As such, these chapters distinguish between cost accounting computing product costs and managerial account- ing providing information for decision making.. In Chapter 1, we provide four
Trang 5M A N A G E R I A L
Trang 6This page intentionally left blank
Trang 8107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 (Web site: Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008, or online at:
Trang 9Ramji Balakrishnan
To my parents, Usha, Vasu and Uma
K Sivaramakrishnan
To my father, my sisters Viji and Parvathi, my wife Devika,
my daughter Vidya, and in loving memory of my mother
Geoffrey B Sprinkle
To Shari, Jason, Jack, and Scott
Trang 10This page intentionally left blank
Trang 11Ramji Balakrishnan is the Carlson-KPMG Professor of Accounting and the
Director of the RSM McGladrey Institute for Accounting Research and Education
at the University of Iowa Dr Balakrishnan has a B.Sc in Statistics from the University of Madras in 1977, an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad in 1979, and a Ph.D from Columbia University in 1986 He is a Certified Management Accountant and is a recipient of the Robert Beyer Bronze Medal He joined the University of Iowa in 1986 and has been there since except for a year at Georgia State University A top-rated teacher and researcher, Dr
Balakrishnan has published his research in premier journals such as The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Management Science, Journal of Management Accounting Research and Accounting Horizons Along
with Dr Sivaramakrishnan, he won the 2003 Best Paper award for notable tion to the management accounting literature Dr Balakrishnan serves on several Editorial Boards and has served as Associate Editor He has taught managerial accounting at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels, and has published several teaching cases He was the President of the Management Accounting Section of the AAA for 2005-2006.
contribu-Konduru “Shiva” Sivaramakrishnan is currently a Professor and C.T Bauer
Endowed Chair in Accounting at the C.T Bauer College of Business, University
of Houston He received his BTech in Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in 1977, an MBA from Xavier Institute, Jamshedpur, India,
in 1982, and a Ph.D in Accounting and Information Systems from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University in 1989 Prior to his current position, he was a tenured Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University, and Professor and Philip Ljungdahl Chair in Accounting at Texas A&M University Dr Sivaramakrishnan has significant research and teaching accomplishments His research has appeared
in premier journals such as The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Management Science, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Accounting Horizons, Journal of Accounting and Economics, and Review of Financial Studies Along with Dr Ramji Balakrishnan, he won the 2003 Best
Paper award for notable contribution to the management accounting literature Shiva serves on several editorial boards, and is currently an Associate Editor of the
Journal of Management Accounting Research He has won numerous awards for teaching
excellence at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
Geoffrey B Sprinkle is an Associate Professor, Whirlpool Faculty Fellow, and
Chair of the Honors Program at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University
Dr Sprinkle has both B.S and M.S degrees in Accounting from Arizona State University, and his Ph.D from The University of Iowa He is a Certified Public Accountant, earning the Gold Medal in the state of Arizona on the May, 1989 CPA exam and the Elijah Watts Sells award nationally He primarily teaches managerial accounting to undergraduates and is the recipient of numerous school-wide and university-level teaching awards Dr Sprinkle’s writings focus on motivation and coordination problems within organizations, including performance-evaluation
and reward systems His work has been published in journals such as The Accounting Review, The American Economic Review, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Journal of Accounting Research, Behavioral Research in Accounting, Issues in Accounting Education, and The Journal of Management Accounting Research He also currently serves on the Editorial Boards of The Accounting Review, The British Accounting Review, Accounting, Organizations and Society, and The Journal of Management Accounting Research.
About the Authors
Trang 12This page intentionally left blank
Trang 13Compared to existing books on the market, we believe
our book offers several advantages and unique
fea-tures Below, we summarize the key attributes of our
text In the pages following the summary, we provide
a richer discussion of our approach and pedagogy.
• We provide an easy to understand integrated
framework that links topics into a seamless
whole In the early chapters, we introduce two
ideas: More costs and benefits become relevant
as a decision’s horizon expands, and all
deci-sions involve a cycle of planning and control We
implement the first idea by organizing the text
into modules corresponding to short-term and
long-term decisions We then address planning
and control decisions within each horizon We
are pleased to report that our colleagues and
we have received outstanding student feedback
on the tightly integrated nature of our text—
students and instructors report that chapters
follow naturally from one to the next, with
everything “fitting” together.
• Both the overall structure of the book and
indi-vidual chapters emphasize using accounting
information for decision making. Across chapters,
we use the time-based template to emphasize the
links among the various decisions that
manag-ers make, enabling students to see the linkages
among seemingly unrelated decisions Before
each module, we use a part-opener to remind
students about the relations among
organiza-tional decisions, and to place forthcoming topics
in the appropriate context Within each chapter,
we maintain the focus on decision making by
exploring a specific business problem Each chapter also uses the same four-step approach
to solving business problems.
• Both the chapter text and end-of-chapter
materials provide a balanced coverage of
manufacturing and service sectors Examples considered in the chapters include a gym, a caterer, a hospital, a consulting firm, a copy center, and a call center Moreover, every chapter contains numerous exercises and problems relating to service and nonprofit settings We have received rave reviews from instructors and students about both the breadth and depth of our end-of- chapter materials.
• The book is student friendly Our initial
drafts used a conversational tone and day examples to illustrate concepts We then subjected these drafts to several rounds of review by English editors, undergraduate stu- dents, and faculty to increase accessibility and impact In addition to the standard exhibits, we
every-include “Check It!” boxes of mini-worksheets that
students can use to verify and fine-tune their understanding of the material.
• We maintain the integrity of the framework while
allowing instructors the flexibility to modify
cov-erage to best suit their individual needs We help instructors by presenting several sample syllabi that show alternate sequencing of topics (please see Section 5 in this Preface for further details) The primary flexibility lies in whether, after cover- ing basic terminology and cost flows, instructors choose to cover product costing or to plunge directly into short-term decisions.
Executive Summary
Trang 14Managerial accounting facilitates planning and
con-trol decisions Planning decisions relate to choices
about acquiring and using resources to deliver
prod-ucts and services to customers (e.g., which prodprod-ucts
and services to offer, their prices, and the resources
needed, such as materials, labor, and equipment)
Control decisions concern how much to delegate,
as well as how to motivate, measure, evaluate, and
reward performance.
