VINH BÁNguyên GV chuyên Anh, Trường Quốc học Huế TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI NHÀ XUẤT BẢN ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI... VĨNH BÁNguyên giáo viên chuyên Anh, Trường Quốc học Huế TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI TRUNG HQC
Trang 1VINH BÁ
(Nguyên GV chuyên Anh, Trường Quốc học Huế)
Trang 2VĨNH BÁ
(Nguyên giáo viên chuyên Anh, Trường Quốc học Huế)
(Tái bản lẩn thứ tư sửa chữa, b ổ sung theo tinh thẩn thi mới 2015)
* ^ ậ p sách này là bộ sưu tập các bài tập Tiếng Anh được chia thành
12 chủ điểm Nhằm cung cấp cho các giáo viên Tiếng Anh một nguồn tư liệu giảng dạy và cho các học sinh một tư liệu luyện tập để củng cố kiến thức trước các kì thi.
Đe rèn luyện thêm từ vựng, học sinh có thể làm các chưomg từ I đến
V {Muliiple Choice Tests, Lexical Cloze Tests, Open Cỉoze Tests, Word
Pormation và Trios o f Gapped Sentences) Các chưoưg VI {Sentence Compleíion), VII {Sentence tra n sfo rm a tio n ) và VIII ựỉrror Correc- tion) dùng cho việc rèn luyện kĩ năng nhận biết cấu trúc câu.
Ba chương IX (Prepositions), X (Phrasal Verbs) và XI {Correct Verb
Porms) là những bài tập quan trọng về giới từ, động từ kép và dạng động
từ là những điểm ngữ pháp luôn được hỏi đến trong mọi kì thi tiếng Anh.
Chương XII {Reading Comprehemion) là phần không thể thiếu trong
mọi giáo trình liếng Anh, cung cấp các bài dọc để ròn luyện kĩ năng hiểu văn Câu hỏi đi kèm bài đọc thuộc nhiều dạng khác nhau, trong đó dạng câu hỏi đa chọn lựa (Multiple Choicc Questions) là thông dụng nhất trong các kì thi ờ nước ta.
Ngoại trừ chương I (Multiple Choice Tcsts) và II (Lexical Cloze Tests) là những câu hỏi trắc nghiệm về lừ vựng quen thuộc, các phần khác chứa nhưng câu hỏi tự luận yôu cầu người học phải viết câu trả lời Mặc dù các kì thi Tú Tài và Đại học không còn sử dụng câu hỏi tự luận nữa nhưng muốn làm đúng câu hỏi trắc nghiệm, người học phải luyện tập qua những câu hỏi tự luận này.
Cuối sách là 2 phụ lục về giới từ để học sinh tham khảo khi làm các bài tập thuộc chương XI và X.
Tập sách này thích họp cho các học sinh đang ôn thi tú tài, cao đẳng
và đại học, và đặc biệt có ích cho các học sinh chuyên ngữ và các học sinh trong đội tuyển tiếng Anh chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi học sinh giỏi Tiếng Anh cấp quốc gia, tỉnh hoặc thành phố.
Xin chân thành cảm ơn các tác giả và các nhà xuất bản có tư liệu mà chúng tôi mạo muội đưa vào tập sách này.
Người sưu tập và tuyến chọn
Vĩnh Bả
Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h - 3
Trang 4MULTIPLE CHOICE TESTS Choose the best altemative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences 1
I find th e w ay she keeps playing w ith her hair r e a lly
A thrilled B irritated c thrilling D irritating
2 She w a s to discover that she had won íĩrst prize.
A excited B lucky c astonished D nervous
You m u st have f e l t w hen all your exam s were over.
A relieved B upset c irritated D cross
The Silence o f the L am bs is th e m o s t _
A terrifíed B tcrrif3ãng c scarod
íĩlm I’ve ever seen.
D excited
I w a s that Tom could come to th e party after all.
A irritating B nervous c íurious D glad
The m anager really w anted Anna to join th e company: he believed she would be a v a lu a b le to his team o f sales people.
A addition B accum ulation c supplem ent D appendage
E verything included, th e cost o f our new living room came to a total o f £10,000.
A full B great c gross D grand
W hen th e ship docked at Hamburg, th ey found a _
A gate-crasher B stow aw ay c interloper
_ in th e hold
D trespasser
If you know when you’re Corning back it would be better to huy a
A ílrst-class B single c return D one-way
10 Cheese and spinach pie is a traditional G reek _
A cuisine B food c course D dish
11 How long does it usuỄdly take to
A check in B check out
for a dom estic ílight?
c check over D check on
12 The brochure stated the hotel was situ a te d _
A direct B right c precise
13 Sheila had b u tterílies in h e r before the interview
A face B heart c palms
beside th e sea
D exact
14 I h adn’t b een riding before and could b a r e ly _
A get into B get out o f c get on
Trang 515 I m isread th e tim e on th e ticket and w e th e plane.
A caught II got on c lost D m issed
16 Although Vicky looked pretty much the sam e after all th ose years, I
n o tic e d changes which madc her look even more beautiful than I remembered
A subtle B sen sitive
17 If they had been w e a r in g
plane crashed into the sea.
A cabins B seat-belts
c fair D joint they m ight have survived w hen their
A drive B space c distance D length en
20 T hey’re startin g t h e ir _ by ílying to Tokyo.
A travel B voyage c journey D trip
21 The shop a ssistan t was m ost _
price on th e jar o f olives.
A likely B unlikely c likeable D likeness
23 I don’t know w hy exactly but I suspect him o f b e in g
A dish onesty B dishonest c dishonestly D h onesty
24 He hired a to try to follow her everywhere she w ent.
A private investigator B caretaker
c litcguard D traĩíĩc warden
_ business selling spare parts for cars on the Internet
B proíltable c proíĩt D proíítably
25 He runs a very
A proííting
1 The _ in our building often falls asleep at th e front desk.
A caretaker B stockbroker c undertaker D bookm aker
2 He took w ith m any of th e points she made, claim ing th ey were ịncorrect.
A exception B issuc c account D trouble
Trang 63 The sink is com pletely blocked so w e’ll have to get a ( n ) _
A m iner B undertaker c surgeon D plumber
4 The o r g a n is e r s how m any people would be atten d in g the course and there w ere not enough chairs.
A underestim ated B overestim ated
a m inute! I can ’t íínd m y keys.
A Keep on B Hold on c Go on D Carry on
You ju st never lift a to help m e — I have to do everỊdhing myselí!
A shoulder B hand c finger D w rist
S cien tists seem to be trying to push t h e o f nature to th e lim it.
A law s B codes c rules D regulations There w as a on th e door who w ouldn’t let us into the disco.
A reíeree B lifeguard c w restler D bouncer
I w on ’t act in íllm s th at are too violent — I th e line at that.
