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Tieng Anh 9Giao an 9 chi tiet HKI

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LESSON PLAN 9 TRAN VAN TAI THCS LE NGOC HAN UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Period 1: Getting started & Listen and Read    I. OBJECTIVES: - Introducing the new lesson topic: A visit from a penpal - Talking about places to visit II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS: - Grammar : - Wish + Clause (past simple tense/ Be = Were for any Persons) - Used to + Verb (simple form) - Vocabulary : words relating to famous places to visit and activities done during the visit. III. TECHNIQUES : - Brainstorming - Question – answers IV. TEACHING AIDS : - Pictures (about 5, 6 places in Hanoi & HoChiMinh City; 02 pictures of a mosque and people praying). - Cassette recorder + tape. V. TIME : 45 minutes VI. PROCEDURES 1. Getting started : Steps Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Warm up Lead in/ Pre- reading * Asking students some question after showing them 6 pictures (page 6) : - Can you tell me the name of this place? - Do you have any pen pals? - Has she/he ever visited your city? - What activities would you do during the visit? * Teaching new words: - Revolutionary Museum (n) - Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum (n) - Temple of Literature - Hoan Kiem Lake * Introducing the context “Lan took her pen pal – Maryam to a mosque and Maryam prayed there”. - Listening and answering teacher’s questions. 1. Revolutionary Museum 2. Ben Thanh Market 3. Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum 4. Saigon Water Park 5. Temple of Literature 6. Hoan Kiem Lake - Listening Preparing day : Teaching day : Week : LESSON PLAN 9 TRAN VAN TAI THCS LE NGOC HAN * Presenting the meanings of new words - Mosque (n) - To correspond - To be impressed by - To pray * Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember. * Asking students to listen to the tape and make a list of places that Lan took Maryam to. While – reading * Having students do the task and make a list of places * Correcting the task * Asking students to read the text again to choose the correct option to complete the sentences on page 7. * Having students compare their answers, then giving feedback. * Answers : - They visited : Hoan Kiem Lake, HCM's Mausoleum, History Museum, Temple of Literature, a mosque - Pair work - Reading and doing the task. Post – reading and Consolidation * Asking question: “What did Maryam want about her visit to Vietnam? * Briefly explaining the use of wish: She wanted to have more time to know Vietnam better. She might say → “I wish I had more time .” Wish + Clause (past tense/ Be = Were) → we use wish to express wish (something unlikely to happen) * Exercise: Listen to the situation and say your wish. 1. You are too short 2. It’s raining. You can’t go camping 3. You don’t have time to take your grandmother to go to the supermarket. 4. You don’t know many English words. - Answers: → She wanted to have more time to know Vietnam better. * Giving answers. HOMEWORK : - Learn by heart the new words - Do exercise 1 (page 5), exercise 7 (page 10) LESSON PLAN 9 TRAN VAN TAI THCS LE NGOC HAN UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Period 2: Speak + Listen    I. OBJECTIVES: After the lesson, students may. - Develop speaking skill - Introduce themselves and respond to introduction - Have more knowledge of Tokyo, Liverpool and Perth. - Develop listening skill - Introduce themselves & respond to introduction - Have more knowledge of Tokyo, Liverpool and Perth. II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS: * Expression used in introduction: - Let me introduce myself. - Pleased to meet you - Hello, you must be . - Would rather + verb (simple form) III. TECHNIQUES: - Brainstorming - Question – answers IV. TEACHING AIDS: - Brainstorming - Questions – answers. - Pictures of money bills - Cassette recorder + tape V. TIME : 45 minutes VI. PROCEDURES * Revision of the old lesson : 5 minutes - Students tell the names of places in the pictures (page 6) Steps Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Warm up & Presentation . Asking students some questions after showing the world map and the picture of Petronas Twin Towers: - “ Where