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TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QUẢNG BÌNH KHOA NGOẠI NGỮ GIÁO TRÌNH (Lưu hành nội bộ) THỰC HÀNH BIÊN DỊCH TRANSLATION PRACTICE (Dành cho sinh viên ngành cao đẳng tiếng Anh) Tác giả: Nguyễn Thọ Phước Thảo Năm 2015 MỤC LỤC Lời mở đầu Unit 1: How to deal with non-equivalence at lexical level……………………………….3 Unit 2: How to deal with idioms and set expressions…………………………………….9 Unit 3: Dealing with structural errors……………………………………………………13 Unit 4: How to deal with style errors…………………………… 19 Unit 5: Translation of cultural terms…………………………………………………… 22 Unit 6: Translation of sentences………………………………… 28 Unit 7: Translation of texts……………………………………… 43 Tài liệu tham khảo LỜI NÓI ĐẦU Giáo trình thực hành biên dịch biên soạn phù hợp với trình độ yêu cầu đào tạo sinh viên ngành cao đẳng tiếng Anh Giáo trình giúp cho sinh viên nắm vững kiến thức loại hình biên dịch, kỹ thuật biên dịch lỗi cần tránh dịch Sinh viên áp dụng lý thuyết vào tập thực hành theo độ khó tăng dần: luyện tập dịch mẫu câu bản, dịch loại mệnh đề dịch đoạn ngắn theo chủ đề: Văn hoá, giáo dục, kinh tế, giải trí, khoa học Giáo trình giúp sinh viên có khả vận dụng linh hoạt phương pháp, kỹ thuật dịch bản, phân tích nội dung văn gốc dựa nguyên tắc dịch thuật học, biết cách tránh lỗi thường gặp trình biên dịch, từ lựa chọn từ, cấu trúc ngữ pháp thích hợp để tạo dịch hay xác UNIT HOW TO DEAL WITH NON-EQUIVALENCE AT LEXICAL LEVEL It is often the case that no direct equivalents can be found in Vietnamese for English words It may be that the concept or idea is new to Vietnamese translators, as in the case of „gender‟, which is, in fact, a relatively new concept in general, and a very difficult concept is known or understand and explain in many languages It may also be that the concept is known or understood that there is no specific word in Vietnamese used to express it Another difficulty is that, in addition to their concrete meaning, some words have special connotations that are not conveyed by the Vietnamese word for the same thing The strategies listed below can be used to handle cases of non-equivalence Translating by a more specific word (Context) In some cases, it may be appropriate or necessary to use a more specific word to translate an English word into Vietnamese This usually involves choosing among different words, as there may be many Vietnamese words that correspond to the general category or meaning expressed by English word For instance, Vietnamese has many words that mean „to carry‟ with distinction being made depending on the size and shape of the object; its animate (e.g a child as opposed to a box); and how it is carried (e.g in the hand, or in the arms…) Similarly, the English word for „rice‟ can be translated by many different Vietnamese words, depending on whether one is planting it, harvesting it, cooking it, or eating it In these cases, the English word alone is not enough to determine the appropriate Vietnamese translation, and it is necessary to examine the English context Example: Below are 10 different uses (meanings) of the word “Run” (English) the boy runs run along color runs run the computer vine runs boss runs a company runs for president time runs fast run over 10 dry run Translating by a more general word In other cases, it may be appropriate to use a more general word to translate and English word with no specific Vietnamese equivalent For example, English makes distinctions among mopeds, scooters, and motorcycles, the larger wheels and engines than both moped and scooters Vietnamese, on the other hand, refers to all two-wheel, motorized vehicles as „xe máy‟ Similarly, the English word „paw‟, „foot‟, or „leg‟ may all be translated by the Vietnamese word „chân‟, which does not suggest any problems of comprehension in Vietnamese, as it should be clear from the context which of these words is meanr Another example can be found in a manual on community development, which translates the word „matrix‟ by the Vietnamese word „ma trận‟ has a specific use in mathematics only, and does not have the additional sense of a model or a plan according to which something is developed In this example, „matrix‟ is better translated „bản‟, which is a more general word used to classify a written plan or formula Translating by cultural substitution This strategies involves replacing a culture-specific item or expression with one of the different meanings by similar impact in the translated text Because of their self-described „respect‟ for the original text, most Vietnamese translators object to this strategy and tend to translate directly, even though it is in appropriate For example, a farmer‟s