A paint B m ake c draw D w rite
10 I had lost m y glasses in th e w ater and could barely
A notice B recognise c rem ark
the edge o f the
D distinguish
11 If y o u to Berlin, call m y friend Peter and say “h ello ” from me.
A will go B w o n ’t go c go D going
12 She gets fìfteen per c e n t on every Insurance policy she sells.
A salary B com m ission c bonus D pension
13 My uncle is th in k in g o f
travelling round th e world
A retiring
c being sacked
next yeeir and spending th e rest o f his life
B being made redundant
D being resigned
14 Before th ey opened th e new factory a lot o f th e young people round here
w e r e th e dole.
15 She h a s _ a position as general manager.
A applied B applied for c solicited D asked
16 I worked all sum m er but I didn’t
A gain B w in
_ enough to save any m oney.
c pay D earn
17 In th e interview th ey asked if I had m u c h
A experience B experim ent
c experim ents D experiences
w ith com puters.
Tài liệu óìì thi TH PT Oiiốc U 1 ÔÌ 1 Tiéitỉỉ A n h - 7
Trang 718 M any governm ents have tried to b a n
A syndicates B em ployers c trade un ion s D em ployees
19 There is a special section o f the newspaper en tirely devoted to j o b
A advertisem ents B announces
c propaganda D publicity
20 I look forward t o from you and receiving your brochure.
A heard B hearing c hear D hears
23 It doesn’t m atter w hich footb£dl team you support t h e
the wrong.
A linesm an B referee c arbitrator D um pire
24 I think the
A net
is a bit too high, don’t you?
B ring c pitch D set
25 , I w ant to explain w hy the team has not m anaged to get into the íírst division.
A At the end B In the end c Pinally D Last
I’d like to huy the radio, but I haven’t got any m oney on m e at the
m om ent Could y o u for m e for a day or two?
A bring it round B lay it in
c take it in D put it on one side
2 “W ere you told to get dinner ready?”
“No, I did it o f m y o w n ”
A desire B accord c idea D will
3 Mr N ew rich invited h is gu ests to an expensive restaurant However, he
A con stitu en t B elem ent
c ill D unw ell
in the crowd for th e violence
c division D portion
5 The police arrested th e wrong m an m ainly because th ey
nam es th ey had been given hy the w itness.
A bewildered B m erged c coníused D puzzled
Trang 87.
8 .
The police car raced down th e Street w ith t h e
A siren B bell c gong
H is parents died w hen he w as very young so he was
A grown up B taken care c taken after
I have b een eatin g honey so m y fingers a r e _.
A dirty B sticky c w et
D alarm by an aunt.
D brought up
D yellow Mrs Proper alw ays tells her child not to talk w ith his m outh _
A wide B open c together D full
10 I have alw ays
A taken up
m y older brother for his courage and honesty.
B taken after c looked up to D looked after
11 After th e gu ests had left w e wero allowed to eat the
A rem aining B left c m issed
D additional
12 D on’t be s o _ ! H e w as only joking.
A sensible B sen seless c sen sitive D in sen sitive
13 The conspirators w ere plotting the
A overthrow B disaster
_o f th e governm ent.
c dem olition D catastrophe
14 W hen I entered th e room, the children w e r e _ over th e last orange.
A C onsulting B d iscu ssin g c sq u ab b lin g D p articip atin g
15 My sister has j u s t _ sixteen.
A com pleted B turned c becom e
16 A good w ay o f food is keeping it in a fridge.
A enduring B extending c prolonging
17 M any A sian countries still rely on rice as t h e _
A sta p le B Capital c superior
18 The dish had a very in terestin g taste as it w a s
A spiced B pickled c seasoned
D had
D preserving food.
D w inning _ w ith lemon.
D ílavoured
19 The sight o f so m any sw eets m ade the children’s m o u th _
A drip B w ater c m oisten D w et
21 “A nother cup o f coffee?” — “No, but th a n k s _
A not at all B for all c all the sam e D you for all
22 It w as v e r y _
A generous
o f you to lend u s your car for th e w hole week.
B am bitious c m odest D thoughtless
Tài ìiệu ôn thi TH PT Ouốc ffia môn Tiénỉỉ A n h
Trang 923 W e’ll have to íĩnd som eone to
A bring up B get on
24 I don’t th in k you should be so
our plants w hile w e’re away on
c grow up D look after
w ith th e children W atching television for h a lf an hour a day w on ’t do them any harm.
A stubborn B strict c reliable D thoughtful
25 It was very
A loyal
o f you to eat th e last slice o f cake vvithout asking
B sen sitive c self-confident D naughty
Even very active children oíten stop playing sport w hen t h e y _
A tell o fĩ B bring up c grow up D look up
There is som e controversy over who is responsible for th e _ penicillin.
A creation B discovery c invention D revolution
I in ferr ed his rem ark that Mrs V egetarian doesn ’t eat m eat.
He said he would sue us, but I don’t think h e ’l l his threat.
A achieve B bring about c períorm D carry out How about a glass o f orange juice t o your thirst?
A quash B quench c quell
He w as arrested for trying to pass
A camouAaged B fake
D quieten notes at the bank.
c counterfeit D fraudulent The safe deposit b o x a high-pitched sound w hen it w as moved.
A ejected B excluded c expelled D em itted
Her chain w as m ade o f _
A lthough it w as o n ly jew ellery, it looked real enough.
A ííctional B untrue c invented D im itation You £u:e late again - please try to be in future.
A accurate B punctual c eíĩìcien t D reliable
A íter he broke th e window, the boy w a s from school.
A exiled B excluded c extracted D expelled
1 0 - Vììih Bá
Trang 1013 A child’s íìrst five years are the m ost im portant as far as learning is
A concerned B affected
14 I don’t th in k th ey ’ll be taking
c hit D touched any more teachers th is term because there aren ’t m any students.
17 The p o lic e o ff th e Street w here the bomb had gone oíĩ.
A cordoned B battened c fastened D shuttered
18 We all m ake m istakes; no-one is
A fallible B iníallible
19 Everyone laughed w hen he took
A over B up
c m istaken D unmistaikable the teacher so well.
c o ff D out
20 He offered m e $500 to break my contract T h at’s
A bribery B blackm ail c com pensation D reward
21 It w as such a shock to receive a letter like t h a t
A in th e red B out o f th e blue
c in th e pink D over the moon
22 The h o o lig a n th e m oney out o f m y hand and ran away.
A snatched B gripped c clutched D w ithdrew
23 As he w as caught in
A control
_ o f a gun, he w as im m ediately a suspect.
B possession c ownership D handling
24 He is doing a S cien ce at the U niversity o f Edinburgh.
A career B certiBcate c title D degree
25 The teacher told us to learn the irregular v e r b s heart.
1 The co n d u cto r th e boys off for m isbehaving on the bus.
A told B said c shouted D cried
Trang 113 After considering the case, th e judge put th e young o ffe n d e r for two years.
