam (KHBD-16), edited by Duong Minh, "The reform process under President H Chavez in Venezuela real and promising" September 2008; scientific research of the Institute of International Relations, Ho Chi Minh National Political and Administrative Academy, "Latin American Leftist Movement: Status and Prospects", 2008; proceedings of the same name by the Academy Ho Chi Minh National Politics and the Embassy of the Republic of Bolivar Venezuela in Vietnam in collaboration with the publication in bilingual Spanish and Vietnamese, the book "Political Ideology Hugo Chavez Frias - Socialism XXI century" Political Publishing House, published in 2014 1.1.2 Researches on policies and implementation processes of the struggle to protect national independence In the late twentieth and early twentieth centuries, strong and rapid change in most areas of the social life of Latin American countries in general and Venezuela in particular has received much international attention and opinions There are some researches abroad that mentioned this topic, notably: The Embassy of the Republic of Bolivar Venezuela in Vietnam has translated and published some books in Vietnamese such as "Simon Bolivar, National Liberation Hero, founder of the country" , published by the Ministry of Information and Communications of Venezuela, published in October 2010 ; Plan de La Patria (Programa De Gobierto Bolivariano 2013 - 2019) ; National Planning (Second Socialist-oriented Socio-Economic Development Plan, 2013 - 2019) ; the book "El Libro Azul" (The Green Book), published in Venezuela in December 2013 ; the book "Venezuelan Mission", published by the Ministry of Information and Communications of Venezuela in 2014 There are also : Author Iain Bruce in "The Real Venezuela: Making Socialism in the 21st Century" published by Pluto Press in 2008 ; Carlos González Irago with "Venezuelan Human Rights and Democracy (1999-2009)", World publisher, translated and published in 2014 ; author Carlos Lozada with the article "Latin America", translation published by Le Thi Thu in American Journal Today, No 8/2003 ; Lettitina Montilla and Hector Lucena with "Etat la résitances dans le Sud - 2009 Face la crise alimentaire.", translated by Nguyen Khanh Van and published in the American Journal Today, 05/2009 19 4.1.2 Limitations Besides successes in the fight for national independence as mentioned above, difficulties and challenges are still great, depending on objective and subjective factors, on the level of solving difficulties and challenges as follows: Firstly, the ruling coalition is composed of various forces in different political tendencies The participating forces are diverse with many different motives, thus are uniform and sustainable While implementing the idea of revolutionary democracy, also known as participatory democracy, the efforts were only demonstrative; content and implementation still have many shortcomings and contradictions Secondly, economic development is not sustainable; it contains many risks and economic dependence on oil Thirdly, the leadership ideology of Latin American countries in general and of Venezuela in particular are very strong, posing both advantages and challenges Fourthly, education and health have grown in quantity but not quality Fifthly, the problem of security has not been resolved thoroughly, especially in the workplace Crime rates have reduced but is still serious Sixthly, employment has improved but has not met the needs of the people, unofficial and seasonal employment remains high, unemployment is high; The low quality of employment has caused many people's incomes to stagnant Seventhly, the implementation of foreign policy expressed inadequacies, subjectivity Eighthly, the Venezuelan opposition is still strong and has strong economic backings from the United States and Latin American right-wing governments, including major banks that can control workers as well as investments 18 implement a number of policy improvements regarding laborers, especially the Land Law amendment in favor of the poor, so that farmers from landless areas who had to work for landlords now have fields and land for self-management Secondly, economically The dual goal has been successfully addressed by the Chavez Government, which is to overcome social inequalities, to ensure that all people have jobs and good working conditions, not subject to the unjust exploitation of the capitalist, while building the material foundation for a new social system in which people are freed from all unjust oppression, so that they can pursue happiness, have a good life The movement created good motivation for people to devote to society, so that they also enjoy the results of their work Thirdly, culturally, socially When President Chavez took over the leadership of the country, the leading social task set was to solve the practical demands of the people These are the needs of eating, living, free travel, learning, improved spiritual life, health care Therefore, with the implementation of sound political policies and economic policies, the development of social policies focusing on the people played a particularly important role in maximizing the potentials of the people Fourthly, regarding foreign affairs and national security Foreign affairs, national security are important issues for the unification of the fight for national independence in Venezuela In building the country, President Chavez