is the Petronas? In which city and country? Please locate Malaysia on the world map”. * Introducing the context of the dialogue Nga is talking to Maryam. They are introducing themselves while waiting . Lan outside her school. Now put the dialogue between Nga and Maryam in the correct order - Listening and answering questions. - Singing that song Preparing day : Teaching day : Week : LESSON PLAN 9 TRAN VAN TAI THCS LE NGOC HAN Pre-listening While – listening Post – listening * Explaining the use of some expressions in self- introduction : - Hello , you must be . . . - Let me introduce, I’m . . . - Pleased to meet you * Introducing the new lesson: “Tim’s pen pal is Carlos. He comes from Mexico, a country to the South of the USA Now, you’ll hear the conversation about what to do and where to go” - Having students look at the pictures in the textbook and answer the questions: a. What do the two signs tell us? b. What are the differences between the two buses? c. Guess where Carlos like to eat? * Having students listen to the type and choose the correct picture (twice). * Asking students to give the answers and correcting misstates. - Asking students to retell the story after looking at the three correct pictures “Now, look at the pictures and retell the story. You can start like this : Tim and Carlos went downtown by bus. First, they went through a park .” prompts (writing under the pictures) - Carlos/walk/grass/see/sign - Catch /130 bus - Eat/ hamburgers. - Explaining : WOUD RATHER + Verb - Answering the questions. - Listening and doing the task. - Retelling the story - Carlos walked on the grass because he didn’t see the sign. Then they caught the 130 bus. They would eat hamburgers. Practice Controllded practice : . Having students practice the dialogue in pairs Futher practice: . Asking students to read about Yoko, Paul and Jane carefully(in textbook) . Having students work in groups of 4. Students take turns acting as one of Maryam’s friends - Practising the dialogue in pairs. - Reading about Maryam’s friends - Practicing in groups Production/ Consolidation . Having students work in pairs : one student takes the role of another of Maryam’s friends from any city and country . Asking some pairs to perform before class - Working in pairs LESSON PLAN 9 TRAN VAN TAI THCS LE NGOC HAN HOMEWORK : - Make up a dialogue between you and Maryam’s friends from any city country (imagine another of Maryam’s friends) - Do exercise 1 & 2 (Page 6 ,7) in the workbook. - Do exercise 3 (page 7) in the workbook. - Prepare for period 4 : Read. LESSON PLAN 9 TRAN VAN TAI THCS LE NGOC HAN UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Period 3: Read    I. OBJECTIVES: After the lesson, students may. - Develop reading skills - Have more knowledge of Malaysia and the ASEAN. II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS: - Would related to Malaysia: religion, population, languages, area, climate, location . III. TECHNIQUES: - Scanning - Question – answers IV. TEACHING AIDS : - Map - Pictures V. TIME : 45 minutes VI. PROCEDURES Steps Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Warm up / Pre-reading - Having students play the game : Hangman (Asking students to give the name of countries in the world). - Lead in : “We have known about Malayia in the previous lesson. Today, we’ll learn more about the climate, population, languages, religion . of this country”. - Asking students to look at the table in the textbook (exercise a) and explaining the new words: - Area - Population - Climate - Unimate - Unit of currency - Offical religion - National language - Compulsory - Second language Task 1 : Scan the text and complete the table. Doing task 1 - Playing the game in groups While – reading * Having students do exercise a * Asking students to compare answers in pairs. * Giving correct answers and explaining other * Doing exercise a Preparing day : Teaching day : Week : LESSON PLAN 9 TRAN VAN TAI THCS LE NGOC HAN words based on context: - Square kilometer (sqkm) - Tropical - Buddhism - Hinduism - Malay (Bahasa Malaysia) - Tamil Task 2 : Work in pairs, doing exercise b (True – False). - Having students do exercise b and correct the false statements. * Doing exercise b in pairs. Post – reading Task 3 : (Option 1) Interview - Asking students