manual that has been translated into Vietnamese suggests the planting of different types of fruit trees which are not even grown in Vietnam The original manual, which was developed in other parts in Asia, was not modified at all for the Vietnamese context Though some translators argue that it is not the responsibility of the translator to change the text in this way, the translator is in fact playing an important role in this task Translators should be encouraged to consider the appropriateness of the documents they are translating and suggest changes to make them more culturally appropriate However, this is not only the burden of the translator, but also of the commissioners of the translation and the editor Translating by using a loan word plus explanation There is some objection to this strategy in Vietnam, as many translators prefer to coin new words in Vietnamese rather than borrow English words However, this strategy is very useful when the translator deal with concepts or ideas that are new to Vietnamese audience, culture-specific items, and proper names or diseases or medicines that are widely known in English names For instance, HIV and AIDS are two loan words that are frequently used in Vietnamese, as they are referred to by their English names in almost every part of the world Because these words have been in common used in Vietnam for a long time, they are often used without any accompanying explanation Whenever a loan word is used, it is better to give an explanation Another example is the acronym for oral dehydration salts, or ORS, which is printed on every package and hence easily reorganized; this is normally written in English with an explanation in Vietnamese: ORS (muối bù nước) Translating by using a paraphrase This strategy can be used when we translate an English word or concept that does not exist in Vietnamese, or when the Vietnamese term for it does not introduce all the meanings conveyed by the English term for the same concept For example, in the sentence: „Pregnant women should avoid alcohol.‟, the English „alcohol‟ includes all alcoholic drinks in its meaning The Vietnamese word „rượu‟ does not include beer in its definition, so the Vietnamese translation should add the word beer to reflect the full meaning of the source language sentence Another example is that the English words „abuse‟ and „neglect‟ signify a whole range of behaviors, some of which are not conveyed by the Vietnamese words alone As a result, the English sentence: „Children should be protected from abuse and neglect,‟ can not be translated simply as „Trẻ em phải bảo vệ khỏi lạm dụng lơ là.‟ This translation does not account for their full meaning, which must be unpacked for better understanding This can be done by paraphrasing as a translator has attempted in the following translation: „Trẻ em cần bảo vệ chống lại hình thức bạo lực, gây tổn thương hay xúc phạm, bỏ mặc xao nhãng việc chăm sóc‟ Back translated roughly into English, this sentence reads: „Children must be protected from all forms of violence causing harm or offense, and form abandonment and negligence in their care.‟ Translating by omission Though some translators may reject this strategy as too drastic, it is sometimes appropriate to omit words or phrases that are not essential to the meaning or impact of the text This especially true for words that would require lengthy explanations, awkward paraphrases, or literal and unnatural translations, which would interrupt the flow of the text and could distract the reader from the overall meaning For example, the sentence „Much can be done even without being physically present in the meeting.‟ is best translated into Vietnamese by, „nhiều việc làm mặt họp‟ which omit the word „physically‟ in the translation The difference in meaning between „being physically present‟ and „being present‟ is so minimal that it does not justify translation into Vietnamese, which cannot easily express the slight emphasis implied here by the author, and would not so by emphasizing the physicality of a person‟s presence * Practice: I Find out the equivalences of the following words in TL Uống bia Nói dối Nói tiếng Anh Chào tạm biệt Đàn chim Đàn trâu Đàn chó Đàn cá Một nói chuyện lịch sử 10 Quan tâm 11 Lo lắng 12 Tự hào 13 Profound 14 Deep 15 Stubborn 16 Home 17 House II Circle the correct word I couldn‟t begin/ start my car this morning, the battery was flat We will discuss the matter before/ in front of he arrives Tim speaks/ says/ tells French much better than me Can you borrow/ lend me $20 please? I‟ll pay it back tomorrow You can easily fit three people on to the back chair/ seat of your car He was killed by/ with a knife It‟s not good telling