1 Urgency of the topic 1
2 The objectives of study 2
3 Objects and scopes of the study 2
4 Study methodology: 2
4.1 Data of the study 2
4.2 Study methodology: 3
5 Dissertation structure 3
1.1 Ability and ability model 4
1.1.1 Ability 4
1.1.2 Ability model 5
Knowledge 5
Figure 1 1 Ability model 5
1.2 The sales process 7
1.2.1 Exploration and looking for customers 7
1.2.2 Customer approach 8
1.2.3 Understanding customer needs 9
1.2.4 Product introduction 10
1.2.5 Convincing customers 11
Trang 41.2.6 Resolve customer objections 11
1.2.7 Sales and ending sales 12
1.2.8 Experience of withdrawal after sales 13
1.3 Determinants of sales ability 13
1.3.1 The external factors 13
1.3.2 Internal factors 14
1.4 International experience in the sales ability improvement 15
1.4.1 The experience of Wal-Mart (USA) 15
1.4.2 The experience of Pantaloon Retail Ltd (India) 17
2.1 Overview of Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock Company 19
2.1.1 Formation development and history 19
2.1.2 Structure 21
2.1.3 Main business results in the period of 2012-2014 23
2.2 Sales ability status of staff of Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock Company 25
2.2.1 Overview of sales staff of company 25
2.2.2 The sales process 28
2.3 General evaluation on the sales ability of staff of Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock Company 50
2.3.1 The advantages 50
2.3.2 The limits and causes 52
3.1 The company's development direction in the next time 56
3.1.1 The general development direction 56
3.1.2 Orientation with respect to the work of sales force management 57
3.2 The ability improvement solutions for the sales staff of the company in the next time 58
3.2.1 Complete the process of searching customer 58
3.2.2 Finish the step of customer approach 59
3.2.3 Strengthen ability of understanding customer needs 59
3.2.4 Improving product introduction ability 60
3.2.5 Improving ability to convince customers 62
3.2.6 Finishing of resolving customer objections 63
Trang 7Table 2 5: The average salary of employees seeking customers compared with the
average wage of employees in the stage of 2012-2014 2
Table 2 6: Reviews about the staff of business in exploration, prospecting 2 Table 2 7: Results reach customers of the period 2012-2014 2 Table 2 8: Review on the marketing staff for the stage of customer approach 2 Table 2 9: Reviews of customers about understanding the customer needs of
marketing staff of Nam Viet 2
Table 2 10: Reviews of customers on the communication, consultant factor of the
sales staff of Nam Viet 2
Table 2 11: The number of staff is trained on knowledge 2 Table 2 12: Reviews of customers on the ability of convincing customers of the
sales staff Nam Viet company 2
Table 2 13: Reviews of customers on the work of resolving customer objections2
Trang 8Table 2 14: The number of customers using the company's products in the period
of 2012-2014 2
Table 2 15: Reviews of customers on sales ability and sales end of sales staff of
Nam Viet company 2
LIST OF FIGURFigure 1 1: Ability model 2 Figure 1 2: Sales Process 2Y Figure 2 2: The situation of increasing sales force in Nam Viet company in the
period of 2012-2014 2
Figure 2 3: The search methods are now applied in Vietnam 2 Figure 2 4: The situation of increasing the amount of investment costs for the
company's customer search in the period of 2012-2014 2
Figure 2 5: The method of approaching Nam Viet customer are applying now 2 Figure 2 6: The synthesis error seen when approaching customers of Nam Viet
until 2014 2
Figure 2 7: Synthesis of common errors when introducing the products of Nam
Viet company's sales staff 2
Figure 2 8: The situation of increasing investment costs for skill training to
persuade customers for employees of company in the period of 2012-2014 2
Figure 2 9: The synthesis of customer's objections in the sales process 2 Figure 2 10: The increase in satisfaction level of customer with attitudes and skills
of the sales staff at the company in the period of 2012-2014 2
Figure 2 11: Reviews of customers on the style of sales staff of Nam Viet
company 2
Trang 91 Urgency of the topic
In the process of industrialization and modernization of the country withtoday's competitive market mechanism, human resources plays an important role forthe development and existence of enterprises In order for rapid and sustainabledevelopment, enterprises should build up high quality human resources and policiesfor human resources development The management and the proper use of humanresources after training consistent with the ability of each person for the particularjob is a crucial factor to success of enterprises Therefore, the development ofhuman labor in general, and human labor - is the sales force in commercialenterprises in particular has been more urgent than ever, especially in the situation
of Vietnam integrating into ASEAN , AFTA and WTO, enterprises (DN) have tocompete with not only domestic companies but also many foreign companies whichhave more experiences in the market economy To be able to compete successfully,investment in human resources development - sales force is an indispensable thing
Aware of the importance of this factor, many enterprises have focused on thework of improving ability for sales staff However, besides the results achieved, thiswork still remains many inadequacies One of the major causes is the enterprise hasnot ever vision as well as the method of ability improvement for the sales team in asystematic way throughout the process of operations
Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock Company isdeveloping in terms of both quality and scale; however, the most difficult problem
is the human labor especially the sales staff who have not had enough qualifications
as well as essential skills leading sales revenue not to achieve as expected Derivedfrom the real situation, and understanding of Nam Viet Trading Investment and
