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Speak now 4 teacher book

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This is a useful guide for practice full problems of english, you can easy to learn and understand all of issues of related english full problems.The more you study, the more you like it for sure because if its values.

eak \o,rw"urEw tthcoNFrPEI{q oxIoRD UNIVBASITY PRESS 198 M-adi$o.nityeque NewYork, NY 10015U-SA Great CJareddon Sffeet, Oxford, oxz 6or, United Kingdom O-xfoid Untve8ittrr'Fress ls adeparhrenf of'the llnirersiff tof Oxf.ord ttforrherc the Uufuefsltf* objeetire ofexcellence in research, sdu1axShip, and edueation bypublishinguorldwide Gxford is a registered uademark af O-.xfor,dUdyersiQrPiess in the UK and in certain otheteountries: @ Oxford Uriversi{y }re$ aolz The rnoeal rights s.f fheauthor hsve been asser:ted Fitst publhhed iirl2o12 ,016 s015 *qu eq79,2,61i 1Qe8765432.1 All,rilghts reseffed, Nopart of this pubtrication may t € reprodue€4sfoied in aretrielal.iy'stein,oitfaDsmiftird,in anyfOrtn orbyarryrEear$r, without the prior permi6slon in r;vrttiltg,Of O.jdord U,nivelcity Pre$; or as e8pre,isly perxdtted hy lavr, by lkeaceor trnder terns agxe.ed wi.th th€ appaopriate epio€F'aphicd light$ or,gBilizElliofl Enquir{{ig eonftrrningreprodudiotr outsiate the seope of the abo,se ghotrld be sent to theELT Rights DepanrUerit" -o-,$Or.d Unirersify PreEs" at the adfuess above urust nat eirculatethis, wnrkin any o.ther forul and;rou must irnpose this same condition on any acquirer YOU Links t6,third-Ira4ywe'bsites.ar-e pro.vidcd by [kford in good faith.-aqdfor in&'sqatton ody: Od,ord rlirelaims any responsibility forthe materials conta.ined in any third party website referenced in this work P,botoeogytxg ThePdblisher gx.ants pl$ti$ion fof &e pbdtqeoByilg of tlosc p-a_ges uarked 'phomcopiable' according to the following conditioni Individual purchasers make,eopies for their.ounr use orfor useby-elasses thet they teach School pw{tEISe$ ilriii lEake copie$firr use by staffaad studerrts, but this pelmission does Irot aJccfti tO addrdonal schoo.ls or branches Under.no clreumstenees may'anypart of'this bookbe photoeopied 6br resale General Managel American EIT: Laura Pearson Executive fu blistr-ing Manager: Eril< Curdersen Uanaging fditor:Jentri&r Mclftrrtrl A.$soeiate EEitar: Halra YOo Dlrecto& ADP: Suean Sangldly ExecutiveDenign Muager: Maj-Britt }lagsted Assoriate Design Managefi MichaeI Stein]rofer Ele(ffirric Prc&1ctior1 M4trqggil Julle Aqriiiforlg Production Coordinator: Brad Tircker IlrI{: gzg o 19 4o3o4o 13BN: 9178 o19 Teach$Eook W.ith ftsfing Prqglaln C}.EOM AaBo4S TeaeherSook (Paek Coruponent) rsBN: 9ZB 019 4ogo45 Teaelter Aecess eard (Padk Co:nporunt) rsBN: 978 o194ogo48 gTestinghogram CIROM (Pack Cornpone[t) PdEe4inChin4 t.lris book is printed otrpaper ftotn certifled arrd well-qEu.qged so Urc-eJ *b%Ir ea wirhcoNrIDEI{c$ Mari Vargo Carmella Lieske oxroRD \-INIVERSITY PRESS ffiffiffik -T\TOW Level Guide Student Book Lessons f -ft Listening: Listen for llearned a lotfrom You put up with a lot How you know ? A L Are you up for ? thought she was It's just not my I ft spend too much 24 time 26 You have a point, but 28 My short-term goal is 32 34 36 & l'm here to talk about oolant eyents lntroducing interesting stories Describing pet peeves Sympathizing Pronunciation: Reduction of Making suggestions have you Commenting on suggestions Pronunciation: Noun stress Getting to know people Asking about people's jobs Listening: Listen for invitations I i wtaking invitarions Pronunciation: ntonation for i Talking about false assumptions i : : Expressing a lack of understanding a change of opinion Listening: Listen for opinions 22 decided to 1m peeves Pronunciation: Word stress in 3B Declining politely 5ummaflzrng Expressing opinions without offending someone Asking for clarifi cation oill'9 1.'lo.atlon '1 I bo1 Listening: Listen for pet I 16 thing *nul"*:"1'''' a Asking for details I had ]_.]klr? Pronunciation: Linking vowels can't stand it when I Asking about signifi cant experiences sign ifi cant experiences Did you hearabout ? -l Listening: Listen for reasons Giving reasons Expressing approval Pronunciation: Reduction of Talking about lifestyles -ing endings Evaluating lifestyle Listening: Listen for Persuading persuasions Disagreeing politely Pronunciation: Adjective Asking about career ambitions stress Talking about career ambitions Listening: Listen for strengths Asking intervlew questions and weaknesses Describing strengths and weaknesses Pronunciation: lntonation in Giving clear instructions c!lirvino questions Listening: Listen to presentation lestatynO 