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ĐỀ Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions A butcher B Dutch C clutch D crutch A casebook B briefcase C suitcase D purchase A level B scenic C epidemic D penalty Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions A solicitor B spacious C, sequence D separately A, miraculously B automatically C metropolitan D abnormality Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Next month, I _ Dereck for 20 years A have known B will have been knowing C will now D, will have known _ members of my family has a share in doing household chores A None of B Every C All D Each of the He _ to the doctor after the accident, but he continued to play instead A didn't have to go B couldn’t go C should have gone D must have gone I've told you _ hundred times not to come into _ room with _ hat on A a-a-a B an-the-a C Ø-a-a D a-the-the 10 The population of India is already nearly _ China’s, and with its much higher birth-rate, will almost certainly become the world’s _ populous country within this century A too large for - very B large enough - more C so large as - so D as large as - most 11 “The inflation rate in Greece is five times _ my country,” he said A as many as that in B as much as C as high as that in D more than 12 _ we invested in telecommunications industry, we would be rich now A Had B Were C Would D Should 13 Though they had been robbed _ all their money, they were able to come home A away B of C off D up 14 Loudly applauding the speech, _ quickly left the stage A the audience saw the speaker B the speaker waved to the audience and C the speaker waving to the audience D the audience watched as the speaker 15 Having been asked to speak at the convention, _ A Dr John prepared some notes B some notes were prepared for Dr John C the convention members were pleased to hear Dr John D some notes were prepared carefully by Dr John 16 Nebraska has floods in some years, _ A while other droughts B droughts are others C others in drought D in others drought 17 Physical fitness exercises can cause injuries _ the participants are not careful A if B to C what D that 18 “Should we bring a lot of money on the trip?” “Yes _ we decide to stay longer.” A So that B Though C In case D Because 19 If you want to get better, exactly _ your doctor tells you A the same B alike C like D as 20 The police carried out a _ search for the missing diplomat A thoughtful B thorough C through D throughout 21 Many traffic accidents are _ by carelessness and impatience A caused B resulted C occurred D happened 22 He needs a car for his job but he just can’t _ one at the moment A make B take C afford D pay 23 The decision I was to take was so risky that I had to think _ A comprehensively B profoundly C reluctantly D simultaneously 24 Thunderstorm and lightning posted a significant threat to the safety of the performers on stage so they had to _ the show A call off B go on C give in D live on 25 Don’t worry we’ll have to wait a little longer because I’m sure he will _ A turn down B turn in C turn into D turn up 26 They are leaving the district, so they have put their house up for _ A offer B sale C purchase D trade 27 If you refuse to it, the bosses will have no difficulty _ the job A to get one of those ambitious young men to B with getting one of those ambitious young men C in getting one of those ambitious young men to D getting one of those ambitious young men 28 Lindy: “Do you mind the window being open?” Maya: “ _, it’s much too cold.” A I’m afraid I don’t B No, I don’t C Yes, I mind D Yes, please 29 Rose: “Is there anything I can for you, sir?” Linda: “ _” A Sure, go ahead, please B Not now Thanks anyway C Yes, you’re welcome D OK, your time 30 “Where were you yesterday?” “ _” A I feel sick B I will be out tomorrow C I was at an all-day conference D I’m going to special training Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions 31 The venom of coral snakes is especially potent and the mortality rate among humans who have been bitten is high A impure B powerful C contagious D abundant 32 Laws on military service since 1960 still hold good A remain in effect B remain for good C stand in life D are in good condition 33 In astronomy, a scale of magnitude from one to six denotes the brightness of a star A examines B signifies C predicts D contrasts Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions 34 Strongly advocating health foods, Jane doesn’t eat any chocolate A denying B impugning C supporting D advising 35 Unless the two signatures are identical, the bank won’t honor the check A different B genuine C fake D similar Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions, 36 The bridge (A) was hitting by a large ship (B) during a (C) sudden storm (D) last week 37 A film isn’t worth (A) to watch, (B) whatever its subject, unless it engages the (C) viewer’s mind and makes (D) him think 38 Every year, tornadoes (A) cause a lot of (B) damages to property and a (C) tremendous loss of human and (D) animal life 39 (A) Linda being (B) chosen as the (C) most outstanding student on her campus (D) made her parents very happy 40 He (A) has hardly never given a (B) more impressive (C) performance than (D) this Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 