A in charge B in control c on trial D on probation
4 An IQ test is supposed to m easure t h e o f your intelligence.
A level B exten t c degree D size
5 She w as sen t out o f th e exam ination room because th e exam iner caught
A truant B th e fool c for tim e D hard to get
9 I’ve got so m uch spare tim e now Tm th inking o f t a k in g _
hobby like stam p collecting.
o f doing th is work - she should change her class.
B capable c possible D suitable that students are expected to attend classes
B rem inded
13 The traíííc policem an let her _
driving way over th e speed lim it
A up B off
c perceived D noted _ w ith a w arning though she was
14 This is an exciting book w hich
A breaks B reaches c scratches
c on D out _ new ground in educational
Trang 1216 W hen the detectives finally trapped him , he had t o to lying.
A recourse B resource c resort D retort
17 He w as very thrilled w hen he heard he h a d th e exam.
A passed B approved c failed D won
18 I w ish h e ’d let u s m ake som e o f th e decisions instead o f com pletely
ta k in g all our m eetings.
20 Prof R ush w as speaking so quickly I couldn’t
A accept B listen c catch
21 Jane said she could n o t the inform ation given in th e lecture.
A accum ulate B absorb c admire D listen
22 Mr W ellbred w en t to a school which good m anners and discipline.
self-A blossom ed B planted c harvested D cultivated
23 The sm ell o f th e burnt cabbage w as so th at it spread to every room.
A pervasive B eíĩu sive c extensive D d iíĩu se
24 Suddenly I understood períectly and everything f e l l place.
25 Mr Horrid w as a terrible teacher and obviously n o t for teaching.
A cut in B cut on c cut up D cut out
1 M ost o f the
A review s
were unim pressed by h is latest fílm.
B criticising c critics D com m ents
_ in th e second act.
D script
2 It w as so em barrassing w hen Romeo forgot his
A paper B lines c part
3 I hope th e fílm has a h a p p y
A finish B end c finale D ending
4 It’s surprising th e pertorm ance w ent so w ell after only t h r e e _
A rehearsals B auditions c applauses D directions
5 H igh risk sports have really taken
Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Oiiốc gia tuôn TiếnỊi A n h 13
Trang 136 The p e r so n th e orchestra was a young w om an in her early tw enties.
A com posing B directing c conducting D leading
7 W e’re alw ays pla5ãn g tricks on P ete because he tak es ages t o _
8 Little Tom did not like h is íĩ r s t at school at all.
A course B period c presence D term
9 There w as a ( n ) against the C ollege’s new syllabuses.
A bang B outcry c scream D w hist
10 N ew stu d en ts m u s t for classes before term begins.
A enrol B enter c join D tcach
11 W hen you listen to a lecture, it is useful t o
A clear B put down c notify
the im portant points
B w rite on
12 Prof Silver w as a m ost eíTective speaker and his audience seem ed to on h is every word.
c hang
13 My brother found it diíĩĩcult to learn to w rite because ho i s
A left-handed B right-handed
c single-handed D two-handed
14 In w riting th e account o f his summ er adventures, N eville chose not to
his experiences in the order in which th ey happened.
A com pose B classify c compare D arrange
15 This cheese has g o n e You’ll have to throw it away.
A m ouldy B decayed c stale D contam inated
16 The steak looked tender, but it was as tough a s _
A a belt B a saddle c old boots D rubber
17 D inner w ill be s e r v e d _ but we have tim e for a drink before then.
A actually B currently c lately D presently
18 Can you help m e w o r k
A brochure B syllabus c programme D compendium
21 Slow down a bit I can ’t
A get B hold
up w ith you w hen you walk so fast
c keep D work
14 - Vìììh Bá
Trang 1422 The lecturer spoke so fast that I found it hard to t a k e _
A angles B features c aspects D qualities
24 F ailin g th e final exam w as a b ig to m y hopes.
25 Sign your nam e on t h e line.
A dotted B broken c drawn D spotted
1 We shall have to u se that glass as we are a c u p
A few B short c m inus D less
2 Som e language stud en ts reach a high
com m unication.
A degree B grade c level
o f com petence in
D mark
3 U n ĩo r tu n a te ly , State sch o o ls d o n ’t have m uch in th e
fa cilitie s com pared to p rivate schools.
A part B case c m eans D way
6 On Sunday, Vivian studied for seven h o u r s _
A on end B at once c in full D at length
7 Tom handcd in the test and awaited the r e s u lts
A in th e sam e breath B out o f breath
c w ith bated breath D under her breath
8 D on’t tell m e your nam e again I t’s _ _ _ _ _ .
in her left shoulder for a w eek now.
B ache c pain D hurt
Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc gia m ôn Tiếng A n h 15
Trang 1510 Do you th in k parents should
m uch tim e Online?
A deny B refuse
their children from spending too
c disqualify D prevent
11 He criticised her in th e m eeting and Pm afraid sh e’s really taken it to
A hcỄirt B brain c mind D chest
and Cíirry him
12 He w as so badly injured th at th ey had to bring on a _
off th e íootball pitch.
A bed B ham m ock c stretcher D bunk
13 In som e countries you don’t need a doctor’s to huy antibiotics.
A recipe B prescription c receipt D no te
14 The nurse took his
A heat
and checked that he w as comfortable.
B fever c tem perature D therm al
15 Y o u _ be hungry again W e’ve ju st had lunch!
A m igh tn ’t B can’t c m ay not D m u stn ’t
16 Jane is s o _
A in ten t
17 It suddenly
A dawned
in her work that it would be a pity to disturb her
B atten tive c consum ed D absorbed
on m e w hat he really m eant
B cam e c hit
18 You w ill need a pen and som e paper to
dilílcult to do in your head.
A discover B work out c realise
D struck
th is problem It is too
D find out
19 The little country hotel served them a m eal ílt f o r
A a king B a lord c an emperor D a queen
20 Let m e th e bill before we leave th is restaurant.
A arrange B conclude c settle D pay up
21 Would you please
A refrain
from sm oking w hile the lecture is in progress?
B keep yo u rselí c avoid D stop
22 This c o u r s e no previous knowledge o f the subject.
A assem bles B assum es c assigns D assures
23 The stu d en ts p a id attention to their distinguished prolessor.
A respectable B respected c respectlul D respective
24 Mr D iscon ten t w anted to com plain to the w aiter but w as afraid of maiking a ( n )
25 Have y o u for any evening classes next term?
A enrolled B engaged c inscribed D signed
16 Vĩnh Bú
Trang 16her dress because she had lost so m uch w eight
B change c loosen D alter
3 Look at th at beautiful brooch! I only paid $3 for it at th e sale It was a
You’ll b e your m oney if you buy that hat: you will never wear it.
A giving aw ay B w asting c saving D losing
The cost o f th e m aterial is in the
I d on ’t th in k I could eat a n y , but I’d like a coffee.