13 a shlw tlat Vou understand Giving presentations Asking follow-up questions Expand the Speak Now Student Book lessons with activities from the Multi-Skill Bonus pack, available on iTools This Level Guide provides you with a map of the course's various resources, allowing you to build a rich and comprehensive syllabus Through targeted expansion activities, students gain confidence in English across every skill area Multi-skill Bonus pack worksheets _l n e11 areak lnteresting stories The Pet peeves Pete's Pet Peeves Suggestions ls Re at onlh ps .talk about my A: Present perfect lrstandeito l experiences B: Adjective clauses .share my opinion A: Relative clauses .get to know B: Past perfect assu this FriendshipToxic? The llunOerGu*",t Weekend activities Weekend ans? f Personalities Staying connected Eating habits Home envil3nmenl Online activities Environmental problems F a person talk about false rstlmpress ons mptions Facebook Addiction Brazil: Moqueca and Other RegionalSpecialties Professiona I Organizers Plus A:Too much English Learners Tips Excha nge B: Second conditional .can ask for and give clarification I .tatt< about my lifestyle Green Cities Career ambitions rlndinO Your Drelm Job Working habits Evaluations wtaklno nulchases_ Server/Barista Proced Job interviews Common lnterview Questions A: Future tenses B: Present perfect v past u res tense .respond to interview questions , give a presentation ul treal( T'TO\M Level Guide f Student Book Lessons Pronunciation: Using Are you afraid of ? a Asking about fears low tone to show negative Talking about fears emotion f+.{ t l'm overworked a4t lf I coutd go anywhere AA ii,;'.:f lwish lhad -l Talking about causes of stress Listening: Listen for causes of Giving advice by talking about stress and advice personal experiences Talking about dreams and wishes Pronunciation: Using a high Expressing interest and asking tone to show positive emotion for reasons Asking about regrets Listening: Listen for regrets Talking about regrets 4\ Drnnrrnrirfian Pronunciation: Dr,ci, Pausino when I Relatino the plot of movies lt started out kind of slow 52 ! ti.r{ irir+4: , relating stories i Describing reactions to movies syllable stress s Describing music beat 54 , Pronrn.iation: A!r-r ,a has a really' good -rvvs vLq\' ji Joinlng I in longer words " r'discussions i about trends ^\ Did you hear about ? 56 !;,,, Listen for trends +r-r-::r' "? !i tirt.ning: ! l:u -""'rDescribinqtrends Describingtrends i i a Listening: Listen for i Sharing surprising news t Have you heard ? 58 : ,,.^_i-i^ _ _._ :.surprising news Expressing surprise ! - ffi the flight on time? Pronunciation: Stress in two- Td3"gIi:: Do you think ? lt's important to fa Did you see the game? 72 i 'rrn: I Hold on ,,ffi I Studies have shown A, l What's your opinion? Checking in at the airport Confirming information Listening: Listen for bad news tv I ', a d-it i nr{ :rlrrira Pronunciation: Linking with -s t ! Reporting bad news i il " "t-ur g r" r ! :lo -1'_d' i'" Comparing and contrasting a ::.natives Giving reasons for choices l Describing cultural differer : faux pas Explaining why something s a p.oblem Pronunciation: lntonation to Talking about sporting e\ e^:5 convey extreme emotion Changing the subject Listening: Listen to the news Listening: Listen for opinions lnterrupting to askfor cla.l:::: cn Clarifying Giving evidence to suppca :: rions Giving examples to suppct :c,nions Pronunciation: Stress in two- Asking for opinions abou: syllable verbs Politely giving opinions Multi-skill Bonus pack workshe€ts rl _r i I l ' Fears Fear or Phobia f Stress Stress Relief Forum A: Second conditional ll .express my feelings B: Expressing regret and wishes -.'-'-"*1- .talk about my dreams I i Dreams and wishes I I School lifestyles Encouraging Creativity Letter to My Teenage Self Movie Matters WhatYourTaste in Music Says about You Trends How to be Celebrity gossip A: Present tense for narration a Trendsetter .relate the plot of a movie B: Negative questions .talk about trends A: Tag questions .check in at the airport B: Shouldn't have differences The Gossip Gab .describe cultural Culturaldifferences E BhutaneseCustoms Sporting events Big Sports Blowouts News stories Bringing Crime Down Advertisements Socialproblems Advertising Strategies that Work City Priorities A: Articles B: Passives with modals talk about the news , support my opinions Teacher's Book Contents HowtoteachwithSpeakNow TestingProgramcD-RoMOverview Lessonl:llearnedalotfrom Lesson2:Didyouhearabout ? Lesson 3: I can't stand it when Lesson4: Youputupwithalot ReviewLessonsl-4 Lesson5: Howdoyouknow ? Lesson6:Areyouupfor ? LessonT:lhadthoughtshewas