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Business Start-Up 2 workBook

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Business Start-Up 2 workBook tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực...

[...]... 19 92 in Masters He did a part-time threeYears Manag em ent Business in later.He ioinedParabola Madrid salesassistant in 1.997 a trainee as to and was promoted assistant He fourYearslater salesmanager in left Parabota 20 02 and joined as in Uniset Toulon an areasales manager Answerkey t1 : 1 Um$t S ffi ffi Answerkey ffi I 1 What has happened share to pr i ce son t he N A SD A Q i s th mor n i ng? 2 This... incredible hear to h ow he spenta miltio n fo ur in weeks! N 2N 3S 4N 5N 7 The poundhas gonedown 60i 65 l against dollar Yes,the value the / of the dollar has decreased $1ir 1 was shown 2 were advertised 3 is pr o mo ted 4 is used 5 were returned 6 are manufactured 2 ffi1 ffi7 ffi 1N 2N 3N 4N 5S 6S 1 Yes,our satesincreased No, / our salesd ecreased 2 Yes, so we hired a lot of staff./ No, so we laid off... E-| r+6 | 7 Üm$t l;fi Make sentencesabout eventsin the past Listen to 5,pecifrc examPte fire the lio ined co mP anY in 20 05 in lioinedthe comPanY 20 05 lastYear the tioíned companylastyear a yearago a ljoinedthe com7any Year0go teft They the comPanY in 20 04 left They the comPanyin 20 04 lastYear left They the company lastyear fouryearsago left They the companyfour years ago about o, ''iffi Makesentences... fatlenby about 2" /o Modetanswer ffiffi The economic situation has improved considerably the past over L2 months valueof the euro The has risenagainst mostother currencies priceshavegone up 5% Property Mortgage ratesare at an all-time low.Theyhave fallenby 4o/o over the yearand are now at 2. 5o/o lnflatíon decreased 1',5% has to Unemployment fallen just has to over 4o/o 7 6 1 The pound has gone up 2o/o agai... A P R P C L R C P N B K L P E A o Ll E 0 A I M N T C H C B F S v W H 0t F o K C K D 1 potato 2 salad 3 carrot 4 p eas 5 lam b 6 ap p le 7 chicken I fish ffi 1 book 2 menu 3 maincourse 4 starter 5 dessert 6 bitl ffi1e E D S E 5 I 1 Our eng ineers install the eq uip m ent and p rov id e a 2 4 -hour serv ice 2 We supplyspare partsto our customers over the wortd all products 3 We deliverour software by... riv er 2 6 C 3 0 B E N E F S R l E l c i o l M l ME 5 S N D U E 0 P TlllolN R W o nJnlrlrD P 7 o T S D A E L A 2c 6g 1 b 5 a 4f 3d 7e / L/ \ lensth ! ' I thick ness widrh i- i =,;- , i-]1 I t::: t ' ,i , ffi 1", 1 10 P R 678 2 A H A P R 0 T E C T I R E E R B V 9 4 5 C M E C A D A S R D K E H N A T T 3 R S E G o o E V L E G S U T o N A B V T E T I L L S I o N S T S 7 How was the holid ay then? 2 Great... marketing director 1 Whereare the factories? 2 They have officesin Londonand Ro me Our factory isn't near Bristol 3 4 Our customers mainlvfrom are Europe 5 This year thereare 300 co mpanies the tr a d eshow at 6 We exportour products over all the w o r ld 7 D o yo u w o r k in Lo ndon? No, not at all Listen again and play the part of the visitor P R o E V 2 3 N E E S 52 I P R G N o U ffi Modelonswer manufactures... r n e dt o s a i l ili,r' 24 i l" ffi Completethe Puzzle so far today 2 3 5 6 Use phrases from each box W hath as q u a rte t h e r CAC 40 have gone up by 50% p r o p e rty ri c e s p faltenby t h i sm o n t h The price of T h i sd e c a d e p r i c e so n the oil has been h a p p e n e dt o snare Across > in Was very different the 1950s 1 The {d{!!tt]!t!it situatíon t 2 Banks moneY o PeoPle m... td has 2 Our w ar eho use the b est in facilities the citY 3 This is o ne o f the teast inter esting bs I d o io This is the worst officein the b uitd ing The m ostexp erienced PeoPle work for us p the Our sup p tiers rod uce least eq exp ensiv e uiPm ent the m 7 Theircom p any anufactures fastestcars ffi1 im p ortant 2 essential 3 com p ulsory 4 essential 5 possible 6 difficult 1d 6e A E 2c 7a S... 'si nc re a s i n/ p u tti n g u p hi s pr i ce s ffil c 2e 3d 4b 2 Yes,please.I'd tiketo book a f t i ght Ro me to 3 W h enw o uldyo u like to tr avel? 4 Any time in the nexttwo Are thereany cheapflights? 5 Let me check.Yes,we have a few last-minute offersfor this we e kend 6 l s ther ea big disco unt? 7 Yes,about 60%.The return flight is only f 72 8 Great! thereany extra Are charges? in included th 9 . jectives Success Media Strategy Solutions Transport Agenda 5 8 1.1, 1,4 L7 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41. 53 66 68 72 lntroduction Welcome to Business Start-up Workbook 2. There are 1 ,2 units in the Workbook to match the 12 units in the Book. The Workbook. Library ISBN 978-0- 527 -53469-7 Student's Book 2 ISBN 978-0- 521 6 720 8-5 Workbook 2 with CD-ROM / Audio CD ISBN 978-0- 521 ,-53470-3 Teacher's Book 2 ISBN 978-0- 521 53471-0 Audio. Audio Cassettes 2 ISBN 978-0- 527 -534 72- 7 Audio CDs 2 Contents Introduction Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unlt 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Transcripts Answer

Ngày đăng: 26/05/2015, 16:37

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