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tai lieu toic, từ vững, ngữ pháp,

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đại từ quan hệ, tài liệu ôn thi toic,toefl , ielts, ôn thi anh văn hiệu quả, từ vững, ngữ pháp tiếng anh, các bài tập tiếng anh có đáp án và giải thích, danh động từ, giới từ, phó từ, trạng từ, mệnh đề quan hệ trong tiếng anh và cách dùng

1 Test Hai-Lam Toeic Registration to the conference can be made either online _by fax (A) but (B) yet (C) or (D) and Đáp án: C Giải thích: Cấu trúc either A or B : A B Dịch: Đăng ký tham dự hội nghị thực trực tuyến fax Gino Pueblo a weekly entertainment column for a number of newspapers until his retirement in 1996 (A) (B) (C) (D) writes write written wrote Đáp án: D Giải thích: Sử dụng khứ đơn, việc xảy kết thúc khứ xác định năm 1996 Dịch: Gino Pueblo viết mục giải trí hàng tuần cho số tờ báo nghỉ hưu năm 1996 It is the of conference organizers to set up the audiovisual equipment in all exhibition rooms (A) (B) (C) (D) response responsibility responsible Responsibly Đáp án: B Giải thích: cấu trúc The + N + of Dịch: Người tổ chức hội nghị chịu trách nhiệm thiết lập thiết bị nghe nhìn tất phòng triển lãm The town hopes to collect enough money from the municipal bonds to pay the bridge repairs (A) (B) (C) for out into Hai-Lam Toeic (D) By Đáp án: A Dịch: Thị trấn hy vọng thu đủ tiền từ trái phiếu thành phố để toán cho việc sửa chữa cầu A car today produces 70% pollutants than ten years ago (A) fewer (B) (C) (D) less tower Minimal Đáp án: B Giải thích: cấu trúc so sánh Dịch: Một xe ngày tạo 70% chất gây ô nhiễm mười năm trước We have two representatives from the Conservative Party who _invited to speak at the opening ceremonies (A) (B) (C) (D) been was were Had Đáp án: C Giải thích: Ở “who” thay cho “two representatives” nên số nhiều ^ cần động từ số nhiều cấu trúc bị động nên chọn C Dịch: Chúng có hai đại diện Đảng Bảo thủ mời đến phát biểu lễ khai mạc The soybean has provided _with more than a hundred different products (A) us (B) our (C) we (D) Ourselves Đáp án: A Giải thích: cần tân ngữ Dịch: Đậu nành cung cấp cho trăm sản phẩm khác Hai-Lam Toeic She took the new high speed train _was advertised on the radio (A) it (B) who (C) what (D) That Đáp án: D Giải thích: Dùng mệnh đề quan hệ that thay “the new high speed train” Dịch: Cô lên tàu cao tốc quảng cáo radio Because the price of fuel has dropped, airline tickets have once again become ……for most travelers (A) capable (B) predictable (C) comparable (D) Affordable Đáp án: D Dịch: Bởi giá nhiên liệu giảm, vé máy bay lần trở nên giá phải cho hầu hết du khách 10 Company policy _employees from spending time on personal matters during business hours (A) (B) (C) (D) implies detects pretends Discourages Đáp án: D Dịch: Chính sách công ty không khuyến khích nhân viên dành thời gian vào vấn đề cá nhân làm việc 11 These books are , and the ones on the desk are mine (A) you (B) your (C) (D) Đáp án: C yours Yourself Giải thích: yours = your + N: sở hữu Hai-Lam Toeic Dịch: Những sách bạn, bàn 12 Professor Haage, as a public speaker is than Professor Doyle (A) more entertaining (B) very entertaining (C) most entertaining (D) the more entertaining Đáp án: A Giải thích: Có “than” phía sau nên dấu hiệu so sánh hơn, entertaining tính từ dài nên có more phía trước ( tính từ dài tính từ có âm tiết trở lên ) 13 Exercise, with a sound nutritional plan, is her formula for staying healthy (A) (B) (C) (D) according instead together Besides Đáp án : C Giải thích: Together with: như, với Dịch: Tập thể dục, với kế hoạch dinh dưỡng hợp lý, công thức cô để giữ sức khoẻ 14 For safety reasons, only trained employees are _to use this equipment (A) permitted (B) associated (C) decided (D) written Đáp án: A Giải thích: Be permitted to V = be allowed to V: cho phép làm Dịch: Vì lý an toàn, nhân viên đào tạo phép sử dụng thiết bị 15 “ If you had examined each factor individually”, she argued, “you that the error was theirs.” (A) (B) (C) had seen would have seen saw (D) Đáp án: B will have seen Hai-Lam Toeic Giải thích: Dùng cấu trúc câu điều kiện loại mệnh đề if dùng khứ hoàn thành mệnh đề lại dùng cấu trúc would have Pii 16 There are _more books that are benefical to you (A) So (B) many (C) such (D) Much Đáp án: B Giải thích: MORE : dấu hiệu so sánh nên loại đc A B much more + N không đếm đc, many more + Ns 17 The publisher will _need the report by week’s end (A) maybe (B) possible (C) probably (D) Eventually Đáp án: C Giải thích: Đứng will động từ trạng từ, dịch nghĩa chọn C Dịch: Nhà xuất cần báo cáo vào cuối tuần 18 We weren’t able to get any gas there because the pump were _ (A) empty (B) used (C) repaired (D) order Đáp án: C Dịch nghĩa: Chúng nhận khí máy bơm sửa chữa 19 Most electrical wiring is installed behind walls it is not visible (A) for that (B) because (C) so (D) although Đáp án: C Dịch: Hầu hết hệ thống dây điện lắp đặt phía sau tường để Hai-Lam Toeic không nhìn thấy 20 Dr Klein will be able to meet with us this afternoon we can make it (A) which (B) under (C) how (D) If Đáp án: D Dịch: Tiến sĩ Klein gặp mặt vào chiều thực 21 Can you finish your home work _next Friday (A) then (B) by (C) until (D) till Đáp án: B Giải thích: By next Friday ^ Trước thứ sáu 22 Ever since they discovered that