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Speak now 4 teacher book

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This is a useful guide for practice full problems of english, you can easy to learn and understand all of issues of related english full problems.The more you study, the more you like it for sure because if its values.

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Level Guide

-ft llearned a lotfrom

Did you hearabout ?

I can't stand it when

You put up with a lot

How do you know ?




L Are you up for ?

Pronunciation: Noun stress

Listening: Listen for

f Student Book Lessons -l

Listening: Listen for

sign ifi cant experiences

Pronunciation: Linking vowels

Listening: Listen for pet

I had thought she was 16

It's just not my thing

Listening: Listen for opinions

i Talking about false assumptions

i Expressing a lack of understanding

: Expressing opinions without

: offending someone



I spend too much time 26

You have a point, but 28 Listening: Listen for


ft My short-term goal is Pronunciation: Adjective

Pronunciation: Word stress in

Listening: Listen for reasons

Asking about career ambitions Talking about career ambitions Asking intervlew questions Describing strengths and weaknesses Giving clear instructions

lestatynO 13

shlw tlat Vou understand

Giving presentations Asking follow-up questions

Trang 5

Expand the Speak Now Student Book lessons with activities from the Multi-Skill Bonus pack, available

on iTools This Level Guide provides you with a map of the course's various resources, allowing you

confidence in English across every skill area

Multi-skill Bonus pack worksheets _l

Professiona I Organizers Plus

English Learners Tips

share my opinion

get to know a person.

talk about false assu mptions

can ask for and give

Server/Barista Proced u res

Suggestions ls this FriendshipToxic?

Common lnterview Questions


Trang 6

Listening: Listen for causes of

stress and advice

Pronunciation: Using a hightone to show positive emotion

iPronunciation: Stress in two- I

Are you afraid of ?

Listening: Listen for regrets Asking about regrets

Talking about regrets

surprising news Expressing surprise

Asking about fears Talking about fears Talking about causes of stress

Giving advice by talking about personal experiences

Talking about dreams and wishes Expressing interest and asking for reasons

Checking in at the airport Confirming information Reporting bad news

"t-ur g r" r ! :lo -1'_d' i'"

Comparing and contrasting a ::.natives

Giving reasons for choices

Describing cultural differer :

Explaining why something s a p.oblem

ti.r{ lt started out kind of slow 52 ! Pronunciation: Pausino when I Relatino the plot of movies

irir+4: , relating stories i Describing reactions to movies

A ,a has a really good beat 54 , Pronrn.iation: syllable stress s Describing music

a Listening: Listen for i Sharing surprising news

t Have you heard ? 58 : ,,.^_i-i^ _ _._ :.- -.


f 1 Did you see the game? 72 i Pronunciation: lntonation to

'rrn: I convey extreme emotion

Hold on Listening: Listen to the news


I Studies have shown Listening: Listen for opinions

Pronunciation: Stress in

Giving evidence to suppca :: rions

Giving examples to suppct :c,nions

Asking for opinions abou:

Politely giving opinions



, l What's your opinion?

Trang 7

Dreams and wishes I Encouraging Creativity


Movie Matters


' Fear or Phobia f


Celebrity gossip

Culturaldifferences E BhutaneseCustoms

Sporting events Big Sports Blowouts

WhatYourTaste in Music Says

about You

How to be a Trendsetter

The Gossip Gab

Advertising Strategies that

talk about trends.

check in at the airport

School lifestyles Letter to My Teenage Self

Socialproblems City Priorities

Trang 8

Teacher's Book Contents

HowtoteachwithSpeakNow viii

TestingProgramcD-RoMOverview ; 1

Lessonl:llearnedalotfrom 2

Lesson2:Didyouhearabout ? .3

Lesson 3: I can't stand it when 4

Lesson4: Youputupwithalot .5

ReviewLessonsl-4 .6

Lesson5: Howdoyouknow ? 7

Lesson6:Areyouupfor ? .8

LessonT:lhadthoughtshewas .9

Lesson 8: lt's just not my thing 10

ReviewLessons5-8 11

Lesson 9: What exactly is a ? 12

Lessonl0: ldecidedto 13

Lesson 11: lspend too much time 14

Lesson12:Youhaveapoint,but 15

ReviewLessons9-l2 .16

Lessonl3: Myshort-termgoal is 17

Lessonl4:l'mveryorganized .18

Lesson15: Thefirstthingyouneed 19

Lessonl6:l'mheretotalkabout 20

ReviewLessonsl3-16 .21

Lesson 172 Are you afraid of ? | 22

LessonlS: l'moverworked .23

Lesson 19: lf I could go anywhere 24

Lesson 20: lwish I had 25

Review Lessons 17-20 26

Lesson 21: It started out kind of slow 27

Lesson 222 lt has a really good beat 28

Lesson23: Didyouhearabout ? .29

Lesson24:Haveyouheard ? .30

Reviewlessons2l-24 3'l Lesson 25: ls the flight on time? 32

Lesson26: l'mafraid 33 Contents


Trang 9

Teacher's Book Contents (continued)

Lesson 272 Do you think ? 34

Confidence Booster Answer Keys 78

The Speok Now Testing Progrom cD-RoM contains the following:

Midterm Exam: Written; Speaking Assessment in the form of Standardized Tests

Midterm Written Exam Midterm Exam IELTSTM stvle

Midterm Exam ToEFL@ style Midterm written Exam Answer Key

Midterm Exam ToEIC@ style Midterm Exam Audio Scripts

Final Written Exam

Final Exam TOEFL@ style

Final Exam TOEIC@ style

Additional Teacher Resou rces

Speak Now 4 Video Scripts

Quizzes Answer Key

Quizzes Audio Script

Final Exam IELTSTM style

Final Exam Answer Key

Final Exam Audio Scripts

Speak Now 4 Class Audio Script

Trang 10

d How to teach a Speak Now lesson

Each lesson has five parts-Vocabulary,

Conversation, Language Booster, Listening or

Pronunciation, and Speak with Confidence

Lesson lntroduction

Read the lesson title as students follow along.

When applicable, have students answer the


Point out the functions they will be studying and

explain them or reword them when necessary.

1 Vocabulary

The purpose of this section is to get students

thinking about the topic, activate their background

knowledge, and introduce them to vocabulary that

they will use during the lesson To prepare the

students to use the vocabulary, preteach it When the

vocabulary is unfamiliar to your students, present

it through visual aids (for example, photos), actions

and gestures, and rephrasing or English definitions

Ifnecessary, have students use an English

Learners' dictionary, perhaps before coming to

class, to better understand not only the meanings

but also how to use the words

Avoid giving students definitions in their first

language Although doing so may initially save

time, students do not acquire the language as

thoroughly and will rely on their first language

rather than developing their English ability

In addition, nuances in languages often vary,

creating additional complications as students

continue to use the language.

When you have time, further reinforce the

vo cabulary with p erson alization ( for example,

using the vocabulary in true sentences about


2 Conversation

There are two types of lesson patterns for the

Conversation section Some of the lessons follow the

"Conversation with Additions" model and others

follow the "Conversation with Expansions" model

Teaching procedures for each lesson pattern are

outlined below Both conversations follow the same

procedure for Part A

Conversation with Additions

This section helps students become comfortablewith the topic and provides a model

conversation that uses the functional language

from the Language Booster section.

Read the questions aloud Ask students to

guess the answers by looking at the photos

or illustrations Ask students questions aboutdetails in the art.

Play the audio and select students to answer thequestions If necessary, play the audio again.

Make sure students understand the answers to

the questions by asking concept questions orreforming the question to check understanding


By practicing the conversation, students become

more aware of functional language and morecomfortable with language in 'thunksl' This

prepares them for the Language Booster section and

will also help them notice the changes in Part C.


Tell students that they will listen to theconversation again, but three sentences are on

the audio program which are not printed in

the book Explain that they should write the

sentences they hear in the correct places.

Play the audio Check answers If necessary,

haye students compare answers in pairs, play the

audio again, and then check answers as a class.

After checking answers, play the audio again so

students can focus on th6 pronunciation and

intonation Have students pay attention to the

words they did not understand before

Have students practice the conversation at least

two times, once for each role

2 Conversation with Expansions

Follow the same procedure as Conversation withAdditions, Part A

Practice the conversation in Part A

Have students read the sentences below theconversation They should place the expansion

viii How to teach a Speok rVow lesson

Trang 11


sentences in the conversation by writing the

number of the sentences in the correct place

within the conyersation

Check answers as a class Provide any language

support that inay be needed (for example,

pronunciation within the boxed text)

-L,ncourage students to read the new conversation

aloud Students should practice both roles and

look at each other rather than their books

Students who finish the activities quickly can

practice the conversation again with their own


4 Pronunciation

This section begins by helping students focus onpronunciation or intonation through listening

Students then practice the Pronunciation point

Students may tend to focus on the content

and quickly forget to pay attention to theirpronunciation and intonation If this happens,

briefly stop the class to remind students that they

are practicing both content and pronunciation

and then have them continue their practice

PIay the audio, repeating as necessary.

Ask students obvious questions to make sure

they understand the point For example, if you

are teaching stress in two-syllable words, first say

some words and ask students how many syllables are in them

To give students more practice with the language,

include all class (choral), group, individual, and

substitution drills This additional practice will

give students more confidence and reinforce the

pronunciation before they return to focusing

more on content

Speak with Confidence

This activity allows students to use the target

language more freely as they accomplish defined

This activity provides students with examples of the

target language In almost every lesson, the language

includes both questions and responses You may

want to have students practice the language (i.e.,

take turns asking and answering the questions)

before going on to Part B.

This activity allows students to gain confidence

as they use the language in short exchanges This

will provide them with the skills to make longer

dialogues later in the lesson.