the teacher you‟ve left/ forgotten your books at home You really must/ have to come and see us some time I was able to drive to London quickly because the road was clean/ clear III Translate We must all work together to contribute to the building of a strong nation The Labor Government was blamed by many Australian people for contributing to the poor economy She is a beautiful dancer The woman with a baby in her arms is my sister He was a failure in art Premature babies usually have breathing problems Although he is the head of the company, he has no head In 1999, some major commodities were stockpiled because of poor quality According to Mr Thien, his plant curently produces lubricants under the API (American Petroleum Institute) standards 10 Nói chuyện qua điện thoại dễ bị hiểu nhầm 11 Chúng thật chia buồn việc bố bạn 12 Kha Luân Bố tìm Tân giới vào năm 1842 13 Tôi tìm sách 14 Micheal Faraday tìm máy phát điện 15 Tiến hai bước phía Trăng sáng nhìn thấy lối Chúng ta hỏi anh chờ đến ngày mai Nhiều sinh viên không thích học thi, không thích làm tập cuối kì Khuôn viên trường đại học nằm trung tâm thành phố, mua sắm dễ dàng Xem tivi hình thức giải trí không đắt đỏ lắm, cách hay để học tiếng Anh Translate into English Are you applying for a graduate school, or will you look for a job? Night came on and rain fell heavily and we all got very wet The room was dark, but the street was lighter because of its lamps I was not unhappy, not much afraid, yet I wept The rain fell softly, the house was quiet TRANSLATION OF COMPLEX SENTENCES I Definition: A complex sentence is a sentence which containing one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses Conditional sentences a Real condition If clause Main Clause Simple Present Simple Future (Shall/ Will/ Can/ May/ Must + Verb) Examples: If the rain stops, I will go for a walk Nếu trời hết mưa, dạo vòng If he goes to London, he will meet his sister Nếu anh Luânđôn anh gặp chị If you come into my garden, my dog will bite you Nếu mày bước vào vườn tao chó tao cắn mày 32 He will come if you call him Anh đến bạn gọi If you ask me, I can help you Nếu anh đề nghị giúp b Unreal condition If Clause Main Clause Past Subjunctive Present Conditional (Should/ Would/ Could/ Might + Verb) Examples: If I saw him, I should speak to him Nếu gặp nó, nói với If I had the money, I would buy a new car Nếu có tiền mua xe If Henry were here, we would know the answer Nếu Henry có mặt đây, biết câu trả lời If I were him, I would not that Nếu tôi không làm việc c Unreal condition in the past If clause Main Clause Past perfect Subjunctive Perfect Conditional (Should have/ Would have + Past Participle) Examples: If John had worked hard, he would have passed his examination Nếu John làm việc chăm đậu If you had asked me, I would have helped you Nếu anh yêu cầu tôi giúp anh If I had had the money, I would have bought a bigger house 33 (Mấy năm trước) có tiền mua nhà lớn If I had known of your arrival, I should have met you Nếu biết anh đến gặp anh If I had known her, I would have married her Nếu (trước kia) biết cô ta cưới cô ta II Practice: Translate into Vietnamese If you could be someone else, who would you like to be? If you weren‟t studying English, which language would you study? If you could go to the moon, what would you take with you? If only it would stop raining You had better take an umbrella with you in case it rains So long as you return the book by Saturday, I will lend it to you with pleasure Translate into English Nếu vào hoàn cảnh anh làm Nếu hôm qua mà anh xem Xinê anh bị mắc mưa Anh làm anh trúng số? Nếu anh thực tập nói tiếng anh thường xuyên chẳng anh nói trôi chảy Nếu mà anh không anh muốn đâu? Clauses a Definition A clause is a group of words that contains a finite verb and its subject * Noun Clauses - Object of a verb + Helen told us that she has bought the tickets Helen bảo cô ta mua vé 34 + William dreamed that he was flying to the moon William mơ bay lên cung trăng + He asked me where I live Ông ta hỏi sống đâu? + Give whoever answers the phone Dad‟s message Chuyển lời dặn Dad cho trả lời điện thoại - Subject of a verb + Why he left is a mystery to me Lý bỏ vấn đề bí mật + What are you doing seems difficult Cái anh làm khó + How the prisoner escaped is a complete mystery Người tú trốn thoát cách điều bí mật - Object of preposition + We argued for hours about when we should start Chúng thảo luận hàng việc nên khởi lúc + They will be very thankful for whatever you can give them Chúng cảm ơn anh nhiều cho chúng + The student always pays attention to whatever the teacher is saying Học sinh luôn tâm đến điều thầy giáo nói - Complement of a sentence + The fact is that he doesn‟t really