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With Brearley’s Steel, the chromium tormed such as a film, protecting the metal from turther attack, and the whole su ccess of stainless Steel is based well on the fact that it has thi

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e a s ie r s in c e a s t r o n a u t s w ill n o a n y lo n g e r 13

h a v e to w o r r y a b o u t th o ir d a ily d ie ts 14

T h is s till r e m a in s a n v e ry o p e n m a rk e t! 15

27 A D R E A M As I a m a u n iv e r s ity s tu d e n t I s tu d y h a r d a n d e a c h n ig h t w h e n 0 ỵ I w ill íĩn is h m y s tu d ie s I p u t a w a y m y b o o k s a n d p u t o n oó will m y t r a i n in g sh o e s M y s is te r, w h o lives in a n o th e r to w n , s h e 1

b r o u g h t t h e m b a c k m y t r a i n in g sh o e s fro m E u r o p e a s a b ir t h d a y 2

p r e s e n t T h e y a r e j u s t r ig h t fo r jo g g in g a r o u n d th e tra c k 3

A fte r jo g g in g fo r t h e f ir s t la p I p u s h m y s e lf so h a r d e r 4

a n d h a r d e r fo r t h e se c o n d lap M y r u n n in g s ty le so o n b e c o m e s 5

c o m fo rta b le a n d e ffe c tiv e fo r t h e r e s t o f th e w h o le w ay I 6

h o p e t h a t to im p ro v e m y s ty le so t h a t I do n o t feel a n y 7

tig h tn e s s in th e le g m u sc le s I a m r e a lly lo o k in g fo rw a rd m u c h 8

to t a k in g p a r t in m y í ĩ r s t U n iv e rs ity G a m e s w h e re I w ill b e 9

r e p r e s e n tin g m y y e a r I f all goes w ell t h e n I c a n e x p e c t to 10

a c h ie v e a t a good tim e w h ic h w ill h e lp m e to b e c h o s e n fo r t h e 11

O ly m p ic G a m e s I t w ill b e a m o m e n t fu ll o f e x c ite m e n t fe e lin g s 12

fo r m e I p la n o n to c o n tin u e m y s tu d ie s a s w ell a s m y t r a i n in g 13

u n til m y d r e a m is b e in g a c h ie v e d M y fre e tim e w ill b e lim ite d 14

b u t it w ill b e w o r th it in th e e n d 15

28 A E R IC A N M O D E L S Talent scouts are looking for the next generation of supermodels have 0 are realised Africa's potential Lyndsey Mclntyre, a íormer model herselt, recently 00 opened one agency's first Aírican ottice “Atrican women are being graceíul 1

and serene" she says, “These qualities could to make them do very well in 2

this business." Hovvever, spotting supermodels is rarely easy, as well Mclntyre 3

discovered when she visited the Orma tribe of remote north-eastern Kenya, 4

whose the women are reported to be especially striking “The tribal leaders 5

were a bit suspicious and I wasn’t allovved to be meet many of their girls," 6

she explains Another problem is that reports aren't always reliable Mclntyre 7

discovered this when one of village’s “most beautitul girls" turned out to be 8

its heaviest ones, She had to explain that VVestern advertisers preíer to 9

far slimmer women The Orma are not alone in believing fat it is beautiíul 10

In a recent Africa-wide beauty contest, all the Ugandan contestants were 11

disqualitied for being a little much too large around the hips “I don’t understand 12

why the tashion industry's obsession with small hips," said one judge tor the 13

contest “But because we want the girls to succeed in and to see Atrican 14

models vvorking internationally, we give the industry what it wants." 15

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Thanks to cheap air travel, for so many people the world has 0 so grovvn signiíicantly smaller over the last decade, but to vegetarians the 00 y

planet can still seem like írustratingly limited For the millions of us 1

who don't eat meat, getting the right food while on the holiday can 2

be a key íactor when choosing which our destination On countless 3

trips abroad, after looking round at delighttul cities such as Seville or 4

Prague, I have been obliged to eat omelette and chips for dinner as 5

no any other vegetarian dishes were available Some years ago I was 6

looking fonward to my first visit to Cuba when some vegetarian triends 7

returned from there They had really liked the country but told to 8

me to expect two weeks of nothing but rice and beans As a result, 9

I have cancelled my booking Since then, countries with a meat-based 10

food culture have been off my travel menu Why pay for to go hungry? 11

On the other hand, food can also be encourage people to visit 12

certain places India is a íascinating country, and the fact that ninety 13

per cent of menus are vegetarian adds up to its attraction Offering 14

a such wide range of delicious non-meat dishes, Italy is another 15

holiday destination vvhere vegetarians can feel at home 30 THE IM PORTANCE OF FA TH ER S We can tend to think of poverty as the main cause of violent crime, 0 can Hovvever, research from both sides of the Atlantic shows that íathers 00 y may be the most important íactor in preventing to children from turning 1

over to crime In the United States, children from better-off íamilies were 2

compared with ones who from íamilies with lower incomes Children from 3

both groups that lived with their íathers also committed the same number 4

of crimes In the United Kingdom, a study was carried out of comparing 5

a group of boys who had never been accused of not any crimes with 6

another group were living in a detention centre after committing crimes 7

such as assault and stealing vehicles All the boys had difficulties at 8

the school and came from large íamilies that didn’t earn a lot of money 9

The biggest ditíerence betvveen from the groups was that fifty-five 10

per cent of the 'good boys’ lived with their tathers, while only four 11

per cent of the ‘bad boys’ did it Eighty per cent of the well-behaved 12

boys said how they felt close to their íathers even if they didn’t live 13

in the same house It seems that by having a tather who takes an 14

interest in his children encourages youngsters not to break the law 15

Stainless Steel was discovered by an accident in 1913 by the British 0 an

metallurgist Harry Brearley He was experimenting with Steel alloys - 00 y

322 Vĩnh Bú

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combinations of metals - that they would be suitable for making gun

barrels A few months later he had noticed that most of his rejected

specimens had rusted although one was containing 14 per cent

chromium had not The discovery led to the development of stainless

Steel Ordinary Steel go es rusts because it reacts easily with oxygen in

the air to produce crumbly red oxides other metals, such as aluminium,

nickel and chromium, also react in a much the same way but their oxides

form an impermeable suríace layer, stopping oxygen to reacting with the

metal underneath With Brearley’s Steel, the chromium tormed such as

a film, protecting the metal from turther attack, and the whole su ccess of

stainless Steel is based well on the fact that it has this one unique

advantage In fact, a variety of stainless steels are now made One

of the commonest contains of 18 per cent chromium and 8 per cent

nickel and is used for kitchen sinks Kitchen knives are made of Steel

containing about 13 per cent chromium A very more corrosion-resistant

alloy is achieved by adding up an incredibly small amount of the metal

molybdenum - t h e s e steels are used as cladding for buildings.



3 .

4 .

5 .





10 1 1 12. 13 14 15 3 2 WANTED “VVanted” ran a small ad in The Times “Assistant for the íamous cookery vvriter Three-month contract - £400." The ad was ansvvered by a young woman, recently widowed and with a small baby, desperate for work of any kind The hours were long and £400 seem ed very little for three months of employment But she was absolutely desperate and she got the job It proved harder than she had been anticipated, as the íamous vvriter proved as tyrannical, ungrateíul and a slave driver The first week of helping to him was almost more than the young woman felt she could stand Only did the thought of the bread that she was putting in her baby’s mouth prevented her leaving from the job At the end of the tirst week, she was given a lift at home by the cookery writer’s secretary On the way she contided how desperately she had needed the job and admitted just how vvelcome even the miserable £400 was mentioned in the advertisement would be The secretary gave her such an odd look that the young woman asked what it the matter was “I don’t think you quite understand," ansvvered the secretary “It’s you who has to pay for him £400." At first the young vvoman was silent She was temporarily lost for som e words, but then she began to laugh, and she laughed until the tears poured down her cheeks 3 3 MY AVOURTE FILM l’m really a keen on going to the cinema, so IVe got lots of íavourite tilms But the best one as l’ve seen lately is called Pressure. In some ways, I suppose that you could regard it as a detective film but it’s different from most films of that one kind because the characters are they such unusual people The detective in it, for example, is a Computer 0 the 00 /

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


13 14 15 16 1


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expert who solves crimes on her Computer using iníormation given to

her by her assistants, who go out and intervievv to people The case in

the film concerns about the wife of a millionaire, who has gone missing

Sometimes the plot gets a bit complicated but it isn’t too hard to keep

up with it There are a lot of strange characters in it, such as a man

who always wears two hats on and some of the scen es really made me laugh Also, there is a big surprise at the end but I won’t say you what

that is in the ca se you go to s e e it It’s very well acted and I also like

the music in it But what do I really like most about the film is that

it’s so original - l’ve certainly ever seen another film quite like that.

