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Speak now 2 teacher book

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Speak Now is a fourlevel speaking course which develops students communication skills both in and out of the classroom. Every activity in Speak Now includes a speaking component. Video activities are integrated every four lessons, providing reallife language models for students. Speak Now can also be expanded into a fourskills course through extra activities available in the Workbook and on iTools. The MultiSkill Bonus Pack, available on Speak Now iTools, features targeted activities across every skill area. Encourage your students to improve their listening, speaking and pronunciation skills outside class with Speak Now Online Practice. The speak and record facility lets your students send you their speaking activities for grading and feedback. A range of interactive teacher tools allow you to track each individual students progress, monitor their grades, and keep in touch with them.

Trang 2

lia riri \r16r5lsr

c]d cbrddolr s&r€ ffi or! 6r! Lhi6! -'!++

odord ('s6r) Pl6 B d?:r@ drh.LrrE$ dl]'Ea


ald edrctio! by publLt ng raridrirr olfrd i r R:ir&d 812

mJr oll}dordU reEih plN in rbr ur- ald tn @ diE lrl]rrlB

ooxtudu nqiyPEss 2012

]]re ,no.al rish6 oathe aurhor.hav blo :spreit


'o15 ?o14 2o13 2.1!

rlll rights rseryed No l)aft ofrnjs ErbtiGrion nry be eprcdu.e4 sbrcd

ln.a r.nieval sysrefr, or h.smiftcq in any tom or by nny Deafu, udout

dre pno lemissior in uililrA otoxlid Uriversiry prs, or as dpRssty

letuitied Dy lar! by ti.L,nce or rmde rcms greed sith th eprlplnre

re!rclralhlcs n8hr o{aizahon E&unics @ncemnlg ieprodn.rion ourstde

rinks ro rhi.d pany ulrsites arc prevjded by oxford nr lood faiin hd to!

i.nm.o' o,'/ os Jdh tJ d r.4poo b, n.o F, b, cl

a d,, d.r

'J.\i.dr" Fl,,.,.(, -,ed_,ni,*o

'flr Pubfther ardts.permisio tur rltrc photo.oping ofihose Nges narkcd

'ph.tocoliablc'{.o.dinsto rhctntrorvilg.onditioM.rrdivjdud pur.hse6

nxy Bak colies lor dret om r6e o to nse LjJr.las6 fi:r dre! rca.n

s.hool purn:ses rut mike opici f.r se by *ntr? studenrs, Lut rhis

pemissio! d{rs not eitlnd td addiiion.l s.tLbols or ljQn hes

UndT no .i[rqsiaRs may &y turi oi rhi lrddk ie Dldo.opicd rirr resatc

ceneql ldbager Anre.i.an ELI: l:nri pea*on

ExetutirF lublishing Mdagcr EriI cundc(eD

Man.gi.S Editor: Jennilir Meldm

Diltloi ADP suan s]rr8!ib

liecutive Design rllaDa$ Mij Bd( HtrE$ed

lso.iarc riesig! Mrmger !1i.hacl Sieil1hltc.

lle.ronic Phdu.iior Matug : lulie Arnrn ong

Produdion Artists: Elis$ S.rmos, Iulie Susnsn perez

lrrodD.tioncoordinsrori BIadt.ker

ErN: 973 o 19 4o3o19 9 Tocher Uobtr {idr'l'esrins Plogr&n cD RoNl

,rBN: 9rB o i9 4o3.o4 s Tqcherlmt r! l)3.k .onrponcnt

rr ).i ! uJr

" L 0,,N,, .

f8Nr973 ! r 9 4o3oo7 6 Testingtro$e CD rOM as |JCk.omporelr

'lhis 6.ok is prinred on prterL.h c.riiied and wcl m rgedsdrcs

, 1

e e



? C

e e


€ d


Trang 4

Listening: Listrn ior

perronality tr.its

Start nll a conversation Closing a convers^tion

Asking about appearance




G tc


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C C lt




tc tc tc


C d

Pron0nciationi RedLtattoI

Ta lking abo!t quanliti:j


irll+ The service i5 greir

lvhat should I do?

soccer is more excitinql


)t) Pronunciation: 5ilent !y lables

Des.rib ng te,r rh :rrib

-/,,,1- kif g sua ge:ri I -.

Asking irr

$ffil whe,e a,u yo, rronri Pronunciation: aonlraations

iglq.i ,ii.!r I ,, m ra and thi .


'$r,l AIice is mbre serious.

ffi atlofmyfrienas text.

1; ]fl First, grillthe b.ead

lrA.]l Are you teady to order?

I lrave a sore tltroat ))

Trang 5

Expand the Spedk /Voiv Student Book le55ons with act;vities from the Multi-Skill Bonus pack, available

on iTools This Level Guide provides you lvith a map of the course.s various resources, allowing you a

to build a rich and comprehensive syllabus Through targeted expansion activities, students gainconfidence in English across every skill area

, gi\,a inst.U.i oIs to

- shar€ exper enaes r,,,ith

make srqgestions

-.ask for and glvc advlce.

describe pros and cof\

Trang 6

Givin!l an cxcuteApologizingRespondln! toirn apolnljr

That sounds fuo! 4)

ffi ta tor" to so

l'm sorry, but I can't 4l.i

.6 & sony t'm late

List€ning: Listen for activities

Pronun.iation: Reduction of

Listening: Listen for responses

Pronun(iation: Usinq strass anddLrration to convey emotion

ffi Did you go a lone?

Whi.h do you prefer?




e e

e e


e e


Z 4



e e e e e C d d

;; il You must ger a vrsa. tulI

Listening: L,sten for prices

Asking about generil behi!iir

Desaflbing qeneri bef;,1, r

Asking lor iderj

OFfer ng ider!

Pronunciation: lntonirtlon

series ofthinqs

$ what do you tninkl Listening: Listen for idcas

$ can you do me a favor?

; :il Whar is rr used for? Listening: Lilten lor uses

:- 'l[ I feel the same wav

ffi what woutcl you <1o?

Disagreein!l with opinionsListening: Listen for reactions Aski09 abori an ima!lilary situation

Discussir\g an ima!linary sitLration


+X'-"1 Then what ha ppened?

Describlng a seTles ofevents

Trang 7

EIazilian Farhion Designer

Fashron Jane's Sidew.lk F;rshion

Around the home Movlnq in

Technology use5 Household robotl


opinion5 Try rt out

Socia aaiions Best friendr forever

ask about and de!(ribe

prices and s(hedulc!

talk about use5 for

qadgets and househo d

Trang 8

Teacher's Book Contents

6 6

6 6









Howto teach with Speal,, Nou, - - - .viii

Testing Program CD-ROM Overview t _ l

Lesson 1: Where are you from? - 2.

Lesson2: l'mtallandthin _ J

Lesson3: Alice is more serious , _,4

Lesson 4; Allofmyfriends text _ 5

Review Lesrons 1-4 ,._ ()

Lesson 5: l've never l\ad Thaifood _ f

Lesson6: Flrst, grill the bread _ - a

Lesson 7: The service is great 9

LessonS: Are you ready to order? _ _ 10

Lesson 18: ld love to go

Lesson l9: I'm sorry, but I

Lesson 20: Sorryl'm late -

Review Lessons 17-2O

Lesson 2l: Did you go alone?

Lesson 22: Which do you prefer?

-Lesson23: You mLlstgetavisa- -

Lesson 24: When is the ncxt train? l0

Review Lessons 21-24 3l

Trang 9

Teacher's Book Contents (continued)

"n you do,n " ["vo']

Lesson 28: What is it used for?

Lesson 31: What \,vould you dol

Lesson 32: Then \./hat happenedlReview Lessons 29-32 .41

Vocabulary Worksheet Ansv/er Keys f4

Confiden.e Booster Answer Keys - - 78

Spoken lnterview PlacementTest Scoring Rubric and Testinq lnstructions

Midterm Exam: Written;

Ilidicrrn \{rilleD Eriarr

Speaking Assessment in the form of Standardized Tests

QuiTzes Answer I(c,v

Quizzes l\udb Script

PresenlarioD Feedback FoIr1l

Llidternl lxam I OEIL6 styl

it4irltern Jhalr lODICo styJe

Final Exam: Written; Speaking

Frnal\\irilten Exanr

lrinal Dj rm TO!,FLo slyle

Final Exair'l (llilC'' sirlcAdditional Teacher Resources

Speak Now I vid.o S.rifts

l.{idtcfln Exam IEL:L'Sr:I stylc

NJidterD \,VritleD [,)i.xr ,\nsv'er ti€\

NlidteLm E\am ALLdio ScrQrs

Assessment in the form of Standardized Tests

Filltrl l-rim IELTS rrst)lc

lii xl E\r r Arisrler Kel

Finnl lrriuIn Audnr S.ripts

Speaii \-,r\i I (lhss Auiio Script


Trang 10

How to teach a Speak Nour lesson

Iiach lessol has lir.c par.ts- Vocabularr,.

Corlersation, I-anguage llooster Listcn;ns or

Pronun.iatiotl, and Speak rvith Confi.tcn;.

Read the iesson rirlc as srudcnrs follo\\,alo g

\,fhen applicable, havc srudenis ansil€r rh.