In mixed ability classes, have students with lower

English levels make some notes or sentence

starters before they do the activity These aids

will help them to successfully complete the

activity and further increase their confidence

After students have finished the activity, you may

want to randomly choose a few pairs and have

them role-play the conversations at the front of

the classroom.

After completing Part B, if students arent

confident with the language, have them continue

practicing until they have more confidence They

can even make small substitutions to do this

4 Listening


"i'nr',.,r"nf u i" i"if ,,,u.,,,

focus on main ideas and details in the listening

Students may listen as many times as needed.

After students have listened several times, yt_ru

may want to stop the audio at key points so

students can more easily complete the task.

The Listening sometimes concludes with a pair

work or group work activity that allows students

to personalize what they have heard.

Lesson Expansion

Vocabulaly Wolklheets After you have completed the Language Boosteractivities you can use the Vocabulary Worksheets

for supplementary practice

The worksheets provide additional opportunitiesfor students to practice the vocabulary and

language studied in each lesson.

Take advantage ofthe opportunities for

additional speaking by having students compare

their answers in class Example conversations are

often provided on the worksheets.

Rgading and W_riting Wolkshee!!

Reading and Writing Worksheets may be found

on the iTools CD-ROM or on Oxford Learn,Oxford's Learning Management System Access

Oxford Learn with the code provided in the back

of this book

IX How to teach a Speak Now lesson

Trang 12

How to teach a review unit

Each review unit has two sections, English in Action,

which includes a video, and Speak Now, which gives

students the opportunity to role-play situations and

at the same time review the language of the previous

four lessons.

Explain what students must do (for example,

they should number photos in Part 1 or listen

and decide if their predictions were correct)

Play the video Have students answer thequestions in pairs or as a class.

Part B asks students to listen for more details Play the video and then have students answer the

questions in pairs or as a class.

Play the video again, as necessary, perhaps

stopping to explain where an answer was within

the dialogue

The Discuss activity allows students to

personalize what they saw

After students finish their discussions, have them

do the Confidence Booster at the back of their

books This provides further reinforcement and

review of the four units




a a

a a

English in Action

Video is a great way to introduce longer

dialogues to students The video makes the long

dialogues less threatening and helps students

understand language that otherwise might seem

overwhelming to them

Video is exciting and different for students,

and as a result, it can be both stimulating and


Using video is similar to teaching a listening or

reading activity-there is a pre-video activity

On the English in Action page, this is called

Preview After this, there are one or more "while

you watcti' activities On the English in Action

page, this is Practice These activities include

comprehension questions to check students'

understanding These activities usually require

two or more viewings Finally, there is a

post-video activity On the English in Action page, this

is Discuss

Before class, make certain your classroom's

Internet connection, computer, and projector are

working properly

1 Preview

Students are asked to look at one or more photos

from the video that they will watch in Part 2.

With a partner, they talk about what they see.

They also often make predictions

When possible, use this opportunity to have

students talk about what they see in more detail

For example, the Preview for Lessons 25-28 asks

studehts to talk about what advice they think the

article gives You could have them brainstorm

other advice than that provided on the page.

2 Practice

During Part 2, students watch a video that recycles

content, vocabulary, and language they have studied

during the last four lessons This allows students to

see the material used in real-world situations and

apply their learning more broadly

x How to teach a review unit

Speak Now

In pairs, have students role-play each situation.After they have finished practicing, have some

pairs role-play for the class.

Remind students to assess their own abilities

for each lesson For any lessons that they check

I need more practice, encourage them to reviewthe Language Boosters (Page numbers are

provided on the Speak Now review pages.)

For a formal assessment, i Testing Program

CD-ROM accompanies this book

Review Unit Expansion

Video Worksheets

Video worksheets with a clozelgap fill activity

may be found on the iTools CD-ROM or on

Oxford Learn Access Oxford Learn with thecode provided in the back ofthis book

These worksheets provide additional listening

practice for the English in Action video

Grammar Support

Grammar PowerPointrM presentations and

Grammar Worksheets may be found on theiTools CD-ROM or on Oxford Learn

Trang 13

Speak NowTesting Program Overview



The Speak -\/ow series helps learners Communicate with Confidence by using language accurately, fluently, and

appropriately The Speak Now Testing Program, found on the CD-ROM in th; ba& of this book, allows teachers

to perform a wide range of assessments-many in the style of popular standardized exams.

Speak I'low's written and oral assessment tools can be customized to fit the needs of a range of program types and learning goals.

The Testing Program offers two main sets of tools:

1 l0 paper-based tests: 8 quizzes, I midterm exam, and I final exam r,vith listening that measure

comprehension of the vocabulary and functional language of Speak Now

2 A range of different types of questions, prompts, and topics for speaking assessment.

Teachers may choose to use any one or more of these materials alone or in different combinations The ScoringGuidelines can be found on the Speak I'lou, Testing program CD-ROM.

Written Tests with Listening

There is a quiz for each 4-lesson unit of Speak Now The quizzes are designed to be used after students have

completed each group of four lessons and Speak Now review section in the Student Book The quizzes have

10 items each There is an audio track for the listening items in each quiz on the Speak I'Jow Tesiing programCD-ROM

There is also a written midterm exam and a written final exam These are designed to measure comprehension

of the target,language after students have completed Lesson 16 and Lesson 32 oi the book, respectiveiy The

midterm and final exams have 20 items each There is an audio track for the listening items in each exam on the

Speak Now Testing Program CD-ROM

All answer keys and audio scripts are on the speak Now Testing program cD-RoM

Speaking Assessment: General

The Speak Now Testing Program offers options for speaking assessment:

lnterview questions (a list of teacher-led interview questions)

Role-play cards (cards for students to role-play situations in pairs)

' Presentation topics (lists of ideas for students to prepare and deliver short oral presentations related to

' the unit topics)

The Speak Now Testing Program features one set of the three speaking-assessment options profiled above for each

unit or set of four lessons Any or all of the speaking assessments can easily be usedafter siudents have completed

a unit of work To use these materials for midterm or end-of-term speaking assessment, simply choose frornthis

list of materials, based on the units covered in the class.

The Speak Now Terting Program CD-ROM also offers speaking assessment in the style of popular standardized

tests of English as a foreign language For each midterm exam and final exam, you'll find:

The goal of these standardized-testing tasks is-to prepare students for the kinds of questions they would be

asked on exams such as the TOEFL@, TOEIC@, or IELTSTM tests As these materiats are preparatory in nature,the rubrics do not reflect the tlpe of scoring or grading that a test-taker would receive in a standardized

testing situation

TOEFL@ ond TOEIC@ ore registered trodemarks of Educotional Testing Services (ETS) This publication is not endorced or approved by ETS.

Speak Now Testing Program Overview

Trang 14

Lesson 1 I learned a lotfrom

Itt the worst decision I ve ever made.

At firsi I thought it was a bad decision, but iiow I've

realized it $.as a good change.


Exdtnple conve$otion

A: I hear that sohething exciting hnpPened id

yolr recent\

B: Yes, it did I ran a matathon Ii was one ofthe

biggest challenges I've ever faceal


IIIHWTifl nlronlillfl lnfl llffi nffi liitirtlliiltrfl lmun]]nfl fi fllililii

ABwers wlll vary Sample aoswel

./ ovdi.om€ an Obstacle / lace a.challenge

,/ get into 6 new interest) ,/ makea.changd

- make the deciston to {do something diffetent)

/ have an/the opportu.ily to (do somethins you

B: Realy? Wlai was that?

I was orking at a restaurant and I met a movie

producer He asked me to audition for a sm.ll

part in a movie that becamg really famous

Really? Wlat movie?

2 Conversation

ICD l,Trek02l

Louis recehtli had ih6.hance to work with a

photographe., and hediscover€d hew?nts tobetone

a Frofessiohal phoiograptrcr

Kristin ieently moved because she gota newjob in

Sao P?qlo (after losing her

prcvioqsjob)-Lor-ris: Veah, I have I jLtst qor a job as a photogGpher 3

Kfttin: Oh, wowl How did you qet into photog6phy?1

Kristi!: Y.er I did .I just goi a rlrrch better job, aitd I

moved to $o Paulo.4

Louisi fm lotrytb hear aboutyour seiback, but so glad

tohearibout iqur new jobl2

( Claia

4 Listening

B tCD r,Tra.k 031

1 T

2 F (Alex losthisjo.-b iastyear)

3 F (Vlctor opened h ie own ba kery two weeks aqo.)

4 l- {lari\,d goL marled la.r monLr.)

Optional Activity

Have students correct the false sbtemerts (Answars

Trang 15

Lesson 2 Did you hear about ?

Optional ActivityB€fore students open their books, ask them howoften they read newspapers, watch 1V nervs, and

read news on the lnternet The[ have siudenis talk

about which news stories they are most interested

in (for example, sports, entertainmeni, the weather


l Vocabulary

Adam: Luckily, someone wirnessed rhe whote thing.

H€ junjped onto the tack and pulled the guy o!t

Someone else.alled the emeroen.yservicas.

T-"resa:Wowl Did the gly injure hirn9efin rhe fa l? People reallv shouldnt text while theyte walkino.

4 Pronunciation


ICD l,Tra.[ oii]

Remind students thdt linking sounds is an

impoltant aspect ofsmooth spegch and that they

should work to say phrases smoothlv rather than

?ts individual words

Point out that both consonants and vowels are

llnked with vowels.

Explain that when \\'e link a consonant with a

yowel, it is al ost like \,!'e repeat the consonant

soundtwice, sa ftenrd alort souids like fiddrd

ddbaut and, passes out becomes passes so r.

' Er?lain tl1ai when we link a vowel with another

vowel, it may be helpful io imagine another

sound linking them togethe! For example, when

sa)ring rd d, our lips are round at the end of to.

