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11/23/2016 Business Communication Introduction Ch Slide Lecturers  Tran Thi Thu Giang, MBA     Faculty of Foreign Languages Room 104 Building 6B, NEU Mobile: 0912205670 Email: giangtt@neu.edu.vn  Le Thi Thu Mai, MBA     Faculty of Foreign Languages Room 104 Building 6B, NEU Mobile: 0946203410 Email: thumai510@yahoo.com Ch 0, Slide 1 11/23/2016 Detailed Schedules Ch 0, Slide Assessment Ch 0, Slide 11/23/2016 Business Communication Chapter Communicating in Today’s Workplace Ch 1, Slide Objectives of Chapter 1 Understand the importance of communication skills in relation to career success Recognize significant changes in today’s workplace and how these changes increase the need for excellent communication skills Analyze the process of communication and how to engage it effectively Recognize barriers to interpersonal communication and examine specific strategies for overcoming those barriers Ch 1, Slide 11/23/2016 Expectations of Workers in Today’s Information Age       Work with words, figures, and data Generate, process, and exchange information Think critically Make decisions Take charge of your career Continue learning all your life Ch 1, Slide Trends Affecting You in Today’s Workplace        Heightened global competition Flattened management hierarchies Expanded team-based management Innovative communication technology New work environments Increasingly diverse workforce Renewed emphasis on ethics Ch 1, Slide 11/23/2016 The Communication Process – Basic Model Noise Noise Sender has idea Noise Noise Sender encodes idea in message Noise Feedback travels to sender Noise Message travels over channel Possible additional feedback to receiver Receiver decodes message Noise Noise Ch 1, Slide Factors That Shape Understanding      Communication climate Context and setting Background, experiences Knowledge, mood Values, beliefs, culture Ch 1, Slide 10 11/23/2016 Barriers That Create Misunderstandings       Bypassing Differing frames of reference Lack of language skills Poor listening skills Emotional interference Physical distractions Ch 1, Slide 11 Overcoming Barriers That Cause Misunderstandings      Realize that communication is imperfect Adapt the message to the receiver Improve your language and listening skills Question your preconceptions Encourage feedback Ch 1, Slide 12 11/23/2016 Organizational Communication  Functions  Internal  External  New emphasis  Interactive  Mobile  Instant  Forms  Oral  Written  Delivery  Electronic  Hard copy Ch 1, Slide 13 Communication and Formal Channels  Written channels      Memos, letters Annual report Company newsletter Bulletin board postings Orientation manual Ch 1, Slide 14 11/23/2016 Communication and Formal Channels  Oral channels     Telephone Face-to-face conversation Company meetings Team meetings Ch 1, Slide 15 Communication and Formal Channels  Electronic channels          E-mail Instant/text messaging Voicemail Videoconferencing Blogging Social networks Wikis Microblogging Web chat Ch 1, Slide 16 11/23/2016 Formal Channels of Information Flow Managers Supervisors Policies Procedures Directives Goals and Motivation Flows from decision makers to workers Subordinates Ch 1, Slide 17 Formal Channels of Information Flow Managers Supervisors Feedback Progress Problems Suggestions Flows from employees to decision makers Subordinates Ch 1, Slide 18 11/23/2016 Formal Channels of Information Flow Coworkers Coworkers Task coordination, problem solving, conflict resolution, idea generation, team building, goals clarification Flows among workers at the same level Ch 1, Slide 19 Obstacles to the Flow of Organizational Information         Lack of trust, turf wars, fear of reprisal Uneven reward systems Closed communication climate Little official communication Top-heavy organizational structure Long lines of communication Filtering, prejudice, ego involvement Poor communication skills Ch 1, Slide 20 10 11/23/2016 Purposes of Interviews 365 Types of Interviews Type of Goal of Interview Interview Method of Conducting Examples of This Interview Type of Interview Screening Weed out unqualified candidates Telephone (usually) Second Life, an online virtual community, to hold virtual job fairs and to screen job applicants Hiring/ Placement Learn whether a candidate is a good fit for the organization •In-person •Online (often using webcams) •One-on-one •Panel •Group •Sequential •Stress 366 183 11/23/2016 Before the Interview  Ensuring professional phone techniques     Invest in a reliable voice mail phone or service Train people who might answer your phone Beware of answering cell calls when unprepared Make the first conversation impressive 367 Before the Interview Do your homework  Researching the target company  Know the leaders, company products, finances, goals, competition, accomplishments, setbacks  Interview employees, if possible Consult relevant blogs  Join the company’s Facebook page, and start following the company on Twitter 368 184 11/23/2016 Before the Interview  Preparing and practicing  Study the job description How your skills and accomplishments fit the position?  