Current managerial accounting textbooks generally
group product costing, cost management (ABC/ABM),
short-term decisions, and performance evaluation
prac-tices into four separate modules This grouping allows
students to gain a working knowledge of current
mana-gerial accounting practices However, while each book
may provide solid coverage on one or more important
dimensions, none offers a satisfactory, overarching
theme The average student walks away with a
collec-tion of concepts and techniques but with little idea of
why things work the way they do Armed with only the
“what” and the “how” but not the “why,” students have
no framework that lets them see the principles that drive
practice or helps them adapt to novel or changing
We provide instructors and students with a unifying,
problem-solving framework. We believe that the
frame-work itself must be the key takeaway from any
intro-ductory managerial accounting course By virtue
of its logic and internal consistency, the framework
allows students to:
• Understand the big picture.
• Examine new ideas and concepts and their
relation to existing practice.
• See how accounting information helps manage
a complex entity.
At the core of our framework is the one feature
common to all decisions—every decision involves a
cost-benefit trade-off The decision could be personal
(should I eat out or make dinner?) or organizational
(should we continue using traditional performance
measures or switch to the balanced scorecard?) The
decision could relate to planning (how should we
price this product?) or control (where should we set
the sales quota?) The theme of systematically
mea-suring costs and benefits to make effective decisions
runs throughout our text.
The first outgrowth of this theme, indicated by
the titles of the modules, is our emphasis on a
decision’s horizon Time influences whether a cost
or benefit is relevant for decision The costs of the production plant and equipment are not relevant to many short-term decisions Thus, there is no need to allocate these fixed costs to make effective short-term decisions In the long term, however, a firm can man- age capacity costs by shrinking or expanding its invest- ment in plant and equipment Thus, to make effective long-term decisions, a firm needs to identify varia- tions in resource consumption patterns and create allocation mechanisms that capture the cost impact of these variations Ultimately, when confronted with a decision problem, the successful manager knows what costs and benefits to include in the decision, and how
to measure these costs and benefits.
A second important aspect of our framework is an integrated treatment of planning and control deci- sions Planning and control are two sides of the same coin Diagnostic and feedback measures inform orga- nizations of how well they implemented the plan, thereby providing input for the next plan Similarly, performance evaluation and incentive schemes arise
in response to strategic aspects of the planning cess An integrated treatment highlights these links, permitting students to perceive planning and control decisions as part of the same framework.
Students learn best from simple examples Once students understand the basic issues at an intuitive level, it is easier for them to understand similar issues
in other business contexts We therefore begin each chapter with an example that students can readily comprehend and to which they could relate We then walk students through the issues and use the vignette
as a springboard to more advanced settings.
In addition to linking topics across chapters, we tightly integrate topics within a chapter To this end, each chapter tells a story The opening vignette serves to raise pertinent questions, and the chapter answers these questions In this fashion, the student perceives the concepts as being interrelated and not disjointed.
We note three other important features:
• We made a strategic decision to collaborate
on one chapter at a time; although more consuming, this team-based approach ensures that we choose the best among the many ways
time-of presenting the same material This approach ensures that the book speaks with one voice.
1 Introduction
Trang 15• We have tried to make the text extremely
acces-sible This allows instructors, after ensuring that
students understand the basics, to devote some
class time to higher-order learning and explore
conceptual and qualitative issues As detailed in
Section 4, the end-of-chapter materials contain
thought questions that instructors can use to ate such discussions.
• We hope to surprise you with both the breadth and depth of our end-of-chapter materials We have devoted substantial efforts to ensuring that the problems and solutions are of the highest quality.
The typical student has limited exposure to business,
even though she may have taken courses in
finan-cial accounting and microeconomics Accordingly,
the key task is both to explain the many kinds of
decisions needed to operate a successful business
and to communicate how managers use cost
infor-mation in these decisions It is not enough to know
prevalent practice It is vital that the student
under-stand whether and why a certain practice has merit
in a given situation This understanding requires
a sound framework In line with the adage about
teaching a man to fish, we believe that the average student will appreciate our framework for decision making.
The focus on using cost data for decision making makes our book well suited for a course that employs
a perspective We believe that such a focus is particularly appropriate for the introductory course It also is consistent with the widespread move to change the curriculum from a technical- accounting perspective to a business- oriented, or process, perspective.
user-2 Audience
Our first module contains three chapters In Chapter 1,
we illustrate a four-step framework for decision
mak-ing, and we distinguish how individuals make
deci-sions from how organizations make decideci-sions We
next introduce two important classes of organizational
decisions—planning decisions and control decisions
We then discuss how organizations use managerial
accounting information for both planning and control
We conclude Chapter 1 by examining the role of ethics
in decision making, and discussing how societal and
professional standards shape organizational decisions.
Making a decision requires that we identify what
costs and benefits to measure, and then estimate
them Chapters 2 focuses on the principles that
help us accomplish these two tasks We begin with
two principles, controllability and relevance, that
3 Organization of Content
determine which costs and benefits to measure Using
these principles, we offer an approach for grouping business decisions per their horizon This grouping of decisions forms the basis for the modular approach that unfolds We next discuss the principles that are fundamental to estimating costs and benefits: variabil- ity and traceability Finally, we extend the principle of variability to develop a hierarchy of costs, which helps
to increase the accuracy of estimated costs.
We conclude this introductory module with a chapter on cost terminology and an overview of how accounting systems record the flow of costs This chapter begins by discussing cost flows in a ser- vice environment such as a health club, where the accounting and cost flows are somewhat intuitive
We next move to cost flows in merchandising firms
to introduce the concept of an inventory account Finally, we consider manufacturing organizations.
We define the short term as a period over which
orga-nizations cannot change capacity costs arising from
long-term commitments related to property, plant,
equipment, and personnel These costs, which we
often term fixed costs, are therefore not relevant for
term decisions Accordingly, the goal for
short-term decisions is to maximize contribution margin,
which is revenue less variable costs.