Lesson 8: lt's just not my thing ReviewLessons5-8 Lesson 9: What exactly is a ? Lessonl0: ldecidedto Lesson 11: lspend too much time Lesson12:Youhaveapoint,but ReviewLessons9-l2 Lessonl3: Myshort-termgoal is Lessonl4:l'mveryorganized Lesson15: Thefirstthingyouneed Lessonl6:l'mheretotalkabout ReviewLessonsl3-16 Lesson 172 Are you afraid of ? LessonlS: l'moverworked Lesson 19: lf I could go anywhere Lesson 20: lwish I had Review Lessons 17-20 Lesson 21: It started out kind of slow Lesson 222 lt has a really good beat Lesson23: Didyouhearabout ? Lesson24:Haveyouheard ? Reviewlessons2l-24 Lesson 25: ls the flight on time? Lesson26: l'mafraid vt Contents .viii ; .2 .3 .6 .7 .9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 .19 20 .21 | 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .29 .30 3'l 32 33 Teacher's Book Contents (continued) think ? Lesson2S:lt'simportantto Review Lessons 25-28 Lesson 29: Did you see the game? Lesson30: Holdon Lesson 31: Studies have shown Lesson32: What'syouropinion? Reviewlessons2g-32 VocabularyWorksheets VocabularyWorksheetAnswerKeys Confidence Booster Answer Keys Lesson 272 Do you 34 ,35 36 37 3g 39 40 41 42 74 78 The Speok Now Testing Progrom cD-RoM contains the following: Spoken Interview Placement Test Scoring Rubric and Testing Instructions Quizzes Quiz Quizzes Answer Key Quiz2 Quiz Quizzes Audio Script Quiz Qfiz Quiz Quiz Quiz Speaking Assessment: General Presentation Topics Presentation Feedback Form Interview Questions Presentation Tips Role-Plays Midterm Exam: Written; Speaking Assessment in the form of Standardized Tests Midterm Written Exam Midterm Exam ToEFL@ Midterm Exam ToEIC@ style style Midterm Exam IELTSTM stvle Midterm written Exam Answer Key Midterm Exam Audio Scripts Final Exam: Written; Speaking Assessment in the form of Standardized Tests Final Written Exam Final Exam TOEFL@ style Final Exam TOEIC@ style Additional Teacher I Final Exam Audio Scripts Resou rces Speak Now Video Scripts j Final Exam IELTSTM style Final Exam Answer Key Speak Now Class Audio Script TOEFL' and TOEIC' are registered trademdrks of Educationol Testing Services (ETS) This pubtication is not endorsed or opproved by ETS Contents VII d How to teach a Speak Now lesson Each lesson has five parts-Vocabulary, Conversation, Language Booster, Listening or Pronunciation, and Speak with Confidence Conversation with Additions A a Lesson lntroduction Read the lesson title as students follow along When applicable, have students answer the question Point out the functions they will be studying and explain them or reword them when necessary Vocabulary The purpose of this section is to get students thinking about the topic, activate their background knowledge, and introduce them to vocabulary that they will use during the lesson To prepare the students to use the vocabulary, preteach it When the vocabulary is unfamiliar to your students, present it through visual aids (for example, photos), actions and gestures, and rephrasing or English definitions Ifnecessary, have students use an English Learners' dictionary, perhaps before coming to class, to better understand not only the meanings but also how to use the words Avoid giving students definitions in their first language Although doing so may initially save time, students not acquire the language as thoroughly and will rely on their first language rather than developing their English ability In addition, nuances in languages often vary, creating additional complications as students continue to use the language When you have time, further reinforce the vo cabulary with p erson alization ( for example, using the vocabulary in true sentences about themselves) viii How to teach a Speok rVow lesson from the Language Booster section Read the questions aloud Ask students to guess the answers by looking at the photos or illustrations Ask students questions about details in the art Play the audio and select students to answer the questions If necessary, play the audio again Make sure students understand the answers to the questions by asking concept questions or reforming the question to check understanding B By practicing the conversation, students become more aware of functional language and more comfortable with language in 'thunksl' This prepares them for the Language Booster section and will also help them notice the changes in Part C c Tell students that they will listen to the conversation again, but three sentences are on the audio program which are not printed in the book Explain that they should write the sentences they hear in the correct places Play the audio Check answers If necessary, haye students compare