A dessert B starter c m ain course D second helping
8 Can y o u th e soup w hile I slice the bread?
A sprinkle B w hisk c roll D stir
9 I fínd it really hard to w alk in shoes w ith very h ig h
A soles B h eels c bottom s D supports
10 Could you go down to th e baker’s and get m e a
couple o f jam doughnuts.
A loaf B piece c lump
o f bread and a
D slice
11 He w as charged w ith a ( n ) o f currency regulations.
A break B disrespect c breach D observance
12 Our Insurance policy offers im m ediate _
burglary, accident or daimage by íìre.
A cart B security c relief
against th e risk of
D cover
13 The m an jum ped out o f th e window and co m m itted
A suicide B hom icide c m urder D death
14 She is alvvays w earing a strange red hat w ith a long
A hỄŨr B fur c feather
15 “How would you like your hair cut, sir? - “J u st a
A cut B trim c shave
in it.
D tail _ p lease.”
D snip
Tài ìiệii ôn thi TH PT Quốc íỊÌa môiì TiéiiỊỊ A n h 17
Trang 1716 Corporal Lucky w as hit by a bullet but he was o n ly _ wounded.
A barely B little c slightly D m erely
17 My sister works on the _
_ in the post offíce for over ten m inutes.
B line c queue D íĩle
19 I lost th e receipt and th e shop Eissistant refused to give m e a _
A discount B refund c guarantee D exchange
20 They said th ey could order it for m e because th ey didn’t have m y size in
21 Our local superm arket charges a lot t o
A deliver B carry c bring
D bear
22 The accused m an w as able to prove h is innocence at th e trial and was
A absolved B acquitted c forgiven D pardoned
23 If the terrorists are not sen t to prison, there will be a public
A attack B onslaught c recrim ination D outcry
24 The prisoners had spent alm ost a m onth digging a _
guEirds discovered it.
A pipe B tu n nel c subway D pass
1 D on’t take th at road T here’s always v e r y traffic along there.
A heavy B strong c powerful D hard
2 .
S h e’s s o skinned th at nothing offends her.
A hard B thick c strong D heavy
This tea is t o o for me Could you bring m e som e hot water?
A strong B thick c hard D heavy
The older children used to
A get B hit
on him in the playground at lunch tim e
c pick D beat
P u t th e lid back on the tin so that the biscuits
A stay B bring c get
crisp and fresh
D becom e
Trang 187.
1’m afraid th a t th e herring w e had for supper has given m e
A sickness B indisposition c infection D indigestion
M iss D iligent did nine hours’ stud3ãng a day for her exam.
A solid B heavy c powerful D big
It w as during m y stay in India that I
A gained B acquired c got
taste for very hot curry.
D received
I suppose I lent the book to Simon, but I’m alm ost sure I didn’t.
A m ight B could c m ust have D m ight have
10 Y o u th at m an our phone number I didn’t tru st him at all.
A m ust not have gi ven B m ight not have gi ven
c should not have gi ven D could not have gi ven
11 The hot w eather has m ade t h e even worse.
A fam ine B drought c Aoods D hail
12 F ortunately only three passengers suffered m in o r _
A hurts B pains c injuries D dam ages
13 The governm ent have declared a State of
A crisis B em ergency c urgency
after yesterday’s
14 S cientists are w orking to find a cure f o r
A ills B inílrm ities c diseases
D danger like AIDS.
16 This lim e juice n e e d s _ beíore you can drink it.
A diluting B dissolving c soíten in g
D reíugees
D w atering
17 Put the orange
A skin
_ in the w aste basket, not on the floor
B find c Shell D peel
18 People were injured h y
A sleet B gale
stones the size o f ten n is balls.
c hail D snow
19 The food th ey serve here is excellent because th ey have a f in e
A cooker B ch ef c headwaiter D stove
20 I can ’t rem em ber M£Lry’s number r i l have t o in th e phone book.
A look it up B look it c look for D look it out
21 They arrived so late for the meal, that the food w a s
A dried B hard c spoilt D lost
22 D on’t bring th ose clothes in off the line yet T h ey’re still a b i t
A hum id B m ild c cool D damp
Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h 19
Trang 1925 They ha ve closed th e centre o f the city to traíĩĩc because of
A overpopulation B contam ination
A absolutely B extrem ely c very D terribly
Her s o le in th e hotel kitchen was peeling potatoes.
A role B profession c job D work
Be careíul not to
A bend
th e tray too m uch or th e g la sse s w ill slid e OÍT.
B tilt c incline
5 Can’t I _ you to another piece o f cake?
A convince B persuade c pull
I couldn’t open th e w ine as I didn’t have a
A corkdriver B corkscrew c lever
A canals B channels c w ays D num bers
10 I w ish th e papers w eren ’t always so full of about th e royal family.
A gossip B rumour c slander D chat
My íavourite radio is Radio 3.
A canal B channel c station D way
A rude bov his tongue out at me.
A put B stuck c showed D to o k
20 \'^nh Bã
Trang 20control? I w ant to see if m y favourite soap
c distant D rem ote
16 He never really g o t
A through B by
his relationship w ith Jenny.
c over D up
17 W aiting outside th e exam ination room, I trem bled w it h
A com prehension B apprehension
18 Fm terribly sorry but w e h aven ’t got any copies o f the book in stock They s o ld early th is morning.
19 It is th at stud en ts will have doubled their vocabulary in three
m onths.
A worry B íoreseen c hope D anticipated
20 I w ould n ’t eat th ose gooseberries if I were you, th ey don’t lo o k
to me.
A ripe B ready c íorm ed D underdone
21 In a m ultiple-choice exercise it ’s som etim es easier to the wrong answ ers before choosing the right one.
A om it B exclude c give D elim inate
22 That fish sm ells terrible! Throw it in t h e
25 She is hard-working and efficient _
experience o f th is kind o f work.
A As w ell as B N ot only c However
D ru b b ed , she has had several years’
D Furtherm ore
Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc ^ ia môn TỉếtiỊìA iih 21
Trang 21! T hat sh elf is about to fall down
2 So w hat have you been g e t t in g w hilc I ’ve been away?
A down to B away w ith c up to D through to
3 w as she very rude to m y m other, but she in su lted my father too.
A N ot only B As w ell as c In addition to D Purtherm ore
4 passing all her cxam inations, she won a major tonnis tournam ent
th is m onth.
A In addition B Moreover c N ot only D As w ell as
5 Please give m e t w o ofbread.
A crum bs B ílakes c slices D lum ps
6 S h e hcr autom atic cookcr to cook th e m eat for scven o ’clock.
A set B put c arranged D tim ed
7 This knife is terr ib ly
A Sharp B flat
It w on ’t even cut a pieco o f checse
c blunt D thick The apple was so
A bad
_ that he put som e sugar on it.
B juicy c ripe D sour
He rubbed his ílnger round t h e o f th e glass.