41 to 50 The 25th meeting of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) that will take place in February 2003 comes at a (41) _ time in the quest for sustainable fisheries Meeting in Johannesburg at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, world leaders (42) _ the vital role of marine fisheries to economic and food security and to biodiversity in general Leaders established a number of fisheries commitments for the world community, (43) _ a call “to maintain or restore stocks to levels that can produce maximum sustainable (44) _ with the aim of achieving these goals for depleted stocks on an urgent basis and where possible not later than 2015.” The mission of FAO in the field of fisheries is to (45) _ and secure the long-term sustainable development and utilization of the world’s fisheries and aquaculture Many of the issues (46) _ the agenda for the 2003 COFI meeting will contribute directly to the goal of restoring depleted fish stocks and to (47) _ other commitments If we are to fulfill these commitments, we must take (48) _ actions and set clear priorities The most recent FAO statistics indicate that over 70 percent of fisheries are (49) _ overfished or are fished at their maximum capacity In coming years, production from many key fisheries will likely decline Demand for fisheries products, (50) _, will continue to increase The prospect of this growing shortfall poses our greatest fisheries challenge today (Extracted from Info USA - CD Version) 41 A busy B critical C serious D fine 42 A declared B claimed C accepted D acknowledged 43 A giving B making C including D containing 44 A volume B quantity C amount D yield 45 A aid B meet C provide D facilitate 46 A on B with C in D for 47 A advancement B advancing C advanced D advance 48 A determined B concentrated C concerted D focused 49 A both B or C either D neither 50 A however B consequently C so D therefore Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 51 to 60 Whether you call it a “gap year”, a “year out”, or a “year off’, the decision to delay going to university for a year after leaving school is a difficult, but important, one Becky Roberts, now studying History at the University of Warwick, doesn’t regret her decision to take a year off “I’d worked so hard for my A levels,” she says “I knew it would me good to something totally unrelated to studying before embarking on a three-year degree course My year off working for my dad’s company wasn’t a holiday by any means but it was a break from the world of education, and that’s just what I need.” Carl Sanchez agrees now halfway through a biology degree at Cardiff University Carl spent much of his gap year traveling “I worked for about three months to save up enough money, then went to stay with some friends who live in France ended up traveling round most of Europe, and even got over to Russia for a few weeks, which was fantastic.” Both Becky and Carl enjoyed their year off, but they feel it’s benefited them in terms of their university life now? “Definitely,” says Carl “When I left school, I was a normal, fairly irresponsible eighteen year-old I hadn’t been anywhere, I hadn’t done anything A year later, when went to university, felt much more like an adult than a child.” “I know a few people at Warwick who took a year off,” says Becky “Generally, we’re more dedicated to our studies than those students who came straight from school We’ve got different priorities We want to have fun, of course, but we realize we’re here to get our degrees, I don’t think some of the others have quite realized why they’re at university yet.” There are drawbacks to taking a gap year, though Penny Cartwright went straight from school to study medicine at Imperial College, London “I thought about taking a gap year but decided against it and don’t regret the decision for a minute Becoming a doctor takes such a long time - I’ll be about 26 years old before I can start earning any money - that the sooner you start, the better, in my opinion It might be fun, but it’s really just a wasted year in terms of career development.” There’s also the financial consideration If you decide to take a year off, and you don’t want to work the whole time as Becky did, you have to be able to pay for it Susan Jenkins, a Careers Officer, points out that parents are now less likely to fund their child’s year off “Twenty years ago, it was fairly common for parents to say to their son or daughter, “Here’s two thousand pounds, go and have fun abroad for a few months.” Nowadays, because parents have to pay so much more for the child’s education while they’re at university, they just can’t afford to pay for this extra year too.” One option, of course, is to what Carl did: work for a few months in order to save up for a trip abroad Another option is to find casual work while traveling abroad “There are now a lot of books and websites with loads of information for people who want to this,” says Susan “It’s a great way to see the world, gain experience, and get money for living expenses all at the same time But don’t expect to earn enough to save any money.” So, should you take a gap year? The answer is: it depends If you want a break from books and essays, then it’s probably a good idea - as long