has always paid much attention to protecting the country, strengthening arms procurement, strengthening defense budgets, building armed forces, boosting national defense, national security, anti-terrorism, avoiding dependence on the United States and the West In this regard, Vietnamese researchers have also published a large number of documents, with some of the contents transcribed in American Journal Today: the article "Economic security under current conditions in Latin America" (Trinh Trong Nghia), 4/2003; the article "Latin American Left-wing Movement and Its Role in Addressing SocioEconomic Problems" (Nguyen Thi Hanh, 11/2009), the article "Some Economic Stabilization Policies in Latin America after the Crisis" (Vu Ba The), No 07/2014; "Some Cultural-Social Impacts on Latin American Economic Development", (Le Thi Thu), No 10/2014 Going deeper into Venezuelan economic analysis, there are writings published in American Journal Today, co-authored by Ngoc Manh - Guiyang with the article "The Economic Perspective of Latin America and the Caribbean" No / 2003 Along with this issue, Nguyen Hong Son wrote two articles, "Economic and Industrialization Plan for the Government of Hugo Chavez", No 06/2007, and "Venezuelan Social Economy under President Hugo Chavez", No 09/2010; author Le Thi Thu Trang with the article "Venezuela under President Hugo Chavez", No 4/2009 Referring to the political aspect of Venezuela, the American Journal Today publishes author's works, such as: General information by author Do Vu Hung, "Around the Hugo Chavez Event elected president of Venezuela", 12/2006; By Nguyen Anh Hung, "The Trends of Democratization in Latin American Countries", 10/2009; ưritten by Nguyen Thi Hanh, "Progress in the political system of some Latin American countries in recent years and prospects", No 3/2010; by Nguyen Lan Huong, "Political Networking under the Initiative of Latin American Countries", No 12/2012 The article "The relationship between the state and the Catholic Church in Venezuela: the present and the past", (Oct 2010), discusses the idea of "liberation theology" in Latin America in general and Venezuela in particular, which is the "People's Church" of the poor In addition, the article also points to the tense relationship between the Chavez Administration and the Catholic Church 8 Regarding the party situation in Venezuela, there are articles such as "The Situation of Communist Parties, Leftist and Progressive Latin America" by Nguyen Khac Su, published in the Communist Party of Vietnam Magazine, Issue 1/2005; "The Assassination of the Socialist Party of Venezuela" by Dr Nguyen Viet Thao, published in the Communist Magazine, No 7/2008, "Venezuelan political parties" by Dr Nguyen Thi Que, Dr Bui Viet Huong published in the scientific information Political theory, Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy, No 2/2017 In terms of culture, society and diplomacy, there are articles published in American Journal Today such as the article "Venezuela's Social Development Policy: Mission and Results" by Nghiem Thi Thuy, No 04/2010; the article "Cooperation and struggle in the process of association in the Americas" by Nguyen Viet Thao, No 10/2002; the article "Foreign Policy of Latin American Countries" by Le Khuong Thuy, No 7/2009; "Venezuelan oil diplomacy under President Hugo Chavez", by Nguyen Xuan Trung, Issue 10/2010; the article "Venezuelan Foreign Policy in the First Decade of the 21st Century" by Nguyen Khanh Van), issue 05/2014 1.2 ISSUES THE THESIS FOCUSES TO CLARIFY Firstly, study the concepts of national independence, national independence in history as well as in the context of globalization as a basis for building the concept of national independence of the thesis Secondly, analyze and interpret the factors that affect the struggle for national independence of the Republic of Bolivar Venezuela 1999 - 2013 Thirdly, analyze the policies, measures and processes for the protection of national independence in Venezuela in the fields of economy, politics, cultural - social, foreign affairs, national defense and security under leadership of President Hugo Chavez from 1999 to 2013 Fourthly, evaluate the successes and shortcomings of the struggle for national independence in Venezuela and the issues that need to be solved as well as the lessons learned 17 National security In order to strengthen national defense, security and defense, Venezuela has strengthened its military modernization with new arms procurement contracts and new military technical equipment Due to the supply of arms from the United States and some Western countries ending, Venezuela has moved to buy weapons from Russia, China and some other countries Venezuela's armed forces are composed of six groups, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, National Guard, Reserve Force and Territorial Defense Force Chapter EVALUATION OF VENEZUELA'S FIGHT TO PROTECT NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE FROM 1999 TO 2013 AND EXPERIENCE 4.1 EVALUATION OF VENEZUELA'S FIGHT TO PROTECT NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE 4.1.1 Successes The fight for national independence in Venezuela has achieved encouraging progress The government of President Hugo Chavez won the support of the majority of the population, smashing the conspirators trying to overthrow of the government who had the backing of foreign forces, taking over the