to work in pairs (You are going to visit Malaysia. Prepare some questions to ask Maryam about her country (refer to the chart on page 10) A: Hi, Maryam. I am going to visit Malaysia on my summer holiday. I’d like to know something about your country. Can you help me? B: Of course/ Yes, certainly A: What language is spoken in your country? B : . (Option 2 ) Use the same table as of and fill in the information about Vietnam. Then work in pairs and report to your partner. - Area : 330,991 - Population : > 75 million - Unit of currency : dong - Offical religion : no - National language : Vietnamese HOMEWORK: - Learn by heart the new words - Use the same table as of task a, and fill in the information about any country in the ASEAN. (Refer to the word map). LESSON PLAN 9 TRAN VAN TAI THCS LE NGOC HAN UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Period 4: Write    I. Objectives After the lesson, students may - Develop writing skills. - Have more knowledge of the basic format of a personal letter. - Write a personal letter based on a suggested outline. II. Language contents: - Review of verb tenses (present, past, present perfect) III. Techniques - Questions – answers IV. Teaching aids: - Visual presenter - Handouts (sample letter) V. Time: 45 minutes VI. Procedures: Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up/ Pre-writing • Asking students some questions: - Have you ever visited any other places in Viet Nam? - When did you go there? - How did you get there? - When you are away from home, do you keep in touch? How? Lead in: Imagine you are visiting your relatives or friends in another part of Viet Nam or a different country • Asking students somes questions: - Where are you now? - Who did you meet? - What places have you visited? - What kind of food have you tried? - What souvenirs have you bought? . - How do you feel now? - What do you think interest you most? - When are you returning home? • Answering the questions • Answering the questions Preparing day : Teaching day : Week : LESSON PLAN 9 TRAN VAN TAI THCS LE NGOC HAN • Asking students to work in pairs: asking and answering those questions • Showing a sample letter and asking students to identify different parts of the letter. 1. Heading: Writer’s address and the date 2. Salutation/ Opening: Dear . 3. Body of the letter: Introduction, Main parts, Concluding comment 4. Closing: Your friend/ Regard . • Asking and answering those questions in pairs. While – writing - Having students discuss in groups of 4 for what to write in their letter, following the format of the sample letter. - Asking students to write letters on groups of 4 students. Writing in groups Post – writing - Choosing 2 or 3 letters to correct with the whole class. Other letters will be collected for later correction. HOME WORK: - Write the letter (after correction) on their notebooks - Prepare for the Language focus. LESSON PLAN 9 TRAN VAN TAI THCS LE NGOC HAN UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Period 5: Language focus    I. Objectives: After the lesson, students may - Know how to use the past simple tense and the past simple with wish. II. Language contents: - Grammar: - The past simple tense. - The past simple with wish III. Techniques - Questions – answers IV. Teaching aids: - Pictures (page 12) - Cards (in large size) V. Time: 45 minutes VI. Procedures: Language focus (45 ninutes) Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up - Having students play the game: Pelmanism (Refer to the past form of irregular verb). Activity 1: The past simple tense Lead in: This is the conversation between Tan and Phong. They are talking about what Ba did on the weekend. A : what did Ba do on the weekend? B : He went to see a movie called “Ghosts and Monsters”. A : When did he see it B : He saw it on Saturday afternoon at two o’clock - Reviewing the use and formation of the past simple tense. - Asking students to work in pairs to ask and answer question about what Ba, Nga, - Asking and answering the questions. S + V 2/ed Preparing day : Teaching day : Week : [...]