Development Joint Stock Company, I would choose the topic "Improving sales
ability of the staff of Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock
Trang 10Company" for my dissertation with the desire to give feasible practical solutions to
ensure the company's sales team strong enough in terms of quantity and quality inorder to overcome the harsh challenges of the market economy as increasinglydeeper integration with the world economy
2 The objectives of study
The topic was implemented for the following objectives:
- Basis theoretical system of ability and sales ability
- Learning and assessing the status of the sales ability of the sales staff ofNam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock Company
- Proposing primary solutions in order to improve the sales ability of salesstaff of Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock Company
3 Objects and scopes of the study
- Objects of the study on sales ability are sales staff in the enterprise
- Scopes of the study:
+ For space: in Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint StockCompany
+For time: historic data will be collected in the period of 2012 - 2014 and theproposals and recommendations will be made for next years
4 Study methodology:
4.1 Data of the study
The data used for analysis is the primary data and the secondary data
4.1.1 Primary data source
- Primary data: Surveyed by questionnaires:
Trang 11+ Content of the survey: sales ability of sales staff of Nam Viet TradingInvestment and Development Joint Stock Company.
+ The survey object: The company's customers
- Methods of data processing: Use Excel software to analyze the collecteddata, give the results related to the sales ability of the company's sales staff
4.1.2 The secondary data source
Collect data from other departments in Nam Viet Trading Investment andDevelopment Joint Stock Company and the reference materials throughnewspapers, the internet, so on
- Chapter 1: The basis theories of the sales ability
- Chapter 2: Sales ability status of staff of Nam Viet Trading Investment andDevelopment Joint Stock Company
- Chapter 3: Some main solutions in order to enhance the sales ability of staff
of Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock Company
Trang 12CHAPTER 1: THE BASIS THEORIES OF THE SALES ABILITY 1.1 Ability and ability model
1.1.1 Ability
There are many interpretations of ability and this understanding is attractingthe interest of many researchers According to conventional understanding, ability is
a combination of thinking, skills and attitudes either available or potential to learn
of an individual or an organization to complete the tasks (Hoang Phe - editor in
2005, p.92) The level and quality of completed work will reflect the ability level ofthe person
Due to the tasks to be solved in life as well as in work and in daily learningrequire a combination of complex components of the thinking, emotions, attitudesand skills, it can be said that an individual's ability is a system of capacities andabilities to help him complete a task or a requirement in learning, in work or in life,
or in other words ability is "the competence to apply the knowledge, experience,skills, attitude and passion to act appropriately and effectively in various situations
of life"
In a report of the European Research Center on Employment and Labor in
2005, the authors clearly analyzed the relationship between the concepts of ability,skills and knowledge This report synthesized the major definitions of ability,stating that ability is a combination of physical and mental qualities useful forcompleting a task with a certain degree of accuracy (Tremblay Denyse (2002), TheCompetency-Based Approach: Helping learners become autonomous In AdultEducation - A Lifelong Journey)
In Vietnam, the concept of ability has also drawn attention of manyresearchers In a research on the ability and degree of success in business, theresearch group of the University of Foreign Trade has stated is the ability is a
Trang 13synthesis of properties of ability, psychology and qualities of individuals consistentwith the requirements of a certain activity, ensuring to achieve the estimated results.
In another study on integrated teaching method, Nguyen Anh Tuan (Ho ChiMinh City University of Technology and Education) stated generally that the ability
is a complex psychological property, is the convergence of many such factors asknowledge, skills, technique, experience, availability of action and responsibility
As such, although it is difficult to give the concept of ability correctly,Vietnam and international researchers had the same understanding of the concept
In summary, the ability is understood as a synthesis of knowledge, skills, attitude of
an individual to perform the assigned work well (Tran Dinh Hai, 2008, p 29)
1.1.2 Ability model
Skills Attitude
Figure 1 1 Ability model
(Source: Pham Thi Thu Huong, 2005, p 49)
The ability of a person is constituted by the elements of knowledge, skills ofwork performance and attitude at work
Knowledge: "Knowledge is understandings resulting from experiences, or fromlearning (General talk)." (Institute of Linguistics 2006, p 524)
"Knowledge: is the general or required specialized knowledge of an individual
to undertake a certain labor positions." (Christian Batal 2002, p 78)
Trang 14Knowledge includes professional knowledge (expertise, knowledge of field work,management knowledge) and other useful knowledge for the work Knowledge isthe accumulation of learning, training, work and observation, learning ofindividuals The knowledge is influenced by the factors of academic experience,personal orientation Professional knowledge may be definite and is specified thecriteria Other related knowledge is difficult to indefinite and give the criteria forreviews.