We begin Module II with a discussion of how to
estimate relevant costs for short-term decisions The
key here is to identify fixed and variable costs,
lead-ing us to discuss techniques such as account
classifi-cation, the high-low method, and regression analysis
We end this chapter by showing how a
contribu-tion margin statement helps managers organize the
resulting information to make effective short-term
We devote Chapters 5 and 6 to planning decisions
In Chapter 5, we introduce Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP)
analysis, a natural outgrowth of the contribution
mar-gin statement studied in the previous chapter The
CVP relations among costs, volume, and profit provide
a convenient tool for profit planning Following this,
we apply the CVP relation to evaluate decision options
and, in the process, illustrate how managers could use
the CVP relations to evaluate operating risk
While CVP analysis is useful for overall profit
plan-ning, it is not suitable for many localized decision
problems that arise because of the temporary
mis-match between the supply and demand for capacity
resources Specifically, most organizations invest in
capacity resources such as plant, equipment, and
per-sonnel based on expectations of long-term demand
Actual demand rarely equals anticipated demand,
however In some periods, actual demand falls short
of expectations, meaning that managers must find
ways to utilize idle resources gainfully At other times,
actual demand exceeds available capacity,
chang-ing the manager’s problem to one of extractchang-ing the
maximum benefit from available resources In either
instance, organizations cannot fix the mismatch by
changing capacity because they cannot control
capac-ity levels and costs in the short term In Chapter 6,
we discuss two approaches—the incremental and
totals—to frame and solve such decision problems
We illustrate these approaches in several contexts
such as make-or-buy, accepting a special order, and
allocating a scarce resource
Chapter 7 examines operating budgets Budgets
incorporate planning decisions on how and where to
use resources Budgets also serve as the benchmark
for evaluating actual results, a control decision In
this way, budgets bridge the planning and control
dimensions We emphasize the tension between the planning and control roles for budgets in our discussion of both the mechanics of budgeting and the budgeting process.
Chapter 8 focuses on short-term control decisions
We begin by introducing the concept of a variance, which is the deviation between a budgeted and actual result We then present the mechanics of variance analysis, with a focus on using variances to reconcile budgeted and actual profit Finally, we emphasize the link back to planning decisions by discussing how to construct and interpret a profit reconciliation state- ment to determine possible corrective actions.
Over the long term, organizations can control most costs considered fixed in the short term That is, orga- nizations can alter capacity levels over this horizon Thus, the goal for long-term decisions is to maxi- mize profit, which is revenue less variable costs less capacity costs However, it often is difficult to estimate the controllable costs for many long-term decisions that pertain to individual products or customers The difficulty arises because products and customers typically share capacity resources, meaning that orga- nizations cannot trace capacity costs to individual products and customers In the language of Chapter
2, capacity costs are indirect costs Consequently, while performing a detailed account analysis to estimate controllable capacity costs is the economi- cally correct approach, it is not cost effective Thus,
as a practical matter, firms use cost allocations to approximate the change in capacity costs.
We devote Chapter 9 to cost allocations, a tool that firms employ to estimate costs over the long term We begin by describing how a firm might use allocations in a common decision problem—setting prices We note that firms allocate costs not just for decision making but for other reasons as well, including reporting income to external parties such
as shareholders and the IRS, justifying cost-based reimbursements, and influencing behavior within the organization Accordingly, we discuss these uses
of cost allocations and how an allocation’s intended purpose guides the choice of an allocation proce- dure In this way, the chapter provides an integrated discussion of the various demands for cost allocations within an organization.
We focus Chapter 10 on activity-based costing (ABC) and management At its core, ABC is a refined methodology for allocating capacity costs
We examine how ABC can lead to better decisions
Trang 17by improving estimates of controllable capacity costs
We then discuss the steps associated with designing
product-costing systems and symptoms that might
help organizations decide if they need to update
the current costing system We end by highlighting
some of the costs and benefits of implementing
ABC ABC exploits the linkages among resources,
activities, and products to provide more accurate
measures of product profitability than traditional
allocation systems do Thus, after describing the
mechanics of ABC, we discuss how to use ABC data
to improve profitability by managing products,
customers, and resources Customer Profitability
Analysis allows organizations to identify profitable
and unprofitable customers, and suggests ways to
increase profit by managing customer relationships
We refer to this and other uses of activity-based
cost-ing information to manage profit as activity-based
management, or ABM.
Despite their widespread use, allocations have two
limitations when used to make decisions: (1) They do
not consider the time value of money; and (2) they do
not consider the lumpy nature of capacity resources
These limitations are of particular concern when the
firm is considering a large expenditure on a
long-lived resource For such expenditures, organizations
routinely engage in capital budgeting, the focus of
Chapter 11 As operational budgets do for short-term
decisions, capital budgets provide the link between
long-term planning and control decisions In
par-ticular, capital budgets provide an economic basis for
analyzing expenditures on capacity resources, and
control decisions focus on the effective use of these
Chapter 12 examines control decisions over the
long term Most organizations delegate decisions over
the use of resources to managers lower in the
orga-nizational hierarchy Decentralization leads to a
con-flict arising from the lack of goal congruence among
different levels in the organization Accordingly, we
begin the chapter by discussing the benefits and
costs associated with decentralizing decision making
We describe common forms of decentralization in
organizations and highlight the critical role of
per-formance evaluation systems in these environments
We discuss the principles that govern performance
measurement in organizations, and apply them to
measure and evaluate the performance of different
responsibility centers
In Chapter 13, we discuss how an organization’s
strategy affects its cost structure and defines the
business and operational constructs that require
measurement We also introduce and present the
balanced scorecard as a means of effectively
inte-grating an organization’s strategy with its control
system We begin with value chain analysis and strategic planning We introduce strategy and, using real-world examples, highlight the critical linkages between the value chain, strategy, and cost struc- ture We next discuss the impact of strategy on key organizational processes In each instance, our aim
is to show why the process configuration follows naturally from the strategic choice and provides a competitive advantage This approach allows us to discuss how to measure whether a process actually is yielding the desired advantage and how to motivate employees to stay focused on strategic objectives We then illustrate how the balanced scorecard can help
in this regard Our discussion underscores how the scorecard categories flow naturally from the organi- zation’s strategy We emphasize the choice among metrics and the importance of linking the metrics both within and across categories We conclude with
a brief discussion of implementation issues.