P, ro, ll-c r , ri, ri c\ Nill t*-.ud ,!

bLLt liso hor\ ro ust thc wr)rd\

Av!,id 8ivin8 srudents delhirions in tl1ci, first

larguage AIrhougl, doiirg so may iritially sarc

lr' , uJ r l^ rr, ,, , t.,,,g, ;

- I rrJ r \ ,.tj"i r;r.it " -.

, ., ,lr r rr._ ti l t.: I

ln addition, nu.inc.\ in langruages olrer1 rarr,,

.rciiing additrrnrl urpli.atioDs .rs studenls

.0n.'inu rlr us ihr languagc.

',.1'.n \r\r hale rimc, iufther rcinforce rle

i,::bulrrl rrittr pcrson.rtization (for exanrpte,

u irxt rhe rocabular) rr lruc seDtcnces rbout

themseh es).

2 Conversation

Therc arc L\\rc lypes oflcsson patrcms for the

Corlersation seclior Some ofthc lessons Iollol1.lhe

''CooversrtioD rvith ,{d(litions,, model and other!

,ilos r ., ,t, \,rb r.rri-., u

-'ut'rr.,ll, lr u , ,, Jin,,

i,t, ,,.,i-proc€dLlre tor |arr A

Conversation with Additions

This sccttun helts srLrdenrs beconre cor ortablewith thc topic ard providcs a model conversarion

tlrxt uses rhe ftrnctiortnl lalguage from rhe Lang(13ge Boostcr se.tior

Rcad the questions alor(1 Ask siudents to

glltss thc atlsr,crs by lookiI)u ?i the photos,_rl tr ,, \,1 tl,t.r |,t ar ,i.lL^ul

Pla), thc rudio and select srudclrrs to ansri,cr rhc

o, i, ' lt, .,, t.t, t,".rd, ,

Mirke sure srLrdents undcrstand rhc .it1sr\,.rs ro

th rlucsrio11s bI ast(jng.or1 pt qucslions or

rlld ning thc quertioD to che.L !ndclstarr.tinr


Bl pracli.xrg the.orNcrsarior, siudents treco,,L.

rnorc ar,.rrc ot irn.timat tanguacc and rnor.

'',, r.',' rlt.,r r.o.,., ,,

preparcs thern for rLe Lnnguage Rooster se.tim ard

r I " ,",:",.irt,,.,


lcii studcuts thir hc).l\.ilt ljst$ lo thi

.or'\'ersiliorl r8ain, l)Ltl tr.o sentcn.es are ! :l r.j.,r." r,i.,,tir tl:, " 1,r r ,t I u, .,.r.

'-rrl''""''rl'l' PlaI thc rxdio Chc.li a]lsri'ers ifneressar,.

l' J.,r ,, r,., t r" ,l

.rudb aganr, ard then check ansrrcis as r ;t::s

.1, 1.l'., r\\.r I r1 rl "rd.u r-r

.rIJ.r , , i " L.r ,l f, rr r r or "n.i

il)toDition llale stu.lci)ts pa),attcnrion llr th.

s ords ll)el did not rl]1(lcrstand trefore

Ita\e sru.l.rts prir.tice the conr.ersation ar least

hvo 1nnr.s, onc for eacir rclc

Conversation with Substitutions

lollo\r thc sarle troccdurc xs Conversation (.ith



I 1 I

1 1 4 1 4




e e


viii How to rea.h aipedkNow lesson

Trang 11

Pr acii.c the con\.ersalion iD Part A.

Ha\-c studenls erchrnge thc green.rnd blue t.\t

" rh-r pr" i - rl ^.or,, ^r ,,., ; ' .,i

activiq'i]l.reases studenis' rwarcn ss of the

differelt nays $-c can sal ihc san1e idea.

liicourage studc ts to practice both roles and

look at each othcr rath€r thaD rheir books

Students who linish thc acrivitics qui(]kly can

i .r, ri e.r, .o.r r ru , ,9 r r,,r n I'j , r.

phrases and sentenccs.

Language Booster

I his a.LiYiq prolid es strdeuts tlith cramptes ofttlc

trrqet la gLrag ln almost cvcr) tesso , rhe lan:iuage

xr.ludcs both qre.tions and reryonscs \bu tra1

rrr rolrr." L.1,, r r:," ,o,.;.

take turns asking:rrd arN\,rerirg the questions)before going on to Pnri B.


This rcti\.it\- allo \\,s siLLdeDts to triu c(,rlidence

.rs thc\ use thc languagc h shorr cx.Larrges This

\rili proyide them \!ilh rhc skills to nralte lo!ger

.liilogu.! liiter ln the lesso

l:: irl.-ir l abilit!.lrsses, hr\c stud.nrs wilh lorl,cr: r:I:ii I: ii rrrtrk sorni notcs or senl(lrcc

::.:r::! l.ii,r iii.r ![) th a.ti\-iq: ]'bes€ aids

, :-r il.:rr r, !rr :rssrullr conrlneLe the ::.:,- : : iurrh in.r.asc rhcir .orliderl.c

-::.: :::.r:rrr hI iinished the acti\itr,

practicjng rntil thel htrle trorc coDtidencc Thc)

can even nrake srnallsubsritltliors (o do this

4 Listening

).^ prr o" u' ,l I J, ri rq .l lt, .r 1.r,

rd a, d,r rd:l

Sludenrs mal' listerl as mary timcs rs Deeded.

Alier students hare listencd several tirn.s, I'oLr

,i) \.,n' io ,, I "u.riu ).y1orr

-sludenls an morc ersil) complele the task.

Thc l.isteDing olten corcllrdcs r!ith a fair rlrrk

xclivily that allol\'s sildents to tersdralize rvllal

thel hrr.e ht.l.d

4 Pronunciation

This se.tion bcgiDs b)'he\,nrg srudcnb fo.us on

t,r, ,',,,.: ,, r i o, i, ur I ru g, tr ,, ,3

\lrr'!i" r.ri pr/,r 'li .rur , ,.,, 1,i ,r

Studcnts ml1y teDd lo irors on thc contcnl

.rl ',1 r.,I.r 'iur I rl.PI

pro LLrrciatior ard intonation Ifthis hafpcxs,bric0y stop the class to remird studenrs rhii il1.)

alc practicing both content a d pronun.iariorl

and lhen ha\,-e thern continuc rheir pra.ti.c

Play the audio, rcfealing as necessarl:

r\sL sludcnts obvious questions to rn.1l.c sLUe

(he, unllcrstand the Pon1t For eximplc, ifIoLr

are tcachtug s)llxbles, say sorre rrords and askstudents horv man1 s,vll.rbles are ill therr

To gile studenls .,re pri.ticc rvilh rhc lanetlagr,

includc all chss (choral), grouf, indiYidrat rrrd

sLrbstitLilioD drilL This additioral praciicr, 1!i

give studcrts more conild€rl.e ard r€i1lfor.c lire

,\tlcr )-.,o har.e .oInt)L.ted th.l.angu,rse

Bi)oster ctiYitic!, you an tlle the \ro.abLLIar\

\\orkhcc'ts lirr supplcnrentart practicc

Thc lrorLrsbeets prol.ide ad.litnr al oppoi lrnities

for students to practice the rocabulary al1d

language stu.licd;n each lcsson.

Iakc ad\ rnLage oftlre opportunitics lir

xddit joril spcaking b] hxri g srudents .orrtrair

tl)eir ans\,ren ir clxss llxampic orl.ersriiorLs arc

oftr.n prov ed on the rrorkslreeLs

Reading and Writing Worksheets

Readin8 .u)d \friting \{ollshects rra)-be ioLrnd

on thc ilbols CD RO\{ or on Orfor.l Learrr,

Ortord s Lcarrring lhna8crncrrt Ststcnr A css

Orlord Le,rrir ,,!ith thc.oc1 prcxirle(l in tJrr'baL:k

How to taach a Spc,rkNow lesson tx

Trang 12

How to teach a review unit


liach revielv u11it hrs t\ro seclions, Eu.{lirJr ;i l.rior,

rvhich includcs a vidco, alld Sleai: AIoI, rihich gilcs

students the opporttL]lity 1o role ph).situalioDs xnd

re\.l€r{ thc lxngu.rgr oithe previous foLrr Iessons.

\rideo is a great lra) lo introdLLce longer

dialogrcs io students lhc vidco nrkes tbc loirg

dialogues less thrertcning arrd hc\,s studPntr

Luderstand lan$Lxgc Lhat othcrtise might scc,n

orerwhelming 1o tlcm.

L.rr.;'r,l inl.'r.r lr lr t.t , t

reading activity tLere is a prc-\-ideo a.li!i1r.

On the tn.qllr,r in l.rr(rn p.rgc, this is r:alled

I'reyiel! Alier Ihis therc arc onc or more'ii.hilc

)oLr \!xl.L" actr4li.s Or the -lr8lr, i,r,A.1tun

page, ll)is is U,rderstrnd Ihcsc a.ti\.ilies j!1.lrdc

.onrprehension qtr.stions.'lhcse actn.ities

usu.rlll rcqun L\\'o olnore r-iel\.ings FiDxil,r',

ihcrc is a post'vidco actiyit) On lhe l?{1,r, ;ir

A.r;o/1 page, this is Discuss

Bcforc class, nrakc ccrtaill,our (iass Inrcrnct

\', lr:n folsihle halc slu(tenls talk:ibout wllxt

thtr see ur nore detril For enample, th Ijrc\.lc1!