little resort off the coast of Spain, they anywhere else for vacation (A) (B) (C) (D) didn’t go weren’t going went haven’t gone Đáp án: D Giải thích: Ever since + QKĐ, HTHT việc xảy khứ kéo dài tới Dịch: Kể từ họ phát khu nghỉ dưỡng nhỏ khơi bờ biển Tây Ban Nha, họ không đến nơi khác để nghỉ mát 23 I can’t find the Simpson will anywhere, I (A) give up (B) give out (C) give over (D) give back Đáp án: A Dịch: Tôi tìm thấy Simpson đâu, bỏ 24 The boss had me all of last month’s sales figures (A) to change (B) (C) (D) change changed changing Hai-Lam Toeic Đáp án: B Giải thích: Have SO Sthing 25 Because of renovations to our offices, future social _will be held in the company cafeteria (A) (B) (C) (D) reunions councils events Invocations Đáp án: C Dịch: Bởi việc tân trang lại văn phòng chúng tôi, kiện xã hội tương lai tổ chức phòng ăn công ty The use of e-mail has caused an………….leap in business communications throughout the world (A) unacceptable (B) implacable (C) inadvertent 26 (D) Unimaginable Đáp án: D Dịch: Việc sử dụng e-mail gây bước nhảy tưởng tượng truyền thông doanh nghiệp toàn giới 27 Demand for the new line of ears is up; _, production will increase (A) however (B) despite (C) therefore (D) regardless Đáp án: C Dịch: Nhu cầu cho dòng lên; Do đó, sản lượng tăng lên 28 Mr Logan’s instructions were……….clear that no one had any questions (A) such (B) ever (C) so (D) too Đáp án: C Giải thích: Cấu trúc So that : đến mà Too: thường dùng trường hợp mang tính tiêu cực Hai-Lam Toeic Dịch: Hướng dẫn M.r Logan rõ ràng đến có câu hỏi 29 When it came to solving a mechanical problem, he did not have a _ (A) sense (B) clue (C) hint (D) Thought Đáp án: C Dịch: Khi nói đến việc giải vấn đề khí, ông gợi ý 30 Mr Nigel becomes when he has to wait too long (A) evident (B) extraordinary (C) inconclusive (D) Impatient Đáp án: D Dịch: M.r Nigel trở nên kiên nhẫn anh chờ lâu 31 Customer is one of the top priorities of this company (A) satisfied (B) satisfying (C) satisfaction (D) Satisfactory Đáp án: C Giải thích: Customer danh từ đếm nên phải có mạo từ trước có đuôi “s”, nên ta nghi ngờ phía sau có danh từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ Đáp án C danh từ We are working on finding a solution ………the problem with the transmission by the end of the day 32 (A) (B) (C) (D) to over about Out Đáp án: A Giải thích: Solution to sth: giải Dịch: Chúng tìm kiếm giải pháp cho cố với truyền vào cuối ngày 33 A machine _could monitor efficiency would be very useful (A) whom (B) that (C) (D) it when Hai-Lam Toeic Đáp án: B Giải thích: Mệnh đề quan hệ vật “A machine” dùng that which 34 …… software appears to be much more useful than we had anticipated (A) A (B) The (C) These (D) Those Đáp án: B Giải thích: động từ số nên dùng dùng These Those, phần mềm xác định nên dùng The Dịch: Phần mềm hữu ích so với mong đợi 35 Management has _ to make a reasonable offer at the next contract bargaining session (A) (B) (C) (D) promises promise promised promising Đáp án: C Giải thích: Sau Has động từ có dạng: Dạng pp to V 36._………staff member interested in attending the conference should contact William Betts at extension 1452 (A) Both (B) Few (C) All (D) Any Đáp án: D Giải thích: staff member số nên có Any phù hợp Dịch: Bất kỳ nhân viên muốn tham dự hội nghị, liên hệ với William Betts số nội 1452 37 The new advertising campaign resulted in a _large increase in sales (A) surprised (B) surprisingly (C) surprise (D) Surprises 10 Đáp án: B Hai-Lam Toeic Giải thích: câu đủ thành phần nên ta chọn trạng từ bổ nghĩa Dịch: Chiến dịch quảng cáo làm tăng doanh số bán hàng đáng ngạc nhiên 38 The trainees helped out during the seminar (A) each other (B) another (C) the other (D) Other Đáp án: A Dịch: Các học viên giúp đỡ lẫn buổi hội thảo The hotel's quite mountain setting provides a live in a crowded city (A) Refresh (B) Refreshed (C) Refreshment 39 (D) change for visitors who Refreshing Đáp án: D Giải thích: phía sau “a” cụm danh từ, change nằm cuối cụm danh từ có giới từ for ngăn cách, change danh từ cụm danh từ, trước danh từ giới từ nên chọn B D dịch câu mang tính chủ động nên chọn D Dịch: Việc lắp đặt khách sạn núi mang lại thay đổi thích thú cho khách du lịch sống thành phố đông đúc According to the findings of the investigative committee, the company is not for the damages 40 (A) liable (B) guilty obligated Susceptible (C) (D) Đáp án: A Giải thích: Be liable for sth = trách nhiệm pháp lý cho Dịch: Theo kết ủy ban điều tra, công ty không chịu trách nhiệm pháp lý thiệt hại 41 A notice about today’s special events _posted on the bulletin board A been Đáp án: B B is C were D are 110 110 Page | 110 (AVP) B Your report will be checked before submission (AVQ) C months ago (AVR) When can the students have lunch break? (AVS) A They’ll have lunch in the canteen (AVT) B At 11:30, for about half an hour (AVU) C Sorry, I broke your glasses (AVV) 10 When will her new album be released? (AVW) A It’s $10.99 (AVX) B I’ll have one (AVY) C Tomorrow morning (AVZ) (AWA) (AWB) (AWC) (AWD) When will the product be ready? (A) This was our only product (B) Sometime next week (C) I’m not ready to talk (AWE) When did Jim receive the package? (A) It wasn’t a big package (B) It arrived yesterday 110 WHEN 111 111 Page | 111 (AWF) C To Hawaii (AWG) When was the