It is certainly true that in recent times money has become so more and

more important in sport I think that in some ways this is not a good

thing People seem to be Involved themselves in some sports just to

make money and not because of they really care about the sport For

example, som e íootballers get being paid an enormous amount of money but sometimes they don’t seem to care about the team they are playing

for, vvhich this makes the fans very angry And sometimes it looks as if

some sports are run so that television companies, the people who own

clubs and the companies that provide sponsorship can make a big protit; the public who watch these sports don't seem like to matter at all On

the other hand, you could say that in these days sport has become a

global business, and so it is not surprising that money plays such an

important part in it Also, it could right be argued that the top players

are so tamous and be under so much pressure both from fans and the

media that they deserve for the enormous amounts of money they earn.

Many of the developments of the 20th century have changed the way

we live enormously, but a few of them have had the impact of the

motor car In the most parts of today’s world, it is very difficult for

most of people to imagine lỉfe wỉthout it - getting to work, goỉng on

holiday, visiting tamily and triends would not be possible for a lot of

people Som e of tamilies have more than one car Hovvever, despite all

of the advantages the car gives us, it also has a several disadvantages.

In lots of cities there is so much congestion that none of the traffic

can move during the busiest periods And much of the pollution that

affects many places is caused by the motor car Many of people think that motorists should give a little bít of thought to these problems and

make a little effort to resolve them, perhaps by using their cars less.

With a bít of co-operation, progress could be made, they say.

1, 2 3 4 5 6.


8 9.




13 14 15.



3 4 5 6.

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Among all of vvriters in history, Shakespeare is perhaps the most 1

well-known Many of the plays he vvrote are still períormed regularly 2

in many of countries in the vvorld Over the years there has been a 3

lot of disagreement among scholars and experts about the meanings 4

of Shakespeare’s plays; som e of the books about him even suggest 5

that he didn’t really vvrite all the plays that have his name There has 6

been a lot of research into his life and work but few of the theories 7

about him can be proved A few people have even said that Shakespeare 8 was really a vvoman but there is little of support for this theory! 9

Many visitors go to Shakespeare’s birthplace in strattord in England 10

and a lot of them go to s e e a play at the Royal Shakespeare Theater there 11

A few of tourists find it diffĩcult to understand the play because the 12

language is old Because they don’t understand much it they either 13 leave after a short time or are asleep all the evening! Hovvever, 14

with a little of ettort it is possible to enjoy the plays even if don’t 15

have much of knowledge about them The productions are alvvays 16 entertaining and few of people have dittìculty in following what is 17,

happening 37 E O R T H C O M IN G E V E N T S There are a number of interesting events Corning up in this City Tomorrovv 1

evening the Central Orchestra it will be giving a períormance at the Town 2

Hall - their concert last year that was very well received For fans of another 3 kind of music, it will be great to s e e Tony Andrevvs appearing here again 4

Tickets for his show at the Apollo these went on sale yesterday and by 5

the time the box office opened there were people queuing for miles! It will be 6

interestỉng for Tony's fans to hear what his new material ỉs like and there will 7

be five thousand of them at the show, so it should be a memorable occasion 8

Pinally, the Ramp Band will be appearing tonight at the Golden Club, lt’s 9

great this that they’re still playing atter so many years together as a band 10 38 E L V IS P R E S L E Y Although Elvis Presley was died In 1977, he is probably just as íamous 1

today as he ever was, He became tamous in the 1950s, and he was the 2

first rock 'n' roll star in the vvorld He was vvorking as a truck driver 3

when he had started singing and making recordings Soon, his records 4

were extremely successíul and when his tirst appearances on television 5

caused a sensation because parents disapproved of the way that he 6

danced vvhile he was singing Teenagers all over the vvorld thought so 7

that he was wonderful, as though, and rock ‘n’ roll soon became their 8

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íavouhte kind of the music Next, Elvis spent two years in Germany in 9 the u s Army, after vvhich he appeared in more than 30 tĩlms In 1969, 10.

he started giving concerts again, at mostly in Las Vegas His records 11 and concerts now consisted of love songs quite more than rock ‘n’ roll 12.

He lived for much time of his life in a huge house called Graceland, 13 and since his death fans have continued to visit the house To thenn, 14

he is known as 'The King" - som e even think he is still being alive! 15 .

Altred Hitchcock was an English director who he was best known for the 1 thrillers and horrortìlms that he made during his long career In the 1930s 2.

he became very tamous in Britain where his most successtul films they were 3,

The Thirty-Nine Steps and The Lady Vanishes, which were both based on 4 novels In 1940, he moved to the us, vvhere he had even more success there 5, Perhaps his best-known film is Psycho, which it is about a man who owns a 6, hotel and who he kills all his visiting guests One scene in the film, 7 vvhich shows this man, whose name is Norman Bates, killing a woman in a 8 shower, considered to be one of the most trightening scenes that has ever 9 appeared in a film Psycho, which he made it in 1963, is still regarded as 10 one of the best films of its kind ever made other íamous films which he 11 directed include North by Northwest, which has a very íamous scene in a field 12.

of crops, where the main character is being chased by people in an aeroplane 13 there, and The Birds, which is about people being attacked large groups of birds 14.

Last vveekend all of the students in my class went on a trip to London 1.

to do some of sightseeing We left very early in the morning so that 2.

we would be able to see as much places as possible After getting off 3 the coach somewhere which in the centre, the ílrst place that we visited 4.

it was Buckingham Palace As everyone knows, that is the place vvhere 5 the Queen lives in Despite the fact that there were loads of tourists 6 taking photographs there, I enjoyed seeing this famous building Next 7

we went to the Houses of Parliament, vvhich is another one impressive 8 place Untortunately, visitors couldn’t go to inside that day Aíter that, 9

we saw Dovvning Street, where the Prime Minister’s house is Then we 10 sat and had our lunch in a very nice park at nearby Then it was time 11.

to visit an art gallery called the Tate, and which had modern art in it 12 When we came out of there, our coach was waiting to take us back I 13 was tired hy then because London is a rather noisy place But I want 14.

to go back - there are lots of other famous places for to see there 15.

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328 - Vĩnh Bá

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23 1 it 4 of 7 of 10 y 13 from

Trang 10

34 1 so 4 of 7 this 10 like 13 right

Trang 11

Look at Appendix 5 and fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.

his \vorkers thc company, pleaso lodge a formal

The factory ow ner is not in tho habit o f fraternising

All the anim als in the forest íled the ííre.

If you have a grievance

w ritten com plaint.

My car is g u a ra n tced rust for eight years.

The teacher told me to stop fidgeting and to sít still and concentrate.

I w as furious _ _ _ my s is t e r her always borrowing my clothes

w ithout my perm ission.

H is g le e th e new s o f his success was a joy to see.

You m u stn ’t g r ie v e one trivial m istake.

He has a íix a tio n becom ing the best doctor in the world.

She does nothing but f r e t her being overxveight y et never tries to diet.

H is h d e lity the íĩrm has won him great respect.

He is alw ays gloating

He is certainly good _

_ his m eteoric rise as an actor

m aths, if not much else.