We link bv almost sa],ing ro11ld, inserting a w

sound to help create the ]lnk

3 inju€rd

OptionalActivityTell st$delts that Arman irierest srories are about

something that happened to people nl1d the storiesoften evoke emotions in the listeners Have students

brainstorm q?ical human interest stories (for

erlrple a per,o t ,are' o \elp ,"meone drr ng.

natural disaster or war)


Exomple aonve5ation

A: Yesterday I heard a storl about a mal1 who saved

a boy from drowning

B: Really? How old nns the boy?

2 Conversation


' Therrian fell ohtothe subwayt6ckbecause


watchinq where he was qoing.

After howokeup, he finlshed typing histext mesage.


ICO LTrack 051


Answ€rs wlll vary Sample;nlwer

Did you hear about the woman in California who gave $500,000 to a charity to helpnuddnts atudy


Well, this woma6 realizd tha! hermu5i.tea.her

hdd F ouraged n.j lo neve q ve up on hs orcdms andshe wanted to helpotherpeople be.ome

5 Speak with Confiden(e

Additional rententes underlin€d.

Adam: He wastexting a friend, and he wasnt lyarching whelehe.was golng He fell, hit hB.headrand passed out HP ae-i!$!aS lhele+ld ! I

Answ€ls will vary Sample answer.

l, a dog saved a boy from a ffre

2 a tea.her offers to payfora student! operation

3 a group of elementa ry school strdents make a

charlty event to ralse money fd rhe homeless

4, peoole on ihe lrte'net give d ndn ".ouCh moley

to give hk dauqhter her lastwish


Lesson 2

Trang 16

when peoplelle arrogant

/ when peode chew loudly

whenpdople have poor drivlng €tiqu€ft€


Exomple convetsation

A: One of my pet peeves is when people interrupt

me I think iit rude because ihey think what

they have to say is more ihportant than what I

Am salirg

Bt I agree Itt one ofmy pet peeves, too I try not to

interrrrpl, ard I want people to do the same.

A: Another pet pe€ve is lvheo people chew 1oudl1

Marco i6:annrtdd becaulb a dly taiked d u rits the

moviE Matco Wbht to.

lenny !nd_ N4aiao afe.ahq An no)€d at pedple who teit

dudns mgvi€e chewthen pop.on loudly, and don'i

$ row nway iheir tash a{terthe movies.

lenny: What3 wrons, Nlerco??:

M;rco: Yeah, I hear you 4

Jennyj Oh, ranie heiel l

N4arcar Maybe:wsihorld ilrlt siart watchinq Brbvies al

hotuafrotn now tirri 3

Ifstudents have difficulries with numbers I and 3,

point out thal sympathlzing do€s not alwa)'s meanthe person has the sane pet peeYe-

Optional Activity

Ha1"e students get into pails and talk about whether

they have the same pet peeves providing reasons

for their ansrsers Alse ask them to discuss ho]( theywould handle eacb sitlration

5 Speak with Confidence

Answers liill vary Studenii should lo pler€ the char with names and petpeeves.

Encourage students to ask follor-up queslions and

ma\e notes in the margim oftheir books


Ellco1lmge students to irclude the details they

lea red when they asked follow up questioN


A: Sam sald he hates getting email forwards from

his parents They lre alwais about the presideni,aIId he doesd! want to rcad them

B: That is interesting Natsuki srid she cddt atandpeople rvho only wear one colot, like all black I

dont ses a problem with it, though They're just

expresring thernsel.res.

G Margret said shd hates it when p-eirple text her in

the n ddle of ihe night and it wakes her up.

Lesson 3

Trang 17

Lesson 4 You put up with a lot.

Ofitional Activity

AJter students open the trook, have t]1em get into

groups and speculate on lvhat the title means Hal"e

a Few groups share their ideas If neccssary, remind

stuiients that the) must often group $,ord&together

to under$tand a phrase You may want to empbasize

this by maklngcomicil gestures ofputtiilg

something u| on an imaginary shelf that has a loi of

things on il.

I Vocabulary

Answer will,vary Sample anrwet

Optional ActivityHave students get into groups and talk alioxtwhether they agree \\'ith ln$id's suggestions.

Ercoulage tLam to also discuss how they feel about

lert'ng abulr problems H,r\e Bmup, rlrintr ot

alternative *'ays to deal $,ith th€ problem

3 Language Booster


Optional ActivityHave stlrde[ts brainstom other vtays to make

suggestions Exarnples in€ludeiWhy lodt )'.c,u lconfront him).?

You could (confront hin,)

What dbout (confronting him)?

Ifnecessary, point out the different grammarrnrsU rc.ror\ / e (ontronl and (o fiorting\

4 Pronunciation



Imphasize that students must not ody rcduce

harelou but must also say the rest ofthe sentence

flueDtll Give-an exaggerated example with /rar,1a

foilowed by each wonl clearty and slowly enunciated

to defiorstrate the uifiatural rhl,thm


Exomple conve\ation


ltuu said your friend was ignoring you Haq?

thought about telling her Four friendship is

impotant to you?

Thatt ndt abad idea How atlout yoLL? Haveya

tried ialking to lour frietrd about telling ).our

WeI], she got upset and thought I was spending

too much time with m) bo)'frierd I think ihe

'ng,io d.d Robea oecduse at rhe td,r

mlnuLehedeided hot ro inih ih.m

' Rnbert jigoinqto iart tu;lo to telt pablo how he teet3.


ICD 'l , T.ack I 0l

Addliional senrerca,s underlin?d,

lngrid: Aqa in? Yoir put up wirii a lot from h im HE did

'this llst time

lngr d: Have you tried (onfrontinq him about lr? Yaq

$add Elk loiiE

lhgid: lfyou dont feel coinforta ble tatkinq to him, you

midht want ro onsider terting him about it.And votr

.an thin k:tbour lrlat vout6 ooihd to write,

Trang 18

1 Preview

Answers will vary Sampie answer.

Ithink theyare talking aboutthe apartmen! the {.osr

ofthe) rentand utiLities, ard the lurniture.

lwould ask Kate about herjob, her daily rourine, and

why she h leaving hercutrent livlng situation.

2 F (Maria lnterviewed aboutfive people before Kate.)

3 F (She was upsel, but i umed outto be one ofthe

best thingsthat everhappened to her,)

4 F (lvlaria is stilllooking forajob.)


6 F (l\4arla is upset because Kare hasjust nroved in

butthe place is a nress.)


Optional Activity

\\\)'i Nd.( n o\,rs?'\ne:, Io\"rgr di"erenr

clty for a new job.)

Why did a womar, sue her roommate? (She sued

because the house was so meslr and the roommate

wouldnt clean it up.)

\\l r "., Sepr.bler- sirh vrr a.trerrnu.

roommate? (She $.as alwa,vs 1ate.)

3 Dis(uss

Speak Now

Pdge 11

Irrovlde an cxample ofeach conversation when

If manlr sluderlts need more practice rvith a

particular unit, )ou might r?nt to revierv it i11 class.

1 Exonple conversation

A: I hear that yoLL lost ,vour job

Ive e\.er e-.iperie11ced Thc good rews is that I

havc tburld a better jobl Brt what about 1ou? I


Example aonveBation

Did you hear about ihe mm who found a box

full ofgold colns hidden iD hls basement?

Nol \\rhcre did thev corne fronl?

No one'knows The house \ras over i00 ),ears

old, and some people thinli the coins Nere left

there br piratesl

A azing But did,vou hear about the dog that

learned how to tell the time?

How did that happen?

Example convetsation

I hrre it " rer feopl , r sith rlei' ror r.ope[ It nlakes me Iose mv appetlte

Yeah, I know what )rcu mean \fho wants to

si'e the food in someone'.s mouth? Ard it gets

on m), nerves when people are alwavs late to


Sane here I rcspect their !ine The,v should

Example @nvercotion

\,1y friend has been gossiping about

me-l'm sorry to henr that Have ).ou thought about

telling her how much it hurts ).our faelings? r r no i l' , rq rh"r orrid ,,o|k rhe S rJ.

abort everronel She's just nc\.er gossiped about

Ar So, do you think Kare lied io Nlaria?

Br Yeah She talked about being a neat freak, but

then as soon as she moved il1, the aparrmeni $'as

C: I agree People like to n1ake good first

nnpressions Ifshe didrit do d1e dishes when dle

l.r.r rrured ir .1e pr ,o"bl) or nn rhcr' 1

the future either

D: B what do ]-ou think about Tomi advice? Do

you think Maria sholrld confront her rlght ar ay?

Trang 19

Lesson 5 How do you know ?

Optional A(tivity

Before studenis open their booLs, isk them how

they meet newpeople (inake new friends)

I Vocabulary

Answers will vary 5ampl answ€r


taQ r,Track l3l

Additional sentences underlined.

'Sarri:Well, E\ra! lny old neigibo.lrrsed to live i.the

apa.irient acrdls from herj , lived rhaie for jbout

3 Language Booster


You n1ay walIt to use this opporturity to discuss

questions considered impolite w]len you 4re getting

to know people (for example, questions about

salaries, the.pice ofthings, and age).

4 Pronun(iation


tcD r,Trad( t4l

Renind students that by $ressing the norrlt, the

apeaker is emphasiring what he/she considers to

contrast, by stressing d1e adiertive or another part of

the senlence, ihe speaker is correeting the listenei's

misperception Giv€ examples:

He is m) former neighb or la neighbor is thein1potant information)

He is my former neiglrbor (not some other persoD)

Ee is my former neighbor (not solne otier person's

Iormer neighbor)

He is my former neighbor (not a cdrent neighbo,


lf marry stodents are having problen:rs with noun

stress, have them pnctice stressing j ust thenoon Then have theh practice the noun widl

the adjective, irnd 6nal1y have them p.actice ar

entire sentence.

