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TEST BANK microbiology a systems approach cowan 3e chapter003

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Chapter 003 Tools of the Laboratory: The Methods for Studying Microorganisms Multiple Choice Questions The Five I's of studying microorganisms include all of the following except A Inoculati on B Incubati on C Infectio n D Isolatio n E Identificati on The term that refers to the purposeful addition of microorganisms into a laboratory nutrient medium is A Isolatio n B Inoculati on C Immunizati on D Infectio n E Contaminati on A pure culture contains A Only one species of microorganism B Only bacteria C A variety of microbes from one source D A variety of species from the same genus E None of the choices are correct The correct microbiological term for the tiny sample of specimen that is put ino a nutrient medium in order to produce a culture is the A Colon y B Inoculu m C Strea k D Loo p E None of the choices are correct Which of the following is essential for development of discrete, isolated colonies? A Broth medium B Differential medium C Selective medium D Solid medium E Assay medium Which method often results in colonies developing down throughout the agar along with some colonies on the surface? A Streak plate B Spread plate C Pour plate D All of the choices are correct E None of the choices are correct What type of isolation technique is most effective for the majority of applications? A Pour plate B Streak plate C Spread plate D Loop dilution E Culture plate Which of the following will result when 1% to 5% agar is added to nutrient broth, boiled and cooled? A A pure culture B A mixed culture C A solid medium D A liquid medium E A contaminated medium Agar is an important component of media because A Bacteria require agar to grow B Agar inhibits mold growth C Agar provides a solid surface for bacterial growth D Agar prevents contamination E All of the choices are correct 10 The three physical forms of laboratory media are A Solid, liquid, gas B Solid, semisolid, liquid C Streak plate, pour plate, broth D Aerobic, anaerobic, micro aerobic E None of the choices are correct 11 Which of the following is not an inoculating tool? A Petri dish B Loo p C Needl e D Pipett e E Swa b 12 Agar is a complex polysaccharide that comes from a/an A Green plant B Fungu s C Mol d D Alga e E Euglen a 13 Which of the following is not a benefit of agar as a solid medium? A Flexibili ty B Holds moisture C Can be inoculated and poured at a temperature that is not harmful D Solid at room temperature E Is digested by most microbes 14 A nutrient medium that has all of its chemical components identified and their precise concentrations known and reproducible, would be termed A Comple x B Reducin g C Enriche d D Synthet ic E None of the choices are correct 15 A nutrient medium that contains at least one ingredient that is NOT chemically definable would be termed A Comple x B Reducin g C Enriche d D Synthet ic E None of the choices are correct 16 All of the following are examples of different types of microbiological media except A Brot h B Enriche d C Aga r D Petri dish E Ge l 17 A microbiologist inoculates Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli into a culture medium Following incubation, only the E coli grows in the culture What is the most likely explanation? A The microbiologist used too much inoculum B The culture is contaminated C The incubation temperature was incorrect D The culture medium must be selective E The culture medium must be differential 18 A common medium used for growing fastidious bacteria is A Blood agar B Trypticase soy agar C Mannitol salt agar D MacConkey medium E A reducing medium 19 A reducing medium contains A Sugars that can be fermented B Extra oxygen C Hemoglobin, vitamins or other growth factors D Substances that remove oxygen E Inhibiting agents 20 Which type of medium is able to distinguish different species or types of microorganisms based on an observable change in the colonies or in the medium? A Differenti al B Selectiv e C Enumerati on D Enriche d E Reducin g 21 A microbiologist decides to use a nutrient medium that contains thioglycollic acid What type of microbe is she attempting to culture? A Fastidiou s B Gram positive C Anaerobi c D Gram negative E Aerobi c 22 Differential media results in which of the following growth characteristics? A Different color colonies B Different media color post incubation C Precipitat es D Gas bubbles