leadership of the country Venezuela has raised the banner of anti-imperialism, anti-neoliberalism, protection of national independence and sovereignty, protection of the resources and the interests of the people Firstly, politically The Chavez government was created not by ways of violence but by the way of the government - the path of peace They carried out a series of strong reforms, particularly in terms of institutionalization, most notably the referendum on the new Constitution, the Constituent Assembly and the Government to 16 3.2.3 Cultural - social implementation contents Firstly, accelerating educational reform, essentially about removing the barriers to education Secondly, promote equity in the social security system, such as the continuous increase of social payments Thirdly, pay interest in distributing income and ensuring life for the poor Fourthly, human rights are upheld, the Indian community is more concerned With the efforts of Chavez as well as the government, Venezuela has achieved remarkable achievements in poverty reduction, illiteracy, public health, education, housing, etc 3.2.4 Implementation content o foreign affairs and national security Foreign affairs Venezuela strengthens solidarity, strengthens coordination and links Latin American leftist movement to help countries overcome economic instability, reducing economic dependence on Western European capitalist states, North America and contributing significantly to the protection of national independence for each nation as well as the whole region Cooperation, linkage is carried out in all fields: politics, ideology, economy, cultural, social, foreign affairs, national defense and security on the basis of respect for national independence and sovereignty Together with Latin American leftwing expressed a sense of solidarity, support for Cuba and opposition to the US embargo against the country Venezuelan diplomacy under President Hugo Chavez has made a number of landmark changes compared to previous presidents Along with other leftist parties in Latin America, the PSUV has actively participated in the left-wing forum, actively participated in International Conference on Globalization and Development Issues, World Social Forum Chapter CONCEPTS OF NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE AND FACTORS AFFECTING THE FIGHT TO PROTECT NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE IN VENEZUELA FROM 1999 TO 2013 2.1 CONCEPTS OF NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE AND PROTECTING NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE Concept of national independence: Independence is a term that describes the state of a nation that is not dependent on or colonized by foreign countries It is an inviolable right of sovereign independence, unity of territorial integrity, independence of politics, economy, foreign affairs, national defense and security, traditional values and identity, resources and environment are fully ensured in all aspects, including the legislature, the constitution and the judiciary of a country within the territory of that country It is equal rights, self-determination as an independent nation in the international community Independence is a goal for freedom, equality, and inviolability, a prerequisite for building a sustainable and stable nation Defending national independence: Protecting sovereignty and territorial integrity To defend the political, economic, foreign, defense and security independence To inherit and promote traditional values and protect the national cultural identity To protect the natural resources and environment of the country To ensure qual rights, self-determination as an independent nation in the global community 2.2 FACTORS AFFECTING THE FIGHT FOR NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE IN VENEZUELA FROM 1999 TO 2013 2.2.1 The Venezuelan situation and the role of President Hugo Chavez The country, the people of Venezuela Venezuela (officially Bolivar Republic of Venezuela, Spanish: República Bolivariana de Venezuela) is a country located in the north of the South American continent 10 Economic, political, cultural, social, foreign affairs, defense and national security characteristics The economic, political, cultural, social, foreign affairs, defense and national security characteristics of Venezuela have made the country unique compared to other countries regarding the history, culture, ethnicity, religion as well as human thinking and personality In particular, because of its strategic position in the region and its abundant natural resources, Venezuela has always been a vigilant place in its history of development under the influence of Western capitalist countries This country is also the place to attract large investment capital of the capital centers and financial institutions in the world However, despite its abundant resources, Venezuela has suffered from poverty and dependence on the United States and Western countries for a long time The above factors contribute to the struggle to defend national independence in Venezuela Brief history of the struggle to defend national independence in Venezuela before 1999 Venezuela is a country with a long history of fighting for independence, a staunch revolutionary tradition of creativity, closely linked to the struggle for national liberation in the world against feudal systems The role of president Hugo Chavez Frias Leadership is