1., l-essons 9 12 asks studerlts to taIL aboul d

dr.tois adlicc Bc.ausc studcrts have

recer)th-nudied giving ad!i.c, \,ou could har-c thcrr

br.rinstoml advice oth€r thin thrl listL'd.

2 Understand

During faft 2, stLrdents ualch a !idco thal rcq'cles

content, vo.al)ulaq', and language llrcy have sttrdicd

dudng the last four lessors This allol!'s studenls lo

sre thc nlaterial uscd h reai world siturlions and

afply tl)eir leinri.g ,Ior broadl)

Explain rifiar studcnrs nnrsl do (for cxxlrrple,

thc,v should nr1lnLcr photos in Parl L or listcn

ard decide iltheir predications \\,ere c 'rcct)

Irlay the !idco llare studcrlti ansl'er fie

.luestiols in pairs or as r.iiss.

Par I B aslcs shrdents to lilEn lor orc deta;ls.

Uay the vidco and then have sludenis ansrrer thc

qlreslions in pairs or as a clnss.

Piaj.the vidco again, as necessary, stoPpi g to

explairr uherc an anster $as withjD the dialogrlt

3 Dis(uss

'Ihc Discuss a.rili(y allows stu.lents to

pcrsoniLize whrl the,! sa\\,.

Atier stuilcnts fhish lhcir drs.ussnus, hi\e tL.,::

.r , r ,, t orrfiJ.rr.e Boo'tcr t lL Lr.l r :,

,.v].\'.f the Irur uIils

In p.rir!, have stLLdcrh role pla| each sil&ttron

Aficr the,l, hive linishcd practiciDg haYe somcpairs rc1e pla) for the clxss.

e,rch l.*on For in) Lesso]ls lhat tirc,t Lheck /

1lcca ibrt lt,lctice, eB.\rtr,xg thcm to relie\ th.

Lang(nge Boostcrs (Pages erc pro\-ided on th.

Sl€ai,: Nbri, rc!ic$' p ages.l

It, a tormal assessrrent, a Teslinil l)rograrl

Cl) RON{ a.coLr}rnrljes Lhis booh

Video Worksheets

\rideo \\rorksheels $ilL a.loze/gap fill a.tilih

Oxlird Le:rn Access Orford i.exln \{ith the

code provided i11the back olthis booLt.

'l hele \\'o*sheels p.ovide additional ljsleninLl

pra.tice for the l'rgl;-,ft ,n A.iio" r'ideo

Grammar Support

C.i]mnrar Po\.erPointr! preserlatioIrs and

Grinrnrrr \\brksheets nliy be found on thciTooli Cll RON{ or O*brd Learn


( (




a a

Trang 13

'fhcrc_ is a quir ror cx.h I lessor) u t of ,sprdt No11, Thc quirzes .rre {iesign r r! be L$ed aft.r studcnts have

complete(l c,.h groLLt, orfoltr lessons and spe.[ No1,,, rcvicw sc.ri.u i, Lhi stude]Lr Book 1he quizzcs hare

l0 ir.* exctr Therc is xn nudio rrack iirr ihe listenirg ir.nrs ,,1 each quiz 11thc .!.r)irdl \ou, l!sri,tu propnn,

r /r R(r,lL

Thcre is also a $rlttcr Itidtcnn erarl ard a wdtten tin?l cram Ihese are dcsiqre(l ro ]l)ciisurr conprchcrsiorr


i.llerrrl Jrd tlll.il e:rams |,r'e :0 ilem! ea.h r here is a11 iLrdjo rrack lor rtr€ listcnjr!: irems in each .ram on itrc

iir,:i:-".,, Lit,r.L 7l.o.gr/|,r CD IOXt

-ll rn.ri:,.i.rirr),i.irLrii,)s(r4,Ls eonrhcSl(r].kt{afll,.s!i ypttu t?: LtD RO.\.i

Speaking Assessment: General

.: i i:: ,:: n r.,,.,]rr.-,Ji,,

^ir;,n ^^

Speak NowTesting Program Overview

'l he spdr,( \'o,i' series hclps lea,crs connnuni.rte ( itir corlfid.r).e b) Lrsmg I.r!guag ac.urarcrv, flucnrh and

atproprlareh l'l,e SI.dl r\b1r l Lrtr,g pr"Sn, , iound on the CD ROU i,, tt," t,*1

"i this book, allo(.s teactrcrs

to perform a nirle range ofasscssnlerrs nran) rn rhc sr)le ollofular srandard;zed erams

sledl rYoil,'s ryrittl'n and oralrssessncnt tools an bc customized ro i'ir rhe'eeds of a rarge o1 l)rogrnm ri'Pes

rnd learning goals.

The'l-esting Progrr111 oflcrs lwo meir s€rs ofrools:

1 l0 pap€r-b.rsed tests: 8 quizzes, I njdterm exam, aDd I finnt exam 1rfth iistcnin! that nreasure

compreh€nsion ofthc locabuiary a.d tun.tionat tanguagc of.Sp!rt Nol,i

l a range of diaaerent q?es of ques(ions, pron)t)ts, xrrd lopics tor speakiflq assess[rert.

'ka'hers mxr droosc to

Lrse an\' ore or rnore or lLese matcrirrs alo.e or ir) dirfereni coubirarxms r'h€ scorinqCuidclincs;an be fou)d on tlre S'j)cdl N'ol, ll,jtitl! pra.{il11j CD R( )ttt

Written Tests with Listening

.: i:.i.: ,:: ri,;:|-1 ?rrrqrrrir orrirs oftions

tor ?eakiDc rssersmenr:

Int.r!i.r quesrions i r 1i\r of reircller l.d lntervillr qrLcstionsj

5peakinq Assessment: Standardized-testing Focus

rl 1 '.r ' .nf l ,,^,.- r t ir , ";,;,, ,

lests ofl-Dglish rs a foreign lxnruage I.or cach m tcrm cra; and find

",."u,, r u,i,it ftua,

TOEFLo-sryle speaking tasks TOEIC" style speakinq tasks IELTSTJ'r-style speakinq tasks

'l'hc .r.,t,.r goal ofthcsc , c shrdardjzed-t{xtiIg t, ,t tasks is {1t t, to frc|.rrd ,t, , srLrderltc r for rhc lii ds olqucsrjoDs ther ,oulcl be

lLte rubrils do not rcllc.L thc tlpe olscorirg or g rdinq rl1.rt r tesr txl.cr \\!nl(l rcc€ive ,,, a staod:lrdizcd

roEFLe andraElc'arcr€gistete.l totl.h.tLt ol&lu.aLianolresting 5?tti.et tErs).Thkpubri.atiaF i natend.6ed udpp,oved by Efs.

Role play ca.ds .iird! 1,rr stLrdenrs to role plal situari!,ns irl fxirsl

list of r)ralerials b.rscd on thc LUrils .o\-crcd ir rhe lass.

tpelrk /\i o !r, Li linq Proqrdr) Ove.view

Trang 14

Lesson 1 Where are you from?

Hon}e life may inchde d:ily routines

Relationslips crJrld indude boyfrields/glrlfriends

lersonal problems might nrclude how ro bccorn

more fit

A discussiol ofhow to do wel o[English tcsrs rnay

be pari oiithe sch ooL grades topic

Whai is ftrn to do could bc inctLrded ir rhe hobbies

and iDteresls topic

A discussio,r rbout part time jobs coukl be included

iD moncy dis.ursions

2 Conversation


E.\plair that the Iirst seDteDc.s under Closr'rg

.L cotuer$tion tell Lbe lisleller thal the spe3kcr

f1a,rs toinish thc corversation, rvhile the second

scnlerces close the convercation ExplaiD thataLruptly endirga coD\.emation (i.c., withoui the

IirsL sentencc) can creat€ an awk\rard siiualiofl


Ifstudents don'tLror each other, )rcu ma),1!ant to

hnve lhem jot do.wD their parrner's nami:

Optional Activitylfstudenti don1know each othel hare studenrs

,eleat tlre e)icrcisc with seler.rl lassmates- h.riringdorrtr others' nanrcs as necessan'.

€ I 6

d d






Optional Question

Are Bria! and Nicole gaod lriends? (No, (hey are

meeting for the liist timc-)


ICD 1, Ira.k lI

Example convet5ationA: Arc yau fronl Hort Kong?

Br No, lir not.I'm liorn Osaka

5 Speak with ConfidenceEncoursge shrdenls t6 ralk wirh class ures they

havent met ).et, or tlrev dontknor,eery llell

Trang 15

Lesson 2 l'm tall and thin.

l Vocabulary 3 Language Booster

Ilxyc stLrdcnls thlnl( oiother r!'()rds or criprcssions

for cach catcrorl For drn4ric,

hcight: ntc.liurr hcigl,l, a\.€rxgc height, abour 1811

ccnlirret.rs rill fivc ioot eighlbuikl: nrc,lium bLLild, lcrage bLrild, rnLnculalsliinnl! slirl1

i.qc: in her hf.Ili.s, nb.rut sixt]'

Io.riis: .u1e i1tra.(ire Lr.alr1ifi rl

2 Conversation

Point ollt that thc llrst questior i! much broxdcr

LIrrn the ncrrt tll.o quesli.rrs Erflain that wh.n

f,rrs\.ering thc first !restion, thc sfeiiker maY

talk xbout the pcrson's lreight, Lnild, age, or

Il,r' sludcl)tc look at thc scr!tcD.es des.ril)i g

rppceianrc and decLLle ri'h.n ro use a Le r.dr(i.e., x,r, is, arc, $.as, r\-cr.J and ri,hen to Lrsc na-il

ldl d/'ld.l, trovking the ansrver lrhen ncccssar:y.

