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TEST BANK microbiology a systems approach cowan 3e chapter008

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Chapter 008 Microbial Metabolism: The Chemical Crossroads of Life Multiple Choice Questions All of the chemical reactions of the cell are called A Catabolis m B Redox reactions C Phosphorylati on D Metabolis m E Cellular respiration The breakdown of peptidoglycan to N-acetylmuramic acid, N-acetylglucosamine and peptides is an example of A Anabolis m B Catabolis m C Phosphorylati on D Fermentati on Enzymes are A Broken down in reactions that require energy input B Proteins that function as catalysts C Used up in chemical reactions D Not needed for catabolic reactions E All of the choices are correct Formation of peptide bonds between amino acids to build a polypeptide would be called A Anabolis m B Phosphorylati on C Fermentati on D Exergoni c E Glycolysi s Reactants are converted to products by A Enzymes releasing energy B Breaking and forming bonds C Enzymes binding to reactants D Reactants releasing energy E None of the choices are correct Each of the following are true of enzymes except A They can be used over and over B They may or may not require cofactors C Their active site is specific to the substrate D They increase the activation energy of a reaction E All of the choices are true of enzymes The cell's metabolic reactions involve the participation of _ that lower the activation energy needed for the initiation of a reaction A Cofactor s B Vitamin s C Enzyme s D ATP E Coenzyme s An apoenzyme A Is part of a simple enzyme B Is also called a coenzyme C Is the protein part of a holoenzyme D Is often an inorganic metal ion E Is an RNA molecule A holoenzyme is a combination of a protein and one or more substances called A Substrat es B Apoenzym es C Catalyst s D Cofactor s E None of the choices are correct 10 Important components of coenzymes are A Vitamin s B Metallic ions C Active sites D Substrat es E Ribozyme s 11 A type of cofactor would be A Vitamin s B Metallic ions C Active sites D Substrat es E Ribozyme s 12 Enzymes that can function at boiling water temperatures or other harsh conditions would be termed A Denature d B Ribozyme s C Abzyme s D Exoenzym es E Extremozym es 13 Ribozymes are A Ribosomes which catalyze reactions B Unique to prokaryotes C Unique to eukaryotes D Catalysts for RNA splicing E Catalysts for DNA splicing 14 Enzymes that are only produced when substrate is present are termed A Exoenzym es B Endoenzym es C Constitutive enzymes D Induced enzymes E Conjugated enzymes 15 Enzymes that catalyze removing electrons from one substrate and adding electrons to another are called A Phosphotransferas es B Oxidoreductas es C Decarboxylas es D Aminotransferas es E Ligase s 16 Enzymes that catalyze moving a phosphate from one substrate to another are called A Phosphotransferas es B Oxidoreductas es C Decarboxylas es D Aminotransferas es E Ligase s 17 Enzymes that catalyze removal of carbon dioxide from a substrate are called A Phosphotransferas es B Oxidoreductas es C Decarboxylas es D Aminotransferas es E Ligase s 18 The most likely place where an exoenzyme participates in a chemical reaction is A Mitochondr ia B Within the cell membrane C Lysosome s D Cytoplas m E Outside of the cell 19 All of the following are exoenzymes except A ATP synthase B Streptokina se C Penicillinas e D Collagenas e E Elastas e 20 During aerobic cellular respiration, the final electron acceptor is A Pyruvic acid B Oxyge n C Nitrat e D Cytochrome c E FAD 21 _ reactions are anabolic reactions involving ligases for synthesis and the release of one water molecule for each bond formed A Reductio n B Condensati on C Oxidatio n D Transfe r E None of the choices are correct 22 Enzymes that are secreted by a cell to hydrolyze reactions are A Apoenzym es B Exoenzym es C Constitutive enzymes D Regulated enzymes E Endoenzym es 23 Enzymes that function inside a cell are A Apoenzym es B Exoenzym es C Constitutive enzymes D Regulated enzymes E Endoenzym es 24 Enzymes that are always present, regardless of the amount of substrate are A Apoenzym es B Axoenzym es C Constitutive enzymes D Regulated enzymes E Endoenzym es 25 When enzyme action stops due to a buildup of end product this control is called A Negative feedback B Competitive inhibition C Enzyme induction D Enzyme repression E None of the choices are correct 26 Each of the following are denaturing agents except A High temperature B Low temperature C High pH D Low pH E All of the choices are correct 27 Feedback inhibition is best