This module explores the mechanics of cost ing systems Chapters 14 and 15, respectively, intro- duce students to two basic cost accounting systems: job and process costing Both of these systems use allocations to value inventory and compute the cost
account-of goods sold in accordance with GAAP As such, these chapters distinguish between cost accounting (computing product costs) and managerial account- ing (providing information for decision making) In the context of job costing, we introduce the notion of
a predetermined overhead rate, and we discuss how
to deal with under- or over-applied overhead In the process-costing chapter, we explain the concept of
an equivalent unit and discuss how to apply process costing to settings with many cost pools and opening inventory
Chapter 16 presents two refinements that could help organizations increase the accuracy of cost systems: dual-rate systems and accounting for interac- tions among departments (service department alloca- tions) We discuss how these refinements arise from the organization’s desire to improve the accuracy in reported product costs Because many might wish to skip or skim these topics, we adopt a modular pre- sentation to give instructors flexibility in the depth
of coverage.
We put the “traditional” cost accounting topics into separate chapters in a stand-alone module This placement provides instructors flexibility in coverage One can cover one or more of these chapters imme- diately after Chapter 3, after Chapter 9, or even skip this material entirely without interrupting the flow of the text.
Trang 184 Chapter Template
Each module begins with a one- to two-page overview
of the module Part openers refer to a template for
organizing business decisions and explain how the
topics in the module fit within the framework The
goal is to provide a “road map” for the module.
Each chapter has the following features:
Learning objectives are useful because they prime
students’ thinking and focus their attention on the
big picture both before and after delving into the
details Our goal is to have an average of four to five
learning objectives per chapter Each learning
objec-tive has its own section within the chapter Common
terminology and margin notes alert students to these
linkages between learning objectives and sections
The summary discusses each of the learning
objec-tives and reiterates the key concepts.
We open each chapter with a simple “story” of a
busi-ness facing a decision problem Vignettes include a story
about a gym dealing with new competition, a catering
business deciding whether to accept an engagement,
and a cabinet-maker expanding his product line These
vignettes help us link different sections in the chapter
logically A few vignettes continue across chapters to
show linkages among the topics.
Each chapter begins with an intuitive discussion of the
issues in the opening vignette Rather than providing
a solution, we focus the discussion on sharpening the
relevant questions and identifying pertinent costs and
benefits Following this discussion, we proceed as per
the list of learning objectives We use numerical
exam-ples, graphs, and additional everyday examples to make
the concepts resonate with students Our goal is to tell a
story rather than present disjointed techniques
As mentioned earlier, one of our main goals is to
provide an integrated framework for using
account-ing information to make effective decisions Two
features help us deliver on this goal
• Apply the Decision Framework! In Chapter 1, we
provide four steps for effective decision making:
(1) Specify the decision problem, including the decision maker’s goals, (2) identify options, (3) measure costs and benefits to determine the value of each option, and (4) make the decision, choosing the option with the highest value At the beginning of each chapter, we summarize the vignette in this sequence, “solving” it by the end
of the chapter This feature serves to underscore our text’s emphasis on introducing every concept
in the context of a specific decision and then generalizing the idea.
• Chapter Connections For every chapter, we have boxes that show how the concept under discussion builds on concepts from prior chapters, and how the current topic is the foundation is the material discussed in later chapters For instance, we link the discussion of CVP analysis (Chapter 5) back to identifying fixed and variable costs (Chapter 4)
We also note that while CVP analysis is useful for profit planning and short-term decisions that per- tain to the firm as a whole, it can be difficult to adapt CVP analysis to more localized short-term decision problems Accordingly, we consider such decisions in Chapter 6
In the spirit of active learning, we induce students
to work along with the text.
• Check-It! These exercises and mini-worksheets ask students to verify some numbers or computa- tions in the text The objective is to confirm that the student is following the material and is not lost There usually are four to six such boxes per chapter (We provide solutions at the end of each chapter to help the student verify that they have mastered the concept.)
Finally, we show application to current business.
• Connecting to Practice: (Description of decision context). We have three to five such “call-out” boxes per chapter Each call-out box discusses
a relevant and recent phenomenon, drawing
from business publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, or the New York Times
Our summary section links directly back to our learning objectives The opening paragraph in the
Trang 19summary section discusses the general theme of the
chapter We then provide a transition to the next
We present this summary of key points at the end of the
chapter There are four to six summary observations
that distill the take-away points for each learning
objective (section) The intent is to cement the
student’s understanding and to provide a ready review
prior to an examination.
Each chapter has one or two integrated self-study
problems with solutions These problems assist
stu-dents in working through the concepts presented in
the chapter and also ready students for the
end-of-chapter material.
Key terms—that is, terms that are novel to the
stu-dent and require definition—are boldfaced and
defined in the chapter We repeat these terms, with
their accompanying definition, in a section
immedi-ately following the summary section
We hope to surprise you with the quality of the
end-of-chapter materials We note the following points:
• We wrote both the questions and the
solu-tions manual We also developed the materials
concurrently with the text to ensure tight
linkages between chapter content and the
end-of- chapter materials Our extremely detailed
solutions go well beyond providing the
calcula-tions By discussing the application in detail,
the solutions manual serves to reinforce student
• We consider examples in both the manufacturing
and the service sectors We also provide a range
of problems that apply the concepts to
not-for-profit entities
• Many questions raise ethical and social issues
These issues arise not as stand-alone topics but as
part of the decision-making process.
• We provide spreadsheet and graphing templates,
where appropriate
We provide two sets of qualitative questions, with
the aim of verifying student preparation and as a
basis for class discussion These are:
• Review Questions. These 10 to 15 questions test definitions and comprehension of key concepts The goal is to verify that the student has read the chapter with some care.
• Discussion Questions. These questions, 10 to 15 per chapter, expand the student’s understanding These questions might ask the student to consider how the analysis would change if an underlying assumption were to change, list additional factors that a manager would consider, and explain how the idea may apply to different settings.
We construct exercises and problems at three levels of difficulty.
• Foundational Exercises. The 15 or so exercises test students’ basic understanding of chapter materials These focused problems apply chapter concepts to the given setting.
• Intermediate Problems. These problems, 10 or so per chapter, typically require both quantitative and qualitative answers These problems often require students to consider (trade off) multiple objectives.