Her sales m ethods have been criticised as being

company policy.

I found th e rin g in th e Street p u r e ly luck.

I didn’t go to see h im fear o f catching his cold.

2 The teacher was deaf

his hom ework.

3 It was so cold in the ten t that the children had to huddle up

keep warm.

4 She h a g g le d the shopkeeper over the price o f the souvenir.

5 We still h a v e n ’t h e a r d th e Insurance com p any ab ou t our claim

6 C om m uters found them selves faced a lengthy public transport strike.

7 I’ve received an invitation

sale for two years.

all means.

We rcgard th is atrocity as an o ffen ce hum anity.

T hat house has been up

Come to th e p a r ty , _

all, I spent £500 on holiday.

her last night; her condition is said to be _ N ick’s explanation o f w hy he hadn’t done


the annual nurses’ conference in Glasgow.

Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h - 331

Trang 12

8 Mr Sm ith is becom ing increasingly im patient th is class as they never pay attention.

9 Tm indebted my husband for his support in m y new business venture.

10 The Computer in th e reception is in terio r the one in m y offĩce.

11 He says h e’s teelin g a b i t colour today.

12 I’m a fra id regard to your requcst, m a rot th ere’s n othing I can do about it.

13 She w a sn ’t allowed in the cinem a because she w a s age.

14 The castaw ays were stra n d ed

15 He is a so lic ito r profession.

16 This coat was

17 He is

an island for nearly a week.

a sale w hen I bought it so it was very cheap.

_ arrears w ith his loan repaym ents.

18 I will lend you th e m o n e y condition that you pay it back w ithin the m onth.

19 Strawberries are o n ly season in May and June.

20 He is an e x p e r t nam e only; he actually knows very little about the subject.

M any vegetarians argue that there is no justification

in this day and age.

I’ve been asked to key th is inform ation

im m ediately.

eating m eat the Computer

The b usinessm an insisted that he had no k n o w led g e the m issing currency.

W hen I w as abroad I lo n g e d a traditional E nglish Sunday lunch.

My husband’s always la z in g w hile I ’m alw ays busy.

The donkey climbed the steep track la d e n bags o f oranges.

Sarah is je a lo u s her sister because she is m uch m ore popular She is lo o k in g for a new job, but h a sn ’t found an yth in g yet.

I think we should lim it th is d iscu ssio n the íacts.

My uncle le c tu r e s the H istory of Art at the university.

You m u stn ’t judge p e o p le the way th ey dress.

Their new baby is being n a m e d his father.

The m an kept his c h ild his side throughout the journey.

332 - Vĩnh Bíị

Trang 13

18 H e’s not very clever academ ically but h e ’s good

19 Margot prefers not to buy g o o d s credit.

I m u d d led the jigsaw pieccs and the children did the puzzle again.

I waved at a com plete stranger in the Street whom I m is to o k my cousin.

Nobody likes Rick because h e ’s so m e a n money.

I asked th e assistan t which m akc hi-íĩ he recommended.

All th e evidence m ilita te d a conclusion in our favour.

I w as born in Britain but was n a tu ra lised Italy.

I’ve been asked to notify the personnel departm ent my new address.

The doctor is not noted his tact w hen it com es to dealing w ith patients.

The sw im m ing pool attendant was negligent his duties and the little girl alm ost drowned.

There were a lot o f problems at the beginning o f the school year, but th e cnd everything was all right.

He w as so surprised hy the new s that he w a s a loss for words Our teacher w a s a bad mood today; he sh o u te d _everyone Try to get the p h o tograp h focus this tim e.

They w e r e the trail o f the Yeti w hen the blizzard started.

_ answ er to your question, the m eeting will take place next Tuesday Railway engineers joined three additional carriages the train to accom m odate the extra passengers.

Classes have increased size since íalling levels of governm ent funding have rcduced the num ber o f teachers in tho school.

He jo in e d w hen he was seventeen and h e ’s been in the army ever since.

Im p a tie n t her arrival, he kept running to the window every tim e

They spent th e su m m e r a cruise travelling round the world.

We a r e íavour o f abolishing experim ents on live anim als.

W hen th ey got hom e, their house w a s íĩre.

her b o ss’s rcquest, she has worked overtim e nearly every day this month.

They estim ated th e candidates’ p op ularity m eans o f opinion polls.

a guess, I’d say he vveighs about 70 kilos.

Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc gia m ôn Tiếng A n h - 333

Trang 14

Paul has b e e n leave from work for the past m onth.

_ second thoughts, I don’t think I w ant to go to the concert.

11 B eing new _ _ _ _ _ the neighbourhood, thoy were unable to íĩnd where the greengrocer’s was.

12 T h at’s ty p ic a l Peter to refusc to help!

13 Pm having tr o u b le my car; it kceps stalling.

the noise we make.

15 Our neighbours are very tolerant

16 My father is lascinated w ith cars In fact, h e’s in the garage tinkering

the old Ford right now.

17 Tuck your s h ir t your trousers!

18 The river w as te e m in g trout.

19 She is so th irsty _

20 Ile tr iu m p h ed _


_ success that she would do an3dhing

his com petitors hy ílooding the m arket place w ith

Mary was im patient the C hristm as holidays to arrive.

_ repair, so thcy are having lessons in the Their school building i s _

old library.

She w a s th e point o f leaving w hen the phone rang.

random to try the ncw product.

People were c h o s e n

_ answ er to your question, the m eeting will take place next Tuesday.

D on’t be so im p a tie n t Sue S h e’s only 10 and d oesn ’t understand things quickly.

no account m ust you open your book during the test.

Gill w a sn ’t her usual cheerlul self today She w a s the vveather the w hole, I think your work is quite satislactory.

As there was little tim e left, he outlined his p la n s brief.

Jam o o z e d the doughnut w hen she bit into it.

Ile is p ro u d his new sports car.

The driver w as o b liv io u s the red light and w ent straight through it The schoolchildren were overburdened homevvork.

My m other has an o b s e ss io n cleanliness and is lorever doing the housevvork.

The surgeon o p era ted the woman w ith the Iractured hip.

My brother is so m ean that he hatcs to p a r t a single penny!

The villagers left their hom es in the valley and moved to higher grounds

as a p reca u tio n ílooding.

334 - Vĩnh Bú

Trang 15

19 The shop sen t me the co o k er _

model I vvanted.

20 Ile has a p ro cliv ity being dishonest in business.

approval as I w a sn ’t sure it was the

Ileavy rain resulted

I was rem in d ed my childhood w hen I heard that nursery rhyme Green vegetables are r íc h vitam ins and m inerals.

She is q u ic k doing m ental arithm etic.

Queen Victoria reigned Britain and Ireland for more than sixty years.

The sight o f the snake made him r e c o il horror.

Ilis style o f w riting is rem iniscent Thom as IIardy’s.

unem ploym ent th is year.

There has been a sharp rise

Please k e e p touch after y o u ’ve gone back to America.

11 As she didn’t have a lot o f cash, she bought the fr id g e credit.

12 They l i v e the outskirts of a large industrial town.

13 average, English students study at university for three years.

14 Mike is not r e a lly tune w ith the rest of the group.

15 The writer is very m u c h lavour w ith the public at the mom ent.

16 What is


the agenda for today’s meeting?

the one hand, h c’s a dependable worker, but he is also very slow.

18 Are y o u th e mood for a walk on the beach?

19 Jackie is h o p e le s s m athem atics.

20 Mrs H eath p lea d ed her husband not to resign from his job.


1 He has an excellent lawyer a c tin g him and is bound to win the case.

2 The board o f directors is m ceting today to appoint a rep la cem en t the retiring chairman.

3 He was very solicitous our com lort and made every effort to ensure we had a pleasant journey.

4 W e’d better go out for dinner; the food we have in the house isn ’t

su ffic ie n t the six o f us.

