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business start-up 2 teacher book

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business start-up 2 teacher book tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh...

[...]... 12 F axmach i n e sa r e n ' t n e c e s s a r vm o r e e Pre PH 0T 0C0P IAB L E a m b r i d gU n i v e rs i ty s s2 0 0 6 O C Business 2 Star t-up Test 4 Experience Lesson 4.1 Discussing past performance Students build up their vocabulary base with a gap-fill activity based on the sentences from the recording 24 Play the recording for students to listen and check their answers Key 1 successful 2. .. to the thenlisten and checktheir 20 Students answers Kry t difficult 2 possible 3 important 5 necessary 6 compulsory $ 4 essential ".p practice SB Page97, Exercise Vocabulary 4 Kq 1f 2c )a 4e 5b 6d R E S O U R C E E E T 2" ' " v a g e9 5 P SH 3 T oc o n s o l i d a l a n g u a g f o r d e s c r i b i no f f i c e e e d s , te e g n h i u s eR e s o u r cse e e t3 2 D i v i d e t u d e n t sn t o... can'tstandfootball 2 Becausethe woman's playsgolf and she goes horse riding (lt'sa husband joke.) 3 He's interested tropical fish /piranhas in fi b S t u O e ntbui t dt h e i rv o c a b u l a r y y d o i n g t h i s m atching s activitv Key 1c !l 2a )d 4b practice"'"pSB Page 96, Exercise5 Vocabulary Key 1S 2N ]N 4S 5N 6S listen and repeat sentences the 76 Students They underline wordthat's the stressed Kev fun! 2 I'd... L0B,Section Teamworl< 2 ""v practice SB Page96, Exercise 1 @ Crammar Kq 1 They'rebuilding the walls this morning 2 Sheisn't /'snot managingthe projectvery.vell 3 What'sthe projectmanagerdoing this morning? 4 Where'sthe architectworking today? 5 The lightsaren'tworking at the momenr 6 We'rehaving problems with the budget W Key t having trouble 2 complete 3 runninglate ffi Use Resource heet2.1, o consolidate... and Students p a r t n ea n d m a t c h e s c r i p t i o n s p e o p l e o s k i l l sa n d r d of t wíth class the characteristics the answers Check orally Key 1f 2c 3b eh 10j 4a 5g 6d 7e 8i 2 P R E S O U R C S H E E T 2 " b a g e9 2 E P h o t o c o p o n e s h e e to f d o m i n o e s n d g i v eo n e y a f d o m i n oc a r dt o e a c hs t u d e n t r p a i ro f s t u d e n t sl o g y o u h... S B P a g e 1 0 9 , S e c t i o n s " 4.1 2nd 4.1.3 a 'p Crarmar practice SB Page98, Exercise 4 Key a 1 He didn't start his new job last week 2 They didn't make the film in India 3 They didn't havea very big budget 4 The project didn't cost f2million 5 She didn't finish rhe iob on rime 6 They didn't use very expensivecomputers b 1 The photos looked very good 2 They took a long time to finish the job... n ee t s e t e 3a 4b Shall I get a chair? B Student Key 1b 2c r G r ammare f e r e n c e S B P a g e L L 1 , S e c t i o nB ' pr 2 G r ammar act i c e" ' pS B Pa g e 9 9 , Ex e r c i s e Key I I'lldoit later 2 Shallwe callthem back? I I'11 checkthe detailstoday 4 I'll give her a call this afternoon 5 Shall I contact the hotel? 6 Shallwebook seatsnow? put h i sact i vi gi B Tangu age t yoffveersssatudd... s Alternatively, students with who needmoresupport, use the cut-up version the emailon Resource of sheet the 5.2to introduce text Lesso 5 .2 n Confirm arrangements ing Key for 1 slides thepresentation 2 on Wednesday evening 3 Thursday morning Present tensesas future R E S O U R CS H E E T 2 " " ' v a g eL 0 1 E P 5 Cut up one copyof the textfor eachpairor group Students become familiar withthe language... we s a y t h a t two t h i n g s a r e the t same (or n o t th e s a m e ) we u s e ( n o t ) a s as G r a m m arre f e r e n c 'e pS B P a g e 1 0 6 , S e c t i o n2 1 2 "'.p @ Crurrar practice SB Page97, Exercise Key as 1 cheaper 2 moreexpensive 3 as cheap quicker 5 worse 6 lessdifficult 4 better, !l E is Exptain Vacscape an onlinestorewhichsetts that (mime) Readthrough two quotes vacuum cleaners... Page96, Exercise Vocabutary 2 Kry 1 update, schedule 2 ahead of on 4 behind 5 budget 6 con'rplete 10 S t ud e n tsl i s t e na n d r e o e a ts e n t e n cesin t he pr e s e nt con ti n u o u s i c i tf ro m t h e m t h a t t he El pr onunci at i onf a r e i s th e s a m e i n s e n te n c es1 and 3 o (where has a contractedschwa sound /a/)but is it di ffe r e nit s e n te n c e2 , wh e r e i t i s s tr . 978-0- 521 ,-53469-7 Student's Book 2 ISBN-10 0- 521 ,-53469-0 Student's Book 2 ISBN-13 978-0- 521 6 720 8-5 Workbook 2 with CD-ROM / Audio CD ISBN-1O 0- 521 -6 720 8 -2 Workbook 2 with CD-ROM / Audio. 978-0- 521 ,-53470-3 Teacher& apos;s Book 2 ISBN-10 0- 521 ,-53470-4 feacher's Book 2 ISBN-13 978-0- 521 53471 0 Audio Cassettes 2 ISBN-10 0- 521 53471 2 Audio Cassettes 2 ISBN-13 978-0- 521 -534 72- 7. rk Choices Experience Arrangements Objectives Success Media Strategy Solutions Transport Age n das B 14 20 26 2B 34 40 46 48 54 60 66 6B 74 BO B6 BB 124 1 ,26 lntroduction ABOUT BUSI N ESS START.U P Course tength Business Start-up 2 consists of 1 ,2 units of three lessons

Ngày đăng: 23/09/2014, 17:57