elevator repaired? (AWH) A I used the stairs (AWI) B During lunch time yesterday (AWJ) C Yes, he’s alright (AWK) When did we send the check? (A) Last Friday (B) Yes I’ll check on it (C) To the bank (AWL) When will they finish the project? (A) Next week if they stay on schedule (B) We need a new projector (C) It was an expensive project (AWM) When will he begin work on the report? (A) He’ll report it to the manager (B) It’s very important work (C) He’ll start on it next week (AWN) When can I see Dr Park? (A) She’ll sit over here (B) She’ll be in her office (C) She’ll be free this afternoon (AWO) When did the lawyer first call you? (A) She called me early last week (B) I will call the lawyer first (C) Our lawyer is my best friend (AWP) When did they buy these computers? (A) They got them last year (B) They bought them at that new store (C) They got five new computers (AWQ) 10.When does the bus arrive? (AWR) A Take the bus number 15 111 112 112 Page | 112 (AWS) B In about 15 minutes (AWT) C No, she’s not coming (AWU) (AWV) (AWW) (AWX) (AWY) (AWZ) (AXA) (AXB) (AXC) (AXD) LESSON The secretary in the 2nd floor office answers e-mails between a.m and noon Local libraries frequently offer reading programs for children and ESL for adults His sequence of more environmentally-friendly air-conditioning units has made Dr Miles 112 Wilder very famous in this city Local residents are encouraged to attend the unveiling of the new museum The Queen of Hearts casino will be located somewhere along the new highway The itinerary for this week’s publishing convention includes a poetry reading and book signing by Dwayne T White on Wednesday afternoon and a job fair on Friday afternoon This new software would enable the accounting firm to process accounts more efficiently The board members meet only occasionally, usually only when there is a problem 113 113 Page | 113 Questions about production concerns should be directed to Ms Helen Yan 10 Customers at Prussian Blue Book are reminded to keep their receipt as proof of purchase when 11 12 13 14 15 they place an order Several staff heads gained a better understanding of the importance of motivation and teamwork from the last workshop The presentation on foreign developments in the fashion industry will include refreshments and a 45-minute question period afterwards Employee accounts must be stored under lock and key in the main office Soaring fuel prices have to contribute manufacturers seeking raw materials from less remote suppliers An investment that gradually increases in value over the years can be more profitable than more short-term alternatives 16 Several minor errors with the new software delayed the release date by two months 17 Alvinson Clothiers’ branch in Milan has been open since last August and is quickly becoming our busiest location 18 New customer service personnel are trained to respond to inquiries within a reasonable amount of time 19 The director of the new environmental safety committee, Mr Tim Chamberlain, has studied both economics and ecological science at North State 20 Ghent Maritime Cruises’ policy of changing plans without notifying passengers of the ensuing delays has cost them many clients 21 The price of organic foods is expected to Rise dramaticall over the next several years because of an increase in demand 22 Results from last week’s Lakeside City Gazette survey indicate a change in attitudes towards urban gun control laws 23 Our company’s accounting team reported numerous cases of incorrect tax information being given to employees 24 The purpose of the Frobisher Township Exhibition is an appeal for funding as part of its commitment to preserve historic 25 The engineering team’s motivation has improved (AXE) (AXF) (AXG) 113 The secretary in the 2nd floor office answers e-mails between a.m and noon Local libraries frequently offer reading programs for children and ESL for adults His sequence of more environmentally-friendly air-conditioning units has made Dr Miles Wilder very famous in this city Local residents are encouraged to attend the unveiling of the new museum The Queen of Hearts casino will be located somewhere along the new highway The itinerary for this week’s publishing convention includes a poetry reading and book signing by Dwayne T White on Wednesday afternoon and a job fair on Friday afternoon This new software would enable the accounting firm to process accounts more efficiently The board members meet only occasionally, usually only when there is a problem Questions about production concerns should be directed to Ms Helen Yan 114 114 Page | 114 10 Customers at Prussian Blue Book are reminded to keep their receipt as proof of purchase when 11 12 13 14 15 they place an order Several staff heads gained a better understanding of the importance of motivation and teamwork from the last workshop The presentation on foreign developments in the fashion industry will include refreshments and a 45-minute question period afterwards Employee accounts must be stored under lock and key in the main office Soaring fuel prices have to contribute manufacturers seeking raw materials from less remote suppliers An investment that gradually increases in value over the years can be more profitable than more short-term alternatives 16 Several minor