5 W hen the dam broke, a s u r g e water rushed down the m ountain.

6 As soon as th ey m et Joe and Elizabeth were s m itte n each other.

7 I can’t pay the electricity b ill next week as money is short right now.

8 The manager was sym pathetic their request for a non-smoking area.

9 Her colleagues intend to support h e r her fight against discrimination

in the workplace.

10 T h ey’re bringing out a s e q u e l th is television series next summer.

11 I a c te d im pulse and bought my wife a large bunch o f ílowers.

Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc gia m ôn Tiếng A n h

Trang 16

12 IIe’s not only a com edian, but also an e x p e r t ventriloquism

13 We a g ree d his plan and started m aking preparations im m ediately.

14 N one o f us could a g r e e what to buy our teacher as a present.

15 Sam ’s view s are often so outrageous that poople rarely a g r e e him.

16 The secretary’s a rg u m en t

17 There are strong argum ents

hor boss led to her being fired.

banning the use o f aerosol sprays everything; from the food to the

18 On our honeym oon we a rg u ed


19 The explorer a rriv ed the conclusion that ho was the ílrst person

to reach the ancient site.

20 You m ust show your passport as soon as you arrive a new country.


1 D on’t tell m e you like his taste clothes! He looks terrible!

2 Working íle x itim e has m any a d v a n ta g es regular vvorking hours.

3 This sum m er, a d m issio n m ost cinem as is double w hat it w as last year.

the a ssista n t’s casual attitude dancing as thcy can ’t co-ordinate

4 The custom er was very a n g r y

towards him.

5 Young children are aw k w ard

their m ovem ents wcll.

6 Iler a d m issio n guilt shockcd everyone; no one th ou ght she was capable o f fraud.

7 My husband is so aw k w ard a needle and thread that I have to sew

on all h is shirt b uttons myseir.

8 I was very a n g r y being woken up in the m iddle o f the night hy an alarm bell.

9 My new Computer has the a d v a n ta g e being more com pact than

my old one.

10 The governm ent was a n x io u s the inílux o f relugees into the


11 Our visa is v a lid One year and will subsequently need renevving.

leaving the baby w ith Miriam for the

12 She felt very uneasy


13 After suffering a major illness, he was very v u ln era b le minor ailm ents such as colds.

14 Ile didn’t ju st express his a v ersio n cloning but also a r g u e d _

it in a very persuasive way.

15 I can v o u c h Sandra’s integrity, so I recom mend we include her in our discussions.

16 The boys ran down to the garden and v a u lte d the fence at the bottom.

17 Clara is unsvverving her determ ination to bccom e a lavvyer.

336 - Vĩnh Bá

Trang 17

18 W hile running to answ er the telephone, I trip p ed m y brother’s brieícase.

19 S h e’s p a tie n t children and so is a very good teacher.

20 The food at th at restaurant was labelled “u n íìt hum an

consum ption” by the environm ental health ofíĩcer.

1 Pm very w a r y riding that horse; it ’s been known to shy at trafflc.

2 The schoolboy w in c e d the sight o f th e cane in th e headm aster’s hand.

3 She y e a r n s a relaxing holiday in the sun.

4 You w on ’t solve your problems hy w a llo w in g selĩ-pity.

5 The stud en t w r e stle d the difficult m athem atics problem.

6 Wind and rain have w hittled a w a y the old stone wall for the past three centuries.

7 Ray w in k e d u s to show th at he w a sn ’t being serious.

8 After six m onths in the countryside, Alan has a y e n th e bright lights o f th e city.

9 The w om an y e lle d

10 She tried not to y ie ld _

11 The spy had little choice

12 T here’s no point crying _

13 We had to c h o o s e

last holiday.

14 The restaurant m enu offered a c h o ic e _

15 M em bership o f th e society has decreased

16 The national debt has been d ecrea sed _

17 Do you m ean you still h aven ’t d ecid ed

the boys w hen they ran through her garden tem ptation and have another piece o f cake _ th e m atter but to destroy th e microíĩlm things you can ’t change.

a hotel in Rome and a villa in Tuscany for our

trout, b eef or chicken _num ber since last year.

£10 billion th is year

your holiday yet?

18 She can ’t d e c id e w hat style of wedding dress to huy.

19 If you clean th e hall, w e’ll d e a l the kitchen together.

20 My uncle d e a ls antique furniture.

1 He d oesn ’t seem to be very h a p p y his new job; he always looks rather worried and depressed th ese days.

2 As she handed over the gift, she said that she hoped we would be very

h a p p y our new home.

3 It w ill be good Thom as to have a strict teacher; h e ’s never had 4.


any discipline at home.

The dispute occurred because the m anager is so hopeless

he has absolutely no idea o f how to handle his workforce

W e’ve ju st h e a r d his unexpected promotion.


Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc Ịĩia môn T iể n ỉỉA n h 337

Trang 18

6 N ervous about facing an interview panel, she h o s ita tc d the door and took a deep breath before entering the room.

7 A strong draught blew into the room through the g a p the door.

8 Ruth was a g e n iu s m athem atics and was awarded a scholarship to Cambridge w hen she was only ĩourteen years old.

9 Have you h e a r d tho lake “Loch N e ss” in Scotland?

10 H e’s a genius a pencil and can capture a likeness in a few deft strokes.

11 H is new stereo System was expensive but it ’s guaranteed ílĩteen years so it was w orthw hile paying more.

12 My friend is worried because she h asn ’t h e a r d her sister for days.

13 She has a real genius languages and has already m astered the rudim ents of Greek!

14 There is a popular superstition which says that anyone who has a gap

their two front teeth will be lucky throughout their life.

_ taking any action, hoping that there was no real

15 She hesitated _

cause for alarm.

16 I can ’t h onestly say that I’m happy


17 S h e’s very good anim als and takes food out to th e stray dogs in

th e Street ev ery m orn ing.

18 The new wonder watch from Seiko is guarantecd

breakage, including w ater damage and accident.

19 The baby was c r y in g _ its milk.

your decision to em igrate to

2 Tom lectured his son _ _ _ _ the dangers of riding a motorcycle.

3 The sum m er dress was lined hght cotton to m ake it less transparent.

4 He w as listen in g


the radio w hen he heard the new s o f the

_ th e telephone

5 I’m expecting an im portant call; could you listen

w hile I pop out to the shops?

6 He doesn’t have any savings and, since being m ade redundant, has been liv in g his family.

7 The neighbours are very a n x io u s their m issin g daughter to phone home.

9 Since passing his accountancy exam s, George has had his salary

338 - V ìtĩh Bc

Trang 19

10 S u san ’s q u e s t a satisfying job was at last realised.

11 _ everyone’s astonishm ent, she arrived at the party in a Rolls Royce.

12 My cousin has a íla ir _ languages and can speak more than six.

13 You should not use aerosols because th ey ’re h a r m íu l the environm ent.

14 I ’m sure th ere’s a j i n x this dress W henever I wear it I have a terrible tim e.

15 I began to get im p a tie n t his continual lack o f punctuality.

_ his studies m eans he has no social life.

E ating too much fat and sugar is d etrim en ta l your health.

The am ount o f w ater absorbed


cotton wool is greater than that


The bank w rote to m e to advise m e their new overdraít facilities.

If you need a d v ic e exam techniques, any o f our trained staff will help you.

He cared th e environm ent and gave an inspiring speech the issue.

At the C hinese restaurant we sta r te d spare ribs, th en had chicken Soup and coconut ice cream to finish.

The doctor advised us travelling to Egypt w ithout having the proper inoculations ílrst.

C hatting to babies in a particular way boosts their intelligence and gives

them a head start (0) ỉ n life, a new study has found Speech and language

therapist Dr Sally Ward selected 140 nine-m onth-old children from

M anchester She th en ga ve 70 of the parents detailed advice (1) the best way to com m unicate ( 2 ) their child and left the other 70 w ithout guidance The “com m unicating” parents were told to spend at least 30

m inutes every day talking to their child, (3) any background noise, about subjects vvhich their infant m ight take an in terest (4) More than six years later, and after regular checks had been kept ( 5 ) their progress, th e children had IQ tests Those in the talking group were, (6) average, a year and three m onths ahead (7) _ the other group.