Working skills: "Skill is the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in acertain field in practice." (Institute of Linguistics 2006, p 520)
"Skills are the mastery of using necessary tools, techniques and methods toperform a certain particular activity." (Christian Batal 2002, p 124)
Working skill determines career success or effectiveness of work Knowledge andskills can be the same direction or opposite directions That is, who has extensiveknowledge can have proficient skills, or who has extensive knowledge but does nothave the proficient skills or vice versa Skills show practical elements Skills arecharacteristics of profession, different among sectors, positions, jobs
The attitude is: "Overall general outward expressions of thoughts, feelings foranybody or certain things," or "How to think, how to look and how to act in acertain direction before a problem, a situation "(Christian Batal 2002 p.240)
"At work, attitude acts as a suitable action to perform a specific working level"(Institute of Linguistics 2006, p 909)
The attitude at work: Attitude is the way of thinking (cognition), behavior(consciousness) at work Working attitude affects morale, trend to acquireknowledge in the working process
Trang 151.2 The sales process
For every enterprise, it depends on the particularities of different businessactivities to give the different sales process, however in general sales processcurrently consists of the following basic steps:
Figure 1 2: Sales Process
(Source: Pham Thi Thu Huong, 2005, p 60.)
1.2.1 Exploration and looking for customers
a / The meaning of exploration/looking for customers
The exploration/looking for potential customers aims to find out who thecompany can sell products for This can be considered one of the most importantpart of the salesperson's work This step creates the foundation and determines theeffectiveness of the sales
Step 2:
Approaching Customers
Step 3: Understanding Customers' need
Step 4: Product introduction
Step 5: Convincing the Customer
Step 6: Resolving Customer's objections
Step 7: Sales &
Trang 16Customers are considered potential in this stage are those who (1) have thedemand for the product/service, (2) are willing to buy, (3) have ability to pay, (4)have the ability to approach and have the right to make purchase decision In otherwords, potential customers are people in need, enough money and power Thepotential customers are compared with money in the account of the company, as theblood of a healthy body To estimate the potential customer incorrectly meanswasting time, losing sales opportunities and money.
b / Nature of the exploration/looking for potential customers
- Exploration/looking for potential customers are not a work of sales.Previously, this was considered a step of sales in nature, this is the first step in thesales process but it is not sales itself
Sales only really begins when the salesperson identifies, categorizescustomers
- Exploration/looking for potential customers focus on the quality rather thanthe quantity of customers This is very important, because if the salesperson onlyfocusing on the quantity will not find the right customers, do not really know who is
in need of service/product of the enterprise
- Exploration/looking for potential customers is very difficult To do thiswork well, salesperson should understands that besides the necessary skills, he alsohave to have the professional knowledge, understanding of the product/service
- Exploration /looking for potential customers will take much time This isobvious because every seller want to contact your customers to be happy to receive.Therefore, it will take a long time to find the real customers
1.2.2 Customer approach
The new sales staff is easily to mistake when customer reviews for lack ofexperience E.g A rich man goes to shopping but wearing old jeans and shoes with
Trang 17tears, inexperienced retailers often misjudge this customer's pockets But the salesperson who is experienced, sharp will recognize the style, attitude, how to selectgoods customer.
