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THS NET TMA VIE THS NET Tài liệu tập huấn giảng dạy môn Toán tiếng Anh Mathematical English – Thuật ngữ toán học tiếng Anh Chu Thu Hoàn - Trường PT Chuyên ngoại ngữ , Đại học ngoại ngữ,ĐHQG Hà nội Một số vấn đề việc soạn giảng dạy môn Toán tiếng Anh Nhóm biên soạn tài liệu tập huấn môn Toán The sine rule and the cosine rule – Các công thức sin cos Tạ Ngọc Trí – Bộ giáo dục TMA Loại giảng: giảng trung học phổ thông Trig Derivative – Đạo hàm hàm lượng giác Tạ Ngọc Trí – Bộ giáo dục Loại giảng: giảng trung học phổ thông Equation of Circle – Phương trình đường tròn VIE Nguyễn Đắc Thắng – Trường PT Amsterdam Hà Nội Loại giảng: giảng trung học phổ thông Parametric equation of a line – Phương trình tham số đường thẳng (chuyển thể giảng tiếng Việt sang tiếng Anh) Nguyễn Đắc Thắng – Trường PT Amsterdam Hà Nội Loại giảng: giảng trung học phổ thông Geometric Sequences – Dãy cấp số nhân Trần Thanh Tuấn – Đại học Khoa học Tự nhiên Hà Nội THS NET Loại giảng: A-level Application of Differentiation: Related Rates – Ứng dụng phép tính vi phân: Các tốc độ biến thiên phụ thuộc Trần Thanh Tuấn – Đại học Khoa học Tự nhiên Hà Nội Loại giảng: A-level Permutations and Combinations - Hoán vị Tổ hợp Chu Thu Hoàn - Trường PT Chuyên ngoại ngữ , Đại học ngoại ngữ,ĐHQG Hà nội VIE TMA Loại giảng: SAT LỜI NÓI ĐẦU TMA THS NET Với mục đích khoảng buổi tập huấn, thầy cô soạn giảng, bước đầu giảng tiếng Anh, nên tài liệu tập huấn trình bày hướng dẫn với soạn mẫu có nội dung không khó để đa số thầy cô không gặp vấn đề khó khăn nội dung, mà tập trung vào phương pháp soạn giảng cách thức giảng lớp Để giảng lớp, thầy cô phải soạn giáo án giảng Công việc tương tự với việc soạn giảng tiếng Việt, khác thầy cô phải soạn tiếng Anh Vì vậy, viết tài liệu tập huấn bảng liệt kê thuật ngữ Toán học tiếng Anh đầy đủ Những thuật ngữ từ vựng chuyên môn Toán cần thiết cho công việc giảng dạy thầy cô Tiếp theo đó, viết thứ hai, nhóm biên soạn trình bày hướng dẫn cần thiết để thầy cô soạn giảng bước trình bày giảng lớp Bài viết cung cấp cho thầy cô hướng dẫn chi tiết để thầy cô áp dụng thực hành Phần lại tài liệu gồm bẩy soạn mẫu, bốn soạn theo cách chuyển thể từ soạn tiếng Việt sang tiếng Anh, hai soạn theo giáo trình giảng dạy A-level, soạn theo giáo trình giảng dạy SAT Bẩy soạn mẫu cung cấp cho thầy cô ví dụ để thầy cô bước đầu thực hành soạn giảng VIE Nhóm biên soạn hy vọng tài liệu giúp ích thầy cô phần việc giảng dạy Toán tiếng Anh Tài liệu biên soạn thời gian không dài nên có không thiếu sót, mong thầy cô góp ý để nhóm biên soạn chỉnh sửa thành tài liệu tốt Nhóm biên soạn tài liệu tập huấn môn Toán MATHEMATICAL ENGLISH By CHU THU HOÀN THS NET GV Trường PT Chuyên ngoại ngữ, Đại học ngoại ngữ, ĐHQG Hà nội Arithmetic zero one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1000 twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred one thousand minus two hundred and forty-five twenty-two thousand seven hundred and thirty-one one million fifty-six million one billion [US usage, now universal] seven billion [US usage, now universal] one trillion [US usage, now universal] three trillion [US usage, now universal] TMA -245 22 731 Ten Eleven Twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen VIE 000 000 56 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Fractions [= Rational Numbers] one half one third three eighths 26 twenty-six ninths one quarter [= one fourth] one fifth 34  minus five thirty-fourths two and three sevenths THS NET  17 minus one seventeenth Real Numbers -0.067 81.59 2.3 10 [= -2 300 000 10 3 [ = 0.004=4/1000  [  3.14159 ] e [ 2.71828 ] minus nought point zero six seven eighty-one point five nine minus two point three times ten to the six minus two million three hundred thousand] four times ten to the minus three four thousandths pi [pronounced as ‘pie’] e [base of the natural logarithm] i  4i  2i  2i   2i TMA Complex Numbers I three