N ine children had IQs in the gifted category, w hereas none in the non- talking group w as as bright.

Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc ^ ia ìììỏn TiếnịỊ A n h - 339

Trang 20

In a separate study at the American Academy o f Paediatrics, experts have warned (8) th e dangers of children under the age o f two vvatching television Research has shown that exposure to television is responsible (9) anything from delayed speech to A ttention D eíicit H yperactivity Disorder The problem ( 1 0 ) television is that it confuses infants, who block out the background noise Corning from it They consequently learn to ignore all noise, and th is includes speech Paediatric and language specialists also disapprove (11) radio, which has m uch the sam e effect (12) a child’s language developm ent.


Trang 21

7 1 up 5 at 9 in 13 On 17 On

Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h - 341

Trang 22


1 Fill in the missing preposition or adverb

our way o f thinking at last.

1 T heyV e c o m e

2 He c a m e a collection o f valuable old coins in the attic.

3 How did you c o m e th is painting? I t’s a Picasso, you know.

4 This diam ond ring c a m e me from my great-grandm other.

5 After she w as hit on her head by the cricket ball, it took her several

m in u tes to c o m e

6 How m uch did th e superm arket bill c o m e th is week?

7 Did the new play at th e N ational Theatre c o m c your


8 Those tom ato seeds I planted in the spring h aven ’t c o m e yet.

9 He c a m e several thousand pounds w hen his grandĩather died.

10 The party w ent

them selves.

rather well Everyone seem ed to have enjoyed very well in M aths th is term

11 The stud en ts are Corning _

12 It c a m e th at S u e’s husband had been arrested for speeding.

13 I don’t know w h a t’s c o m e him; h e’s been acting vcry oddly lately.

14 He c a m e a rash after eating a kilo o f straxvberries.

15 Her latest novel is Corning in paperback soon.

16 Long hair for m en is Corning again More and morc m en are starting to weeir their hair long.

342 - l i n h Bc

Trang 23

do up = ía ste n (a co a t etc)

1’m rcally thirsty I c o u ld a cup o f tea.

W hat were y o u w hen you said you m ight not see Mark for some time?

I l e antique íurniture and paintings.

The old m an was

Surely you c a n

IIow do y o u _

his life savings hy a coníldence trickster.

sugar in your coffee for once?

a class w hen they are constantly unruly?

your classm ates ju st because they didn’t pass their

3 Fill in t h e m is s in g p r e p o s it io n o r a d v e r b

Tài liệu ôn thì TH PT Quốc g ia m ôn Tiếng A n h - 343

Trang 24

cut back = reduce (outgoings)

The government have dccided to c u t expenditure on hoalth Services.

He was cheated his full holiday en titlem en t due to a change in company policy.

I truly feel you in your terrible m isfortune.

The intervievver kept cutting w hen the M inister was trying to answ er th e question on environm ental policy.

Sales of records and cassettes have dropped considerably this year.

S h e’s tr3dng to get on w ith her schoolm ates but she doesn’t really íĩt




Their house w as cut from the village hy the riooding river.

W inter is Corning It’s gettin g darker and the days are really starting to

d r a w

_ his savings to pay his rent after he w as made

He had to draw


me like that every tim e I m ake a m istake.

10 I w ish you w ouldn’t í l y

11 The limousine d rew _ in front of the theatre and the actress got out.

12 Yes, I ’ve already heard the news Sim on d ro p p ed to tell me this morning.

13 D uring the power w orkers’ strike the electricity was cut at regular intervals.

14 He was forced to d ro p college w hen his father died.

15 The un íoreseen expense on the new house a t e m y savings but it was worth it.

344 Vĩnh Bá

Trang 25

16 He w as told to cut

Health problems.

17 This com position would be better if you c u t

18 T heyV e f it t e d their kitchen w ith new cupboards.

sugar and fats or he would suffer serious

the second paragraph.

19 She drew th e lecture to nearly three hours although it was only supposed to last an hour.

20 1’m afraid th e ir b u sin e ss is on th e verge o f lo ld in g _


21 W e’ll have to o rgan ise a Union m ee tin g if w e w an t to head _ _ _

22 Could you c h e c k the children and see w hat th ey ’re up to?

at the hotel as the receptionist was not at

hy 12 o ’clock or th ey will be charged for

get about = (1) move about, (2) spread (of news, gossip etc)

get a cro ss = make understood

get ahead = succeed

get along/on = be on íriendly terms with

get at = mean

get at sb = criticise, tease in an unkind way

get away with = escap e punishment

get by = manage despite difficulties

get sb down = depress sb

get off = send

get off with = nearly escap e punishment

get on = make progress

get on with = continue doing sth

get out of = avoid

get over = recover from

get round = persuade

get round to = find time

get through = contact by phone

get up to = be busy with sth surprising or undesirable

What are you g c t t in g ? I can ’t understand w hat y ou ’re trying to say.

I only g e t \vatching TV w hen the children are in bed.

Instead o f being given a ticket, the driver g o t a vvarning.

S h e’s having trouble g e ttin g w ith hcr sprained ankle.

Do you g e t w ith your colleagues?

If you don’t get those in vitations today, they’ll never arrive on time.

Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc gia m ôn Tiếng A n h 345

Trang 26



He has a talen t for gettin g the m ost complicated id e a s

I’ve been trying to g e t for ages but the bne is alw ays engaged This awful w eather is really g ettin g m e

11 My father is always g e ttin g me about my clothes.

12 If you a ren ’t w ell organised, y ou ’ll never g e t

13 I don’t know how he g e t s cheating on his tests.

14 Stop talking and g e t your work, will you?

15 She has barcly enough m oncy left to g e t

16 I w ish I could g e t going to this vvedding but I have no choice.

17 N ew s o f their “secret” Nvedding got fast.


18 She says she w on ’t help us, but w e’ll soon g e t _

19 I don’t know if sh e ’ll ever g e t her husband’s death.

20 What are the children g e ttin g in the garden?

5 Fill in t h e m ìs s in g p r e p o s ìt io n o r a d v e r b

toxic fum es, so be extrem ely carcful vvhen

to the stu d en ts’ request to change _ am ateur com pctition and becom e _ to the policc.

The Chemicals give _

using them

The teacher reluctantly g a v e _

the date o f the exam.

The ath lete has decided to g iv e _

a protessional.

The m an w as forcod to give him scir

She u n in ten tion ally g a v e the sccrct o f the surprise party.

IlavenT you g iv e n your application form yet?

E vcntually their savings gavc

the State for assistance.

I can ’t gu ess the answer I give

and they werc forced to apply to

that the Prim e M inister had

On the new s last night it was g iv e n _


10 They have hyped th is c a r to such an cxten t that it should be the biggest scller o f the year.

346 lin h Bú

Trang 27

6 Fill ìn the missing preposition or adverb.

hold b a c k = (1) prevent developm ent, (2) delay, (3) withhold

hold in = control (íeelin gs, on eself)

hold o ff = (1) k eep at a distance, (2) delay

hold on = wait

hold o u t = (1) last, (2) resist

hold o u t fo r = wait to g e t sth desired

hold o u t on = k eep a se cr e t from sb

hold o v e r = p ostp o n e to a later date

hold up = (1) rob (a bank, vehicle) (2) delay

Can’t you hold thoso reporters until I’ve rinishod the rehearsal?

He is a talented actor but his lack o f am bition holds h im

Although th ey tried, they couldn’t hold _ their laughter.

H o ld a m inute w hile I get som ething from m y room.

They offered to buy her a BMW but sh e’s h o ld in g a Porsche.

Som e ơapanese soldiers refused to believe the war w as over and held in the jungle for years.

Due to the chairm an’s illness, the m eeting was held _ _ _ _ till the next week.

Strike action held trains and buses all day yesterday.