To pre-contact stage support is not surprised; sales staff needs to haveadvance information about retail customers in the sales area, from the manager orthrough observation, exploration periodically The main information about regionalcustomers such as: structure of gender, average age, occupational structure, status ofhouseholds, average income levels, chemical splash the exclamation, the tastes ofmerchandise, shop alone or in groups, the rate of regular customers and newcustomers coming in each of the stage, residential customers, working in sales area
or remotely to ,…
1.2.3 Understanding customer needs
The next task after the selection of potential customers is preparing thedocuments, the necessary information before going to meet customer Thepreparations before helps sales staff get the specific information about the customer,know what factors can affect the customer's purchase, which helps sales staff cancommunicate effectively with customers, create reliable images In this process thesales person will have to answer questions (1) what information is required (2) theplan preparation
The information that customers need to prepare including:
- Information about product/service: customers should contact characteristicsand benefits of products to customer needs Customers do not buy product,customers buy is solutions, benefits that the product delivers So the informationabout products/services must show clearly
- Information on individual and customers: in the sales process for theorganization, sales staff needs to capture information about the people who areinvolved in the purchase process and the information on their company For buyer,
Trang 18customers can learn about careers, friends On the company, sales staffs need tolearn information on activity of the company (business sector, products/services,and company’s markets, which challenge companies are facing), the purchase of thecompany (purchase process, mechanism, services they are using of whichcompany )
- Information on the business of the customer: market, other suppliers on themarket, the impact of other factors such as regulations, rules,
- Information on competitors
Besides preparation of information, sales staffs need to plan for the contactwith the customer: target for approach, what to sell, what needs to give customers(report, trial product, illustration design, etc.) People often say that: not preparation
is to prepare failing The customer must make clearly: Work with whom, whichproof/evidence will be put out to convince customers, opposition may have ofcustomers, how to lead customer and how the end looks like In preparing plan,customers have to make clearly the expected results after exposure: buildingrelationship or signing contract, or explaining the features and benefits of theproduct,
1.2.4 Product introduction
After identifying the needs, the customer must choose products that are fit tocustomer and display goods It should be noted in the display way is depending ondemand for the product that will have the variety or lively characteristics whengiving goods For example, giving the shirt and putting on the customer beforemirror, or selling perfume then drops some to customer’s hands so that guests smell
it is appropriate or not
In case, the product is not available under customer requires, customersintroduce alternative items when giving the goods to the customer, whether it is
Trang 19cheap or expensive, the customer must give it in the polite and appreciate way andalways keep the goods cleanly
1.2.5 Convincing customers
- Objectives and methods to persuade customers
The goal of convincing the customer is to have acceptance of the customerwith the product/service, and the product/service will satisfy the needs of customers,help customers solve their problems
Customers need to prepare thoroughly for convincing their customer
Sales staff needs to remember that customers do not buy the product/service
of the company - they buy the benefits that the product has
- Regarding on methods to persuade customers: customers can present viasending letter or phone call or in person
1.2.6 Resolve customer objections
Sales staff often meets the complaints or opposition the customer's product orprice
Complaints about the product will be limited by customer by choosingproducts that matching to the needs of customers If there are complaints on thequality, the customer must emphasize the highlights of each product or service
Experienced sales staff should anticipate the kind of complaint on the buyerbefore it is launched
For oppositions on the price, sellers will prove reasonable price according tothe quality or price including after-sales service of the store, sometimes they needtime to think before deciding on hesitating
Some notes that customers need to care to negotiate with complaint:
- Based on product quality
Trang 20- Based on the prominent features.
- Based on the product's origin
- Based on the place of production, production methods
- Based on the utility of the item
Depending on the item, the customer would think to find arguments toinspire customers There are cases where customer denies the real and sometimesannoying for customers, but customers need to remember that "the customer isalways right"
1.2.7 Sales and ending sales
- Successful sales ends it does not mean that getting orders Because mostsales situations related to the exchange, discussion provides continuity or maintainsbusiness relationships and partnerships between the customer and buyer So endingunder the traditional way is not always appropriate
The sales end should be put in relation to the targets already as set out Salesstaff should decide on:
+ They want to achieve something in the best situation
+ They will try to get something
+ They will be required to have something
- The behavior of the buyer affecting to the ending period
Customers are very different Some customers prefer buying fast, whileothers make decisions slowly Some people prefer to have as much information and
as much detail as possible, others are in opposition Some customers will buy kindrandomly; some are very loyal All of this creates challenge for sales staff
Trang 211.2.8 Experience of withdrawal after sales
For all business activities in general and sales activities in particular,experience withdrawal is extremely important After the sale, experiencewithdrawal lessons that sales staff as businesses need to pay attention:
- What mistakes did the salesman encounter in the sales process?
- The skills of sales staff lacking in the process of contact and persuadecustomers
- Remedy the mistakes and limitations for sales staff that businesses need tomake
1.3 Determinants of sales ability
1.3.1 The external factors
- The economic environment: The elements of the economic environment such
as inflation, unemployment, economic growth, tax policy, economic crisis Thesefactors greatly influence to force sales at different levels with different sectors Inthe favorable economic context, growth, favorable business activities, they willinvest more in training and education issues sales force and vice versa
- The cultural environment, society: Each country has its culturalcharacteristics, values, social norms differ In which, each region has its owncultural characteristics, it directly affects to shopping habits of customers andconsumers so that enterprises should actively explore the cultural characteristics ofeach region to have training policy for the sales force of the business to meet theneeds of consumers
- Environmental science and technology: Today, with the development ofscience and technology are increasingly being used and popular in businessactivities The application of scientific advances in sales, creating new features forthe product is all essential knowledge for sales staff Today growth is very rapid,
Trang 22it will affect to the determination of the scale of the business So that businessesneed to clear the importance of the challenges on science and technology so that thedirection is in training, sales force.