Ailer students lioish their pra.tice, you may

want to have severul pairs perform their

dialoguea for the class.

Example .ohversotion

A: Holv do ,vou klor Pedro?

B: Het a new acquaintance

Explain that in numbeis si,r aDd seven old means

fonnet or jiaft a laag time ,So.and does not rcfer

to tge

Ifneaessary, tell students that an i, ldr is

.omeore rvho becune " trniJv menber $

ma iage, giving the follpwing examples: my

sister's husband is my brother in-law, my

husband's father is my father-inlaw

Explain that we only use ifl lrly wlth sister,

brother, mother, xrd.father because other fan:ily

members are not palt of oui nuclear fnmily Fsr

extended famiiy menbers, we use the san1e telm

whetl er rhe rel ion+iD i' b) b'ood or nrarr,age

(for example, I sly mJil duflt, whether sh! is iDy

motheis sister or my husbandt mothert sistel ).

w1lo.is meetiDg for the fiist time? (S{ah aDd Luisa

are meeting lor the 6rst time, but they've sean each

other before.)

Trang 20

Lesson 6 Are you up for ?

Optional Aetivity

Before studentS opcn their books, have thern tatk

ibout hhal l5e\ usuaJly do on the *eekend

l Vocabulary

3 Language Booster


Polnt out that ,!e dont sdy no d ecdy and that r'e

often show our ilesire to go befdre


Exomple conve$ation

A: Are you ln the mood to gq to Lisa's art

show tonlghl?

B: Sorry I promised my roommate I would

help him.study tonight, but maybe I can :wing

Har.e students get inte pai$ and rephrase each of the

sentences, using diff6ren! eryressions in place of the

bolded phrases Sample nn${ers; 1 On Friday ard

Saturday nightq I usu,r.lly'\a,"11t to ga out , I like to

go to (walch) a movie with nry liim{s once a week

or mote 3 I like to go out to eat wilh fi:iends.at least

once a week 4, T\'n really trusy, but l'll iry to come

for a little while- 5 l like to goto nerr restaurant!

work dr school, sb I dont go dudng tha weekdays.

7 On some night6,I just doni leel like going out,

1 she's goir-rg to s€e e

a: 5he feek sick-/She

tcD r,Tra.k l5l


de'.lines Bruno! Invitation becalseshe hajro srldy

Bluno ls going to qo tg a Thqi re.Etaurant for dinner.

8runo Hq4 Max, l Wqethinking we couldlry ortt.the

new lialian restauranton Market Strcqr l

lva* i'ii hot reallyin the mood to qo ou!a.tually.l/m

prsitiy be;l 3

Liit: I really wlsh I aouJd, hUt,I have to siudy fo.an

Enrnoi sure, l'll eat ahy.thjng atth,s iroint 4

Optional Activity

Whb made plans to lreet anbther time, and when?

(Convetsation twor They will meet at 7:00 the nextniliht Conversation three: He may come afier work

Conversation four: (il}i sayr.she'll bring Maria somechicken soup in halfal hour)

5 Speak with (onfidence


Exdmple conveBotion

A: Do you feel like trying out the new cale downtow11?

B: I wish I could, but I have to work

Aniw€rs $ill vary sample dnswer.

Lesson 6

Trang 21

Lesson 7 I had thought she was

Fxplain that rve use liJlirg intonation to sho\{ false

assumptions, eve if the_v come in the middle or at

the eDd of the sentence.

5 Speak with Confidence


Allo1\, students to makc up nrmes ifthcv feel talking

,bo r \ , r .r \.u rp, u,r, .u n L'rr (r,ei,

reiationsh4)s \r.ith classrnates.

In pairs, have students talk about lrherher the,v feel

peoplc are bor'n *-ith these personalii) irdils or the

traits de!elop o\,'er tinre


Nlonitor the students to Jnnke sure thev are

not being mean or hurting the ieehrgs of

oiher studcnts

rJdcn( .jo'r r c rl Joj( r\( ir tl-

d(- r fl:o r e r.oJrJge l,o'rr e- onr r.n

1lhich adjecti\,'es describe the people

Optional Activity

lr pairs, have students talk about which adjecrives

people l,robablv use to describe them pro\.iding

reasons lbr their ans$,ers.

2 Conversation

Answ€rs will vary Sampleanswer.

Names First assumptionr What you teained

Randy shy really k nd

F.h rea ly hard working wants to have lun

more than stldy

Stan inrecure humble but

self confident


Exa nple aonversation

A: Urhen I first met Ri.h, I thought h€ iras really

hard workirg, but it iu,rs oul that h€ doesrit

strLclv r'en hard Hc wants to have fun more than

learn English, e\.er1 drough r.e are onlv m theUnited St.rtes for r l'ew months

B: So, $,hat rrcdre sayint is, the two ofyou have

ver,\'di*ircnr goals for ]rcur time in rhe United


A: Ycah Ho1\' about 1ou? \fhat was an assumption



At the beginninq ofthe conversation, Anna thinks

5usan is.onceited Anna ako rhifks thar S!san

At the end ofthe conversation, Anna rea izes S!san

may bequiet and introverted, not.onceted, so she

decides to try ro ralk with her


cD I,Tra.k l3l

Add tional sentences underlined.

Crystal:Yeah, know her.We had a few classes

together last semester Whv do vou ask?

Anna: don'tthink she likes me she s€emr kind of

.on.elt€d 5he never ialks to me.

C'l r": .e.r do.O,.F re'eir(oab,t"br"^.rh-e

she opened !p.U& set alono oreat now

Trang 22

Lesson 8 lt's just not my thing.

t Vo(abulary 3 Language Booster

Answer! will yary- Sample a6swer:

1 llext olltae social netwoiding itte5 to keepup with

old friends.

2, Of course I pa*icjpate in _soclal netwo*ihE.

3- l.pon rnessages on peopl-4 !r?lk.at least twice

Encourage students to ask follow-up quesiioDs and

include more details in thet answeis.

Exomple convertation

A: So how do t ou keeF up with old friends?

B: 1 text or use social fttr Jorking sites to kedp up

with old friends Therei no other way to keep up

Point out that $;het expressing an opinion, the

speaker often acknowledges the value of the other

persofi idea AIso poinl out thnt the speaker doesnt

refer to the idea in a negative way (foi example, rheapeilker doesrit say Fa.ebook is so stupid),


Example conversgtion

A: I dont rea11y understand why you doot like

spending time on social networks

I'm sure it can be fun, but it's not for ine Why

do you lik€ it?

Urell, I get rcj keep ii touch $'ith old friends,and

with new iiends bn Fa@bodh she.atsb tikei ro:ihdiR

photos ard checl qot orhel aeople!

linl<s-Andydoesn'r \pend nme6 Fdcebao^ oe,ause he3 c

piirateh€iloi End isnt inter$ted in Facebook.

.ArjiJyr Oh; 56ll, I haidly evelll.aii thoae messases t'

AndY: ltljlsiiot ieafli my thin$ 4

N lna, Rairly? J don't see why you doit likb !6 be


Nina: Y!ah,l cEn u hders!,nd that Bur I alsoi likd tb

chefk ooi tbe Iink that people3hare 3

Pilter8i (Ben):Can keeir tra.k of € nd share things you aJd intdiesterl iiI great photos; qers lors of art idlai

Fdcebook: (Ben Dana) lrre,enrnq posrs TwittEx (Dena) Cqn aoitnectwith thoulands.of

peoplearound de wgrld \rith Emeinteresri;tah g6t information and news updaEs

5 Speak with (onfiden<e


Exonple @nvercatidn

A: Why dodt you like to skil

Br I haie the cold,

Trang 23

Answers will vaiy Sample answei.

a 4 (or3)They are havinS a nice time together

b 2 Ihey feel awkward and

shy-c 3 (or 4) They are stalting to relax.

d I Tley are neryous.

2 Practice

Whar else dld you ha\€ in common?

$'e both liked sports, and we both loved eatingall kinds ofjunk food

Did you hit it off right arval?

Speak Now

Provide an example ofeach conv€rsation

If many stlrdents need more practice \| ith a

pafiicular unit, you might $.ant to review it in class.

5 Exdmple @hvetsation

A: Hi I'm Edga

B: Hi, Idgar I m Heidi You look familiar

A: Do you ever go to D dnce the Nighf Awal? I'm a

guitar player in the band there

B: Ah, that's where I ve seen )_ou How did )iou get

interested in playing the guitar?

6 Example convesation

A: How about trying out a new raw food

B: Going out sounds fun, but Im afraid I dontthink Iil like rarv food What do you say we go to

a caf-e to listen to lny friendi band instead?

7 Exomple convertation

A: Do ),ou know the new lub president?

B: Yeah, why?

A: She seems really sarcasiic.

B: I used to think she was, too, but the truth is she

is quite s$,eet.

I Example convercdtion

I dont get $,hy you like Sklpe so much

I can see my friends as we talk, and it's free.

I'm surc i! can be fun, but I like chatting online

better With chat, you can do other things at the

I can see rfu some people like thnt, but its justnot for me I lil(e to see people',s reactions I guess

Wordins o, answers vrill vaiy sample answe6.

1 Tom ir qoing to the.afe because hk friend, Anna,

j'rstopened it./Hes going toa sdrallparry.

2 Alex doe5ntwant to go wlth Toin because Alex

thinks Anna i5 mean.

3 Tom and Anna are old friends.fiom ard Annaqrew

4 Kate and Anna exercisetoq€ther.

5 Kate hasseenTom in picture!on Facebookbecause

Kates brothert bestfriend wai Tom's roommate.

6 Tom saysthk because they have mutual

' Wording of ahsw€rs will vary students should wdte

three ofthe follow'ng answe6.

They are both friends with Anna.

rhFy borh lovewatching comme,, rdl ard'oo(ing

at advertisements.