answers in pairs, play the audio again, and then check answers as a class After checking answers, play the audio again so students can focus on th6 pronunciation and intonation Have students pay attention to the words they did not understand before Have students practice the conversation at least two times, once for each role Conversation There are two types of lesson patterns for the Conversation section Some of the lessons follow the "Conversation with Additions" model and others follow the "Conversation with Expansions" model Teaching procedures for each lesson pattern are outlined below Both conversations follow the same procedure for Part A This section helps students become comfortable with the topic and provides a model conversation that uses the functional language Conversation with Expansions A a Follow the same procedure as Conversation with Additions, Part A B a Practice the conversation in Part A a Have students read the sentences below the conversation They should place the expansion 25 Part sp€ak Now4 flight on time? ls the VocabularyWorksheel 25 rraveling by plane Write one or two $"l)rals to complete each phrase that you use t6 talk about wo'o i not needed \!r_le an lf a \ hffiinffillilillilffirffiilUlililflIlillffiffillflffilfllffi}$illiilillffffffffllflllllfiif]ffjlilii your Iuggage pass gaie check lll bin flight 11 terfiinal bac Part Use the campleted phrrses fuom Part c1ass, practice the co 'erlation with a to complete the conversation' You won't llse one phrase ln parlrer' Airline Employeer Goad everiing You: iU like to check in Herc's my reservation number and Passport' Airline Employee: Thank you Doyo!.Pre.fera- lbui Acttrally, are ihere any seats available in the so you iran 0) ? (4 ]ook out as You take offi lt hls lnor€ leg room- Airline Emptoyee I'm sorry, there arerit You: Uh, ther IA preler Airtine fmplolee: OK an- - it-,lrl'ase \o Probrem And \ould )ou Iike You: No, thank yc,u l just have this one srnatl - l-? ro - - Gi- tttl fit ir the - Gt-' - lvnn t it? Akllne Emptoyee (a) Yes, it should OK Heret Your 27, but rot until Your fliq\ deParrirg [rom 0i45 You: Well, ther, can You tell me which (e) has restaumnts? IA ]ike to get somethl,'Ig to eat' eirline lmployee There are iestaurants in every area of the ailport The lines though, so you hight walt to go through the (tu) You: Securityis just down this ha[, isnt it? Airline Employee i' \7) That's dght HaYe a good fitrr passPort control can get ldng' trig' You: Tharks, 66 Lesson25 o Oxford University Press Permission grantdd to reproduce for classroom use' 25 l'm afraid Part speak Now Vocabulary Worksheet 26 I Match the words onlhe left with ibeir meaniogs on the right, a b c d aaneeted damaged dow! expiIed misplacad I1o to beunable to lenger be ird h perfect cqndition] something w.lten thbie are still seata! rooms, etc ftee to use to ayii\,.e too late farr something to decide to ltop sonEthing liom happening (for elample, d game, miss€d f a flighr, etc.) something that has beel tal.en from yor withour your peihission $toleIr 7_ to be hurt; tq to no lonqer hao.k to use becnuse a date has passed h to lrot be $,orking at the current time Part Write the botil words frgm Part to complele the e ]nail you will nse orie warid t$.i€e Hi Matthew, Thh,t.ip has beeo great-ex6i?t tur ).esrerdayl The subway workers decided to sttike, so I had io take a ta:r.i TharL what everl'one else decided tr: dG tod, so it took threr hou.s instead ofore, and b) the time I gdt to the airport I had my plane They put me on th! next (r) y,as flight, whicl Iine, but then an hour later ao ni# ploy" .u* to rire and said, I hrte td tlis, blt your flight hiu been beciruse the pilot car't get out to.the alipoltl" I w6u1il havr e-flrailed you during the live long hluts I apenr in the airyofi, tui the Wi.Fi lust my luck +ht? te11 ).ou Aryway, I finally gdt to lstanbul last night, onl)' to diacol.er (4) arrd the oiher was one of my suitaases $,as Once I got (s) with the a.irlil1e, I went to the car rcfiiil agency Wlite intemational drivet's license }e.l tlot Ir-e were doing the (;- ev€irtlihg paperwodg I realized my so I qouldn r rcnt a car Al1 rny plans enjoying the colntryside iavolwd a ear, so I had to change evarlthingt I got on - -O.with.a find ore :t11 orked out fm tle Internet and my reservato4s, Then I tried io find a hotel in the city It ]\las hard to i j - , bur I final1i did ne s is tha-t it's a rcw day! MT lo6t luggage srrived 20 minutes ago, and rhls hotei is tally nice Itt ln a great location and tle people here ar€ kjnd_ An.,ther good thing is thal I havent Th€ gaod had arr1thiry be , even though eI,etyoll€ wa.ned me i:hat tl1rv€]ing