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Success advanced teacher book

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This is a useful guide for practice full problems of english, you can easy to learn and understand all of issues of related english full problems.The more you study, the more you like it for sure because if its values.

plus Test Master CD-ROM r (Л (/ ) Advanced Teacher’s Support Book »5 iii PEARSON Longm an Rod Flicker Pearson Education Limited, Edinburgh Gate, Harlow Essex, CM20 2JE, England and Associated Companies throughout the world www.pearsonlongman.com ©Pearson Education Lim ited 2009 A ll rights reserved N o p a rt o f this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form o r by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the p r io r written perm ission o f the copyright holders The right o f Rod Fricker to be identified as the author o f this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988 First published in 2009 Set in 10.5/11.5pt IT C Century, Century Schoolbook EU Printed in Slovakia by Neografia Teacher’ s Support Book ISBN: 978-0-582-85296-9 Teacher’s Support Book Pack ISBN: 978-0-582-85573-1 Test M aster CD-ROM ISBN: 978-0-582-85572-4 Illu s t r a te d b y: Aleksander Zawada P h o t o c o p y in g The publisher grants permission for the copying o f those pages marked ‘photocopiable’ according to the following conditions Individual purchasers may make copies for their own use by the class they teach School purchasers may make copies for use by their staff and students, but this permission does not extend to additional schools or branches Under no circumstances may any part o f this book be photocopied for resale A u t h o r ’ s a c k n o w le d g e m e n ts Rod Fricker would like to thank Iza, Marcelina and Jan for their patience The author and publishers would like to thank the following people for their help in the development o f this course: Krystyna Choromańska, Grzegorz Chyliński, Beata Gromek, Anna Klukaczewska-Gotlib, Katarzyna Lukasiewicz, Monika Sadowska, Tomasz Siuta, Roksana Sobieralska, Joanna Stołecka-Wojtera, Katarzyna Tobolska, Anna Włodarczyk, Ewa Zalewska The publisher would like to thank R e x F e a tu re s / C h ris B a lc o m b e for their kind permission to reproduce their photograph (198) Front cover images supplied by: Corbis/Ken Kaminesky; Punchstock/Photodisc; Punchstock/ Digital Vision; Stockbyte E very effort has been made to trace the copyright holders and we apologise in advance for any unintentional omissions We should be pleased to insert the appropriate acknowledgement in any subsequent edition o f this publication CA Speaker: Model Naomi Campbell has been found guilty of assaulting a police officer during an altercation on board a plane at Heathrow Airport The top-earning model, who previously served a five-day community sentence in New York for throwing a phone at her maid, was sentenced to 200 hours community service at a homeless shelter in east London In the incident, which took place earlier this year, the world-famous supermodel flew into a rage when one of her bags got lost at Heathrow The trouble started when Ms Campbell was told that one of her bags hadn’t been loaded onto the plane She blew her top and started screaming abuse at the first-class cabin crew Airport police were called and Ms Campbell attacked one of the officers, who then had no option than to arrest her A shocked firstclass passenger reported, ‘I simply couldn’t believe what I was seeing She was going berserk - spitting, punching and lashing out The officer tried to use a softly-softly approach, but she was in a frenzy She had to be arrested before she injured herself or someone else I think she should get some psychological help.’ Unit 12 Different? Track 1.18 Listening and Vocabulary Speaker 1:1take a huge pride in my appearance - 1like to be well turned out I always have done I don’t mean I go for the latest thing I prefer classic clothes Y’know, well-tailored suits and smart shirts 1always go for the best quality even if it means saving for months I can’t see the point in buying something cheap and nasty that will fall apart in two weeks My friends think I’m mad but I’ve got stuff I’ve had for years and it still looks good I reckon quality never goes out of fashion I suppose I’m a bit out of step with most people my age, but that doesn’t bother me Speaker 2: Our degree course Fashion and Textiles has an international reputation for excellence Graduates of the course are highly creative designers who have gone on to make an outstanding contribution to the worlds of contemporary fashion and haute couture, both in Britain and overseas We are based in central London, one of the world’s fashion capitals, and our goal is to develop creativity, originality and invention in our students One of our core beliefs is that fashion both shapes and reflects the contemporary world Graduates will leave the course with an in-depth knowledge of the subject Speaker 3: I’ve no idea what’s happened to my son in the last six months At the beginning of this year he was definitely a soap-dodger: I virtually had to beg him to take a shower or wash his hair Now, he’s never out of the bathroom! He spends hours in there preening before he goes out for the evening I can’t believe the amount he spends on hair gel and aftershave - he really has turned into a bit of a dandy Although his personal hygiene has improved (thank goodness!), he still goes out in dreadful old jeans and T-shirts Speaker 4: In my circle of friends, it definitely isn’t cool to wear the same clothes as everyone else Don’t get me wrong, we’re all into fashion, but we customise our clothes How it works is, we comb markets, designer 224 outlets and vintage clothing shops to find interesting stuff and then we customise them - like these jeans I’m wearing, which I got in a designer outlet I slashed the fabric and added these studs so they are unique I got a 1970s denim dress a couple of weeks ago, and I’ve added a silk belt and some quirky buttons that I found on an old cardigan It’s a great way to have a distinctive style without spending too much Speaker :1really