... their friends about one of their friends and the conversation b) and c) LESSON PLAN 9 THCS LE NGOC HAN TRAN VAN TAI UNIT 2: Preparing day : Teaching day : Week : CLOTHING Period 4: Read  I OBJECTIVES: - Developing reading skills - Knowing the informations about the appearance and development of jeans II LANGUAGE CONTENTS: - Vocabulary: Words related to jeans - Grammar: the passive voice ( review... Write the correct sentences of exercise 2 and exercise 3 in your notebook - Do exercise 6 (page 9) in the workbook LESSON PLAN 9 THCS LE NGOC HAN TRAN VAN TAI UNIT 2: Preparing day : Teaching day : Week : I Aim: Helping students: CLOTHING  1 to ask and respond to question on personal preferences 2 to ask for and give information 3 to write an exposition II Language focus: - The Present Perfect - The... went boating in the river and had a picnic on the riverbank b) Liz enjoyed the trip very much; she took a lot of photos * True or false statements: LESSON PLAN 9 THCS LE NGOC HAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - TRAN VAN TAI Ask students to read the statements on page 23 then read the text and decide which is true and which is false Ba and his family had a two-day trip to their home village Many people like going there... Embroidered jeans, label, sale Checking them - Having students read the text then answer the questions - Playing the tape - Students read the text again to prepare task a (p 17) Task a) Fill in the missing dates and words - Giving the answer key - Having some of students reread the text and do the task b ( p 18 ) - Students work in pairs LESSON PLAN 9 THCS LE NGOC HAN TRAN VAN TAI Task b) Answer then... new words - Write the answers in task b (p 18 ) into your exercise notebooks - Prepare “ Write” (p.18) Preparing day : Teaching day : Week : UNIT 2: CLOTHING LESSON PLAN 9 THCS LE NGOC HAN TRAN VAN TAI Period 5: Write  I Aim: To write an exposition II Objective: - By the of the lesson students will be able to write an exposition , presenting one side of an argument III Teaching aids: - Textbook... the difference between the past simple and the present perfect, simple present, simple past and simple future; practice passive modal auxiliaries III Teaching aids: Textbook IV Time: 45 minutes V Procedure Stage Steps / Activities Work arrangement LESSON PLAN 9 THCS LE NGOC HAN TRAN VAN TAI Pelmanism: - Prepare ten cards with numbers (from 1 to 10) on one side and the verbs on the other - Stick the... used in questions Meaning: có bao giờ - Run through the vocabulary in exercise 3 on page 20 Read a comic Use a computer Go to the market Go to Singapore Go to the movies See an elephant - Play volleyball Eat durian Students work in pairs to practice asking and answering about each of the items in the box Example: A: Have you ever read a comic? LESSON PLAN 9 THCS LE NGOC HAN TRAN VAN TAI B: Yes, I have... LESSON PLAN 9 THCS LE NGOC HAN TRAN VAN TAI Lesson 3 Read Understand the text and complete the summary Lesson 4 Write Write a passage about a picnic in the countryside Lesson 5 Language focus Further practice in past simple with wish Preposition of time and adverb clause of result Preparing day : Teaching day : Week : I UNIT 3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE Period 1: Getting started & Listen and read ... Indian (She is wearing a sari.) e) He comes from the USA (He is wearing jeans.) f) She comes from (Saudi) Arabia (She is wearing a veil.) Pre-reading Work arrangement - Group work * Pre teach vocabulary - a poet (example: Nguyen Du ,To Huu, Huy Can, are … ) :nhà thơ - Teacher whole class LESSON PLAN 9 THCS LE NGOC HAN TRAN VAN TAI - a long silk tunic (translation):áo lụa dài rộng (to) slit: (explanation:... from the city? LESSON PLAN 9 THCS LE NGOC HAN Prelistening While listening TRAN VAN TAI B: It’s about 15 kilometers from the city A: How can you get there? B: We can you get there by bus A: How long does it take to get there? B: it takes an hour A: What do people do for a living in your village? B: They plant rice and raise cattle A: Does your village have a river? B: There aren’t any rivers, but there . ask and answer question about what Ba, Nga, - Asking and answering the questions. S + V 2/ed Preparing day : Teaching day : Week : LESSON PLAN 9 TRAN VAN. compare answers in pairs. * Giving correct answers and explaining other * Doing exercise a Preparing day : Teaching day : Week : LESSON PLAN 9 TRAN VAN TAI

Ngày đăng: 23/07/2013, 01:25


THCS LE NGOC HAN - Tieng Anh 9Giao an 9 chi tiet HKI