overgeas can dangerOus Hclpefully rhis is rhe turning pointl Talk to yo1l r.fhen I get bacL Sandy O Oxford lJniversity Pre5s Permi3sioll granred to reffodrice for alassrooin use Lesson 26' 67 27 Do you think ? Part Speak Now Vocabulary Worksheet 27 \\'rite the uords or phrases trom the bori to onlptete the magazine article guided tour stick to a lounge budget around hostel tourist attractions bed and breakfast budget hotel bool in advance splurge luxury hotel keeping your options open go offthe beaten path The World ls Waiting lfyou arethinking abouttrave ing,you have a lot ofdec sionsto make, bul one ofthe most mportantis:do lo you want on a luxuriouq va.ation or vou need to so you don't spend too much money? The answer to thls question willdetermine a otofyourotherchoices,so let's look at what oLrr readers have suqqested The LuxuryVacation once you've decided to go on your dream vacatlon, you have to answer another question Which you want, an intimate {3) ? Either wa, wlth a swimm ng poo where you can or a {1) it makes sense to make reservations You can get better deals, and you won't have to worry about whether they have rooms However, lf you are thlnking about taklng a tou readers suggert waitinq to make a reservation By and then choose the best f-dayorfu l-day r, our you can talk w th other guests (6) (r) Cost lsn't Everything Even ifyou haveto watch your budget, you can stillhave a qreat vacation Why not new friends? You can meet lots offel ow trave ers lf you at membership card, use the a t me to make Some requ re a and at the same time ask aboultorwhether you need to get 50 to) a card before vou arr ve Some peop e may not like sharlng a room with strangers, so a is a great a ternative It would probably be a good !dea to use the Lnternet to f nd out whlch oire'E best for you When you are searching, think about to be alone and - ocation.Doyouwanttobenear ? (1rl otsof ,- Find the perfect p ace for you, and ? 0r wou d you prefer then et thd adventures beglnl Part \\'nte lhe coirect 1\ord or phrasc liom Pari I to conrplete the dialoglres In corversations 1{ith a partner 1, A: Do ,vou thnrk Ne should on this vacation? \\ d.j e , brdr, I B: lt lroukl probably be a good idea to on orr credit crrd A: \\rhai class, prirctice the turrr,'r \" ye b)' the pool or talic a ),ou l'eel like dolng toda,vT Do ,vou M,aDt to ofthc itr? B: Urhr don't 68 rve Lesson 27 and discor-er unusuai places that most tourists dont go to? o Oxford Unlversity Press Permission grantedto reproduceforc assroom use 28 lt'simportantto spBik Nar{ 28 Vdea,bulary Woiksheet Part.l Uqscialrrbli!.ilG ri{}iilsand !h1a$(5 belaw ta,Jtlq!+ lhe,cqrIer.r 1!q& io I suctmraoy 5r idir-6 s6p rsrilnaeeu 6, ecealbet nsdifeitdtd{rct / sr eb wffea Part rhe p Lorprpta.npe ft)- - Y&tle the.wuds &otq.Fart I to edrn{,.leie the:b1ogi!i}r ltru $&iiit i$e rvr{i wrii.,li Ar r.trqp ttlinld.ng rlnut Tbd&}llt $rj.ite'a6bt*i r dnd Bit fl.$ting- l{p3il? Itr'e.jdst cdnle bE*, ,dld I rra}iy leriric&q lot abDut their gu,lrure ealii4g-, eome ba.k irorlouow for adyice auourviliti4g pepplds [o4r.ee to use chopslr'cls ;nd with a lidle practice you ll enjoy u.rng rhem rj) dhbw }Dil urathedl Itii as to give,4l1.p{!!r food b, Dassing;t from tlour chopsri kr lo theirs I heard this i one , much as psstrl rhar manv visirors have made, I! i3Par theyreren e& ndadldd:nDd rtaita li'fth clidpstleks I leqt4ed rhai it's {9 iindke DoiseS ldren raq e.4taq9-dle; 15eatre4tly.r1eseibe,.4rt nois!, b{tcverydtie d&Es iL pr.?eit6e, betau.se.l&!r r(et/ei5b1c,tt dir ir Part to I rhink it rakes I tra-gins-4fgrelgngt ii gOljuJal*i3ii yout sirurtrl Wlar should he nr she Inow? Circle.the eorrect word and ihen lxe )'our own ideas to complete tne zdrice dboul the rcplc in pdren(heseb ln l,rss i5rlt:taia foirt iileer'with eart4er E1pXei{ wh} f! q& r@r a plabLem, In riry eirn*ry iiir {aeeept!blel,i.4zg,g*pt;61tU fti imporlant to (c1rJLamrry r * V49@tsrdq!x.t€.1 k'r, ptt ) b? aware o) is jle€rl a, ii Ir&y$uffili ro di, it (eating) (safetr) e.ftS,fic) ts Ili lin ilr.,Fidre $ I W cttun* D|).talk tha\t 5, lt (*captnbl;! I itNi;o11jitb rq *$kebo!i lirttinrEl 6, , $d&tl&ie (tqp&! of d.iscussioq) qlp!,Fh-0uljnl' d.qt (F&t?,$ / irrefiiti?e) in rn)'.rorrrriiy (ieJatrd to Fs(ci,3fo,r, ary /: h4]on:iaEare) tq qq jr (mesring for rhe ii@eJ I.9$ rh!,uldt'Jrt rlda iL {liririns s.or4eorlei ltlrruel @ O#bid Uhivefslty'Piegr' PqrfiIislion grnnte4ta rcUre.durf-fgr ch9 o@Olusq LesSO! 2€ 29 Part from Lhe hoj( to t oorrplele lhe sPort: fuadlines from a oewspaper deiids pkryas hoiiob foi Tied at- the hqzz{ biab Geftiriny SpAifl $tls tha ga{1e of spreer searifual ir1 leBion lras inii$e.a in loufih Rew r.edonlF ?' .SieveIaL -d tdd sp.di.