described as A Substrate binding to DNA, blocking enzyme transcription B Product binding to DNA, blocking enzyme transcription C Substrate binding to enzyme in noncompetitive site D Product binding to enzyme in noncompetitive site E None of the choices are correct 28 Metabolic pathways that regenerate their starting point are called _ pathways A Linea r B Bidirectional C Converge nt D Cycli c E Diverge nt 29 When the product of reaction A becomes the reactant of reaction B, the metabolic pathway is A Linea r B Bidirectional C Converge nt D Cycli c E Diverge nt 30 Most electron carriers are A Coenzyme s B Enzyme s C Hydroge ns D Inorganic phosphate E All of the choices are correct cti on of en zy m es Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 03 Di ffe re nti at e be tw ee n an ap oe nz y m e an d a ho lo en zy m e Le 11 ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 04 Di ffe re nti at e be tw ee n en en zy m e an d ex oe nz y m e Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 05 Di ag m so m e di ffe re nt pa tte rn s of m et ab oli s m Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 06 De sc rib e ho w en zy m es ar e co ntr oll ed Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 07 Na m et he ch e mi ca li n w hi ch en er gy is st or ed in ce lls Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 08 Cr ea te a ge ne ral di ag m of ar ed ox re ac tio n Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 09 Id en tif y el ec tro n ca rri er s us ed by ce lls Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 10 Na m et hr ee ba sic ca ta bo lic pa th wa ys an d gi ve an es ti m at e of ho w m uc h AT P ea ch of th e m yi el ds 1 Wr ite a su m m ar ys tat e m en td es cri bi ng gl yc ol ysi s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 11 Wr ite a su m m ar ys tat e m en td es cri bi ng gl yc ol ysi s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 11 Wr ite a su m m ar ys tat e m en td es cri bi ng gl yc ol ysi s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 12 De sc rib et he Kr eb 's Cy cl e Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 12 De sc rib et he Kr eb s Cy cl e Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 13 Di sc us st he si gn ifi ca nc e of th e el ec tro nt ns po rt sy st e m Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 14 Po int ou th ow an ae ro bi cr es pir ati on di ffe rs fro m ae ro bi cr es pir ati on Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 15 Pr ov id e a su m m ar y of fer m en tat io n Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 16 De sc rib e ho w no nca rb oh yd rat e co m po un ds ar e ca ta bo liz ed Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 18 De fin e a m ph ib oli s m Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 19 Su m m ari ze th e pr oc es s of ph ot os yn th esi si n si m pl el an gu ag e Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 20 Di sc us st he rel ati on shi p be tw ee nl ig hde pe nd en ta nd lig htin de pe nd en tr ea cti on s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :8 1 Wr ite a su m m ar ys tat e m en td es cri bi ng gl yc ol ysi s Le 11 ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :a nd be tw ee n co ns tit uti ve an dr eg ul at ed en zy m es Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :c at ab oli s m an d an ab oli s m Le ar ni ng Ou tc o m e: 08 Na m et hr ee ba sic ca ta bo lic pa th wa ys an d gi ve an es ti m at e of ho w m uc h AT P ea ch of th e m yi el ds Le ar ni ng Ou tc o m e: 08 De sc rib e ho w no nca rb oh yd rat e co m po un ds ar e ca ta bo liz ed Le ar ni ng Ou tc o m e: 08 Pr ov id e an ov er vi ew of th e an ab oli cs ta ge s of m et ab oli s m Le ar ni ng Ou tc o m e: 08 Ex pl n w he re th e Ca lvi n cy cl e fit si nt o ph ot os yn th esi s Le ar ni ng Ou tc o m e: 08 2 Sp ec ul at e on th ei m po rta nc e of th e di sc ov er y of ph ot os yn th eti c ba ct eri a on th e oc ea n flo or ... Learning Objective: catabolism and anabolism The breakdown of peptidoglycan to N-acetylmuramic acid, N-acetylglucosamine and peptides is an example of A Anabolis m B Catabolis m C Phosphorylati... that catalyze removal of carbon dioxide from a substrate are called A Phosphotransferas es B Oxidoreductas es C Decarboxylas es D Aminotransferas es E Ligase s 18 The most likely place where an... during bacterial fermentation, how many ATP are generated? A ATP B ATP C 24 ATP D 36 ATP E 38 ATP 60 Mixed acid fermentation A Produces butyric acid B Occurs in all bacteria C Produces several different

Ngày đăng: 07/03/2018, 16:34