errors with the new software delayed the release date by two months 17 Alvinson Clothiers’ branch in Milan has been open since last August and is quickly becoming our busiest location 18 New customer service personnel are trained to respond to inquiries within a reasonable amount of time 19 The director of the new environmental safety committee has studied both economics and ecological science at North State 20 Ghent Maritime Cruises’ policy of changing plans without notifying passengers of the ensuing delays has cost them many clients 21 The price of organic foods is expected to Rise dramaticall over the next several years because of an increase in demand 22 Results from last week’s Lakeside City Gazette survey indicate a change in attitudes towards urban gun control laws 23 Our company’s accounting team reported numerous cases of incorrect tax information being given to employees 24 The purpose of the Frobisher Township Exhibition is an appeal for funding as part of its commitment to preserve historic 25 The engineering team’s motivation has improved (AXH) (AXI) (AXJ) (AXK) (AXL) XÁC BÀI TẬP ĐỊNH CỤM CHỦ/ VỊ VÀ DANH TỪ CHÍNH (AXM) BÀI TẬP ĐƯỢC TRÍCH TỪ ĐỀ THI THẬT ĐÂY LÀ KỸ NĂNG NỀN TẢNG VÀ QUAN TRỌNG NHẤT TRONG PHẦN THI TOEIC READING CÁC BẠN LÀM NHƯ VD MẪU NHÉ (AXN) (AXO) DÙNG DẤU “ / ” ĐỂ PHÂN BIỆT CỤM CHỦ VỊ VÀ DẤU “_” ĐỂ XÁC ĐỊNH DANH TỪ CHÍNH CỦA CỤM CHỦ NGỮ 114 115 115 Page | 115 • 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Tickets for those who are determined to attend the seminar/ are available at the Human Resources Department (AXP) The train bound for Crawford will be suspended for three days to complete minor construction on its rails Employees at Alembic Broadcasting regularly donate to local charities by hosting fundraising parties The organizing committee decided to allocate specific tasks to members to achieve its goals more effective Boyden Investment’s marketing director entrusted some of his employees with the task of surveying potential clients Because this year’s prize money is larger than that of last year’s, the contest has become more competitive The tourist information center helps travelers easily locate famous landmarks The new medicine developed by Crawson is the product of accumulated experience and hard work The ahead findings from the experiment seemed to confirm the hypothesis that the drug was effective The new president of Wiota Computers is employing much bolder approaches to forming strategic partnerships with other companies than her predecessor Students who submit field trip permission forms without a parent or guardian’s signature will be excluded for the trip An accurate analysis of surveys is imperative to building a good understanding of customer needs The Herrick Community Library decided to open a computer lab for public use in honor of Christina Eaton Some artifacts excavated in Asia are known to have been invented several hundred years ahead of similar ones in the West Many economic studies predicted that a Robust market will appear for environmentally-friendly products within the next 10 years Max complained to his boss that it’s been renovated 10 years since the office has been and it needs some changes in order to promote a better work environment The head of the department has employed that all employees are required to hand in their vacation plans before the end of the month (AXQ) Entering for the annual GRR contest should be submitted by no later than December 1st Kelvin Video System’s most recent model produces vivid images on its screen The president of the company gave credit for the increased number of sales to the excellent work done by his staff All the temporary workers are supposed to keep track of the hours that they work All the employees at SEI Corporation are invited to the meeting on the new internal communications system that the company is about to bring in EMI requires all of its employees to make their own arrangements for their business trips The numbers of flood victims temporarily residing in the government-supplied camps has just exceeded a thousand The manager’s speech on hard work was not complete because he is not considered a hard worker to the audience 115 116 116 Page | 116 25 The general manager made it clear before the meeting that employees can ask questions immediately 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 after the meeting The two largest manufacturing corporations in this country have now become the largest producers in their industry worldwide The position of general manager requires Persistence when faced with difficulties because they are considered leaders of the company Most CEOs of large corporations agree that strong human resources are integral to the success of a company The provincial government decided to implement a stronger environment policy to alleviate air pollution The new health campaign that promotes the proper use of medicine is led by an institute associated with Rowland College The creation of a new government agency proved successful during last year’s all-out Every accountant employed at Harrells Accounting Firm has a reputation for precision and diligence Students considering an overseas exchange program should visit the administration office for further details