(Ure lrsc x 1,., lerb to dis.usq ll,e entirc ferso,l

|or e)iifiplc, the.ntne persol js iall, nor il|\l lrjs

'i,'ul', -' ./., ,r

fnrt oi i fcrso,,, f,:,r ckrurplc, he, hair' hrs c|cs.)


Example @nversation

A: UihaL Joes rcur nrollrer louli lil,r?

B: Nl)']nothrr is tall Slle is i11Lr.r lir1jr! 11,,r

.tl)out rour morni llo€s shc h.1\ r I,r,r r I r, :

l\: No, shc .l.cril Sl)e has bl.rrk h.:ir

ilr!:L.irn r,, !.uJ.ri: th.1r onc oftht nasors rlic\

ff.r.ri lh.i! sub!titutions is thrl lhere arc nran\

Ji'r re

' ' - , r ,: R,,r ,,t

that eren lirher_ tl'tj.l ro Lrsc Lhe sinle sc tcn(!

or (tuestion lLhcn rlte) spcak, ir is i forhrlr ro

recogniz€ qu.sLiu1s.1nal senicncrs Nith thc s.1nrc

IncifLrg 1!hen thc\' lisren.


Optional Activity

ila\r sLudents d.s.ribc thc otircr peopte il1 thefi.lrrrc

Trang 16

Lesson 3 Alice is more serious.

I Vocabulary

Optional Activity

IIave studerlts say olher words uscd to dcscribe

tersol1aliq,, for exanlPlc, easy gorng, honest, ncan,

nervous, poiitc, qui€r, rude, shy, smart


Example conversation

A: My bcst fii€nd is funDy,rnd conEdcnr

B: M) b r Ị.er,1 i I ,,t Lrt i,,.1 r rt rẹll

Optional Activity

Explnin to strdents that &ey short(t br careful whcn

usirlg r.ords rvirh_negarive nreanings l)ccausc peopte

nuv get upsc! Tcll stụtents that il is soDlerines

l,r r j.J-t^.J .u,r rt.r n.ọ,._,.1 r

ll,d .n, ,i r;.1 ,.,., b o,.:,tFr .or

er rrul,., r-d-rrr,,, i d l \rop ,r:.ro15

iIr" ing \ou rri! u |u r -1 , , ,.1 ^.,rD tl

lntr , r'.r!arryrh rrgni, ,t, t,) .,,11 ir

I .11 trs a r.aị of ernphasizing this

2 Conversation

3 Language Booster

H.,., ,ud, r,"d,.id"\^h) rtrel,rrrrt, p,.ệ1

'\hPl rn 1 bur : .r rọ1.Uul.; 1, * 1,,rather than ar.l, providins ihe ans*,er if

necessarỵ (Because oDc is positivc but the orher

rs negativẹ)

Hivc studcnts identify rtre dilferencc benr.cen

111t td.r'1 t-t_ _ t\t.o,,1, 1 til a,,

tll,ntJotl )-l " r qr., fir.r"l ooLrL

t-r nrJrt ,l r ur., ,.1, ib ,, I | 1t.,,, ,

,l.l,l-( lJ ,,, u, , L,.,r rt r,,,Jt


Example conversotionA: \\rhat's i,oLrr triend likeln: \ I rpr' r.r, r Lrrr ti|l1, n I,.,.: ,

whcr he r! btr\\r

4 Listening


4 1 I 1 4 1


G G G tt


J d

€).e contact as they talk ro their classmxres_

5 Speak with Confidence

4 Lesson 3

Trang 17

Lesson 4 All of my friends text.

llaYc stLrdents nrakr conc.t seDten.es 1\.ith the

1\:ords thel crossccl oot 1\rhen ther'\'e fnished,

cdrl)l,asjze that th.sr c\pressions are olten rsed, so

thtr shoull rcmcll,bj LL \'erb combnlation

Iroint out that e h ofthe phrasc,r ofquartity

(inr exall+,lc, ,norr o, ends (,ith ,r Fl\flitu rhal

slLLdents should rrenorize thcsc phrxses as urits

Poi,,1 rut that th tLirrg beillg counlea (iD the

.c'rtc, olurnrr oitl,e charl) is al\\'a)-s plnral


fxample conversationA: X4ost oithe sludents xL Lbis s.ho.,l .xi

sIcxl( rgljsh

B: N.,,r oi us (rn +eaL ltLrssiar

4 Pronunciation

5 Speak with Confidence

II ne.ess.u\, haic stLrJents Er.liDstorrr oili.r

qrienLons beforc th.y stalt Point oul thet i};r:ri ,r:

ibout haL)iis :L.d.rl)iliti.s are plobabh best.


Urhai do ).olr LLlc loLrr pllNe for?

Nhirl krod o1 r rsic do lou lilr?

\fhat do 1'ou harc Lrr breaiiLrstl


Exanple conve66tian

,{: },lost ol lhe teofle in our cl.:ss crercise onG a

wc.k I rl,ouilht it r\ould bc rnorc often

B: Icah but nonc 01 s \\'trlk 1o s.:]].)ol l hat

1, lso.i.rlnetw.rkll

!s so.l:lner(orks

2 ! t!!r rnlt 1l b.!r

3 :.;n: i.lri! i ::it:l


Trang 18

English in Action

1 Preview

A: 'l'hat's cool So, Sam, do yoLi social network?

S: Yeah Doesnt erer),oDe?

Aj Do yor lave onliue fiicrlds youlve never mct?

S: Sure I have 256 t-acebook friends, brL I\.e oaly

met abour helf of them

Speak Now

Provide an exaorpte ofgach aorlvers:ltion .rvlren

Ifmanystudents necrl rnore pm.tice with a

prr ticular nnit, ,1ror mirht rvart to revierl, ir in ciass.

A: She's tall a d prcty She has btack hair

B: ls shc wEarng a red slyealer?

Il; Il'r Savannah.

A: That's right

3 Exarn ple .onversotion

A: Peler is really parieat

Iti An.l hei borh lrcative and outgoing

A: Matty is reali\,e, too, but sLes a tittle shy.

B: Tha!'s irLre, brt shet funny o.Ice shc knciirs you

4 Exampl e co nversa t i oti

A: Most ofthe pdople I loow text at least slrrrrmes a


B: Ycah, but ndne of Lny h.mily melnbers teXt e

rore thar) orcc a day.

A: IUany oI thc celebrities toda) are really li.

Bj But a lot ofpcolle l see evcr.v day.arent_

c J


c c






J, J,



2 Practice

Optional Questions

What does Case).n1akr? (She makes her orvn

clothes, hats, s.aJves, and thinSs like il1at.)

Since Eric is reading Case).s Facebook pigc, what

.an rre guess about Casey? (Shes using hei ceil

phone to use rhe Inlerner lyhile shcLs in the.la.rii.)

\\?ry arir Eric go have coffee wirh rlcln? (He hos

to do his homework / He wasnr realiy able r,.r strdy

and text atthe s"me ti e.)

3 Discuss

Exonple conversation

A: Do you have iiiends ivho nre creativet

B: YeaI

4r What do rhey do?

B: They nake pictures arld hang thcm arouid

their desks- tlow aborr you, Crajg? Do you h:ive

ll, riJ yl,o.n .,-.,r .,

C: Not really My tlen{ls arc gdod ivitr numbers,

6 Lesson! I to4 Review

Trang 19

Lesson 5 l've never tried Thai food.

'l Vocabulary 3 Language Booster

H.r\e stlrd.rrLS rlnrc thu.0untrr that (ach cuisiDc

Polrt out that lkrrc /di./ e1dl questions rcqrir€

B Example conversatiatl

Ai Hile \.ot! e\.cr hxd trdiao food?

B: les, I ha\,: I lo\.c irl

,,\: \\ihat it likei

Br ltls a liltle si.i.)-, bu( s.r .lcli.rous

4 Listening

Ih.n h.tle snrdcrrr nori.e hoN tlre .die.tirt fi.c., tl)r

rrnre ofthe cL[sinc) is rnrae (UstrrllI h) deierilg ot

.riilLiirg thr hit Lrn oi l$! lettL)-s and llr.n ad.lt11g

Trang 20

Lesson 6 First, grill the bread.


d J

trJ a,,

equivalenr ofJr.r,d, rrrd andrr,,r As a rcsulr,

tlley can be used ifl anyorde

l,'\P r.aer,l " r I \rlr.,, ,u.r,"/," I

renrinders (We use./r, whc4a.c dont use to.) Or

the bod.d wrir., ,,!{aie s,].e ta eri bothsid6 ue sur

to stJresh tomdraes_ point ort that borh have lr, so

rn i nu u,o,;." \ .t,r r rMot_, tt j t

Exofiple canversotion

A: First, put an egg ir a pot

Bi 'fhen hoil rhe rl,ater

A: Nent, cook for l2 minurcs

B: After that, remole the egg.

