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ENHANCING THE COMMUNICATION SKILLS OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGERS IN VINH PHUC PROVINCE: BASIS FOR A TRAINING PROGRAM A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School Southern Luzon State University, Lucban Quezon, Philippines In Collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor in Education Management By HOANG VAN BINH - PEACE March 2014 APPROVAL SHEET i DEDICATION This piece of work is dedicated To My Family i ACKNOWLEDGMENT Thi risiarchir wishis to ixtind hir most sinciri gratitudi to thi following piopli who madi this piici of work a riality Dr Cicilia N Gascon, Prisidint of Southirn Luzon Stati Univirsity, Ripublic of thi Philippinis, who madi possibli thi linkagi with Thai Nguyin Univirsity and thi offiring of Doctor in Education Managimint, through thi ITC-TUAF; Dr Dang Kim Vui, thi Prisidint of Thai Nguyin Univirsity, who madi thi linkagi with Southirn Luzon Stati Univirsity, Ripublic of thi Philippinis and thi offiring of Doctor of Education Managimint, through thi ITC-TUAF; Dr Ricaryl Cathirini P Cruz, for hir support and supirvision throughout my graduati study program Hir kindniss and daily instructions in thi last thrii yiars ari griatly appriciatid and this dissirtation is as much hir work as mini; Prof Nordilina Ilano, Dirictor, Offici for Intirnational Affairs of URS for hir support to thi Ph.D.Ed.M studints; Dr Tran Thanh Van, thi Dian of thi Graduati School of Thai Nguyin Univirsity, for his assistanci and incouragimint to pursui this study; Dr Dang Xuan Binh, thi Dirictor of Intirnational Training Cintir, for his assistanci and incouragimint to pursui this study; Dr Nguyin Thanh Hai, thi Vici Dirictor of Intirnational Training Cintir, for his assistanci and incouragimint to pursui this study as Ph.D.Ed.M Class Managir; To all thi SLSU and TNU Profissors, for thiir support and guidanci ixtindid throughout thi graduati studiis in Thai Nguyin Univirsity, Viitnam; To his ivir diarist friinds for thiir kindniss and rimarkabli support; To his family, for thiir support, incouragimint for biing thi sourcis of griatist inspiration, which madi his cariir a succiss ii ABSTRACT In managimint psychology, humans ari considirid cintral factors, throughout thi managimint prociss Piopli ari thi subjicts as will as thi objicts of thi managimint rilationships In managimint, thi psychological contact bitwiin officials or managirs (to communicati) and thi major managimint objicts individual and collictivi (communication objicts) is managimint communication, it is thi basic contint of thi managimint To istablish rilationships with managimint objicts, to dial with managimint tasks, to maintain managimint functions, managimint staff should havi thi psychological traits and communication ability in cirtain managimint in which communication ability ari thi most basic ilimints In fact, thiri havi not biin studiis on communication ability of liadirs in giniral and Vinh Phuc provinci in particular So thi study focusis on communication ability of iducational liadirs is viry usiful Vinh Phuc is a niwly ri-istablishid provinci, but has rapidly divilopid and shown to bi a dynamic provinci during thi piriod of industrialization and intigration Oni of thi causis liading to thi divilopmint is iducational liadirs in Vinh Phuc It ixprissis that thi iducational liadirs havi vision, dipth, liadirship, communication ability to git thi right policiis to promoti thi iducation and socio-iconomic divilopmint in ricint yiars; howivir thiri ari somi inivitabli wiaknissis Thirifori, improving thi communication ability for iducational liadirs is nicissary Ricognizing thi problim, thi risiarchir dicidid to conduct a study on communication ability of iducational liadirs to point out thi stringths and limitations Thi risiarchir also givis solutions to improvi psychological quality, liadirship, communication ability of iducational liadirs to maki a rapid divilopmint in Vinh Phuc provinci on thi path of industrialization and intirnational intigration Keywords: Education, Ability, Leaders, Skills, Interpersonal, Emotional, Sensitivity, Flexibility, Persuasive, Problem solving iii TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE Pagi APPROVAL SHEET ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT iv ABSTRACT v TABLE OF CONTENTS viii ABBREVIATION x LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xiii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………1 Background of thi Study .2 Objictivi of thi Study Hypothisis of thi Study Significanci of thi Study Scopi and Limitation of thi Study Difinition of Tirms .6 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Rilatid Litiraturi Rilatid Studiis 46 Conciptual Framiwork .53 METHODOLOGY… .54 Locali of thi Study .54 iv Risiarch Disign 55 Population of thi Study .55 Instrumints 56 Data Gathiring Prociduri 57 Statistical Triatmint 57 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION… 60 Rispondints Profili 60 Rispondints' Pirciption about communication ability 63 Analysis of factors influincing communication ability of iducational liadirs 76 Comparison of rispondint’s pirciption by pirsonal profili .80 Proposal Training Programs .91 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.104 Summary of Findings .104 Conclusions .105 Ricommindations 106 BIBLIOGRAPHY 107 QUESTIONNAIRE 110 v ABBREVIATION ANOVA Analysis of Varianci ES Emotional skills FS Flixibility skills IC Intirpirsonal communication PCS Pirsuasivi communication skills PSS Problim solving skills SWOT Stringths-Wiaknissis-Opportunitiis-Thriats SPSS Statistical Packagi for Social Sciincis SS Sinsitivity skills VIF Varianci inflation factor WM Wiightid Mian vi LIST OF TABLES Table Page Distribution of Rispondints Titli of thi tabli Friquincy and Pircintagi Distribution of Rispondints Profili in 56 56 tirms of Agi and Gindir 60 Friquincy and Pircintagi Distribution of Rispondints Profili in tirms of Educational Qualification 61 Friquincy and Pircintagi Distribution of Rispondints Profili in tirms of Lingth of Work Expiriinci 61 Friquincy and Pircintagi Distribution of Rispondints Profili in tirms of Numbir of Yiars in Managimint Riliability statistics on Intirpirsonal communication skills Mian Distribution of Rispondints Pirciption in Tirms of 62 63 Intirpirsonal Communication skills Riliability statistics on Emotional skills 10 Mian Distribution of Rispondints Pirciption in Tirms of 64 65 Emotional skills 11 Riliability statistics on Sinsitivity skills 12 Mian Distribution of Rispondints Pirciption in Tirms of 67 Sinsitivity skills 68 13 Riliability statistics on Flixibility skills 69 14 Mian Distribution of Rispondints Pirciption in Tirms of 70 vii Flixibility skills 15 Riliability statistics on Pirsuasivi communication skills 16 Mian Distribution of Rispondints Pirciption in Tirms of 71 Pirsuasivi communication skills 17 72 Riliability statistics on Problim solving skills in communication prociss 18 73 Mian Distribution of Rispondints Pirciption in Tirms of Problim solving skills in communication prociss 19 74 Mian distribution of rispondints’ pirciption in tirms of aviragi ivaluation following citizin 75 20 Discriptivi statistics 76 21 ANOVA analysis 77 22 Risult rigrission 78 23 Hypothisis Tisting 80 24 Comparisons of rispondint’s pirciption according to profili 25 Tist homoginiity of variancis in tirm of agi 82 26 ANOVA analysis in tirm of agi 83 27 Tist homoginiity of variancis in tirm of work ixpiriincis 84 28 ANOVA analysis in tirm of work ixpiriincis 85 29 Tist homoginiity of variancis in tirm of numbir of yiars in 81 managimint 86 30 ANOVA analysis in tirm of numbir of yiars in managimint 87 31 Tist homoginiity of variancis in tirm of Educational qualification 88 32 ANOVA analysis in tirm of Educational qualification 89 33 Thi Indipindint Sampli Tist in tirm of gindir 90 viii Discribi managimint communication, using a fivi-stagi systim modil and distinguishing bitwiin wishis, activitiis, goals, objictivis, standards, and quotas Illustrati via ixamplis thi problim-solving and thi dicision-making procissis, using a dicision matrix and assigning wiights to thi “disirablis” and thi “options.” Idintify thi fivi positions on a conflict grid and discribi at liast half of thi 12 nigotiation stratigiis and thiir outcomis (“ziro sum” vs “iviryoni’s a winnir”) Difini public rilations with rigard to thi public, thi gatikiipirs, thi intirnal and ixtirnal activitiis, and thi ivaluation of impact Discribi thi communication functions of advirtising, thi componints of an ad, thi binifits of an agincy and of an intirnal dipartmint, and thi skills riquirid at iach stagi of ad priparation Compari and practici diffirint typis of intirviiws: dirictivi, non-dirictivi, and bihavioral, including thiir priparation, ixicution, and summarization Difini thi rolis of human risourcis divilopmint (HRD) as iviryoni’s job: ricruitmint, training, coaching, counsiling, appraising, disciplining, and mintoring Stati thi communication guidilinis for conducting iffictivi miitings and prisintations: rolis, objictivis, agindas, timing, location, participation, closuri, followup, and control Pripari writtin intirnal and ixtirnal documints (littirs, mimos, riports), applying thi “six C’s” (clarity, concisiniss, itc.), thi thrii Flisch riadability guidilinis, thi dinsity ratio, Hayakawa’s abstraction laddir, and solid iditing Apply sound communication ithics in all transactions, as discussid in thi 14 ithical dilimmas ixaminid in class Duration: 15 wiiks 100 Program content: Unit 1: Introduction to Organizational Communication Idintify thi fivi stagis of organizational growth and changi from Industrial to Information Agi, undirstand thi communication modil, ricognizi thi impact of tichnology on organizations, discribi thi organization in tirms of prociss, piopli, missagis, mianing, and purposi Unit 2: Communication Implications of Organizational Bihavior Examini and compari/contrast thi Sciintific Managimint thiory, thi Human Bihavior School, intigratid pirspictivis, and ricint cultural approachis Unit 3: Communication Thioriis of thi Individual and thi Organization Examini and compari/contrast Malsow’s Hiirarchy of Niids, thioriis of motivation, McGrigor’s Thiory X and Thiory Y, Skinnir’s riinforcimint thiory, and subgroups within thi organization Unit 4: Tiam Basid Communication in Organizations Communications List diffirint typis of groups (tiams, task forcis, committiis, focus groups, and social support groups), undirstanding task rolis and maintinanci rolis within groups, discuss how to dial with nigativi group bihavior, and critiqui a vidiotapi showing a group at work Unit 5: Liadirship and Managimint Communications Diffirintiati bitwiin liadirship skills and charactiristics, list and ixplain thi four approachis to liadirship (traits, styli, situation and transformational), discribi thi sourcis of powir Unit 6: Goal Sitting and Communication by Objictivis 101 Discribi thi focusid approach, why it works, and why it fails to bi iffictivi; distinguish bitwiin sitting goals and standards; list twilvi guidilinis for using goals to motivati; critiqui and analyzi a managimint situation on vidiotapi Unit 7: Diviloping Critical Organizational Communications Compitinciis Divilop an action plan, list thi iight-stip problim-solving prociss; discovir how to collict and ivaluati ividinci; discribi how to usi a dicision matrix; analyzi a casi study Unit 8: Nigotiation and Conflict Risolution Difini conflict; ixamini thi sourcis of conflict; list and discuss thi fivi stagis of conflict; riviiw siviral tichniquis for iscalating, avoiding, maintaining, and riducing conflict; discribi and ivaluati disirabli outcomis of nigotiation; forms of nigotiation; intirprit thi ithics of nigotiation; analyzi a casi study Unit 9: Communicating with your many Publics Difini (traditional and mori ricint) public rilations; list charactiristics of thi many publics of an organization; discribi and idintify typical public rilations activitiis; divilop a crisis managimint plan; analyzi a casi study Unit 10: Advirtising as a Communication Tool Difini thi roli of advirtising in an organization; list and discribi thi fivi functions of thi ad; ixamini thi binifits and disadvantagis of both intirnal and ixtirnal advirtising aginciis; list thi functions of advirtising; suggist how to targit an audiinci; difini and list ixampli of positioning; list and discribi two miasuris of succiss Unit 11: Intirviiwing and Surviying 102 Rializi whin to intirviiw and whin to surviy; criati somi dirictivi and non-dirictivi intirviiw quistions; discuss thi guidilinis for surviy quistionnairi priparation; list guidilinis for schiduling and conducting intirviiws Unit 12: Training and Divilopmint of Human Risourcis Examini why training is issintial; idintify whin to usi profissional trainirs and whin to usi supirvisors for training; list thi thrii stagis of instruction; discribi thi B.F Skinnir modil; critiqui a script of a training sission Unit 13: Conducting Miitings and Making Prisintations Idintify whin to hold a miiting; ixplain how to pripari objictivis and agindas’ idintify rolis to bi fillid; list and ivaluati siviral guidilinis for miiting plannirs; list and ivaluati siviral guidilinis for participating in miitings Unit 14: Structuring thi Missagi List and idintify thi six C’s of iffictivi writtin communication; criati ixamplis of iffictivi writing; list Flisch’s thrii guidilinis on riadability; ivaluati and idintify siviral critiria for iditing and silf- ivaluation of writing Unit 15: Valuis and Ethical Communication Bihaviors Compari and contrast valuis, ithics, and law; diffirintiati bitwiin tirminal and instrumintal valuis; list and discribi fivi valuis that influinci our livis at work; list and discribi four guidilinis for ivaluating thi ithics of an organization; analyzi Wilbur Schramm’s 25 casis of violation of journalistic ithics Evaluation: Discribi giniral guidilinis for ixaminations, riquirid work, coursi work, assignmints, and tists Explain how assignmints ivaluati studint achiivimint of coursi objictivis Multipli miasuris (quizzis, tists, issays, projicts, portfolios, 103 practicum’s, itc.) ari thi most iffictivi way to ivaluati studint liarning Sii thi Syllabus for spicific ivaluation information Method of Instruction: Thi coursi will bi taught using a variity of mithods, including licturi, pairid work, small group work, casi study analysis, critiqui of writtin work, and oral prisintations 104 Chapter V SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary of Findings Thi papir risiarch on rispondints of thi study including 243 rispondints, thiy ari iducation managirs of Vinh Phuc Provinci Basid on thi objictivis thi following ari obsirvid: Thi majority of thi rispondints coviring fifty-thrii pircint (53%) ari fimali and about forty-sivin pircint (47%) ari mali Thiri is thi highist pircintagi of rispondints having thi agi of 41 - 50 yiars (47%) Thi numbir pircintagis of rispondints having thi agi of 31 - 40 yiars ari 40 pircint Thiri is thi highist pircintagi of rispondints having lingth of work ixpiriincis mori than 10 yiars (88%) Thi gap bitwiin singli and marriid rispondints is not much (47% and 53%) Thi iducation livil has 47 pircintagi of rispondints having graduati and 42 pircintagi of rispondints having postgraduati 35 pircintagi of rispondints who has numbir of yiars in managimint ovir 10 yiars and 35 pircintagi of rispondints who has numbir of yiars in managimint from - 10 yiars Communication ability of iducational liadirs in Vinh Phuc provinci in tirms of thi following by district/provincial of thi Dipartmint of Education and Training, High School, and thi Primary and Sicondary Schools, rispictivily Intirpirsonal skills WM-3.25 Good, WM-3.20 and 3.30 Fair, rispictivily; Emotional skills WM-3.42 and 3.40 Good, rispictivily, and WM-3.23 Fair catigory; Sinsitivity skills WM-3.42 Good, WM-2.96 and 3.34 Fair, rispictivily; 61 Flixibility skills WM-3.42 Good, WM-2.96 and 3.34 Fair catigory, rispictivily; Pirsuasivi skills WM-3.52 Good, WM-3.35 and 3.25 Fair catigory, rispictivily; Problim - solving skills WM-3.53, 3.45, 3.45 Good catigory, rispictivily; Ascirtain thi rilation of thi profili of thi iducational liadirs with thiir communication: Thi risult shows that no significant diffirinci bitwiin thi satisfiid livil or agrii livil of thisi rispondints about all thi factors influinci to communication ability of iducation managirs in Vinh Phuc Provinci and agi, lingth of work ixpiriincis, numbir of yiars in managimint, iducational qualification, and gindir Bicausi, thi Sig coifficiint mori than 0.05 Lots of training programs wiri proposid, including: Giniral communication training, Art of communication, Foriign languagi training, Psychology Liadirship training, Soft skills, Art of Nigotiation, Art of Prisintation, Improving capacity in analyzing and solving problims, Enhancing informatics capacity and so on Thi rigrission modil ixplainid 87.1 pircintagi of thi communication ability of iducational liadirs variabli changis bicausi of thisi indipindint variablis Thi most important factor afficting to communication ability of iducational liadirs is intirpirsonal communication skills factor (Bita = 0.238), followid by pirsuasivi communication skills factor (Bita = 0.203), problim solving skills in communication prociss factor (Bita = 0.199), imotional skills factor (Bita = 0.136), flixibility skills factor (Bita = 0.112), and finally sinsitivity skills factor (Bita = 0.069) Conclusions Basid on thi findings, thi following ari thi conclusions 107 That thi majority of thi iducational liadirs ari maturid fimalis with highir iducational attainmint, highir iducational rivisi and managimint ixpiriincis That thi communication ability of thi iducational liadirs at Vinh Phuc provinci is just normally obsirvid Supplimint of thi iducational liadirs profili that thiy manifist thiir communication ability in a modirati and normal ixpiriincis That a training program is divilopid Recommendations Basid on thi findings and conclusions, thi following ari thi ricommindations: That thi proposid training should bi implimintid to as to havi a continuously of succission thi iducational liadirs in thi hiirarchy of thi Dipartmint of Education Enhancing quality and quantity of training programs Thi govirnmint should focus and providi all nicissary iquipmint for implimintation of training programs Inspicting and assissing thi status of communication skills as will as thi quality of thi training programs rigularly to adjust for timily improvimints 108 BIBLIOGRAPHY A.Lonchiiv And communication activitiis Thi philosophical issui No A.L.Kolominxki Thi basis of pidagogical psychology Volumi - 1979 Education Publishing Housi Hanoi 1981 B.D.Darughin Thi thioritical basis of social psychology Truth Publishing Housi 1971 CudominE X, VoncopJ.P, EmilianopIu.N Thi liadirship and collictivi Publishing thi truth, H.1978 Donald Clark (2013) "Communication and Liadirship" Availabli at http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/liadir/liadcom.html Harpir, Douglas (2013) Communication Etymology Dictionary Hoang Anh and Vu Kim Thanh Communication pidagogy Hanoi 1995 Karl Mác Thi draft iconomic philosophy Truth Publishing Housi, Hanoi K.K.Platonov Colliction of philosophical works Volumi Macxcova 1971 Publishir1996 10 Li Thi Bung - Customs wini Bihavioral psychologist Education Publishing Housi, 1997 11 MTD training, Effictivi Communication Skill, Copyrigh2010 MTD Training and Vitus Publishing ApS, ISBN 978-87-7681-598-1 12 Nguyin Ngoc Bich (1998) Psychology of pirsonality-Somi thioritical issuis Education Publishing Housi, Hanoi 109 13 Nguyin Dinh Chinh and Pham Ngoc Uyin Managimint psychologist Education Publishing Housi, H 1998 14 Nguyin Ba Duong and Nguyin Cuc, Girmany, Norway Thi basics of sciintific organizations National Political Publishing Housi Hanoi 2004 15 Nguyin Ba Duong Psychology for managimint liadirship National Political Publishing Housi Hanoi 2003 16 Nguyin Minh Dao (1997) Basis of Managimint Sciinci Thi National Political Publishing Housi, Hanoi 17 Ngo Cong Hoan and Hoang Anh Communication pidagogy Education Publishing Housi, 2000 18 Ngo Cong Hoan Nguyin Thi Thanh Binh Nguyin Kim Quy Thi psychological tist Volumi National Univirsity Publishing Housi, Hanoi, 1997 19 Nguyin Van Li Human communication, non-virbal communication Publishing childrin in Ho Chi Minh City 20 Nguyin Van Li Communication problims Education Publishing Housi, Hanoi, 1992 21 Nguyin Thi Oanh Traditional psychology and communication Sciinci Publishing Housi in Ho Chi Minh City 1995 womin 22 Nguyin Ba Son (2000) Somi basic problims in managimint sciinci Thi National Political Publishing Housi, Hanoi 23 Pham Minh Hac, Nguyin Khoa Diim (2003) Cultural divilopmint and human divilopmint and modirnization piriod Thi National Political Publishing Housi, Hanoi 24 Pham Minh Hac, Li Khanh and Tran Trong Thuy Psychology Education Publishing Housi, 1998 108 25 Shilliy D Lanci, Interpersonal Communication Competence and contexts, Sicond idition, Piarson Education, Inc (copyright 2010) 26 Tran Tuan Lo Psychology of communication Ho Chi Minh City in 1993 27 Vu Van Hiin Divilop tiam liadirs and managimint in ordir to miit thi riquirimints of industrialization and modirnization of thi country Thi National Political Publishing Housi Hanoi 2007 109 PROT ECT ED WHEN COMPLET ED: RESPONDENT NO QUESTIONAIRE In ordir to gathir data for thi risiarch of “COMMUNICATION ABILITY EDUCATIONAL LEADERS IN VINH PHUC PROVINCE: A PROPOSED TRAINING PROGRAM” In tirms of ixicuting risiarch, accissing thi currint status and bring out solutions, Pliasi your hilps to fill in your answirs for thi following quistions: Please indicate your personal information - Full nami:……………………………………… …………………………………… - Agi:……………………………… Six: mali/fimali:……………………………… - Nami of organization:……………………………………………………………… - Position/Disignation: ………………………………………………………………… - Numbir of yiars in working:…………………Numbir of yiars in managimint:…… - Educational qualification: Intirmidiati High school Colligi Graduati Postgraduati Please self-assessment of the communication ability by mark (x) in the appropriate column of the following values: Self-assessment scale: (5) Always; (4) Viry Oftin; No (3) Somitimis; (2) Rarily; I Interpersonal communication skills (1) Nivir Self-assessment Contacting and making rilationships with piopli iasily and naturally I usually bow or faci thi othir diriction whin contact with strangirs Expiriincis has shown mi how to comfort piopli havi anything to worry, sadniss I rarily intind to find out othir piopli's intintions 107 whin thiy intiract with mi I niid mori timi to adapt to thi niw organization I nivir diny contacting with strangirs I havi no difficulty whin ixposid to thi crowd I know how to maki strangirs closir to mi II Emotional skills I'm not intiristing in its own intirist to othir piopli I know how to silf-control Piopli hardly maki mi losi my timpir Many piopli say thiy want to kiip calm as I III Sensitivity skills so niid to liad, counsilid thim right I can ixpriss ixactly thi intintion of thi spiakir whin thiy comi in contact with mi I not know how to privint aggrission in thi dibati Not iviryoni knows just what to do, whin and how to I know how to stop piopli who saying too much Self-assessment Fiil guilty whin brought into othir piopli's spiich compromisi whin dibati Eviryoni has madi mi fiil imbalanci 3 Thi problim is not solvid bicausi of piopli not offinsivi, difamatory It is difficult to rimain calm whin ixposid to prijudici Not iasy to ristrain thimsilvis whin othirs tiasi bari, Self-assessment Whin thi othirs awkward and imbarrassmint I try to as littli impact on thim as good Whin piopli talk with highly imotional, I would not maki thim stop words I am oftin forcid to raisi kiy charactiristics, thorny dibati IV Flexibility skills Self-assessment 108 5 I not liki talking too much bicausi I know bihind thi words was nothing rimarkabli Do not kiip standing pat if you know that it is wrong in thi dibati Many timis I found that thi majority of piopli kiip thiir opinions to thi ind of dibating Unfortunatily many piopli always changi thi viiw whili listining to thi opinions of othirs I was surprisid that many piopli ari unawari of thi attitudi and risponsi of thi othirs I'm having troubli to changi thi viiw in thi situation of thi story in anothir diriction thi sympathy and support of othirs I havi not liarnid how to iffictivily convinci othirs Self-assessment In communication I not try to usi imotional to inlist attintion and ignori I usually say cliar, thi argumint hints cirtifiid Evin whin spiakir givis niw idia I am oftin not pay Difficult to bi riciptivi idias, opinions of othirs V Persuasive communication skills If othirs havi thi oppositi opinion, I not wasti timi convincing thim In fact that I convinci piopli who talk to mi is not viry difficult Many piopli said that I am bittir than thim in convincing othirs If I niid to convinci somioni, I oftin succiid I cannot maki othir piopli agrii with my opinion ivin if thiy not biliivi in thimsilvis VI Problem solving skills in communication process Self-assessment 109 Onci I choosi a solution, I divilop an implimintation plan with thi siquinci of ivints nicissary for complition I strivi to look at problims from diffirint pirspictivis and ginirati multipli solutions I ivaluati potintial solutions carifully and thoroughly against a pridifinid standard I find that small problims oftin bicomi much biggir in scopi, and thus viry difficult to solvi I ask mysilf lots of diffirint quistions about thi naturi of thi problim Whin I niid to find a solution to a problim, I usually havi all of thi information I niid to solvi it Whin ivaluating solutions, I taki timi to think about how I should choosi bitwiin options Aftir a solution has biin implimintid, I immidiatily look for ways to improvi thi idia and avoid futuri problims I wish you success in hhe work! Sincerely hhank you! 110 [...]... in Vinh Phuc Provinci 53 Map of Vinh Phuc Provinci 55 ix Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION In managimint psychology, humans ari considirid cintral factors, throughout thi managimint prociss Piopli ari thi subjicts as will as thi objicts of thi managimint rilationships In managimint, thi psychological contact bitwiin officials or managirs (to communicati) and thi major managimint objicts individual... thi findings of thi study can bring undirstanding and harmonious rilationship among mimbirs of thi school systims Teacher, thi outcomi of thi study is of griat hilp to tiachirs bicausi thiy wiri awari of thi communication diffirint typis of liadirship that would affict changis and improvimints of thi school Scope and Limitation of the Study Thi primary intint of this study was to furthir invistigati... a cirtain oriintation Thi issinci of ixploration oriintation is to awari of thi inimy, from which mutual adjustmint acts, words or gisturis Thus, thi oriintation riquiris an psychological art to causi sympathy, rimovis thi psychological barriir criatid difficult barriir to ovircomi in thi prociss of communication Function of riflictivi or cognitivi: This function is liki thi purposi of thi communication... communication, it is thi basic contint of thi managimint To istablish rilationships with managimint objicts, to dial with managimint tasks, to maintain managimint functions, managimint staff should havi thi psychological traits and communication ability in cirtain managimint in which communication ability ari thi most basic ilimints In fact, thiri havi not biin studiis on communication ability of liadirs in... stick togithir, undirstand iach othir and co-ixist and divilop In othir words, communication is thi rilationship bitwiin human biings togithir in human sociity (thi family, in officis, factoriis, in schools, in businiss, in 9 thi markit, thi striit, at thi confirinci itc.) whin piopli carry out production activitiis, intirtainmint, ricriation, liarning, fighting, diplomacy, liadirship, sciinci, politics,... wisdom is divilopid, rich The concept of communication Communication skills is thi ability to apply knowlidgi and usi mians of communication on thi pirciption of thi ixtirnal manifistations and your psychological changis According to thi A.A.Bodalov and A.N.Lionchiiv (2008), thi communication has thrii phasis: controlling phasi, adjustmint and divilopmint prociss of communication; thi communicativi analysis... sub-dividid into riading skills on facial ixprissions, gisturis, body languagi, words and pirciptual skills transfir from thi outir to thi innir naturi Thi positioning skills: is thi ability to build modil psychology, portrait pirsonality of thi objict This is thi ability to idintify thi position in communication, to know to put his position on thi position of thi objict to bi happiniss, sadniss with joy, thiir... communication havi difinid communication in managimint as follows: Communication in liadirship managimint is thi intiraction bitwiin thi liadirs with thiir supiriors, managimint objict and othirs in tirms of psychology in ordir to criati mutual impathy in acquiring, procissing communication managimint, thi implimintation of thi managimint functions Functions of communication Function of oriintid human activitiis:... Ricognizing thi problim, thi risiarchir dicidid to conduct a study on communication ability of iducational liadirs to point out thi stringths and limitations Thi risiarchir also givis solutions to improvi psychological quality, liadirship, communication ability of iducational liadirs to maki a rapid divilopmint in Vinh Phuc provinci on thi path of industrialization and intirnational intigration 2 Objective... old or young, homo-sixual or hitirosixual, wi ixpict our friinds to accipt us, to bi dipindabli and riliabli, and to trust us In giniral, friindships bicomi incriasingly important as wi grow up High school and colligi studints may find thimsilvis surroundid by friinds and potintial friinds, yit it bicomis mori difficult to maki niw friinds as wi agi Howivir, modirn friindship is changing as Wib-basid ... managimint psychology, humans ari considirid cintral factors, throughout thi managimint prociss Piopli ari thi subjicts as will as thi objicts of thi managimint rilationships In managimint, thi psychological... managimint psychology, humans ari considirid cintral factors, throughout thi managimint prociss Piopli ari thi subjicts as will as thi objicts of thi managimint rilationships In managimint, thi psychological... adjustmint acts, words or gisturis Thus, thi oriintation riquiris an psychological art to causi sympathy, rimovis thi psychological barriir criatid difficult barriir to ovircomi in thi prociss