a hallmark of Latin American political culture, which is also a contributing factor to the region's own identity Latin America seemed to have been blocked by the old colonialism of the decaying process of pre-feudal societies Leadership along with nationalism are traditions and values that continue to be brought into modern times in the struggle for national independence and development 2.2.2 Global and regional situation affecting the struggle for national independence in Venezuela Global situation * The global situation as a multipolar, multi-centered trend that is faster The world after the collapse of the socialist model in Eastern European countries and the Soviet Union stepped into a new page with 15 forces, political parties and political organizations in Venezuela Victory in local elections has shown that Chavez's government is growing and receiving widespread support from the people despite the fierce resistance The opposition is supported by the regional extremists * Secondly, the construction of "21st Century Socialism" is a model of Venezuelan socialism aimed at a society of equality, justice, a peaceful society, peace with oneself and peace with the peoples of the earth, a society where everyone is concerned, there exists no hunger and poverty, everyone lives in a worthy way * Thirdly, building democracy and constitutional reform: Amendments to Articles 160, 162, 174, 192 and 230 of the 1999 Venezuelan Constitution to create a legal basis for vigorously promoting the protectionist struggle for national independence and the realization of the goal of " 21st century socialism" * Fourthly, building the Venezuelan Socialist Unity Party (PSUV): building a revolutionary political party that can continue to lead the fight for national independence The establishment of a revolutionary political party would also remove internal disagreements and unify the forces into a united block under President Chavez to accomplish the Bolivarian Revolution 3.2.2 Economic implementation process President Chavez has proposed Congress to enact a new legislation regulating the issue of nationalization He considered this to be one of the five drivers of the Bolivarian Revolution: President Hugo Chavez's government also strengthened and expanded the leftist government's control over the banking sector to build and develop a financial system through the Land Law and Rural Development, withdrew from two international organizations, the IMF and WB Some macroeconomic indicators suggest that Venezuela's economy continues to grow under President Hugo Chavez with the highest average annual rate in the region The face of socio - economic grew 14 * Fourthly, foreign policy, defense and security: Conducting an independent foreign policy, autonomy, anti-imperialism, anti-neoliberalism, supporting the Cuban revolution, supporting democratization and reform of the United Nations, implementing the policy of linking Latin American countries into one with a common foreign policy 3.1.2 Guidelines and policies from 2003 to 2013 * Firstly, politics: The Chavez government is exploring the development of a new model - the "21st Century Socialism" model that is humanitarian, multi-politic, liberal, democratic, strong enough to suppress counter-revolutionary forces * Secondly, economic: Establishing a new economic model the model is planned on the basis of attaching importance to the development of a diversified, sustainable and effective economy, capable of ensuring the creation of material wealth as well as the equitable distribution to the entire population, harmonious combination of personal interests and social benefits * Thirdly, cultural and social: step by step implementing the goals for social progress and justice so that people can use the best public services * Fourthly, foreign policy, defense and security: the policy is to implement a multilateral foreign policy that is open to economic and social development and enhances Venezuela's role in the region and the world Advocating for the development of a new military doctrine, based on the doctrine of the people's war, which emphasizes the importance of the alliance between the military and civilian armed forces 3.2 THE PROCESS OF GUIDELINES AND POLICIES TO PROTECT NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE AND THE RESULTS 3.2.1 Political implementation process * Firstly, fighting against the opposition: Since 1999, President Hugo Chavez has received the public support of many 11 profound geo-political changes and power shifts The real socialism that has fallen into recession has left the international and communist movements in a deep crisis The international situation has turned in a negative direction for the revolutionary movement in the world * Technological revolution, knowledge economy, globalization and international economic integration continue to develop in both breadth and depth which posed a number of issues that must be dealt with in relation to national independence, sovereignty, national interests, and the stability of the political system and other social institutions Increasing interdependence between states, limiting jurisdiction are also major challenges to the independence of states * Peace, cooperation and development is a great trend in the world: international cooperation among countries are increasingly diversed: economic cooperation, science and technology, trade cooperation, research