A: Finxlly, cool ir with cold 1trtcr

4 Pronunciation

Ifyour students fi]ld /J/ and /, lo be p ch}llengiDg, L6e this opportuniryto ;ork with

.ricutar\-n.rn,.,i Dir - wor,l ,ror , , by,,rc.nr,1lj;

.l .rr' L, 8, r,,int ot "or l.ror rrrpr- Ir-te

1iy f'y filril flute

crirreclir)b cl,crvl1,crownloi,,r L'rl,JI'lr .r "l'ir,^ , r r rrrr.:,r,al prrrs i,not al\,.ns tLe s.r r.p

5 Speak with Confidenca

Lesson 6

Trang 21

Lesson 7 The service is great.

.1: OIi OLll pri.cs rlriuld be rervrnablc, anrl rhc

atrnosphcrt sbo!ld hc tclarlins

B: I rgr*r Ilox'.an rrc nraLic lhc rcslaurirl sf.cial?

,\: \\'hat 3bout sp ixl l )LLi corikrl1g clxsscs orlce

a r11.nilrtB: l l,xLi a grcii id.al

B Exanlple conversatian

A: l\Ic dcreloped a plilr lin a ll)ai r.staur.1ilt llled

t ,d itnosph.rc it ! ela)iing, and wc r ill l,ale Thri

.ooking cltrsses on!:e i nxxlth

-{: \l'ha1]\.our l;i or ite rcstxLlaDt?

Bi i l(n c tl,-ri i, Fori?l,, Thc tood is larllrsti

B: \\'.11, ills no1 cheap, t)LlL ili r,Lrrth ir

r\: \\rhr.?

B: l'he rtmoslnrere is greal I'he,v pl.r) I,icricrri

L rsi., ard the t.rlnes aId d.,r.ri1i.,r rn)k

vou think -rou are in a rule liule l(n!n near ihr

bor.lcr Ai,d Lhe scrlice is ilrert Thc,l gn'c \oL1

ch[s and salsa lfiil, 1',rn x.c $,.,]lirg, e,rd tl].

r lips ar x )xzing

^: I'11l,a!e to tr) il.

Trang 22

Lesson 8 Are you ready to order?

l Vocabulary 3 Language Booster


€ d

e e

.z tz



E tz


Explain that after the custom€r savs yes t&,.r,?,(

,,,or, he/shc dlEr ordeE $inslAiike/t,ll huw.,.

(i.c- the waiter does Ito't ask l\ntat woujel

you like?).

Tcll studerts thatin response to thc first trvo

quesli(ms, maDy pcople oftcn say !,er ptudse.

n' nJ) rar,r t^ .e ,.lr tu .e.rr ,c .erv, I j

Y nrr)'vart t F.u' , | ,"r ,l ouvlr "hr ry

1l l hJ .1 '.1rrl ,o,lr,itrn rt.it i.riot JJrir


WI n pr , har diJtci.r,ar, \Fr erj our gp

rlr"n- .J {lrI rha rl rk .on prt jnB itr, io ,

certain categorI

Optional Activity

H:l ,'ucl"n , rrll rbuu whi.t, ir ms tl,.) "\e

r,i d vhJ, rh ' \J.,i ti " drJ rt tror n,rt-e, trLr

2 Conversation

Erplain that tlre fried chi&cn comcs with her: (:hoi_cc

of mashed potaroes, French fries, or sreaned ce,

and shc doesni hare ro L,:rI ror .l ern Al.o.^+,l.r.r

thar rhlrough the wairer 3sL .,1 our d,mds lrnct

an appeti,,er, IJrey rre nor irr l,r "d ,1 ri- l,ficr ul

the m€al



Hxplah thxt using this irto arion emphasiz.s rhe

lell strrdeuts that they should "c.hunk' thechoiccs by saying rhem as phrases (i.e., Ther

.1r., I r',r pr, "in,h, nia.ll.of "Llro,p)Provide an example ifrlecessa{r tncorrect:

\\buld you likc mashetl [pause] poratoes, rrrench

ipauscl fr:ies, or steamcd lpause] rice? Corrc.t:

\\tuLrld you iiLrc mishcd fotardcs lpauscl, |relrchirics lprusel, or steahcd d.e?

5 Speak with Confidence

Example @nversation

A: Ma),I taLe your ord€r?

B: Yes, plea-se I'11 have the roasr beefwith rnashcd

potatoes a.d a ilrccr salad

A: \ rould you like sorlethingto drink?

B: No, thank you


Have sludenlj rephrase Ldsy an the ;cE (For

exattple, I dorit w:tnt tery nurh ice in the ted.)


Trang 23

: :r r , la.li o1r il I

Is l,,n-, hiur to learn hor ro cook lish and

l.retahlcs? i)ts, he is.)

\\'hI do€sn't Eri \,anr pasta? (Bccaus lIe,r cat it

elcr l dat )

\\'hat v€get.rbles did lher ool? (Thc-t.ooke,:i

bloicoli, onrons, anil brbv car.rois.)

3 Discuss

Exatnple conversation

A: Are \'0u x ijood.ouk?

Il: Not rerl\r buL I rnake good sa11dr\'iches.

,{: \\Ihat rria the lirst resrx{rrirnt 1'or lrenl lo?

Il: (,.rrd!.ir lhr tiod (iLS ercat.

Example conversdlion

Have you ever had l'urlrsh lood?

Yes, I havc.

\\'hat did you 1ry?

I Iad sc,me kebabs.'lire) 1l,ere deli.ious

Example conversotion

Flrsl iD I pan mclr lhe bLruer bur nrrt e mrc

Iou keep thc heat o,r lor\, ther, x.1d lhenlarshm llor.s Be stue ro l(eep siirrirg nntil rhe).

Is the par still on thc Leat?

,;Jl \" .'l"rl t ri.l r ,

tlrr r:ereal Br sure 1ou keep rnL\nrg so .rL1ofth

ccreal gcls co,tted Fmxll! sprcad jr i| lI frr1

DoriL I hr\'-c ro bake it?

No Its inisl)ed lust IeL it oot aD(l th.rr r ou

.an eatl

Example conve6atian

,-, ,, c,, \,,,,

,rl I , d

Lo thc o.ca! as ),ou.trr The 1do.1! St:.irl

It sotrrds ool, but is ir er.pcnsi\.?

\!eU, )"enlr l hrli lLhxt I dodt likc dboLrr ii I ,rflh

go tor rcally spc.ial oc.asions

Hoi{ about the servi.elIls good l hel dont give the food roo fast or too

slor\., and everl.onc is really fricndly

Example cotlversotion

\[el.o re to Tl, tsl&.] Scd Arc you reid,\

Y€s, lhark ).ou l'il hayc thl: griited salmon ii.ith e

biked potato rrd salad.

\\rhat kind of drcssiDg would you lilre rlillrRanch, plcese.

,4.nd \!oul.11.ou lit(e sonlcthing to drirk?

1es, plcasi:, a lcmonacle

5 B:

Trang 24

Lesson9 lhaveasore throat.

l Vocabulary


BeIorc studeots start, explain that we.an use ftd-l

hayc with all ofthe lrcaith problelus For cranrple,I

Exahple convetsation

A: WhaL do you do vhen you have a coldt

Br I usually take somc rredicilc What aboul you?

Optional Activity

llaYt studc s talk aborrt which ideas thev llse for

which health problcms

Exafip[e canvelsatidn

A: For which health proble sdo)-oug€trcsr?

E: I usGlly gct rest \-han I have a fever.or a.sore

back For r.hich problerns do you usualll, src

.{: I almost neyer go to the docror I ofLn igrorr

the problem unless ir gets worse.

Llavc students makc ir rule abour \.\,her io rae have

ard i{her td L.se fi.a/rs (We nsc ikle wl1en the

subjeat o, ihe senterce is s person, and wt use ,4rrrs

to talL about a specitic part.ofour bodl)



A: I have a stil'l neck.

B: \{lhy don'( you t.rke a hot lrxrh?

C: Its a good irle,t to take an aspimr

I): I srggest getllDg i reck massage.

A: I think I'ilgeL a necit rnassage.


r, E



L 5 t t 3

I -


It - 5 - -

Optional Activity

Hrve students listen isain and correcl the false

slaiefl enls (Ansu.ers lrbo\'e.in f arerllleses_)

Trang 25

Lesson 10 What should Ido?

l-.tr\ou "t i l

,r.i L.lri .:.i:r:: uiJ oit\ro questiorls onc righl

.:ii.r tL ,rih.L fr:flain rh.tL this is quitc onr|ron

i., Lnqlish, (irh the s o il qucstion t)ro\,iding the

listener \\'ill) a bettcr rrlderstarlding oi\vl,v rh,lquestions afe bL-lnr irskcd.