• Advanced Problems. These problems require students to think creatively and to move beyond
a direct application of chapter content We have three to five challenging problems per chapter.
Consistent with the theme of providing a solving framework, we organize many questions (particularly, intermediate and challenging problems) into three parts:
• Application of chapter content. This part asks students to apply a formula or concept discussed
in the chapter
• Sensitivity analysis. Intermediate and advanced level (“challenging”) problems have one or more questions that ask the student to probe the effect of relaxing one of the “simplifying” assump- tions For example, we may ask how estimated cost changes as operations approach capacity limits
• Qualitative and strategic considerations. The final part expands the analysis to include important but hard to quantify factors For example, in this part, we may ask the student
to discuss the quality implications of outsourcing
a component.
Finally, each chapter has one to three mini-cases These cases integrate most of the chapter’s learning objectives and could serve as the basis for group ( collaborative) activity or for a richer discussion of the issues presented in the chapter in a broader organizational context
Trang 205 Flexibility in Sequencing Chapters
There are at least three ways to organize the chapters
in this book in the context of a 15-week semester long
Begin with Chapters 1–3 to introduce students to
managerial accounting, cost terminology, and cost
flows Move to Chapters 14 and 15, which cover job
and process costing After covering product costing,
revert to Chapter 4, which covers how to estimate
costs for short-term decisions From here on out,
chapters unfold in a traditional sequence
We anticipate that many instructors following this
sequence will omit Chapter 16 on service department
allocations The instructors also might end the course
with Chapter 12, which covers decentralization,
performance measurement, and transfer pricing.
We advocate this sequence The only modification
to the chapter sequence that we might make is to reduce the coverage of the chapters on strategic planning and control (Chapter 13) and to skim Chapter 16 We along with some of our colleagues have found that this approach works extremely well for undergraduates and MBA audiences.
Trang 21Many people who reviewed earlier drafts went above and beyond the call of duty when giving us valuable feedback We particularly note with gratitude input from Helen Adams (University of Washington), Arthur Francia (University of Houston), Laureen Maines (Indiana University), Robert Milbrath (University of Houston), Mark Penno (University of Iowa), Devika Subramanian (Rice University), and Michael Williamson (University of Texas at Austin) We also owe an intellectual debt to Bala Balachandran (Northwestern University), Joel Demski (University of Florida) and Shyam Sunder (Yale University), who shaped our thinking on the subject of management accounting Several hundred students read and gave us comments on earlier versions of this book We particularly thank Manasee Atre, Jacob Madden, Rebecca McCright, Kevin Klimes, and P Vijay, for their detailed comments Pamela Bourjaily, Christian Kuiate, Marina Ruseva, and Jean Thompson provided outstanding editorial support.
At Wiley, the staff who helped make this project a reality include our editor Jeff Howard, production editor Bill Murray, project editor Ed Brislin, media editor Allie Morris, marketing manager Julia Flohr, and assistant marketing manager Carly DeCandia Mark Bonadeo, previously of John Wiley, was key in encouraging us
to undertake and persevere with this challenging and rewarding task of textbook writing.
Trang 23Grand Valley State University
Carolyn Strand Norman
Virginia Commonwealth University
College of Eastern Utah
Charles Tony Wain
Babson College
Mary Ann Welden
Wayne State University
Ohio State University
Focus Group Participants
Michigan State University
Joseph San Miguel
Naval Postgraduate School
Trang 24Richard Merryman, Jefferson County Community
College—State University of New York, PowerPoint
and Study Guide author
Patricia Mounce, University of Central Arkansas, Test
Bank author
Debra Cosgrove, University of Nebraska—Lincoln,
Study Guide author
Eileen Shifflett, James Madison University, online
Bernie Weinrich, Lindenwood University
Trang 25Module I:
Chapter 1 Accounting: Information for Decision Making 2
Chapter 2 Identifying and Estimating Costs and Benefits 40
Chapter 3 Cost Flows and Cost Terminology 74
M o d u l e I I :
S H O RT- T E R M P L A N N I N G A N D C O N T R O L :
Chapter 4 Techniques for Estimating Fixed and Variable Costs 110
Chapter 5 Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis 154
Chapter 6 Decision Making in the Short Term 200
Chapter 7 Operating Budgets: Bridging Planning and Control 252
Chapter 8 Budgetary Control and Variance Analysis 304
Module III:
Chapter 9 Cost Allocations: Theory and Applications 354
Chapter 10 Activity-Based Costing and Management 400
Chapter 11 Managing Long-Lived Resources: Capital Budgeting 446
Chapter 12 Performance Evaluation in Decentralized Organizations 488 Chapter 13 Strategic Planning and Control 532
Module IV:
Chapter 14 Job Costing 576
Chapter 15 Process Costing 612
Chapter 16 Support Activity and Dual-Rate Allocations 634
Brief Contents
Trang 26This page intentionally left blank
Trang 27C h a p t e r 1
Accounting: Information
L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S 3
The Four-Step Framework
for Decision Making 4
Step 1: Specify the Decision Problem,
Including the Decision Maker’s Goals 4
Step 2: Identify Options 5
Step 3: Measure Benefits and Costs to
Determine the Value of Each Option 6
Step 4: Make the Decision 7
Decision Making In Organizations 8
Organizational Goals 8
Aligning Individual Goals With
Organizational Goals 9
The Planning and Control Cycle 10
Accounting and Decision Making 12
A P P E N D I X B : The Institute of Management
Accountants’ (IMA) Code of Ethics 22
Identifying and Estimating
L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S 41
Knowing What to Measure 42 Controllability 42
Relevance 42 Comparing Controllability and Relevance 44 Sunk Costs 45
Time and Controllability 46 Categorizing Decisions Based on Time 46