Weidman Computers occasionally hosts parties for its employees in order to cultivate strong relations among employees The president of Cahoon Automobiles is under a lot of pressure, as the company is on the verge of bankruptcy The proposition on a new pay increase by the labor union was scrupulously deliberated by management The pries competition between the two companies was intense Workers who have not only paid the entrance fee to the summer conference are required to so by the end of the day The congestion of blood vessels that often results in serious health issues can be genetically passed on to the next generation A representative from BHY explained that the recent recall of its tires would not adversely affect sales (AXR) The new members of the board will be familiar with themselves with the company’s employees so that they can provide a more friendly work environment Products ordered before 3:00 PM can be Delivered directly from the manufacturer to customers A recent survey on customer service satisfaction was shown to be inaccurate because it failed to follow the required format The 21st annual PAR corporation celebration featured concerts that had many accomplished musicians from around the world Applicants to Madison University must possess unique qualities in addition to a solid academic background A small portion of the company’s annual Budget has been reserved for emergency use An organization’s future depends on which direction the leader of the organization is heading The new bill that Congress just passed restricts smoking in any building in Miami and some other major cities in Florida 116 117 117 Page | 117 49 The growth of a company is measured by both the increase in the number of sales and the increase in the 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 number of employees each year The pipe system of the building is built right under the parking garage floor The operations manager inspects every part of the factory twice every day, at 11 AM and PM, in order to make sure that there are no malfunctions The fact that consumers tend to save money during economic recessions is obvious to local businesses yet hard to accept The bonds issued by the government are allocated fairly so that each citizen is given equal access to wealth The price of BIS’s new product was not even comparable to that of LMK’s old product because they used cheap labor in China All the members of Career Opportunity Organization were advised to start writing their applications as early as possible because it would give them enough time to review it before submitting it Phone manufacturing companies are having a difficult time following the rapidly changing interests of consumers The collaborative work done by the two partner companies brought a massive profit to both companies at the same time The industrial engineers came up with a way to bring about optimal efficiency with the least input sources The Peterson-Jaffe wedding day is rapidly approaching, but the caterers haven't started working on it yet Bruce and Kate French have decided to quit their old jobs at Citadel Financial and start a financial consulting business of their own Doctors at Stephen Mallory Memorial Hospital claim that cases of food poisoning caused by improper storage are becoming more frequently Customers who want a refund must return with the merchandise and the receipt within 30 days of purchase (AXS) The shipment of desktop computers should arrive on March 23rd Public health and obesity experts are getting increasingly worried about the number of studies being funded by food and beverage companies Graduates from the Melrose College of Technology often make valuable contributions in several fields, including engineering, computer sciences, and astronomy Standard procedures when performing certain experiments in the laboratory have changed over the past twenty years The expected delivery date was moved ahead by one week because of a minor computer error The two competing software programs were determined to be equally effective in making filing taxes from home an easy task As all our locations are individually owned and operated, prices will vary from location to location New government regulations concerning the chemicals in cleaning solutions mean that the solvents must be as environmentally safe as possible 117 118 118 Page | 118 71 The loss of our foreign manufacturing plants may be a probable outcome of the new plans being 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 implemented The CEO of Lawrence United Co is still uncertain about opening company branches In Mexico Ms Gamble, who was an influential literary critic in the 1980s, is now a contributing writer to the National Gazette newspaper An anniversary dinner was held exclusively for high-ranking officials in the corporation The chief financial officer of Waterhouse Inc is expressing appreciation concerning his predecessor’s informative advice Our ambitious production goals will be directed by a skilled team of qualified managers The construction of a discount department store was delayed by the protests of several members of the community The New Economic Quarterly criticized the quality of all new products produced by Yun Sung industrial Co., Ltd Those