3 Language Booster

4 Pronunciation

Optional Activity

H ,e ltudenis id.nti4'thc nrrds th.rt are in

plural form (chores, strirs, crercises) and har.e

th€nr nrk€ them singulxr (drore, stair, crErcise)

'Ihcr hale thcnr sar'boi\' nalrr sr.llatrlcs each

word is (i.e., onc, c,re, thr€r)

]\sk stri.lcnts to identii.t|c nmnds used ro

nrxkc thc thl] al tur Ins ( tzt, tLt, tizt) rli|tai\.,

rLai 1d1cJr.\'er th tlural to, r)r hrs rhe /i7lprorun.inrion, rr1orl,.r s,rllabte is addcd

It mq- l) |eltlLrl fb, sludc,rrs ro fi rst p,.l.ri.e llis

as rror uoi/ 1 rr (iir .xa)ryl., eacr.lsc is) r(, heh

lhcnt add t:,e extra Illable.

B AhsEer5 j C


.lr/a/thorl chorts

Optional Activity

Iiav sLtrdeots cln|r 1.| time thci lrrrr .: ., r :' ,

rs th.-\ 1;s1en Thcn sr\ tlLe noril -d.]\ii hr i!.:i,:

i1 il]lo slllabies so st$de[rs crD nrorc c]:rrlr

distilguish rrhrrc crch srllitrl slot)s n|(l !r.Iii.

,\: I r'rrt a hexhhier (licl \{rlrar should I do?

D: If I 1!ere )ou, 1il e.tt morc vcqr:tables.

drirrL less rolfrr

B: \\t thoLlsht 1!e sllorrld rercise more


Trang 26

Lesson 11 l'd love to try that!

e e



4, d,



You ni8ht l\arr to have slrde s talt( nbouL (41ich

ones surp.ised them, giving rcasons fir thcir ansrvers_

Optional Activity

l{ave studcnls say how mnry calori.s are in s,rine

tonlcri, ,lil r-"n r rlr.r r, rlrr r wt,.r,3

the) would have to do son1e offic acti\.ilies ro buri)

thil many calories.

Example conversation

A: My f.tvorite cho.olate btrr has about

22s calories

So you har-e ro plal, r.rcqucrball lirr abour 25

minules io burn rhe sxDc rrumber ofcilorids

Or r.ou co[ld borvl Ior about au hour

A: IA lilre to irl zunba becanse I like dancxrs

B: Mc, too, but I r.ouldn'r like to rry forza Itr nolinlo firhting

C: I kno( wLat you rnean, bur td tike to try iran),rIat: it looks fascinatirlg

D: lit like to try , l dlrce I lol.c tr),ing ne{.ihings.

A: IIm, tel1,I gLress ld rry t)osu, bur I do.,l rea y

nndersrand rihar 1ou have to do I $.ou1ddt try

fbrza be.ause it lo01(s boring

3 Language Booster

Ioint out that in cech scntence expresstng

mten0on, the present lirm otthe actjl,it\ \,.c I b

ls used,

Explain that /i//i roald is uscd bccausc rhe result

is irragiIed aDd Ina,v nol actuall) happen.

14 Lesson lj

Trang 27

Lesson 12 Soccer is more exciting!

le,rch stLr.lenls \rhi.h 1.crbs to usc r{itlr ea.h storl,

.tnd then ha! students take turns maLi g senl ices

lllar': bascball, basltctbrll, ho.L.y, tcnnis, vollel.ball(l phl l).rseball.)

Go: iishn,: cyring, ho\\lint fI Bo t'islriDg )

li ) ndditi.nal \.crb Lecause the slort ir used as i

1:ri: bo,il fiih, bor (He bores My tarl,er Iishes on

IlxirLlh that vLeD the (](]r( ir is undersbod, thc

questions ar.l,esp,.xNes cerr be slorrened (foL

ex3n1Plc, o,ril h l1dl,j Fo eil]n+n.:

\\rhi.h is exsier? \rollo-l)rll is eisicr:

\rhich ir lrore diffi.' t? lloriing is.

4 Pronun(iation

Optional Activity

lf it won t ontirsc stud n1s, ),ou nlight \\.nt ttlc0mfortablc) can be pronoun.cd !1irh or (ithoullhe silcnt syllal,le lla\'e stud.nts fra.li.€ both

' .r .t ,,r I r .-d,rn11,., "that soole v'oft]s (1illerent, ar.eragc) rlna1's har.c

silenr s)'llables.

5 Speak with Confidence

Exon) ple convetsotionA: Do ),orr lhrnh bxscball is rs €rciliril x! so cr?

B: No, i doD't.


Exa n) ple conversation

r1: Do you think rugby is as crcjting xs

r{nre, ican footb'111?

ti: No,I don't


Rerrind students to pra.ti.c s|cxking,

b,\'lookirg up fron) their [DoLs u,her

not rcadnrg,thcy sperk

Lesson l2 '15

Trang 28

Lessons 9 to 12 Review

English in Action

I Preview

Speak Now

Make sure shLdents mark how wcll they can do ca.h

task- If many studeDts need morc pracrice wirh a

particular unit, Iou r ghr want to revie( it in lass

I Example conve5atiofi

A: i lreve the flLr.

B: l^rhy donl you go homc and rest?

A: I wish I could, but I have io go to tass ioda) Irt

thc lasr on€ bctore thc fiDal tcsr,

It: f) ri l,o6 l.lc r.,,r n" ,.,,.1 ;I

1O Example.onversotion

.{: I \viu)t to hale lers slrels Whal do rou thi t I

should do?

D: l'l r r' ,^rr ld roin r 5yI ),1 ,r (., r.i .

a d nect feople at the samc tinel A: Actuail)., lh a nlcnrber, bLri I ha1.e.'L

B: Ure[, are ]ou going lo rhc gl,rn at rhe sarlelime cvery t]lllc?

R: Yor slro!1d rr) goirlg nr a diflireDt timc of

l, d,\ \t")' ' ,r tl | p' ^n,- I.\ r ,r.lc

thlr \\,r)

Examp Ie @nversotion

I,:l like to try (ae k&'on do bccause it l)ur115 a lot

of.allrrics irr onc hour

B: Ilut it seeDN likc r lot ofhard r.ortr I (,ouldn't

like to lry it


ExanpIe @nversotion

A: I thhk hockcy is more ex.iting rhall ice skating

but I LI1x1l( lA likc ro rry ice skrttug tirsr Ifyou

cadt skate, ).ou cant plav hockel

It Lt' tr, " I rl,I l .1 lurg , i.r rl .horseback riding

Ai ADd ),ou can .ycle aLnost urfthere and

anl.time, but y.rn cant go horseba.k ri.Iiug th:1r

casil), so I rlant t0 cl.clcB: I think volleyball is nlorc e)i.iting than bowting


€ t


e e


€ d

If somc sturlents are doiDg Drosl oithe tatkirg,

stop the dis.ussiofi Remind srudenrs thar the).can

include evcryonc in the troup by asldrg the quictcr

studenb'their opinions (for example, by asl$g Ho11,

abouL you?)

16 Lessons 9 to 12 Review

Trang 29

Lesson 13 I can write pretty well.

Ai I crrii writc to,.ns \'cr}.1!ell

B: \-ou shotri.l r.rd tnorc po.rrrs

4 Pronunciation

Ha\ c stuLli.ts thnrL .l (,Lher jobs ftr cx.h cxregor )

I:o, er.ur\n., h.alih: ph\ si.i,l th€rapist, so.irL

r,.rlirr: ai-ts: r)rusi.iin, rno!ie !lir ; e,lu.tjtion

r.:.her 1r rir1.r i s.i.n.e:.hsr)ist, IhIsj.is1

' J .dq'\.

, -r i ', ,r or , :i.

lc(ler gradrs (i.c., A, B, (1, and D) ,\ is the highcst

and l) is the lor.cst p.rsring gradc Sorrc srhools

idd i |lrs or Dirus l(J lhe graclcs r,r pr or irle Iiner


Ijoirl oul ihrt \ e sonlcwhal sli.ss .d,r'1, bu1 $c

stress thc ilnpoltalrt wordis) even [rore ln the

srrtenc.I.dn'r lrr d ,rrllr.r, 11e 1\'ould s:1,

.ompLLlcr tlie lnosl strorEll to en)th.lsizc 1!h.rt

5 Speak with Confidence


Exam ple co nversation

A: SLcle siid hr ir goorl rt \\,riting

B, ,\ird he ( r11 speak l;rpncsc ,cr1l,v l cll

(l: He's elso goo.1.rr lalking Lo propl(.

D, I{ sl,oulJ (onsider bc.o rirs an

inrc|r.rti.rral jouru,tli!1

Letson ll 17

Trang 30

Lesson "14 ld have to have

Although lts nol e.esJary rvhy does the rnotlei

suggest a college degree? (A models cateer can be

drorl, and a college de{r€e \.ould givc olherjob

chdn.es [shc ca1led tl)is another sct oiskills].)

lvhat classcs does the architect suggest people t;ke?