plus four i one minus two i the complex conjugate of one minus two i equals one plus VIE The real part and the imaginary part of  4i are equal, respectively, to and Basic arithmetic operations Addition: 3 5 Subtraction:   2 Multiplication:   15 three plus five equals [ = is equal to] eight three minus five equals [ = …] minus two three times five equals [ = …] fifteen three divided by five equals [ = …] zero point six /  0.6   3  15 Two minus three in brackets times six plus one equals minus five One minus three over two plus four equals minus one third four factorial 1  24 4! [ 1   4] THS NET Division: Exponentiation, Roots 53 54 51 52 3 64 32     25      125       625    0.2 five squared   52  0.04   1.73205  five to the minus two   4   2 five cubed five to the (power of) four five to the minus one the square root of three TMA 52 the cube root of sixty four the fifth root of thirty two In the complex domain the notation n a is ambiguous, since any non- zero complex number has n -th roots For example, 4 has four possible values: 1  i (with all possible combinations of signs) 2 e  i  1 one plus two, all to the power of two plus two VIE 1   e to the (power of) pi i equals minus one Divisibility THS NET The multiples of a positive integer a are the numbers a, 2a,3a, 4a, If b is a multiple of a , we also say that a divides b , or that a is a divisor of b (notation: a | b ) This is equivalent to b being an integer a Division with remainder If a , b are arbitrary positive integers, we can divide b by a , in general, only with a remainder For example, lies between the following two conseentive multiples of 3:         1  1 7   2  3 3 In general, if qa is the largest multiple of a which is less than or equal to b , then b  qa  r , r  0,1, , a  TMA The integer q  resp., r  is the quotient (resp the remainder) of the division of b by a Euclid’s algorithm The algorithm computes the greatest common divisor (notation:  a, b  = gcd  a, b  ) of two positive integers a, b VIE It proceeds by replacing the pair a , b (say, with a  b ) by r ; a where r is the remainder of the division of b by a This procedure, which preserves the gcd, is repeated until we arrive at r  Example Compute gcd(12, 44) 44  12  12  1  gcd(12,44) = gcd(8,12) = gcd(0,4) =  24  This calculation allows us to write the fraction 44 in its lowest terms, 12 and also as a continued fraction: THS NET 44 44 11    3 12 12 1 If gcd  a, b  =1, we say that a and b are relatively prime /æd/ cộng algorithm (n) /ˈælɡərɪðəm/ thuật toán Euclid’s algorithm /juːˌklɪd/ thuật toán Euclid bracket (n) /ˈbrækɪt/ dấu ngoặc Left bracket /left/ dấu ngoặc trái right bracket /raɪt/ dấu ngoặc phải curly bracket /ˈkɜːli/ dấu ngoặc {} denominator (n) /dɪˈnɒmɪneɪtə(r)/ mẫu số /ˈdɪfrəns/ hiệu /dɪˈvaɪd/ chia /dɪˌvɪzəˈbɪləti/ tính chia hết /dɪˈvaɪzə(r)/ số chia /ɪkˈspəʊnənt/ số mũ /fækˈtɔːriəl/ giai thừa fraction (n) /ˈfrækʃn/ phân số continued fraction /kənˈtɪnjuːd / phân số liên tục difference (n) divide (v) divisibility (n) Divisor (n) exponent (n ) VIE factorial (n) TMA add (v) ước số chung lớn gcd [= greatest common divisor] bội số chung nhỏ lcm [= least common multiple] /ɪnˈfɪnəti/ Iterate (v) /ˈɪtəreɪt/ lấy nguyên hàm iteration (n) /ˌɪtəˈreɪʃn/ nguyên hàm multiple (n) /ˈmʌltɪpl/ bội số multiply (v) /ˈmʌltɪplaɪ/ nhân number (n) /ˈnʌmbə(r) / số even number (n) /ˈiːvn/ số chẵn odd number (n) /ɒd/ số lẻ numerator (n) /ˈnjuːməreɪtə(r)/ tử số pair (n) /peə(r)/ cặp pairwise /peə(r) waɪz/ đôi, cặp power (n) /ˈpaʊə(r)/ lũy thừa /ˈprɒdʌkt/ tích /ˈkwəʊʃnt/ thương số /ˈreɪʃiəʊ/ tỷ số /ˈræʃnəl/ hữu tỷ /ɪˈræʃənl/ vô tỷ relatively prime (n) /ˈrelətɪvli/ - /praɪm/ số nguyên tố remainder (n) /rɪˈmeɪndə(r)/ dư, số dư root (n) /ruːt/ căn, nghiệm /sʌm/ tổng số /səbˈtrækt/ trừ quotient (n) ratio (n) rational sum (n) VIE irrational (a) TMA product (n) vô cực, vô tận THS NET infinity (n) subtract (v) (i) All the vowels must be (ii) None of the vowels are