try Sự thật không thực cố gắng + This is not what I want Đó điều muốn + It appears that he never been paid the money Dường chưa trả tiền + What surprised me was that he spoke English so well 35 Điều làm ngạc nhiên nói tiếng Anh hay - Noun clause in apposition to a noun + The news that we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true Nguồn tin mà nghỉ ngày mai không thật + The fact that the prisoner was guilty was plain to everyone Sự kiện mà người tù có tội hiển nhiên người b Practice Translate into Vietnamese We cannot rely on what he says No one knows when he will come, or whether he will come at all or whether he is even alive What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander What is one man‟s meat is another man‟s poison The fact that I gave my report first mean that I could relax during the rest of the meeting Translate into English Những anh nói thật Người tù trốn thoát cách bí mật hoàn toàn Những anh nói chẳng có nghĩa lý Hãy ý kỹ nói Hình trước cậu chưa tới * Adjective clauses (Relative Clauses) A relative clause is a subordinate clause that modifies a noun phrase, most commonly a noun * Relative Pronouns in adjective clauses + The student who answered the question was John Học sinh trả lời câu hỏi John + This is the man whom we saw 36 Đây người mà gặp + The pencil which is in your pocket belongs to me Cây viết chì túi anh + The car which he has bought is so expensive Chiếc ô tô mua đắt tiền + The man whose daughter married the millionaire of my town is an artist Người đàn ông mà gái ông ta thành hôn với nhà tỷ phú thành phố họa sỹ + The tree whose branches are dead will be felled tomorrow Cái mà cành chết bị đốn vào ngày mai Những trường hợp bắt buộc phải dùng THAT (chứ không dùng Who, Whom, Which) + The old man and the two dogs that passed my house yesterday made much noise Ông già chó hôm qua ngang qua nhà làm ồn trời + This is the most beautiful dress that I have Đây áo đầm đẹp mà có + I‟m glad to give you all the money that I have in my pocket to all of you Tôi vui lòng cho tất bạn tất số tiền mà có túi + He reads every books that he can borrow Nó đọc tất sách mà mượn + This is the very person that I intend to see Đây người mà định gặp + You are the only person that can help me Ông người giúp + He was the first person that came in Ông người vào 37 + The last soldier that died in the Second World War was a young man of twenty years of age Người lính chết chiến tranh giới lần thứ hai niên hai mươi tuổi * Relative adverbs in adjective clauses - Where [= in/ at which] + The place where we met was an old pagoda Nơi gặp chùa cổ + I found my books where I had left them Tôi tìm sách chỗ cất - When [= at/ on which] + Sunday is the day when I am least busy Chủ nhật ngày bận rộn + There are times when joking is not permissible Có lúc người ta không phép đùa - Why + The reason why he did it is obscure Lý làm điều không rõ + This is the reason why I left early Đây lý sớm * Adverb Clauses An Adverb Clause is a group of words which contains a subject and a finite verb that describes or adds to the meaning of a verb, an adjective an another verb - Adverb clause of time: (When, Whenever, While, As, Before, After, Till, Until, Since and As soon as, By the time that, No sooner…than, Once) + When it rains, I usually go to the office by bus Khi trời mưa làm xe buýt + I learned a lot of French while I was in Paris 38 Tôi học nhiều tiếng Pháp Paris + She has learned English before she came to England Cô ta học tiếng Anh trước Anh + The baby did not stop crying until he was fed Đứa bé khóc ăn + The thief was arrested as he was leaving the bank Tên trộm bị bắt rời nhà băng + Jones does a good deed whenever he can Jones làm hành động tốt làm + He has done a good deed every day since he took his oath Mỗi ngày ta làm việc thiện từ ta tuyên thệ + By the time the boys put up the tent, the sun had set Tới lúc mà đứa bé dựng lều lên thid mặt trời lặn + He had no sooner seen one continent than he saw another Ông ta vừa nhìn thấy đại lục lại nhìn thấy đại lục khác - Adverb Clause of Reason: (As, As if, As through, For, Seeing that, Now that) + He sold the car because it was too small Nó bán xe xe nhỏ + Since you won‟t help me, I must the job myself Vì anh không giúp nên phải làm lấy công việc + Seeing that my secretary is away at present, I have a great many extra letters to answer Hiện thời, thư ký vắng, có thêm nhiều thư để trả lời - Adverb Clause of Concession: (Though, Although, Even though, Even if, However, Whatever, Whether…or not, No matter whether… or not + Though (Although) he tried hard, he was not successful Mặ dù ta cố gắng nhiều ta không thành công + He did well in his examination, even if he didn‟t get a prize 39 Nó làm thi không đoạt giải + However hard he tries, he never seems able to the work satisfactory Dù có cố gắng nhiều nữa, dường không làm công việc cách hoàn hảo + Whether he works or not, I don‟t think he will pass the examination Dù có làm việc hay không, không nghĩ thi đổ + Whatever you may say, I still think I did the right think Dù anh có nói nghĩ làm + No matter whether you agree or not, I shall pay him the price he ask Dù anh có lòng hay không trả hắn đòi + Some people make up their minds right away no matter how complicated the problem is Một số người định dù vấn đề có phức tạp đến đâu + On the way to my office I never stop no matter who calls me Trên đường đến chổ làm việc không dừng lại dù có gặp + I will love you forever no matter what happens Anh yêu em mãi dù xảy + I not trust him no matter what he says Tôi không tin cậy dù có nói + She is always late for class no matter when she gets up Cô ta luôn trể dù cô ta có thức dậy lúc + The teacher loves every student no matter where they come from Ông thầy giáo yêu mến học sinh chúng có từ đâu đến - Adverb Clause of Contrast: (But, Whereas, While) + I was not there but my father was Tôi mặt cha có mặt + Some people like meat with much fat in it whereas others hate it 40 Nhiều người thích thịt mỡ mà nhiều người không thích + While Tom is a good math student, Pam does well in English Trong Tom học sinh giỏi môn toán Pam lại giỏi môn tiếng Anh - Adverb Clause of Result: (So…that, Such…that) + She is so beautiful that her husband feels miserable Bà ta đẹp chồng bà ta cảm thấy khổ sở + He ran so fast that I could not catch him Hắn ta chạy nhanh đuổi theo không kịp + He has such loud voice that he doesn‟t need a loudspeaker Ông ta có giọng nói lớn không cần máy phóng - Adverb Clause of Purpose: (so that, in order that, for fear that, in case…) + Someone eat so that they may live Một số người ăn để sống + Others seem to live in order that they may eat Những người khác dường sống để ăn + I am telling you this lest/ for fear that you should make a mistake Tôi kể cho anh nghe chuyện sợ anh phạm lỗi - Adverb Clause of Place: (Where, Wherever) + I will go where you tell me Tôi đến nơi anh bảo + He sat wherever he could find a seat Hắn ta ngồi chỗ tìm chỗ ngồi - Adverb Clause of Manner: (A, As though, As if) + Everything went on as we had planned Mọi việc diễn tiến dự định + I shall the exercises as I have been taught Tôi làm tập dạy + He spoke as if he were a learned man 41 Nó nói học giả - Adverb Clause of Comparison: (More…than, As…as, So…at, Less…than) + The wiser he becomes, the humber he is Ông ta không ngoan khiêm nhượng + The more beautiful she is, the more miserable her parents are Cô ta đẹp cha mẹ cô ta khổ sở + The heavier the coin was, the more it was worth Đồng tiền kim khí nặng giá trị + The more we get together, the happier we‟ll be Chúng ta họp đông vui + The more I hate him, the more he likes me Tôi ghét thích + The less difficult the lesson are, the less studious the students are Bài học khó học sinh siêng + The less diligent the boy is, the less progress he will make Thằng bé siêng tiến - Adverb Clause of Condition: (If, Unless, As (So) long as, Provided that, On condition that, Supposing that) + I shall go if he asks me Tôi yêu cầu + I shan‟t go unless he asks me Tôi không không yêu cầu + I shall go so long as (provided that, on condition that) he asks me Tôi miễn (với điều kiện là) yêu cầu + Supposing that he asks me, will you go? Giả sử yêu cầu anh anh có không? 42 II Exercises Translate into Vietnamese All things are difficult before they are easy The size of a man can be measures by the size of the thing that makes him angry Man lives by habit indeed, but what he lives for is thrill and excitements Tolerance of differing opinion is the only attitude that makes possible a free press An error doesn‟t become a mistake until you refuse to correct it Humanity is not so adult that it can without hero-worship Whoever has an idea has a bargaining tool Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets nothing When we have not what we like, we have like what we have 10 Opinions cannot survice if one has no chance to fight for them Translate into English John học chăm cốt để thi đỗ Người tỷ phú luôn mang theo cận vệ sợ bị công Tốt nên mang theo dù, e trời mưa Tôi phải nhà chiều e ba đến thăm Cậu bán xe nhỏ 43 UNIT 7: TRANSLATION OF TEXT Translation of cultural terms: Vietnamese and British cultures are sharply different One major area of difference between the cultures relates to the showing of affection In Vietnam, two men or two women often show affection in public, but affection between the sexes is not considered acceptable Vietnamese family relation are often a surprise to British people three or four generations generally live together in one Vietnamese household, with elderly people cared for by their children and grandchildren And many people, especially the rural inhabitants, not use public telephone, and the internet, drive a car, or make use of a bank Literary translation The thorn birds There is a legend about a bird which sings once in its life, more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth From the moment it leaves the mest it searches for a thorn tree, and does not rest until it found one Then singing among the savage branchs, it impales of itself on the longest, sharpest spine And dying, it rises above its agony to outcarol the lark and nightingale One superlative song, existence of price But the whole world stills to listen, and God in His Heaven smiles For the best is only bought at the cost of great pain Or so says the legend (Colleen McCullough The Thorn Birds Avon Books, 1977) Translation of academic texts BASIC MATHEMATICAL TERMS As you know, mathematics is the science that deals with space and number Arithmetic, algebra, geometry and trigonometry are branches of mathematics In this text you will learn the basic arithmetical and geometrical terms as they are used in Englishspeaking countries The numbers 1,3,5,7,9 are called odd numbers, 2,4,6,8 are even numbers They are also termed cardinal numbers, and they tell us how many things or persons there are in a set 44 Ordinal numbers, however, define the position of things in a series These are formed by adding –th to the cardinal number, except for the first three, which run as follows: 1st (first), 2nd (second), 3rd (third) Note also the slight modifications in the ordinals: 5th (fifth), 9th (ninth), 12th (twelfth) and 20th (twentieth) The four elementary rules, or arithmetical operations, are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division The results of the four operations in the above mentioned equations are called the sum (or sum total), the remainder, the product, and the quotient, respectively The number 50 368 or any other whole number is called an integer, and it contains five digits A digit is any numeral from to On the other hand, the quantities ½ (one half), 2/3 (two thirds), ¾ (three quarters) are called vulgar fractions They are also known as proper fractions because their numerators are smaller than their denominators But if it is the other way round, they are called improper fractions, e.g 3/2 (three halves), 5/4 (five fourths) etc Fractions such as x/y and a/b should be read as x over y and a over b A decimal fraction, however, is written and read in this manner: 2.7 (two point seven), 5.063 (five point zero six three), or 01 (point zero one) You should also know how a number or mathematical expression is raised to a certain power We speak of the second, third, fourth, etc power of a number For example, 42 is the second power of four, or simply, four squared (also four to the power of two) 53 is the third power of five or five cubed or five to the power of three Similarly, a5 is a to the fifth power or the power of five, x-5 is x to the power of minus five The small numbers (2,3,5,-5) are called indices or exponents, and they indicate the power to which a quantity is raised The root of a number, as you know, represents a completely reversed procedure Thus, the number is the square root of (√9), the cube root of 27 (3√27), the fourth root of 81 (4√81), etc 45 TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO + Sách: Collins Cobuild (1996) English Grammar Birmingham University Press Nguyen Quoc Hung, M.A (2007) Hướng Dẫn Kỹ Thuật Biên Dịch Anh – Việt, Việt – Anh NXB Văn hóa Sài Gòn Nguyen Van Tuan & Truong Thi Thai Thanh (2004) Translation 1&2 Hue University Press Tran Quang Man (2001) Căn phiên dịch Việt – Anh (Bases for Vietnamese – English Translation) NXB Thanh Niên + Websites: 1.http://tailieu.vn/xem-tai-lieu/giao-trinh-luyen-dich-tieng-anh-translation-12.116157.html2 http://www.ebook.edu.vn/?page=1.24&view=9988 46 ... trình thực hành biên dịch biên soạn phù hợp với trình độ yêu cầu đào tạo sinh viên ngành cao đẳng tiếng Anh Giáo trình giúp cho sinh viên nắm vững kiến thức loại hình biên dịch, kỹ thuật biên dịch. .. dịch, kỹ thuật biên dịch lỗi cần tránh dịch Sinh viên áp dụng lý thuyết vào tập thực hành theo độ khó tăng dần: luyện tập dịch mẫu câu bản, dịch loại mệnh đề dịch đoạn ngắn theo chủ đề: Văn hoá,... trình giúp sinh viên có khả vận dụng linh hoạt phương pháp, kỹ thuật dịch bản, phân tích nội dung văn gốc dựa nguyên tắc dịch thuật học, biết cách tránh lỗi thường gặp trình biên dịch, từ lựa

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