The center isdesigned four floors with: - Multimedia room 22 computers - Room for Academic staff - Room of the Board - Room for welcoming customers - Room for marketing department - O
Chapter One: Introduction
Introduction 1
Chapter Two: Overview of the center
I Background of the center
II Business activities
1 Educational training
III Capital of Viet My center
IV Organization structure and mission of each department
Chapter Three: Content of report
I My apprenticeship at Viet My Dong Nai
II Lessons learned
III Comments or recommendations to the center and school
1 Comment to Viet My center
2 Comments to Dong Nai University
3 Recommendations to the center and school
Trang 2Thirdly, I thank Ms Oanh, Operations manager, who approved for me to practice
at VMG Beside that, I acknowledge to all staff those who supported me during myinternship period They were ready to share the helpful experiences for me
Fourthly, I would like to express my sincere thank to Ms Thien belong toAcademic Department who helped very much in my apprenticeship period
The final, I am greatly indebted to my family and my friends who have beenalways by my side and helped me difficulties in my learning years
Once again, I am grateful to all of you – my beloved teacher I hope you arealways health and successful in life
Have you ever been wonder that why must we pass an apprenticeship periodbefore we graduate? Actually, meaning of this apprenticeship period created a goodopportunity for students so that we can apply the knowledge we had learned in school
to the fact Moreover, we will get useful experiences and skills in the future Inaddition, we can meet and be acquainted with some people who can help us in the job
So, apprenticeship period is very important for us
During the practical process, students can establish relationships in their career;this is useful for students after graduating If they do it well, they also have theopportunity to get jobs in the process of practice
After nearly two months of practice at Vietnam – America Education Group, I hadknown more about the process of establishment, development and operation of thecompany This is great important period for me get experience
Besides working at the center, writing this report was the compulsory work and
my responsibility to school However, for me, it was a chance to evaluate myself andlook back what I gained after a long time I had studied at school Based this report, Icould realize clearly which was my strong points and week points so that I improveand adapt myself to the real working environment
I Background of the center
Nowadays, Vietnam is a member of the world Trade Organization: this means thatmany foreign investors are coming to Vietnam to do business and study English hadbecome very important and cannot be missed in business and many other purposes
So, learning English can bring us a better life and easy to find a good job This is thereason Viet My center was established Currently, VMG manages and owns Viet MyEnglish education system in Dongnai, Ho Chi Minh City and Danang
These are some information about the center:
Full name of the center: Vietnam – America Education Group Dong Nai
Abbreviated name: VMG Dong Nai
Common name: Viet My center
The Board of director: Mr Nguyen Quoc Khanh – the person who sets upthe capital
The center’s mission: Real learning – Real teaching – Real quanlity
Trang 5VMG has nine foreign teachers They are come from British, American, and Australia Therefore, students can understand clearly the cultures of other countries The ability to communicate regularly with foreigners can help you improve your pronunciations In addition, their teaching methods are very interesting and attractive
to students
Based on the need and the age, Viet My Dong Nai has the appropriate English Programs:
a English Programs for children
English programs for children from six to nine years old This is appropriate age to learn English As this time, we will focus on teaching children to pronounce words exactly and help children communicate confidently with foreigners Each lesson is demonstrated via English songs and VMG’s teachers are young, patient, and active, with international certificates and teaching experience Each class is handled
by one native and one local teacher and both teachers cooperate in teaching and reviewing the class
b English Programs for teenagers
English program for teenagers from ten to fifteen years old This program is taught to develop 4 skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking The programs are designed according to international standards so at the end of the courses, students caneasily pass exams to pursue international certificates organized by Cambridge
University, UK