(N{ath classcs like algebm aud geometrr:)

A: YeaLr Peoplc can buy comics on thc Inter-net and

al bool( stores 1cv won't go to the comic book

storc if ili in.onv.nieDr

C: Reallyl Wc dorr't thiirkyourecd d grcat lo.arion

People 11,i11 go to a slore iI it'.! i,orth it





3 Language Booster


Ifnecessar): explnil that a risk is.the chance that

somerhirB might Dot trrn out well- ln ihe example,

the rnk is fil1arlcial (about money) A risk can

also be a dangerous situation, so fire fighters ha\,e

(gh)'sical) risk in iheir jobs Hi!-€ students tlil* ol

otherjobs rvhere people take physical and firencial

risks (For example, people in corstr Lrcfior tak€

physical lisL<s; people rvho buitd aparlnerts take

financial risks bec?use thcy <1on't kuorv ifpeople rvill

buy the apartments aftcr they are developed )


Trang 31

Lesson 15 I travel for free.

tirin.qs about iobs, \'ritilrg thc1rr orr rhc board as the1'

r gn'en for eliamt e, Positil'.: rn.ct imporl.tnt

propJe, can ri'ork iro;n holrci Ncg,rti\.c: \\rrlis lolg

itours l-or ks elone all dal

ilir\c studdnl5 qLlc rcasons lir tLeir alsriers, ard

.I ,nnge !lLrdents rrith .liiircfr ol.irions lo

tr.iid alir'r nati!e reasors

2 Conversation

B Exdmple aonversationA: A ho rclnaker.qels 1() s1!),honle

B: That'.s rruc but a homenal<cr has ro rtrk er er l

d.11 I homcfir.rhcr ner.er gets a dal'.,11.]

4 Listening

-Stld.nc sholld write one Like/d n kc p.rjob ,.

Like D.Pin'l litc.Fo.lP F.r.v ri, r"r.F

people where drey

2 .an n! lot.bo!t

aimosph,ircj qreat

2 som.iinr.s sirii::il

g:! i,:: ii ::, p.opi!:.brii.t:

-3 Languaqe Booster

Ii n ria, \, crtl.rir rl,tll a pro is somcthing positn.c

iIr(i a .on ii roDrethirg rcgrtir

Optional Activity

Pfnlt out that boLh pros xnd.ous iur lnre /rirt ir

lheln Hir\c sludents rcl,Lriise the renterlces r,ith

nor (li,r eriln|l., I h.1\i the llteli.nds ofl I1)

.,t ,.,"r,.r

lrcLrieen II1,:alar1, i-r lo\ Mn 1 Aolit tlkc r ldt

Iro/r.),, tloliairs tlre rrs\\er ifneccssary (Thc

sc.lr)d sdltcn.c is lorr lilie i oJlpliinr.)

peop eto llork r/ th

B: l.r fr., IlraLs x .on I dont like rnin)irls But

T.oiiccpers g.t i.r do m I-djtfcrent lbings, rnd1L.r'dodi havc to sil xll .1a)-.

Trang 32

Lesson 16 ls the manager there?


e e

l Vocabulary ifstudeuts arc havirg prol>le|rs 1-lrh syllable stress,

ir,r rnrle.rr rhe.ruoe.r, rn i,le,r,iD tl*,orie,

,,.,,'ibpr uj )ll.rLtF .,r e" t, v ^ .t I t-FJ sd\ rhc

nurd5lnr.l'- I ir,Il) .u.r , r.,) r^J.,r tu, ) i,,( hor,

rr5 ilBad:ler.1r rtJ.,t,te io fr" j 1., td I onJl.ur.r r.l -J,d , t,elp .d, , tr r h r-, .r .,r



4 Pronunciation

5 Speak with Confidence

Ulhxt'.\ the saiary? ADd what are rLle bencfiEi

' ," ."r.,rr d, r'- 'o u, )^, | ."f,.r .,r , \fe hJ!(

hcJlth rir\UiJn.c For r rers!n.rbl€ latc

Are there xn, cxperieDce reqlLirements?

Yes You need ro hal.e lhree,vears ofexpcrien.e


lE lE le

te e

.E E

e e e e e






Optional Activity

IIave srudeurs lflire questions \\,irh rh horJ:

jn part ll Tllen hxv€ rhem praclice askrng and



d d d



B Exatnple cotNersation

A; \'\4ra1 arc (hc hours?

IJ: liru hale to vrork iveekerds.

A: What lvonld nr) I csponsibilities bc?

B: You {.ill guide peoptc aroun.l the citv \-ou .rn

''o r rn r- rnto i,.,t.ot o u rr r "i-t but \ou

nlusl rl e sute it r\ or r r

3 Language Bojster

Point to the qLrcstions to ask

for someo e, and

, pl,i rl,r't, err,rJ."rl.,r.rt+ rr,, r.

lornr r lr nq ,r\ \fl.rir rir., ,,r, .//.r

nol.ask abolrt abilities !.ell srudents rhat r7l

could can be replaced rvith rna1.

lr.,a.1 ,, rri.l, jr , tur\ n tl.- J -.r

il.l,l-.,u r / ,,,,, ,tt, ,t,_t hp t:al _

nafl {:an I take a message?

Ilave studerlts iook back xt Conr,.e.s.rtion to find

.-hFr,tu ,,.r tr,r "l,nr,Jr,.,Jnre^ r-r.

uo \o,r j qr, r dr,\ t-rF\.u r - t.rjejr r.i

r espor\.s ftor .nmplc Nor ar r[ ).


Trang 33

ts: A lot of studerlts ri! s.rver

t): li.ih, r,rd.lcrks in stores ind

.on\,er)ien.e stores.




l)o tl:)u ha1, 1 part-tirre jol)7

No, I'In roo bus,v stlld) int Hirl!, abour

)ou, Brad?

Yeah, I do I \\'ork at i toli srore \,yolrld you lik .r

par t tnne job, Cand\?

I dorit ha\.c tirnc, but lll lik the rron.)l

2 Practice

3 Dis(uss

Exomple conveBationA: Do )'ou lhjrl Crse! \vjll br suc.essf(J iil

thc job?

R: , l ', r' o,, , I" -t .

C: Lqrcc, 1)ol Iol ml|v stuLdents xru assistanrs rl

Eshnrn cont)ani.s \\il,ar arc sornc !otLLtar irln l

tinre j0bs li, slLrdents?

B: \o!i1l)c a 8oo.1 t\ rci)orter

14 Ex ont ple @nversationA: I x,ant to be a 1)Lrsin.ssf.rso] Lr buri!.r:1nu

,{: I)o \'.Lr lrqrire prc\.i.rrr erp.ri .e?

Il: \.s, \.c L1o Tr\.o )'.1r5

\: l LaLs tert t I halc tlrrce ).ears olerferjen.e ls

rir.r i] lot o|rr!.1 wjrh th job?

Il: I l,e firsr lear, ) )u'll b ii rhe main otfi.e, but

Trang 34

Lesson 17 That sounds fun!

optional Activity

Beforc studcnts oper theirbooks, ask them $'hen

they usually have free iime (for example, on

Saturda, olr Moodal niglrt) and rvho &ey like to

spend lheir frce tinc r.iih (for oraruple, alone, nith

theji triends)

l Vocabulary

B Example @nversation

A: Wrat dc you do in lrcurfree limc?

Bi I likc to rvrite mo\ic screenplays.

A: Oh really? Sounds fun

I 6 6 6 6 6

€ 5

6 6

c c





C 3




Optional Activity

Have students talk about olher illirrgs they do ir

their frec tjme (for example, talk f.ith frieDds,I,aint,

lvrilr poems)

Example conversationA: I likc to go shofpi ghrnyftcctime.

B: 5(r you spc d mor€y I likc to lrake l\'cb pages,

and sol1lelitucs I nake lheln for other people

A: { 'j'\')^ r."1(,n^r ') ir\., rr,1' rrn(

5 Speak with Confiden(e


Exafiple conversationA: Hannah gdcs to snall stores i her liee tilne She

collects pop bottlcs, so she is ahtays lookinq Lor

differen! ones.

3 Language Booster

Optioiral Activity

Ha\€.stodants think olothel ways to sho(, irterest

or cxpress surprise- lor e:iaupler

Otr real\4 l'r,e ncvcr dore lhat l)efore

Really? Thai doesn't sourd very lirn to me.

Are you hiddirg? Why?

Noi mel ThaCs too mtch worh Id rather walch l V

22 Lessoa 17

Trang 35

Lesson 18 l'd love to.

:: :tLLd.nrs op.n llreir books, ask lherr sonre

i r'::ri,r|rs rbolrt thcir Dlovicr.ic\!ing habits (For

.:, :::r ie, HoN oltcl do,!ou $atctr moli€s? Do l orL

:: i::l: \'rtch thcm oD DVL] or in a mo1.ie therrcr?


"r likc to (,arch alone or wilh other people?)

I Vocabulary

: - :rr: t:rp]:riu each iiind ol rrroyiL arrd gi\.c

:::r , !i,rirl.rr nrofie5 thr strLdcnts will l.r1or'.

2 Conversation

3 Language Booster

Optional Activity'1ea.h or Irve sludenls l,aiDstorm additio.al

rcsfollscs, lncirding thosr rl)al dodt nc.cpt aD

irrritaiion riShl.\1,ar, l:.rr exmntle:

Cxn I gct bx.k 1o you?

Let rnc thirrl eborLt it

Th.rt soLLrrds great.l)u( Iir rot sruc if I .rn.

B Exoniple canversatian

r| Do 1ou \firl 10 qo t(r r.on.erti B: lin r)ol lLre \\'hit kind oL rnrLsic?

|oirl out tLla|i?rr,r Lrrror i r: i ::.:: .