together adjacent First, consider the consonants: N, C, R, D, B and L Number of ways to arrange consonants = 6! Next, consider the vowels As they must be separate, they can occupy exactly four slots in between the consonants (or at the two ends): There are choices The vowels are: I, I, E and E THS NET First, consider the consonants: N, C, R, D, B and L Number of ways to arrange consonants =6! Next, consider the vowels As they must be together, they can occupy exactly one slot in between the consonants (or at the two ends): _N _C _R _D _B L _ _N _C _R _D _B _L There are 7C4 choices The vowels are: I, I, E and E There are 4! 2!2! TMA There are 4! ways of arranging 2!2! ways of these among themselves in the four slots arranging these among ♦ number of arrangements themselves in the slot 4! ♦ number of arrangements = 6! × 7C × = 151 200 4! = 6! × × =30 240 2!2! 2!2! VIE Forming a Committee/Delegation Again we will be given constraints similar to the earlier section (arrangements of letter/people), for example, two particular objects must (not) be selected However, when forming a committee, these order in which the members are picked does not matter 135 Only the final combination of the committee matters Exercise Think of the two group of as ‘identical objects’ When dealing identical objects, divide by x!, where x is the number of identical objects Use the TMA (ii) THS NET Find the number of ways to divide 12 people into (i) two groups consisting of and people, (ii) two groups consisting of people each, (iii) three groups consisting of people each, (iv) three groups consisting of 4, and people with person excluded We can just think of Solution it as 12C7 , since the (i) Number of ways = 12C7 × 5C5 = 792 other people must be in the other group, i.e they have no choice 12 Hence, number of ways = Take note C6  6C6 = 462 2! same method as (ii) VIE Number of ways = 12C6  6C6 = 924? No! We are double counting in this case Why? Suppose the people are labeled A1 to A12 We could choose A1 to A6 in one group; A7 to A12 must automatically in the other group Or we could choose A7 to A12; then A1 to A6 must automatically in the other group In either case, the end result is the same! 136 12 C4  8C4  4C4 = 5775 3! Number of ways = (iv) Note that the question is the same as asking ‘four groups consisting of 4, 4, and people’ THS NET (iii) 12 Number of ways = C4  8C4  4C3  1C1 = 69 300 2! Divide by 2! As the two groups of are considerd as identical objects Exercise A committee of is to be formed from women and men Find the number of ways in which the committee can be chosen (i) if it comprises at most women, if it comprises fewer than women Solution Number of ways to choose a committee which comprises women = 6C2  5C4 = 75 Number of ways to choose a committee which comprises woman = 6C1  5C5 = VIE (i) TMA (ii) Number of ways to choose a committee which comprises no women = (impossible!) Total number of ways = 75 + = 81 137 Take note: Contrast with Example THS NET Although there are two groups of in this, we not treat them as identical objects and divide by 2!, unlike in Example This is because one group consist of men and the other consist of women Method 1: Number of ways to choose a committee which comprises men = 6C3  5C3 = 200 Number of ways to choose a committee which comprises men = 5C2  6C4 = 150 Number of ways to choose a committee which comprises man = 5C1  6C5 = 30 TMA Number of ways to choose a committee which comprises no men = 6C6 =1 Total number of ways = 200 + 150 + 30 + = 381 Method 2: This is the same as (Recognise that (ii) is the complementary case to (i)): Number of ways = Number of ways without restriction – Number of ways in (i) VIE = 11C6 - 81 = 381 Code Words Code words is a combination of the previous two sections with both permutations and combinations involved Typically, we first find the number of ways to select the letters, then multiply with the number of