E All of the choices are correct 23 A reducing media is used to culture A Fastidious organisms B Aerobic organisms C Anaerobic organisms D Any pathogenic organisms E None of the choices are correct 24 For which bacterial genus is mannitol salt agar selective? A Salmonell a B Streptococc us C Neisseri a D Staphylococc us E Escherichi a 25 A microbiologist must culture a patient's feces for intestinal pathogens Which of the following would likely be present in selective media for analyzing this fecal specimen? A NaC l B Sheep red blood cells C Bile salts D Thioglycollic acid E Pepton e 26 Bacteria that require special growth factors and complex nutrients are termed A Aerobi c B Anaerobi c C Fastidiou s D Microaerophi lic E Autotroph ic 27 A microbiologist inoculates Staphylococcus aureus into a culture medium Following incubation, both Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis are determined to be growing in this culture What is the most likely explanation? A The microbiologist used too much inoculum B The culture is contaminated C The incubation temperature was incorrect D The culture medium must be selective E The culture medium must be differential cipl es of ligh t and elec tron mic rosc opy 71 A di ffe re nti al int erf er en ce co ntr as t mi cr os co pe us es dy es to gi ve col or ed thr ee di m en sio na l im ag es FA LS E Lea rnin g Obj ecti ve: 3.0 List and des crib e the ele me nts of goo d mic rosc opy Lea rnin g Obj ecti ve: 3.0 Dif ere ntia te bet wee n the prin cipl es of ligh t and elec tron mic rosc opy 72 Fix ed sm ea rs of sp eci m en s ar e re qu ire d in or de r to pe rfo rm th e Gr a m st n an d en sp or e st n on th e sp eci m en s TR UE Lea rnin g Obj ecti ve: 3.0 List and des crib e the ele me nts of goo d mic rosc opy Lea rnin g Obj ecti ve: 3.0 Giv e exa mpl es of sim ple Lea rnin g Obj ecti ve: and spe cial stai n Lea rnin g Obj ecti ve: dif ere ntia l 73 At th e en d of th e Gr a m st n, gr a m po siti ve ba ct eri a wil l be se en as pi nk cel ls FA LS E Lea rnin g Obj ecti ve: 3.0 List & des crib e the ele me nts of goo d mic rosc opy Lea rnin g Obj ecti ve: 3.0 Giv e exa mpl es of sim ple Lea rnin g Obj ecti ve: and spe cial stai n Lea rnin g Obj ecti ve: dif ere ntia l Chapter 003 Tools of the Laboratory: The Methods for Studying Microorganisms Summary Ca te go ry # of Qu est ion s Le 17 ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :3 Ex pl n w tt he 5I 's m ea n an d w te ac h st ep en tai ls Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :3 Na m e & de fin et he wa ys to ca te go riz e m ed ia Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :3 Na m e an d de fin et he wa ys to ca te go riz e m ed ia Le 16 ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :3 Pr ov id e ex a m pl es for ea ch of th e ca te go rie s of m ed ia Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :3 Co nv ert a m on g di ffe re nt le ng th s wi thi nt he m etr ic sy st e m Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :3 De sc rib et he ea rli es t mi cr os co pe s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :3 Lis t & de sc rib et he el e m en ts of go od mi cr os co py Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :3 Lis ta nd de sc rib et he el e m en ts of go od mi cr os co py Le 25 ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :3 Di ffe re nti at e be tw ee nt he pri nc ipl es of lig ht an d el ec tro n mi cr os co py Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :3 Na m et he m n ca te go rie s of st ns Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :3 Gi ve ex a m pl es of a si m pl e Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :3 Gi ve ex a m pl es of si m pl e Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :a nd sp ec ial st n Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :d iff er en tia l ... cooled? A A pure culture B A mixed culture C A solid medium D A liquid medium E A contaminated medium Agar is an important component of media because A Bacteria require agar to grow B Agar inhibits... E Swa b 12 Agar is a complex polysaccharide that comes from a/ an A Green plant B Fungu s C Mol d D Alga e E Euglen a 13 Which of the following is not a benefit of agar as a solid medium? A Flexibili... differential 18 A common medium used for growing fastidious bacteria is A Blood agar B Trypticase soy agar C Mannitol salt agar D MacConkey medium E A reducing medium 19 A reducing medium contains A

Ngày đăng: 07/03/2018, 16:34