10 A food m ixer is a very u s e fu l _ to have in the kitchen
A tool B instrum cnt c schem e D gadget
11 The refrigerator w a s w ith food.
A affluent B crammed c bloatcd
12 Our new cat is black w ith w h it e
A claws B hooves c w ings
13 As the elephant walked along he sw ung h i s
A beak B íĩn c trunk
D full
D paws from side to side
D hump
14 The lio n w hen th e keeper tried to m ake him go back into his cagc.
A roared B neighed c moocd D barked
15 I think it ’s tim e you
and told him you th in k th in gs should be
A killed two birds w ith one stone B put th e cat am ong th e pigeons
c took the bull by th e horns D got out o f th e rat race
22 Vĩnh Bá
Trang 2216 Why did you
be a surprise.
and m ention th e party to Roger? It w as supposed to
A let th e cat out o f the bag
c have k itten s
B put th e cat am ong th e pigeons
D kill two birds w ith one stone
17 It m u st be true I heard it straight from t h e _ m outh.
A dog’s B h orse’s c cam ers D ca t’s
18 I know y o u ’re u p set about breaking up w ith Tony but there are plenty
A hut B bungalow c cottage
w here clim bers could stay
D bed-sit
20 It took th em over an hour to put up t h e ir _
A hut B ten t c caravan
A a country B th e country c country D som e country
23 H ave you seen th e exhibition at th at n e w in th e high Street?
A stadium B theatre c cathedral D gallery
24 Com petition from goods produced w ith cheaper labour has m eant that
m a n y have closed.
A m arkets B factories c stadium s D galleries
25 The royal w edding was celebrated in the m agniíĩcent sixteenth-century
A cath ed ral B theatre c m arket D gallery
1 The puppy was
A sniggering
_ so m uch I nearly dropped him
B vvriggling c chuckling D giggling
2 We w e r e that th e íligh t would be delayed for two hours.
A invited B ordered c intorm ed D instructed
3 He m anaged to the branch o f a tree and avoid being sw ept away
by th e flood w aters.
A grasp B clutch c hug D m unch
Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h 23
Trang 234 That m an next to m e on the bus m ust have been a
B prosecutions c w itn esses
w hen he was caught trying to catch a plane to France.
B put on probation
D acquitted
7 Skilled _ have produced períect copies o f m any o f the w orld’s fam ous paintings.
A m uggers B sm ugglers c rapists D íorgers
8 The judge released him on
next week.
A sen ten ce B bail
but h e ’11 have to appear in court again
c punishm ent D fine
9 We made
A out
th e nearest port w hen w e hearđ th e storm warning
10 The judge’s r u lin g _ a w ave o f protest cam paigns across the country.
A instigated B launched c provoked D com m enced
11 Mrs Baker rolled out the pastry and cut it into pretty before baking it.
A shapes B pictures c m easures D sizes
12 If you don’t lift th at saucepan carelully, it will spill and you m a y yourseir.
13 I don’t like m y steak cooked too long I like it
A burnt B underdone c raw D w ell done
14 Frozen food should always b e before it is cooked.
A defrosted B dissolved c m elted D soítened
15 W hen you have cracked th e eggs, put t h e in th e rubbish bin.
A coverings B shells c covers D skins
16 S h e th e tablecloth carefully and put it away in a drawer.
A bent B creased c foldcd D pleated
17 A fat lady sat on m y shopping bag in the bus a n d m y tom atoes.
A squashed B crushed c broke D squeezed
18 There w as a sh£irp and the plate broke into two pieces.
A bang B crack c crash D noise
24 - l in h Dá
Trang 2419 Can you give m e a teaspoon t o _ m y tea?
20 Instead o f tellin g her w here h e’d really been, he made
com plicated story.
A stale B scratchy c sloppy D rusty
_ an exam ination is supposed to see that nobody
23 The person who _
tries to cheat.
A dom inates B governs c supervises D leads
24 Add th e essen ce un til the teaspooníul is beaten into the m ixture.
A drop hy drop B inch hy inch c leaf hy lea f D spot hy spot
because there is an exam ination in the
25 Please don’t talk in th e _
A job B work c situation D place
2 I am in t h e as to w here Chris was last night.
A shade B pink c dark
3 Breaking his leg dealt a _
D eye
5 L et’s m ake a dash for the train now as the rain seem s to b e ofĩ.
A reducing B slow ing c easing D running
6 Our fírm is so successful because it is at the c u t t in g _
Trang 257 He w a s in ten sively for two vveeks before the ten n is tournam ent.
A coached lì practised c learned D taught
8 Our journey w as ■ by tho icy roads, w hich forced us to drive very slowly.
A obstructed B impeded c barred D blocked
9 Before the parachute jump he w as carefully
A shown
_ in safety procedures.
B fam iliarised c presented D instructed
10 S h e her daughter to the caxe o f a babysitter for th e evening.
A confided B consigned c entrusted D resigned
11 The e n g in e e r the m achine w ith a ham m er and, m iraculously, it roared back to life.
A slapped B smacked c punched D whacked
12 Fighting am ong rebel soldiers _
been im poscd on the city.
A enhanced B intensified
last night and a curfew has now
c heightened D aggravated
13 W hile other com panies collapsed in the econom ic recession, Cartwright
L td and share prices rose.
B exploited c proílted D gained her fiancé across the face during an argum ent and walked out o f th e restaurant.
A slapped B sm ashed c struck D punched
A ea rn ed
14 Rebecca
15 The yearly procession to the tem ple in honour o f the local deity w as an
im portant r e lig io u s in that city.
A activity B festival c fast D habit
16 Although she was able to walk w ith the aid o f crutches, having a broken
a n k le her m ovem ents considerably.
c intervened
A barred B blocked
17 The Oscar w in n in g actress s im p ly _
her acceptance speech.
A exuded B excludcd c expunged
D hindered charm and proíessionalism in
D extricated
18 After buying an expensive new penthouse M arianna was f l a t _
A shattered B torn c sm ashed D broke
19 The new political party came to t h e aíter the general election.
A fore B back c side D front
20 On the eighth day o f the strike the M inister
Trang 2621 Harry blew a w hen his holiday was cancelled.
A fuse B plug c sw itch D Socket
22 D espite her poor exam results, Alice put a face on th e situation.
A tough B brave c courageous D bold
23 I was thrilled to m ect Paul McCartney in the
him at the theatre.
A m eat B blood c ílesh
w hen I sat next to
D vein
24 I’m very sorry, but t h e s e are out o f stock at the m om ent.
A vvares B goods c com m odities D supplies
25 E a c h o f the house m ust pay his own tax.
A dvveller B settler c resident D inhabitant
1 Once at th e skating rink, Ivan was allowed to skatc to his h eart’s _
A happiness B delight c content D contentm ent
2 Ploods have co m p letely th e farm er’s crops.
A ruined B damaged c harmed D injured
3 I th e notice-board quickly, looking for second-hand cars for sale.
A peered at B scanned c scrutinised D inspected
4 The farm er m akes m oney h y pedigree horses.
A bringing up B nurturing c grow ing D breeding
5 For m onths I sat w ith my binoculars w atching a b ir d its young.
A breed B rear c bring up D grow
6 “H e m y rubbor, m iss!” shouted the boy.