ways to permute the chosen letters 138 Exercise (i) using both Ns, (ii) using at most one N Solution (i) THS NET Find the number of four-letter code words that can be formed from the word MANSION We must two other letters, from MASIO, to arrange with the two Ns There are 5C2 choices The four letters (two Ns and two other letters) can be permuted in 4! ways 2! Take note 4! = 120 2! TMA ♦ number of code words = 5C2  Is this the complementary case to (i)? Yes! If we can find the total number of four-letter code words without restriction, we can subtract the answer in (i) from it to get the answer VIE Unfortunately, in this case we are not able to find the total number of four-letter code words easily Number of four-letter code words with exactly one N = 5C3 × 4! = 240 Number of four-letter code words with no N = 5C4 × 4! = 120 139 Exercise THS NET Note that in both cases, all four letters will be Now add up the cases different, so we ♦ number of code words = 240 + 120 =360 need not divide by any identical objects in this Numbers and their Factors case These questions typically require finding the number of factors of a given integer The prime factors of 543 312 are 2, 3, and 11 Excluding and 543 312, how many positive factors of 543 312 are there? Solution 543 312 = 24 × 32 × 73 × 111 The positive factors of 543 312 are of the form 2p × 3q × 7r × 11s, where p = 0, 1, 2, or 4; TMA q = 0, or 2; r = 0, 1, or 3; s = or For example, 21 × 30 × 72 × 111 = 1078 is a factor of 543 312 Thus, we have choices for p, choices for q, choices for r and choices for s VIE Number of factors = × × × = 120 Take note Failure to consider all possibilities/leave out some possibilities: Some people would stop here Is this the final answer? Remember that the factors and 543 312 must be excluded Therefore, there are 120 – = 118 such factors 140 Circular Permutations THS NET A distinct difference between seating people on a straight bench and seating them at a circular table is that each person has two ‘neighbors’ in the latter situation Also, in a circle, as long as each person retains the same neighbors, they can be rotated round the circle without causing any difference In general, the number of ways to arrange n distinct objects in a circular manner is (n – 1)! Exercise At a carnival, boys and girls are to be seated round a carousel with seats (i) Treat the three boy as a bundled unit Thus there are units altogether (6 girls and bundled unit) Number of permutations for these units = (7 – 1)! = 720 Number of permutations for the boys = 3! = Total number of ways = 720 × = 4320 (ii) VIE Solution TMA Assuming each child occupies exactly seat, in how many ways can this be done (i) if the boys must seat together, (ii) if particular girls cannot sit together? Number of ways without restriction = (9 – 1)! = 40 320 Number of ways that the two girls can sit together = (8 – 1)! × 2! = 10 080 Total number of ways = 40 320 – 10 080 = 30 240 The calculation follows the same Exercise concept as in (i) 141 Same question as above, except that the seats on the carousel are now numbered THS NET Solution Note that there are now distinct seats, thus we multiply the answer in Example 6(i) and 6(ii) by (i) Number of ways = 4320 × = 38 880 (ii) Number of ways = 30 240 × = 272 160 More Complicated Permutations Sometimes, objects may be arranged in a manner that is neither linear nor circular In such situations, we would need to make sure that all possibilities in each case are considered Exercise A room has doors at the corners There are fixed chairs labeled A, B, C,…, I in the room, lined up against the walls (see diagram) B I H Door C VIE A TMA girls are to be seated in the room, each on a chair G 142 D E F Door In how many ways can this be done? (ii) Next, find the number of ways in which they can be seated (a) if particular girls cannot be seated on any of the chairs next to a doors, (b) if particular girls cannot