don’t care what I wear - 1think fashion is just daft Some of the girls in my year are like the fashion police - they’re forever criticising what other people wear, and one of them even offered to give me a makeover! The nerve! Not everyone wants to be a fashionista! And the other thing that annoys me is that they buy stuff, wear it once and that’s it, they never wear it again It’s so wasteful On the rare occasions when I buy anything, I always check that it wasn’t made by child labour and that the fabric is organic and fair-trade I think if people knew more about why clothes are so cheap now, they would think twice about buying them Treating clothes as disposable is just a waste of money and the world’s resources Self-assessment Test Track 1.19 Listening Interviewer ( I ) : I’m here in Peckham watching a gang of hoodies walking towards me However, they aren’t the hoodies of our nightmares, but rather normal teenagers who have chosen to wear this symbol of delinquency to show that teenagers should not be judged by the clothes that they wear but by who they are and how they behave Melanie Jackson is one of the demonstrators Hello, Melanie What’s going on? Melanie (M ): We are calling this the ‘Don’t Write Us O ff campaign We’re wearing hoodies because that is the item of clothing that adults are currently obsessed with, but it’s nothing new Throughout the last 50 years, adults have focused on teenagers’ clothes and fashion as a sign that young people are dangerous troublemakers It doesn’t matter if it’s the mini skirt or men with long hair, leather jackets, the wan complexion of goths, whatever it is, people judge us by our looks I: So what you think people dislike about the hoodie? M: People think that anyone wearing a hooded sweatshirt is a hooligan Some shopping centres have banned people from wearing them The shops in the centres sell them but, if you put it on, they can throw you out They take our money, but they don’t like us I: What you want? M: We want to be treated as individuals, not as teenagers If we break the law, we should be punished, but if we don’t, why should people think badly of us? I: Isn’t that natural? Don’t you look at adults and think, oh look, he’s wearing a suit, he’s a boring businessman; she’s wearing designer jeans, she’s cool? M: I don’t Well, I mean, it’s natural that someone makes an immediate impression on us but, w,e then get to know them and react to them for who they are With teenagers it’s not like that All teenagers, even completely normal-looking ones, are regarded with suspicion Shops have signs in them saying: ‘Only two teenagers allowed in at one time’ People mutter about us on the bus I’m 17, I’m studying for my A-levels and I want to be a lawyer I’ve never been in trouble with the police but I’ve got a nose ring That makes me weird or repulsive to many people, even though I always wear very smart clothes, and they don’t even try to hide that - or if they try, they don’t succeed I: What you hope to achieve with this demonstration? M: We’re talking to people - people who may never speak to teenagers and who don’t try to understand us They're not scared today because there are so many police officers here looking after us so they listen and, despite arguing with us at first, they often start listening and agreeing with us I: Isn’t that because you are nice, educated teenagers? How would you feel if a gang of real hoodies were walking towards you late at night? Surely you’d be scared and wouldn’t be trying to find out what they were like as individuals? M: Well, it depends If they were acting aggressively, yes, I’d be scared, just like I’d be scared if a bunch of thirty-year-old drunks in suits and ties were coming towards me What you have to remember is that I’m also a teenager I know these people and I know that lots of them are OK They’re just wearing a uniform It’s a practical one, too Hoods keep your ears warm in the evening It’s scary for you because you’re from a different generation, but when you were younger I’m sure you were less scared by a gang of punks or metal fans than an older person would have been I: You could be right Thank you, Melanie., So, there we are That’s the ‘Don’t Write Us O ff campaign and, with sensible, articulate spokespeople like Melanie, I’m sure we won’t be writing them off just yet success Advanced Teacher’s Support Book All students want to succeed All teachers want to create great lessons Success gives them the opportunity Students w i l l For further reading at this level see The Testament and other level readers • enjoy th eir course w ith inspiring and u p -to -d a te topics and ‘C ulture Shocks’ sections • be m otivated and confident w ith activities th a t help both und erstan d and internalise g ram m ar rules and avoid co m m on m istakes • be able to speak easily w ith a syllabus th a t focuses on co m m unication in real-w orld contexts, vocabulary an d the right register • be prepared for exam s w ith a clear syllabus su p p o rted by exam practice and strategies Teachers can ^■D ictionary • m ake every lesson different w ith the variety o f m aterial in the S tu d en ts’ Book, photocopiables and tests • easily adapt lessons and tests w ith photocopiables an d Test M aster CD -RO M o f C o n te m p o ry W English SUCC ESS It’s all in the name! With Success, we recommend the Longman Dictionary o f Contemporary English Components: • Students’ Book • Workbook plus Audio CD • Teacher’s Support Book plus Test Master CD-ROM • Class CDs ... in the Workbook - Success Workbook CD with listening exercises and reading texts Success Advanced Teacher s Support Book (224 pages) Author: Rod Fricker Success Teacher s Support Book is a unique... Special features in the Success Workbook such as exam tips and self-assessment tests also help students deal with exam tasks SUCCESS FOR STUDENTS SUCCESS FOR TEACHERS Success is a six-level course... find in the workbook for other courses, the Success Workbook provides skills practice The unique features o f the Success Workbook are as follows: Exam Strategies As the Workbook provides a lot

Ngày đăng: 04/02/2018, 03:46

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