as you, or your parents, can afford it and as long as you’re going to something worthwhile during your time off Sitting at home watching TV doesn’t count! If you want to get your degree and start regular employment as quickly as possible, a gap year may not be so sensible 51 Becky took a year off because she _ A wanted to something different for a while B needed to see what working for her father was like C felt she needed a long holiday before university D had done so well in her A level exams at school 52 Carl says that a year off helped him _ A make friends in many different countries B learn the importance of saving money C become more mature and experienced D become more knowledgeable about geography 53 According to Becky, students who didn’t take a year off _ A are less hard-working than those who did B are less intelligent than those who did C don’t want to have fun at university D probably won’t end up with a degree 54 According to Penny, a year off _ A should be taken when you’re about 26 years old B can be enjoyable and useful for your future work C is better once you’ve actually started your course D merely delays the time when you can get a job 55 In the past, parents were more likely to _ A pay for their child’s education at university B give their child money to help with their year off C force their child to take a year off before university D encourage their child to go straight to university 56 Susan issues a warning about _ A the difficulty of finding casual work B low wages for casual work abroad C information from books and websites D paying for everyday expenses abroad 57 This article would probably NOT appear in _ A a textbook for university students B a handbook for school-leavers C the education section of a newspaper D a magazine for young people 58 What is the attitude of the author towards a gap year? A positive B negative C neutral D skeptical 59 What is the most suitable title for the passage? A Disadvantages of a gap year B A gap year: Chance or challenge? C Advantages of a gap year D A gap year: Should or shouldn’t? 60 To whom is the article most likely to be recommended? A those in their early teens B, toddlers C those in their late teens D pensioners Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 70 Scientists have discovered the bones of what may be the largest meat-eating dinosaurs ever to walk the earth The discovery was made by a team of researchers from Argentina and North America in Patagonia, a desert on the eastern slopes of the Andes in South America Besides the interesting fact that the dinosaur was huge and horrifying, it is even more astounding that the bones of a number of the dinosaurs were found together This discovery challenges the prior theory that the biggest meat-eaters lived as loners and instead indicates that they may have lived and hunted in packs The Tyrannosaurus Rex lived in North America and was believed to hunt and live alone The newly discovered meat-eaters appears to be related to the Giganotosaurus family, being as closely related to it as a fox would be to a dog It is actually not of the same family at all as the Tyrannosaurus Rex, being as different from it as a cat is from a dog The fossilized remains indicate that the animals lived about 100 million years ago With needle-shaped noses and razor sharp teeth, they were larger than the Tyrannosaurus Rex, although their legs were slightly shorter, and their jaws were designed to be better able to dissect their prey quickly and precisely 61 The author states that the newly discovered dinosaur remains are evidence that it was the largest _ A dinosaur ever B carnivorous dinosaur C herbivorous dinosaur D South American dinosaur 62 The word “Besides” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A in spite of B in addition to C although D mostly 63 The word “horrifying” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A frightening B large C fast D interesting 64 The word “astounding” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A terrifying B pleasing C displeasing D surprising 65 The author implies that the most interesting fact about the discovery is that this dinosaur _ A lived and hunted with others B had a powerful jaw and sharp teeth C was found in the Andes D was larger than the Tyrannosaurus Rex 66 The passage indicates that prior to this discovery scientists believe that _ A meat-eating dinosaurs lived alone B there were no meat-eating dinosaurs in the Andes C the Tyrannosaurus Rex lived in the Andes D meat-eating dinosaurs were small in height 67 The word “it” in the second paragraph refers to _ A newly discovered meat-eater B relationship C Giganotosaurus D dog 68 The author states that the newly discovered meat-eating dinosaur is _ A closely related to the Tyrannosaurus Rex B not closely related to the Tyrannosaurus Rex C not closely related to the Giganotosaurus D closely related to the large cat family 69 The word “dissect” in the last sentence is closest in meaning to _ A dismember B swallow C chew D escape 70 The word “prey” in the last sentence is closest in meaning to _ A victim B enemy C dinosaur D attacker Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions 71 John is devoted to his work A John spends all his time working B John is