be seated next to each other against the same wall Solution THS NET (i) (i) Number of ways without restriction = 9! = 362 880 (ii) (a) The girls can only be seated on the chair labelled A, B, E, H and I Number of ways to arrange these girls = 5C2 × 2! =20 (Or, number of ways to = n Pr TMA arrange these girls = P2 = 20) Recall that nCr × r! Number of ways to arrange the remaining girls = 7! Total number of ways = 20 × 7! = 100 800 Take note Taking the wrong complement VIE Did you consider using Complementary Principle in (ii) (a)? Did you realize that the complementary case is not ‘the girls are seated on the chairs next to a door’? Instead, it includes the cases ‘exactly girl is seated next to a door’ and ‘both girls are seated next to a door’ Thus, the complementary case is more complicated than the original! (b) Number of ways for the girls to sit next to each other = × × 2! × 7! = 60 480 143 Number of permutations for the girls ways to place girls against the chosen wall Number of permutations for the remaining girls THS NET walls to choose from Number of acceptable ways = 9! – 60 480 = 302 400 Take note TMA Notice that this time the complementary case is less complicated, so it provides a shortcut for us to calculate the answer! You may wish to attempt calculating it directly to appreciate that you have to be very careful when using the direct method for this question VIE Self-Reflection: After the lesson has been taught the teacher should reflect on how successful the lesson was? Are there any ways to improve the lesson? Did the students enjoy the lesson? Did the students learn the standards? Did it work in the time that it was supposed to? Would you teach this lesson again? 144 PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS Bell Ringer: THS NET A bowl contains ten red balls and ten blue balls A woman selects balls at random without looking at them How many balls must she select to be sure of having at least three balls of the same color? How many balls must she select to be sure of having at least three blue balls? Example on Board If the teacher wants to choose students from the class today (lets say 20 students are in class today), how many different options would the teacher have for his/her decision? (Note: it does matter the order or who gets picked) Example 1: Example TMA How many sets can you create from the set = (a, b, c, d) when each set has to have elements in it? VIE Suppose that there are eights runners in a race The winner receives a gold medal the second-place finisher receives a silver medal, and the third-place finisher receives a bronze medal How many different ways are there to award these medals, if all possible outcomes of the race can occur and there are no ties? Example Suppose that a saleswoman has to visit eight different cities She must begin her trip in a specified city, but she can visit the other seven cities in any order she wishes How many possible orders can the saleswoman use when visiting the cities? 145 Example Example THS NET How many permutations of the letters ABCDEFGH contain the string ABC? How many ways are there to select five players from a 10-member tennis team to make a trip to a match at another school? Example 6: How many ways are there to select a first prize winner, second-prize winner, and a third-prize winner from five different people who have entered a contest? Example TMA A group of 30 people have been trained as astronauts to go on the first mission to Mars How many ways are there to select a crew of six people to go on this mission (assuming that all crew members have the same job)? Example for students to at their desks How many bit strings of length n contain exactly r 1s? Examples VIE 1) How many ways are there to select a committee to develop a discrete mathematics course at a school if the committee is to consist of three faculty members from the mathematics department and four from computer science department, if there are nine faculty members of mathematics department and 11 of the computer science department? 