A swiped B ripped off c abducted
7 M any forest- anim als were killed in the íĩre.
A settlin g B residing c inhabiting
8 This city has four m illio n
A residents B inhabitants c dwellers
D acquired
D dw elling
D settlers
9 D uring pioneer days a lot o f land in the U nited S tates w as up for
A gain B prom otion c grabs D taking
10 This lovely new dress fits like a
A glove B gauntlet c gown D tr e a t
11 Investors have t a k e n _ from the im proving econom ic situation.
A consolation B courage c heart D m eaning
Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Ouốc gia môn Tiếng A n h 27
Trang 2712 We at B u yrite throw down the
price, quality and Service.
A lam p-posts B gozdposts
14 The designer refuses to gild the
his creations.
A lily B flower
D roadblocks , preferring clean, sim ple lines for
c rose D daisy
15 W ith fuel in short supply, m achinery in th e factory slow ly ground to a(n)
A stop B halt c pause
16 The teacher w as adam ant and stuck to h i s
final exam.
A w eapons B neck c thum b
D end about th e date o f the
D guns
17 David decided th at sm oking w as ruining h is health and so gave it up for
A good B alw ays c all D once
18 For busy people in today’s society, liíestyle m anagem ent is gaining
A points B speed c terrain D ground
19 The governm ent is m aking li t t le _ in its ílg h t to beat inAation.
A forward B advance c headway D im provem ent
20 The art teacher gave the children a free
com positions.
A offer B gift c kick
in their Creative
D hand
21 The forensic e x p e r t the evidence looking for particles o f skin.
A scanned B glim psed at c scrutinised D peered at
22 My brother is a lw a y s m e about my hooked nose.
A teasin g B pestering c g ettin g on at D harassing
23 He m anaged t o the flow o f blood hy tigh tly bandaging th e wound.
A restrain B check c curb D inhibit
24 We intend th is to be a ( n ) project, taking us into th e n ext decade.
A constant B incessant c steady D ongoing
25 It w as only w hen he had been unem ployed for six m onths th at N eil’s situation h i t
A base B down c hom e D back
28 Vĩnh Bá
Trang 283 You were r e a lly _
A off-hand B in hand c at hand D on hand
5 After m aking several bad business deals the com pany w as losing m oney hand o v e r
c fist
6 Maggie is so moody and unpredictable S h e’s apt to fly off th e vvithout any real cause
A strap B handle c catch D belt
7 A (n ) proportion o f the population did not vote in the last elections.
A essen tial B fundam ental c grave D signiílcant
8 W hen a form er secret agent tried to publish his m em oirs, the governm ent had certain parts o f the b o o k
A forbidden B prohibited c censored D disallowed
9 Benjam in B ritten, th e composer, is probably m ost for h is opera
“P eter G rim es”.
A conspicuous B fam ous c remarkable D distinguished
10 scien tists from around the world m et in London to discuss a revolutionary new drug.
A N otew orthy B Elevated c Prestigious D E m inent
11 Greg has, to all in ten ts a n d , íínished his degree course, w ith the exception o f his final dissertation.
A purposes B reasons c aim s
12 It was
D proposals
ju stice for Ted to receive a parking fine w hen he was at the doctor’s
A poetic B only c rough D sm all
Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Oiiốc íỊÌa mâu T iể n ỉiA n h - 29
Trang 2913 There are more people employed, by and
than in m anufacturing nowadays.
A large B all c by
14 We giggled at th e sight o f Mrs B r o w n
inch stiletto heels.
A staggering B tottering c reeling
in th e Service sector
D through down th e road in her six-
D stum bling
15 He slam m ed m y hand in th e car door and, to add in su lt t o , didn’t stop to apologise.
A damage B harm c injury D infam y
16 We were all on a -edge until the very end o f th e Hitchcock íĩlm
A chair B knife c cliff D razor
17 Those stones have been here sĩnce t im e
A im m em orable B im m ortal c innuxnerable D im m em orial
18 Enjoy your “Sunw oy” cruise, safe in t h e th at everything has been taken care of.
A aw areness B recognition c knowledge D fact
19 This shoe repairer is so quick that he can sole and heel your shoes in a(n)
A m om ent B hurry c in stan t D jiffy
20 Sue spent w eeks in hospital after being serio u sly _ in a car crash.
A ruined B injured c impaired D damaged
21 W hen she lost her tem per, she
the vase her ex-husband had
c sm ashed D broke off _ over our dispute about property
B take legal aid
24 As long as you have the m o s t _
m ake do w ithout the other things.
c crucial D vital throughout the night w ithout lettin g
c continuously D eternally
Trang 301 The border guards have been accused o f refugees.
A pestering B gettin g on at c teasin g D harassing
2 My you n g nieces kept
A pestering
_ m e to buy them sw eets.
B teasin g c gettin g on at D harassing
I a plate w hen I w as w ashing up, but it can still be used.
A snapped B sm ashed c chipped D shattered
4 The w in d sc r e e n into a thousand pieces w hen th e car hit a post.
lamp-A sm ashed B shattered c snapped D crack ed
5 The optician says you have to wear glasses, like it o r it.
A jum p B loathe c dislike D lump
6 You w ill be p u ttin g your life on t h e _
A line B way c lane
if you take up skydiving.
D ground
7 H is íriends and fam ily left him in t h e w hen he w en t bankrupt.
A church B lurch c end D Street
8 r u r e s e r v e _on B en Shipley’s latest novel u n til I’ve read it.
A condem nation B thought c judgem ent D criticism
9 Tara w as really laying i t _
_w hen you said you had resigned from work?
B flat c level D tow n
11 Stars o f the Hollyvvood silver screen tended to be larger t h a n _
A life B drama c reality D ever
12 ơudging from th e noise it is m aking, the w ashing m achine is on its last
A gasp B legs c resort
13 I left th e house in a hurry and m y bedroom was
A scattered B dispersed c strew n
D breath
w ith clothes
D sprinkled
14 Always having h a d _ feet, D elia is off again, backpacking round India.
A itchy B scratchy c sore D light
15 The skaters
A slid
gracefully across the ice.
B glided c slipped
16 The cat slept p e a ceíu lly _ in the long grass.
A nestled B huddled c snuggled
D skidded
D cuddled
Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h 31
Trang 3117 Mr W rig h t _his vegetable garden carefully.
A atten d s B grows c m aintains D tends
18 Em ployees o f th e company are forbidden t o inform ation about the secret formula.
A betray B divulge c portray D unveil
19 The soldier didn’t his comrades even w hen he w as pressured to
do so.
