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TEST BANK microbiology a systems approach cowan 3e chapter004

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Chapter 004 Prokaryotic Profiles: The Bacteria and Archaea Multiple Choice Questions Which of the following is not a characteristic of a prokaryote? A It's DNA is not encased in a membrane B It has a cell wall made of peptidoglycans or other distinct chemicals C It does not have membrane-bound organelles D Its DNA is wrapped around his tones E All of these are characteristics of prokaryotes The two functions of bacterial appendages are A Attachment and protection B Attachment and motility C Motility and slime production D Energy reactions and synthesis E Protection and motility Bacterial cells could have any of the following appendages except A Flagell a B Cili a C Fimbria e D Periplasmic flagella (axial filaments) E Sex pili Spirochetes have a twisting and flexing locomotion due to appendages called A Flagell a B Cili a C Fimbria e D Periplasmic flagella (axial filaments) E Sex pili The basal body of a flagellum is anchored into the A Hoo k B Outer membrane C Cell wall D Peptidoglycan layer E Cell membrane The term that refers to the presence of flagella all over the cell surface is A Amphitricho us B Atricho us C Lophotricho us D Monotricho us E Peritricho us The term that refers to the presence of a tuft of flagella emerging from the same site is A Amphitricho us B Atricho us C Lophotricho us D Monotricho us E Peritricho us The term that refers to flagella at both poles is A Amphitricho us B Atricho us C Lophotricho us D Monotricho us E Peritricho us Chemo taxis refers to the ability to A Move in response to light B Move in response to a chemical C Not move in response to a chemical D Transport desired molecules into cell E None of the choices are correct 10 A nutrient binds to receptors near the basal body This will result in A Clockwise rotation of flagella B Counter clockwise rotation of flagella C Inhibition of flagella rotation D Numerous tumbles E None of the choices are correct 11 A bacterial cell exhibiting chemo taxis probably has A Fimbria e B A capsule C Thylakoi ds D Flagell a E Met achromatic granules 12 The prokaryotic flagellum has three parts in the order from cytoplasm to external environment A Filament, hook, basal body B Filament, basal body, hook C Basal body, hook, filament D Hook, basal body, filament E Basal body, filament, hook 13 Movement of a cell toward a chemical stimulus is termed A Photo taxis B Taxi s C Chemotax is D Tumbl e E None of the choices are correct 14 The short, numerous appendages used by some bacterial cells for adhering to surfaces are called A Flagell a B Cili a C Fimbria e D Periplasmic flagella (axial filaments) E Sex pili 15 The transfer of genes during bacterial conjugation involves rigid, tubular appendages called A Flagell a B Cili a C Fimbria e D Periplasmic flagella (axial filaments) E Sex pili 16 Which structure protects bacteria from being phagocytized? A Slime layer B Fimbria e C Cell membrane D Capsul e E All of the choices are correct 17 The outcome of the Gram stain is based on differences in the cell's A Ribosome s B Inclusion s C Cell wall D Cell membrane E Flagell a 18 Which order below reflects the correct procedure for Gram staining? A Alcohol/acetone-Crystal violet-SafraninIodine B Crystal violet-Alcohol/acetone-IodineSafranin C Crystal violet-Iodine-Alcohol/acetoneSafranin D Iodine-Safranin-Crystal violetAlcohol/acetone E Alcohol/acetone-Safranin-Crystal violetIodine 19 The cell _ can be composed of three layers: the membrane, the cell wall and the outer membrane A Glycocaly x B Envelop e C Pathogenic package D Slime coat E None of the choices are correct 20 During the Gram stain, gram _ cells decolorize when the alcohol is applied A Positiv e B Negativ e C Both positive and negative D Neither positive nor negative 21 If bacteria living in salty seawater were displaced to a freshwater environment, the cell structure that would prevent the cells from rupturing is the A Endospor e B Cell wall C Cell membrane D Capsul e E Slime layer 22 Peptidoglycan is a unique macromolecule found in bacterial A Cell walls B Cell membranes C Capsule s D Slime layers E Inclusion s 23 A prokaryotic cell wall that has primarily peptidoglycan with small amounts of teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acid is A Gram negative B Gram positive C Archae a D Spheropla st E Acid fast 24 A bacterial genus that has waxy mycolic acid in the cell walls is A Mycobacteriu m B Mycoplas ma C Streptococc us D Corynebacteri um E Salmonell a 25 The difference in cell wall structure of Mycobacterium and Nocardia compared to the typical gram positive bacterial cell wall structure is A More peptidoglycan B Predominance of unique, waxy, lipids C Easily decolorized D Presence of lipopolysaccharide E All of the choices are correct 26 The periplasmic