interested in his work C John dedicates himself for working D Working makes John find himself helpful 72 He is three weeks behind with the rent A He owes three weeks’ rent B He hires this for three weeks C He will pay for the rent after three weeks D He will pay for the rent in three weeks 73 Nobody at all came to the meeting A Not many people came to the meeting B Not a single person came to the meeting C Only a few people came to the meeting D There was almost nobody at the meeting 74 “How long have you worked here?” he asked A He asked me how long I had worked there B He asked me for how long I had worked there C He asked me if I had worked there long D He asked me how long had I worked there 75 “Why don’t you get your hair cut, Gavin?” said Adam A Adam suggested that Gavin should have his haircut B It was suggestible that Adam get Gavin’s haircut C Adam advised Gavin to cut his hair D Gavin was suggested to have a haircut lion was living as far west as Greece and they were found from there, but in a band that spreads east through various countries of the Middle East, all the way to India In museums now, you can see Greek coins that have clear images of the Asiatic lion on them Most of them are dated at around 500 B.C However, Europe saw its last Asiatic lions roaming free to thousand years ago Over the next nineteen hundred years the numbers of Asiatic lions in the other areas declined steadily, but it was only in the nineteenth century that they disappeared from everywhere but in India The Gir Wildlife Sanctuary in India was established especially to protect the Asiatic lion There are now around three hundred Asiatic lions in India and almost all of them are in this sanctuary However, despite living in a sanctuary, which makes them safe from hunters, they still face a number of problems that threaten their survival One of these is the ever-present danger of disease This is what killed more than a third of Africa’s Serengeti lions in 1994, and people are fearful that something similar could happen in the Gir Sanctuary and kill off many of the Asiatic lions there India’s lions are particular vulnerable because they have a limited gene pool The reason for this is interesting - it is because all of them are descended from a few dozen lions that were saved by a prince who took a particular interest in them He was very healthy, and he managed to protect them otherwise they would probably have died out completely When you see the Asiatic lion in India, what you sense is enormous vitality They are very impressive animals and you would never guess that they this vulnerability when you look at them 61 According to the passage, many people believe that lions come from _ A Europe B India C Middle East D Africa 62 Ten thousand years ago _ A lions did not live in small forests B lions came mainly from Africa C lions roamed much more than nowadays D there were much more lion habitats than nowadays 63 The phrase “split off’ in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A spotted animals B divided C developed into different species D changed the original species 64 According to the passage, nowadays we can find the Asiatic lion _ A nowhere in the world B only in Greek museums C in Africa and India D only in India 65 The word “vulnerable” in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A weak B careless C cautious D easily protected 66 The Asiatic lion _ A was looking for food mainly in the Middle East B was searching for food in a wide range of countries C was searching for food mainly in India and Africa D was looking for food mainly in India 67 According to the author, the Gir Wildlife Sanctuary _ A protects the Asiatic lion from hunters and diseases B cannot reduce the Asiatic lion’s risk of catching diseases C can make the Asiatic lion become weak D is among many places where the Asiatic lion is well protected 68 The author refers to all of the following as characteristics of the Asiatic lion EXCEPT that _ A strong B vulnerable C vital D impressive 69 The following statements are correct EXCEPT that _ A the Asiatic lion was loved by a wealthy prince ' B a rich prince sponsored the protection of Asiatic lions C the current Asiatic lions come from a great number of lions D although the Asiatic lion looks strong from appearance they are easily attacked by diseases 70 The passage was written to _ A persuade readers to protect the Asiatic lions B explain why the Gir Sanctuary is the best habitat for the Asiatic lions C describe the developmental history of the Gir Sanctuary D provide an overview of the existence of the Asiatic lions Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions 71 When he talked about the problems in his country, they were quite familiar to us A The problems were familiar to the problems he talked in his country B We were quite familiar to his talk on the problems in his country C We didn’t understand the problems in his country, which he talked about D The problems in his country that he talked about were familiar to what we knew 72 We stayed in that hotel despite the noise A Because of the noise, we stayed in the hotel B We stayed in the noisy hotel and we liked it C No matter how noisy the hotel was, we stayed there D Despite the hotel is noisy, we stayed