Neitheris interested in eallng shabu'shabu.

They both love pasta.

They both know Eric A4artino.

Exafiple conve6otion

A: So, do you like to meet new people?

B: Yeah Itt fun to learn about people How


C: i like to meet newpeople, too One time I

nlet a guy It turns out ffe had three friends in

common, and wea both gone on the same siudy

abroad program It really is a "small worId."


Lessons5roBReview 1t

Trang 24

Lesson 9 What exactly is a ?

Eric Yeah, l'm h uqgry too Where do :

Eric l've been wantinq [ol.yrhe new Eric l've been wanting [ol.yrhe newsandwi.h place A'l'heirlood is orgdn{ and ocalry4oured tt!

luli l'ln not sure whatyou mean.by"loaattr-lour.edl,

A: I'm a locavole, but iti kind of hard

B: I'm not sure ho$, youonly eat Iocal food

A: WeI1, I have a garden, and I go to the fsrmer,smarket eyery weekald

5 Speakwith Confidence

Foods ),pu like E eai mdkies, pdrato chipj

Foods you dont eat: li\,€r

Food!you eatfiequently:.hj.ken, vegetabtes

Fobds you should eat more often:fruits

Cookies, potato chips, stulllike that

Do you eat that ldnd of foqd every day?

Yeah I know it's I]ot good for rne, but 1 need the

energy to stuah and \{'ork

n'hile going to srhool?

Have students define the differenae bdti{.een x

vegan and a vegetarian, providing the answer if

necessarl (A 1/e&'11 is a stdct vegetadanj a vcgan

doesnt eat dairy prr:ducts and doesn t use aDimal

products (such as leather) Some vegetarians eat

ch€ese and other dairy pioducts.)

' Have studerts dedu€e the two parts ofthe $,ord

lordr.rre provicling the answer if n ecessar y.

lLoca for local a:nd rare as is used in rr,'niroi?,

hetbit'ore A locatori is apermn liho tries t'o eat

locally-grown food whenever porsible )

HJ\ e ,tudenl dcrer n- ine \nw lo,ah) ^our.ed

an-/o, dvole dre djll.renl prn\idints lhe dn.wer if

necassary (lo9all7 sqalced clescribes food r'hile a

loravore is a persoh)



A: How did you answer the first itemi

IcheL(ed ''rot at rll ,rue be.arr*Inererea.

Eria do€sa't wanr to !o thlra be<ause he is a veqan,

and be(ause he doeint like rdreat jun k food.

l'\€ never heard of thin,hefoiel

4 Pronunciation

ICD 1,In.k?41

Have students ide[ti{y t}re wold! ir the exatnple

convenation in Language Booster Part B that should

be.stressed (for example, cant eat pizza, dietaryrestrictions, what, meaD).

Trang 25

Lesson 10 ldecided to

'I Vocabutary


Exomple conversotion

A: I thirk clutter an m:rke it hard to think

B: I disagree I don't lhink \'ou hi1\,.e to hale a neat

home to think and be organized

Optional Activity

Flave stu.lerrls get into palrs ard dis.uss hol'their

lanilr members deal w.ith clutter For eriample, ,.l1.],

nron sa;,s 1ou shoukl neyer k)uch mnil thlce, sa she

n?e$ tlt mdiL a d tllen daes Nhdt sh,: re€ds b do

forgor whar dorhes she had and whatthey tooked tke

5 9et rid ofsome clothes and books

she hastoo mu.h ofeverything/her room s too sma I

to hold everyth ng she has

I neaten up c oset make it easierto flnd.lothes so she can de.idewhar

Does Tina recll) hale class nor'? (No IIer answer

is iust .r polite $.a) to sa,v she doesnt \ranr to helpSandrr get organized.)


Se€ answers

abor. Speak with Confidence

3 Tidy !p


Leo c eaned up his workstation and qot organlzed.

He got organized becaus€ hecou d neverfind

anything and he was always doing thlngs at the

MichelerHey, Leo.Yourdesk ls so neat now.2

A4ichele:Thatli greau And is rhar a calendar on your

.omputer screen? 3

Leo:Yes, it is.Im always procrasrinating and dotng

things at the iasi minute, so tdecided to make a

s.hedule for myselfand stick to it.4

Leo Not really And I think my desk is too neat now: 1

3 Language Booster


e\pressions to use irstead ofcxpressing approral

Answers will vary Samp e a.swer.

L Cet a s.annerto organize papers on desk

2 Give ihe books l've read 1o frlends who wanfthem

3.Try on c othes and 9€t rid ofthose thardont fit

4 Eat food in my holse before lb!y newfood B

Exa mple <onversation

A: i decided I shoLLld gel a scanner.

B: Hor, would that help 1ou organiz€ your lite?

A: I could scan all the papers in lnv room and thenthrow them at'ar

C: Since I can never lind the papen I need,

I dccided lo buI some l-ile lblders dnd filec\.€rything ar!'a):

Trang 26

Lesson 11 I spend too much time

Ar I rcad blogs a lot I probably rcad about four blog

posts a day \\&at about you?

B: I dont read blggs, but I lister to podcasts.

2 Conversittidn

Michael iodk sb tiied because haspantlha Whote

nightonrthe lftterDet (updatinq his website and

posting on messageboards),

I4ichael decld€5 that he needs to sleep more and

sBend jes liine online.


Additiona I sentences underlined.

lllichaEi: Ye.h, I spent the whole night updatinq

iny websile and.iosting d:ii hessiige board3_ Itq

[4ichael: lnow.lwas bu5y resear.hinq andwrir nq

new biog posrs.lw.s aLso uploadinq videos io a

3 Language Booster


E*ainple coniersotion

A: So which ones appiy to you?

Br WelL I watch TV until laie ar night I shouldreally go to bed earlier How about Fou?

4 Pronunciation


lcD 1, TE.k 291

Tell students that like linking, they must say the rest

of the sentenee fluently, Emphasize this ti)r cleailyen,rncirring (d.l- word in ,eIten(e but ."fng

updatin' "athet than updati g.


Exatuple conve$otioo

Ar Yesterdq' $as ftally brisy I was I'orkin until

9, and then I met friends for dirner We were

chattiri until midnight, and then I went home

I was too excited to sleep, so I spent twd hours

watchin' TV Then I realized I needed to check

ell1ail- I spehd tdo much time readni email lr

tyas 4 before I went to bed Holv aboui vou? How

did lou spend your busy day?

5 Speak with Confidence

Answers will vary Sdmple answer.

l Checking cdrail er",eiy five hrinute.

i' Texriog iiieods as 5ooh as I gerd.te)(

3, Wat hingryufiil|atdat nighr B

Example .onvetsatign

A: I mend tno muih tine checking e-nail i huLld

really udy check it a few rrmes a da1:

B; I t]row what you mean I need to linit ytime C; How about TV? I spend too much time watchlng



.an even Elkto me?iqht

Trang 27

Lesson 12 You have a point, but

lfuve students gel intoi groups ard discrr6s .lrhieh

eategory they placed ench wold in- When students

hdve difference {rf opinidnqr encourage them to

pirvidre reasons for their answels.


Example cahversqtion

A: One uar I prure.,Ihe env.runment i\ lo carry

my own eoffee cup Then I don t have io use

Iaper cupt

B: That's a good idea Oie thi[g I do is dry my

clqthes outside in the surl Then I do.n'i ha\,.e to

' us€ energy on a tlothes dr).e;

2 Conversation


lcD r,Tia<k iol

'Mia uses aFL Ljulbr b.caqsr they tasr iorcer.thag

irc:rnd€in6ni.bulb;and *-;y'rc beeet toithe


P?lrlridoelrt ltarji to l]iecFl bjjltii b6(ar66 th6i aie

eypen\ive.shE also isnl.pMin CIL bulbs jle rhp De(r

.ch9i.e lor iha 6nviron!n-6ni

Mla: Yeah, it is .l only use these now, 3 P.aular But aren't ihose light bqlb6 kind oI expensivet"

Mia:Suri, theylte a:Udk doib axpensiver but 'they

ld,l a iot lonqer thdn rn(drdeecefi buhrs And rhevre

befl"r hcr the environme t op(ause r,reyle enF'sy.

Pi Ia: Yolr h€v€ a pqinq bur it! lrill (ostt, t

5 Speak with Confidence

InEw€Yk willvary Strqile aalwer

WaYta pdt.at thecivlrintmehii

use publq ra6h6rFtion in3ieitd qfdtivioq

PeBu63iia aiEuh€nt9:

ean sleep, re?d:or da wdrk rnthe.,lhirn driva

Reduc€s Grbon footDrint Donl have to payforparling

Ga5 ii gettihg mdre dxpemivg all rhe iime

Anry.rs,,l,iili vrry Sarrtpleranlwer"

Thingi thafhurt tha envirormont

Trang 28

Arswers will va ry 5a mp eanswer.

think rMaria istryi.g to save enerqyand do

2 Practi(e

stop the dilcussion Remind students that they can

irclude ever)-one in the g.oup b\.asking the quieter

students their opinions (for erarrple, by asking Hor.r

Exonple conve6ation

A: \\'ho r\rculd \-ou rather havc as a roommate,

Br Kate, because I don'l think lou can scL'\\,irh

candles ar nighi And I tlink }lariir doesnr

respe.t Kate enough Resp€ct is ar importarr

qralitv in a roommate- Ho$'about )ou? tr!'Lat

qlLalities do )rcu thrnli are important in a good

C: Beirg able to rcrd each other's moods

D: Oh, ).enh, I agree The other dal-, I uas rryiDg to

write x reirort, do laundn, and cook dinner all

it the samc time I didrt ha\.e time to chal bul

m), roommate'kept t4ing to hat \\rhar kirds ofthings do yolr do at the sa rc tinle?