He says he know s nothing about the m issing docum ents but I’m sure

g o into = describe, exam in e in detail

g o o ff = m ake a su d d en loud n oise

g o o ff = happen

g o on = happen

g o on with = continue sth e s p after a p a u se

g o ro u n d = be en ou gh for every o n e to have a share

g o th ro u g h = (1) exam in e sth closely or system atically, (2) c o n su m e

g o up = be built

g o with = be included in the price

Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h 347

Trang 28

L et’s g o the plan once more to m ake sure it ’s all clear.

Does the shed g o the house or should I pay extra?

She had to cancel her holiday w hen she w e n t th e flu.

S h e’s g o n e all her savings since she lost her job.

I don’t know w h a t’s g o in g next door but th ey ’re being very noisy.

Tm planning to g o th e poetry com petition th is year.

Suddenly the fire alarm w e n t

The Prim e M inister promised to go the m atter o f low ering inílation.

Those shoes are going

good sale.

next to nothing I ’ve never seen such a

Could you get some more?

10 I don’t think there’s enough fruit to g o

11 His proposals didn’t g o very well at all; in fact they were all rejected.

12 He paused to answer the phone, and then he w e n t what he was doing.

13 N ew blocks o f íla ts are going everyvvhere, destroying the character o f th e tow nship.

8 Fill in t h e m is s in g p r e p o s it io n o r a d v e r b

This blouse is too tight for me I’d better let i t

He let his p a r e n ts by ĩailing his exams.

D on’t let that th ey ’re planning to get married Their parents don’t know.

I w ish y o u ’d l a y

You should really let

tim e.

tellin g me w hat to do all the tim e.

_ the children They can ’t be perlect all the

W e’ll let y o u

Her father laid


our plans but don’t tell anybody else.

her w hen she came hom e two hours late from a

348 - Vĩnh Bá

Trang 29

9 I let m y s e lf _

10 If th e rain lets

a lot o f trouble w hen I agreed to help her.

, w e’ll be able to play tennis.

_ 15% o f h is salary for

11 For th e last tw en ty years, he has been laying

his old age.

12 Your skirt needs ta k in g ; it ’s too large.

13 He was let

14 The stud en t let


w ith a w arning instead o f being given a fine.

_ a cry o f horror w hen she saw her poor exam

9 F ill in t h e m is s in g p r e p o s it io n o r a d v e r b

lead on = p ersu a d e sb to b elieve or do sth by making ta lse prom ises

lo o k after = take care of

lo o k ah e ad = think about the tuture

lo o k at = read

lo o k b a c k = think about o n e ’s past

lo o k do w n on = d e s p is e

lo o k fo r = sea rch for

lo o k in = pay a short visit

lo o k into = in vestigate/exam in e the tacts relating to sth

lo o k on = watch sth vvithout taking part

lo o k o n to = ha v e a view

lo o k o u t = vvatch out; be caretul

lo o k o u t fo r = (1) sea rch in order to find sth, (2) be alert in order to see/find sb

lo o k o v e r = exa m in e (a place)

lo o k to = rely on sb

lo o k up = search for (a word) in a reterence book

lo o k up = visit e s p after a long time

Looking b a c k m y life I realise Fve been very fortunate.

In 1917 the R ussian working classes r o s e against their m asters She lo o k s _

This fírm lo o k s

Robert lo o k s people who are not as educated as he is.

The police are lo o k in g th e m atter hoping to find a solution soon.

L o o k ! T here’s a car Corning.

Mrs B row n’s children three days a week

_ em ployees who have initiative.

H e looks


his older brother and follows his exam ple in everything th is m anuscript and tell m e w hat you th in k o f it.

10 L et’s m£ike an appointm ent to lo o k the house th at is for sale.

11 The h otel room looked

12 Passers-by lo o k e d

th e sw im m ing pool.

as the circus passed through town.

Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Oiiổc gia môn TiếnỊỊ A n h - 349

Trang 30

13 They lo o k e d him to provide funds for the new m agazine.

14 W e’ve been lo o k in g a new ílat for m onths but w e h aven ’t found one yet.

15 You’d b etter lo o k the dates in the encyclopaedia.

16 I’m sorry; I h aven ’t had tim e to lo o k your com position yet.

17 Have you lo o k ed at w hat y ou ’ll be doing in two y ears’ time?

18 Could you please go to th e station and lo o k my grandmother?

19 He was l e d hy her ílattery but soon discovered how insincere she was.

20 I don’t think we can rule th is possibility after all.

10 Fíll in t h e m is s in g p r e p o s itio n o r a d v e r b

with, (5) presen t

1 He had a bad tim e in the army but he has put i t him now.

2 It is being put that the vice-president is involved in the scandal but as yet there seem s to be no real evidence.

3 Just p u t your nam e and address on this card.

4 The lecturer had difficulty in p u ttin g his ideas.

5 He put his failure in the e x a m bad luck.

6 The drought in Aírica has put developm ent in th e area hy decades.

7 Why don’t you p u t that new positiòn at the university?

350 Vĩnh Bá

Trang 31

the íire before going to bed.

8 Make sure you put

9 Could you put m e to Mr Jones, please?

10 If you can ’t afford a hotel, w e’ll put y o u for the night.

11 He p u t an Insurance claim after the accident but he got nothing.

12 How can you p u t the noise in th is house? I’d go mad.

13 D on’t be p u t by his m anner Ile always acts that way.

14 T h ey’re p u ttin g a dance perlormance in the tow n hall tonight.

15 We p u t a sum o f m oney each m onth for our sum m er holidays.

16 Mr Jones has put _ _ _ _ _ the proposal that all m em bers o f sta ff should

m ake a contribution to the earthquake relicf fund.

11 Fill in the m issing preposition or adverb.

His proposal m e t total opposition from the com m ittee.

I’m afraid y o u ’ll have to learn to l i v e th is problem for the rest of your life.

W e’d b etter m o v e the housing problem before tim e runs out.

Please n o t e th ese íigures so we can go over them later.

She asked him to hand the d o cu m en t to her.

We can narrow our o p tio n s to two or three at th e most.

If you th in k you can live

You ought to try and live

11 H e’s used to hardships because h e’s liv e d _

12 Tom has b een p a sse d for promotion in favour o f a younger man.

13 N ew autom ated m achinery in ĩactories has led to the p h a s in g of old production m ethods.

Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h - 351

Trang 32

12 Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.

run a c ro s s = find by ch a n ce

run a íter = pursue

run aw ay = lea v e (school, hom e etc)

run aw ay with an idea = a c c ep t it without careíul thinking e v e n though it is wrong

run b e h in d = be delayed

run d o w n = (1) criticise, (2) gradually stop íunctioning, (3) run sb down (with

a vehicle)

run in = u s e a new vehicle careíully

run into = (1) m eet by ch a n ce, (2) collide with

run o ff = produce quickly

run o u t o f = e x h a u st the supply of sth run through = (1) reh ea rse (2) u s e up

run up = accum u late (bills etc)

run up a g a in s t = encounter difficulties

1 H e’s always running _ _ _ his boss although she actually treats him well.

2 The secretary was asked to run copios of the report for the employees.

3 We r a n Sally at the shops yesterday; I hadn’t seen her for months.

th e boy, but didn’t m anage to catch him

_coffee Could you go and huy some?

debts am ounting to m illions o f dollars last year.

_that scene again; then you can all go home.

_at the age of 12 and didn’t contact them for four years The old w om an w as r u n hy a taxi.

your new car before you drive it on the motorway.

7 L et’s r u n _

8 Their son ran


10 You’d better r u n

11 We r a n some valuable old books while we were clearing out the attic.

the idea th at you can come hom e at w hatever tim e you

14 My father fell asleep at the steering w heel and r a n _

15 I’m ru n n in g schedule as my m eeting lasted longer than I’d expected.

352 - V lììh B á

Trang 33

13 Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.

s e e a b o u t = m ake arrangem ents for

s e e o ff = a cco m p a n y a traveller to his/her train etc

s e e o v e r = in sp ect properly

s e e to = take care of

s e e th ro u g h = (1) not be d eceiv ed , (2) support sb through a difficult time

s e e o u t = acco m p a n y sb to an exit

settle d o w n = live a m ore perm anent life-style

settle fo r = a c c e p t sth (le s s than ex p ected )

settle in = b e c o m e u sed to a new h o u se or job

He w as hoping to sell his car for £1,000 but he had to s e t t le

Once w e ’ve s e t t le d , w e’ll invite you for a long weekend.