employees wishing to change departments among the company may send their inquiries to Mr Alvarez Our apartment building’s occupancy increased due to the efforts of our knowledgeable and friendly rental agent, Ms Gova The latest training guide contains tips on teaching a second language to international students Indian film director will be in London for the premiere of his new movie The purchase of high-risk products should be accompanied by retaining relevant receipts while exiting the store Most of the information held on computers used by employees is the exclusive property of Perelli Solutions Inc Construction of the new shopping center should be complete by the end of the year as long as economic conditions are favorable This summer’s lack of interesting events in the community caused a decline in tourism from other townships (AXT) (AXU) Employees who wish to attend in the marketing seminar are urged to so by this Friday Amateur theatrical performances by locals and some appearances by renowned poets were positively reviewed by journalists in the Eberlein County Daily Spokesmen for Newport Properties praise the company about how well- made their dwellings are Many locations in the city popular with tourists only accept credit cards The site for the public park will be between Meriwether Avenue and Winchester Drive, just north of Keenan Street Furniture from our supply centers can only be ordered either directly over the phone or online The outstanding evaluation from customers helped to ensure that Ms Gilmore would stay with the company A responsible financial planner gives clients enough advice to help them make a right decision for themselves 118 119 119 Page | 119 95 Human Resources managers should have excellent speaking and conflict resolution skills to communicate effectively with a variety of employees 96 Around 90 percent of individual stock investors were found to be not qualified for direct stock investment due to lack of knowledge and skills in investment 97 Product developers at Wellington Industries work both independently and cooperatively with team members 98 The municipal government is taking measures to improve outdoor park facilities within the city 99 The launch of the company’s new cellular phone network was delayed due to a problem that emerged when the equipment was tested 100 Many financial analysts including William Gibson and Melissa Wales have published articles in the Business Times 101 The recent boost in the sales of Men’s Health magazine has been attributed to efforts to maintain wellness among men over the age of forty 102 Nearly half of the bank’s clients have inquired about switching over to the new plan 103 Staff members at the Casablanca Performing Arcs Center are disappointed that the center will be closing its doors at the end of the season 104 Failure to remit payment within three days of the final notice will result in immediate (AXV) (AXW) (AXX) (AXY) (AXZ) (AYA) (AYB) (AYC) (AYD) 119 120 120 Page | 120 (AYE) (AYF) (AYG) ĐÁP ÁN (AYH) The train bound for Crawford will be suspended for three days to complete minor construction on its rails Employees at Alembic Broadcasting regularly donate to local charities by hosting fundraising parties The organizing committee decided to allocate specific tasks to members to achieve its goals more effective Boyden Investment’s marketing director entrusted some of his employees with the task of surveying potential clients Because this year’s prize money is larger than that of last year’s, the contest has become more competitive The tourist information center helps travelers easily locate famous landmarks The new medicine developed by Crawson is the product of accumulated experience and hard work The ahead findings from the experiment seemed to confirm the hypothesis that the drug was effective The new president of Wiota Computers is employing much bolder approaches to forming strategic partnerships with other companies than her predecessor 10 Students who submit field trip permission forms without a parent or guardian’s signature will be excluded for the trip 11 An accurate analysis of surveys is imperative to building a good understanding of customer needs 12 The Herrick Community Library decided to open a computer lab for public use in honor of Christina Eaton 13 Some artifacts excavated in Asia are known to have been invented several hundred years ahead of similar ones in the West 14 Many economic studies predicted that a Robust market will appear for environmentally-friendly products within the next 10 years 15 Max complained to his boss that it’s been renovated 10 years since the office has been and it needs some changes in order to promote a better work environment 16 The head of the department has employed that all employees are required to hand in their vacation plans before the end of the month 17 Entering for the annual GRR contest should be submitted by no later than December 1st 18 Kelvin Video System’s most recent model produces vivid images on its screen 19 The president of the company gave credit for the increased number of sales to the excellent work done by his staff 20 All the temporary workers are supposed to keep track of the hours that they work 21 All the employees at SEI Corporation are invited to