1o (j.e., he 1!ilnts tol ii rr s\ir r:

, | |lr,'i,l il ,

/r.r ,r .

prncli.es (1ror e:{lrrlrl., 1 \\ r.ntrtt s.i L.Iir,.,!

I ri,anna do.lRcnlind slu(leDls lhat ri.rn,,d i .lLLdcs thc \'.rd

1Lr so thc), sl,oirld Llot sar.to (i.c., 1'he1'shoulcl

1\Itet l( rrning d,r,a, sluJerts oflen 1{,art 1o usc it jr rll siluations Enuhasizc that in rnorc

Iormal sjtuati.)ns, itls no( nppropriilc to use

1r'rr,,, ll{t1aLn tl.r1 in rnorc formll situatiorl,lhc)'slxnrLl enun.i.rt rrore clearll ard theref,re

lill sludcnts thahle ollen blerd .1,l,o , so thequestion bccol)res &]d rrdr r ?

lieflirld stud.nts th.rl n1,rna is rot the Drrir)

lrr.us ofthc,lLLcstioD, so 111e,/ drould not

Trang 36

Lesson 19 I'm sorry, but Ican,t.


BeIore studelts open their bdoks, har.e them name a

few places they go to every week or month

l Vocabulary

4 Listening


1uI ritl I v Jnr tu.\fl"r,r r\1r ,r.t .n; rr',r,r ,roj.

,rm ,ud rrd r! utJ b" L.p sitr ,rc I pha

-that the tone of voice \"rhcn nsking i, very imporraDt

3 Language Bo,oster

I\plain rhar I'n alaid t , a,1 t do ,,', ,nttl r, Jr .

lhrs srluation, / m rl,.diJ i -rurl "r v rr tu ,.r r ,r.

'ttD but.


L 1<.,",dr).r, ir\ mrt.i I ir.,jr.rr^,r j,4r_ rur.

E*ample conve$ation

A: Do you wani Lo go to the coffee shop?

B: ltl love ro, but I .in,t I have to finilh nly p.oject_

A: Oh, l see Maybc Deri liDle


C Example conversdtiott

A: I thiDl gonrg kr 1\or1( soon is the best excuse.

B: I agrcc Sa)'ing you trve to clean youlroonr isdt a verygood e\cusc \bu can dothat anytine

5 Speak with Confidence

B Examp[e conversdtionA: Do l.ou (ranr r.r go oul to dirncr tonighi?

tl: m eajh'surr1, b I tJ., r,,\.Jj, n.rrrr ,\ rh

mc lodr)

Lerson l9

Trang 37

Lesson 20 Sorry l'm late.

about \dr.lher it is OK i their counrrl.ro Le late.

,', 'rnrpl , , 11 ,,1 "l- ,1 \ l, ror.\anlple, I ft?s doing rny home$.or1t {rclirre class.).

l Vocabulary

Ifrte.essar),, enplai thlt rz, nro rleans ,rrt n.d

does Dot literally nreirr tifo thiugs or pcofle hir

t.rth othcr You mighL r1'arlt to e\plairl rhnt rl,r/i

har the Dr.\n.e thlt the t-.roblcur (loes nd irn1.c an B

Explain that alrhough it 11n\.be ditGrent iD ollrer

cLLIt[r'es, in English rve ohcn gi\.e a reason withour apoJogr:

B Example convetsdtionr\: Iin s., rl irn laLe I hrd ro 1vrlti n1I dog.

B: Thrls OL

4 Pronun(iation

IxDphxsiTc lLnt 1l.rt (r ly lhe jronls li.c., ! dirliii

tlrink voLLil rnnrLl) trut al5o thc sLr.!! sh,:,r rt:

sf eakcl'.\ la.L ol tru .Dotnnr


Optional Activity

H, r-r r 1, I i r - , A: Oh lu1 lh so son r' (ernph.Lsir L,l sol

ts: I hait OK

A: I'rn s.,,r) IhlatcxraiD I Ically Jrurea

Boo.l er.Llse thrs tinre (€mphrsis on sor,

Br I'rn sl)J r) I'm Iale.I \\'is str.k ir rriili(.

.{: \iru coLLld have called lbu have a ceil phoncl

Lesron 20 25

Trang 38

C c C

e e e e e e e


e e


e e


e e e e e e e e

A: What do you Lke ro do o! i,cckends?

B: I lj\ ru riJe m) !,1, And tposlropp,ngrvl.,r

frieDd\ and wJ(t) movi

A: 'l'hat sounds fun 1,[irerc da

you go shoppinS?

B: Usrully ttu n1a[

18 Exofiple.onvetsation

A: Do you want to see a movie this weekend?

B: Sourds great_ What movie?

A: l har nel,r action nnxie

B: Ol1, I wart to sce thnt one, too.

A: Doiurr u;n,r^h eC 1n "1,., r]lenro\ri.

B: Sure Where do you yrant to eat?

B: IA lovc lo, bur t ha1.e to srudl

4: 1\rll tdkc ho\^ at",r i,,ringsorr ,fi!_ul.cr lor

a hreak horn stuJfng?

B: lr-,,c"ll).sorr) our I lra,.ro.r", myJfaflmr|lr

A: ljo" olier,Jr Jrr.r A,J, ni dorrud,,

wbcn you are latca

B Iln,or lrrc e.rorr,r Lut r, n | ,-r, I

dj,"l"Bi7e i d" n rrrt e cr u I ;usr l"r, r,.

oth.r pcr\on why tjn lr(c

C: Urowl I alrvays gnc an excuse.I ilon'l wart ihe

othi person to be angr)i Do )-ou thirk thcre arc

onyexcuscs that are OK?

D: Oh, yeall lllor ger into an accideDt or ifyou

needed to stop lo help soineone, those excrBes

rvould be acccptable.

26 Lessons 17 to 20 Review

Trang 39

Lesson 21 Did you go alone?

Poirt out that didlrrr beconesja a d rhar the

titree tords (i.e., thc L rvord and rl lol) are

blcnded together, somclimes almost irs illhey

Hxye studc ts deternine how rrrd, h numbcr 2

is diflerent thtrn the othcr rcductions, providj.il

th xnswer iInccessarl (Thc t also beconrcs siLcni, bul lor thc oLhers, thcre is no redlrction ro

thc r& rrord.)

heLro(aveieo io r1on9 hong wrlh h.r s6rcr

she thouqht Hong Kong Disneyand G 5d,aLtbJr nicc.

-, l.l.::.: i rr,i i.r h.r about h.r rrip? (\,es, he asks

: r .:r: :: l s.:r: i: irants tu sc hc, t,hotos.)


Ph),1h€ audio an rddirional riD1,r a1ld ha\.c

studenls roti.c thxt the thrce s\.lt.1btes (\{h./did,/

)-ou) .:rn be.omc tllo s,vllabl.s (\\to/ja) Explxin

thrL ro! xil speakers do this, \\,ill1 sorre rdaininq

P.r.li.e the three words as a group ollarguasc

so strLd.nti rbrthm bcconi.s 111orc rratur,ll

lli 'i -ru r.c\ itr-r' r :ro


forL rlight lLant to cornpar e thc re.1u.ti.n\ \ ilh

tLe present tense cqtri\?lents (i.c., r,/ro,1,rr.,.

thndLldn, d terctlayn, tr /rclrJor c r, r;,rj.r.:


lelt siudenis lo ntike up answcrs iI thel donr I1a1e

a clclr.oirlexl lor insri'cring

Exomple conversation

A: \{ihoi'r tril,el u'ith?

B: I xerl with 1n)'farnil),

Speak with Confidence

RcrnirLd stLldcnts to trilcLice reducing dr,1/rr.

E\anlple convetsation

,{r \\'hoie go \1,itt1? Did )ou go }ritli your nlorn?

Ii: No, I x,cnt 1!,ilh m) rlissmatcs

,{: \\'l,c,ljx goa Did ) olr go lor the l lnle

string l,acationl

I'\ - \.r I Jl.,r '.\.,,r.i



Trang 40

I t



5 Speak with Confidence

B Example convefiotion

Ar wlio do ).ou prcfcr to travel \r.idli B: A friend

Ar And woutd idr ratller eat local food or

famitiar food?

B: A.lually,Id preler ta eat Iocdl lood, but I $'ant to

cat some ofb01h

A: Woutd lnu rathcr plan each dal orjust see

Before sllrdeuts lislen, ask drem where A4unich is (in

Gcrmany/in Euro|e) Hnve student! t.1k ab.out what

thcy know irbo$ Mnnidl

If necessarl., explaiD that a hostel is aD ine4.,rsi\t

place for ploplg to sta)' Uriike hoteb therc are

oftcl roonts shared by rnany peoplt who mey

ol kno{' eaih other (each has a bruk bed) and a

comaron bathroom- lbung people tend to stayin

hostels Dore than older peolle Hoste,ls arc also

called ).outh

hostcls-3 Language Boost€r

Point oft that mrliel ard prderare rr.sed !o t;ilk

aboul two cltoices blrt that somctimes ihe secord

oltioi ls not said becarse it is understood

.Iroint out thal we r1se the ing forin ofGe \.erb

unleas the question or resp6nse has orld

Ngày đăng: 11/05/2017, 21:42