- Customer: The customer is an important factor for business is successful orfailure in the market, businesses wish to stand in the market, and they must build upits reputation to have customer’s confidence If wish to build credibility and trust ofcustomers, the sales force in the enterprise must have knowledge, understanding onproduct so that customer know products and build trust between Therefore,businesses need to train sales force with the knowledge to serve customers
- Competitors: When an enterprise is engaged in the enterprise market thatmeans that it must face to many competitors with finance as well as resources Soenterprises need to improve the quality and level of the sales force in order toenhance their competitiveness
- Consumption demand of customers
In business, the customer is the center of all business activities of enterprise.Because the ultimate goal of every business is consumed in order to generaterevenue, improve profitability The identification of the needs of customers from themarket would create favorable conditions for sales staff to get better sales Also, thechange in customer demand, markets will affect to the work of planning andorganizational stages in sales administration
1.3.2 Internal factors
- The business strategy of an enterprise: Depending on the business, eachmoment it will pursue different goals If businesses pursue profit goals then it willseek to reduce personnel costs so training and coaching sales force will not getmuch attention But if business that pursue sales targets it will need more than salesforce, so training sales forces are also more focused
Trang 23- Financial viability of the enterprise: financial viability of the business thataffect both in the quantity and quality of the sales force If businesses have investedheavily in developing the sales team then it will have an impact on staffremuneration policy as well as strengthening the training for sales staff.
- Working environment, infrastructure conditions: is one of the most importantfactors that affect to the ability and effectiveness of sales staff To obtain thedynamic working environment, creativity and excitement for staff then it is not onlythe responsibility of the leadership but also the effort of all employees in businesses.Each employee is the nucleus of businesses and fulfills abilities; the leaders need tocreate the culture of business And conditions that ensure consistent and adequate tosupport sales staff more efficiently and increase productivity, increase revenue forbusinesses
The quantity, quality and structure of business equipment, the layout andmeans arrangement for workers in stores, warehouses also directly affect to theoperational ability of the staff of sale in any enterprise
1.4 International experience in the sales ability improvement
1.4.1 The experience of Wal-Mart (USA)
As the retailer, Wal-Mart is not only biggest; there is not any competitor canreach to its level Wal Mart is equal to Home Depot, Kroger, Sears, Target, Costcoand Kmart Target, which is seen as the competitor who is the closest and directcompetitor to Wal-Mart, is also rated "low ranking" comparison Each year, onPatrick festival dated March 17th, Wal-Mart had sold more than a year of revenue
of Target In the last 2 years, the turnover was increased by Wal Mart which wasbigger than the total revenue of Target There are good results with the big partthanks to the contribution of sales staff, in which ability problems for sales team isalways focused by Wal Mart
Trang 24With the aim of improving the quality and professional expertise of humanresources, Wal-Mart has built training process to ensure the implementation of thetraining in the scientific, systematic and effective way In addition, the promotion oftraining and human resource development are aimed to: build, maintain andpromote the image, brand of Wal Mart thereby attracting talent to work in Wal-Martinto the development and production activities, business and contributing tosociety
With the peculiarities of business operations at Wal Mart, Wal Mart ensuresfor all employees, especially the trained sales staffs have enough ability to performwell work as assigned The training program is diversity and richness, which isprovided under the form of classroom training through work or self-study Financialassistance worker and encourage the maintenance of non-stop learning as well asproviding the opportunity to develop respectively (Le Thi Hong, 2014) The form oftraining at Wal Mart includes:
- In-site training: Applies to:
+ New people are employed: The training content includes common rulesand policies of Wal Mart and professional guide service
+ The work location change: The training content includes the instructionsand the regulations in the new work location
+ In the process of work, more experienced people will communicate,exchange experiences with less experienced colleagues This work is conductedregularly in every position
- Internal training: The training, work skills training is of frequent training,company training programs primarily focused on training rules, regulations,processes, new products and selling skills for employees of Wal Mart Staffincludes employees who have functions, tasks, have high professional experience,
Trang 25ability to communicate and to disseminate teaching about the product, theexperience as well as the practical knowledge to employees.