$iid$rhip bqt dhead ir] the thiid qua}tdf 9; Fidal ,6 Va(e bqlary WQlhjheet 2q Lhe the word5 splak Now Did you see the game? gante wiih wilt df 156 73 in untillhe ldr!1ad{g,.&e egbq hii !o Yietor}r Pritd1s- tlie lq4,2+12 riftaf argi,.iflg leirh 10, Coacli' |ei' Part.2 Use the kords aboEt $partirg eyerts f{om Part I tq !Q.n$.ie-te the cqav€rsqtio,lp YOr !4y hate to chahge tbr forms ofsome words You t{onl ualeaU of tLe wolds' Ifl chsr, Plitctica i:hgqo.llveriatilns *rlh 1, a pcdne', A Did riu ia+rthe gaini? I neqn, hitting".hi5E\e the- , rrn lIt tlre bo.Birrl alilr! 11i4th, wt& 'lrres loaded to break A.rltezinBl D: Speaking ofhn rqer"nr, I gd a.! A+ an {ry etrayl Ar Wliat a gamal In the$*t quartet.tlrittihd !.4' Iageet i\t oeter sem inythiEg 20 baakL-t6 al]d ina-de theindl likelil Il$ tali bifo*,6e gtrire{*,1r6.agaii! Are Tog watdins ili, for.bad laag'regs' but ur flalen: r+trt rher lhe last rr bldlt Davr.' Sr{ry i ld$rBd}ourr phorc-6il ltLe garngr - Iltl^rsli I hdr'ea't€r,r lhlnu&i.lo A*qui[g, i*ht? I carr1 beliew tbat His a6lls.a.re aIL wi.oiig Maybe he ierids.gltisdesl E: iia€h,$tIillway;l Lesson 29 lear o.nder.hg.ifI ccdd bortow you.noieB,fitoih yest(,filiy'$ttiistl O Or.fdrd UiiveEity,PiEsr, Pdtm6s1ol Erarued.to rsprpduqelfoj clA5sroom use' 30 Par! sp6ak orir4 Hold on Ve'qabulary vvorl€heet 30 I Matchth€ dr q! Se 1e6!qd1 !rr!f$tE6r-.r!4 theddrt, l a:tr4$nls 4.r4ert wBeor1g dp oqrrretltiog tlret }rsnf &rdsj &er dlnqt tddijr'iioifiethjng6y uals:;tLtt bf Btferlgtti break'in@ b' ctilllal C' &, tatqta.P€riq}1 a d ! tq !r9 kinQ rE149fh,ng &$!.llem queltip.ns ahaqt F!,"ay ! Iirlg ii'ha scps'lqBleth.lrg b3prp4 iql.daan tell !dle! }}i*!ra iibrrit lf l f€r' torce ?ets,r-11 io\estig$t€ q q pereqq $r3y.lo.urj € &Bl&g !.&at,qynqqncnas /, g a h uJ vrdun E ${tn4,is rtla th4t ir qglinst d.ocs soð'tflg + hw ibw oq4ethias yrsuF p*tsoa thBt;s hrrn et hllsd go inru a ptale so e,jn )rau bstiaeonl pr,6d1ret:ilg 'lerl s{}rnethlng Part ttSeJh3lo1{ IfoFd5Jigri, &4 1rl'.!qarF:Fe &e qq$leryqrlo4, lbg mir h,cve lq:Eha-ngertba.lqr}Ii$ 9f' thi*o!ds, \lrir i!.inft uaiihll dfilieirnld!.-I eli{t4"irta*ile1lre'ronve(adqirt Wthialdfiler A: Did l(m ie€ *ra( storuahout the ts: flotd olr, ota ,6ir a* !eah 3&y ' {,Lo rrrxeaau&htbl{auselirf'Gbogle G6ogle9 !-qwq klqw-lhsin,8t{eel View:qep a?plieatiorln B; l&ei! nr WB1L afflar}niylr ielcBgiiigg 'tXsr bqir !01i1 ilcrsline thal rlro rse6 , ' &i Qi{.&e pgBeeres{qb thiryf ,{; WelL &e!.iiL€e - 1G-' B: \4,h4t , but -6-'rner!rlrbbediin, fieildldril thr !1ddea! b.!1i have an).thi4g dangtirl* iht& wasi!-a4y.elidence a,.rd tqo-I hjs ,'1, lhi,i1l the bpy-was "-esry a -_-GI qeeir, hd galr dq tlp.q (&4n? Wds.n &erue! oild il higrened tb hirll er '$e!, he'Fa.rbjrt\ brsq{$q bpvqs.eyerythir€i aad hir iliags rvse tdreu, polire , t\ B: So At Thau!t.t6r/r'or1i*a$.rrfht r, aid tt e,mu m!$ oir GObgi& S8eetvje$: '6!qd€,aed.fryq{ ths $olrl.}fl, did r}e lhrgu)s? Edei, q o!tui!.Udj9.!15ty Prr-s.r Pari\risJriOfl grantqd $ repl.odu.(E{pltdass.aem qsei fteldlitr ipt,&e ptc<esf&El Le$oh3o 11 31 Studies have shown Look at the lvords and the definitions be1ow Make answeis with a partner a sentence using each word In cLass, compare 1'our MY SENTENCE DEFINITION WORD Speak Now Vocabulary Worksheet 31 infonDaiion that (a1so csled aQ tries to make people buy something or something a! ad on ah Inte 'let pf,ge brand the n ne ofa product that one comfany buying habits the way ihat peo?le usually shop who bu)'s ot sometling a person uses the power to change influence l\Ihat someone.believes jingle that often has repetitioDjajirgle song often refers to d1e catclry pbrase in an adiertisement manipulate to influence someoBe so ihat they or think pop up ad 'nn ad thai ope$ lYhen you open an Internet page a $hort slogan 72 Lesson 3l lhrase that is o Oxford Uriversitv Press Permlssion granted to reproduae for d assroom use' 32 Whatt your opinion? Part rd$ gdr I .- ,/ v SWH'YTDRIA betlw?tqri GBEDU.CENG NUc6ROtTU VPME6BAVJ qNABEBI]iE \./ I NIG E EDi,I DSLMDNNDI EE.SVIDEOd TWIEUYIEN 5.HYQLTVMV c c!YAsO0oq lcH T HRS VEO XVE OM P M RI\1 H 11 EVEPRFliTH oDt\4witqtMo WITHHINGE i€8!res ERE ( 4BT q oGl s DN5 MustcrsNAD E $ I E A.OR TRA dadr U€I I i-lqdt-edd ibu fiid-in rhe puzre iq part I I Writ6 lben-dovin Ii! ild6i, adidu 60n1parc aniwqr.s wiih a p€tngr W]14t othef sa:rlteri43s @ Sp€a[I{6w Workheet!2 In the puzzls hdh:tq frad l}re eiglr woids in ihe box Part Vocab ulafy Oxfbid U niveisjt)1 P ress Permhsion granted tOteproduaefoi claiFroorh,use Dse tiied in Le.son 32 Vocabulary Worksheet Answer KeYs Vocabulary Worksheet Vocabulary Wolksheet Part 1 pushy Part l resent hang outwlth awkward onfiont keeps Part