How to Estimate Costs and Benefits 49 Variability 50
Trang 28C h a p t e r 3
Cost Flows and Cost Terminology 74
L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S 75
Product and Period Costs 76
Cost Flows In Service Organizations 77
Cost Flows In Merchandising
Cost Allocations 88 Beware of Allocated Costs When Making Decisions 91 Wrapping It Up 92
Techniques for Estimating
Fixed and Variable Costs 110
L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S 111
Contribution Margin Statement 112
Organizing Information to Help Make Decisions 112
Using the Contribution Margin Statement 113
Estimating Cost Structure 114
Account Classification Method 116
Evaluation of the Account Classification Method 118
High-Low Method 118
Mechanics of the High-Low Method 120
Evaluation of the High-Low Method 122
Regression Analysis 123
Evaluation of the Regression Method 125
Choosing An Appropriate Method 126
Segmented Contribution
Margin Statements 128
Product-Level Contribution Margin Statement 128
Region- and Customer-Level Contribution Margin
Using the CVP Relation to Make Short-Term Decisions 164 Using the CVP Relation to Evaluate Price Changes 164
Using the CVP Relation to Evaluate Operating Risk 166 Margin of Safety 167
Operating Leverage 169
Multiproduct CVP Analysis 171 Profit Planning With Multiple Products 172 Making Decisions Using CVP Analysis 175
CVP Analysis—A Critical Evaluation 177
Trang 29Characteristics of Short-Term Decisions 202
Fixed Supply of Capacity 202
Demand Changes Frequently 202
Closing the Gap between Demand and Supply 203
Contexts for Short-Term Decision Making 204
Evaluating Options 205
Relevant Cost Analysis 209
An Alternate Approach 210
Comparing the Methods 211
Additional Examples of Short-Term
Operating Budgets: Bridging
L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S 253
What is a Budget? 254
Why Do Firms Use Budgets? 254
Preparing a Master Budget 258
Revenue Budget 258 Production Budget 258 Direct Materials Usage Budget 260 Direct Labor Budget 262
Manufacturing Overhead Cost Budget 263 Variable Cost of Goods Manufactured Budget 264 Variable Cost of Goods Sold Budget 265
Budgeted Income Statement 268 Iterative Nature of the Budgeting Process 269
Cash Budget 270
Cash Inflows from Operations 271 Cash Outflows from Operations 272 Net Cash Flow from Operations 274 Pulling It All Together 274
Factors Influencing the Budgeting Process 276
Organizational Structure 276 Management Styles 278 Past Performance and the Budgeting Process 280
Budgets as the Basis for Control 306
How to Calculate Variances 308
Breaking Down the Total Profit Variance 309 Flexible Budget 310
Components of the Flexible Budget Variance 313 Input Quantity and Price Variances 315
Interpreting and Using Variances 319
General Rules for Analyzing Variances 320 Making Control Decisions in Response to Variances 322
Trang 30A P P E N D I X A : Purchase Price Variance 328
A P P E N D I X B : Market Size and Market Share
Refining the Allocation 361
Pulling It All Together 363
Cost Allocations for Reporting Income 364
Incentives and Cost Allocations 368
Using Allocations to Justify Costs and
Reimbursements 368
Using Cost Allocations to Influence Behavior 371
Controllability and Alternate Demands for Cost
Step 4: Measuring Denominator Volume 409
Decision Usefulness of ABC Systems 410
Computing Product Costs 410 Reporting Activity-Based Costing Data 412 Decisions at MKC 414
Implementing Activity Based Costing 416
Activity-Based Management 416
Product Planning 416 Customer Planning 416 Resource Planning 419
Roles of Capital Budgets 448
Capital Budgeting and Cost Allocations 448 Capital Budgets and Budgeting 449
Elements of Project Cash Flows 450
Initial Outlay 451
Trang 31Estimated Life and Salvage Value 451
Timing and Amounts of Operating Cash Inflows 452
Cost of Capital 453
Methods for Evaluating Project Profitability 454
Discounted Cash Flow Techniques in Capital
Budgeting 454
Net Present Value 454
Internal Rate of Return 458
Comparing NPV and IRR 459
Other Evaluation Criteria for Capital
Budgeting 459
Payback Method 459
Modified Payback 461
Accounting Rate of Return 462
Popularity of Discounted Cash Flow Techniques 462
Taxes and Capital Budgeting 463
Depreciation Tax Shield 464
Salvage Value and Taxes 465
Allocating Capital Among Projects 466
Nonfinancial Costs and Benefits 467
Flexibility and Real Options 468
Decentralization of Decision Making 490
Benefits and Costs of Decentralization 491
Evaluating Cost and Profit Centers 495
Performance Evaluation in Profit Centers 496
Performance Measurement in Investment Centers 498
Return on Investment 498 Residual Income 502 Economic Value Added 503 Measuring Long-Term Performance 505
Transfer Pricing 506
Demand for Transfer Prices 506 Conflict in Setting Transfer Prices 507 Practice Patterns 508
International Transfer Pricing 509
The Value Chain 539
Building a Value Chain 539 Management Accounting and the Value Chain 540
Strategic Cost Planning 542
Life-Cycle Analysis 542 Target Costing 544
Implementing Strategy 546
Critical Success Factors 547
Monitoring Strategy Implementation 551
Components of a Balanced Scorecard 552
Trang 32Predetermined Overhead Rates 587
Determining Cost of Goods Manufactured 588
Determining Cost of Goods Sold 589
End-of-Period Adjustments for
Overhead 591
Calculating the Amount in the Control
Accounts 591
Correct Rates at Year-End 592
Write Off to Cost of Goods Sold 592
Prorate among Inventory Accounts and COGS 594
Comparing the Methods 594
Mechanics of Process Costing 614
Process Costing with Many Cost Pools
and Beginning Inventory 616
Process Costing with Many Pools 616
Considering Beginning Inventory 619
Standard Process Costing 620
Line and Support Activities 636
Methods for Allocating Support Activity Costs 638
Direct Method 639 Step-Down Method 641 Reciprocal Method 643 Integration with Predetermined Overhead Rates 645
Trang 33M A N A G E R I A L
Trang 34Tom and Lynda own and operate
Hercules Health Club Hercules maintains
a top-notch reputation because of Tom and
Lynda’s attention to detail The club is neat
and clean, and offers the small conveniences
and personalized services that many people
appreciate As a result, Hercules is a profitable
business, even though it does not provide the
latest in physical training equipment.