- External training: Based on the business needs of employees will be sent tothe external study options to attend courses on: Leadership skills, managementskills, team work skills, marketing skills or the company will invite experts ofhigh qualification, reputation for teaching staff at Wal Mart as: Contract draftingskills, negotiation skills, communication with customers,
Besides, the product supplier for Wal Mart has the separate family ofpatented products that unit or the training by the airline partner support for staff,employees at Wal Mart
1.4.2 The experience of Pantaloon Retail Ltd (India)
On India's retail market at present, definitely nobody can be beyond KishoreBiyani, founder and Chief Executive Office of retailer Pantaloon Retail India Ltd,was known as "Retail King of India"
In general, the training work improves the ability of the staff in general andparticular sales staff of Pantaloon Retail Ltd has invested in both depth and breadth,with more diverse types of training from basic training, advanced, advanced tohigher education, Dr The form of training also varied from short term to long termclasses are held in the country and abroad, with many different funding sources Thetypes of training include: Formal training, long-term (selection and training ofUniversity students, graduate students in foreign countries; training technicalworkers, vocational secondary, vocational college); regularly renew training(training is updated according to thematic, technical expertise, management, foreignlanguages training; information ); international certificate training; training beforehiring a team of operators for the project; new technology transfer training; training,mentoring internally Pantaloon Retail Ltd Types of internal training, mentoringtraining is training very effectively This is the form of training made popular inmost unit members
Trang 26In 2012, Pantaloon Retail Ltd held 1,684 courses, in 2014 as 6,671 courses.Accordingly, if in 2012, the number of trained sales staff was 39,853 people then in
2014 was 63,128 people; the number of officers participating in the program,intensive management, skill has increased significantly, as can be advocated andnavigation training by Pantaloon Retail Ltd Training on management, if 2012 was1,425 people then in 2014 was 4,443; similar and deeply training as 196 and 1,886,skill as 3,333 and 5,152 people (Le Thi Hong, 2014)
Pantaloon Retail Ltd rightly from the beginning was very interested in thetraining of human resources development and define the work of attracting talents is
an important task In addition to the regulation on training and human resourcedevelopment, the Group has also formulated and issued the regulation, such asregulation of pay with the welfare system: resort, costume, support level orencouraging mode of attracting highly qualified staff especially for personnelmanagement, planning, layout and employer are concerned and taken seriously
COMPANY 2.1 Overview of Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock Company
2.1.1 Formation development and history
Name: Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock CompanyAddress: 56 Hoa Bang, Yen Hoa, Cau Giay, Hanoi
Phone: (+84.4).3 787 5441
Fax: (+84.4).3 787.5440
- In 2007-2008: Founded the company on 03/10/2007
Established on 03/10/2007, Nam Viet Trading Investment and DevelopmentJoint Stock Company has many lines of business in which the distribution of theproducts, in the field of construction machinery, coal mining, production andprocessing of minerals, rock is one of the key areas
- In 2011: Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock
Company are the official representative and official agent of the airline:
・ Metso: Established in 1750, Metso is the world's leading corporations providing
services and technical equipment in the mining industry in mineral processing, oiland gas, electricity, paper and pulp
・ Sulzer: Established in 1834, Sulzer is pump suppliers who is the world-leading
reputation, including products with high reliability and energy savings
・ Parker Hannifin: is the world leading companies on the most diverse products
of the components and systems are designed to control motion, flow and pressure inall types of machinery and equipment Parker products appears most throughout the
Trang 28world: in the satellites orbiting the earth, machine tools, mobile equipment, oil rigs,refineries, laboratories and hospitals Anywhere that machinery is in motion or use aliquid to control movement.
・Flender: Established in 1899 in Düsseldorf-Reisholz of Germany Flender is a
manufacturer of engine and reduction gear is famous in the world
・ Norgren: the world leading supplier of motion control solutions and solution of
compressed air Areas of expertise include automation, industrial, life sciences,energy, railways, commercial media, food & drinks
・ Exen: that became established in 1915; Exen is the company providing vibration
equipment for the construction industry and the leading industry in Japan
Trang 292.1.2 Structure
Figure 2: Organizational Chart of the Company
Source: Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock Company
- The General Assembly of shareholders
General Meeting of Shareholders.