Trang 6These classes contribute to training and improving presentation and
communication skills of students
c General English Programs
The programs are designed for adult, who want to enhance knowledge and skills using English to communicate with other people in daily life and in working Native teachers will focus on pronunciation and Intonation for students
d English for corporate
Depending on the specificity, need, and profession of each enterprise, we openspecial program for corporate Students can schedule to learn and the programs aredesigned according to the training requirements of the corporation
e TOEIC, IELTS Programs
Based on the need of customers, VMG has opened classes specialized inTOEIC and IELTS for students Students will be combined four skills: listening,speaking, reading and writing After finish the course, you can join this testconfidently
III Capital of Viet My center
The initial capital of the company is five billion dongs The center isdesigned four floors with:
- Multimedia room (22 computers)
- Room for Academic staff
- Room of the Board
- Room for welcoming customers
- Room for marketing department
- Over twenty rooms for teaching and studying
IV Organization structure and mission of each department
1 The diagram of Viet My center
Trang 72 Mission of each department
a The board
The board has the most power to manage the center operation and has thefollowing rights and obligations:
- Deciding on the organizational structure of two branches
- Deciding on the establishment of branches
- Deciding on the number of employees, salary, pensions, benefits, and otherterms included in their labor contracts
- Approving the marketing programs supplied by the Marketing Department
- Meeting all of the managers of each department every month to evaluate andannounce the plan for next month
The Board
The Director
Marketing Department
Trang 8b The director
The Director is the legal representative of the company and has the followingrights and obligations:
- Being responsible for the company activities before the law
- Signing the contract with other companies which want to improve their staff’sEnglish communication in business activities
- Recruiting staff if the company needs
- Carrying out the Board’s decision
- Effecting the marketing plans and projects of the company
c Academic Department
The duties of Academic Department are:
- Designing the programs for different ages (children, teenagers or adults) orpurposes (overseas study, language skills improvement, business…)
- Making the schedule for all of the teachers
- Attending classes to evaluate the quality of the teachers
- Combining with the Marketing Department to hold some events at VMG
- Dealing with customers about the teaching programs and the teaching quality
- Tutoring the weak students to help them improve
d The Technology Department
The Technology Department has the following duties:
- Designing, installing Network system for the company
- Being responsible for assembling, repairing or dealing with problems
- with all the company’s computers
- Adding the question to do placement, midterm, and final tests for thecustomers
- Fixing the printer, fax machine, and photocopier when they have problems
- Helping the Marketing Department to do some the discount programs and
Trang 9design all of the advertisements.
e Accountant Department
The duties of this Department are:
- Being responsible for the company accounting books to make sure that they arealways accurate and up-to-date
- Keeping the salary of different staff a secret
- Calculating the salary for the teachers and staff every two weeks (the staff andthe teachers receive their salary every two weeks)
- Performing accounting tasks for the company in accordance with the
- Enterprise law and the company regulations
f Marketing Department
The Marketing Department has the following duties:
- Creating and designing many discount programs to attract customers
- Combining with the Academic Department to make the programs which theBoard of Manager has approved
- Holding events or Speaking Clubs for the customers every two months
g Register Department
This Department is responsible for the following tasks:
- Welcoming, listening to customer requirements, and presenting appropriately
to guide
- Calling the staff in charge to advise the program, the book, and the teachersclearly for the customers
- Receiving school fees and making receipts for the customers
- Maintaining and developing relationships with existing customers in person,and via telephone calls…
- Handling and resolving customer complaints
- Ordering the books for customers at the Accountant Department
h Teacher Team
Trang 10Their mission is to provide knowledge to student.