space is A Larger in gram positive bacteria B Made up of lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids C An important reaction site for substances entering and leaving the cell D Where peptidoglycan is located E Absent in gram negative bacteria 27 The _ stain is used to stain and differentiate Mycobacterium and Nocardia from other bacteria A Acid fast B Methylene blue C Gra m D Negativ e E Basi c 28 _ is a macromolecule containing alternating N-acetylglucosamine and Nacetylmuramic acid cross-linked by short peptide fragments A My colic acid B Outer membrane protein C Peptidoglyc an D Lysozym e E None of the choices are correct 29 The enzyme _, that is found in tears and saliva, can hydrolyze the bonds in the glycan chains of certain bacterial cell walls A Penicillinas e B Lysozym e C Peptidas e D All of the choices are correct E None of the choices are correct 30 Lysozyme is most effective against A Gram negative organisms B Gram positive organisms C Mycoplasm as D Cyanobacter ia E Arche a teri a Chapter 004 Prokaryotic Profiles: The Bacteria and Archaea Summary Ca te go ry # of Qu est ion s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 Na m et he str uc tur es all ba ct eri a po ss es s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 Na m et he str uc tur es all ba ct eri a po ss es s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 Na m et hr ee str uc tur es so m e bu tn ot al ba ct eri a po ss es s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 Na m et hr ee str uc tur es so m e bu tn ot all ba ct eri a po ss es s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 Na m et hr ee str uc tur es so m e bu tn ot all ba ct eri a po ss es s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 De sc rib et he str uc tur e an df un cti on of fo ur di ffe re nt ty pe s of ap pe nd ag es Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 De sc rib et he str uc tur e an df un cti on of fo ur di ffe re nt ty pe s of ba ct eri al ap pe nd ag es Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 .0 De sc rib et he str uc tur e an df un cti on of fo ur di ffe re nt ty pe s of ba ct eri al ap pe nd ag es Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 Ex pl n ho w a fla ge llu m wo rk si nt he pr es en ce of an att ct an t Le 19 ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 Di ffe re nti at e be tw ee nt he tw o m nt yp es of ba ct eri al en ve lo pe str uc tur e Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 Di sc us s w hy gr a m po sit iv e ce ll wa lls ar e str on ge rt n gr a m ne ga tiv e ce ll wa lls Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 Na m e a su bs ta nc ei nt he en ve lo pe str uc tur e of so m e ba ct eri at tc an ca us e se ve rs y m pt o m si n hu m an s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 Na m e a su bs ta nc ei nt he en ve lo pe str uc tur e of so m e ba ct eri at tc an ca us e se ve re sy m pt o m si n hu m an s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 8I de nti fy 5t hi ng st t mi gh tb e co nt ne di n a ba ct eri al cy to pl as m Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 De tai lt he ca us es an d m ec nis m s of sp or og en esi s an d ge rm in ati on Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 De sc rib et he thr ee m aj or sh ap es of ba ct eri a Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 1 De sc rib e ot he r m or e un us ua ls pe s of ba ct eri a Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 Di ffe re nti at e be tw ee n Be rg ey 's M an ua lo fS ys te m ati c Ba ct eri ol og y an d Be rg ey 's M an ua lo f De ter mi na tiv e Ba ct eri ol og y Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 Na m ef ou rd ivi sio ns en di ng in – cu te s an d de sc rib et he ir ch ar ac ter ist ics Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 Na m ef ou rd ivi sio ns en di ng in cu te s an d de sc rib et he ir ch ar ac ter ist ics Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 Ex pl n w ta sp ec ies is Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 Lis ts o m e di ffe re nc es be tw ee n ar ch ae a an d ba ct eri a Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :4 Lis ts o m e di ffe re nc es be tw ee n ar ch ae a an d ba ct eri a ... that has primarily peptidoglycan with small amounts of teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acid is A Gram negative B Gram positive C Archae a D Spheropla st E Acid fast 24 A bacterial genus that has... Spirochetes have a twisting and flexing locomotion due to appendages called A Flagell a B Cili a C Fimbria e D Periplasmic flagella (axial filaments) E Sex pili The basal body of a flagellum is anchored... peptidoglycan is located E Absent in gram negative bacteria 27 The _ stain is used to stain and differentiate Mycobacterium and Nocardia from other bacteria A Acid fast B Methylene blue C Gra m D Negativ

Ngày đăng: 07/03/2018, 16:34