Could you please s e e gettin g th e sofa re-covered?

They s e t t le d the Ritz as the best place for th e reception.

We m ade an appointm ent to s e e the cottage before we decided to buy it.

The children were s e e n at the station by the entire family.

Could you s e e those m essages w hile I read through th is report?

H e said he would m ake me a rich man, but I saw him

im m ediately.

9 After w andering for years, they s e ttle d

10 He saw h is b est fr ie n d his divorce.

11 r i l see y o u _

12 L et’s settle

in a sm all village in Wales.

; you m ay not be able to íĩnd your way to the lift

w ith the w aiter and go home I ’m feeling tired.

se t in = begin (of a period, usu bad)

se t o ff = (1) start a reaction, (2) begin a journey (= s e t out)

se t an a n im al on s b = c a u s e an animal to attack sb

se t o u t = begin a task/job with a specitic intention

se t up = (1) estab lish (a record), (2) start a b u sin e ss (3) erect

1 W e’d b etter have Central h eating installed before w inter s e t s _

2 A w edding reception for two hundred people will certainly set you


Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc gia môn TiểnỊì A n/i 353

Trang 34

for their destination at 5 o ’clock in th e m orning.

3 They s e t

4 H e s e t a new world record for th e 100 m etres race.

5 H is jokes set th e w hole c la s s laughing.

6 A íĩre in th e factory set p rod u ction hy several w eeks.

7 She set to becom e a dancer but an injury prevented her from fulfĩlling her am bition.

8 She decided to s e t a Computer graphics íírm w ith th e m oney she inherited.

9 You’d b etter set

new car.

10 How would you s e t teaching a dog to perform tricks?

11 The tow n council has decided to s e t a m em orial to th e princess.

som e m oney every m onth if you w ant to huy a

12 He threatened to set th e dogs us if we didn’t get o ff his propcrty.

15 Fill in the m issing preposition or adverb.

sta n d by = (1) remain loyal to sb, (2) do nothing to stop a bad situation, (3)

be ready for action

sta n d d o w n = resign from a position

sta n d fo r = (1) support sth, (2) m ean, sym b olise, (3) tolerate, (4) enter

o n e s e lt for election

sta n d in fo r = replace temporarily

sta n d o u t = be co n sp icu o u s/o b v io u s

stan d up fo r = detend; support

sta n d up to = detend o n e s e lt against

r i l s ta n d Ryan, no m atter w hat people say about him.

H is grandfather once s to o d Parliam ent, but he only got 5.6 votes.

that sort o f behaviour for a m inute.

Nobody would s ta n d

The police sto o d in case trouble broke out after the lootball match.

H e’s such a brilliant dancer that he s ta n d s from th e rest o f the troupe.

Our group s ta n d s _

Could you s ta n d

You ought to stand

The letters MP stand

10 How can you s ta n d

11 If he can ’t s t a n d

in Parliam ent.

12 The P resident w as forced to stand


_ equality for people o f all races.

John if h e ’s called away?

your little brother w hen th e others tease him _Member o f Parliam ent.

and w atch him m istreat th e children like that? his opponent in a debate, he w on ’t be a success

due to his involvem ent in the

3 5 4 - Vĩnh Bá

Trang 35

16 Fill in th e m issin g p re p o sitio n o r ad ve rb

take a b a c k = surprise

take after = look like a relative

take a g a in s t = dislike sb

take aw ay = rem ove

take b a c k = withdraw a statem en t or com m ent

take d o w n = (1) write down, (2) rem ove sth from a high place

take s b fo r = m istake sb/sth for sb/sth e ls e

take in = (1) d e c e iv e , (2) allow sb to stay in o n e ’s hom e, (3) understand, (4)

m ake clo th es snnaller

take up = (1) begin a hobby, sport etc, (2) occupy s p a c e

1 She t a k e s her father: she has the sam e gestures and m annerism s.

2 His lecture w as so com plicated that I only t o o k a few words of

w hat he said.

3 T hese m agazines m ust be read in the librEiry You can ’t take t h e m

4 The secretary t o o k the list o f titles as her boss read them out.

5 We w ere so t a k e n _

w hat to say.

hy h is decision to resign th at we didn’t know

6 ril never forgive you if you don’t take

7 Since his retirem ent, he has t a k e n _

sp2ire tim e.

8 She seem s to have ta k e n me, as if I had offended her som ehow.

9 Nobody w as t a k e n hy his story, although it seem ed convincing íìrst.

10 You have to t a k e th ese curtains They look very dirty.

w hat you said about me painting to fíll up som e o f his

a little, it should fit you períectly It’s too big

Elizabeth Taylor, even though she

11 If you take th is s k ir t

for you now.

12 She is alw ays being taken _

doesn’t look th at m uch like her.

13 W hen th ey discovered that th e child was an orphan, th ey offered to take

h im

14 That desk is so big th at it t a k e s m ost o f his offíce.

17 FMI in the m issing preposition or adverb.

take o ff = (1) rem ove (clothing), (2) lea v e the ground (of a ero p la n es etc), (3) imitate sb in a com ic way, (4) begin to su c c e e d (of plans, id ea s etc)

take on = (1) undertake sth, (2) em ploy staff, (3) a c c ep t sb a s an opponent

take o u t = (1) extract, rem ove, (2) accom pan y sb to a theatre etc

take o v e r = take control of sth e s p in place of sb e ls e

take to = (1) find agreeab le; like, (2) begin a habit, (3) e s c a p e to; hide in

take up with = b e c o m e involved in (usu derog)

Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Oiiốc ìììỏn T iến" A n h 355

Trang 36

The am ateur boxer w as apprehensive about taking such an experienced fíghter.

I don’t th in k h e ’ll t a k e the new project u n less we offer him more money.

He has t a k e n drinking cocoa at night to help him sleep.

You’d b etter take th is p aragraph as it w eakens your argum ent Their plane w as due to t a k e _

o f fog.

H e’s such an aggressive person that nobody really t a k e s _

Their daughter has taken a group o f friends

at 10 pm but it w as delayed because


who have no

in ten tion o f ever íìnd ing work.

9 Mark w as sen t hom e from school because he was seen t a k in g the headm aster.

10 Mr Joh n so n ’s son is going to t a k e as chairm an o f th e board.

11 After a slow start, their new line o f cosm etics has begun to t a k e

12 T heyV e decided to t a k e _ at least tw enty new sales people th is year.

13 The rebels t o o k the m ountains after their leader had b een captured.

14 He prom ised to take m e for dinner on Priday evening.

18 Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.

talk a b o u t = (1) g o ssip about sb, (2) consider

talk at = sp e a k to sb without listening to their replies

talk b a c k = reply rudely

talk dow n to = sp e a k to sb a s if they w ere le s s clever than o n e s e lt

talk o u t = settle a problem by talking

talk o u t o f = p ersu a d e sb not to do sth

talk into = p ersu a d e sb to do sth

talk round = p ersu a d e sb to a g ree to sth

tell a g a in s t = spoil c h a n c e s of s u c c e s s

tell apart = distinguish

tell o ff = scold/reprim and

th ink o f = take sth into account

think o u t = prepare plans caretully

th ink o v e r = reílect upon sth betore making a d ecision

th ink up = invent or d e v ise sth

hy her father for Corning hom e late.