cooperation, and political cooperation * The revolutionary movement in the world has new developments: new changes and vitality has become a source of encouragement for the Communists and workers, reinforcing the belief in the communist ideal, actively contributing to socialist theory The situation in Latin American regions * Latin America - the cradle of the revolutionary movement and social forums: Latin America is also the birthplace of many political and social forums, which played a major role in bringing together and uniting the working people to build a better society The experience of the left-wing parties, against the downsides of globalization, has represented a number of major forums, such as the Sao Paulo Forum, launched in July 1990, the World Social Forum 2001, International Conference: Political Parties and a New Society, Annual International Conference, etc Through the reality of the struggles in the international forum of the Communist parties, the annual left-wing parties in the region, the political parties, the Latin American left-wing movement have 12 made the people see the that extensive reforms must be carried out, they must abandon the neo-liberal model, exercise democracy and social progress * Nationalism is typically represented by Simon Bolivar: Latin America lasted long under Western colonialism, so national liberation movements in the developed region are strong Patriotism, nationalism is a majorstream of Latin American life, apparent from the hero Simon Bolivar to Hoxe Macti, Che Guevara, Phidel Castro, etc Among these thinkers, Simon Bolivar is the greatest leftist movement in Latin America * Latin American Theology: The social basis of this theological tendency is Latin America's poverty and injustice Thus, this movement is determined to liberate the poor, calling for the poor to rise to liberate their own class * New Liberalism: Latin American leftist parties follow a path that is based on the strength of the working-class people and through voters' vote to carry out the democratic revolution, freedom, national sovereignty, ownership of resources, policy of allocating wealth in society more equitably, building a new society in the direction of " XXI century Socialism" 2.2.3 Positions of some countries on Latin America * The US’s position: To consolidate and expand the US influence in Latin America, to prevent and eliminate the influence of other Latin American countries in order to secure a monopoly position and to prevent reforms, the revolutionary movement, the progressive movement of Latin American people which could harm American influence and interests in the region * China's position: China attaches great importance to expanding its presence and influence in Latin America in order to compete with the United States directly, implementing US containment strategies in the backyard of the United States, reducing competition and pressure on China in other key regions of the world 13 * Russia's position: Latin America is a region for Russia to implement strategic measures to deter and curb Russian strategic allaround alliances in Europe Latin America is one of the areas that have an important impact on every move in Russia-US relations * European Union’s (EU) view: The EU intends to expand its comprehensive relations with Latin America in order to restore traditional influence in the political, economic, cultural and social fields,closely with the United States to prevent and curb other major countries expanding influence in the region, while competing for influence with the United States in the region * Cuba's view: Although not a big country, it has a strong impact on the struggle for national independence in Latin America in general and Venezuela in particular Chapter 3: CONTENTS AND THE PROCESS OF THE FIGHT FOR NATIONAL INDEENDENCE IN VENEZUELA FROM 1999 TO 2013 3.1 CONTENTS OF THE FIGHT FOR NATIONAL INDEENDENCE IN VENEZUELA FROM 1999 TO 2013 3.1.1 Guidelines and policies from 1999 to 2002 *Firstly, political: Conducting a referendum on the election of the Constituent Assembly and the new Constitution replacing the 1961 Constitution, renaming the country, building a progressive political system *Secondly, economic: Trusting in economic development by the Third Way Being cautious in breakthrough reform decisions in the economy and finding ways to stabilize a troubled economy without devaluing or imposing an exchange rate control system *Thirdly, cultural, social: Introducing a series of social reform policies such as: High demand for education reform, school construction in labor quarters, reform of the health system, support for the poor, especially Aboriginal people, improving infrastructure in localities ... limited from 1999 to 2013 The 1999 milestone was the time when Hugo Chavez took office as President of the Republic of Bolivar Venezuela on February 2, 1999 The 2013 milestone is when the Bolivar. .. IN VENEZUELA FROM 1999 TO 2013 2.2.1 The Venezuelan situation and the role of President Hugo Chavez The country, the people of Venezuela Venezuela (officially Bolivar Republic of Venezuela, ... successes of the Revolution Bolivar builds "21st Century Socialism" in Venezuela The reality of development of the Bolivar Republic of Venezuela in the period 1999 to 2013 shows that if every country

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2018, 09:47

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