Well, as often happens in business, when
the going gets good, the competition moves
in Tempted by the market potential, a
national health-club chain, Apex Health &
Fitness, recently opened a branch in the
com-munity Compared to Hercules, Apex’s larger
facility provides a wider choice of equipment,
a bigger swimming pool, and more classes in
aerobics, karate, strength training, and yoga.
Tom and Lynda did not expect Apex to
affect their business significantly, as many
of Hercules’ members have been loyal to
the club for years Imagine Tom and Lynda’s
surprise when they lost nearly 10 percent of
their members to Apex within the first three
months! Concerned by this development, they ask you to recommend options for regaining the lost membership and improving profits.
C h a p t e r 1
Information for Decision Making
Applying the Decision FrAmework
What Is the Problem? Tom and Lynda’s primary goal is to restore Hercules’ profits to the
level earned before Apex arrived
as yoga, control the tide of tions? Should Tom and Lynda invest money to renovate the spa and steam rooms to help differen-tiate Hercules from Apex?
defec-What Are the Costs and Benefits?
Each of these options triggers many costs and generates many benefits
Make the Decision! You can only make an effective deci-sion after systematically considering
all of the costs and benefits of the various options in the context of Tom and Lynda’s goals
Trang 35As you can see in the Applying the Decision work box on the opposing page, there are many
Frame-possible strategies for you to consider With all these questions and options available, how should you sort through them to determine Hercules’
best course of action? You know other businesses routinely face similar decisions How do they manage?
In this book, we provide you with a foundation
in managerial accounting—a branch of accounting that helps you make business decisions We begin
in this chapter by describing a four-step framework that you could use to systematically structure and analyze any personal or business decision Next,
we explain how decision making in organizations differs from the decisions that we, as individuals, make in our daily lives We then introduce you to two important kinds of organizational decisions— planning decisions and control decisions—and
we discuss how organizations use managerial accounting information to make these decisions
After studying this chapter, you will be able to:
1 Describe the four-step framework for making
2 Explain how decision making in organizations
differs from decision making by individuals.
3 Understand how planning and control decisions
relate to each other.
4 Differentiate between financial accounting and
managerial accounting.
5 Discuss the role of ethics in decision making.
L e A r n I n g O B j e C T I v e s
Tom and Lynda are proud owners of a popular gym They are wondering how best to
respond to emerging competition.
Darryl Leniuk/Getty Images
Trang 36We end the chapter by examining how ethics, as well as societal and professional standards, influence decisions.
We make decisions all the time Do I have enough time for breakfast this morning before rushing off to school or work? What should I wear today? Should I major
in accounting, finance, management, or marketing? Which car should I buy? Where should I live next year? When making decisions, most of us follow a process:
we think about what we want out of the decision, identify available options,
evaluate each one, and then select the option that best meets our goals A decision,
therefore, is simply choosing one option from a set of options to achieve a goal.
As such, we can describe decision making as consisting of the following four steps: Step 1: Specify the decision problem, including the decision maker’s goals Step 2: Identify options.
Step 3: Measure benefits (advantages) and costs (disadvantages) to determine the
value (benefits reaped less costs incurred) of each option.
Step 4: Make the decision, choosing the option with the highest value.
This four-step process, the Decision Framework, applies equally to all decisions, whether
personal or business-related Only the context differs As the book unfolds, you will see the general applicability of this framework For now, let us look closer at each step.
Step 1: Specify the DeciSion problem, incluDing the DeciSion maker’S goalS
Decisions help us accomplish goals We all have goals, or objectives, that we strive to
achieve Tom and Lynda’s primary goal is to restore Hercules’ profits to the level earned before Apex arrived on the scene Thus, their decisions should help them achieve this objective Because of the intertwining of their personal lives and the club, however, Tom and Lynda’s personal goals might influence their decisions For exam- ple, reducing the membership fee carries the risk of permanently lowering income, if the lower fee does not lead to an increase in membership An unwillingness to bear this risk may steer Tom and Lynda away from this option Similarly, Tom and Lynda may not be willing to put in an extra 15 hours per week, even if doing so increases profits by $1,000 a month Ultimately, Tom and Lynda’s decisions also will depend on the relative importance they attach to other factors, such as money, risk, and leisure When determining their goals, individuals frequently differ in the factors they consider and the importance they attach to these factors For example, one musician may wish to become a pop diva, while another may wish to play only for personal enjoyment Some students attach primary importance to their grade point average (GPA), while others accept lower grades for greater involvement in extracurricular activities As you might expect, these differences in goals often lead individuals to make different choices, even when confronted with the same options Given an
LeArnIng OBjeCTIve 1
Describe the four step
framework for making
Trang 37hour of free time, one person may prefer to watch television while another might
exercise While at the food court in the mall, one person might choose pizza and
another might choose tacos.
As you can see, these examples illustrate the importance of clearly identifying goals
before making decisions Understanding the factors that influence the decision
mak-er’s goals and their relative importance is the first step in making effective decisions.
Step 2: iDentify optionS
The second step is to identify options Some decisions involve a small number of
options For example, consider a contestant’s decision on the popular TV game
show, Let’s Make a Deal! In this show, one of three doors hides a valuable prize such
as a car, while the other two doors conceal less desirable items The contestant first
chooses one of the three doors Let’s assume the contestant picks Door 1 At this
point, the game-show host opens one of the other doors (say Door 2) to reveal a less
desired prize The contestant can now switch between the door initially chosen
(Door 1) and the remaining door (Door 3) The host then opens the final door
chosen to reveal the contestant’s prize.
In this game, the contestant has two decisions: the initial choice and the follow-up
choice For both decisions, the contestant has a clear set of options; the first decision
has three options (see Exhibit 1.1), and the second decision has two options.
In contrast, many decisions have a large number of options Think about
decid-ing where to go on vacation Identifydecid-ing all potential destinations is practically
impossible In such cases, we narrow the options to a manageable number in any
number of ways, such as by placing a budget limit of $1,000 or by only considering
areas in Washington.