Head of the branch
Trang 30General Assembly of shareholders is the highest competent authority todecide all important issues of corporate law and company Charter Company.General Assembly of shareholders is through the policy advocates long-terminvesting in the development of the company, capital structure decisions, electedgoverning body and executive producer of the company's business
- Board of Management;
The Board of Management is the governing body of the company, have fullrights in the name of the company to decide all matters related to the purpose andthe interests of the company, except for the problems in the powers of the GeneralAssembly of shareholders to decide The Board of Management consists of (5) fivemembers Each member of Board of Management has a maximum term of 5 yearsand can be re-elected at the next shareholders meeting The orientation of policiesexist and development to implement the decisions of the general shareholdersmeeting through planning policy, out of resolution action for each time of matchproduction and business situation of the company
- Control Board
Control Board is the organization monitoring, check reasonableness,legitimate operating management in business operations; in the bookkeepingrecords and the company's finances to guarantee the legitimate interests of theshareholders Control Board consists of three members with a 5-year term by theGeneral Assembly of shareholders elects
Trang 31- The departments: Are the direct executive departments of corporate work asprofessional function and get the direction of the General Director Nam VietTrading Investment and Development Joint Stock Company have establisheddepartments including: Planning-business, finance and accounting, administration-personnel and technical department Functions and tasks of the departments aredefined as follows:
Planning-Business: has function in determining the objective, strategy,marketing and sales of the product Perform the task of expanding the market,looking for partners
Finance and accounting: the financial management functions of thecompany The task of accounting and Treasurer, statistics, banking, the report, insettlement and investment
Administration-human resources: the function of management service andthe personnel management, salary, social insurance, policies for workers about laborsafety, labor insurance, the training policy, fostered, rewarded the law carefully.Perform administrative organization, Office
Technical department the rooms have full management workshop, theexisting equipment of the company; advice and technical support to customersabout the company's products are distributed
2.1.3 Main business results in the period of 2012-2014
Table 2 1: The result of the company's business activities in the period of
Trang 32(Source: Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock Company)
The period of 2012-2014 still to be decided is the difficult phase of the economydue to the impact of the world economic crisis has yet to show signs of recovery Butthe business results of the company commercial investment and development of VietNam still achieve some results, namely:
Revenue from sales and service providers the company earned in the period2012-2014 tends to be unstable But as of 2014, this revenue reached levels quite high
Trang 33Although the value of the company's revenues had increased by 2014 than
2013, however, business management expenses tend to fall again in 2014 compared
to the year 2013 This shows that the problem of cost management of the unit aredeployed is quite good
Accounting profit target before tax and net profit of the company the period2012-2014 also tend to be unstable, but still similar to the revenue, as of 2014, thelevel of profit before tax and after tax of 14,644 million respectively and 12,762million – the highest value achieved in comparison with the years remaining in theperiod
2.2 Sales ability status of staff of Nam Viet Trading Investment and
Development Joint Stock Company
2.2.1 Overview of sales staff of company
2.2.1 1 Quantity
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Sales force
Year Person
Figure 2 1: The situation of increasing sales force in Nam Viet Company in
the period of 2012-2014
(Source: Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock Company)
The company's sales force has increased in number In 2012, the companyhad 32 employees in the sales force, in 2013 increased to 33 employees (increased3.1% compared to 2012) In 2014, this quantity increased to high level, equivalent
Trang 34to 40 people (increased 21.2% compared to 2013) This increase is due to in 2014,Nam Viet has expanded the business operations through increasing the categories ofitems distributed Previously, in 2012 and 2013, Nam Viet only specialized inproducts of mining equipment, coal mining But in 2014, besides the above product,Nam Viet distributed more items of furniture such as desks, chairs, book shelf sales forces in Nam Viet cannot afford to meet all the requirements of the work andmust recruit more, should the company's sales force in 2014 increased in number
Sales force structure under level
Trang 35Sales force structure under position
(Source: Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock Company)
- Sales force structure under level: the number of people with level of
university, postgraduate occupies the low rate In 2012, the proportion who haduniversity degrees, postgraduate in the sales force accounted for only 11%,equivalent to 4 people, and the people who had college degree accounted for 89%,equivalent to 28 people In 2013, of the University, the proportion who haduniversity degrees, postgraduate increased to 5 people, with 14% and 2014 was 6people, with 15% Although low levels also limit the large sales force management,however it is also relatively consistent with the particularities of this activity,usually does not require too high a level
- Sales force structure under gender: the female rate prevails than men and
tends to increase as the years in the period In 2012, in total 32 people in the sales
