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TEST BANK microbiology a systems approach cowan 3e chapter006

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Chapter 006 An Introduction to the Viruses Multiple Choice Questions Viruses have all the following except A Definite shape B Metabolis m C Gene s D Ability to infect host cells E Ultramicroscopic size Host cells of viruses include A Human and other animals B Plants and fungi C Bacteri a D Protozoa and algae E All of the choices are correct Viruses A Cannot be seen in a light microscope B Are prokaryotic C Contain 70S ribosomes D Undergo binary fission E All of the choices are correct Virus capsids are made from subunits called A Envelope s B Spike s C Capsomer es D Prophage s E Peplomer s Helical and icosahedral are terms used to describe the shapes of a virus A Spik e B Capsomer e C Envelop e D Capsi d E Cor e A _ is the protein shell around the nucleic acid core of a virus A Capsomer e B Capsi d C Spik e D Envelop e E Monolay er One of the principal capsid shapes is a 20-sided figure with 12 evenly spaced corners referred to as a(n) _ capsid A Spike d B Comple x C Icosahedr al D Helic al E Buckeyb all A naked virus only has a(n) A Capsi d B Capsomer e C Nucleocaps id D Envelop e E Antigenic surface Which of the following is not a typical capsid shape? A Tetrahedr al B Comple x C Helic al D Icosahedro n E All of the choices are capsid shapes 10 All of the following pertain to virus envelopes except A Gained as a virus leaves the host cell membrane B Gained as a virus leaves the nuclear membrane C Contain special virus proteins D Help the virus particle attach to host cells E Located between the capsid and nucleic acid 11 Viral spikes A Are always present on enveloped viruses B Bind viral capsid and envelope together C Allow bacteria to evade host defenses D Are derived from host proteins E All of the choices are correct 12 The core of every virus particle always contains A DN A B Capsomer es C Enzyme s D DNA and RNA E Either DNA or RNA 13 Which of the following is not associated with every virus? A Envelop e B Capsomer es C Capsi d D Nucleic acid E Genom e 14 Viral nucleic acids include which of the following A Double stranded DNA B Single stranded DNA C Double stranded RNA D Single stranded RNA E All of the choices are correct 15 Reverse transcriptase synthesizes A The positive RNA strand from a negative RNA strand B A negative RNA strand from a positive RNA strand C Viral RNA from DNA D Viral DNA from RNA E None of the choices are correct 16 A negative RNA virus must first A Synthesize a DNA copy of its genome B Synthesize a negative RNA copy of its genome C Synthesize a positive RNA copy of its genome D Transcribe reverse transcriptase E Transcribe RNA polymerase 17 Viruses with _ sense RNA contain the correct message for translation, while viruses with _ sense RNA must first be converted into a correct message A Positive, negative B Negative, positive C Primary, secondary D Secondary, primary E None of the choices are correct 18 Classification of viruses into families involves determining all the following characteristics except A Type of nucleic acid B Type of capsid C Presence of an envelope D Biochemical reactions E Number of strands in the nucleic acid 19 Which of the following represents a virus family name? A Herpes simplex virus B Herpesvirid ae C Picornavir us D Enterovir us E Hepatitis B virus 20 Which of the following is not a viral order in the classification system? A Caudoviral es B Vaccinia virus C Nidoviral es D Mononegaviral es E All of the choices are viral orders 21 The correct sequence of events in viral multiplication is A Penetration, uncoating, synthesis, adsorption, assembly, release B Uncoating, penetration, synthesis, assembly, absorption, release C Adsorption, penetration, uncoating, synthesis, assembly, release D Assembly, synthesis, uncoating, release, penetration, adsorption E Adsorption, release, synthesis, uncoating, assembly, penetration 22 Viruses acquire envelopes around their nucleocapsids during A Replicatio n B Assembl y C Adsorptio n D Releas e E Penetrati on 23 In general, most DNA viruses multiply in the host cell's _, while most RNA viruses multiply in the host cell's _ A Nucleus, cytoplasm B Cytoplasm, cell membrane C Cell membrane, cytoplasm D Cytoplasm, nucleus E Nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum 24 Host range is limited by A Type of nucleic acid in the virus B Age of the host cell C Type of host cell receptors on cell membrane D Size of the host cell E All of the choices are correct 25 Oncogenic viruses include all the following except A Hepatitis B virus B Measles virus C Papillomavir us D HTLVI and HTLVII viruses E Epstein-Barr virus 26 Which of the following is a type of cytopathic effect? A Inclusions in the nucleus