the meeting on the new internal communications system that the company is about to bring in 22 EMI requires all of its employees to make their own arrangements for their business trips 23 The numbers of flood victims temporarily residing in the government-supplied camps has just exceeded a thousand 120 121 121 Page | 121 24 The manager’s speech on hard work was not complete because he is not considered a hard worker to the audience 25 The general manager made it clear before the meeting that employees can ask questions immediately after 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 the meeting The two largest manufacturing corporations in this country have now become the largest producers in their industry worldwide The position of general manager requires Persistence when faced with difficulties because they are considered leaders of the company Most CEOs of large corporations agree that strong human resources are integral to the success of a company The provincial government decided to implement a stronger environment policy to alleviate air pollution The new health campaign that promotes the proper use of medicine is led by an institute associated with Rowland College The creation of a new government agency proved successful during last year’s all-out Every accountant employed at Harrells Accounting Firm has a reputation for precision and diligence Students considering an overseas exchange program should visit the administration office for further details Weidman Computers occasionally hosts parties for its employees in order to cultivate strong relations among employees The president of Cahoon Automobiles is under a lot of pressure, as the company is on the verge of bankruptcy The proposition on a new pay increase by the labor union was scrupulously deliberated by management The pries competition between the two companies was intense Workers who have not only paid the entrance fee to the summer conference are required to so by the end of the day The congestion of blood vessels that often results in serious health issues can be genetically passed on to the next generation A representative from BHY explained that the recent recall of its tires would not adversely affect sales The new members of the board will be familiar with themselves with the company’s employees so that they can provide a more friendly work environment Products ordered before 3:00 PM can be Delivered directly from the manufacturer to customers A recent survey on customer service satisfaction was shown to be inaccurate because it failed to follow the required format The 21st annual PAR corporation celebration featured concerts that had many accomplished musicians from around the world Applicants to Madison University must possess unique qualities in addition to a solid academic background A small portion of the company’s annual Budget has been reserved for emergency use An organization’s future depends on which direction the leader of the organization is heading The new bill that Congress just passed restricts smoking in any building in Miami and some other major cities in Florida The growth of a company is measured by both the increase in the number of sales and the increase in the number of employees each year The pipe system of the building is built right under the parking garage floor 121 122 122 Page | 122 51 The operations manager inspects every part of the factory twice every day, at 11 AM and PM, in order to make sure that there are no malfunctions 52 The fact that consumers tend to save money during economic recessions is obvious to local businesses yet hard to accept 53 The bonds issued by the government are allocated fairly so that each citizen is given equal access to wealth 54 The price of BIS’s new product was not even comparable to that of LMK’s old product because they used cheap labor in China 55 All the members of Career Opportunity Organization were advised to start writing their applications as early as possible because it would give them enough time to review it before submitting it 56 Phone manufacturing companies are having a difficult time following the rapidly changing interests of consumers 57 The collaborative work done by the two partner companies brought a massive profit to both companies at the same time 58 The industrial engineers came up with a way to bring about optimal efficiency with the least input sources 59 The Peterson-Jaffe wedding day is rapidly approaching, but the caterers haven't started working on it yet 60 Bruce and Kate French have decided to quit their old jobs at Citadel Financial and start a financial consulting business of their own 61 Doctors at Stephen Mallory Memorial Hospital claim that cases of food poisoning caused by improper storage are becoming more frequently 62 Customers who want a refund must return with the merchandise and the receipt within 30 days of purchase 63 The shipment of desktop computers should arrive on March 23rd 64 Public health and obesity experts are getting increasingly worried about the number of studies being funded by food and beverage companies 65 Graduates from the Melrose College of Technology often make valuable contributions in several fields, including engineering, computer sciences, and astronomy 66 Standard procedures when