2) How many ways are there for eight men and five women to stand in a lne so that not two women stand next to each other? (Hint: First position the men and then consider possible positions for the women.) 146 3) In how many different orders can five runners finish a race if no ties are allowed? THS NET The teacher should then go over those problems with the class as a whole and answer in questions they might have Now the teacher needs to try and incorporate all the other counting methods into today’s lesson Then the teacher should have the each group go to the board and teach the class how to solve their problem The group will first have to decide which counting technique to use to solve their given problem Examples 10 1) How many license plates can be made using either three digits followed by three letters or three letters followed by three digits? (uses the product rule) TMA 2) How many bit strings of length four not have two consecutive 1s? (uses the three diagrams) 3) Show that if there are 30 students in a class, then at least two have last names that begin with the same letter (uses the pigeonhole principle) 4) How many permutations of the letters ABCDEFG contain A) the string of BCD B) the string of CFGA VIE C) the string BA and GF 5) How many ways are there to seat six people around a circular table, where seatings are considered to be the same if they can be obtained from each other by rotating the table? (uses combinations) 147 EXERCISES Exercise 1: THS NET Find the number of different arrangements of the 10 letters of the word INCREDIBLE in which (iii) all the vowels must be together (iv) none of the vowels are adjacent Exercise Find the number of ways to divide 12 people into (i) two groups consisting of and people, (ii) two groups consisting of people each, (iii) three groups consisting of people each, (iv) three groups consisting of 4, and people with person excluded Exercise Exercise TMA A committee of is to be formed from women and men Find the number of ways in which the committee can be chosen (i) if it comprises at most women, (ii) if it comprises fewer than women VIE Find the number of four-letter code words that can be formed from the word MANSION (i) using both Ns, (ii) using at most one N 148 Exercise THS NET The prime factors of 543 312 are 2, 3, and 11 Excluding and 543 312, how many positive factors of 543 312 are there? Exercise At a carnival, boys and girls are to be seated round a carousel with seats Assuming each child occupies exactly seat, in how many ways can this be done (i) if the boys must seat together, (ii) if particular girls cannot sit together? Exercise Same question as above, except that the seats on the carousel are now numbered Exercise TMA A room has doors at the corners There are fixed chairs labeled A, B, C,…, I in the room, lined up against the walls (see diagram) girls are to be seated in the room, each on a chair In how many ways can this be done? (iv) Next, find the number of ways in which they can be seated (a) if particular girls cannot be seated on any of the chairs next to a doors, (b) if particular girls cannot be seated next to each other against the same wall VIE (iii) 149 ...THS NET Tài liệu tập huấn giảng dạy môn Toán tiếng Anh Mathematical English – Thuật ngữ toán học tiếng Anh Chu Thu Hoàn - Trường PT Chuyên ngoại ngữ ,... việc soạn giảng tiếng Việt, khác thầy cô phải soạn tiếng Anh Vì vậy, viết tài liệu tập huấn bảng liệt kê thuật ngữ Toán học tiếng Anh đầy đủ Những thuật ngữ từ vựng chuyên môn Toán cần thiết cho... ngữ , Đại học ngoại ngữ,ĐHQG Hà nội Một số vấn đề việc soạn giảng dạy môn Toán tiếng Anh Nhóm biên soạn tài liệu tập huấn môn Toán The sine rule and the cosine rule – Các công thức sin cos Tạ

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2017, 22:38