there 73 “I’m going to Paris next week,” said Jim A I am going to Paris next week with Jim B Jim invited me to Paris with him the following week C Jim told me to go to Paris next week D Jim said that he was going to Paris the following week 74 The boy who was waiting in the hall expected a phone call A The boy someone was waiting in the hall expected a phone call B The boy waiting in the hall expected a phone call C The boy waited in the hall and expecting a phone call D The boy was waiting in the hall and expected a phone call 75 You will get everything you have ever wanted A All your wishes will come true B All your wishes have come true C I want your wishes come true D You will want everything you have wished Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is best built from the prompts given 76 When/ you/ make/ mind/ university/ attend? A When are you making up your mind about university to attend? B When are you going to make your mind about which university to attend? C When are you going to make up your mind about which university to attend? D When will you make up your mind which university to attend? 77 Appearance/ steamboats and railroads/ reduce/ transportation cost/ and have effects/ conditions/ workers A Appearance of the steamboats and railroads have reduced transportation cost and had effects in conditions of workers B The appearance of the steamboats and railroads have reduced transportation cost and had effects on conditions of workers C The appearance of the steamboats and railroads had reduced transportation cost and had effects on conditions of workers D The appearance of the steamboats and railroads reduced transportation cost and had effects on conditions of workers 78 Be/ doctor/ she/ know/ what/ side-effects/ medicine/ have// A Having been a doctor, she had known what side-effects the medicine could have B To be a doctor, she knows what side-effects the medicine might have C Be a doctor, she knows what side-effects the medicine can have D Being a doctor, she knew what side-effects the medicine could have 79 Your organization/ possible/ conference/ place A Your organization made it possible this conference to take place B Your organization made it possible for this conference to take place C Your organization made possible for this conference to take place D Your organization made it possible to take place this conference 80 They / ask / lock / door / before / leave / every day A They are asked to lock the door before leaving every day B They asked to lock the door before leaving every day C They ask to lock the door before they leave every day D They are asked to lock the door before they leaving every day ĐỀ 30 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions A decent B recent C celebrate D even A begged B canned C booked D buttoned A please B measure C rise D pause Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions A possible B excellent C industrial D attitude A attract B marry C demand D connect Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions “It’s hard to get around because you don’t have a car.” “Not since I got used to _ the bus.” A to ride B riding C ride D to riding “I’ve been working with this puzzle for two hours.” “It must be a hard one _ A solve B solved C to solve D solving After finishing a degree in English, she went on _ Law at Harvard A study B to study C studied D studying It is imperative _ towards a solution to global warming before the climate patterns of the world are disrupted irreparably A that the world worked B that the world work C the world to work D the world would work 10 I’d rather you _ to the English-speaking club with me this Sunday A will come B came C come D to come 11 The price of houses _ dramatically in recent years A has risen B was raising C rose D raises 12 The actress, along with her manager, _ going to the party tonight A is B are C was D were 13 He hasn’t tried it himself He would like to, _ A although B though C even though D despite 14 Only after I explained it to him _ the problem A he understood B he did understood C did he understand D did he understood 15 It’s time you _ up your mind about what you are going to with your life A have made B made C make D had made C Which D How 16 _ you need is a good holiday A What B Why 17 The student took that course _ he could improve his English A though B in order to C unless D so that 18 If a diamond is heated without oxygen, it will turn to graphite, a form of _ that it is used as a lubricant A is carbon so soft B so soft the carbon C carbon so soft D carbon is so soft 19 In its pure state antimony has no important uses, but _ with other substances, it is an extremely useful metal A it is combined physically and chemically B the physical and chemical combination C combined when physically or chemically D when combined physically or chemically 20 During the early period of ocean navigation, _ any need for sophisticated instruments and techniques A hardly was B when there hardly was C there was hardly D so that hardly 21 Determining the mineral content of soil samples is an exacting process; _ experts must perform detail tests to analyze soil specimens A however B so that 22 She waited for twenty minutes and A at the end B finally C therefore D