B Multinucleated giant cells C Inclusions in the cytoplasm D Cells round up E All of the choices are correct 27 The envelope of enveloped viruses is A Identical to the host plasma membrane B Only compose of host endomembrane C Always includes spikes D Is obtained by viral budding or exocytosis E None of the choices are correct 28 Viruses attach to their hosts via A Host glycoproteins B Host phospholipids C Viral phospholipids D Viral flagella E All of the choices are correct 29 Viral tissue specificities are called A Range s B Virion s C Receptacl es D Tropism s E Uncoatin g 30 The process of dissolving the envelope and capsid to release the viral nucleic acid is A Adsorptio n B Penetrati on C Uncoatin g D Synthesi s E Assembl y :0 04 Di sc us st he siz e of vir us es rel ati ve to ot he r mi cr oo rg an is m s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 05 De sc rib et he fu nc tio n an d str uc tur e( s) of vir al ca ps id s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 06 Di sti ng uis h be tw ee n en ve lo pe d an d na ke d vir us es Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 07 Ex pl nt he im po rta nc e of vir al su rfa ce pr ot ei ns Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 07 Ex pl nt he im po rta nc e of vir al su rfa ce pr ot ei ns or sp ik es Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 08 Di ag m th e po ssi bl e co nfi gu rat io ns of nu cl ei c ac id vir us es m ay po ss es s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 09 Ex pl n w hy so m e fin di td if cu lt t o as si gn sp ec ies na m es to vir us es Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 09 Ex pl n w hy so m e fin di td if cu lt t o as si gn sp ec ies na m es to vir us es Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 10 De m on str at e ho w fa mi ly an d ge nu s na m es in vir us es ar e wr itt en Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 11 Di ag m th e st ep lif e cy cl e of an im al vir us es Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 11 Di ag m th e st ep lif e cy cl e of an im al vir us es Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 11 Di ag m th e 5st ep lif e cy cl e of an im al vir us es Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 11 Di ag m th e5 st ep lif e cy cl e of an im al vir us es Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 12 Di sc us s bo th pe rsi st en ta nd tra ns for mi ng inf ec tio ns Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 12 Ex pl nt tc yt op at hi c eff ec ts ar e Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 12 Ex pl n w tc yt op at hi c eff ec ts ar e Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 13 Di sc us s bo th pe rsi st en ta nd tra ns for mi ng inf ec tio ns Le 14 ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 14 Pr ov id e at ho ro ug h de sc rip tio n of lys og en ic an dl yti c ba ct eri op ge inf ec tio ns Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 16 De sc rib e wa ys in w hi ch vir us es ar e cu lti va te d Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 17 An al yz et he rel ati ve im po rta nc e of vir us es in hu m an inf ec tio n an d di se as e Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 18 Na m e at le as t3 no nce llu lar inf ec tio us ag en ts be si de sv iru se s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 18 Na m e at le as tt hr ee no nce llu lar inf ec tio us ag en ts be si de sv iru se s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 19 Di sc us st he pri m ar yr ea so nt ta nti vir al dr ug s ar e m or e di f cu lt t o de si gn th an an tib ac ter ial dr ug s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 6: 13 Di sc us s bo th pe rsi st en ta nd tra ns for mi ng inf ec tio ns Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :0 it i sr ig ht ab ov e Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :o rs pi ke s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve : wr itt en co rre ctl y Le ar ni ng Ou tc o m e: 06 Co ns tr uc ta rg u m en ts on bo th si de s of th e" Ar e vir us es livi ng ?" de ba te Le ar ni ng Ou tc o m e: 15 Lis tt he thr ee pri nc ip al pu rp os es of cu lti va tin g vir us es ... stranded RNA E All of the choices are correct 15 Reverse transcriptase synthesizes A The positive RNA strand from a negative RNA strand B A negative RNA strand from a positive RNA strand C Viral... its host, target tissue and type of disease it causes True False 70 A specific animal virus has the ability to attach to and enter almost any animal host cell True False 71 Viral spikes are inserted... stage? A Primar y B Secondar y C Temperat e D Temporar y E Transforme d 47 The activation of a prophage is called A Activati on B Lysogen y C Transformati on D Inductio n E Adsorptio n 48 When a bacterium

Ngày đăng: 07/03/2018, 16:34