A: \\rell, I watch TY and surl the \\ieb lrhilc I

edt dinnel

B: And I tcxt, drive, listen to music, and talk or the

phone at the same tine

C: Uh, tha! doesrl sound vcry safe.

Speak Now

Pror.icle an example ofeach corversctiLrn

Iinlan) students need rnore pra.tice 11.ith r

p,rrlicular unit \'olr nlight want tlr re\-i€r'it l class.

9 Example convesotion

A: i can't cat lasrgra I am on a dair) free dlet

B: \\'hrt do,!ou mean br.dtrir) liee diet?

A: A rlai1' free ilict is $,hen you dorit eat anv

Dilk, .he€sc, or other ]nllk products I'm

lactose intolerx t.

1O Example @nvetsotion

A: I lecided to get a complcte malieorer because I

think it will heh me gct .1 b€tler job

Br Thati great I de.ided t,.) reorganlze mr home

b , rl ,l I r e r r , I rg

for stuft

,{: GoodforlouJ 1mahvqs .

1'l Exomple conversotionA: I spend a lot of tine shoppjng tu1d because

I spend a lot of time shopphg,I dont qrend

enoush time stud),iDg I should really lnake

stud,ving more of a prDrit\l

B: _fo cheDge, l'ou tlrst need lo recognize what rou

need to chanqc, so iI sounds like,!ou are on the

right path L

12 Exonple conversation,{: Ifer.c'ryone rode a bike to school or lork, thenthcrc rLould be a lot less air pollution

B: \bu har.e a point, brLt then rveil get to rvork allhot and s\\.eat1: \\l'c an't look like prolessionals

alier blking to l.ork

A: 1-ou could chtrnge clothes alter getting there

Br I sce whdl vou rrrean, but how r,'oLLld ,vou carr',v a

sltit to rlork if \.ou lr€re biking?

Trang 29

Lesson 13 My short-term goal is

Optional Activity

Befole stlldents open their haoks, have the get iflto

small groups aod talk abolt.wiar io! they wo;ld

like to hdve, if thq could have anlioh (i.e., their

dreanr job) AlSo have students imagine rvhat they

might oeed to do !o get tirnt job (lot empple, tatg

&n exam to hea lavye!)

PsSe 32

t Vocabulary

3 Language Booster A

You may w lt to l1ave studenrs brainstorm other

qre ;nn, ro a.k aoout rmhi :on, , Tor e\"'nD,e, Ou

you \vant !o have a &mi\8)

4 Pronunciation



If Decessary, tell.students that compound nouns

I]fe t!i.d or more wirrds buL,actar a single unit

ExplAin that they can b9 madified lik€ any odreg

noun (frrr example, with adjectives air.d other

nouns),Remind ltudenli lhat we notl1lally stessmportanl sord I-\plajn lh.rr ,he speaLer u5e,

Saess to help the liltefler differentiaLe eompound

nouns 6om noun8 with adiectives Ior eltampl,e,

a gteerl,orre is a building h whi.h 1ve giowp1aff ljut a gi'se, }odse is a house that ispainted greeE.


Exofiple ranvetsation

A: WouJd 1uu t G rn entry le!.e iob in rne j:eld

thJt )1]u re interested in?

I hope to get ajob \!ar kiqg in Aftica, helping

people fird hape, but to do that, I think I need

to do voluateer lvork ffrst and the[ take an

I want to take an EDg]isil Elas6 this s].rlnmer.

Mlat are youf, LrE tefm goals?

I war! lo get n iob lrl an internatioilaL businEss

D"n:What kind oftoo d.e you hootlg to getlWhcl!

Juliqnei well I'rnli(eiviarift ifaft hdposition 6t

prg4uaJro! qssiltani, but my long ienlr gtoql ir@

belol,ire a fiJm.dire.tor l trove m'ovias.

Juliana Hov/ a bout you?.What lield do vou wa^t1

adt into?

Anrw.erl will yary., Sanple anjevat

Shoftem soal: Da,,liunleer \^!ik to learn mord

abolt relief aEencies,learn French.

Longlterm qoak: Go to Afilca to help peoplei Additlon'al sentbn.es und6 ined

Trang 30

Lesson 14 l'm very organized.

l Vocebulary

Answers will v.ry- SamPle answe(

/ deiailoriented / a haid worker

B: I think I'm organized, but people who look at myroom dont thinkso I know where things arc:

but theY jlrst see a mesg.

A: So is that your biggest weakness, too?

Atuwers wilt vary for se.ond qu€stion Sample

.on€ of Kyle3 stengths is his o€anizatlonal hhiliiies.

Hds also €ffirient and can keep track of diff€ient tasks

ar rhe Jame tlmp.les al5o d learr player his wpdknets

is that sometimea het too derall oriented.

Yes, I rhink he will O€!tha job.


ollvia:All ght, Kyle NowiB Iike to.ask whatwould

y6u biing t0 our organization?3

Oliv a: Ilee2

Kyler Also, tm extremely efiicieni 4

Kyle Good questiDn,WelL once I had to wo*with a

te.m of30 people.l

3 Language Booster


Tell students that phrases such as ,ell, leli see, and

l€r ,r; rftirk alto1v the speaker to Pause and gather

h1s/her thought! before continuing Explaln that

thev are aalled fillers, and these fillers are prefemble

to ;ilence be€ause they tell the listener that the

speaker understood the question


Exomple aonvetsation

A: What is your gteatest strength?

Lina only had one dayto itepare for a presentation for

6ll manaqed ten pioieds atthe sametime.

5 Speakwith confidence

Ansrers willwary sampletnswer

Greatest strenqths: coope;tiv€, godd people skills Biqqest weaknedses: I usad io be unorganized but lpw

l'm very organized sometimes l'm too ddrailoientEd,

butthat can beusefulwhen l'm doing research Bigqeit challenqes: nbt being able to ask oth€6 forhelp


Exomple conve$otion

A: What are Your grcatest strelgths?

B: I coopente $'ith people I think I have Soodpeople skills

Trang 31

Lesson 15 The first thing you need

Tell students that in casLrol conversdtion we use

ngtrt much more.qfte! thrtt isn't it, afenl lou.

.and other Similar tag question fotmr

Point oirt that nuhber 2 iS ,etually a statemerf

that has beehturned into a quesiion b] using

dsing intonation

You might want to have students.turn number 2

intl} a quesdon (So are you saying that I turn on

the alaim befole I loak the front door?) and asL

the question again, using sing


Exomple cgnvercqtion

A (Same as Laquage Booster 3 example,)

B: So what you're saying is that I have tO watch the

bread very caretully while it is broiling, right?

5 Speak with Confidence

1,9,:e .1, .b

zf,a;e 4.h,d


The fi6l slep in .oqplitinq a,5ales iransa.tion is to

enrcrvour employee (ode on lhe rou(h\c.een.

The lait step:rio hit the"oral'|ry $ you see the

'toial afiisuntal thetop ofthe iirsh rigisiei


tCD l,Tra.kl&l

Additiohril sd ences unilerllned.

Pninl L w.int td 5how you h'ow to cofiplele a,salF.r

trdnr.lion lhen \can the bar code on the fijst rten


';n9 il up.lr rntogna,ltto scan each'tem onD

Answers will vary Sampl€,answer,

r [,4ix flour, bakinC powder and

sajtroqether-2: eEarn butterand sugartogether'beforc adding


3 Siowly add the flour iiixtu € ahd hilk ro the builei

4 P.aurihto pan andbake fur?0 25 rnlnutes.

lm portant thing to keep in mind:The mirererhould

.be.smooth be{ore you p'our it into the


Eiotuple onvesotion

Pamr Exactly The next step irto make surc that the

iustOroer gdts th€@radct diic{ruht ifthe lieh ls oil

3 Language Booster


A: OK I'Il tell you how to make gailic toast I love

garlic toastl The first thing yau need to do is cut

the bread, butter ii, and spread garlic on Aftqr

yodva done that, you bioil it Its iinportant to be

careful that you dorlt burn it It only takes a 1bw

seconcls for delicious bread to turn blackl

The first thing you need to do is Eix.the flqun

baking powde6 and salt togelher The next step

is to creim together the butter and sugar ard

then add the

vanilla-So youie saying the butter and sugar are

complgtely mixed before you add the vaoilla?Right Afier .

Trang 32

Answers wilhaay Sample answet

reh€rse with a fti-"nd

retaard thE cbmpany

piepE.e a JilI of queatibns

dr$s profeirionally

talkabour what yo! dont tik€ to do

{ay negativ€ things

wfie a ihank yon note


IfJou ha\.e studeots liom difterent cultures: after

lhe j.air uorl, vou nry ndnl to ha,e tuden hare

the answe$ \\,iih the class alld then talkabour


Exqmple conuc$otion

A: Did,vou check "urtte a thank you note,?

B: Yes,I did It's sonlething you shoutl do after

'moresion i.\ also mpo-larr ro be po(:nve l

Speaker Does anyon€ have gny qllesrions? j

stldbni Yes, at the beginning.ofyour preser|]lai]on, you said we sholl-d resarch the company shouJd we

prepdre" l.st ot qJesrio-, to dsl.]4

3 Language Booster

Remind students thar presentations are like

reports: they start $,ith an introduction, have

a body'i{,ith the coDtent, ard finish with

Iaplain that mmy speaker-s ask the arldience to

i, u\er and thi, (dr b( re,erreo lo a \e e & A

{qu.siior and insi{er rime)

Have students divide the "giving presentarions,,

expressions into parts of the prcsentation

/rnlrudllcliu.l: fir,l .$o li,re"r boo,.: ,nird rro

bu th line,r corrJr ,ron: finh.:re;e & A:f.nat


4 Listening



Howro talk to.your bosi abouryour achievemeit,

How ro 9€talong betterwith your co-\i/drke6 and your !upo'vr5or

/ How to alk for inore rnoneyormor€ responsibi ty


students should write any four of rhesetips

Heeedn l- conpdny\ poypo,itie.j as( bols whdr

vo-need ro oo ro gpra rdi\- orpromo!,on, rpt oo\ ;har

you bring to fte company; rehearie rneerhq; dress

profe$rona lv; be oosrtive


WThe sp€aker is givinq a pieremation abour

ho\,/ to have a succe$ful interview.

forthpspcond queston, srude.ts (rouJd qrvcone ot

the followinq answers:

ras€.ifch the comrany


P.epar€ a ligt of quEsgciB

rehearse wittt a niend

Trang 33

Answers will vary Samp e answer

1, Tom is happy because things are going rea lygreat.