I My duties delivered in Viet My center
When I first came to the center, Ms Thien introduced me with everyone She guided me what I would do and gives me regulations of the center All staffs had to comply with below regulations:
- Going to work on time (The center opened from 7:30 to 11:30 in the morning, from 1:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon, and from 5:30 to 9:00 in the evening)
- Getting good behavior and be always polite
- Turning off lights, electronic fans and official equipment before leaving the workplace
- Keeping the workplace tidy and clean
- Wearing the uniform of VMG
During my apprenticeship at VMG, I was assigned to work in the Training
Consulting Department Training Consulting Department is the place where solved problems which relate to students and teachers However, ms.Oanh, the manager of VMG, she wants to help me complete my apprenticeship period Therefore, she gives
me a chance to do a lot of work As a new staff, I began to do simple works My duties are:
- Phoning for student’s parents and students
- Receiving and transferring call
- Consulting customers
- Preparing a new folder for each new class
- Preparing books and CD for new class
Trang 12- Printing teaching materials and examination questions
- Visiting all the new classes
- Designing Attendance lists
- Making other works
II Performance
1 Phoning for student’s parents and students
My job is calling for parents and students to inform:
- Students’ learning situation: Before I want to call for student’s parents, I have
to ask teachers and administrator of this class about scores and learning
situation of each student Then I call to student’s parents Those students have low scores and often naughty in class, I have to ask parents the reason I will save and send comments of student’s parents to manager to bring better
suitable solution and effect on students This work helps parents know more about learning capacity of their children
- Students absent: students did not go to center from three to five days, I would call them to find out the reason why they were absent and I reminded them to
go to center regularly
- Midterm test and final test: I have to look the schedule to know which class will be make midterm test or final test I will call for students to inform date, time and class room before exam a week This is help students have time to prepare and learn When we have test result, I will contact with students to inform their score
- Waiting class: this is list of customers who registered but have not start class yet I must check and total once again If there are enough students VMG will open the class I make a call for students to inform start dates, time If not enough students, I also have to call for students to inform delayed
During the call, I introduced that I was calling form Viet My center to and the important thing was to make sure that they were free to talk because I was afraid of
Trang 13boring them if they were working I must be polite when contacting to customers My voice should be clear and easy to hear Specially, I have to be careful to not call the wrong phone number This job is very necessary for my job in the future
2 Receiving and transferring call
When I learned at the university, I learned how to receive a calling I can apply it
to this job easily I was guided to transfer the call to the rooms in VMG The first time, I often confused phone number of rooms Therefore, I wrote all of the phone numbers on paper and always brought it to center When I received a call, I had to talk: “hello, Viet My center, this is Training Consulting Department, I am Xuan” If caller would like to talk with someone, I will ask their name and transfer the call to that person In cause, that person was not here, I must note their information with below sample:
3 Consulting Customers
In the first day, I was guided how to do consultant customer by Ms Thien, Ms.Thuy, Ms Tam, Ms Hong – the staff of training consulting department Whencustomer find out some information about English Programs, I always listen to themhow to do consultant I studied very things about consultant
Trang 14When customers came to VMG register English Program, I received registrationfirm from Training Consulting Department Next, I prepared test for students so that Iknew their ability I opened software: ghidanh I chose one test, which was suitablefor them Then, I invited students to test room and showed them the way to do test Imust be sure that volume and headphone were good to listen After preparing test, Icalled foreign teacher so that they tested student’s speaking skill Based on center’sregulation the ability of student, I will arrange those students in suitable class Ofcourse, I have to ask for my colleague’s idea
During time of two weeks, I started consulting and answer simple questions andprovided the information for customers Such as: the English Program, levels, books,school fee, studying… Addition, I must receive feedback of customers and studentsand solve them In the cause, I do not know the answer exactly I must ask those whohave much experience However, in the first time, I was embarrassed and unnaturalwhen I talked to students’ parents And I tried my best to complete my duty.Moreover, “customer is king” so I had to make them please
I think that this work is very difficult because the customer has many questions for
me So I don’t know what the customer will ask so that I can prepare the answer But Ilike this job because I can improve my communication Moreover, I faced withunexpected situations in the fact, so I can assess my capacity exactly so thatpromoting the strengths and overcome weaknesses of myself
4 Visiting all the new class
Visiting all the new classes three times during course which last 2.5 months to getstudents’ comments The first time on the beginning day, the second time before themidterm test, the third before the final test At the beginning of a course, it is veryimportant for me to announce regulations for students: