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Tổng hợp đề speaking IELTS quý 1 2017 update 16 jan

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1 Collected by Tran Hieu Minh List đề Speaking quý 1/2017 Update 16 Jan 2016 Hướng dẫn sử dụng Bài thi Speaking gồm phần: part 1,  Part 1: khoảng topics Trong topic chắn Hometown Work/Studies 2-3 topics lại giám khảo chọn  Part 2: topic + follow-up question  Part 3: (thường là) topic có liên quan đến topic part Các bạn cần nắm rõ quy tắc để ôn theo mạch Ví dụ Part đề “Describe a time that you were busy” part khả cao rơi vào topic Stress Ôn theo chùm topic giúp bạn tư chuẩn bị hiệu Các câu hỏi tài liệu tổng hợp từ nguồn:  Câu hỏi bạn thí sinh thông báo (được đánh dấu (*) part + tất topic part 2) Các câu hỏi chắn xuất list đề quý 1, phần wording khác so với câu hỏi thật dựa vào trí nhớ bạn thí sinh  Câu hỏi lại tổng hợp nguồn mạng người tổng hợp tự bịa =)) Mục đích để gia tăng số lượng câu hỏi theo topic cho bạn ôn Có thể không xuất phần thi thật nguồn tham khảo tốt List đề chưa đầy đủ, tiếp tục cập nhật theo tiến độ thực tế Các bạn lưu ý xem phần tiêu đề “Update …” để nắm thời điểm câp nhật Mọi vấn đề, thắc mắc xin liên hệ với bạn tổng hợp (là tớ), qua email: tranhieuminh.mac@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tranhm Chúc bạn ôn thi tốt nhé! Collected by Tran Hieu Minh PART 1 Topic: Home  (*) Do you live in a house or apartment?  (*) What can you see from your window?  Do you live in the same house as you did when you were a child?  Would you say it is a comfortable place to live?  Is there any change you want to make to your home?  (*) Would you like to move to another place?  Would you prefer a big house or small one?  Do you have a garden at home?  Do you get along well with neighbors?  (*) Which you prefer: having someone visit your house or visit your friends’ houses?  (*) What you when visiting your friend’s house?  (*) Do you like meeting outside or at home? Why? Topic: Work/Studies  (*) Are you a student or a worker now?  (*) What is your job?  Is it a popular job in your country?  (*) What you often after work?  Which you prefer: working alone and working with other people?  Do you get on well with your colleagues?  Do you plan to continue your work in the future?  What is your favorite subject at school?  What are the best things about your school?  Do you prefer to study alone or with others?  When you need to study, where you go?  How you feel if someone disturbs you when you are studying? Topic: Hometown  Where are you from?  Do you like your hometown?  Do you often visit your hometown?  What is the oldest place in your hometown?  Do you think your hometown is a good place for young people?  Is there good public transport system in your hometown?  How could your hometown be improved? Topic: Robots Collected by Tran Hieu Minh      (*) Are you interested in robots? Did you receive a robot as a gift when you were a child? (*) Do you like robots to help you at your home? (*) Do you like being on a car driven by robots? (*) Did you watch any robot movie when you were young? Topic: Mirrors  (*) Do you often look in the mirror?  Do you often buy mirrors?  (*) Have you ever bought a mirror?  (*) Where you put mirrors in your home?  (*) Do you think mirrors are an important decoration?  (*) Do you ever buying clothes without looking at yourself in the mirror? Topic: Terrorism (ahuhu khó giời =))  Have you ever heard of terrorism?  Do you think it is the biggest problem in the world today? Topic: Watches  Do you often wear a watch?  What kind of watches are popular in your country?  Do people often give others a watch as a present? Topic: Celebrity  Who is your favorite celebrity in your country?  Do you like any foreign celebrities?  Would you like to be a celebrity? Why? Topic: Holiday  (*) Do you like holiday?  (*) Do you prefer staying at home or going out during holiday?  (*) How many days are enough for you to spend your holiday? Why? 10 Topic: Chocolate  How often you eat chocolate?  What’s your favorite flavor?  Is chocolate expensive in Vietnam?  When was the first time you ate chocolate?  Is chocolate popular in Vietnam?  (*) Do you like receiving chocolate as a gift?  (*) When people in your country give chocolate to each other? Collected by Tran Hieu Minh 11 Topic: Color  What’s your favorite color?  Do you think colors are important?  (*) Do you think colors affect people’s emotions?  Are there any color that has a special meaning in your country? 12 Topic: Shoes  (*) What types of shoes you usually wear?  (*) Which shoes you prefer: comfortable or good-looking shoes?  (*) Do you need to spend a lot of money on shoes?  (*) Do some people own too many shoes?  Have you ever received a pair of shoes as a gift? 13 Topic: Music  Do you like music?  What kind of music you often listen to?  Has the music you listen to changed since you were young?  (*) Do you play any musical instrument?  Should children be taught to play musical instruments? 14 Topic: Housework  Do you like doing housework?  In your home, who does most of the housework?  What housework you like to do?  Did your parents ask you to any houswork when you were a child?  Do you think children should some housework? 15 Topic: Television  Do you like watching TV?  How much time you spend watching TV?  When you usually watch TV  What types of TV programs you like watching?  What types of TV programs are popular in your country? 16 Topic: Public transport  Do you usually use public transport?  What type of public transport can be found in your city?  Would you like to change anything about the public transport in your city? 17 Topic: Dreams  (*) Do you usually remember your dreams after you wake? Collected by Tran Hieu Minh   (*) Do you believe that dreams have meanings? (*) Do you like to listen about people’s dreams? Collected by Tran Hieu Minh PART [new] Describe an occasion when you experienced a good service in a store or in a restaurant You should say:  When it happened  Where it happened  What the service was  And explain why you think it was a good service [new] Describe a time when you forgot an appointment You should say:  When the appointment was  Who you should have met  Where it was  And explain why you forgot it [new] Describe a time when you couldn’t or were not allowed to use your mobile phone You should say:  When it was  What you did  Why you couldn’t or were not allowed to use your mobile phone  And explain what you felt about it Describe a time that you were busy You should say:  When it was  What you were busy with  Why you were busy  And explain what you