2, A ex has to qivea presentat on aiworktomotrow/

he.an'tstand publi.speaking/he! neverspoken in

f o' or .uch l" 9F 9,oL,p oofo e o 10 I i oos

9oin9 to be there.

3 Alex! boss s a diffi.ult person/she! reatty

control ing and.rlti.al,

' 4 l\laria su ldoesnt have ajob.

5 [4aria aidTom are encourag]n9 Alex ro keep

workinq on his presenlaUon.


Whdl kind ofjob does l,laria lvant? (Nl.rnagerrenr.)

Ho$'long did thev pracrice? (Three hours.)

\\.h)'does Xlar]a s.rr "Nla,vb€ nanagencnt jsn't for

me'? (After worl<ing l\'ith Aler for rhrce hours, she'.s

lcss certain shc ryants to help peoplc lear|r horv to

q:\(,.ri.e1 t'ur rClr.<r rob"Jpr<.<r ra io r.

[perhaps ore ofhcriob requlrernents as a manager]

in the [Lture ]

Uihat happeied at thc errd? (,\leni hoss te{ed hnn

to sa1'hc doesdt have to do the presentation.)

Speak Now

13 Example convesation

lo read a lot o( books to gct an idea about \\,hd!interests people

Br \ta| Ard short-tcrm, you probably haYe tolrorl( iD restaura ts Nhile )ou are x,airing forvour big brcirl<.

Ar And alter I wlite mv firsr book,I ha\€ ro ger sorne people I trust ro read it The) can tell me

ho\{'to improve it

14 Exomple conversotion

A: Being a \.ideo gane creator isn'tillst ftn Whatould ,vou brnrg to our organizatior?

B: UreI, I'nr credtive and I no|k rvell t'ith others

A: Thatls importanr And what is thc biggest

challcrge ,r'ou'r'e elcr faced ir,voltr jobT

B: Orre tl1ne we were trr.ing to derel,:)p tive ncr\

gimes all at the same tirne This was hard

because I car1 be a llttle disorganized Bur we

worked logether and fillished e\.eqthing beforethe dcadlines

15 Exampleconversation

A: To use this photocopie! thc firsr thing )'ou need

to do is enter your emplol-ee code.

B: Thai mdkes sense- t he compan,v rtants to knorv

1\,hich departm.nt to charge the copies ro.

A: Right The nert siepis

16 Exanpleconversotiot

A: Todat I'm going to talk about the t\o best

rcstaurants in thls neighborhood !-irst, I want

to talk aboui the llexican resiaurnnt Ther

rJ\ee\r \ rJJr nn,lr^ .ar i ,rgir tt,e

servings are huge, and the prices are reasonable.

Ner.t, Iil ljke to tell vou about rhe Iapareserestaurant just down the streer from rhe school

It has the best raw fish, called sasrirrr, iD to1tr1.

Thev flr il ir fresh every darl To r,rap up, rhere

are lols ofgreat restaurants rlear our schooi, so

lct's ha\.e fun cnting together onc night after

.lass Does an).one ha\.e anI questiolls?

B: \bu mentioned sasni/ri Is it expellsive?

A: \\,ell, it's not cheap, but $,e could ordcr one

plate for ser.eral ofus lhat Nould nal(e it mor€

reasonable Arc there anv other questions?


6 ,/



Answers willvary forrhe second question.

Advlce from Nlaria and Tom:fumbers t, 3,4, and 6 tn

Lessons 13 to 16 Review 21

Trang 34

Lesson 17 Are you afraid of ?

Optional Activity

Beifote students open their books, ask them to say

a few things that mary people are afraid of (for

example, getfing sick, losing a waltet)

1 Vocabulary

4 Pronunciation

ICD 2, Tra.k o4l

If studerts are having problems recognizingthe differences play the CD severa.i times.Eacll time you qtop the CD, have students repeat

'the sentance.

Say a sentence (lor example, l'm afraid I ean't

lome toright.) and have studerb identiry the

toue (1o$') Try sayilg the seffence again with

the oplosite tore ard a-rk students ii they heardthe differdrce Repeat with aalditional sentences B

Exatnpk conversation

A: Whati )ro.ur greatest fear? [Iow tone]

Br Im afiaid of tentipedes 'l'hey give nr the

creeps, llow tone]

5 Speak with Confidence

Answ€Ewill vary, Sample answe(

cetting bad qrades

Mis.lns my bl'l io s<hool

Ed€e6ng to tudy foi a 'test


Exanple convercation

A: So,, vihat is everyone afraid ofi

B: Well, being away frotn nr7 aell phone for to.o

long ruakes me netvous,

A: I drcked "fear ofheightsl' Did you?

B: No, I didn:t check that one, but I cheCked 'fear oI


Optional Activity

After stlrdents hale filished making their

comparisons, take a class poll to discover the most

5nd least .oDrmon lears for the students.

2 Conversatlon


ICD 2, Trr.k 021

D.inibl l$l.frljd of iublic rilelaking.

Anftan, islf@id of;b.inti ih srrai!.5p?ce5

(<lausirophobiaj- Hel al oaftald gfrnltes a rtd-sEiders,


ttD 2, Irack g3l

Additional sEhtencea uhderlinEd.

Da nie! llm really neryous I fiave togive a presantatien

iorlorro,r\4 I have to talk in front of 200 oeople

Danieli RealLy? I didtrtklaqtlhlt

Anthony: No, nqt rqally I eqi!y!qbk4caki!q.!!t!a!lx

Lesson 17


Trang 35

Lesson 18 l'm overworked.

Before shldents startl tell them that there is more

thnn one possible answer fo! soqe of the items

tcD 2, rrack 061


tCD 2, Track 061

Wording of an3wers will vaiy, Sample anlwei.

l - move to a different apa[mentj talk to the rogmmate and fiild out why she doesn't waat

a new roommatei get theJa.b before.making

2 a5k hirn iFhe'sanqry, ralk tohim

3- try to undeEtand whythe co-workei a.ts the way

he dop.j hFrp the co worker b-\omp no.e seture

with his own work

5 Speak with Confidence

Answen will vary- $mple answer.

1 too many papeu to write (get them done liitle

by l!ftle)

2 not enough money (putyourselfon a budget and


A: I'm under a lot ofpres6ure because I ha1.e too

many papers to write

rhrr ii realJl helplulro (tdrt hriring hep"per

as soon as I get the assign ent That way, Iou

can write them little by little, nther than at the

last minute Nou'I'm not asshessed, because I

know the work is done with time to spare.

Ar That's a good idea, but I dodt know itl can do it

So, what is one cause ofstress in your life?

2 d


Example conversotion

A: Ifyou have too many dea.llires, one thing you

can do is talk to your boss about y,:ur workload

B: f\ar\ rrue you can al.o drop

" .1u,, illou are

studying and workiDg at th€ same iime

2 Conversation



Walker is stressed.b€caus€ he has too manydeadlines

with his classs,.and I ulia i5 stressed because she is

ov€tuorked ai hsjob

lulia tellsWalkei he should drop a clas.ahd take lt the

next semester Walker advises Ju lia to t5lk to her boss

about being oveiwbrked.

lulia: Hi, Wa lker Are you Ok? 4

Jlrlia: H9!i many classesarc you rlking? 2

WalkerYoure right l-low areyou doing? 3

WallecWow.thatt a lotl ]

ff stuaeDts misplace numbers 3 and 4, point out

the ,oo and renind them that this implies there

has already been a discussion about someone


Trang 36

Lesson 19 lf I could go anywhere

1 Vo<abulary

If students lwit.h delelop and esrarlish, explain

ihat de?elo? implies somethirB exislrbut becomes

big€er or better Because we dodt currertly h6-e

any colonies on the.i.roon, we ganrot develop them,

br.rt we could establish (start and then allow to gain

accepta.nce) a moon colon)r


Exoinple aonve$dtion

A: Ifyou could do aq,thing, whar wouldyoudo?

B: i lrorld e4lore ihe Amazon What about you?

2 Conversation

ICD 2, Tra<k 07]

Alex's dr6am is to bea scieftistand discover.Liras for

dkeasesJAlex5drearn is to hav€ a differemjob.

S?ndrabdrEam is.totakea vacatlon to the Bahamas

and exielore underwbt€i cves.


tC0 2,Trirtk 031

Saadrni I kilbwl I could usB:! va(dtion I haven t taken a

s"iJii^iot ot, i,:, o u',tu1 rhe,e se.o'd, r could

explor€ underwa&r caves AEd L<oul!L!.icj4lhe4!

Alex: I would love.to d]s.over.ures iir diseases Also,

lve alwavs loved rclence.