Practice answers to typical interview questions Make your best responses automatic  Rehearse success stories  Prepare thoroughly 369 Before the Interview  Preparing and practicing       Record a practice session Clean up any digital dirt Expect to explain problem areas on your résumé Decide how to dress professionally Cover tattoos and conceal body piercings Gather what you will bring with you 370 185 11/23/2016 Traveling to and Arriving at Your Interview  Allow plenty of time to groom and to travel to your appointment  Be courteous to everyone when you arrive  Greet the interviewer confidently 371 During the Interview  Sending positive nonverbal messages  Control your body movements  Exhibit good posture  Make frequent eye contact but don’t get into a staring contest  Use gestures effectively 372 186 11/23/2016 During the Interview  Sending positive nonverbal messages  Smile enough to convey a positive attitude  Listen attentively  Turn off your cell phone  Don’t chew gum 373 During the Interview  Sending positive nonverbal messages  Sound enthusiastic and interested – but sincere  Avoid “empty” words – um, uh, like, basically 374 187 11/23/2016 During the Interview  Fighting fear  Practice interviewing as much as you can, particularly with real companies  Know how you will answer the most frequently asked questions  Be ready with your success stories 375 During the Interview  Fighting fear  Take deep breaths, particularly before the interview  Know that you are not alone Everyone feels anxiety during a job interview  Remember that interviewing is a two-way street You are evaluating the interviewer and his or her organization This thought should give you confidence 376 188 11/23/2016 During the Interview  Projecting a professional demeanor  Answer questions confidently  Clarify vague questions: By _, you mean _?  Focus on your strengths; not reveal weaknesses  Use correct English and enunciate clearly 377 Kinds of Interview Questions  Questions to get acquainted  Tell me about yourself  What are your greatest strengths?  Questions to gauge your interest  Why you want to work for this company?  Why are you interested in this position? 378 189 11/23/2016 Kinds of Interview Questions  Questions about your experience and accomplishments  Why should we hire you when we have applicants with more experience or better credentials?  How your qualifications and experience prepare you for this position? 379 Kinds of Interview Questions  Questions about the future  Where you expect to be five years from now?  If we hired you, what would you to fit in?  Challenging questions  What is your greatest weakness?  How would your former supervisor describe you as an employee? 380 190 11/23/2016 Kinds of Interview Questions  Questions about salary  How much money are you looking for?  How much you think you’re worth?  Situational questions  If you were aware that a coworker was falsifying data, what would you do?  If you had to handle an irate customer, what would you do? 381 Kinds of Interview Questions  Behavioral questions  Tell me about a time when you solved a difficult problem  Describe a time when you worked successfully as part of a team 382 191 11/23/2016 Kinds of Interview Questions  Illegal and inappropriate questions        What is your marital status? Do you have any disabilities? How old are you? Where are you from? Have you ever been arrested? Do you have children? How much you weigh? 383 Using the STAR Method to Answer Behavioral Interview Questions  Behavioral interview questions may begin with Tell me about a time when you Tell me how you handled a difficult situation… Tell me about how you made a difference  To answer effectively, use the S T A R method: S What was the Situation? T What was the Task? A What Action did you take? R What was the Result? 384 192 11/23/2016 Using the STAR Method to Answer Behavioral Interview Questions I was in charge of supplying widgets to a long history customer of the company Production was unaffected by the supplier’s inability I did some to meet my research and found order timeline, I was asked to three other we saved money supply 1,000 companies that because the widgets to produced the alternate supplier production by widget I called all was eager to Thursday but the three and supplier said they negotiated a price have our business, and my were out of and delivery widgets and would schedule that met boss was ecstatic not be able to our requirements deliver until the following Wednesday 385 Closing the Interview  Asking your own questions  What will my duties be?  What is it like working here, in terms of the people, management practices, workloads, expected performance, and rewards?  What training programs does this organization offer?  Who would be my immediate supervisor?  What is the organizational structure, and where does this position fit in? 386 193 11/23/2016 Closing the Interview  Asking your own questions  What is the first problem that needs the attention of the person you hire?  How will my job performance be evaluated?  What you like best about working for this organization?  When will I hear from you regarding my application? 387 Closing the Interview  Ending positively  Stand up and shake hands when the interviewer signals the end of the interview  Find out what action will follow  Ask, When can I expect to hear from you? 388 194 11/23/2016 Closing the Interview  Ending positively  After his or her reply, say, If I don’t hear from you by then, may I call you?  Thank the interviewer  Say goodbye to the receptionist 389 After the Interview  Make notes on the interview as soon as you leave  Alert your references that they might receive a call 390 195 11/23/2016 After the Interview  Write a thank-you letter to the interviewer Remind the interviewer of your visit Show that you really want the job and that you are qualified for it  Call if you don’t hear from the interviewer within the specified time By John S Donnellan 391 Typical Applicant Evaluation Form 392 196 11/23/2016 Typical Applicant Evaluation Form 393 Overview of Topics in This Chapter Purposes and Types of Interviews Before the Interview During the Interview Kinds of Interview Questions Closing the Interview After the Interview 394 197

Ngày đăng: 22/01/2017, 11:58