felt Follow up question: Is your life always busy now? Describe a time when you saw a wild animal You should say:  What animal it was  Where you saw it  What happened when you saw it  Explain why you thought it was interesting [new] Describe an interesting house or apartment that you visited 7 Collected by Tran Hieu Minh You should say:  where it was  when you visited  why you visited  and explain why you think it was interesting [new] Describe a place where you learned about a new culture You should say:  What the place was  Why you went there  What you learned  And explain why you enjoyed learning about this culture [new] Describe a café that you visited You should say:  Where it is  Why you went there  What you ate or drank  And explain why you liked or disliked it [new] Describe a difficult activity that you took part in You should say:  When it was  What the activity was  Who you joined with  And explain why it was difficult 10 Describe a famous person that you’re interested in You should say:  Who he or she is  Why he or she is famous  When you first heard about him or her  And explain why you are interested in him or her 11 Describe an international company that you would like to work for You should say:  What the company is called  How did you know this company  What business this company does  And explain why you want to work for this company 12 [new] Describe the type of weather you like the most 8 Collected by Tran Hieu Minh You should say:  What it is  When it often happens  Whether it is common in where you live  And explain why you like it 13 [new] Describe an enjoyable day that you spent in the countryside You should say:  Where it was  When it was  What you did  And explain why it was enjoyable 14 [new] Describe an occasion that you spent time with a child You should say:  When it was  Who you spent time with  What you did  And whether you liked it 15 Describe an interesting book that you read You should say:  What it is  When you read it  What the book is about  And explain why you think it is interesting 16 Describe a special meal that you would like to have You should say:  What kind of meal it is  Who you would like to eat it with  Why it is special  And explain why you would like to eat it Collected by Tran Hieu Minh PART      Topic: Shopping (*) Nowadays, people prefer to shop in big stores or in small stores? (*) When customers have difficulties, who would they ask for help in store? (*) How can customers be helped? What should people when they get bad services? What are the qualities of a good service?    Topic: Remembering things (*) What should people to help them remember things? (*) In which ways people can remember their ancestors? (*) If we can remember our ancestors, what can we learn from them? Topic: Mobile phones  (*) Are using the mobile phone much good for people?  (*) What are the differences in the purposes when old and young people use their mobile phones?      Topic: Hobbies (*) Should young people participate in dangerous activities such as mountain climbing? Why are there some people who like joining dangerious activities? Is it harmful to spend too much time on a hobby? Do you think it’s important for people to have hobbies? Can hobby have any negative effects?         Topic: Stress (*) Do you think children in your country are facing too much stress at school? (*) Is it better to teach children in class or by playing outside? (*) Do children in your country need to have more holidays? (*) Why parents want their children to learn as much as possible? (*) What are the advantages of having many tasks to at the same times? (*) How does the time affect your work process? (*) How can employers reward their staff for their extra hours working? (*) How does the extra hours working affect family life?     Topic: Celebrities (*) In your opinion, what kinds of people can become famous? (*) Should celebrities let their private lives be known? How you think people will become famous in the future? Do you think celebrities should appear in advertisments? 10 Collected by Tran Hieu Minh   What are the good things about being famous? Why you think ordinary people are interested in the lives of famous people?      Topic: Science (*) Why children tend to dislike learning science subjects? Are there any ways to encourage people to learn science subjects? Do you think men and women view technological devices differently? Why you think people spend much money on buying the latest devices? What modern technological devices are most popular in your country?     Topic: Weather (*) Are there any differences in the weather in different parts of Vietnam? (*) Do you think that weather affects how we feel? Is there anything we can to prepare for bad weather? Why people live in places where the weather can sometimes be bad?     Topic: The countryside & cities (*) How has the countryside changed now compared to the past? (*) Why we have to protect the countryside? (*) Do you think people will want to live in the countryside in the future? (*) Why some people like to live in the city? 10 Topic: Café & restaurant  (*) What are the differences between a café and a restaurant?  (*) What type of people prefer to go to cafés?  (*) Is a café a great place to meet friends?  (*) Are there any problems if people spend much time at cafés? 11 Topic: Reading  (*) What are the differences between reading books and listening to audio books?  (*) Is reading different between now and the past?  Do you believe everything you read on newspaper?  Do you think physical libraries will be replaced by online libraries in the future?  Why people like reading bad news? 12 Topic: Eating habits  How have eating habits of people in your country changed now compared to the past?  How can children be taught about healthy eating habits?  Is educating children about healthy eating habits the responsibility of parents or schools?  How may eating habits change in the future? ... you liked it 15 Describe an interesting book that you read You should say:  What it is  When you read it  What the book is about  And explain why you think it is interesting 16 Describe a... that has a special meaning in your country? 12 Topic: Shoes  (*) What types of shoes you usually wear?  (*) Which shoes you prefer: comfortable or good-looking shoes?  (*) Do you need to spend... types of TV programs you like watching?  What types of TV programs are popular in your country? 16 Topic: Public transport  Do you usually use public transport?  What type of public transport

Ngày đăng: 16/01/2017, 15:09

Xem thêm: Tổng hợp đề speaking IELTS quý 1 2017 update 16 jan