A reveal B divulge c betray D disclose
20 The rem oval m en
A toted B shoved
th e heavy piano up th e stairs w ith great
c thrust D heaved
21 S h e _ a few clothes into a case and hurried to th e airport.
A scattered B piled c shoved D heaved
22 My fear o f wasps
A begets
_ from the fact that I was severely stu n g as a child.
B stem s c generates D com m ences
23 This y ear’s series o f open-air plays
A stem s B originates
24 We could hear the m o n k ey s _
A chatting B prattling
w ith a perform ance o f “E lectra”.
c derives D com m ences long before we reached their cage
2 Yes, I saw th e last episode o f the series, but I ’m none t h e _
w hat really happened.
A better B surer c cleverer D w iser
3 Thousands o f reíugees are cam ping at the
countries, hoping to fĩnd asylum.
A boundary B brim c border
b etw een th e two
Trang 32For stam ps and coins to be o f value, th ey need to be in m in t _
A State B situation c condition D appearance The professor looked as if he were
A yíirds B kilom etres
D ave gave th e oữĩce party a
A brim B boundary c verge D border
Young children are o f t e n to illn esses such as m easles.
A liable B sen sitive c susceptible D apt
10 Som e people like t o their neck doing dangerous sports.
A endanger B breeik c tw ist D risk
11 After losin g m y job, I w as on the
A border B brim
_o f a nervous breakdovvn.
c verge D bounds
12 The school playing fields are out o f _
up for th e cricket match.
A bounds B brim c verge
w hile equipm ent is being set
D border
13 Children should keep away from th e r iv e r in case th ey fall in.
A bounds B bank c brim D border
14 W e’re spending our holidays on t h e th is summ er.
A beach B bank c coast D shore
15 The old lady
A seized
_ her bag for fear she m ight lose it.
B grabbed c grasped D clutched
16 Isn ’t packing three suitcases for a weekend away going a b i t _ ?
A overload B overhead c overboard D overskill
17 In spite o f h is stam m er, Gerald rose to the
tascinating speech.
A top B situation c bait
and delivered a
D occasion
18 “How often do you visit your parents?”
“ so often, even though th ey live som e distance aw ay.”
A E ven B Ever c Every D N ever
19 My puppy w as very expensive because h e ’s a sp e c ia l
A breed B sect c tribe D caste
20 “Do you th in k I should ask Andy?”
‘T ’m sure h e ’ll be o n ly w illing to help you w ith the project.”
Tài liệu ôu thi TH PT Ouốc ỊỊÌÍÌ môìì TiéiiỊĩ A n h 33
Trang 33A overíllling B overílovving c overlaying D overstepping
23 Frank w as inĩorm ed at t h e that the assignm ent would be no easy
m atter.
A offset B upset c reset D ou tset
24 It w ill be overstepping the
A resigned B sacked c retired D xnade redundant
1 The _ o f th e failure o f the bank resulted in m any people losin g their life-savings.
A catastrophe B problem c trouble D cause
2 The play w as such a
A cataclysm
_ that it came off after only two nights.
B calam ity c catastrophe D disaster
3 H undreds o f workers have been
A sacked B resigned
due to financial problem s at the
4 The
c made redundant D retired
in India resem bles th e class System structure in Britain.
A breed B caste c tribe D sect
5 A nthropologists have spent years studying the social System o f th is
A breed B caste c tribe D sect
6 Countries often b e c o m e
A allies B colleagues
to prom ote trade and industry betw een
c acquaintances D accom plices
7 Most people have few friends but m any
tim e to tim e.
A allies B accom plices c associates
8 Many people are feeling the _
A strain B pinch
who th ey only see from
D acquaintances now th at there is an econom ic
c prod D pain
34 - Vĩnh Bá
Trang 349 Victoria w en t to great
A eíĩbrts
_ to com plete a high quality presentation.
B torm ent c pains D diíĩĩculty
10 J u lia ’s work is not a _
A patch B spot
on N a ta lie’s.
c scratch D scrap
or two.
11 Som ebody as conceited as Ron needs bringing down a _
12 N ew technology is b e in g in at work.
A phased B show n c installed D ííltered
13 The forem an cam e to the building si te to pay the w orkm en’s _
A fees B allowance c w ages D salaries
14 I have no appetite and I am lethargic I’ve been feelin g u n d e r
A pair B threat c stress D par
15 The econom ic situ ation m akes m any people u nw illing to take t h e _ and open th eir own businesses.
A plunge B bull c initiative D opportunity
A revealed B unpacked c unwrapped D unveiled
20 The Q ueen w as present at the o íĩĩc ia l o f the statue.
A u n veilin g B unpacking c unwrapping D revealing
21 The hut finally fell down, unable to _
and rain.
A put up w ith B w ithstand c support
22 As a single parent, i t ’s difficult for her t o
A put up w ith B afford c support
days o f violent winds
Trang 3524 It was extrem ely
A reckless
_ o f you to drive hom e in that blizz2ird.
B adventurous c im pervious D in stin ctive
25 Please send a reply to the w edding in vitation in order to _
A guarantee B coníĩrm c Eissure D reassure
1 I really adm ire th e hero o f the fílm H e’s s o
A reckless B adventurous c foolhardy
2 A m odern cash register keeps a record o f e v e r y _
A contract B deal c purchaser
c qualiíĩed D cautious
after the
5 It tak es tim e to get a financial System up and
introduction o f a new currency.
A running B proceeding c w alking D going
6 Life is so full o f both good fortune and m isfortunes that you have to learn to take th e rough w ith t h e
A tough B ready c calm D sm ooth
7 Stephen really lost h i s w hen his dental appointm ent w as cancelled yet again.
A rag B voice c calm D head
8 In today’s com petitive world, everyone needs a regulzir holiday t o their batteries.
A reíìll B recast c recharge D rectify
9 W hen m y new m otor kept breaking down, I knew I ’d been taken for a
hy th e second-hand car salesm an.
c walk
10 It has been m edically proven that a poor diet ỉeads t o growth.
A controlled B tem pered c curbed D stun ted
11 D on’t take it as th at y ou ’ll be prom oted in your job; other colleagues stand a good chance too.
A read B Standard c íĩxed D word
36 - ỉlnh Del
Trang 3612 My husband and I are not rich but we a r e
A w ealth y B tight c com fortable D hard-up
13 B elieving th a t the fírm had gi ven him a raw
an industrial tribunal.
A deal B m eal c apple
, he took his case to
D nerve
14 It w as a hot sum m er day and ice cream salesm en w ere doing a _
A busy B roaring c b u stlin g D lucrative
15 Bob is so short-tem pered; he should try t o h is anger.
A stu n t B control c tem per D curb
16 If y o u your dem ands, th ey m ay be accepted by others.
A tem per B control c stu n t D cvưb
the poem by the next lesson.
c m em orise D rem ind
17 The teacher told us t o _
A rem em ber B recollect
18 I don’t her nam e, as we m et only once.
A m em orise B recollect c rem inisce D rem ind
19 D on’t expect Alan to huy you a drink He earns plenty o f m oney but h e’s
v e r y
A hard-up B W62dthyc tight
20 Could I borrow a few pounds? I’m a b i t _
A com íortable B w ealthy c tight
under th e table w hen I shouted at him for eatin g my
B slunk c scampered D strutted
25 The opposition w ill be elected into governm ent at th e next election,
w ithout a o f a doubt.