Part l A:overcame an obstac e AnsweE for advl.ewil varv Advice ln ike to usualLy.atch tly out r€staurants that ve a movie on th€ s lneversw nqby my friendli house without calling lrst, Lm usua ly beat on Friday l'm a most always uP foreatlng out Part 8:get into getting A:rnadethe decisioi to B: have the opportunitylo texting her to tellher how You feel B:awkward Vocabulary Worksheet Part I bteto eat vocabulary Wolksheet Part Arhang ng o!t with 5ending her an emai! a to talk to your dad and see if you can understandwhy shet ro d 2.f 3, vocabulaly worksheet -a Patt2 Part I 1.f 2.e 3.a 5.b 7d Part lntroverted, extroverted 4.9 Part Answe6 wlll vary 5amP e answer Vo(abulary Worksheet Almonevery day:exercise buddy, old Pait Less than once a diy: a.qualntance future sisler in-law, prospecuve empLover Never:ex bo),'ftiend or ex qrlftlend, l,9 2.h 3.f Part Part standoffish, unapproa.hab e gregarlous, bubblY 1, acquaintances flture exer.ise blddy former Parl2 lgnorirg Vocabulary Worksheet Part Answe6 wilLvary SamPle answer' lntetrupt s rude euquette gnore .hew leave Parl Lessons An5we6 swlng by 2.n to Parl2 74 Part l l'm rarely Vocabulary Worksheet n the mood to go to the 9vm N4yfovorite placeto geta bite to eat 6.X 1n lvil vary SamPle answet Pait Parl Vocabulary Worksheet 13 Answe6 wilvary sample answer Manytimes a day;keep upwith old fnend5, pa.ti.ipate in rocial networking, FDsr t Part suckto it me$ages on walh, b€ connected n a pefect world, everyone has a Greer paththat leads to increas ngty tmportant day:share inksto videos Lessthan once a day:upoad photos,taq Once a VocabularyWorksheet Part Answe6 wi I vnrySample answer keep upwith old frtende upload photos ofme on a rnore Part I share I nks to videos Vocabulary Worksheet Part 1 5.f g 5.b d 8.c Part B vegan Part Answe6 wlll vary samp e a.swer You, time,spend, mr.rch, watchlng, time llmlt, what, tq doing, my the firsi year oftheirjob VocabularyWorksheet Part energy efficientapplianc€s greenhoure gases I recycling VocabularyWorksheet lO Part yoLr don't need taking publi transportation the.ity bus insread ofdrtving redu.lng landfil trash using the back side of paper reducing yd!r.arbon footprint walking to work instead ofdrivifg Answers wi I vary sam ple afswei Unit was goinqro 90 tothe movies, but at thelast minute, tdecided tosray home My mom always saysthere sso mLrch my room rhat I may gel tosr (lutterin Itwouldn't be easyto dedutter rny room Whqe would I put e!€ry,thing? rvysijter isvery neat Evervthing has a pla.e, and nothing is ever olrr cif ptace lomorrow l'm qoing to organize my People ove to pro(rastinate I\lany people think ii's easierro give up than to sti*tosomething thatb diffi.ult, but like a.halleng€ lread an advlce.olumn tharsaid totidy a promotion in It's had to ask for a raise, ask, you may not getit but ifyou dont l,4y short-term goalis to qet more conta.G in rnyiield so when twantio chanqe job5, can askrhose peoptefor wil vary for partB.Samp e B:they use specia metals ihnt are in A:greenhous€ gases B: if we qettooworied abouthem, we incrcase our stress, which iin't Part posit on promotions short-term s long term VocabularyWorksheet Part l4 Part Part Answers peopledontget redLrclng wasted energy tur.ingofflights taking junkfood (processed food) a procesred food Uunkfmd) t2 l\,,ldst Answers will vary Sample irnswer Part Afterl gladuate,lwill g€tanentrytevet n the lonq-term, I wa nr to become an erec!tive ih an irternational bustness, When a po5ltion is open, conrpanles advertisefor newemp oy€es on the Students rhou d (ircle al eightwordr n 2.e 3.a 4.h jobs, buttharisnta ways tle case [,ly dreamjob isto be an actor job ina buslne$ conlpany Prlvate lnternetsite Answers will vary 5a mple answer Unrt Positive: orqanized, self slarter, team Negative: effi.ient, p€dect onist Depends on the situation: deraii oriented, m.ilivated, hard worker Part Alternative answeE prcvided ln good forour health A: too k public tE nsportatio n B:the locations and schedu e5 a.ent always vely convenlent oerfe.tionist selfsr rer dont offer recyclinq, oryou have to payfor itand not Vocabulary Worksheet 8: some cities detall oriented lorganized, efficient team play€r everyone can afford it touch screen code aing up up every day forten minures_ 75 Vocabulary Worksheet Part 1, B: flexer.lse before l90 to bed Biit! betlerlo write papers as soon as you getthe asslgnment,try some re axation techniques 5,c d 3.j 8.f 5,i 9.a lo' s Aiswe6 wi Lvary Sample answer Part 1,4 catchytlne melancholy Patt2 wil vary.5ample answer Part negaliveth ngs 5, 6, 7, Part Answe6 wilvary.samp B dan.eable P Answets Vocabulary Worksheet 17 I B beat P mel ow B poetic lyr.s P romantic [4 lpbeat Dres professionaly PaIt Vo(abulary Worksheet 19 2.9 say Vocabulary Worksheet 22 Part Parl2 7, 4, e answer 7, C: lust Want You ta Knaw a: Dan't Walk Awoy a A: What Makes You Beatltiful a itt C fear ofpublic speakiig e me low Eyes Open vocabulary Worksheet 20 Part Parl2 r fearof p!bLic Vocabulary Worksheet 23 12 stylish N speakinq B Down fear offlylng, fear ofthe dark 10 chl Part Vocabulary Worksheet Part l8 s fit ln ving, VocabularyWorksheet 24 a hard time Pari m sundeGtanding re axation te.hniques Vocabulary Worksheet 21 Part medilating Pafi2 Answe6 wl I vary sai'rPle aisweL I suspenseflL siow hilar ous offenslve movlng lo Part Answe6 forthe advice wil vary.5ample dePre$ing heartwarming corny tearjerker na l_biter Vocabulary Worksheet 25 Part B: Breaking lhe worklnto smal tasks mG!nderstanding B:ta king to yourfriend ALrernallve answe6 prov ded in PaYt A: is the best B:ralking to your borand explalning the situat on.an be he Pful 76 Lessons 16 25 B: heariwarming (mov ng) 11 X Part 2 :mergency Part VocabularyWorksheet 32 Answers foradv ce w llvary Sampte ex t row .he.kyour uq9a9e acceptable, make be aware oi cars noises when eattng b€.alsethey rli red iqhts 8, lare Part Students shou d clrclerhe eightwords Part Answe6 w ll vary Samp in.onslderate, ask how much a g inappropriate to, your private ft Why, mr r nq, iag, e answer h!9, r,9o,.ab insens tive, sonreone! s.lary Vocabulary Worksheet 26 ustomaryi take a desse( or some I Part 2.a 3.h 4.9 5.b 6.d Vocabulary Worksheet 29 4, Part Part l, m ssed (anceled down damaged 6 €xpired can.elled a, va.an.y sto en l Referee 6, quaner halftime 7, blowo]rt shot Tied 4, overtime outs.ored Close :0 ejecred Part misp a.ed (ordamaqed) ejected, quarter, shot Vo(abularyWorksheet 27 Part Vocabulary Worksheet 30 Part 5.b bed and breakfan 6.f 7, keep n9 youroptions open g 8.d Part 11 to!rist attract ons 12.90 offthe bearen p.th Part Vo(abulary Worksheet B: stlck to a budget A: ounqe aro!nd, guided tour Br go otrthe bearen path Vocabulary Worksheet 28 Part I clstomary a(ceptabte irsensiuve faux pas lnconslderate 7, inapprop ate Part l ustomary be aware of s faux pa5 acceptab e " nsens rive s best b!1,i.considerare,, and "inappropriate'are a so 3t Answe6 wil vary Sample answer Unir love that advertisement for so!p lt always makes me wa.t to 9o home and Inever pay attention to banner ads 5ome peop e on y bly brand clothes, butother people donit care so much Companies try to learn abour o!r buying habits so thelr adverr sements are r.ore 5ome people say itl (onsumeE that drve the world e.onomy The sto.k market has a big influen(e on how wealthy people feel lvyfavorite jinqle sthatonefor.ereal compan es tryto manipulate people so they buytheir prod!crs Pop-up.ds arcannoylng "Just it"is an extremey popular 77 Confidence Booster Answer KeYs Instead ofhavjng students alwa]/s be A or B have them s\\.itch 1br every other Conlidence Booster This will allow them to take turns starting the conversatlons in Pari If some pairs finish quickll', have rhem personaLize the mat€rial while waitirg.Ior exarnple, for Confidence Booster 13-I6, haYe them malte a job description and then take turrs asking and ansrvering queslions about that job \olr m") wdrr o encourage.trdcn.'.o Jr' r" similar personal experiences after dong , Conlidence Booster 1-4 AIso have them discuss recent current events after Confidence Boostel ?9-32 To challenge students, ha\-e them create oDe or more co[versatiols using sorne or all ofthe responses they didnt use in Part r qn.(er.,or Parr I cin oe or nd b) nnD u irg Student A and Student B pn€ics in the Student Book What should ldo? 3.a 5'8 b 8.a Has she changed? 5.b 6.b 7.a 2.a 3.b 4.a a.a 9-12 Lifestyle (hanges 2.b 3.a 4.a 13-16 s.b 8.b 8.b 2-h 7A 6.a 7.b Seeking a tour guide L-.ssons I 32 What are you afraid of? 21-24 The year's best 2.a 3.b 4.a 25-28 29-32 3.a 5.b 6.a 7.b How was your stay? 2 2.a a.b S.a 3.a 2.b 1.a Ansurers 1-4 17-20 a a 5.b b Who won the game? 8.b Speak '"%,^, NOW, ''(4re coNrrpcNc! LJse oxford\tr.,i\ \, \\ the access code below to log Speak "" ,\9w if to Speak Now Ontine ptucti.e 0nline Practice wvv\a/.oxfordlearn.com/loqin io r.e youra es5 d., 5.rat.h ofagenl y with a.o i sBN 978 o.r9 4030,165 It's easyto start! ' Go to !!t!!{s!E4lt r'.1 1, clllLogtn ro reqilrer ow insr.u.r ons on t.e llsea coin to genr y 5.cic6 offth p.n! rcrevea Enter yo!r: ?$.ode and req lter FDI yo!r.od Forhep.o.ta.r.!5tomers.r!; :.::upporra.rlaqm Speak Nowlesting ptogram CD_ROM o Sneak NOW Levelguide Unit quizzes Lesson plans Midterm and Finalexams Answer keys Audio and Video 5cripts Rubric fgr s

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