afterwards arrived at the head of the queue C lastly 23 _ cricket, I enjoyed watching football and basketball D eventual A As well as B Apart from C In addition D Beside 24 Your voice is _ to hers and I sometimes can’t realize who I am talking to A the same B identical C literary D louder 25 He never expected his prophecy to be _ A achieved B fulfilled C realized D accomplished 26 It seems that the world record for this event is almost impossible to _ A take B achieve C break D get 27 Some drivers seem to expect everyone else to get _ their way A off B after C out of D away from 28 He was suffering from stress _ by overwork A turned down B taken up C brought on D put down 29 The criminal was sentenced to death because of _ of his crime A the complexity B the severity C the importance D a punishment 30 Henry: “Do you think they will lose?” Kathy: “Oh! _ A It’s hopeless B I don’t hope so C I don’t hope D I hope not Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions 31 As children we were very close, but as we grew up we just drifted apart A not as friendly as before B not as serious as before C not as sympathetic as before D not as childlike as before 32 She still has an awful lot to learn A a great desire B a terrible thing C a great pleasure D a large amount 33 As all of us cannot be available today, let’s put off the discussion till later A present for the event B scheduled for the event C arranged for the event D appointed for the event 34 The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer A speed B expect more C better D treat better 35 Fallout from a nuclear power station damaged in the tsunami may endanger the vegetation A stimulate B harm C inhibit D benefit Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions 36 Have you finished (A) reading (B) the English magazine (C) which I (D) lend you yesterday? 37 He (A) asked me (B) whether I had (C) never been to America (D) before 38 Paul decided (A) to join (B) the army after the first year (C) at college and he (D) was in it ever since 39 (A) The director, as (B) well as his wife and two children, (C) were injured (D) in the accident 40 John used to (A) working in Leeds, (B) but his company had him (C) transfer to a (D) better position in London Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 41 to 50 A recent (41) _ of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the (42) _ of second language acquisition Their advice may prove invaluable for those considering a language course One suggestion is that you access whether you are likely to be successful at learning a language Did you enjoy studying languages at school, for example? Do you have enough time to learn a language? The major (43) _ will be your own time and effort Therefore, you must make sure that the course on offer leads to a (44) _ qualification Also, be realistic in your (45) _ If you don’t set achievable aims, you are more likely to give up Don’t be deceived into thinking that the most expensive courses are the best (46) _ around to get the best possible value for money You should also bear in your mind that the more quickly you learn a language the more quickly you forget it Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach herself German by enrolling on a (47) _ course Already fluent in four languages and with a sound knowledge of teaching methodology her chances of (48) _ progress were high Three years (49) _ she remembers very little She feels her biggest mistake was not to follow her first experience “Moreover, I think the teacher’s role is important It’s so nice to have somebody give you a/an (50) _ 41 A volume B issue C printing D version 42 A area B field C branch D domain 43 A evaluation B change C price D cost 44 A understood B regarded C recognized D valued 45 A sights B objects C ends D goals 46 A Run B Push C Shop D Nose 47 A quick B rapid C crash D fast 48 A making B achieving C gaining D doing 49 A forward B onward C on D from 50 A hand B encouragement C help D aid Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 51 to 60 Aspirin’s origins go back at least as early as 1758 In that year, Englishman Edward Stone noticed a distinctive bitter flavor in the bark of the willow tree To Stone, this particular bark seemed to have much in common with “Peruvian Bark”, which had been used medicinally since the 1640s to bring down fevers and to treat malaria Stone decided to test the effectiveness of the willow bark He obtained some, pulverized it into tiny pieces, and conducted experiments on its properties His tests demonstrated that this pulverized willow bark was effective both in reducing high temperatures and in relieving aches and pains In 1763, Stone presented his findings to the British Royal Society Several decades later, further studies on the medicinal value of the willow bark were being conducted by two Italian scientists These chemists, Brugnatelli and Fontana, determined that the active chemical that was responsible for the medicinal characteristics in the willow bark was the chemical salicin, which is the active ingredient of today’s aspirin The name “aspirin” is the trade name of the drug based on the chemical salicin, properly known as acetylsalicylic acid The trade name “aspirin” was invented for the drug in the 1890s