A shadow B shade c b en eíĩt D hue
T m liệu ôn tlìi THPT Oiiốc íỊÌa ìììòn Tiếnỉỉ A ií/i 37
Trang 371 Take your m obile phone w ith you ju st to be on t h e side.
A sunny B safe c straight D secure
2 I t’s hard to get back into t h e o f things after a long holiday.
A pace B way c rhythm D sw ing
6 .
N oisy parties are really not my
A scene B liking c idea D preíerence
I hate th e w ay T o n y around looking so self-im portant.
A slith ers B scam pers c stru ts D slinks
Rosie the k it t e n playíully around w ith a ball.
A scam pered B strutted c slithered D slunk
A long, green s n a k e through th e grass and disappeared.
A strutted B slithered c slunk D scampered
7 She tried t o T om ’s im portance to the com pany in order to gain a prom otion for herself.
A reduce B dwindle c shrink D dim inish
8 .
Due to inílation, m y savings have g rad u ally to practically nothing.
A dwindled B shrank c reduced D dim inished
My new pullover
A reduced
_ to h a lf its previous size w hen I w ashed it.
B shrank c dim inished D dwindled
10 I need t o _ m y w eight by about ten kilos for health reasons.
A shrink B dim inish c dwindle D reduce
11 I don’t th in k y o u ’re suitably
A dressed B clad
for th is party
c w earing D clothed
12 Jack was disappointed not to be promoted as he w as given to
the job would be his.
A know B realise c understand D say
13 The Prim e M inister has
about nuclear arms.
A extracted B retracted
14 The King w as forced t o
A extract B pullout
the controversial statem en t he made
c pulled out D renounced his right to th e throne w hen he married a
c retract D renounce
15 The team had t o _ o f th e com petition because o f injuries.
A renounce B extract c pull out D retract
38 - Vììììì Dá
Trang 3816 The tex t w as com plicated and thereíore very diữ ìcult to
iníorm ation from.
A extract B renounce c retract D pullout
17 S h e _ her finger on a Sharp rose thorn.
A stu n g B bit c pricked D stabbed
18 The baby w as
A b itten
by a bee w hilst pla5àng in th e garden.
B stu n g c pricked D stabbed
19 The íĩlm star ca tegorically any connection w ith th e scandal.
A refuses B revokes c rejects D denies
20 Due to h is reckless driving h is driving licence was
A revoked B denied c refused
21 Sue begged Tom to help her but h e
A denied B revoked c rejected
23 T hat loud heavy m etal m usic from n ext door is _
A sending B driving c bringing
24 Bright children who are _
th ey are not stim ulated enough at school.
A sw ift B fast c íĩn est
25 T his new m odel o f car is t h e
A pen u ltim ate B ultim ate
D best
in driving luxury
c quick D rapid
1 Shift work does have i t s som etim es.
A u ses B conveniences c reasons
2 My husband told m e in n o
on household expenses.
A unsure B uncertain
D purposes term s th at I would have to econom ise
c vague D unclear
3 We had a o f a tim e at Jason ’s party yesterday.
A w eek B period c w hole D w hale
4 I n did I knock on the huge o£ik door, for nobody answered.
A vane B m ane c vain D vein
5 Investors w ere caught
Trang 396 They w ere planning,
A unaware
_ to Hilary, to throw a surprise peu*ty for her.
B oblivious c unbeknow n D unknow n
7 The econom ic situ ation in th e country is going froxn bad t o _
th e stock m arket crash.
8 Tom alw ays tries to
A accom plish
_ perfection in ev eiy th in g he does.
B attain c gain D m anage
9 The fírm w ill go bankrupt if it cannot m eet its _
A liabilities B duties c charges
10 The charity m anaged to
project in Aírica.
A attain B reach
D prom ises
a great deal during its m ost recent
c gain D accom plish
11 Thank you very m uch, but I am afraid that, due to th e political situation,
th e P resident m u s t your invitation to tour your country.
A reject B renounce c snub D decline
_ his oíTer o f m arriage so cruelly.
c denied D renounced
12 P eter w as heartbroken w hen Sue
A spurned B disclaim ed
13 I w a sn ’t to see a queue outside th e new sports centre.
A taken aback B astounded c am azed D surprised
14 She w as a li t t l e hy th is strange coincidence.
A astounded B 2ưnazed c taken aback D Aabbergasted
15 W e to th e m anager about the a ssista n t’s behaviour.
A objected B com plained c criticised D nagged
16 Instead o f to yourseir, w hy d on ’t you m ake a form al complaint?
A com plaining B w hin in g c objecting D grum bling
17 The latest a d v e r tisin g for facial tissu es is a free gift w ith every purchase.
A scam B snare c gim m ick D plot
18 Jew ellery worth over £1 m illion w a s
last night.
A stolen B burgled c robbed
from a house in W imbledon
D m ugged
19 Because it w as th e íírst tim e h e ’d been in trouble w ith th e police, he was
l e t w ith a warning.
B off
20 The w hole class w ill stay here un til the person who broke th e chair up.
A ow ns B confesses c tells D adm its
4 0 - l ĩnh Dư
Trang 4021 There w ill also b e to m oderate w inds blow ing from the north.
A calm B fine c th in D light
22 My m other told m e that, as a child, I used t o continually for sw eets.
A grum ble B w hine c com plain D pester
23 You’ll need to put m ore effort
A on B through
your work if you w ant to pass the
c into D at
24 T h e _ ordered th e pilot o f the plane to fly to V enezuela.
A hijacker B kidnapper c m ugger D blackm ailer
25 Tom orrow w e can expect to see an end to the
but it w ill rem ain cloudy.
A rough B hard c strong
3 H e put his own life a t in an attem pt to save h is dying friend.
A danger B risk c hazard D threat
4 H eavier íĩn e s should be im posed on those people w h o litter.
A w aste B dump c throw D drop
5 You only need to put a _
A piece B drop
o f salt in th e m ixture, not a whole
c pinch
6 H e w a s an injection in his arm.
A put B given c had
7 You have very high b lo o d , Mr Woolg2ir.
A ten sion B infection c level
D little
D tre a te d
D pressure since you
8 I should like to point out th at two m onths have
prom ised to com e and repair m y television.
A elapsed B expired c lapsed D transpired
9 H e m e to do more exercise.
A suggested B offered c recom mended D said
10 I w ish y o u ’d g e t o f these old books - you never read them any more.
Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Ouốc ỉỉia môn T i ế n A n h 41