force, the female took up to 73%, the equivalent of 23 people In 2013 the rateincreases 74% (1.4% increase compared to the year 2012) and 2014 continuedincreased 78% in total sales force
- Sales force structure under age: the company's sales force the majority
aged 18-35 years old By 2012 the number of in-person sales force in this ageaccounted for 77% of total sales force, increased 78% in 2013 and 2014 is 82%.This structure fit the particularities of sales activities, the staff often have to contactand advise customers and is the face of the company, should the criteria on the form
as well as the age should be focused
- Sales force structure under the title: the number of employees accountingfor the high rate In 2012, in total 32 people in a company's sales force, thenmanaged only 4 people, equivalent to 11%, while employees constitute to 28
Trang 36people, equivalent to 89% By 2013 the number of employees maintaining thenumber of 28 people, with 86% Also in 2014 the number increased up to 35people, equivalent to 87.5%
2.2.2 The sales process Customer search
- Method of probing, finding out: The main customer of the companyinclude: the companies, construction contractors, mining companies in the country,the joint venture with foreign countries, foreign companies, and the distributionagent system Construction equipment products such as: scaffolding, formwork,cage, tower cranes, crushers ready rock sand supply company directly to buildingcompanies and the mining company Construction machines: Air Dam, aircompressors, pumps, concrete mixing stations is the company supplying tocustomers through agents around the country
Figure 2 2: The search methods are now applied in Vietnam
(Source: From marketing department of company)
Currently, the method of search of new customer only 2 methods, in whichthe search through the internet channel is mostly According to statistics from theSales Department of the company, currently applicable rate this search method atthe rate of 73.1%; also looking for customer through phone calls accounted for
Trang 37- Customer search force
Table 2 3: Customer search force of Nam Viet in the period of 2012-2014
(Source: Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock Company)
The force of the company's sales staff participating in the work of customerlooking pretty crowded, this number is the year 2012 6 employees, accounting for19% of the total number of the company's sales staff; by the year 2013 and 2014,this rate was 21% and 22.5%
- The budget for searching customer: with particularity is the commercialtrading company, the Nam Viet leadership quite focused on sales work, budgetannual expenses of customer seeking relatively large companies
Table 2.4: Investment costs for the company's customer search the period
Criteria Unit 2012 2013 2014
2013/2012 2014/2013 Val
Rate (%) Value
Rate (%)
Trang 38The cost for the customer
Cost of searching Customer
Millon VND
Figure 2 3: The situation of increasing the amount of investment costs for
the company's customer search in the period of 2012-2014
(Source: Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock Company)
Worth the cost of investment for Nam Viet seeking customer stage
2012-2014 tends to increase, under which this level of costs in 2012 290 million, to 2013rising to 346 million (increase of 19.3% compared to 2012 To 2014 costs ofcompany's customer search continued to increase the level of 408 million, increase
of 17.9% compared to 2013
Trang 39Investment costs for search customer representing relatively high in theoverall cost of the company's sales In 2012, the cost of finding customer accountedfor 19% of the total cost of sales; to 2013 and 2014, this rate was 18% and 18.5%
- Motivational mechanisms for the prevention customer search
Table 2 5: The average salary of employees seeking customers compared with
the average wage of employees in the stage of 2012-2014
(Unit: million VND/person/month)
Criteria 2012 2013 2014
2013/2012 2014/2013 Value Rate
(Source: Nam Viet Trading Investment and Development Joint Stock Company)
The average salary of all employees and of employees seeking customer tend
to increase by the year but increased levels of corporate employees tend to increasegradually, while staff searched the customers tend to drop, namely:
For employees: the average salary in the year 2012 is 4.51 milliondong/person/month, 2013 rising to 4.92/million dong/month (increased 9.1%compared to the year 2012); to increase 19.5 percent from 2014 2013, equivalent tothe level of 5.88 million dong/person/month
For employees looking for customers: in 2012 the average salary of theemployees in this Division is 3.87 million people per month; 2013 rising to the level
Trang 40of 4.24 million dong/person/month (increased 9.5% compared to the year 2012) and
2014 rising to 4.50 million dong/person/months (6.1% increase compared to theyear 2013) As such, the rate of growth of the average wage of employees lookingfor customers in Nam Viet is rising from 9.5% in 2013 to 6.1% by 2014
-Reviews of customer about staff searching customers
According to the survey results of the author of the work to search forcustomer of sales staff in Nam Viet over time then obtained some results from thefollowing:
Table 2 6: Reviews about the staff of business in exploration, prospecting
The knowledge of the staff of the company
business is rich, full
The attitude and style looking for professional
(Source: From the survey results of the author)
With regard to criteria for the knowledge of the staff of the companybusiness is rich, full: the majority of customer review criteria in the medium level,out of 100 votes valid currency survey about the 58 votes to the average rate, inaddition, there are 22 votes to rate weakly, while good reviews only 20 votes It isalso close to the actual results of company's activity, by in recent years the work ofrecruiting a staff of business was conducted in a relatively simple, does not requirehigh performance, appearance, age just reviews through practical workexperience; Furthermore in the process of work, Nam Viet did not regularly