Business decisions frequently have numerous options For example, recall that
some of Tom and Lynda’s many options include reducing the membership fee,
offering new programs such as yoga, and renovating the spa and steam rooms For
most businesses, identifying the set of options is one of the more important tasks of
management Managers frequently distinguish themselves by their ability to identify
the most promising options Throughout the book, we help you sharpen these skills by
con-sidering many different types of business decisions, each with numerous options.
exhibit 1.1 The Three Doors on Let’s Make a Deal! Represent a Clear Set of
Options for the Decision Maker
(NBCU Photo Bank/©AP/Wide World Photos)
Trang 38Step 3: meaSure benefitS (aDvantageS) anD coStS (DiSaDvantageS) to Determine the value (benefitS reapeD leSS coStS incurreD) of each option
Every option presents a unique trade-off between benefits and costs Suppose you seek to increase profit by increasing a product’s sales, and you have identified two options to accomplish this goal: a price cut or an advertising campaign A price cut will increase sales, but each unit sold will bring in less money An advertising cam- paign also will increase sales, but it costs money to execute Which of these two options should you choose? Naturally, you will choose the option that maximizes
value, which in this case is the increase in profit.
The value of an option equals its benefits less its costs Because value is the
contri-bution of an option to the decision maker’s goals, we measure value relative to the status quo, which is not doing anything at all Even though most businesses measure value in
terms of money, or profit, value need not be a monetary amount We could measure value in terms of leisure time, convenience, or simply feeling good about ourselves As such, the value of the same option might differ among decision makers.
Suppose you need to travel from Orlando, Florida, to Atlanta, Georgia, for the wedding of a family friend You need to choose between flying and driving As Exhibit 1.2 shows, these two options differ in terms of their costs and time required Their value to your decision will rely on your goals for the trip, such as maximizing your time in Atlanta or minimizing your traveling costs.
opportunity cost
Whenever we make a decision and choose an option, we give something up For ample, if you decide to drive from Orlando to Atlanta for a wedding, you will lose the time saved by flying If you fly, you will spend money that you would have saved by driv- ing Opportunity cost is the value of what you give up by making your decision.
ex-In the Atlanta wedding example, you had only two choices, making it easy to measure value and opportunity lost Now consider an example with many options Suppose Megan, a college student, can make $50 running experiments for her biology professor this Saturday Suppose Megan also has two other options this
exhibit 1.2 Decision Makers Might Evaluate
the Costs and Benefits of the Same Two Options (e.g., Flying versus Driving) Differently If Their Goals Differ
Trang 39Saturday—working as an usher at her school’s football game and earning $75, and
working at the library and making $60 Considering only money, what is her
oppor-tunity cost for running experiments—$60 or $75? It is $75 Why is this? Because $75
is the most she stands to lose by running experiments The opportunity cost of any
decision option is the value to the decision maker of the next best option.
Businesses typically measure value and opportunity cost in terms of money, or profit
Sup-pose Tom and Lynda consider offering either yoga or karate classes at Hercules
In this case, they have three options—offering a yoga class, a karate class, or neither
class (the status quo of doing nothing) The value of offering the yoga class is the
added profit from the yoga class relative to doing nothing Likewise, the value of the
karate class is the change in profit compared to doing nothing If both classes
are profitable, then the opportunity cost of offering the yoga class is the profit from
the karate class Similarly, the opportunity cost of offering the karate class is the
profit from the yoga class.
Effective decision makers ensure that the value of the chosen decision option
exceeds its opportunity cost This comparison makes sure that they are putting their
resources to the best possible use and are maximizing their value In essence, the
concepts of value and opportunity cost emphasize that every decision involves
trad-ing off what we get with what we give up.
Step 4: make the DeciSion (chooSing
the option with the higheSt value)
The best choice is the option with the highest value to the decision maker This also is the only
option whose value exceeds its opportunity cost If your goal is to maximize time
with family and friends, flying from Orlando to Atlanta is your best option Similarly,
if Megan’s goal is to make the most money this Saturday, then working as an usher
at the football game is her best option.
Throughout the book, we use these four steps to frame and describe decisions
To underscore the process, we use a box titled Applying the Decision Framework to
solution at end of chapter.
In Chapter 2, we discuss the concepts associated with identifying
and measuring costs and benefits to determine value and
opportunity cost.
Suppose Tom and Lynda believe that offering yoga will increase Hercules’ profits
by $2,500, while offering karate will decrease Hercules’ profits by $500 Compute
the value and the opportunity cost of Tom and Lynda’s three options
check it! exercise #1
Trang 40Applying the Decision FrAmework
What Is the Problem? You need to travel from Orlando to Atlanta for a wedding, where you want to spend as much time as possible with family and friends
What Are the Options? The two options are to drive or to fly.
What Are the Costs and Benefits?
Driving is cheaper but results in less time with family and friends Flying costs more but requires less travel time
Make the Decision!
After considering all of the costs and benefits, you decide to fly so that you can maximize your time in Atlanta
show how it applies to the decision at hand For example, you can use the work to guide your decision regarding whether to drive or fly from Orlando to Atlanta.
frame-Thus far, we have examined how the four-step framework applies to individual decision making In the next section, we discuss how the framework applies to deci- sion making in organizations.
explain how decision
making in organizations
differs from decision
making by individuals.
The four-step decision-making framework applies equally well to both individual and
organizational decisions However, there are two important differences First, unlike individuals whose goals might have several factors, organizations tend to have focused goals For example, profit is the dominant goal of commercial organiza- tions As such, these organizations primarily evaluate decisions by their impact on the bottom line.
Second, because an organization is a collection of individuals, we need to think about how individual goals relate to organizational goals Organizations don’t make decisions; the people that comprise the organization do Individual goals might dif- fer from organizational goals, leading to actions that are not in the firm’s best inter- ests To see this, consider a sports team The team’s goal is to win the game However, seeking individual recognition, some players might take actions that put them in the best light even if doing so is not in the team’s best interests The lack of align- ment in goals is even more of an issue when organizational goals are unclear For an example, think back to your last team project Some members may have wanted to work hard and receive a high grade, while others may have simply wanted to pass the class.
organizational goalS
An organization is a group of individuals engaged in a collectively beneficial mission
Organizations form for many reasons Nonprofit organizations and charities such as the Red Cross and Habitat for Humanity seek to help individuals in need and improve people’s lives Professional organizations, such as the American Bar Association , serve the public and the legal profession by promoting justice, educa- tion, and professional integrity.
Decision making in organizations
LeArnIng OBjeCTIve 2