3 Language Booster


Yorr rrii8ht ]{ant to te]l stu&nts that we call

ihese wishes \nreal' conditiona.ls becaNe thesitualiens are improbable, ifnot impossible For

exa]mp\e, lf I tould do anythixg I would fly isphysirally impossible, but 1va can have the wish

Point out that we use abrll and a present tense

lcrb n the l Jar,.e ,nd /o,/y':n rhe n-,jirpart of the sentencs Iror exanrple, Ifl could go

an),:/',h€rc, I would go to BfttziL

Remind students that l^{en e make these

cohditionlls withoui corld, we ali{aya use irer.e

for the b€ verb in the fclause.Ior exrmple, IfI

vere a d.octor IA fty fu firtd a cute for cancer

A: So, if you could do an).thing, what would you

do? [high tone]

B: lf t could do an6hhg, I would explore the

Amazon lhigh tonel

5 Speak with Confiden(e


You might want to tell students that Gloda Steinem

is a wriier nnd aciivist who has been involved in

eqmlity movemenis tbr o\''er40 yeais Victor Hugo

\{as a French writer perhaps best known for leJMisirnbles and The Hunxhbtkk oJ Natre Dam4

Exqnple conversotion

Ar Wlrat do you fiink? Do you thinh dreaming is a

fprm ofplaming?

B: Ive ne1.er thqught about it before, but yeah,

I guess I do Someti es dreanrs become

reality becanse ofthe wal we work thein out

heiorehand So I guess I agree with Ht1go, too

24 Lesson'Ig

Trang 37

Lesson 20 lwishlhad

l Vocabulary

& I wish IA taken school more seriou.ly

A: Wn-at dd you wish you coi{d do differently?

leam, just to prss te.ts IfI .ould do it over, I

ould study to rnatc m],self a better person

Nina reqrets not takinq schoolmor€ ser-ioust.

If Nina couid do somethinqrdifferently, she wolrld not

hav€ gotten involved in a cliqde be€ause maybe she

wduld hav6 b6n? beter

Ftiidenr-PiuLAreyou taking b math class th is semester, Nina? 2

\ina:Yedh ldo lw'.h I hdd ralei school no,e

Nini: lwish I hadnt gdtren tryglved init eliqqe tf

only { had:had nicerfrieidr I mlght hivd,be€n a bett€r

Nina:Youre iight 3

3 Language Booster

1 Clarn went to the itv If she ould do it aqain,

ih€ would go to the mountaintto 60 hilino ahd swirnming in; la(e.

2 Jaekwenrro Sourh tsea.h.lf he c.ruld do it aqain,

he woulo 90 rc Baler Bed(h r, d (omF homeon

Situr.dav $ight so he<oukl lejllXt5lodav

5 Speak with Confidence

Answeis will vary 5ambl6?hswer.

1, not Iearnirg more sporB

2- not gDing on va(ation with rny Iamily

3 nor meeri-q mv frienos on Sdlurdry nighr


Eiomple conversation

A: What do you wiih you had done differently

last )'ear?

B: I wish IA taL€n a vacatioir lvith my family

C: Really? I wish lA taken r vacation wiJh myfiiends, rT ot my family

A: So il you could do sqmething over from ,vou-r

Trang 38

Ar 'What advice wodd you .give to Alex and Malia?

B: Well Id lell lhem bolh ro l,ike Tom'\,id\r e.

They can start small in plays Thaiwill help

Alert fear ofpublic speaking and Mariat chance

fot n careet in acting

Speak Now

Provide an enmple of each corversatio[

If m.ny students need more praciice with a

particular uilit, you might want to review it ir class

17 Exdnpleconve5ation

A: What are yorr afraid oI?

B: Well, I'm terrifieal of pubiic speaking

A: Wny doni )ou prdcrice \pedking,rlone or in

front ofa pet? Then yoa could ptactice in froni

of oae lriel d, and thea a few ftiends Slowl1youlll gain confiden e.

B: Thatt a good idea Thanks So what's ?

18 Exahple conve$ation

A: I'm under a lot ofpressure because I have too

B: In my experience, it's better to focus on onesmall projecl at a time ]f you think about

eve+hing, itt overwhelndng But if yox think

about one small thing, you feel a sense of

accomplishment and can then move on

A; Thats great advice 'I'hanks How about you?

What causes you sffess?

19 Exonple convercotion

A: IfI could do anlthing, Iit be a fanous actor.

B: Oh, really? $ty is that?

Ar It would be fun to meet famous people and be

recognized by fans.

B: Interesting If I.ould do,aqthnrg,

stildents mustffrstwrite dbwn two more regrets Answ€is will vary- Sample a.swer.

spendihg too mu.h money on clothes watching sports a lot

Exonple conversotion

Ar What do you lvish lou could do diflerefily?

Br We1l, I wish t hadfl t stayed out so late the othernlght I didnt siudy for the test And I also


Ansers willvary Sample answer

Ittilnk Ab, feelsiress€dout He might feel that way

because he ias a lot ofdeadlinet

Ithi.k Ntariz, Alex, andTom are.losinO then eyes and

imaqin;hs sohethinq wonderful.

lthink thEy are dolng rhis to tryto rela*

2 Practi(e

Answeia will v.ry,Sam pla ahswer

Ycs, they were./No, they

I agree So what causes you the most stress, ard

how do you deal with it?

Deadlines cause me themost strcss I tryto get

er.er}{hiitg done ea.1y so I donl have the stress

Thats a good idea, but not always practical Leti

go on What is y1:ur dream job?

Id love to be a flight attendant IA need to be

ittile to l\,ork without much sleep, so I dodt think

I'11 ever have that job I ha1.e to have ter hou$ a

nightl How about you?

Trang 39

Lesson 21 lt started out kind of slow.


Answers will vary Sample answe

suspenseful new spiderman movle


lf necessary, point out thal r.e pause at pe odsand remind students that we also brieq, pause at

commas Explain that we can also pause to build up

excitement Have students find an example of this

in their books (the laus e before when surldenLy he


Example aonve6otion

A: It stads out when a young man is going to get

married lpausel We find out his parents are


B: That sounds interesting lpausel What happened


5 Speak with Confidence

It s Kihd af a Funny stoty The Big Wedding

Diqty of o Winpy Kd: Dog Days

B: So did I But Iri fi"d of d Frnny Story .waskt]rd

of slo$ The story took a long time to te]].

2 Conversation

A ffitrfl $ffi Hlllfl li]ffl nfl lfilll]]mmilffifi X[Ifl u[ ]Xilrlfliiir]tr

Answers will vary sample ans!,ier.

h's about foq r oeoole atound the world who produce


Petearhouqht the movie wrs kind ofslow at the

' begrn1i19 bur il 9ol bpner./per-r lhoughr lhe movie

was heartwarming but

kindofcorny-The movie isabouta woman whose lifehlk apart

becaus€ she getsfired ftom herjob and canl pay her

rent She has to livein her car but later she g€ts a

lu.ky breakand her'book is publkhed.


Addilional 5entences underlined.

Jenn:le':5o, Fow w.i the n'ovieyou saw last niqhtl

Didvou like it?

Peter: li's aboutthiswoman whose life comBletely

fallsapad Then.hecantpayherrcat.50.shegets

kiqled out of her aoartment.

Peter:vedh but it gers bene' Veanshile, sorneone it

lookiirgforher Hecan'ifind her though because she

doesn't have an address.


ln the beqin inq, we wat.h them in their dailv routines,

Later on, lhcy alqinleivicllelL

Eventually, there iire interviews with environmentalists about the impact if evervone lived like these four


Finally a list ofsuooestians is show on the

s.reen-It's a movie about foul people around the worldwho produce aimost no trash

Realry That doesnl sourd very irterestirg

In the beginning, it was slow but by the end, it

was really inspiring These four people spend

a lot of tlme recycling and making the world a

better place to live

But for 90 minutes, they just ta1k ?


Trang 40

Lesson 22 lt has a really good beat.

Optional Activity

Before stlrdents open their books, have them talk

aboul ul-er and whe'e tlrey u,.ralJ1 Ii.ten to rnu.ic

Also have them talk ab,rut rfiether they go ro

conl:ertsi giving reasons lor iheir anslvers.

I Vocabulaiy

AMweB will vary Sampleanswer,

]ustwantYautoknow beat

cangnak We cat<hy tune

What Makes you B"tintitul dan.€able

Ar I thint "lusi Danca" by lady Gaga has a good

herrt- Itt really danceable.

B: I rhink so, too I also thir*

2 Conversatlon


Mike likri mdlow songi

Catlodaelnt ieally like thelonq be.ause he pi€fers.

rirore upbeat mullc


ICD 2, Tnrk I 6l

Additlonai ientent!s unddrlined,

Mikei Hey, I jUJt downloaddd'tlils iia\rn6dir0 .l!n'i it

great? lt3 h1, arew favbttejonc

Clrloi I waft io.u gqysto tidten to e song thatllu4t

down loaded tr redlL, d" i(

"" bL Ibe.t-u.ler-leel\L

eatchv !oo.

ninaiYeah/ I think l'll download i! too Whatt the

name otthe soho?

4 Pronun(iation

tco z,Ift.k 17)

lfnecessarl, have students ide11tify the s,vllables

(units ofsourds that are grouped togetherwhen

speaking) in each word (mel an droly, ro tic, pq et ic, darce-able, pro'voc'a-tir.e)

man-r Say mel ar choly, mel-an chol1 anil mel an

aholy so students citn listen to how the $'ord


Tell students that wheo we stress one syllable,

the other sllables are .dlten said less clearly.

Imphasize io itudents that they should ncjtenunciate each syllable clearly b ut shor.rld ir,stead

say the words fluidly, with one s,vllable stressed.

5 Speak with Confidence

Answe.s will vEry Samire answei.

the songs loollyricr good.be.t

.atchy tune, dan.€able realistiC gEat mulic


Exomple conve$otlon

* I\ke htst Want You ro Kror, It has a gotod bent.

Br I thilk so, too And the lFics are really c.9o1.

C: Oh, are 1'ou guyi talking about /asi Waat yo,

ioetia ly'rica

28 leison 7)

Ngày đăng: 08/02/2018, 12:59