by the Bayer Drug Company in Germany The first bottles of aspirin actually went on sale to the public just prior to the turn of the century, in 1899 51 According to the passage, aspirin originated _ A no later than 1758 B sometime after 1758 C definitely sometime in 1758 D no earlier than 1758 52 It can be inferred from the passage that Peruvian Bark _ A caused fevers B was ineffective in treating malaria C was described to the British Royal Society by Stone D was in use prior to aspirin 53 The pronoun “it” in paragraph refers to _ A malaria B willow bark C effectiveness D the British Royal Society 54 The word “properties” in paragraph could best be replaced by _ A ownership B body C characteristics D materials 55 What did the willow bark look like after Stone prepared it for his experiments? A It was in large chunks B It was a thick liquid C It was a rough powder D It was in strips of bark 56 The Italian chemists mentioned in the passage most probably conducted their studies on willow bark _ A in the 1750s B in the 1760s C in the 1770s D in the 1780s 57 What is true about Brugnatelli and Fontana? A They were from Italy B They added a chemical to the willow bark C They conducted studies on the willow bark D They were medical doctors 58 The expression “prior to” in paragraph could best be replaced by _ A at B before C during D after 59 The word “turn” in paragraph could best be replaced by _ A spin B comer C change D reversal 60 Where in the passage does the author name the scientific compound that makes up aspirin? A The third sentence of paragraph B The last sentence of paragraph C The first sentence of paragraph D The first sentence of paragraph Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 70 ACID DUST “Calcite-containing dust particles blow into the air and combine with nitric acid in polluted air from factories to form an entirely new particle-calcium nitrate,” said Alexander Laskin, a senior research scientist at the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington These nitrates have optical and chemical properties that are completely different from those of the originally dry dust particles Due to this, climate models need to be updated to reflect this chemistry Calcite dust is common in arid areas such as Israel, where scientists collected particles for analysis Working from a mountaintop, the team collected dust that had blown in from the northern shores of Egypt, Sinai, and southern Israel The particles had combined with air containing pollutants that came from Cairo They analyzed nearly 2,000 individual particles and observed the physical and chemical changes at the W.R Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory A key change in the properties of the newly formed nitrate particles is that they begin to absorb water and retain the moisture These wet particles can scatter and absorb sunlight - presenting climate modelers, who need to know where the energy is going, a new wild card to deal with Companion studies of dust samples from the Sahara and the Saudi coast and loess from China show that the higher the calcium in the mineral, the more reactive they are in with nitric acid And once the particle is changed, it stays that way “When dust storms kick up these particles and they enter polluted areas, the particles change,” Laskin said “To what extent this is happening globally, as more of the world becomes industrialized, we don’t know But now we have the laboratory and field evidence that shows it is definitely happening The story is much more complicated than anybody thought.” 61 What is the main idea of the passage? A There is a new particle called calcium nitrate B Factories are polluting the environment C Climate models have to be updated because of the new particle calcium nitrate D Calcium nitrate has chemical properties different from other dust particles 62 Why climate models need to be updated to reflect the chemistry of calcium nitrate? A The new particles can absorb water and retain moisture B The new particles can scatter and absorb sunlight C To stop acid dust D Both A and B 63 Do the particles react with nitric acid? A No, but they continue to absorb the sun’s energy B No, and the particles not change C Yes, but the changes are temporary D Yes, and the changes are permanent 64 Which of the following may be true? A The change of an ice age is increased B We may see more rainbows C The greenhouse effects are increased D Calcite dust is common in arid areas 65 Why does the passage begin with a description of the properties of calcium nitrate? A To give background information so the reader can understand the topic better B Because calcium nitrate is the main idea C They show how elements combine to create calcium nitrate D To prove the existence of calcium nitrate 66 The word “those” in paragraph refers to _ A nitrates B properties C particles D models 67 In the scientists’ research, where did the pollutants come from originally? A arid areas B the Saudi Coast C Cairo D the Sahara desert 68 It can be inferred that the word “retain” in paragraph is’ closest in meaning to _ A hold B lose C increase D need 69 What is the purpose of the passage? A To convince the reader that calcium nitrate is bad B To inform the reader of a new problem in climate