performing certain experiments in the laboratory have changed over the past twenty years 67 The expected delivery date was moved ahead by one week because of a minor computer error 68 The two competing software programs were determined to be equally effective in making filing taxes from home an easy task 69 As all our locations are individually owned and operated, prices will vary from location to location 70 New government regulations concerning the chemicals in cleaning solutions mean that the solvents must be as environmentally safe as possible 71 The loss of our foreign manufacturing plants may be a probable outcome of the new plans being implemented 72 The CEO of Lawrence United Co is still uncertain about opening company branches In Mexico 73 Ms Gamble, who was an influential literary critic in the 1980s, is now a contributing writer to the National Gazette newspaper 74 An anniversary dinner was held exclusively for high-ranking officials in the corporation 75 The chief financial officer of Waterhouse Inc is expressing appreciation concerning his predecessor’s informative advice 76 Our ambitious production goals will be directed by a skilled team of qualified managers 77 The construction of a discount department store was delayed by the protests of several members of the community 122 123 123 Page | 123 78 The New Economic Quarterly criticized the quality of all new products produced by Yun Sung industrial Co., Ltd 79 Those employees wishing to change departments among the company may send their inquiries to Mr Alvarez 80 Our apartment building’s occupancy increased due to the efforts of our knowledgeable and friendly rental agent, Ms Gova 81 The latest training guide contains tips on teaching a second language to international students 82 Indian film director will be in London for the premiere of his new movie 83 The purchase of high-risk products should be accompanied by retaining relevant receipts while exiting the store 84 Most of the information held on computers used by employees is the exclusive property of Perelli Solutions Inc 85 Construction of the new shopping center should be complete by the end of the year as long as economic conditions are favorable 86 This summer’s lack of interesting events in the community caused a decline in tourism from other townships 87 Employees who wish to attend in the marketing seminar are urged to so by this Friday 88 Amateur theatrical performances by locals and some appearances by renowned poets were positively reviewed by journalists in the Eberlein County Daily 89 Spokesmen for Newport Properties praise the company about how well- made their dwellings are 90 Many locations in the city popular with tourists only accept credit cards 91 The site for the public park will be between Meriwether Avenue and Winchester Drive, just north of Keenan Street 92 Furniture from our supply centers can only be ordered either directly over the phone or online 93 The outstanding evaluation from customers helped to ensure that Ms Gilmore would stay with the company 94 A responsible financial planner gives clients enough advice to help them make a right decision for themselves 95 Human Resources managers should have excellent speaking and conflict resolution skills to communicate effectively with a variety of employees 96 Around 90 percent of individual stock investors were found to be not qualified for direct stock investment due to lack of knowledge and skills in investment 97 Product developers at Wellington Industries work both independently and cooperatively with team members 98 The municipal government is taking measures to improve outdoor park facilities within the city 99 The launch of the company’s new cellular phone network was delayed due to a problem that emerged when the equipment was tested 100 Many financial analysts including William Gibson and Melissa Wales have published articles in the Business Times 101 The recent boost in the sales of Men’s Health magazine has been attributed to efforts to maintain wellness among men over the age of forty 102 Nearly half of the bank’s clients have inquired about switching over to the new plan 123 124 124 Page | 124 Staff members at the Casablanca Performing Arcs Center are disappointed that the center will be closing its doors at the end of the season 104 Failure to remit payment within three days of the final notice will result in immediate (AYI) (AYJ) 103 (AYK) 124 ... Doyle (A) more entertaining (B) very entertaining (C) most entertaining (D) the more entertaining Đáp án: A Giải thích: Có “than” phía sau nên dấu hiệu so sánh hơn, entertaining tính từ dài nên... the other (D) Other Đáp án: A Dịch: Các học viên giúp đỡ lẫn buổi hội thảo The hotel's quite mountain setting provides a live in a crowded city (A) Refresh (B) Refreshed (C) Refreshment 39 (D)... him C.his D he Hai-Lam Toeic Giải thích: cần chủ ngữ nên chọn Đại từ nhân xưng 33 we are to maintain our workload, we must hire a few new employees A How B Until D As if C if Giải thích: cụm if

Ngày đăng: 17/05/2017, 21:08

Xem thêm: tai lieu toic, từ vững, ngữ pháp,


Mục lục

    PART 6 Win a luxury skiing trip

    Question 47-49 Ready to Market High-speed Internet Service

    Questions 50-52: Byfords Books Annual Sale Coming

    (FG) Comparison (So sánh)