giving you more m oney I ’ve given you enough

Ann w as told

You can ’t talk me


356 - Vĩtih Bá

Trang 37

5 H is lack o f a convincing alibi will t e l l him at th e trial.

6 Our boss t a lk s us as if w e were children.

7 He in sisted th at children who t a lk ought to be punished.

8 If you can ’t t a l k your diíTerences w ith your íĩancé, y ou ’d better break up.

9 Stop behaving like th at or the neighbours w ill start to t a lk you.

10 The only way one can tell th e t w in s is hy their haircuts.

11 He keeps ta lk in g m oving to another city, but I doubt if he will.

12 I’ve never had a real conversation w ith Peter; he ju st t a lk s you.

_ before accepting th e job dangers involved in their

13 My parents advised m e to think t h in g s

14 Racing drivers rarely th in k the


15 She thought her id e a s careíully before putting them down on paper.

16 We need to t h i n k an exciting advertising cam paign for our new product.

19 Fill in the m issing preposition or adverb.

turn aw ay = retuse adm ittance to sb

turn d o w n = (1) reject an offer, (2) reduce heat etc

turn in = go to bed

turn s b in = report to the authorities

turn into = convert, c h a n g e

turn o ff = switch off

turn on = svvitch on

turn o u t = (1) a s s e m b le a s a crowd, (2) produce, (3) prove to be

turn o v e r = fall on o n e sid e

turn sth o v e r (in o n e ’s mind) = think caretully about sth

turn to = go to sb for help

turn up = (1) arrive, (2) in crea se volum e

1 I ’d b etter t u r n eeirly I didn’t sleep w ell last night.

2 The w om an turned th e escaped p riso n er to the police.

3 They w ant to turn th at basem ent ro o m a play room.

4 H undreds o f people t u r n e d to vvelcome the royal Eamily back to London.

5 After b eing offered th e post Sim on turned i t in h is m ind carefully before accepting.

6 When her business failed, she tu rn ed her parents for financial help.

7 Although Mark said h e’d be there at 8.00, he didn’t tu r n until 10.30.

8 Could you t u r n the light? I can ’t see w ell enough to read m y book.

9 I offered to help him but he turned m e

Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h - 357

Trang 38

10 We wero tu rn ed _

11 You ought to turn _

12 That factory turns

13 The lorry tu r n e d _

at the door o f the Club for being improperly dressed the heat before the sauce burns.

_ hundreds o f sm all appliances every day.

in the middle o f the motorway, causing an enorm ous pile-up.

14 He tu r n e d _ to be a liar and a cheat.

th e cooker before w e left.

15 I have a feeling I forgot to turn

16 Could you please turn the volum e a bit? I can ’t hear it very well.

20 Fill in the m issing preposition or adverb.

th row a b o u ư a ro u n d = sc a h e r sth

throvv aw ay = discard sth a s u s e le s s

th row sth b a c k at s b = remind sb of sth bad they did in the past

th row o ff = e s c a p e from, g e t free of

throvv o n e s e lt into = begin to do sth energetically and enthusiastically

th row o n e s e lt o n sb/sth = rely on sb/sth

th row s b o u t = torce sb to lea v e

throvv sth o u t = g e t rid o f unvvanted item s

th row s b to g e th e r = bring p eop le into contact with e a c h other

th row up = (1) give up (a job etc), (2) vomit

try on = ch eck the fit (of clothes)

Although Paul is having a hard tim e, he doesn ’t w ant to throw him seir h is íriends and ask for their help.

W hen Joana lost a lot o f w eight, she decided to th r o w all her larger sized clothes.

Would you like to t r y th is new electric shaver?

He was th r o w n o f the library w hen he started singing.

It w as fate that had throw n the engaged c o u p le

D uring th e Prench R evolution the people tried to th r o w the shackles o f poverty.

She has tr ie d at least tw en ty dresses but she can ’t find one she likes.

9 I w ish you would throw th ese old m a g a zin es

10 She felt very sick and th r e w several tim es.

11 Even though Fd only lost one contract in m y career I knew m y m anager would throw i t m e in my annual appraisal.

12 On fin ish in g university, she threw h erseir her new editing career

w ith great enthusiasm

13 Joan threw books and p a p ers the room w hilst trying to fínd her passport a n d her cheque book.

358 - l^ ìn h B á

Trang 39

You never know w hat Ben is thinking H e d oesn ’t a n y th in g

W hen children in th e area started to su íĩer from serious illnesses, their

m others blam ed a local factory w here the tall ch im n e y fum es I’ve no idea w hat the answ er is I Tell me.

21 C o m p le te th e fo llo w in g s e n te n c e s using a p hrasal v e rb w ith G IVE.

The w restler w on th e con test because his o p p o n e n t

T his is a lovely room As you can see, i t the rose garden.

Sam w as forced t o his job in the City because o f ill health.

David enjoys borrowing books, but írequently forgets t o _ them

It was a diíĩlcu lt decision but Maria knew it w as best to _ boyíriend rather than face opposition from both íam ilies.

A log f ir e plenty o f heat.


10 D aniel w anted to lose w eight but w a sn ’t too keen on the idea o f

eatin g lots o f th e th in gs he liked best.

22 Complete the following sentences using a phrasal verb with PUT You may have to use some verbs more than once.

Because o f heavy snow falls in th e region we have had to the

m eeting o f th e C onservation Group.

The plan by the council didn’t m eet w ith th e approval o f the electorate.

At least five people h a v e the job in Accounts.

I ju st had to m ove out o f m y flat I couldn’t th e noise from the road any more.

The school dram a society has decided t o Richard III.

It’s expensive stayin g in a hotel in London Isn ’t there anyone who could


Please rem em ber to th e lights w hen you leave th e room.

The S ales D irector it that the Pinance D epartm ent w as b ein g badly run

10 Richard and A nne w anted to go clim bing but th e bad w eather them

23 Complete the íollovving sentences using a phrasal verb with DO You may ha ve to use some verbs more than once.

1 I’m w orn out I could a cup o f tea.

2 Robert has ju st bought a run-down old cottage and is looking forward to i t _.

3 Jennifer w as going to have an operation in the afternoon, so she had to


Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Ouốc ^ia môn TiếnỊi A n h 359

Trang 40

John’s not at all popiilEư-, perhaps because h e’s alvvays his colleagues.

W ith th e introduction o f com puters, a lot o f íĩrm s have begun t o outmoded clerical Systems.

Hairry w a s a fortune w hen his accountant tricked him into

in vestin g in a shady b u siness in w hich he him seir had an interest.

A tw enty-m ile hike is enough to m ake anyone f e e l

A cold wind was blowing so Andrevv told the children t o their coats Thom as is so naughty I ju st don’t know w hat t o him.

10 “The bullet got H arry,” said the soldier “H e’s

You’ve known P aul for a w eek now W hat do you _ _ _ _ him?

I t’s always easier to start a quarrel than t o after it.

The adventurer was the N orth Pole w hen bad w eather m ade it necessary to turn back.

The m uggers attacked th e pensioner a n d w ith her money.

After tw en ty days out o f sight o f land, th e sh ip ’s captain thought he

co u ld an island on the horizon.

The actor w a s his face before the performance.

I’m so riy I íorgot your birthday L et’s go out on Saturday, and ru it to you, I promise.

9 How did y o u on your trip to South America?

10 The lawyer couldn’t w hether her Client w as tellin g th e truth.

25 C o m p le t e t h e fo llo w in g s e n t e n c e s u s in g a p h r a s a l v e r b w it h F A L L

Y o u m a y h a v e t o u s e s o m e v e r b s m o re t h a n o n c e

1 Paul was ill in hospital for ten weeks £md so h e with his school work.

2 As the longest-serving em ployee in the company, it m e to m ake the speech w ishing our office m anager w ell in his retirem ent.

3 It is not a successíul group They don’t get on w ith one another and

over th e sligh test thing.

4 Sales o f the electric car were buoyant in th e last qu2irter o f th e year but they h a v e th is spring.

5 D on’t m ake any special arrangem ents for me ru w ith w hat other people want.

6 I should be in Italy now but m y holiday plans _

company w en t bust.

w hen th e travel

3 6 0 - ị'ìnìì Bíị

Ngày đăng: 22/09/2017, 14:40