modeling C To show how calcium nitrate was created D To show where calcium nitrate was first discovered 70 In the third paragraph, what does the term “wild card” mean? A An unknown card in a card game B An unknown item in the scientists’ calculations C A large amount of acid dust D A, B, and C are incorrect Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions 71 It is not possible to be constantly on good terms with all of the people around you A You may, from time to time, not get along with some of the individuals around you B It may not be possible all the time, but at least you can try to be on good terms with the people around you C Though it seems difficult, you should try to get on well with all the people around you D Having conflict with the people around you is inevitable, but you ought to try to be on good terms with most of them 72 The deciding match of the series will take place tomorrow afternoon, weather permitting A Even if the weather is bad, tomorrow’s match, which will decide the winner of the series, will be played B The weather will probably not permit the match to be played tomorrow afternoon C It would be unfortunate if the weather did not permit tomorrow’s match to be played, as it will determine the winner D The match that will determine the series’ winner will be played tomorrow afternoon if the weather is fine 73 You can cancel your ticket with a full refund only if you so one week before your scheduled departure A In order to get all the money you’ve paid for the ticket back, the cancellation has to be done seven days prior to your plane’s scheduled take-off B When you purchase a ticket for a flight, it’s impossible to get a refund on it in advance of the date that your flight will be leaving C You can apply for a full refund for your ticket within a week if you’ve had a change of plans and can’t make the flight D When a flight has been cancelled by the airlines, you must ask for a full refund within one week of the date of departure 74 David may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life A David’s poor health doesn’t prevent him from enjoying life B Although David may not have good health but he still manages to enjoy life C Not having good health doesn’t prevent David from enjoying life D What prevented David from enjoying life is his bad health 75 Tom would sooner without a car than pay all that money for one A Tom thinks the price is right, but he can’t afford it B Tom thinks the price is too high, but he must have the car C Tom is soon going to buy a car D Tom would never buy a car that costs so much Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is best built from the prompts given 76 You/ should/ doctor/ see/ that cut A You should ask a doctor see to that cut B You should get a doctor seen to that cut C You should have a doctor see to that cut D You should have a doctor seen to that cut 77 I/ not see/ point/ rule/ we/ not/ cycle/ school A I can’t see the point of this rule which says we can’t cycle to school B I can’t see the point of this rule which we don’t cycle to school C I can’t see the point of rule which says we can’t cycle to school D I don’t see the point of this rule which we are not allowed to cycle to school 78 Scientists/ proved/ there/ close link/ smoking/ lung diseases/ such as/ cough/ tuberculosis/ and worst/ all/ fatal cancer A Scientists have proved that there is a close link between smoking and lung diseases, such as cough and tuberculosis and the worst of all is fatal cancer B Scientists have proved that there has been a close link between smoking and lung diseases, such as cough and tuberculosis and the worst of all, fatal cancer C Scientists proved that there has been a close link between smoking and lung diseases, such as from cough to tuberculosis and the worst of all is fatal cancer D Scientists have been proving that there is a close link between smoking and lung diseases, such as cough and tuberculosis and worst of all is fatal cancer 79 She/ urge/ her husband/ accept/ post A She urged her husband should be accepted the post B She urged that her husband accept the post C She urged her husband accepted the post D She urged her husband accept the post 80 Number/ factor/ relate/ voice/ reveal/ personality/ speaker A A number of factors that related to the voice revealing the personality of the speaker B The number of factors related to the voice revealed the personality of the speaker C A number of factors related to the voice reveal the personality of the speaker D The number of factors relating to the voice revealed the personality of the speaker ... 43 A so B although C therefore D because 44 A anything B something C nothing D everything 45 A evaporates B dissolves C disperses D steams 46 A within B into C from D to 47 A abrupt B rapid C quick... years ago 74 This control panel is not to be left unattended in any circumstances A Under no circumstances this control panel is not to be left unattended B Under no circumstances is this control... severely punished 13 I expected it will rain again when we’re on holiday this year; but at least we are properly prepared _ it this time A with B for C about D at 14 For more than a decade, _ that

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2017, 14:31

